



1.本试卷包括第Ⅰ卷选择题和第Ⅱ卷非选择题两部分。满分120分,考试时间100分钟。2.必须用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置,交卷时只交答题纸。3.可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 O 16 Na 23 Si 28 Cl 35.5 I 127 Ba 207




1. 化学与环境、生产、生活等密切相关,下列说法不正确


A. 绿色化学的核心是利用化学原理对环境污染进行治理

B. 阻燃剂Al(OH)3受热分解时吸收能量

C. 利用高纯硅制造的太阳能电池板可将光能直接转化为电能

D. “一带一路”是现代丝绸之路的简称,丝绸的主要成分是蛋白质



2. 下列有关化学用语表示正确的是

A. 中子数比质子数多1的磷原子:

B. 硫离子的结构示意图:

C. 次氯酸钠的电子式:

D. 淀粉的结构简式:(C6H10O5)n


【解析】A. 中子数比质子数多1的磷原子为,选项A错误;B. 硫离子的结构示意图为:

,选项B错误;C. 次氯酸钠的电子式为:,选项C正确;D. 淀粉的通式为:(C6H10O5)n,选项D错误。答案选C。

3. 下列有关物质的性质与用途具有对应关系的是

A. Na2S具有还原性,可用于去除水体中Hg2+

B. 乙醇具有氧化性,75%乙醇溶液常用于医疗消毒

C. 葡萄糖易溶于水,可用作制镜工业的原料

D. 油脂能在碱性条件下水解,可用于工业上制取肥皂


【解析】A.用Na2S除去废水中的Hg2+,是因为HgS难溶于水,没有有因果关系,选项A 错误;B.乙醇具有还原性,医用酒精为75%(体积分数)的乙醇溶液,可用于杀菌消毒,没有因果关系,选项B错误;C、葡萄糖易溶于水,可用作制镜工业的原料,物质性质与用途不对应,选项C错误;D、利用油脂在碱性条件下的水解反应工业上制取肥皂和甘油,选项D正确;答案选D。

4. 短周期主族元素X、Y、Z、W原子序数依次增大。X元素的最高价氧化物对应的水化物与其气态氢化物相遇会有白烟,Y是同周期中原子半径最小的主族元素,Z原子的最外层电子数与最内层电子数相同,W与Y同主族。下列说法正确的是

A. 原子半径:r(X)<r(Z)<r(W)

B. X的简单气态氢化物的热稳定性比Y的弱

C. Y分别与X和Z形成的化合物所含化学键类型相同

D. W的氧化物的水化物一定是强酸




5. 在给定条件下,下列选项中所示的物质间转化均能实现的是

A. Al(OH)3AlCl3(aq)Al

B. AgNO3(aq)[Ag(NH3)2]OH(aq)Ag

C. 淀粉溶液葡萄糖Cu2O

D. 石油C2H4




6. 下列实验方案不能


A. 用裂化汽油萃取碘水中的碘

B. 用水鉴别苯、四氯化碳、乙醇三种无色液体

C. 用如图装置验证Na和水反应是否为放热反应

D. 往酸性KMnO4溶液中加入乙醇,验证乙醇的还原性


【解析】A、因为裂化汽油中含有不饱和分子,如烯烃等,会和碘发生加成反应, 不能用裂化汽油萃取碘水中的碘,选项A选;B、碘易溶于苯和四氯化碳,苯的密度比水小,有颜色的液体在上层,四氯化碳的密度比水大,有颜色液体在下层,碘水与乙醇互溶,液体不分层,选项B不选;C、放热,气体热胀冷缩,图U型管中水柱左高右低,说明反应放热,选项C 不选;D、因高锰酸钾具有强氧化性,则往酸性KMnO4溶液中加入乙醇,溶液褪色,验证

高一英语10月月考试题目标版 新版

2019高一年级第一次月考 英语试卷 时间120分钟,满分150分。考生应首先阅读答题卡上的文字信息,然后在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上作答无效。交卷时只交答题卡。 第一卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案 转涂到答题卡上。 一、听力理解(20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分) 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。每段对话读两遍。 ( )1.Where is the man from? A. America. B. China. C. England. ( )2.How is the weather today? A. Snowy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny. ( )3.What is Rose going to do this afternoon? A. Make a school paper. B. Go fishing. C. Write an article. ( )4.How long has the movie been on? A. For 15 minutes. B. For 30 minutes. C. For 45 minutes. ( )5.When will there be a school concert? A. On Thursday evening. B. On Friday evening. C. On Saturday evening. 第二节听下面几段对话或独自。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案. 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。每段对话或独自读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。 ( )6.Why does Ann look tired? A. She stayed up late last night. B. She has just finished an exam. C. She is busy preparing for the exam. ( )7.What did Jim do last night? A. He went to see a film. B. He reviewed his lessons. C. He went to a big dinner party. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。

2019年高二6月月考英语试题 含答案

高二6月月考英语试题 I.听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the man usually have for breakfast? A. Fried cakes. B. Fried rice-noodles. C. Noodles. 2. What will the woman do first? A. Withdraw some money. B. See the dentist. C. Go to the history class. 3. What is the time by Sandra’s watch? A. 2:55. B. 3:00. C. 3:05. 4. What does the woman mean? A. Filling out the forms is no easy thing to do. B. She forgot to fill out the forms. C. She’ll remind the man about the forms 5. What is the conversation mainly about? A. Differences between meat and fruit. B. Different ideas about meat and vegetables. C. Different kinds of meat. 第二节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面2段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第六段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What are the speakers talking about? A. School reunions. B. Birthday parties. C. Their old friends. 7. Why did the woman remend the Omni Hotel? A. She likes the party rooms there. B. Her brother is a staff member there. C. The price is quite reasonable. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. What do we know about the accident the woman experienced? A. Her jeep went off the road. B. It was raining that night. C. She forgot to wear her seat belt. 9. What caused the man’s brother’s death? A. Speeding. B. Drunk driving. C. Not wearing the seat belt. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. Who are the speakers?


高一英语月考试卷 一、听力 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What was the man doing when the woman called him yesterday? A. Making a call. B. Doing housework. C. Writing a paper. 2. When did the baseball game start? A. At 3:45. B. At 4:45. C. At 5:45. 3. What is in the kitchen? A. Plenty of apples. B. Plenty of bananas. C. Plenty of oranges. 4. What are the two speakers doing? A. Having a meeting. B. Preparing a meal. C. Setting the table. 5. What does the woman want to have before the meal? A. A cup of coffee. B. A bottle of soda. C. Some snacks. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 每段对话或独白读两遍. 听第6段材料,回答第6和7题。 6.When did the woman buy the books? A. Last Sunday. B. Last Monday. C. Last Friday. 7. What are the problems with the book? A. The cover is missing. B. The pictures are too small. C. There are some pages missing. 听第7段材料,回答第8和9题。 8. When does the conversation take place? A. In the morning. B. At noon. C. In the evening. 9. What soup will the man have? A. Mutton soup. B. Vegetable soup. C. Beef soup. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. Who is wanted on the phone? A. Mr. Prince. B. Mr. Carson. C. Mr. Smith. 11. What is Mr. Carson doing now? A. He is talking to Mr. Smith. B. He is having a meeting. C. He is on business in Hong Kong. 12. What is the man’s phone number? A. 62861427. B. 68261274. C. 68261427. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. Where is the woman going to meet the man? A. At a cinema. B. At a restaurant. C. At the man’s office. 14. Why is the woman unable to meet the man on time this evening? A. She has to work overtime. B. She has to talk with the manager. C. She has to have dinner with the manager. 15. When will they meet? A. At about 7 pm. B. At about 8 pm. C. At about 8:30 pm. 16. What will they do after dinner? A. Return to the woman’s office. B. Go home. C. See a film. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。


高一下学期英语6月月考试卷 一、阅读理解 1. 阅读理解 Scientists used to explore on the surface of the ocean. Now they are exploring below the surface, too. They want to know about ocean water and the plant and animal life deep in the ocean. In 1934 the scientist William Beebe dived 3000 feet below the surface in a hollow steel ball. In 1935 August Piccard dived 10330 feet In I960 his son Jean dived to a depth of 35800 feet. All these early dives were deep. But the divers could not stay down for very long. They had to come back up to the surface after a few seconds. Scientists needed to stay down longer to study life below surface. Gradually they succeeded. Cousteau, a Frenchman, was able to keep men down to a depth of 36 feet for one month and to a depth of 90 feet for a week. Now scientists are developing even better equipment. With this new equipment, men can stay below the surface for days or even weeks. In 1962 Cousteau set up a research station 35 feet below the surface. Then, in 1964, he set up another station on the ocean floor of the Red Sea. This was the first undersea station to operate without help from the surface. Many countries are now studying undersea living. The former Soviet Union has an undersea laboratory in the Crimean Sea. The United States has a


辽宁省分校2019学年高一6月月考地理试卷【含答 案及解析】 姓名___________ 班级____________ 分数__________ 一、选择题 1. 读图,回答下面小题 1. 1990 年,该地的人口增长模式是 A. 原始型________ B. 传统型________ C. 过渡型________ D. 现代型 2. 与 1982 年相比, 1996 年该地 A. 人口大量外迁________ B. 人口自然增长率高 C. 本地劳动力相对不足________ D. 城市化水平降低 2. 下图为三个区域的人口统计图。读图回答下面小题 1. 如果a、b、c分别代表三个国家,下列对应正确的是 A. a——德国________ B. b——日本________ C. c——印度________ D. b——巴

西 2. 关于上述正确答案对应国家叙述正确的是 ①大部分国土处于温带地区②最大的河流向东注入大西洋 ③热带雨林面积广大④常年受西风的影响 A. ①② B. ②③ C. ②④ D. ①③ 3. 下图为某个组团式城市布局图,各城区分散布局。完成下面小题 1. 该城市的布局模式有利于 A. 缩短居民出行距离________ B. 改善城市生态环境 C. 加强各区之间的联系________ D. 节省基础设施投资 2. 该城市规划建设物流园区和化工园区,应分别安排在 A. ①处和③处________ B. ①处和④处________ C. ②处和③处________ D. ②处和④处 4. 下图为某地区城市规划图,读图回答下面小题 1. 从城镇规划来看,该地区的地形最有可能是 A. 平原________ B. 山区________ C. 高原________ D. 丘陵 2. 图中信息显示,该城市的服务功能 A. 沿铁路线较强________ B. 沿干道较强


高一10月月考 英语试题 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 21. It is bad for a man to smoke in public places where smoking is not allowed. A. method B. impression C. behavior D. attitude 22.—_______you ________to the new house? —Not yet. The rooms are being painted(油漆). A. Did; moved B. Have; moved C. Will; moved D. Are; moved 23. After his long journey from abroad, Mr. Wu returned home, ________. A. exhausting B. having exhausted C. being exhausted D. exhausted 24. David rode so fast that he couldn’t hitting a passer-by and he fell off the bike. A. avoid B. enjoy C. stand D. stop 25. We all regard _____ our duty to help those who are poor to go to school. A. this B. that C. us D. it 26. The two pens are the same, but the red one cost ______ that one. A. as much twice as B. twice as much as C. much as twice as D. as twice much as 27. All the leading newspapers _______ the trade talks between China and the United States. A. printed B. announced C. published D. covered 28. The government has rebuilt the old temple _______ a long time ago. A. abandoned B. abandoning C. was abandoned D. being abandoned 29. — I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of this weather. —. I can’t stand all this rain. A. So do I . B. I don’t care. C. It’s hard to say. D. So am I. 30. The little boy isn’t getting on well in maths and worse still, he is even unwilling to go to school. With her son_______, she feels very________. A. disappointing, worried B. disappointing, worrying C. disappointed, worried D. disappointed, worrying 31. ---- Would you mind if I use your computer for a little while? ----_______ A. No, please don’t. B. I’m afraid not. C. I’d rather you didn’t. D. I’m afraid so. 32. The cost of renting a house in Beijing is higher than ______ in any other city of China. A. one B. it C. this D. that 33. I would appreciate _______ back this afternoon so that we can make an early decision. A. you to call B. you call C. your calling D. you’re calling 34. Her attitude ______ learning math has changed a lot since her teacher had a talk with her. A. of B. at C. with D. to


大石桥二高中2017-2018学年度下学期6月月考 高二英语科试卷 时间:100分钟满分:120分 第I卷 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Destination Travels 78 Soho St, New York, NY Dear Ms Pierce, Thank you for trusting Destination Travels for your honeymoon plans. This letter includes all the information regarding the flights and ac####modation arrangements we have already agreed on. On arriving at Puerto Rico Int, Airport, a representative of The Caribbean Hotels &Resorts will be waiting for you in order to transfer you to the hotel. The transfer to and from the airport is offered by the hotel as part of your honeymoon package. The reservation has been made for a nine-night stay under your future husband’s last name. The price of the newlyweds’ suite includes breakfast and one more mea l at the hotel restaurant. You can also use all of the hotel facilities—pool, gym, sauna, etc. for free as part of your honeymoon package. In addition, you can take scuba diving or snorkeling classes with the hotels trained staff at a reduced price—40% off. Thank you for choosing Destination Travels. We guarantee your honeymoon with us will be an unforgettable experience. To aid us in improving our service, please visit our website at #####. destinationtravels.#### and ####plete the questionnaire. Destination Travels wish you all the best. Sincerely. Rebecca Simms Customer Service Manager Destination Travels 1.After arriving at Puerto Rico Int, Airport, the couple can get directions from ________.


四川省三台中学实验学校2017-2018学年高一英语5月月考试题 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,20小题,每题1分,满分20分) 第一节 1 Where was the man from? A. Australia. B. New Zealand. C. England. 2. How will the woman get to the city center? A. By subway. B. By taxi. C. By bus. 3. How does the man feel now? A. Annoyed. B. Excited. C. Sleepy. 4. What are the speakers talking about? A. What to eat for lunch. B. Whether to eat out. C. When to have lunch. 5. What is the man doing? A. Signing for a box. B. Collecting the woman’s information. C. Filling out a form. 第二节 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Why does the man make the call? A. To advertise for a program. B. To answer a message. C. To ask for money. 7. Which sport needs an extra pay? A. Swimming. B. Golf. C. Horse-riding. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What does the woman think of the Shakespeare play? A. It is boring. B. It is moving. C. It is wonderful. 9. Where does the woman want to go tonight?

高一下学期6月月考英语试题 (3)

一6月月考英语试题试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟 本试卷分第I卷(选择题,含听力测试)与第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。考试时间120分钟。第I卷的答案涂在机读卡上,第II卷的答案写在答题纸上。 第Ⅰ卷(共115分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 ( )1. How will the man go to school next week? A. By car. B. By taxi. C. By bus. ( )2.What’s the man’s major(专业)? A. Computer technology. B. Science. C. History. ( )3. What are the children doing? A. Playing outside. B. Reading in the library. C. Watching a basketball match. ( )4. What is the woman complaining about? A. The traffic. B. Waiting in line. C. The cost of tickets. ( )5.What does the man mean? A. He found the book boring. B. He finished the book yesterday. C. He likes the book very much. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 ( )6. Why isn’t Emma listening to the man? A. She’s worried about something. B. She doesn’t want to have coffee. C. She thinks the man is annoying. ( )7. What does her daughter want to do? A. Get a better job. B. Move out. C. Get a bigger apartment. ( )8. What is the man’s opinion? A. Emma should live with her daughter.


松滋二中2014-2015学年度高一下学期6月月考 历史试卷 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、选择题(30×2=60分) 1.15世纪中期到17世纪中期,被西方史学家称为“探索的时代”、“发现的时代”、“扩张的时代”。下列史实不属于这个历史时期的是( ) A.黑奴贸易十分盛行 B.荷兰成为贸易强国 C.麦哲伦船队完成环球航行 D.英国成为“日不落”帝国 2.法国米歇尔·博德在《资本主义史》中认为:西方历史上的所谓“地理的发现”,使历史进入了双重的结合。这里“双重的结合”主要是指( ) A.商业革命与价格革命 B.商品贸易与殖民掠夺 C.资本输出与世界市场 D.民主扩展与科学传播 3.据《邮史趣闻》一文记载:1492年8月3日,哥伦布率领船只,带着西班牙国王给中国皇帝的信件,准备前往中国,但到的是美洲新大陆,因担心回不到欧洲,便把装有地图和信件的瓶子掷入大西洋。1815年,一位船长在直布罗陀海峡拾到这个邮瓶,这就是世界有名的第一次“瓶邮传书”。对此记载,我们应持的态度是( ) A.证据确凿,真实可信 B.孤证不立,没有价值 C.野史信息,虚假传言 D.存疑,寻找更多佐证 4.20世纪90年代有人把中国东部经济发展状态比作“满弓待发之箭”:“弓”比喻为1984年国家开放的十四个沿海港口城市;“弦”比喻为1996年全线通车的南北交通大动脉京九铁路。那么,“箭头”在今天看来最为恰当的比喻是() A.深圳 B.珠海 C.浦东 D.海南 5.票证是某一历史时期经济发展的见证与缩影。图一的取消以及后来图二的出现,在一定程度上反映了我国新时期() A.经济体制改革由农村向城市发展 B.分配方式由国家分配向按劳分配转变 C.经济体制由计划经济向市场经济转型 D.经济形态由农业过变成了工业国 6.“改革开放和社会主义现代化建设从这里拉开序幕,党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线从这里开始形成……社会主义在遭受严重挫折之后开始在这里重新焕发生机。”材料中的“这里”是指( ) A.小岗村农民实行“大包干” B.农村乡镇企业异军突起 C.十一届三中全会召开 D.深圳等经济特区建立 7.下列图片可以反映建国后土地制度的变迁,在这一过程中,最主要的改变是()


高一上学期英语10月月考试卷 一、语法填空 1. Everyone has his own attitude to helping others and I would be ________ if you could give me a hand. 2. He was tired ________the city life and hoped to move to the country. 3. To be honest, I was ________ frightened by the thunder just now. 4. When he travels with his friends, his mother is always ________ about his safety. 5. I have to believe that encouragement is so ________ that it can change a person. 6. It was the second time that he ________ the Great Wall. 7. It’s no pleasur e ________ the football match at home alone, so I went to the bar. 8. There was a time ________women were not allowed to publish their works using their own names in England. 9. I like to take part in ________ activities while she prefers to enjoy TV programs indoors. 10. It seems that she has a ________ with her daughter. 11. “The sun is bigger than the moon.” The teacher said to us. The teacher told us ________the sun ________bigger than the moon. 12. “Can you tell me how to get to the nearest restaurant?” the woman

辽宁省实验中学分校2013-2014学年高二6月月考 英语试题 Word版含答案

第一部分:听力(1-20题略) 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A Sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with nature. However, whether you are on the mountains, in the waves, or on the grassland, you should be aware that your sport of choice might have great influence on the environment. Some sports are resource-hungry. Golf, as you may know, eats up not only large areas of countryside, but also tons of water. Besides, all sorts of chemicals and huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses (球场) in good condition. This causes major environmental effects. For example, in the dry regions of Portugal and Spain, golf is often held responsible for serious water shortage in some local areas. There are many environment-friendly sports. Power walking is one of them that you could take up today. You don’t need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes; and you don’t have to worry about resources and your purse. Simple and free, power walking can also keep you fit. If you walk regularly, it will be good for your heart and bones. Experts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can make you feel less anxious, sleep well and have better weight control. Whatever sport you take up, you can make it greener by using environment-friendly equipment and b uying products made from recycled materials. But the final goal should be “green gyms”. They are better replacements for traditional health clubs and modern sports centers. Members of green gyms play sports outdoors, in the countryside or other open spaces. There is no special requirement for you to start your membership. And best of all, it’s free. 21. Which of the following is the author most probably in favor of? A. Motor racing in the desert. B. Cycling around a lake. C. Playing basketball in a gym. D. Swimming in a sports center. 22. What do we know about golf from the passage? A. It is popular in Portugal and Spain. B. It causes water shortages around the world. C. It needs water and electricity to keep its courses green. D. It pollutes the earth with chemicals and wastes. 23. The author uses power walking as an example mainly because _________. A. It uses fewer resources. B. It improves our health. C. It is an outdoor sport. D. It is suggested by experts. 24. The author writes the passage to _________. A. show us the function of major sports B. introduce different types of environment-friendly sports C. discuss the major influence of popular sports D. encourage us to go in for green sports B

新课标新高考之高一5月月考英语试题 含答案解析

文宫中学2019级高一下学期5月月考 英语 (满分150分,考试时间120分钟) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Where does the conversation take place? A.In the bookstore B.In the classroom C.At home 2.How long is the swimming pool open? A.7 hours B.10 hours C.15 hours 3.What kind of music does the women often listen to? A.R&B B. Rock C. Blues 4.Who will the man ask to have a walk? A.Lucy B.Jenny C.Helen 5.What will the man do first? A.Get his luggage B.Explore the city C.Check out 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.How many goals did Jack score in the match? A.None B.Two C.Four 7.What did the woman do with Miya during the weekend? A.They played a match B.They did their homework C.They went a concert 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8.What are the speakers mainly talking about?


2019-2020学年第二学期6月考试卷 高一英语试题 第I卷 第一部分听力(共20题,每小题1.5分,共30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is on that piece of paper? A. Sarall's friund's addrees B. Sarah's shopping list C. The location of the supermarket. 2. What is the woman concerned most ahout the apartment? A. The xize B. The price C. The location 3. What do we know about the man? A. He is afraid of driving. B. He called the woman all night C.He didn't go back home last night 4. How will the man go tn Taipei? A. By train B By bus C. By car 5. What did the woman suggest Rob do? A Go to hed early R. Start to study earlier C. Forget about the exam 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
