



Section I Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) 听力A
















(2)Which of the following is TRUE about plants?

A. [ A ] They have the power of locomotio

B. [ B ] They have a wider range of foods than animal

C. [ C ] They are very diverse in their external appearanc

D. [ D ] They are less sensitive than animal

(3)What can we infer from the passage?

A. [ A ] Plants have more characteristics than animal

B. [ B ] Animals have more characteristics than plant

C. [ C ] Plants and animals are different in several way

D. [ D ] Plants and animals are less powerful than human being


(5)What may the red thing do besides recording?

A. [ A ] Wipe off the sound on the tap

B. [ B ] Play the recorde

C. [ C ] Set the recorder to wor

D. [ D ] Stop the recorde

(6)What button do you press if you want to listen again what has been played?

A. [ A ] Pause butto

B. [ B ] Record butto

C. [ C ] Forward butto

D. [ D ] Rewind butto


(8)Why air must be pumped into the plane?[A] Because without air the plane can't fly.[ B ] Because the plane needs air for its fuel.[ C ] Because the passengers' lives depend on air.[ D ] Because the passengers have paid for it.

(9)What would happen if a small part of the plane were to crack?

A. [ A ] The plane would not go forwar

B. [ B ] The plane would explod

C. [ C ] The plane would fall dow

D. [ D ] The plane would fly slowl

(10)For what purpose does the pilot shut off all the engines?

A. [ A ] To find out exactly what happen

B. [ B ] To save fue

C. [ C ] To fly more slowl

D. [ D ] To keep balanc

Section II Use of English (15 minutes) 英语常识(1)


A. [ A ] so

B. [ B ] if

C. [ C ] then

D. [ D ] when


A. [ A ] to

B. [ B ] by

C. [ C ] from

D. [ D ] in


A. [ A ] until

B. [ B ] since

C. [ C ] when

D. [ D ] before


A. [ A ] As

B. [ B ] Due

C. [ C ] Prior

D. [ D ] Next


A. [ A ] examples

B. [ B ] estimates

C. [ C ] evidence

D. [ D ] evaluation


A. [ A ] would take

B. [ B ] had taken

C. [ C ] was taking

D. [ D ] would have taken


A. [ A ] decades

B. [ B ] centuries

C. [ C ] dozens

D. [ D ] years


A. [ A ] This

B. [ B ] These

C. [ C ] It

D. [ D ] What


A. [ A ] plain

B. [ B ] historic

C. [ C ] single

D. [ D ] eventful


A. [ A ] now that

B. [ B ] so that

C. [ C ] as

D. [ D ] when


A. [ A ] However

B. [ B ] But

C. [ C ] And

D. [ D ] Therefore


A. [ A ] scope

B. [ B ] sphere

C. [ C ] scale

D. [ D ] stretch


A. [ A ] so

B. [ B ] hardly

C. [ C ] accordingly

D. [ D ] therefore


A. [ A ] line

B. [ B ] circle

C. [ C ] diagram

D. [ D ] curve


A. [ A ] fit

B. [ B ] like

C. [ C ] resemble

D. [ D ] parallel


A. [ A ] about

B. [ B ] only

C. [ C ] more than

D. [ D ] less than


A. [ A ] in

B. [ B ] at

C. [ C ] on

D. [ D ] for


A. [ A ] As

B. [ B ] Had

C. [ C ] If

D. [ D ] With


A. [ A ] In addition

B. [ B ] In turn

C. [ C ] Instead

D. [ D ] In particular

Section III Reading Comprehension (60 minutes) 阅读理解A (1)

(2)We can learn from the text that_______.

A. [ A] the political circle will offer the help to the high schools

B. [ B ] giving a presentation is beneficial to students

C. [ C ] teaching methods have to be changed

D. [ D ] students are afraid to talk to strangers

(3)The author believes that________.

A. [ A ] the divisions among people result from their property

B. [ B ] a high-caliber science student graduates from a ordinary high school

C. [ C ] the small alterations should be done immediately

D. [ D ] the society's help to inner-city schools is inadequate

(4)It is the author's opinion that _______ will improve the life of inner city people.

A. [ A ] offering more education programs to students

B. [ B ] helping to clean up the ghettos physically

C. [ C ] taking measures to help extreme poor students

D. [ D ] bringing up more engineering students

(5)It can be concluded from the author's remarks that_______.

A. [ A ] we should educate more high schools students

B. [ B ] the obstacles in teachers' way should be moved away

C. [ C ] the decaying school buildings should be reconstructed

D. [ D ] we should build up more high schools in our city


(7)From the text we learn that_______.

A. [ A ] there is a clear relationship between inflation and interest rates

B. [ B ] the economy always follows particular trends

C. [ C ] the current economic problems are entirely predictable

D. [ D ] the present economic situation is better than expected

(8)The text suggests that_______.

A. [ A ] the previous economic models are still applicable

B. [ B ] an extremely low jobless rate will lead to inflation

C. [ C ] a high unemployment rate will result from inflation

D. [ D] interest rates have an immediate effect on the economy

(9)By saying "This is no flash in the pan" (Para.3 ), the author means that “_______”.

A. [ A ] the low inflation rate will continue

B. [ B ] the inflation rate will rise again

C. [ C ] inflation will disappear entirely

D. [ D ] there is no inflation at present

(10)How does the author feel about the present situation?

A. [ A ] Toleran

B. [ B ] Indifferen

C. [ C ] Disappointe

D. [ D ] Surprise


(12)The primary purpose of desk rearrangement is_______.

A. [ A ] for the teacher to divide students into small groups

B. [ B ] to make it possible for students to interact with each other

C. [ C ] for the teacher to find out how students think

D. [ D ] to give students more opportunities to practice speaking

(13)The greatest advantage in allowing each student to find his own group might be that_______.

A. [ A ] the teacher saves the trouble in doing that

B. [ B ] learning is made comfortable in this way

C. [ C ] the teacher can easily remember students' names and faces

D. [ D ] brighter students can help slower ones

(14)Which of the following is NOT tree according to the passage?

A. [ A ] New kind of desks and chairs should be mad

B. [ B ] Many companies are trying to improve the working settings for their employee

C. [ C ] Classroom interaction between students is essential to the training of critical thinkin

D. [ D ] A comfortable environment leads to higher working efficienc

(15)Which of the following arrangements of the classroom can bring about the best teaching effect?

A. [ A ] Arranging the desks in straight rows and providing every minute for the students to listen to the teache

B. [ B ] Breaking a class into small groups and letting the students find the group they prefer to stay i

C. [ C ] Putting the students in larger classes and allowing them to discus

D. [ D ] Breaking a class into small groups and asking the students to stay in the fixed groups as the teacher arrange


(17)From the first paragraph, we know that_______.

A. [ A ] the thick fog made it difficult for the policemen to crack down Davison

B. [ B ] Davison ran so quickly that the policemen couldn't find him in the fog

C. [ C ] Davison was very tricky, and escaped from the policemen

D. [ D ] Both B and C

(18)The instant Davison entered the flat, he turned on the light because_______.

A. [ A ] he wondered whether there was someone in it

B. [ B ] he wanted to examine the flat

C. [ C ] the policemen might not look in an occupied flat

D. [ D ] he could observe the policemen

(19)After Davison got into the bathroom, he_______.

A. [ A ] turned on the light

B. [ B ] attempted to hide in it

C. [ C ] made it look as if he were the owner of the flat

D. [ D ] recognized that it was a safe place

(20)What led the policemen to search for the flat?

A. [ A ] The ligh

B. [ B ] That piece of paper thrown away outside the fia

C. [ C ] The double loc

D. [ D ] The closed window








(1)Tourism is one of the most promising industries of the last few years. In most countries there are official organizations to encourage tourists. In fact, very often the ordinary people are worse off because the presence of large numbers of tourists means that the price of food becomes too expensive for poor people in the tourist cities.In your essay, give your views on the pros and cons of tourism.You should write 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.


Section I Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) 听力A

(1) :



(2) :


(3) :


(4) :


(5) :

shop lifting听力B

(1) :



(2) :

Not afraid of

(3) :

A policeman

(4) :

The Gentleman's House

(5) :

Lower than before听力C

(1) :B



(2) :D

(3) :C

(4) :C


正确答案是:C(5) :A

(6) :D

(7) :A



(8) :C

(9) :B

(10) :A

Section II Use of English (15 minutes) 英语常识

(1) :D






the rate“速率”,全文自始至终都在谈存储知识——出版书的速率问题。

(2) :A

even so“即使这样”。

(3) :D

in knowledge acquisition“在知识的获得方面”。“在…方面”应用in。

(4) :A


(5) :C

prior to“在…前”,固定搭配。

(6) :B

by the most optimistic estimates“依最乐观的估计”。estimate“估计,猜测”,如It is estimated that the painting was worth of $20,000 at that time。evaluate“评估”,如evaluate a school“评估学校”。

(7) :A


(8) :B


(9) :D


(10) :C

从上文by 1950,by 1960看,强调的是时间的短暂性,只用了一个10年。

(11) :B

SO that“以至于”;now that=since“既然”。

(12) :C


(13) :C

sphere“球”;stretch表示“地方、空间”;scope表示“覆盖面的宽,用于指空间”;scale表示“大,巨大”,表程度;on a world scale“在世界范围内”。表示一种程度,而不定空间范围。

(14) :B


(15) :D


(16) :D


(17) :B


(18) :B

at the time“在那时”。

(19) :B


(20) :C

instead“而”,表示与前面陈述的事实相反。Section III Reading Comprehension (60 minutes) 阅读理解A

(1) :A








(2) :B


(3) :D

作者认为:选项A:人以财产分类。错误,文章没有体现。选项B:高才理工类学生毕业于普通高中。文章第一段说学生从那样的高中毕业都很困难,更别提要成为高才理工或工程类学生。选项C:应该立刻进行小的改变。文章没提到,只是在最后一段的第一句说现在报纸上充斥的这些关于小改变新建议的提法不足以改变这种多年涣散、颓废、消沉的学校结构体系。选项D:社会对贫民区学校的帮助是不足的。正确,第三段第一句说了:Although those measures can help,they are not enough。

(4) :B

亲自帮助清理贫民区。第三段最后一句话:Programs that educate parents in child—rearin9,organize low-income groups into cooperative units,fight drug trafficking and help to clean up the ghettos physically will improve the life in the community。

(5) :B

应该清除教学障碍。文章最后一段:I entered the teaching profession eager to investigate change and found many institutionalized obstacles in my way.尤其最后一句:It should not be SO difficult to make a difference.做一下改变不应该那么难吧。表明了作者的意图。(6) :C








答案及解析:文章第一段提到了:And there are long.variable lags before policy changes have any effect on the economy.政策对经济的影响有一个长期的间隔期。即政策的变化不会立刻影响经济。

(7) :D

从文章可知:选项A:通货膨胀和银行存款利率之间关系明确。错误,文章说:The relation between interest rates and inflation is uncertain。选项B:经济总是跟随某种潮流。错误,文章没提到。选项C:当前的经济问题完全被预测到了。错误,当前的经济形式比预测的要好。选项D:目前的经济形式比预料的要好。

(8) :B


(9) :A

no flash in the pan“昙花一现”。这种低通货膨胀不是昙花一现,即低通货膨胀还会继续。(10) :D

吃惊,因为形势比预测的要好。(11) :D







北京语言大学网络教育学院 《现代汉语(一)》模拟试卷一 注意: 1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。请监考老师负责监督。 2.请各位考生注意考试纪律,考试作弊全部成绩以零分计算。 3.本试卷满分100分,答题时间为90分钟。 4.本试卷分为试题卷和答题卷,所有答案必须答在答题卷上,答在试题卷上不给分。 一、【单项选择题】(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分) 在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在答题卷相应题号处。 1、汉语拼音字母b、d、g发音不同是由于()。 [A] 发音体不同[B] 发音方法 不同 [C] 共鸣器不 同 [D] 舌位前后 不同 2、普通话声母共有()个。

[A] 20 [B] 21 [C] 22 [D] 23 3、zh、ch、sh、r四个辅音的发音部位是()。 [A] 舌尖前[B] 舌尖中[C] 舌尖后[D] 舌面 4、普通话的单元音韵母共有()个。 [A] 6[B] 7[C] 8[D] 9 5、e和o的区别在于()。 [A] 舌位的高低不同[B] 舌位的前后不同 [C] 唇形的圆展不同[D] 舌位的高低和唇形的圆展 不同 6、前响复韵母是()。 [A] ɑi、ei、[B] ɑi、ei、[C] ɑi、ei、[D] iɑ、ie、

uɑ、uoɑo、ou ou、uo uɑ、ɑi 7、ei、ie、üe中e的发音()。 [A] 完全一样 [B] 完全不同 [C] 比较接近,但不必区分 [D] 虽比较接近,但音色区别很大,有的舌位略高,有的舌位略低 8、“因此、危险”的正确读音是()。 [A] yīncíwéixiǎn [B] yīncǐwéixiǎn [C] yīncǐ wēixiǎn [D] yīncí wēixiǎn 9、韵头可以由()充当。


大学英语四级模拟题四 Part One Reading Comprehension (2’×10 = 20’) Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One Air pollution can spread from city to city. It even spreads from one country to another. Some northern European countries have had “black snow”from pollutants that have traveled through the air from other countries and have fallen with the snow. So air pollution is really a global problem. Air pollution can kill babies, older people, and those who have respiratory(呼吸的)diseases. As found in cities, air pollution increases the risks of certain lung diseases. Air pollution can cause both airplane and car accidents because it cuts down visibility (能见度). There are other possible health dangers from air pollution that we don’t know much about. For example, scientists are trying to find out whether chemicals that reach us from the air may cause changes in our cells. These changes might cause babies to be born with serious birth defects. Scientists are trying to learn how all the many chemicals are apt(易于的)to take into our bodies from air, water, food, and even medicines act together to affect our health and the way our bodies work. That is another reason why it is so important to begin to control pollution now instead of waiting until we learn all the answers. Air pollution costs us a lot of money. It corrodes(腐蚀)our buildings. It damages farm crops and forests. It has a destructive effect on our works of art. The cost of all this damage to our government is great. It would be much more worthwhile, both for us and for the government, to spend our tax dollars on air pollution control. 1. Air pollution may lead to airplane accidents because . A. it may cause pilots to be ill B. engines may fail from the air-borne dirt C. visibility is reduced D. it brings a lot of black snow 2. Scientists are trying to find a link between pollution and . A. intelligence levels B. birth problems C. man’s behavior D. the nervous system 3. Scientists have not yet determined . A. all of the effects of pollution on the human body B. how pollution can be controlled successfully C. when the atmosphere first became polluted D. how some snow becomes black 4. The author suggests that before air pollution becomes more serious, . A. factories will be forced to stop operating B. buildings should be protected C. the earth will begin to grow colder D. more money should be spent to solve the problem 5. We can conclude that . A. civilization may be ruined if pollution is not controlled B. pollution is more serious in Europe than it is in America C. most people do not know that pollution is a serious problem D. we should learn all the answers before we begin to control pollution Passage Two Stiletto heels could be banned from the workplace because of health and safety reasons, according to British Trade Union bosses. The Trade Union Congress, predominantly male, has proposed a motion arguing that high heels are disrespectful to women while they also contribute to long term injuries. They propose instead that women wear “sensible shoes”with an inch heel limit in an attempt to avoid future foot and back pain as well as injuries. The motion is due to be debated at next month’s conference. The motion states: “Congress believes high heels may look glamorous on the Hollywood catwalks but are completely in appropriate for the day-to-day working environment. Feet bear the burden of daily life, and for many workers prolonged standing, badly fitted footwear, and in particular high heels can be a hazard. Around two million days a year are lost through sickness as a result of lower limb disorders. Wearing high heels can cause long-term foot problems and also serious foot, knee and back pain and damaged joints. Many employers in the retail sector force women workers to wear high heels as part of their dress code. More must be done to raise awareness of this problem so that women workers and their feet are protected.” Nadline Dorries, the Tory Member of Parliament, however criticized the motion and said the extra height heels give women can help them when in the workplace. “I’m 5ft 3in and need every inch of my Christian Louboutin heels to look my male colleagues in the eye,”she said. “If high heels were banned in Westminster, no one would be able to find me. The Trade Union leaders need to get real, stop using obvious sexist tactics by discussing women’s

大学英语四级考试试题 (5)

Passage Two Researchers have discovered a link between drinking and thinking. A moderate amount of alcohol may help us keep our mental abilities as we age. Brain scans show alcohol abuse kills brain cells. But little is known about the effects of life-long drinking. So moderate drinkers may want to toast new findings from researchers at Duke, Indiana Universities. Dr. Joe Christian of Indiana Universities says men who have one or two drinks each day retain slightly stronger comprehension skills than the non-drinker or the heavy drinker. The doctor and his colleagues gave mental tests to nearly 4,000 male twins between the ages of 66 and 76. The moderate drinkers had slightly better reasoning ability than their brothers who drink more or less. Other studies have found that alcohol in moderation can help the heart. But alcohol abuse can cause bone loss and other health problems. This study was presented at an alcoholism meeting in San Antonio. Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. What has recent research found about drinking? 【解析】[C]研究者最近发现适量的饮酒可以使人变老时,保持智慧。A moderate amount of alcohol may help us keep our mental abilities as we age. 30.How would moderate drinkers feel about the new research findings? 【解析】[B]So moderate drinkers may want to toast new findings from researchers at Duke, Indiana Universities. 本题要听出关键词toast,为敬酒祝贺之意。即适量饮酒者会为这个新发现举酒庆祝,所以他们当然是高兴的。 31.Where was the result of the study first made public? 【解析】[A]从这一句This study was presented at an alcoholism meeting in San Antonio.可知这个结果是在一个会议上首次展示出来的。关键词在于meeting。西弄得乱七八



Calculate for a moment what could be done with even a part of those hours. Five thousand hours, I am told, are what a typical college undergraduate spends working on a bachelor's degree. In 10,000 hours you could have learned enough to become an astronomer or engineer. You could have learned several languages fluently. If it appealed to you, you could be reading Homer in the original Greek or Dostoyevsky in Russian. If it didn't, you could have walked around the world and written a book about it. The trouble with television is that it discourages concentration. Almost anything interesting and rewarding in life requires some constructive, consistently applied effort. The dullest, the least gifted of us can achieve things that seem miraculous to those who never concentrate on anything. But Television encourages us to apply no effort. It sells us instant gratification(满意). It diverts us only to divert, to make the time pass without pain. Television's variety becomes a narcotic(麻醉的), nor a stimulus. Its serial, kaleidoscopic (万花筒般的)exposures force us to follow its lead. The viewer is on a perpetual guided tour: 30 minutes at the museum, 30 at the cathedral, 30 for a drink, then back on the bus to the next attraction—except on television., typically, the spans allotted arc on the order of minutes or seconds, and the chosen delights are more often car crashes and people killing one another. In short, a lot of television usurps(篡夺;侵占) one of the most precious of all human gifts, the ability to focus your attention yourself, rather than just passively surrender it. Capturing your attention—and holding it—is the prime motive of most television programming and enhances its role as a profitable advertising vehicle. Programmers live in constant fear of losing anyone's attention—anyone's. The surest way to avoid doing so is to keep everything brief, not to strain the attention of anyone but instead to provide constant stimulation through variety, novelty, action and movement. Quite


四级考试练习试卷 Writing part 106 The Importance of Speaking Ability and How to Develop It As we all know, proficiency in speaking is necessary for us to become well-rounded communicators. However, the capacity to put words together in a meaningful way to reflect thoughts, opinions, and feelings is not something we're born with but needs some techniques and practice. Firstly, build confidence and concentrate on getting our message across, which help us gain the attention of the audience return. Secondly, experiment with the things we know well instead of challenging ourselves with difficult words since fluency appears more important during oral communication. Lastly, create some opportunities to practice like narrating our daily life to ourselves or maintaining a regular chat with friends. To sum up, only by being confident enough and using efficient methods can we enhance our speaking ability. Follow the steps to improve our speaking skills in order to achieve a higher standard in communication. The Importance of Writing Ability and How toDevelop It As the most productive and communicative way toexpress ourselves, writing i s attached greatimportance in all ages. Whether we want to improveour writin g skills as a creative writer or simplyperfect our skills for schoolwork, we can t ake somesteps to learn how to be a better writer. Firstly, in order to make our writing creative and imaginative, brainstorming is one of the keyelements to build up a unique topic. Don't hesitate to take dow n all the ideas that come intoour mind. Secondly, a good development of our writing is based on a clear structure orparagraph organization. Even a simple outline will help us see the big picture and save ushours of rewriting. Finally, diversity of vocabulary and grammar used in writing is highlyrecommended fo r the reason that one of the most common manifestations of bad writing isove ruse or reuse of simple language. To sum up, we should take practice and expand our knowledge to become a g reat writer. Withenough hard work and scientific techniques, we will amaze no t only ourselves but also anybodyelse. The Importance of Reading Ability and How toDevelop It As the most frequently used way to get access to theoriginal material, reading has always beenconsidered one of the most important parts oflanguage learn ing. This explains why reading skillsshould be highly emphasized. Then how to improve our reading skills? First of all, scan the material before we begin. Whatever the purpose of our reading is, take a few minutes to look the piece over to checkand see how the work is structured and presented. Se condly, try not to reach for the dictionarywhen we come to a word we don't k


目录 2017年6月大学英语四级真题及答案(完整版一) (1) 快速对答案 (14) 2017年6月大学英语四级真题及答案(完整版二) (14) 快速对答案 (28) 2017年6月大学英语四级真题及答案(完整版三) (28) 快速对答案 (37) 2017年6月大学英语四级真题及答案(完整版一) Part I Writing (25 minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an advertisement on your campuswebsite to sell a computer you used at college. Your advertisement may include its brand, specifications/features, condition and price, and your contact information.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear questions, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter onAnswer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Questions 1 to 2 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.A) The man in the car was absent-minded.


对外汉语教学概论模拟试卷与答案 北京语言大学网络教育学院 《对外汉语教学概论》模拟试卷一 注意: 1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。请监考老师负责监督。 2.请各位考生注意考试纪律,考试作弊全部成绩以零分计算。 3.本试卷满分100分,答题时间为90分钟。 4.本试卷分为试题卷和答题卷,所有答案必须答在答题卷上,答在试题卷上不给分。 一、【单项选择题】(本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分) 在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在答题卷相应题号处。 1、“听、说、读、写”既是课堂语言教学的手段也是第二语言教学的( )之一。()。 [A] 方法[B]目的[C]技巧[D]内容 2、把汉语课分为会话课、阅读课、听力课,是根据()来划分的。 [A]语言材料的性质[B]语言材料的内容 [C]语体风格[D]语言技能 3、我国正式出版的第一部对外汉语教材是()。 [A] 《基础汉语课本》[B] 《基础汉语》 [C] 《汉语教科书》[D] 《实用汉语课本》 4、()是第二语言教学的中心环节和基本方式,是语言教师的根本任务。 [A] 口语训练[B]技能操练[C] 教材编写[D] 课堂教学 5、第二语言教学的基本形式是()。 [A] 语法讲解[B]课堂教学[C] 听说训练[D] 教材编写 6、直接法的“直接”是指()。 [A] 不用书本,直接听说目的语[B] 直接用目的语教授目的语 [C] 直接翻译目的语的意思[D] 直接去目的语国家学习 7、文化休克主要出现在对目的语文化适应过程的()。 [A] 观光期[B]挫折期[C] 逐渐适应期[D] 完全复原期 8、第一部称作以结构和功能相结合的原则编写的对外汉语教材是()。 [A] 《初级汉语课本》[B] 《基础汉语课本》 [C] 《汉语教科书》[D] 《实用汉语课本》 二、【多项选择题】(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分)在每小题列出的四个选项中有二至四个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在答题卷相应题号处。多选、少选、错选均无分。 1 / 11


Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Unless we spend money to spot and prevent asteroids (小行星) now, one might crash into Earth and destroy life as we know it, say some scientists. Asteroids are bigger versions of the meteoroids (流星) that race across the night sky. Most orbit the sun far from Earth and don’t threaten us. But there are also thousands of asteroids whose orbits put them on a collision course with Earth. Buy $50 million worth of new telescopes right now. Then spend $10 million a year for the next 25 years to locate most of the space rocks. By the time we spot a fatal one, the scientists say, we’ll have a way to change its course. Some scientists favor pushing asteroids off course with nuclear weapons. But the cost wouldn’t be cheap. Is it worth it? Two things experts consider when judging any risk re: 1) How likely the event is; and 2) How bad the consequences if the event occurs. Experts think an asteroid big enough to destroy lots of life might strike Earth once every 500,000 years. Sounds pretty rare—but if one did fall, it would be the end of the world. “If we don’t take care of these big asteroids, they’ll take care of us,” says one scientist. “It’s that simple.” The cure, though, might be worse than the disease. Do we really want fleets of nuclear weapons sitting around on Earth? “The world has less to fear from doomsday (毁灭性的) rocks than from a great nuclear fleet set against them,” said a New York Times article. 21. What does the passage say about asteroids and meteoroids? A) They are heavenly bodies different in composition. B) They are heavenly bodies similar in nature.


英语四级考试真题及答案(卷一完整 版) 范文: Writing:家长角色 There are several possible reasons accountable for this phenomenon(中心句). To begin with, family in growing numbers has only one child; therefore, parents oftentimes focus all their attentions on that child and exert much pressure on him or her(原因一). Moreover, numerous parents intend to realize their unfulfilled dreams by letting their children learn what they failed to learn and apply for the college by which they failed to be accepted, because they have become richer and they believe that they have the power to make what they wanted and want come true now(原因二). For instance, my uncle used to be a poor man and his dream that one day he would become a violinist was broken because of lack of money. But he made a fortune by selling coals, and then forced his son, my younger brother to practice playing violin. My brother was a huge fan of sports, but now he has to play violin everyday unwillingly and ofter quarrels with their parents(举例:原来-然后-结局). To sum up, it is unreasonable for parents to control their children’s life(总结句). In order to help them grow happily


谢谢你的观赏 谢谢你的观赏2008年6月全国大学英语四级考试——试卷 Part I Writing (30 minute) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Welcome to our club. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given bellow: 注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上。 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1.娱乐活动多种多样 2.娱乐活动可能使人们受益,也可能有危害性 3.作为大学生,我的看法。 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. For question 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Media Selection for Advertisements After determining the target audience for a product or service, advertising agencies must select the appropriate media for the advertisement. We discuss here the major types of media used in advertising. We focus our attention on seven types of advertising: television, newspapers, radio, magazines, out-of-home. Internet, and direct mail. Television Television is an attractive medium for advertising because it delivers mass audiences to advertisers. When you consider that nearly three out of four Americans have seen the game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? you can understand the power of television to communicate with a large audience. When advertisers create a brand, for example, they want to impress consumers with the brand and its image. Television provides an ideal vehicle for this type of communication.But television is an expensive medium, and not all advertisers can afford to use it. Television's influence on advertising is fourfold. First, narrowcasting means that television channels are seen by an increasingly narrow segment of the audience. The Golf Channel, for instance.
