



1. --- I don't know how to the old books.

--- You can give them away to poor children.

A. hand in

B. take up

C. deal with

D. give up

2. The traffic in the city be terrible, but now it has improved a lot. I think you

will it soon.

A. use to; use to

B. get used to; used to

C. used to; get used to

3. --- How are you getting on with your new classmates?

--- Not bad! But I don't have any close friends to talk to. Sometimes, I feel .

A. happy

B. bad

C. alone

D. lonely

4. This kind of plant is seen in our city because it lives 4500m above sea level and is hard

to find.

A. commonly

B. always

C. seldom

D. easily

5. --- Did you get the points at the meeting?

--- Yes, of course. I listened all the time.

A. careful enough

B. carefully enough

C. enough careful

D. enough carefully

6. Tom is a boy and his little sister Jean is only .

A. fifteen-year-old; five-year-old

B. fifteen years old; five-year-old

C. fifteen-year-old; five years old

D. fifteen years old; five years old

7. --- Is everybody here today?

--- Li Ming is from class, because he is ill.

A. absent

B. different

C. far

D. humorous

8. --- What is your boss doing?

--- He is busy somebody who will be the CEO in our company.

A. interviewing

B. offering

C. replying

D. guarding

9. --- Why was he excited?

--- Because he made a good in the examination and his father was of him.

A. speech; proud

B. mistake; afraid

C. influence; pride

D. score; proud

10. --- Your sister used to have long hair, ?

--- Yes, she did. But now she has short hair.

A. did she

B. does she

C. didn't she

D. doesn't she

11. --- , Kang Li!

--- Yes, I used to be shy but now I'm pretty outgoing.

A. You look beautiful

B. You're so shy

C. You've changed a lot

D. You stay the same

12. All the students are to show their students' cards when they enter the library.

A. required

B. allowed

C. warned

D. proved

13. Smoking is bad for our health. You had better smoking.

A. give out

B. give off

C. give away

D. give up

14. --- These days, there are more and more people buying cars.

--- Yes, the traffic is becoming worse and worse.

A. little

B. big

C. good

D. private

15. --- Now many stars are giving away money to the poor areas.

--- This is what the people there most need.

A. exactly

B. quite

C. luckily

D. helpfully


Dear teacher,

I was a student of yours in Grade Six, and I hope you still remember me. I'm 16 this letter because I want to let you know that the school year with you was important and special to me.

I know I 17 be very quiet in your class, and you never said much to me. But you did something that made a big 18 in my life. You see, all through my first year in schools, I hated to read. Books were just words that had 19 to do with me, and I felt bored while reading them. I'll never 20 the first day of Grade Six when you took out a thick book and began to read the story to our class. It 21 that your voice changed with the people in the story, and you drew pictures in my mind as you read 22 . Since that day, I always waited for the time that you read to the class. You 23 us all kinds of wonderful stories.

During the summer after my year in your class, I 24 the stories you read. So one day I picked up a book and read it all by myself. I found out that I could make the words 25 , too. Now, I love to read! Thank you for opening the world of books for me.



16. A. watching B. reading C. writing D. getting

17. A. used B. used to C. was used D. was used to

18. A. difference B. mistake C. decision D. progress

19. A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything

20. A. remember B. know C. forget D. understand

21. A. liked B. looked C. looked like D. seemed

22. A. loudly B. quiet C. aloud D. quietly

23. A. told B. read C. borrowed D. taught

24. A. finished B. practiced C. missed D. kept

25. A. boring B. patient C. interesting D. necessary



I used to hate my mother because she worked a lot and didn't spend much time with me. Then one Friday morning I took part in a three-day self-help program for teenagers. Whether you believe it or not, that weekend changed my life.

About 100 other teenagers were there. During the first two days I met a lot of great people. I was glad because I made so many friends there.

On Sunday, the leader did an interesting exercise called "Chocolate or Toys". He asked a girl which she liked better, chocolate or toys. She chose chocolate. Then he asked her to choose again between chocolate and chocolate. Of course, she didn't have a choice.

This exercise told us that sometimes we don't have a choice in life, and that sometimes we have to accept something, rather than complaining(抱怨).

A girl stood up and started talking about her mom who was a drug addict (吸毒者) and how much she hated her mother.

"I want a new mom," she cried.

"Unluckily, you can't have one," the leader replied.

"You have to accept the mother that you have."

This hit me hard. I realized that, for better or worse, my mom was my mom. I couldn't choose another mom, but I could try to make the best of the situation.

26. The writer used to hate his mother because .

A. she didn't care for him

B. she had no time to be with him

C. she was a drug addict

D. she was too strict with him

27. The self-help program for teenagers lasted .

A. a week

B. two days

C. three days

D. only one day

28. The writer started to change his thinking .

A. during the first two days of the program

B. after the exercise named "Chocolate or Toys"

C. as soon as he came to the program

D. after he left the program some time

29. From the end of the passage, we can know that .

A. the writer used to love his mom for years

B. the writer's mom is a very bad person

C. the writer's mom loves her son very much


2008-2009学年度济宁泗水县第一学期八年级阶段性达标测试 英语试卷 第I卷(选择题) 一、听力测试 (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出能应答录音中所听句子的最佳答案。 1.A.I'm staying at home.B.I'm visiting my cousin.C.No,I'm not. 2.A.She is a teacher.B.She is from Australia.C.She is at school. 3.A.Yes,I like it.B.Yes,I'd love to.C.No.I don't think so.4.A.Sorry,I can't.B.I take the bus.C.I like it very much.5.A.Don't worry.B.That's too bad.C.I have a stomachache. (二)听下面五组对话和五个问题,每组对话和问题听两遍,然后从各小题的A B C三各选项中能回答问题的正确一项。 6.A.On Saturday。B.On Sunday.C.Twice a week. 7.A.Tara is shorter than Tina.B.Tara is taller than Tina.C.Tina is shorter than Tara. 8.A.He's going to the beach.B.He's looking after his sister.C.He's babysitting his brother. 9.A.30 minutes.B.45 minutes.C.15 minutes. 10.A.By train.B.By bus.C.By air. (三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍,然后从11一15各小题A B C三个选项中选出正确答案 11.Who is Tom? A.He's Kate's father. B.He's Kate's friend. C.He's Kate's teacher. 12.When is Kate's birthday?


八年级下册英语期末试题 (120分)姓名 Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分) ( )1. China is ____ beautiful ____ many foreigners want to visit it. A. so; that B. so a; that C. such; that D. such a; that ()2. Beijing Opera sounds ____. Many old people like it. A. beautifull y B. beautiful C. well D. badly ()3. Judy said that she ________a nice skirt in Beijing. A. buy B. buys C. bought D. buying ( )4. —Does Ted tell you ____ he will come next week? —No, he doesn’t. But ____ he comes, I’ll give you a ring. A. if; whether B. whether; whether C. if; if D. if; until ( )5. —How careful Jim is! —He writes ____ in our class. A. more careful B. most carefully C. most careful D. more carefully ( )6. The menu has so many good things! I can’t decide ____. A. what to eat B. how to eat C. where to eat D. when to eat ()7. ---Would you like ___bowl of rice? ---No,thanks. A. other B. another C. the other D. others ( )8. The girl wanted to make a lot of money ____ she could buy the silk cheongsam. A. and B. but C. so that D. because ( )9. In summer, we often have fun ____ in the river. A. to swim B. swims C. swam D. swimming ( )10. Tom said he ____ at that time. A. is cooking B. cooked C. was cooking D. cooks ()11. Look !Here ____! A. the bus come B. come the bus C. comes the bus D. the bus comes . ( )12. The policewoman stopped the man from ____ something bad. A. do B. doing C. does D. will do ( )13. —It’s necessary ____ our environment. —I agree with you. A. protect B. protecting C. to protect D. protects ( )14. There ____ a food festival next Wednesday. A. has B. have C. is going to have D. is going to be ( )15. Yesterday Mr. Wang told us the earth always ____ around the sun. A. to go B. goes C. went D. going Ⅱ. 情景交际。(20分) (A)根据对话情景选择恰当的选项。 A. Here you are. B. Would you like some


教材分析: 一、知识整合看教材 本书为鲁教版(2013新版)义务教育教科书八年级上册。从语法上看,共涉及4个时态:一般现在时,过去进行时,一般过去时和现在完成时。其中过去进行时(Unit3)和现在完成时(Unit6,Unit7,Unit8)是新学知识。第七单元以好玩的地方为话题继续学习现在完成时。至此课标要求的6种时态全部学完。对于学生来说现在完成时是最难掌握的。放在最后学习体现了教材,循序渐进,有简到难的编写原则,而Unit7在中间位置,起到承上启下的作用。 二、看教材编写体例 八年级上册共分8个单元。每个单元主要分为Section A和Section B两个部分。Section A 是基本的教学内容,着重于听说训练,兼顾语法学习;Section B在Section A的基础上将话题进一步拓展,除听说外着重训练学生的阅读和写作技能,帮助学生灵活运用所学语言进行口、笔头输出。教材的单元结构体现了“先听说、后读写、再评价”的教学思路。 三、走进文本看教材 本单元的中心话题为谈论好玩的地方。Section A谈论学生就近游玩的地方,如博物馆,水上公园等。Section B继续将话题扩展。Section B第一课时谈论中国的旅游景点,如长城,故宫,兵马俑,鸟巢等。是一节听说课。本节课属于Section B第二课时,谈论新加坡旅游方面的基本信息。是一节阅读课。语篇分为4段,从5个方面介绍新加坡:地理位置,语言,食物,动物园,气候。从体裁上说是介绍新加坡旅游信息的说明文。第三课时为写作课。 为了更好地体现读写结合的原则,我将第二、三课时进行了整合,读后加入了写作环节:介绍中国的城市。这样有利于学生及时运用所学知识进行语言输出。 四、版本对比看教材 与旧教材相比,2013版新教材有以下特点:1、读前、读中活动设计更加具体,利于学生运用阅读策略。2、标题由“Have you ever been to Singapore?”变为“Singapore—A Place You Will Never Forget!”新标题更能体现文章中心思想,便于学生猜测文章大意。3、调整了第三段句子顺序,突出逻辑关系,有利于培养学生的逻辑推理能力。对比发现新教材更加突出了阅读课的中心任务:培养学生运用阅读策略获取有效信息的能力。 五、课程教学资源开发与利用 为了更好的完成阅读课的教学任务,除了利用文本信息外,我在第二段加入了听力练习:听录音找新加坡的食物;第三段将文本转换为视频:看新加坡夜间动物园的视频,将句子排序;第四段将文本转为小组对话活动,调动学生学习积极性。最后的写作任务给学生提供了丰富多彩的

八年级下英语期末测试卷 人教版附答案

八年级英语下册期末测试及答案 二、单项选择(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 21 . Mr Black broke his leg and he got _________ X-ray just now. A. a B. an C. the D./ ( )22.—I should know what to do next. —Yeah,It’s time to make a _________. A. decision B. risk C. mistake D. difference ( )23.—Do you have lots of good friends, Mary? —No,I only have______.But all of them are kind to me. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( )24.—What did mother say just now? —Sorry. I ______ to the weather report on TV. A. listen B. listened C. was listening D. have listened ( )25.—I’d like a latest English Weekly,please! —There is only one left.Would you like to have________? A. one B. this C. that D. it ( ) 26. This is ______ music I’ve ever heard. I enjoy it very much. A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. the most beautiful D. the least beautiful ( ) 27. The Greens have ______ here for three years. A. came B. got C. lived D. left ( )28.—________ have you had the habit of watching English movies every week? —Since I was 12. A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How old ( ) 29. It rained _____ heavily yesterday that I had to stay at home. A. too B. very C. quite D. so ( )30The school bus safety has become a hot topic. It receives________ Internet hits (点击)a day. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of D. thousand


八年级英语试题卷 2019.01 考生须知: 1、试卷分为试题卷(共8页)和答题卷(共2页);满分为100分;考试时间为90 分钟。 2、所有答案写在答题卷上,做在试题卷上不得分;请勿在装订线内答题。 3、请在答题卷装订线内写上考生所在班级、姓名、试场号、座位号。 听力部分(20分) 第一节:听小对话,选择正确的图片,每段对话仅读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分。)1. What is the woman making? A. B. C. 2. What does Tim want to be? A. B. C. 3. What will the girl do if she goes to the old people’s home? A. B. C. 4. Where is Miss Li from? A. B. C. 5. Which cinema has the biggest screen? A. B. C. 第二节:听小对话,选择正确的选项,每段对话仅读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分。) 6. How many people did Dave invite to his birthday party? A. Four. B. Three. C. Two. 7. What kind of TV show will the boy watch? A. A game show. B. A talent show. C. A talk show. 8. What was the weather like yesterday? A. It was rainy. B. It was sunny. C. It was snowy. 9. How will they get to the theater? A. By bike. B. By car. C. By bus. 10. What did Tom do on Sunday? A. He learned how to swim. B. He watched a swimming game. C. He swam with his brother.


Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )21. Liu Jing’s mother is very kind and she often speaks _______ a kind way. A. for B. by C. in D. of ( )22. Her own twelve pictures sold very well, _______ to friends and family. A. usually B. Mostly C. Hardly D. recently ( )23. I don’t like this house with only two small bedrooms. Let’s ask for _______. A. one B. another C. the other D. others ( )24. —Susan, I went to the 31st International Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin. —Really? I have _______ heard about it. A. already B. ever C. never D. yet ( )25. I forgot to take the _______ with me to Portugal, so I didn’t take any photos. A. camera B. alarm C. report D. record ( )26. Sally is interested in English. Her teacher encouraged her _______ it well. A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learned ( )27. —Linda, is that man your English teacher Mr. Huang? —No, it can’t be him. He _______ Beijing for training. A. has gone to B. has been to C. was in D. goes to ( )28. About _______ of the students in that village go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. A. two fifth B. two fifths C. second five D. second fives ( )29. The car is five years old but is in almost _______ condition. A. poor B. perfect C. serious D. typical ( )30. As soon as the iPhone 6 came out, _______ people couldn’t wait to buy one. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of ( )31. I got there early so that I _______ others’ ideas about the plan before the meeting began. A. introduced B. protected C. collected D. controlled ( )32. When I left the hospital, the doctor said to me, “Don’t be worried. You’ll be all right in _______ days.” A. a couple of B. a kind of C. a piece of D. a bit of ( )33. —What is the best time of day for us _______ you? —Oh, any time is OK. A. visit B. to visit C. visiting D. visited ( )34. Health experts _______ that lots of people would have flu this winter because the weather is unusual. A. discussed B. promised C. feared D. advised ( )35.—I haven’t been to the Bird’s Nest. What about you? —_______. I am planning to go there this weekend. A. Me too B. Me neither C. So did I D. Neither did I Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 When I was young, I liked climbing mountains with my father. When we walked together,


2012学年初二期末英语试卷及答案 本卷共五大题,满分100分。 一、单项选择(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. ---Which ball game do you like better, basketball or baseball? --- _______. I love table tennis. A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. Each ( ) 2. —I am allowed to hang out with friends on weekends. —_____. A. So should I B. So can I C. So am I D. So do I ( ) 3. --- Could you tell me you’ll be away ? --- Only one week. A. how much B. how soon C. how often D. how long ( ) 4. Do you know ? A.how old is Jack B. Where does he live C. when was Jack born D. Who cleaned the room ( ) 5. ______nice weather we have today ! ----Let’s go hiking . A. How a B. What a C. How D . What ( ) 6. Tom never smiles , dose he ? ----- _______. He is always serious . A. Yes , he does B. No, he doesn’t C. Yes, he doesn’t D. No , he does ( ) 7. —I think we teenagers _____ to make every decision by ourselves. —I disagree, we are still young and need our parents’ and teachers’ help. A. should allow B. must allow C. should be allowed D. may be allowed ( ) 8. The old man______since two years ago. A. died B. had died C. has been dead D. had been died ( ) 9. My grandpa often feels _____ at noon, so he will have a rest at that time every day. A. asleep B. sleepy C. awake D. energetic ( ) 10 ---It seems that my friends don’t understand me. --- Don’t worry. I’m sure you will _____ them if you are friendly to them. A. get along well with B. catch up with C. agree with D. end up with 二、完型填空。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分。) 阅读下面短文,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 The teacher stood before his class and was going to hand out the final exam papers. “I know how ___ (11) you have all worked to prepare for this test,” he said. “And because I know you can do it well, I am willing to offer a B to anyone who would ___ (12) not to take the test.


第二学期期中质量调研 八年级英语试题 (考试范围: 至牛津初中英语8下 Unit4) 注意事项:1.本试卷共10页,满分100分。考试时间90分钟。 2.请将答案全部填写在第7—10页的答题纸上,在1—6页上答题无效。 第一卷(共63分) 一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) A) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 1. Which sign didn’t the woman notice? A B C 2. What does David need? A B C 3. A B C 4. A B C 5. What is the woman worried? A. It will be too hot. B. They will leave too early. C. There will be too many people if they don’t leave early. 6. How much did the woman pay for all those things? A. 25 yuan. B. 18 yuan. C. 32 yuan.

7. What does Betty spend her money on now? A. Clothes. B. Shoes. C. Books. 8. Who thinks diving is more exciting? A. Diana. B. Betty. C. Ricky. 9. Why is the woman against the plan? A. Because the plan is necessary. B. Because the shoe factory will bring a lot of money. C. Because the environment will be harmed(损伤). 10. What does the woman mean? A. She has enough notes for both of them. B. She has another pen for him. C. She herself has no more pens. B) 听对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间来选择你认为最合适的答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11—12小题。 11. Where is the man going? A. To the city library. B. To the railway station. C. To the new park. 12. Why can’t the man find his place? A. This is his first time to come here. B. He has a wrong map. C. Things have changed a lot. 听第二段对话,完成信息记录表第13—15小题。 13. A. Two B. Three C. Four 14. A. at 5:00 B. at 4:30 C. at 5:30 15. A. near the door B. next to the window C. by the flower table 听第三段独白,回答第16—20小题 16. Why is a bicycle sometimes better than a car in the town? A. It has a basket at the front. B. It is much cheaper than a car. C. It is often faster than a car. 17. Who can the speaker take to school and the library by bicycle? A. Her little son. B. Her little daughter. C. Her husband. 18. In which season does the speaker use her bike most? A. In summer. B. In winter. C. In autumn. 19. When does the speaker’s husband use the bicycle? A. When he goes for a picnic. B. When he goes to his office.


八年级英语鲁教版重点 知识 集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]

八年级英语鲁教版重点知识整理 短语: 1、yard sale 现场出售,院子买卖 2、check out 检查 check up 检查,清理 3、look through 看穿;仔细检查;穿过…看;对(某人)视而不见 look up 向上看;查找;改善;拜访 look for 寻找 look after 照顾,照料,料理 4、say goodbye to sb 道别 see you again I'll be seeing you.; So long. 5、no longer 不再,已不 not any more no more not any longer 6、part with 失去,卖掉,与…分割开 7、as for 至于;关于 8、to be honest 说实话 (to) tell the truth 9、clear out 清除;离开;洗劫一空 10、be back to 回来,放回 depart from 离开 11、 one of ……中的一个 12、be away 离开,出发 13、be full of 充满 14、run around 东奔西跑 look around 四周环顾 around the world 全世界 around three hours 大约三小时 15、hundreds of 数以百计的 16、close to 离…近,与…关系亲密 17、for/since 区别

(1)since 的四种用法 ①、since + 过去一个时间点(如具体的年、月、日期、钟点、ago. 1990 , last month , half past six I have been here since 1990. 1990起,我一直在这儿。 ②、since+ 一段时间+ago I h a v e b e e n h e r e s i n c e f i v e m o n t h s a g o。自从五个月 前,我已经在这儿了。 ③、since+从句Great Changes have taken place since you left. 自从你走后,已经发生了很大的变化。 ④、It is +一段时间+since从句 I t i s t w o y e a r s s i n c e I b e c a m e a n E n g l i s h t e a c h e r.我成为英语老师有两年了。 (2、)Since 和for区别 ①、Since +时间点,具体时间 “自从、、、、以来,从、、、以后” 用来说明动作起始时间 I have been in Beijing since 2010. ②、For + 时间段,用来说明动作延续时间长度,因此句中的谓语动词, 也应该是延续性动词。 I have been in Beijing for one year。 We have learnt English for about three years. I have been here for 3 days. (对) I have arrived here for 3 days.(误) 6、18、either; too; also; as well 的区别 (1)、as well常用作状语,作“又;也”解,相当于too或also,常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开. 如: I am going to London and my sister is going as well(= going,too). (2)、as well 可以直接用于just后,用作应答语(可视为It's just as well、的省略),作“幸亏,幸而;无妨;没关系”解. 如:—We were too late to see the film. —Just as well、I hear it isn't very good. (3)、also,either与too三者都是“也”的意思,also ,too 用于肯定句,其中also用于句中,too用于句尾,且前面有逗号;either用于否定句,且前面有逗号。例如:His father is a doctor; his mother is


笔试部分(75分) VI. 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) 26. Jack wants to be ________ engineer when he grows up. A. a B. an C. the D. / 27. Children usually enjoy ________ computer games. A. play B. plays C. playing D. played 28. The place was ________ beautiful ________ we didn’t want to leave. A. such; that B. too; to C. so; that D. much; to 29. We must work hard. There ________ an important exam next month. A. will have B. is going to have C. will be D. has 30. Their factory is very large. Every year _________people go to visit it. A. thousand B. two thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of 31. ---________ do you have a sports meeting at your school? ---Every year. A. What time B. How long C. How far D. How often 32. I want to go ________ for my winter vacation. A. somewhere different B. different somewhere C. anywhere different D. different anywhere 33. Mary will go to Beijing if she ________ a five-day trip. A. have B. had


初二英语试卷 一首字母填空(10分)靠靠你的记忆力,加油阿 1 Thank you for your I____ to go to the movies next week. 2 My mother is busy with housework .I have to b___ my sister. 3 I like to listen to music when I am f____. 4 It’s a p____ that you can’t go with you. 5 I’m still hungry , please give me a___ one. 6 It took him the w___ morning to study for the test. 7 Can you come o_____ to my house to help me with my English. 8 We have to s___ for the math test. 9 Richard is going to be an a____, so he is going to take acting lesson 10 She can speak three f_____ languages , such as English ,French and Japanese . 二、单项选择(20分) ( )1.There is _____with the computer. A.something wrong B.anything wrong C.wrong something D.wrong anything ()2.Don’t forget the lights when you leave the classroom. A.turn on B.turn off C.to turn on D.to turn off ()3.—Can you come to my party?—. A.No, I’d love to B.Sure , I’d love to C.No, I can’t D.I’d love ()4.There is snow here in winter. A.too much B.too many C.much too D.many ()5.Thanks for . A.to ask B.asking C.ask D.asked ()6.Let’s ask the man us. A.help B.to help C.helping D.helps ()7.What about for a walk?. A.to take B.take C.takes D.taking ()8.—Must I do it now? —. A.No, you needn’t B.Yes , you mustn’t C.No , you must D.No, you mustn’t ()9.Do you mind the windows? A.my open B.my opening C.I open D.to pen ()10. Can you my house? https://www.360docs.net/doc/8f8704712.html,e B.came C.came to https://www.360docs.net/doc/8f8704712.html,e over to ()11. of the two men is my uncle. A.The older B.older C.The old D.The oldest ()12.Lucy’s Skirt is nicer than. A.Lily’s B.Lily C.Lilys D.Lilys ()13.The weather(天气)in Guangzhou is hotter than in Haerbin


八年级下英语试卷 一、听力理解 A. 听句子(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 根据句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,把最佳选项的字母编号写在题号前的括号内。每小题听一遍。 ()1.What does the man want? A B C ()2.How will the man go to work ? A B C ()3. What is Lucy doing? A B C ()4.Whom are they talking about? A B C ()5.Which sign is talked about? B.听对话(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 回答每段对话后面的问题。在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母编号写在题号前的括号内。每段对话听两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第6题。 ( ) 6.How long has Tom been watching TV this afternoon? A.Three hours B.Less than three hours C More than three hours 听第二段对话,回答第7-8题。 ( ) 7.What’s the best gift the girl has ever received? A.A piano B. A watch C.A guitar. ( ) 8. When did the girl get it? A. On her fifth birthday B. On her sixth birthday

C. On her fourth birthday 听第三段对话,回答第9-10题。 ( ) 9. Does the boy think the scarf is boring? A.Yes, he does B.No, he doesn’t C.We don’t know ( ) 10.What would the boy get his teacher? A.A calendar B. Some flowers C. A hat C.听短文(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳选项,并将其字母编号写在题号前的括号内,本题听两遍。 ( ) 11. What will they go to spend their holiday? A. Sanya B.Shanghai C. Hongkong ( ) 12. What will they have in order to visit his aunt in Sanya? A.Money B.Time C.Clothes ( ) 13. What can they do in Sanya? A.Go swimming B.Go boating C. Go fishing. ( ) 14. What can they wear in Sanya in May? A.Sweater B.Coats C.Skirts ( ) 15. Who will they phone to book the tickets? A.Advertising agency B.The travel agent C. My friend D.听填信息(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 下面你将听到一段有关老师对学生评价的短文。请你根据所听到的内容填写信息,本题听两遍。 二、单项选择(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。) 在每小题四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,将其字母编号填在题号前的括号里内。 ( ) 21. Our school team ___________ the football game next time. A.has won B.will win C.is winning D.wins
