Answer key to Unit 6 Is an Only Child a Lonely Child

Answer key to Unit 6 Is an Only Child a Lonely Child
Answer key to Unit 6 Is an Only Child a Lonely Child

Key to Unit 6

Text comprehension

IV.Explain in your own words the following sentences.

1 As for the issue of single children, people are often concerned about whether an only child necessarily means a lonely child.

2 Some single-child parents feel they are too busy with their work to spend time and energy on a second child. Consequently, they choose to have no more children.

3 The conditions affecting each couple vary from family to family.


I.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.

1 needing a lot of attention or effort

2 in connection with; on the subject of

3 sign of shame; feeling of being ashamed

4 willingness of each person to satisfy others' wishes

5 decreased

6 the feeling of wanting to get what sb. else has among brothers and sisters

II.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.

1 arise from

2 unique

3 self-esteem

4 stigma

5 overwhelming

6 interacted

7 favoritism

8 prime

9 involved

10 despite

III. Choose a word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences. 1—5 BCDAC

6 – 10 DBABC

IV. Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in

1 (Both words refer to something that is carried or transported. Load is a more general word to be used with any kind of carrier, and it can refer to the quantity carried or conveyed, as measured by the capacity of the vehicle or bearer. Burden means that which is carried or borne physically, but it can specifically refer to something borne with difficulty in a mental or emotional sense.)





2 (Choose means "take one or more from a number of things available -- usually a matter of preference"; it emphasizes the act of will exercised in making the decision and the finality of the decision. Elect connotes choosing from a limited number of alternatives, especially choosing a person for office by a majority or plurality of votes.)





3 (An issue is an important subject that people are arguing about or discussing, while a problem is an unsatisfactory or difficult situation that people have to think about, analyze and find a solution to. A problem specifically refers to a puzzle that requires logical thought.)





4 (Fashion is mainly concerned with clothing, furniture, behaviour patterns in themselves, and it can also refer to the high social standing of people who are influential in establishing customs or making a style of dress popular. The word can also be used to replace "manner." Trend literally means the general course, direction, or line of movement followed by a coastline, river, etc., but now it is more often used to refer to any general course, inclination, or tendency.)





V.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used

1 only (sole)

2 uncommon (unusual, extraordinary, exceptional)

3 honor (admire, esteem)

4 decrease (diminish, lessen)

5 worry (anxiety)

6 insignificant (weak, feeble, powerless)

7 first (chief, main, primary, principal, foremost, leading)

8 fortunately (luckily)

VI.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate form of the given capitalized word in brackets.









Grammar 1.II.

I Replace the that-clause in each of the following sentences by a ……

1 The young man convinced everyone of his innocence.

2 Are you sure about/of Simon's disappearance?

3 No one is sorry about Lawler's resignation.

4 I assure you of my willingness to stand down.

5 They persuaded him of

their need for more troops.

6 Did anyone inform you of

the change of the plans?

7 I must remind you of your

responsibility towards your


8 No one told me of these


II Complete the following

sentences with the ….

1 but for

("But for" means "except for

the effects of.")

2 Except for

("Except for" means "not

including." It is used to show

that a general statement

made in the main part of the sentence is not completely true.)

3 in the case of

("In the case of" means "in the circumstance of.")

4 What with

("What with" means "because of.") 5 In terms of

("In terms of" means "from

the point of view of.")

6 In view of

("In view of" means "taking

into consideration.")

7 by way of

("By way of" means "as a

way of.")

8 in point of

("In point of fact" means "in


III Replace the underlined finite clause in each….

("In spite of," "despite," "for all," and "with all" show concession. "In spite of " is a general purpose prepositional phrase. "Despite" is more formal than "in spite of." "With all" and "for all" are colloquial forms.

"Because of" and "for" show reason or cause. "Because of" is more commonly used and "for" is used to show reason in a limited number of expressions, such as "for fun" and "for joy.")

1 In spite of the city's many attractions

2 Despite the clear scientific evidence,

3 with all his immense fortune

4 For all your huge secretarial staff,

5 because of the heavy rain

6 for money

IV. Combine each pair of sentences into one…..

(Note that "although," "because" and "even though" are conjunctions. They must be followed by a clause. "Because of," "in spite of," "despite," "except," and "but for" are prepositions or prepositional phrases. They must be followed by a noun phrase.)

1 Although I didn't speak the language, I managed to make myself understood.

2 Despite living / the fact that we live in the same street, we hardly ever see each other.

3 John didn't get the job in spite of having all the necessary qualifications.

4 We rarely go to the theatre except around Christmas, when we take the children.

5 But for the millions of dollars' worth of aid from governments around the world, most people in the country would have starved to death.

6 The Prime Minister returned home because of growing unrest in the country.

7 We must be near the beach because I can hear the waves.

8 We will go ahead with our project even though our partners pull out.

V. In each sentence,insert an appropriate….

1 because

2 as

("As" means "in the capacity of" while "like" means "in the manner of.")

3 Although

4 whenever

5 wherever

6 since

("Since" introduces a past date, moment, event, a point of time while "for" introduces a period of time.)

7 where

8 or else


I.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1 家里没有别的孩子和他交往,这就使得孩子有时候感到孤独,尤其在假期里。

2 许多人认为独生子女不善于与其他人沟通,也就不会尊重在各种关系中相互谦让的精神。

3 对有些独生子女的家长——尤其是那些事业繁忙的家长——来说,要将时间和精力奉献给第二个孩子所带来的压力似乎太沉重了,于是他们作出再也不要其他孩子的选择。

4 因为只有一个孩子,所以由于父母偏爱或兄弟姐妹之间的妒忌而引起家庭争端的可能性就小了。

II. Translate the following sentences into English.

1 The dilemma she is facing is whether to tell her husband the truth about his fatal disease.

2 Don't you think it a sort of stigma that you, already in your thirties, still have to depend on your old parents?

3 Almost all the governments in the world are very much concerned about the financial issue.

4 With regard to the seminar on English teaching, I suggest that it (should) be held on the coming weekend.

5 Whether to go abroad for further education or not is entirely up to you.

6 Just a single spark can lead to an explosion in a room filled with gas.

7 No matter what efforts the government has made, the price for housing has barely declined.

8 In order to pass TOEFL, he has devoted almost every minute of his spare time to English studies.

9 With his acting potential, the young man is likely to be a superstar in the field of entertainment.

10 It is believed that sibling jealousy exists more in a rich family than in a poor one.

Integrated skills

I. Dictation

About this time / I found out the use of a key. / One morning I locked my mother up in the pantry, / where she was obliged to remain three hours. / She kept knocking on the door, / while I sat outside on the porch steps and laughed. / This naughty behavior of mine / convinced my parents / that I must be taught as soon as possible. / After my teacher came to me, / I sought an early opportunity / to lock her up in her room. / I could not be induced to tell / where the key was. / My father had to get a ladder / and take the teacher out through the window. / Months after, / I produced the key.

II. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.

1 name

2 ago

3 list

4 claiming

5 successful

6 up

7 advantages

8 language

9 attention

10 opportunities


Rewrite the following sentences in a parallel form.

You can go there on foot, by bike or by bus.

A gossip is someone who talks to you about others, a bore is someone who talks to you about himself, and a brilliant conversationalist is one who talks to you about yourself.

Faith sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.

Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be.

My father's income is smaller than my mother's.

What you say reflects your mind; what you do reflects your ability.

A single dollar could save a man's life, and a thousand dollars could better it, while a million dollars could end it.

I am at a loss what to do and where to go.

Your semester grade is based on not only how well you do on each test but also how you participate in class.

Endeavor, confidence and opportunity are the basic elements of one's success.



1 Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations

2 lab assistants

3 new experimental model in the child-development program

4 Senior Research Associates in the field of Child Development and Human Relations

5 Executive Senior Research Associates

6 Associate Research Assistants


I have a list of endless things to do, both indoors and outdoors. I'm working for my whole family, and already have four daughters. Of course, every mother would agree that being a mother is one of the most time-consuming things in the world, and I often have to work 14 hours a day.


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翻译公司收费标准 1.客户需要翻译的目标语言的普遍性和稀缺性可能导致非常 不同的费用。英语比较普遍,需求大,市场专业的英语翻译人 才也很多,翻译公司无论是从降价到抢占市场,还是成本核算 来考虑,英语收费都比较合理和透明。 其他诸如法语、德语、日语、俄语排在第二梯队,翻译公司收 费标准一般都是200-280元,视稿件专业度和数量略有调整; 意大利,西班牙,越南,泰文等东南亚语种已经接近稀有语 种了,翻译报价至少300元千字起。 2.根据翻译项目类型 常见的翻译方法主要包括翻译翻译、同声传译、本地翻译、口译翻译等,翻译项目自然是不同的收费。 3.根据翻译项目时长 这一时期的持续时间主要是指项目长度:同声传译、会议翻译、商务洽谈、双语主持人、口译、护送翻译、展览翻译,当然,视频翻译、音频翻译按时间计算的时间和会议类型是一个重要因素,是翻译时间决定翻译价格的一个重要因素。 4.根据翻译项目字数

翻译项目的字数是影响收费的重要因素之一,翻译字数主要对于笔译而言,例如:文件翻译、图书翻译、资料翻译、画册翻译等等,这些文件资料的字数决定了项目的翻译价格和翻译收费标准。 5.根据翻译项目语种 主流语种:英语、日语、韩语等和小语种:阿拉伯语、希腊语、印尼语等的翻译收费标准区别。我们知道:“物以稀为贵,”所以小语种的翻译报价会比主流语种收费要高的。 6.根据翻译项目难易程度 对于翻译公司来说,翻译费在很大程度上取决于翻译的难度程度,不同的行业术语不同,难度不同; 专业翻译公司将根据翻译人员的翻译水平、专业知识、翻译经验等方式来评价自己的翻译团队,高层次的翻译人员当然都是高收费; 如通用翻译、精细翻译、出版层次等不同类型的翻译报价不同,稿件的行业领域、材料难度、选择翻译类型等都是决定翻译公司收费标准的因素。

英文合同翻译价格 英文合同翻译需要多少钱

英文合同翻译价格英文合同翻译需要多少钱 在企业的经营过程中,有时候可能会涉及到翻译这个问题,但是一般的小企业并没有专门的人去做这件事情,大部分都是外包。那么对于企业来讲,翻译一份英文合同需要多少钱呢?作为浙江省最大的翻译公司,以琳翻译就在这里为大家解读一下。 一般来讲,翻译这项服务都是以字数来计价的,市场上的一般的价格是50-80元/千字,这是一个基本的价格。但是不同的公司的专业性质不一样的话,所给出的价格也是不一样的。对于公司的衡量标准来讲,影响价格的因素主要有:公司的资历、翻译人员的专业性、翻译文件的种类、难度等。所以,如果你需要去找翻译公司去服务,那么就需要考虑这些方面的东西。而对于合同这种文件,对于公司来讲是十分重要的,所以也需要去找专业的公司去进行翻译,如果是找一个资质不够的公司或者团队,那么就可能产生一些意想不到的问题,从而影响到公司的最终利益。 下面,我们来看看以琳翻译给出的翻译的价格。 从上面的价格可以看出,以琳翻译给出的价格是高于一般市场上的价格的,最低级别的翻译是160元/千字,然后分为A、B、C三级。C级译稿为普通中籍译员+中籍译员审核,满足客户对译文的普通要求。这是对于一般的合同而言的,但是如果是部分专业性质较强或者要求比较高的译文的话,那么可以选择更高级别的翻译,当然价格还是相对比较高的。 那么以琳翻译的资质是怎么样呢?我们再来看一下。 杭州以琳翻译有限公司是浙江省最大的实体翻译公司、中国翻译协会单位会员、美国翻译协会会员、全国翻译专业硕士研究生教育实习基地、西博会指定合作伙伴、以琳杭州翻译公司翻译团队成员均具有五年以上专业翻译、项目管理经验,绝大部分成员具有十年以上行业翻译经验。翻译服务涵盖英语、法语、韩语、日语、德语、俄语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、


精诚英语翻译报价50-80元千字(市场价格100左右 精诚英语翻译工作室是由众多英语方面精英组成的翻译团队,一直致力于为广大中小企业和个人提供专业低价中英文翻译服务。价格是我们永远的优势!!!!最低价格支付宝担保交易,让你省钱又放心接受试译!!自信源于专业可以百度搜索精诚英语翻译找到我们 选择我们的理由:可以百度搜索精诚英语翻译找到我们 1.保证价格最低,团队网络化运作,无需经营成本,可以通过低价让利于客户。(有些客户看到这么低的价格还不敢相信,但是对于我们来说是完全可以接受的。) 2.保证准时、保密、准确 3.接受淘宝交易,让您没有任何担忧。 4.长期翻译经验,保证质量让您满意。 龚如心遗产案虽然告一段落,「遗产」二字仍然成为近日香港的焦点。新春期间,民政事务局局长曾德成表示,政府将展开全港非物质文化遗产首期普查,希望市民为遗产清单提出建议。 「遗产」是「资产」? 近五、六年间,香港对保护本地小区和文化传统的意识高涨,现在政府带头要列一个「非物质文化遗产」清单,理应是很受欢迎之举。不过普查尚未展开,就引来学者争议,其中单是「非物质文化遗产」这个译名,就引起不少误会。 「非物质文化遗产」的原文是intangible cultural heritage(英文)或patrimoine culturel immateriel (法文),是联合国在1997年以尊重多元文化为大原则而提出的概念,并由联合国教科文组织制定「保护非物质文化遗产公约」,2006年生效。 「非物质文化遗产」是中国大陆的翻译,香港有学者不约而同就「非物质」和「遗产」二字提出质疑。香港城市大学中国文化中心主任郑培凯早在2005年就大声疾呼译名不妥。他认为原文heritage/patrimoine的意义是「传承」而非资产,不容易引发出财产的概念。而现在约定俗成译作「遗产」,容易令人觉得祖宗留下的东西,是可以变卖和投资的生财工具,与联合国提出的文化传承精神背道而驰。郑教授认识,正确的译名是「非物质文化承继」或「非实物文化传承」。另一位民俗学研究者陈云进一步指出,intangible「乃触摸不到的事,无形无相之事」,应用「精神价值」代之,「非物质」有消灭了精神之嫌,所以中国人应堂堂正正将之翻译为「无形文化传承」。 姗姗来迟的「遗产」 不论是「非物质」还是「无形」,「遗产」还是「承传」,即使公约成员国中国曲译甚至错译,香港特区政府还是只能照单全收。而且,随之而来的不止是字面的斟酌,而是「遗产」的搜寻和管理问题。 中国自2005年起,就开始非物质文化遗产(由于这个名称已约定俗成,故下文仍沿用之,并简称为「非遗」)普查,并陆续列出清单。香港也在翌年提出编制非遗清单,但却延至去年才聘专家普查,估计最快要2012年才完成。 非遗普查尚未展开,在国家文化部的再三邀请(或是说催促?)下,去年九月,香港终于申请将长洲太平清醮、大澳端午游涌、大坑舞火龙和香港潮人盂兰胜会列为第三批国家级非遗,预计今年六月有结果。 其实香港已错过了2006和2008年首批和第二批的申报机会,所以,至目前为止,在中国的文化版图上,香港是唯一没有任何有形和无形「遗产」的主要城市/特区,就连比邻的澳门也凭神像雕刻工艺获得2008年国家级非遗之「奖项」。 有人说非遗不过是人有我有,纯粹锦上添花;也有人说,中国在维护主权和领土完整的概念下,又怎能在文化层面少了香港一席?香港能够「出产」一个非遗,中国在全球的文化图谱中就多一个筹码。 姑勿论背后原因为何,由于「保护非物质文化遗产公约」也适用于香港,香港特区政府就有责任找出和保护濒危失传、与社会关系密切及具香港独特性的文化传统。现在起步虽迟,但为时未晚。 「遗产」的管理问题 不过,既然政府要展开普查,另一个问题来了。民间传统应该是属于民间的,并由民间自行发展,还是属于官方,由政府承担保护与管理? 据政府委聘负责首期普查的香港科技大学华南研究中心主任廖迪生表示,政府至今仍未有任何政策配合或承诺给予全面的保护,所以,即使清单出炉,有些遗产仍有可能难逃「破产」的命运。他强调制作非遗清单只是第一步,更重要的是如何保护这些项目。 再问民政事务局,曾德成局长除了曾向立法会议员表示,制定清单是向国家文化部申请列为国家级非遗的第一步,进而再向联合国教科文组织提出申报为世界非物质文化遗产,他所提出的,就是以遗产作招徕吸引外地游客,「以提升香港作为旅游目的地的吸引力」。 这才是令人担心的地方。「非遗」这个金漆招牌在中国许多地方都有点石成金之效。戴上这个冠冕,民俗文化很容易沦为生财工具、游客的消费品,连婚嫁仪式也可用来表演,完全违背了保护非遗的原意。曾德成之言,是否意味着香港也要跟着祖国一起走上同一条路?


英文翻译价格 根据以英文作为母语的人数计算,英文是最多国家使用的官方语言,英语也是世界上最广泛的第二语言,也是欧盟,最多国际组织和英联邦国家的官方语言之一。但仅拥有世界第二位的母语使用者,少于标准汉语。上两个世纪英国和美国在文化、经济、军事、政治和科学上的领先地位使得英语成为一种国际语言。如今,许多国际场合都使用英语做为沟通媒介。英语也是与电脑联系最密切的语言,大多数编程语言都与英语有联系,而且随着网络的使用,使英文的使用更普及。英语是联合国的工作语言之一。 为了方便大家了解英文翻译价格,小编在目前汇集最多翻译团队的高校译云上面获得了不同翻译精英团队所展示的价格。 暨南大学翻译中心:中英---普稿---150---千字英中---普稿---250---千字 武汉理工大学-外国语学院MTI翻译中心 :中英互译中英130-150 英中100-130 华中科技大学-翻译研究中心 :中英互译中英120-150 英中100-120 湖南科技大学MTI中心:中英---普稿---150---千字 上海师大外国语学院翻译中心: 中英---普稿---200元---千字英语普通文本译成汉语---120元---千字西南大学翻译中心:中英---普稿----300---千字英中---普稿---200---千字 上海理工大学MTI翻译中心:中英---普稿---100---千字 南京财经大学外国语学院翻译研究中心:中英---普稿---100---千字 一般英文翻译价格是是在100—300元每千字,根据译员质量、翻译内容、需要的时间等都会有一定的波动,所以以上价格供大家参考,具体的可以准备好稿件了去问,这样会更加准确一些。


翻译服务收费标准 一、笔译人民币元/千字中文( 加急加收30% —70% ,专业加收50% ) 语种中译外外译中外译外 英语170 140 面议 日语170 140 韩语190 160 德语220 180 俄语220 180 法语220 180 意大利语280 250 西班牙语280 250 葡萄牙语290 260 阿拉伯语350 320 越南语430 400 荷兰语510 460 波兰语380-480 360-40 塞尔维亚语370-470 420-530 泰国语260-380 280-520 老挝语320-420 370-480 印度语320-420 370-480 希腊语370-470 420-530 哈萨克语280-380 300-410 瑞典语300-400 340-450 丹麦语320-420 370-470 印度尼西亚语330-450 350-460 蒙古语300-400 350-460 1、字数计算:以中文版稿件在Windows word文档显示的字符数(不计空格)为基准。也即包含了标点符号,因其为理解语义的必需。 2、图表计算:图表按每个A4页面,按页酌情计收排版费用。 3、外文互译:按照中文换算,即每个拉丁单词乘以二等于相应的中文字数。 4、日翻译量:正常翻译量3000-5000字/日/人,超过正常翻译量按专业难易受20%加急费. 5、付款方式:按预算总价的20%收取定金,按译后准确字数计总价并交稿付款。 6、注意事项:出差在原价格上增加20%,客户负责翻译的交通、食宿和安全费用。 二、口译价格: (1) 交传报价(元/人/天,加小时按100-150元/小时加收费用)类型英语德、日、法、俄、韩小语种 一般活动700 800 1500 商务活动500-1200 500-1500 800-3000 中小型会议1200-3000 1500-3000 2500-3000 大型会议1200-4000 2500-6000 4000-9000 (2) 同传报价(元/人/天) 类别中-英互译日、韩、德、俄、法、韩-中互译小语种-中互译 商务会议5000-8000 6000-10000 8000-10000 中小型会议5500-8000 7000-12000 8000-12000 大型国际会议6000-9000 8000-12000 12000-16000


加快实施“走出去”战略是适应全球化新形势和我国发展新变化,培育参与和引领国际合作和竞争新优势的重要举措。据预测,今后五年,我国对外投资规模总量超过5000亿美元,并且年增速在10%以上。浙江是外贸大省,境外经贸合作区建设走在全国前列,境外投资一直保持高速增长,《浙江省利用外资和境外投资“十三五”规划》也作出了明确部署。跨境法商论坛拟计划在杭州举办,将促进浙企与马来西亚、新加坡相关机构的直接对话,帮助浙江企业进一步拓展“一带一路”市场,寻找国际合作渠道,促进有效投资。 各式各样大手笔的贸易投资合作,也预示着新的发展机会。对从事语言服务工作的人士无疑是好消息。据中青在线记者报道,在之前“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛会议中,现场的同传耳机里,18种工作语言分别是:汉语、英语、法语、俄语、西班牙语、柬埔寨语、捷克语、匈牙利语、印度尼西亚语、哈萨克语、老挝语、蒙古语、波兰

语、塞尔维亚语、土耳其语、越南语、日语和韩语。每个座位上都放有一张列举了这些语言的名单,除了标注与同传耳机频道对应的16种语言以外,同传耳机中的第17、第18频道分别是日语和韩语。 这无疑是翻译从业者的一剂强心针,不少小语种从业者和学习者表示,政府、学校、企业等对于小语种的关注度,现在越来越高了。更日常的商务沟通、贸易合作等等势必越来越密集和频繁,毫无疑问,国内的翻译人才供不应求,高质量的翻译人群,已经成为最抢手的人才。 随着翻译需求的不断加大,国内的翻译产业开始蓬勃发展。从2012年到2015年,我国翻译专业硕士(MTI)学位授予点也由2007年的15所大学增加至2016年的215所大学,国内翻译公司数量已达到72,485家。咱们先了解一下市场小语种的翻译报价参考: *以上报价为人民币基准价,不含税金,仅供参考,具体报价根据需译资料数量、领域、难易等具体确定!


精诚翻译公司五周年五折优惠中5年经验!先翻译后付费学生客户送50元优惠券,可以搜索精诚翻译公司者50元翻译找到我们 The book of“Chinese Language" aims at improving students' Chinese accomplishment and emphasizes on humanity, instead of literature or humanism. The book mainly consists of literary works, and also involves philosophy, history, art, science and technology, so as to interest students of different majors and help broaden their vision. 1Ancient literature 2 Modern literature 3 English-Chinese translation In the textbook of Public English, one third of contents have been updated, therefore, the contents become more interesting, comprehensive and practical. The attached vocabularies enable students to master the law of learning vocabularies, and the actual use of English sentences help improve their ability of using English. "Fundamentals of Management" is a subject which discusses basic theories, principles, management functions and general method of management activities, it also combines theories with practice closely. Through studying this course, students should be familiar with basic concept of management, relevant knowledge system and thoughts by various management school; understanding basic management theories and relevant principles in depth, as well as planning, decision-making, organization, leadership, motivation, control, communication and other basic management functions and methods. "The History of Chinese Culture" The book' author is an contemporary Chinese culture expert who has published many cultural works. This book focuses on evolution of academic thought and culture, at the same time, it also consider behavior, system,


“一带一路”倡议提出五年来,青岛市紧紧围绕“新亚欧大陆桥经济走廊主要节点城市”和“海上合作战略支点”功能定位,积极融入大局,深入贯彻国家政策,在经贸合作、外事外宣、金融保障、海洋科技合作等领域着力打造对外开放新高地。对“一带一路”沿线国家累计投资69.8亿美元,承包工程完成营业额130.6亿美元。全市银行机构累计为“一带一路”沿线国家和地区有投资项目的84家大型企业授信860.3亿元,贷款余额445.1亿元,支持3000余家企业与“一带一路”沿线61个国家开展贸易投资与建设合作。市级领导出访沿线国家达50余批次;接待国外重要来宾、团组来访530余批次,友城总数达到70个,遍及全球37个国家。 各式各样大手笔的贸易投资合作,也预示着新的发展机会。对从事语言服务工作的人士无疑是好消息。据中青在线记者报道,在之前“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛会议中,现场的同传耳机里,18种工作语言分别是:汉语、

英语、法语、俄语、西班牙语、柬埔寨语、捷克语、匈牙利语、印度尼西亚语、哈萨克语、老挝语、蒙古语、波兰语、塞尔维亚语、土耳其语、越南语、日语和韩语。每个座位上都放有一张列举了这些语言的名单,除了标注与同传耳机频道对应的16种语言以外,同传耳机中的第17、第18频道分别是日语和韩语。 这无疑是翻译从业者的一剂强心针,不少小语种从业者和学习者表示,政府、学校、企业等对于小语种的关注度,现在越来越高了。更日常的商务沟通、贸易合作等等势必越来越密集和频繁,毫无疑问,国内的翻译人才供不应求,高质量的翻译人群,已经成为最抢手的人才。 随着翻译需求的不断加大,国内的翻译产业开始蓬勃发展。从2012年到2015年,我国翻译专业硕士(MTI)学位授予点也由2007年的15所大学增加至2016年的215所大学,国内翻译公司数量已达到72,485家。咱们先了解一下市场小语种的翻译报价参考: *以上报价为人民币基准价,不含税金,仅供参考,具体报价根据需译资料数量、领域、难易等具体确定! 尽管翻译人才输出与翻译机构成立都发展迅速,但真正能满足企业发展需求的高质量翻译机构却并不好找。一方面是因为从事翻译行业的,不少都是翻译新手,没有行业经验和过硬实力,另一方面,也是因为翻译机构资质参差不齐,没有统一的规范,翻译价格和翻译质量也受到影响。怎么选择靠谱的翻译机构就成为企业的困惑点。


小语种翻译现状 目前很多大城市会出现一种奇怪的现象,当小众语种国家人代表在我国开会发言演讲时,台下的大家只能眼巴巴的望着他却不知所云,居然没人能翻译,这种现象引起了各相关部门的广泛关注。翻译达人表示说,我国很多二三线城市同声传译人才缺乏,翻译机构规模档次不够。面对二三线城市建设步伐的加快以及国际性会议的增多,高端翻译市场亟待提升档次。 国际会议尴尬 西安高新区工作的张先生讲述到,某次会议当天,来自亚洲的一些国家的部门代表轮流发言,参与会议的也都是来自周边国家的企业以及政府代表。每人配备同声传译设备,并且有同传人员现场翻译,一切看上去井井有条。可当轮到格鲁吉亚一位代表发言时,同传人员却“撤退”了。说着格鲁吉亚语的这位代表只好自顾自说了半天,下面参会人员看上去一片茫然。 人才严重匮乏 目前大多二三线城市的小语种翻译人员都是从北京、上海、广州这些大城市请过来的,并且价格不菲!同声传译人才对翻译水平的要求最高,不仅要具备良好的口语功底,还要对当地的文化有所了解,一般都需要有国外生活几年的经历才能胜任。大多二三线城中外语翻译人才还仅仅停留在英语方面,小语种翻译人才严重匮乏。而能提供大多小语种翻译的,一般只有像翻译达人这样的翻译平台。 小语种翻译专业开设少 导致小语种翻译人才稀缺的因素有很多,其中有一个因素就是开设小语种专业的高校少。比如小语种罗马尼亚语,全国仅有1所大学开设了这个专业,即北京外国语大学。还有上文提到的格鲁吉亚语,目前在我国还没有一所大学开设了

这个专业。曾经北大给俄语专业的学生开设了这个课程,请的格鲁吉亚的外教讲授的,但是因为外教的变动,这课程现在也没有了。因为开设小语种的学校少,学习该语种的人自然也少。随之就是翻译的价格水涨船高。可以说,翻译人才越难找,收费也就越贵。 翻译市场亟待壮大 人才的匮乏会明显的限制整个翻译市场的壮大与发展,国际性会议的大幅度增多,更导致了小语种人才严重稀缺。而懂得小语种的翻译人才,目前正在成为各大公司热捧的对象。甚至因为人才稀缺,企业在招聘标准上也低出不少,如某些公司招聘负责商务谈判及日常翻译工作的俄语翻译,已经打出“应届毕业生也可”的条件。所以,目前我国的小语种翻译市场亟待扩大,也需要更多的小语种翻译人才。
