Test 10

Test 10
Test 10

Unit 10 Revision 2 (6-9)

Part 1 Grammar Practice

Practice 1

Complete the sentences with the correct future form.

1. They (fly)______________to Istanbul on 23 June.

2. We can go to the restaurant when the bus (arrive) ______________.

3. What time (the guests /arrive) ______________tomorrow?

4. We (need) ______________ to order more stationery soon.

5. I can email it before ( leave) _____________for the airport

6. Sorry, Tina, someone’s waiting for me . I (call) _____________ you back.

7. They (not/manage ) ______________ to launch the new product on time .

8. We can break for coffee after the workshops (finish) ______________.

9. The plans have changed. We (not /go ) ______________ to Stuttgart now.

10. John needs new brochures so I (send ) ______________ him some today.

Practice 2 Choose the correct option to complete the note.


I’m out of the office for 1___________days ,so could you order the following supplies this week?

·We don’t have 2________A4 paper left. I think there are 3_______boxes in the cupboard . But could you order 4________more?

·Also ,there aren’t 5_________highlighters left –what’s happened to them all? There are never 6___________left when I look in the cupboard! Anyway. order 7______________more and keep 8___________ in your desk for safe-keeping .

·I don’t know how 9________envelopes we have left .Check and order 10________more if we need them.

·Oh. I nearly forgot –there’s only 11________coffee left in the kitchen. Could you get 12_________ more and check the teabag situation. If there are only 13_________ left, order more.

There should be 14_________money in the petty cash. If there isn’t 15________,use my company credit card .

1 a) a few b) some c) a little

2 a) some b) any c) many

3 a) a little b) a few c) many

4 a) any b) many c) some

5 a) a few b) many c) much

6 a) some b) a few c) any

7 a) much b) any c) some

8 a) a few b) a little c) many

9 a) few b) much c) many

10 a) many b) much c) a few

11 a) a few b) a little c) not much

12 a) some b) any c) little

13 a) a little b) a few c) many

14 a) many b) much c) a little

15 a) a little b) any c) many

Practice 3

Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative form.

1 Have you seen Jane’s new monitor? It’s a lot (big) bigger than the ones we’re using. I hope this means we’re all going to get the same.

2 In terms of development costs, it’s (expensive)________product we’ve ever brought to market. It has to sell well or we’re going to lose a lot of money.

3 Sales have been absolutely terrible this year. In fact, I think it‘s probably been one of (bad) ____________I can ever remember.

4 The new receptionist is much (friendly)_____________the old one.

5 Nowadays flying is (cheap)___________taking the train in the UK.

6 The new model is far (economical)_____________the old S20.

7 I know it looks great. But I think you’ll find it isn’t as (fast) ______ the system we’re already using.

8 It looks as if Friday is ( convenient)_________day of the week for me. so should we pencil in a meeting at about two or two thirty?

9 Just when you think it can’t get any ( bad )________, your computer crashes!

10 T he new photocopier’s arrived. It can do the same as the old one but it isn’t ( large)______.So, there’ll be a lot more space in the stationery room..

Practice 4

Complete the email with a ,an ,the or( no article).

From: Sheron Collins

Sent: Wednesday 7 March 10.03am

To: John Burges

Subject: RE: new brochures


I’ve sent 1 _______new sales brochure out to most of the markets now. I sent a thousand out to 2________USA and five hundred to each of 3_________European offices 4_______US brochures had dollar price lists and went by email as7 _________ Microsoft WORD document. So they’re all right up to date and our offices can also make 8__________changes as they wish .

9_____________US brochures should get there on Thursday-hopefully in time for 10_______ Dallas trade Fair. Dale Hemmings thinks there might be 11________problem with US customers not liking multilingual brochures. I explained to him that it was 12 ________economic decision, as producing five separate monolingual brochures would add too much to 13_________marketing budget.He asked whether, in future ,they could produce 14 _________ brochure of their own for us distribution. Do you think that would that be 15_______good idea?

Part 2 Vocabulary Practice

Practice 1

Complete each sentence with the correct option.

1 It’s very fuel efficient so it should save customers money.

a) efficient b) attractive c)flexible

2 I like the_______ but the content of the brochure worries me.

a) sample b) design c) comfort

3 It’s completely _______so customers will be able to use it anywhere.

a) light b) design c) comfort

4 The paint began to _______after just two week’s use so we sent it back.

a) fall off b) run out c) hang up

5 Make sure we get three _______ to compare prices before we buy one.

a) quotations b) orders c) purchases

6 It’s about 240cm _______ from side to side.

a) deep b) high c) wide

7 Make sure it’s turned off before you _______ the power on .

a) switch b) push c) dial

8 The power _______ should be plugged into the special floor sockets.

a) lines b) wires c) cables

9 I’m sorry but they’re out of _______, we should have some next week.

a) date b) stock c) order

10 Just _______ the order form and fax it to the supplier.

a) fill in b) file c) fold

11 Go through the file and_______ anything that’s now incorrect .

a) duplicate b) display c) delete

12 I’ll circulate a memo to everyone on the_______.

a) network b) computers c) program

13 I think the parts are covered for a year but I’ll look on the_____ and check.

a) receipt b) invoice c) guarantee

14 I’ve nothing to check in .I’ve just go t my_______ here with some papers in it .

a) suitcase b) baggage c) briefcase

15 I don’t like flying. I get really nervous when the plane _______ .

a) starts b) takes off c) departs

16 Carrying the brochures meant I had to pay _____ baggage at the check in .

a) extra b) over c) excess

17 I usually like meat but I don’t really like _______for some reason.

a) turkey b) pear c) onion

18 Michael always wears a_______ and tie when he travels on business.

a) skirt b) blouse c) shirt

19 I need a room with a telephone socket to_______ my modem into .

a) attach b) plug c) connect

20 We had your _______ from the check –in desk when you arrive at the airport .

a) fly b) plane c) flight

21 You get your_______ from the check-in desk when you arrive at the airport .

a) ticket b) boarding card c) visa

22 There were about 150 _______ at this year’s conference .

a) delegates b) invitations c) hosts

23 I’m very _______ I haven’t eaten a nything all day.

a) thirsty b) empty c) hungry

24 The press _______ was held at a top Chicago hotel.

a) marketing b) promotion c) launch

25 We had a _______-style lunch with sandwiches and lots of other things.

a) buffet b) refreshments c) snack

26 The UK conference is held at the same _______ every year.

a) stand b) venue c) booking

27 Our new quick – meals TM are very _______ and easy to prepare

a) available b) reliable c) convenient

28 The speeches were long and _______ not very interesting at all really.

a)accurate b) boring c) capable

29 The new model’s very _______ so it should reduce our returns and complaints.

a) reliable b) popular c) efficient

30 We should have taken note of the copier’s _______ especially the width

a) functions b) measurements c)components

31 I need to post a letter. Have you got a _______ for me ?

a) stamp b) staple c) disk

32 They’re gong to_______ some new software on my computer tomorrow .

a) delete b) file c) install

33 order some more A4 paper form the office _______ department ,will you ?

a) supplies b) support c) ordering

34 I’m looking for an A4_______to send this letter in.

a) folder b) envelope c) file

35 If you’re having problems with your computer , phone the _______ department .

a) PC b) IT c) CD

36 This computer’s very slow because it’s old and it hasn’t got much _______ .

a) hardware b) technology c) memory

37 I’m sorry but that product is temporarily _______ .

a) unsuccessful b) unavailable c) unexciting

38 I think _______ is one of my favourite kinds of fish.

a) cod b) lamb c) corn

39 Pay for the meal at the hotel when you check out in the morning .

a) reservations b) reception c) restaurant

40 The light’s gone on my desk- I think the _______ needs replacing .

a) lamp b) bulb c) socket

41 Hang on. I’ll quickly make a note of that date in my_______ .

a) calendar b) diary c) agenda

42 Thank you very much for the _______ to speak at your conference.

a) invitation b) introduction c) instruction

43 If you want to order some paper, you’ll have to _______ an order form.

a) fill up b) fill in c) try out

44 The chairman gave an excellent opening _______ .

a) show b) chat c) speech

45 I think _______ are my favourite kind of fruit .

a) peppers b) peas c)strawberries

46 We ’ve had quality problems with the T100 and a high number of _______ .

a) returns b) replies c) responses

47 I spent the whole trade fair on our_______ .

a) stand b) show c) display

48 Do you mind if I bring the meeting _______ a few days?

a) ahead b) up c) forward

49 I managed to send some e-mails from the departure _______ at the airport .

a) lounge b) terminal c) area

50 I take several pairs of _______ if I’m going to be wearing skirts .

a) trousers b) overalls c) tights


大学英语四级写作资料 一、大学英语四级考试大纲(2006 修订版)对写作的要求 写作选用考生所熟悉的题材。考生根据规定的题目和所提供的提纲、情景、图片或图表等,写出一篇不少于120词的短文。写作要求是思想表达准确、意义连贯、无严重语法错误。考试时间30分钟。 写作部分要求考生用英语进行短文写作,思想表达准确、意义连贯、无重大语法错误。写作部分考核的技能是: A.思想表达 1.表达中心思想 2.表达重要或特定信息 3.表达观点、态度等 B.篇章组织 4.围绕所给的题目叙述、议论或描述,突出重点 5.连贯地组句成段,组段成篇 C.语言运用 6.运用恰当的词汇 7.运用正确的语法 8.运用合适的句子结构 9.使用正确的标点符号 10.运用衔接手段表达句间关系(如对比、原因、结果、程度、目的等) D.写作格式 11.运用正确的符合英语表达习惯的写作格式 大学英语四级考试写作部分要求考生达到《教学要求》中的一般要求,即“能完成一般性写作任务,能描述个人经历、观感、情感和发生的事件等,能写常见的应用文,能就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出至少120词的短文,内容基本完整,用词恰当,语意连贯。能掌握基本的写作技能。” 二、四级考试写作评分标准 (1)本题满分为15分。 (2)阅卷标准共分四等:2分、5分、8分、11分及14分。各有标准样卷1-2份。 (3)阅卷人根据阅卷标准,对照样卷评分,若认为与某一分数(如8分)相似,即定为该分数(即8分); 若认为稍优或稍劣于该分数,则可以加一分(即9分)或减一分(即7分)。但不得加或减半分。(4)评分标准 ?2分:条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或绝大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。 ?5分:基本切题。思想表达不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语法错误。 ?8分:基本切题。思想表达清楚,文章尚连贯,但语法错误较多,其中有一些是严重错误。 ?11分:切题。思想表达清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语法错误。 ?14分:切题。思想表达清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好,基本上无语法错误。仅有个别小错误。 ?注:白卷、所写内容与题目毫不相关或只有几个孤立的词而无法表达思想,则给0分。 (5)字数不足应酌情扣分。 题目中给出主题句、起始句和结束句,均不得记入所写字数。 只写一段者:0-4分;只写两段者,0-9分(指规定三段的作文) (6)各档作文相当于百分制的得分,列表如下,称为得分率。其中9分的得分率为60分(相当于百分制的60分)。


工程造价管理试题及答 案 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

工程造价管理试题及答案 单选 1、工程造价的两种管理是指( B )。 A 建设工程投资费用管理和工程造价计价依据管理 B 建设工程投资费用管理和工程价格管理 C 工程价格管理和工程造价专业队伍建设管理 D 工程造价管理和工程造价计价依据管理 2、进口设备运杂费中运输费的运输区间是指( C )。 A 出口国供货地至进口国边境港口或车站 B 出口国的边境港口或车站至进口国的边境 港口或车站C 进口国的边境港口或车站至工地仓库D 出口国的边境港口或车站至工地仓库 3、某个新建项目,建设期为3年,分年均衡进行贷款,第一年贷款400万元,第二年贷款 500万元,第三年贷款400万元,贷款年利率为10%,建设期内利息只计息不支付,则建设期贷款利息为( A )万元。 A 205.7 B 356.27 C 521.897 D 435.14 4、已知某挖土机挖土的一个工作循环需2分钟,每循环一次挖土0.5m3,工作班的延续时间为8小时,时间利用系数K=0.85,则每台班产量定额为( C )。 A 12.8 m3/台班 B 15 m3/台班 C 102 m3/台班 D 120 m3/台班 5、某项目总投资为3000万元,单项工程总费用为1800万元,建筑单位工程费用为700万元,建设单位管理费率为2.4%,则建设单位管理费为( B )万元。 A 72 B 43.2 C 28.8 D 16.8 6、工程定额计价法计算建安工程造价由( D )组成。 A 直接工程费、间接费、利润、增值税 B 直接费、间接费、利润、营业税 C 直接工程费、间接费、利润、营业税 D 直接费、间接费、利润、税金 7、工程量清单计价规范中门窗工程量按( C )计算。 A 框外围平方米 B 洞口平方米 C 樘 D 数量 8、建设项目可行性研究报告的主要内容是( C )。 A 市场研究、技术研究和风险预测研究 B 经济研究、技术研究和综合研究 C 市场研究、技术研究和效益研究 D 经济研究、技术研究和资源研究 9、项目可行性研究阶段的投资估算,是( C )的重要依据。 A 主管部门审批项目建议书 B建设贷款计划 C项目投资决策 D 项目资金筹措 10、当初步设计达到一定深度,建筑结构比较明确时,编织建筑工程概算可以采用( C )。 A 单位工程指标法 B 概算指标法 C 概算定额法 D 类似工程概算法 11、审查施工图预算的方法很多,其中全面、细致、质量高的方法是( C )。 A 分组计算审查法 B 对比法 C 全面审查法 D 筛选法 12、根据《招标投标法》,两个以上法人或者其他组织组成一个联合体,以一个投标人的身份共同投标是( A )。 A 联合投标 B 共同投标 C 合作投标 D 协作投标 13、在采用成本加酬金合同价时,为了有效地控制工程造价,下列形式中最好采用( D )。 A 成本加固定金额酬金 B 成本加固定百分比酬金 C 成本加最低酬金 D 最高限额成本加固定最大酬金 14、根据合同文本,工程变更价款通常由( C )提出,报()批准。 A 工程师、业主 B 承包商、业主 C 承包商、工程师 D 业主、承包商 15、竣工决算的计量单位是( A )。 A 实物数量和货币指标 B 建设费用和建设成果 C 固定资产价值、流动资产价值、无形 资产价值、递延和其他资产价值 D 建设工期和各种技术经济指标

2019-2020-雅思阅读同义词替换(剑八TEST 3)-实用word文档 (2页)

2019-2020-雅思阅读同义词替换(剑八TEST 3)-实用word文档 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 雅思阅读同义词替换(剑八TEST 3) 雅思阅读同义词替换 Cambridge 8 TEST 3 1. building = property = construction n .建筑 2. support = back = be behind = in support of = back somebody up v .支持 3. financial support = fund = financial aid 资助 4. stumbling block = difficulty = trouble n .麻烦 5. create = generate = form = produce v .形成 6. direct = guide = lead = instruct = give order / instruction v .指导 7. beam = laser = ray = glow = glare n .光线,激光 8. aim = direct at = purpose = point = idea = objective = goal = target n .目的 9. test in real = field test 实地测试 10. genius = giftedness / talent / intellectual = intelligence = brains = brilliant = wisdom n .天才 11. inherit = run in family = receive = get = be given = be awarded v .继承 12. talent = prodigy = skill = ability = craftsmanship = flair = have a knack = a natural ability to do something well n .才能,技能 13. lessen = minimize = subside = lighten = relieve = ease = allay v .减少


IQ TEST 1. There are segments (线段) and triangles (三角形) in the following diagram. A. 35; 12 B. 40; 15 C. 28; 28 D. 42; 18 2. It takes 48 seconds (秒) to go upstairs in the lift from the first floor to the fourth. How many seconds does it take to go from the first floor to the eight in the same lift? A. 92 B. 96 C. 112 D. 116 3. The letters in the puzzle stand for (代表) the numbers 0 to 5. Can you work it out? A C D B C + C E D B D F B A D C 4. There are twenty caps in a room. Ten of them are red and the rest of them are green. It is late at night. There is no lamp (灯) in room. You go into the room to get two caps and you can ’t see the colour. How many caps must you take out at least (至少) if you want to get two caps of the same colour? A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Nineteen 5. IQ TEST 1. There are segments (线段) and triangles (三角形) in the following diagram. A. 35; 12 B. 40; 15 C. 28; 28 D. 42; 18 2. It takes 48 seconds (秒) to go upstairs in the lift from the first floor to the fourth. How many seconds does it take to go from the first floor to the eight in the same lift? A. 92 B. 96 C. 112 D. 116 3. The letters in the puzzle stand for (代表) the numbers 0 to 5. Can you work it out? A C D B C + C E D B D F B A D C 4. There are twenty caps in a room. Ten of them are red and the rest of them are green. It is late at night. There is no lamp (灯) in room. You go into the room to get two caps and you can ’t see the colour. How many caps must you take out at least (至少) if you want to get two caps of the same colour? A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Nineteen 5.


Text 1 Section1 W: Good evening. King's restaurant. M: Good evening. I'm ringing about the job I understand you have vacant? W: Oh, yes. M: I'd like to find out a few more details if I may. W: Yes, of course. Can I take your name? M: It's Peter Chin. W: Ok, Peter. Well, if you want to ask about the job and then if we're both still interested, we could arrange you to come for an interview. M: Great, thanks. I'm afraid I missed the advert for the job but I heard about it from a friend. W: That's no problem at all. What would you like to know? M: Well, um, what sort of work is it- washing up? W: It's answering the phone. M: Oh, right, fine. W: And not waiting at table. M: That'll be good. And how many nights a week would it be? W: Well, we're really only busy at the weekend. M: So two nights? W: Three actually, so it would work out 12 hours a week. M: That'd be fine. It wouldn't interfere with my studies. W: Are you in the university? M: Yes, first year Physics student. W: Oh, right


湖北第二师范学院继续教育学院2010—2011学年第二学期期中考试《建筑工程造价管理》课程考试试卷(B卷) 教学部门:年级专业: 学生姓名:学号: 考试方式:(开卷、闭卷)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共16分) 1 下列不是工程造价管理的特点是(D) A 时效性 B 公正性 C 规范性 D 不准确性 2 设一次贷款本金为300万元,采用单利的模式计算利息,年利率是百分之六,经过五年后的本 利之和为(C)万元 A 300 B 350 C 390 D 400 3 工程量的计算单位中,以体积计算时,它的单位为(A) A 立方米 B 立方厘米 C 立方毫米 D 英尺 3 已知产量定额是10单位,那么时间定额是(D) A 10 B 0.5 C 1 D 0.1 4 已知一个零件的制作需要经过两个工序,第一个工序的时间定额是1工日,第二个工序的时间定额是4工日,那么这个零件的产量定额是(C) A 5 B 4 C 0.2 D 0.1 5 某投资香米在建设初期一次性投入100万元,经营期为10年,投产后每年可以获得净现金流量为10万,那么该项目的年现金系数为(C) A 10 B 1000 C 10 D 100 6 PI的含义是(C) A 利润 B 资金流量 C 现金指数 D 毛利 应该(A) 7 当项目盈利时,CI CO A 大于0 B 大于等于0 C 小于0 D 等于0 8 某项目的报告期综合人工单价为10,参照工程综合人工单价是8,那么人工费调整系数为(B) A 0.1 B 0.25 C 25 D 10


第一章动词的时与体(Tense & Aspect) 时(tense)是个语法范畴,它是表示时间区别的动词形式。英语动词只有“现在时”和“过去时”,而没有“将来时”(在英语中,表示“将来”手段多种多样,但没有一种独特的、能与“现在时”和“过去时”平起平坐的专一表示“将来”的动词形式----“将来时”)。 体(aspect)也是一个语法范畴,它表示动作或过程在一定时间内处于何种状态的动词形式。英语有进行体(progressive aspect)和完成体(perfective aspect)。进行体是由助动词be的一定形式加主动词的-ing 分词构成;完成体由助动词have的一定形式加主动词的-ed分词构成。 现在时和过去时既可以单独使用,也可以和进行体或完成体结合使用,也可以同时与完成体和进行体结合使用。这样,英语的限定动词词组便有8种时、体形式。它们分别是:一般现在时(simple present)、一般过去时(simple past)、现在进行体(present progressive)、过去进行体(past progressive)、现在完成体(present perfective)、过去完成体(past perfective)、现在完成进行体(present perfective progressive)、过去完成进行体(past perfective progressive)。在这一章中,我们单独挑出完成体来加以详述。 1.1 必须使用完成体的结构 1)It (This, This evening, yesterday...) is (was, will be) first (second, third...) time (day, month…)…结构中的分句,要求用完成体。 Is this the first time you've been to Beijing? This was the first time he had been to Beijing. This is the eighth month that I have been out of work.. This was the eighth month that I had been out of work. This is the second time that the goods produced by our factory have been shown in the International Exhibition. This was the second time that the goods produced by our factory had been shown in the International Exhibition. 2)在no sooner…than, hardly/barely/scarcely…when,等的句型中,主句要用过去完成体。 He had no sooner seen me than he left the room. No sooner had he seen me than he left the room. The helicopter had hardly landed when the waiting crowd ran toward it. Scarcely had I seen the lightning when I heard a clap of thunder. 3)将来完成体用来表示在将来某一时间以前已经完成或一直持续的动作。经常与before+将来时间或by+将来时间连用,也可与before或by the time引导的现在时的分句连用。 I will have finished all the work by the time you are back this evening. I am sure he will have left Paris by this time tomorrow. I hope we will have got all the information before you come tomorrow. By the time you get to New York, I _______for London. (2002年1月) A) would be leaving B) am leaving C) have already left D) shall have left 本题时间状语为by+将来时间,考察将来完成体用法,应选择D)。 By the time he arrives in Beijing, we ________here for two days.(2001年6月) A) have been staying B) have stayed C) shall stay D) will have stayed 将来完成体用来可以表示在将来某一时间以前一直持续的动作,本句话的意思是:我们将在这里呆两天,因此谓语动词用将来完成体,答案为D)。 1.2 现在完成体与现在完成进行体 现在完成进行体兼有现在完成体和现在进行体二者基本特点。由于它有现在完成体的特点,所以它


某工程项目发包人与承包人签订了施工合同,工期4个月,工程内容包括A、B两项分项工程,综合单价分别为360.00元/m3、220.00元/m3;管理费和利润为人材机费用之和的16%;规费和税金为人材机费用、管理费和利润之和的10%,各分项工程每月计划和实际完成工程量及单价措施项目费用见表5.1。 表5.1 分项工程工程量及单价措施项目费用数据表 总价措施项目费用6万元(其中安全文明施工费3.6万元);暂列金额15万元。 合同中有关工程价款结算与支付约定如下: 1、开工日10天前,发包人应向承包人支付合同价款(扣除暂列金额和安全文明施工费)的20%作为工程预付款,工程预付款在第 2、3个月的工程价款中平均扣回); 2、开工后10日内,发包人应向承包人支付安全文明施工费的60%,剩余部分和其它总价措施项目费用在第2、3个月平均支付; 3、发包人按每月承包人应得工程进度款的90%支付;

4、当分项工程工程量增加(或减少)幅度超过15%时,应调整综合单价,调整系数为0.9(或1.1);措施项目费按无变化考虑; 5、B分项工程所用的两种材料采用动态结算方法结算,该两种材料在B分项工程费用中所占比例分别为12%和10%,基期价格指数均为100。施工期间,经监理工程师核实及发包人确认的有关事项如下: 1、第二个月发生现场计日工的人材机费用6.8万元; 2、第四个月B分项工程动态结算的两种材料价格指数分别为110和120。 问题: 1、该工程合同价为多少万元?工程预付款为多少万元? 2.第2个月发包人应支付给承包人的工程价款为多少万元? 3、到第三个月末B分项工程的进度偏差为多少万元? 4、第四个月A、B两项分项工程的工程价款各位多少万元?发包人在该月应支付给承包人的工程价款为多少万元? 答案: 1、合同价[(360×1000+220×700)/10000+7+6+15]×(1+10%)=87.34万元 工程预付款[(360×1000+220×700)/10000+7+6-3.6]×(1+10%)×20%=13.376万元 2、第2、3月支付措施费=(6-3.6×60%)/2=1.92万元


Writing Task2 Topics 2-2 “Prevention is better than cure.” Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 3-2 When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 6-GB Using a computer everyday can have more negative than positive effects on young children. Do you agree or disagree? 5-2 In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this. 4-GB Some people believe that children should be allowed to stay at home and play until they are six or seven years old. Others believe that it is important for young children to go to school as soon as possible. What do you think are the advantages of attending school from a young age? 6-2 Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 6-4 Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 3-3 In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience important for learning and taking responsibility. What are your opinions on this? 4-2 Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness? 4-4 In many countries schools have severe problems with students behavior. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? 5-GB Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?


LitePoint IQdebug User’s Guide

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大学英语四级常考语法总结 一、虚拟语气。应着重复习能引起虚拟语气的某些介词、介词短语和连词(如lest, in case, otherwise等);一部分表示建议、主张、命令等概念的词语,由于本身隐含说话人的主观愿望,其后的主语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句往往采用“should+动词原形”;虚拟倒装句;在would rather, wish, as if, it’s time that等句型中使用适当形式表达主观愿望;混合虚拟句。 二、独立主格题。一般说来,在句子中没有连接词的情况下,逗号是无力连接两个句子的,其中一个分句要么是非谓语形式,要么是独立主格结构。两种结构都做状语,不同的是独立主格结构有自己的逻辑主语。 三、时态。英语中共有16个时态。四级考试中出现最多的是将来完成时、现在完成时、过去完成时和完成进行时。 四、名词性从句。形容词性的定语从句是考核的重点,用什么引导词,引导词前面的介词形式,引导词在从句中做什么成分,从句的语序等均有可能成为考点。此外,主语从句、同位语从句、宾语从句也应适当复习。 五、主谓一致。这类考题灵活性大,需要根据实际情况判断谓语动词的单复数形式。一部分具有生命意义的集合名词做主语时谓语动词多采用复数形式,如people, poultry, militia等;用and连接的成分表单一概念时谓语动词用单数;就近原则:主语中含有某些连词(如as well as, besides, in addition to等)时,谓语动词的数同第一个主语保持一致。

六、倒装结构。分为全部倒装和部分倒装。那些否定词(组)、介词短语能引起倒装句,部分倒装和全部倒装有和区别,as在倒装结构中的用法及意义等等,都是考生应当重视的地方。 七、非谓语动词。①根据非谓语动词同其所修饰的名词或逻辑主语的一致关系,确定使用主动语态或被动语态,然后考虑采用现在分词、现在分词被动式或过去分词;②非谓语动词同主句谓语动词动作发生的先后关系。动作正在进行的用现在分词进行式,同时发生或不分先后发生的用现在现在分词一般式或过去分词;在主句谓语动词之前发生的用现在分词完成式、不定式完成式;发生在主句谓语动词之后的多用不定式一般式;③表状态多用分词,表目的多用不定式。


2019年雅思考试阅读理解模拟练习试题及答案A. When Denis Hennequin took over as the European boss of McDonald’s in January 2004,the world’s biggest restaurant chain was showing signs of recovery in America and Australia,but sales in Europe were sluggish or declining.One exception was France,where Mr Hennequin had done a sterling job as head of the group’s French subsidiary to sell more Big Macs to his compatriots.His task was to replicate this success in all 41 of the European countries where anti- globalisers’favourite enemy operates. B. So far Mr Hennequin is doing https://www.360docs.net/doc/8d8416510.html,st year European sales increased by 5.8%and the number of customers by 3.4%, the best annual results in nearly 15 years.Europe accounted for 36%of the group’s profits and for 28%of its sales.December was an especially good month as customers took to seasonal menu offerings in France and Britain,and to a promotion in Germany based on the game of Monopoly. C Mr Hennequin’s recipe for revival is to be more open about his company’s operations,to be“locally relevant”,and to improve the experience of visiting his 6,400 restaurants.McDonald’s is blamed for making people fat,exploiting workers,treating animals cruelly,polluting the environment and simply for being American.Mr Hennequin says


洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌 ④在same和such之后,定语从句用as引导, 如:Let’s discuss only such questions as concern us. 让我们只讨论与我们有关的问题。 I’ve never heard such stories as he tells. 我从来没听说过他讲的这种故事。 I shall be surprised if he does this in the same way as I do. 如果他做这件事的方法和我一样,那就奇怪了。 She works in the same office as I do. 她和我在同一个办公室工作。 She wears the same kind of clothes as her sister does. 她姐妹俩穿同样的衣服。 He’s wearing the same dress as he wore at Mary’s wedding. 他穿着与他在Mary的婚礼上穿的一样的衣服。 This is the same watch as I have lost. 这块表和我丢的那块一样。 I’ve never seen such kind of people as they are. 我从来没见过像他们这样的人。 I’ve never seen such kind people as they are. 我从来没见过象他们这样厚道的人。 I want the same shirt as my friend’s. 我要一件跟我朋友一样的衬衫。 Such machines as are used in our workshop are made in china. 我们车间使用的这种机器是中国制造的。 但是,如果从句和主句的动作在将来不同的时间发生,则两部分都要用来将来时, 注:④在same和such之后,定语从句用as引导, 偶尔,the same 后面也用that, 如:He’s wearing the same suit that he wore at Mary’s wedding. 他穿着与他在Mary的婚礼上穿的一样的衣服。 She works in the same office that I do. 她和我在同一个办公室工作。 This is the same watch that I have lost. 这块表和我丢的那块一样。 as 引导非限定性定语从句即可放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后,用来修饰整个句子。当as在从句中作主语时,后面常接下列句型。如:as is known, as is said, as is reported as is announced 等。 例如:As we all know, Mr. Wang is a good teacher.


2018年一级造价工程师《造价管理》真题及答案(完整版) 一、单项选择题(共60题,每题1分。每题的备选项中,只有1个最符合题意) 1、下列工程计价文件中,由施工承包单位编制的是()。 A. 工程概算文件 B. 施工图结算文件 C. 工程结算文件 D. 竣工决算文件 2、下列工作中,属于工程发承包阶段造价管理工作内容的是()。 A. 处理工程变更 B. 审核工程概算 C. 进行工程计量 D. 编制工程量清单 3、根据《工程造价咨询企业管理力法》,工程造价咨询企业资质有效期为()年。 A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 4、根据《工程造价咨询企业管理办法》,乙级工程造价咨询企业中专职从事工程造价专业工作的人员不应少于()人。 A. 6 B. 8 C. 10 D. 12 5、美国工程造价估算中,材料费和机械使用费估算的基础是()。 A. 现行市场行情或市场租赁价

B. 联邦政府公布的上月信息价 C. 现行材料及设备供应商报价 D. 预计项目实施时的市场价 6. 根据《建设工程质量管理条例》在正常使用条件下,给排水管道工程的最低保修期限为()年 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 5 7. 根据《招标投标法实施条例》,依法必须进行招标的项目可以不进行招标的情形是()。 A. 受自然环境限制只有少量潜在投标人 B. 需要釆用不可替代的专利或者专有技术 C. 招标费用占项目合同金额的比例过大 D. 因技术复杂只有少量潜在投标人 8. 根据《招标投标法实施条例》,投标人认为招投标活动不符合法律法规规定的,可以自知道或应当知道之日起()日内向行政监督部门投诉。 A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. 30 9. 根据《合同法》与无权代理人签订合同的相对人可以催告被代理人在()个月内予追认。 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 6 10. 根据《合同法》,当事人既约定违约金,又约定定金的,一方违约时,对方的正确处理方式
