推荐2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note达标巩固练(含解析)新人教版必修3

推荐2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note达标巩固练(含解析)新人教版必修3
推荐2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note达标巩固练(含解析)新人教版必修3

Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note



Dear Mr.Shyamalan,

According to the box office,congratulations are in order.It seems your new movie,Split,is doing gangbusters.That means millions of people all over the world have seen or will soon see your story about a man who is suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder(DID).

As much as I'm rooting for you as an artist,Mr.Shyamalan,personally,I think you climbed to success on the overburdened backs of the mentally ill.

As a person who suffers from multiple(多面的)personalities,as well as a psychologist with professional knowledge and skills in the subject,I feel it is my duty to school you in a few facts:People who suffer from DID are not,generally speaking,scary or cheating.We are normal people who silently suffer from a painful condition in which our sense of who we are feels divided into broken parts.Our condition is often caused by a history of severe and repeated child abuse.In truth,we are victims of unimaginable violence.

With the release of your movie,you have become my bully(恃强凌弱者).I am personally harmed by the absurd fixed image you use in Split.Your description of Kevin Crumb as one more gender confused,cross-dressing multiple with a liking for violence has the same effect as shouting across the playground,“People with DID are dangerous nut jobs!”

I have lived for years with the shame created by movies such as yours.Despite being a successful doctor who runs a charity for adult survivors of child abuse,I live with constant anxiety that people will learn of my diagnosis(诊断).For no matter how long I've known someone or how highly they think of me,once they know I'm a multiple,the reaction is imaginable.

In the future,I'd appreciate it if you stopped using our pain and suffering as materials for your entertainment.

Michelle Stevens

1.What does the author think of Shyamalan's success?

A.His efforts paid off.

B.He deserved it.

C.He was very fortunate.

D.He got it in an immoral way.

2.What's the probable cause of DID?

A.Alcohol abuse of parents.

B.Ill treatment in childhood.

C.Tense relations among people.

D.Extreme anxiety from life.

3.Who is Kevin Crumb according to the text?

A.A friend of Mr.Shyamalan's.

B.A character in Split.

C.A patient of Michelle Stevens'.

D.A psychologist with multiple personalities.

4.What's the author's purpose in writing the text?

A.To give the movie Split a review.

B.To show respect for people with DID.

C.To state that the movie Split hurt people with DID.

D.To argue that people with DID can also make a difference.

【解题导语】本文是一封书信。患有DID的作者给Shyamalan导演写了一封信。Shyamalan 导演制作了一部有关DID病人的电影,电影中对DID病人的描写引起了作者的不满。在这封信的结尾,作者请求导演不要再用患者的痛苦和遭遇作为电影素材了。

长难句分析:We are normal people who silently suffer from a painful condition in which our sense of who we are feels divided into broken parts.(第三段第二句) 分析:本句是个复合句。who引导定语从句,先行词为people, who在从句中作主语;in which是“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句,先行词为condition。


词汇积累:release n.发布,发行absurd adj.可笑的,荒谬的violence n.暴力1.D 推理判断题。根据第二段“As much as I'm rooting for you as an artist,Mr.Shyamalan,personally,I think you climbed to success on the overburdened backs of the mentally ill.”可推知,作者认为Shyamalan的成功是以一种不道德方式获得的。故选D。

2.B 细节理解题。Our condition is often caused by a history of severe and repeated child abuse.(第三段倒数第二句)


