传媒英语 Unit 3

传媒英语 Unit 3
传媒英语 Unit 3

Unit 3 Magazine


Background Information

Keys to the Exercises


Supplementary Material for T ask

Part One Background Information

1. Information related to lead-in question1.

What is a magazine?

Magazines are such a popular and familiar form that it may seem strange even to ask this question. Nevertheless let’s see what the dictionary says.

Magazine n.. a periodic paperback publication containing articles, fiction, photographs, etc.

The Collins Concise Dictionary The first point to note is the reference to frequency. Magazines are issued at regular intervals either weekly, fortnightly, monthly or quarterly. The next reference is to the material form of magazines. Paperback is a term now used to refer to a type of book rather than a magazine, but you may know older people who prefer to magazines as books. The quality of the material of today’s magazines can vary; weekly publications are made of a cheaper quality paper whereas monthly magazines are higher quality ,often using glossy paper. The quality of the paper can have an effect on the connotations which a word or concept has for the reader, for example, glossy paper connotes sophistication and glamour. These are the magazines which are likely to be found adorning coffee tables, the type that people like to show off. The last reference in our definition concerns the content of magazines-articles, fiction and photographs---which relates to the original meaning of the word magazine. “storehouse of information”. This heterogeneity (a composition of unrelated parts) is perhaps the magazine’s most obvious feature. Although the format has changed over the years these three items are a staple of many magazines. Some magazines aimed at young women used to combine fiction and photographs which produced the photostory. This particular form is now outdated but illustrates the point that the format of magazines changes with the times.

A glance at the newsagents shelves shows that the magazine genre covers a broad spectrum: there are special interest magazines dealing with topics like computing, DIY, household crafts and music, to name just a few and the language of these magazines will reflect their specialist nature. There are also what are referred to as “center of interest” magazines which are aimed at a much wider audience. Most recently the magazine format has been incorporated into Sunday newspaper supplements. Supermarkets are also producing their own “in-house” magazines. Added to this list is a new type of magazine to be found on the Internet, referred to as the e-zine.

In order to provide a focus, it is the center of interest magazine which consumers consciously select and purchase which will be the topic of this textbook.

Often, apparent rival magazines may be produced by the same publisher. Two of the major publishers in the UK are Emap Elan Limited, who publish a number of magazines including Just Seventeen, It’s Bliss, Minx and More! And IPC Magazines, who publish Mizz and Sugar.The production process includes a range of people engaged in a variety of activities. To gain some idea of the types of activity take a look at Text: Credit listing taken from Cosmopolitan. How many

people are listed and what type of work is involved? Y ou might like to compare this with the credit listing of another magazine.

It will become apparent that although a page from a magazine may appear to be the product of a single author it is more than likely that several people will be involved before the page takes its final shape. It is for this reason that the term “text producer” rather than “writer’ is a more accurate description and one which will be used throughout this book.

Meaning is culture specific. Many magazines are produced in or distributed to numerous countries overs eas. According to Winship(1992) there has been a “European invasion” of magazines within the British Isles. For example, Best and Bella are owned by German publishers Gruner & Jahr and Baueer respectively and Hello!by the Spanish company Hola, SA. A worthwhile project could be to examine the differences between British magazines and their foreign counterparts.

2. Information related to lead-in question2 and question


Giant mass-audience magazines, led by Life, were major influence in their heyday, but television killed them off by offering larger audiences to advertisers. Today, the magazine industry thrives through demassification, the process of seeking audiences with narrow interests. Critics believe that demassification has changed the role of magazines in society for the worse.

Part Two Keys to the Exercises

I. Understanding the T ext

1. Mass magazines are cheap and oversized.

2. High-flying magazines are challenged by television, and have fewer audiences, fewer advertisers and smaller circulation.

3. What they discovered was that although it was less expensive to use television to peddle universally used products such as detergents grooming aids and packaged foods, television geared at the time for mass audiences, was too expensive for products appealing to narrow groups.

4. Norman Cousins, once editor of the highbrow Saturday Review, criticized demassified magazines for betraying their traditional role of enriching the culture. Cousins said that specialization had diluted the intellectual role of magazines in the society.

5. Special-interest magazines, whose content focused on limited subjects and whose advertising rates were lower, fit the bill better than either television or the giant mass-audience magazines for reaching customers with special interests.

6. Among new magazines that emerged with the demassification in the 1960s were regional and city magazines, offering a geographically defined audience to advertisers.

II. The answer is open.

III. Omit

IV. V ocabulary


1.capitalize ---j

2.demise ---d

3. flamboyant --- f

4..villian ---b

5. revamp ----e

6. antagonize ---c.

7. circulation ---i

8. epitomize --- h

9. amass ---g

10.fancy ---a.


1---- fancy


3.---- demise


5.---- flamboyant

6.---- amass

7.---- pajamas.

8. ----circulation.

9.---- capitalize.

10. ----geared

III. Choose one appropriate word from the following list to fill in each of the following

V. T ranslation

Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.


Part Three


Section A




登场。资格老的《周六邮政晚报》和Collier’s 也是从超大页面改头换面而来。






专业化杂志,其内容集中于有限的主题,广告费用低,他们在寻求有特殊兴趣的顾客时比电视或其他大众媒体更适合做广告。例如,对于价值7000美元的家庭音响生产商而言,更适合在像《立体声音乐(Stereo Music)》这样的唱片发烧友集中的杂志上刊登广告。同样道理,大众杂志和电视都不是为最好的雪橇做广告的媒体,而《滑雪者》杂志则更为理想。对于昂贵的厨具,则适合在《食物与酒》的杂志上做广告。







Section B:





题目可以表示一个特殊的个性人群。例如Minx,如果查字典你将会发现,这个词常被当做是一个带有侮辱性的词来使用:“大胆的卖弄风情或耍诡计的女人。”然而,当和女人发生联系时,词义通常会是该词的反义转化。斯库尔兹(1975)发现,那些最初属于中性含义的词,随着时间的推移会经历一个向贬义转化的过程(产生负面的联想)。“Minx”实际上获取了正面内涵,特别是和年轻的女人联系起来的时候,这些女人形成了这本杂志的目标年龄组。这是一个词义经过改善的例子(一个有负面含义的词被用来表达正面的意思)。“Diva”用来意味“头等夫人”,但是它的拉丁文的意思是“女神”, 可能这与杂志创刊人希望传达的意思有关。《Cosmopolitan》在当代的意思是“全球化的;复杂化的;城市化的”。这是一复合性的名词(它包含了两个或更多意思在一个词里), 它来源于希腊词Kosmos(世界或宇宙)和polites(市民)。毫无疑问,其目的是想吸引那些游历丰富、成熟老练的读者。《Tatler》杂志因面向中产阶级服务而享有名声,于1709年创刊。然而,当代读者不大可能知道tattle这个词来源于中部荷兰语tatelen意为“无所事事的谈话或聊天”,Tatler是一个名词。







《Tatler》杂志封面上的图象代表了它的个性。从女孩的表情到她头发的颜色------每一面作出分析都让读者觉得杂志内容与其一致。《Tatler》杂志编辑的信件也可说明选择正确的杂志封面图象的重要性。比方说,《男人健康》杂志的封面是一个全身四分之三都是肌肉的男模形象。大概这是有意激起读者获得这样的体魄。值得一提的是这样的形象对男性杂志非同一般,因为着装简单的“追求另类”的女孩通常是模版。看看《FHM》杂志的封面,它是以著名女演员Alic ia Silverstone为封面的。这个封面形象与女性杂志封面的女性形象形成对比。以《Bella》杂志封面为例,该封面女性眼睛直勾勾地望着摄影机且带着困惑的表情,而Silverstone的形象则是具有挑逗欲望的手势与站姿,二者形成鲜明的对比。这两种封面上的女性可以与《Dilva》——同性恋杂志的封面女性形成对比。《Dilva》封面上的女性摆出嬉戏、打斗的姿势,她不同于以上两位女性,她没有绝世的美貌,却流露出自信和独立的气质。

Part IV Supplementary Material for T ask

Layout and Graphology

In our culture we learn to read from left to right and from top to bottom of the page. It is for this reason that the prime position for important information is the top left hand corner.



See results in 2 weeks! (Men’s Health)

Since the focus of this edition is on weight loss, it is easy to see why the text producer has chosen to print this in the prime position. Front covers also make good use of underlining, embolden ing and a variety of font sizes, styles and colour. Unfortunately colour cannot be reproduced here but this text is quite striking---red on a white background. Other prominent colours used are black and blue. Although the model will change from issue to issue, the colours used on the cover of Men’s Health remain characteristically red, white and blue. The graphology for the title also remains constant for easy identification. The same format is also used for the cover of the magazine’s counterpart Women’s H ealth.

The front cover as review

Tatler’s coverlines—the teasers that attempt to describe the magazine’s contents—complete the package. Again, we think about them very carefully. So I was fascinated to hear of a new strategy devised by a hugely successful American men’s magazine, where the editor and team write ideal coverlines and only then commission stories to match.

Again, Tatler’s editor is giving us an insight into the practices of magazines—the coverlines, usually, are written after the stories.

Sentence functions

It can also be interesting to look at the functions which sentences serve to see whether the text producer prefers a particular type and if so what this might signal about the text. Sentences can be divided into four types:

?Declaratives: this type of sentence makes a statement or assertion---All Saints ,get mucky

?Imperatives: Give orders or make requests---Get stress off your back

?Interrogatives: Ask questions---Feeding friends?

?Exclamatives: These are used to express surprise, alarm or a strong opinion and are accompanied by an exclamation mark---Nice tackle!

Of course, these sentence types may function differently depending on the context in which the utterance takes place and also its purpose. This branch of language study is known as pragmatics. For example, “All Saints get mucky” was categorized above as a declarative, however, if All Saints were present at the time the utterance was made it could have the force of an imperative and All Saints might well responded by getting mucky.


The headers of the Men’s Health magazine ech o the tone of the magazine’s content by an abundance of short, sharp and snappy imperatives:



See results in 2 weeks!






These are classified as major sentences although there is no overt subject. For imperatives, it is conventionally understood that the interpreter is the subject. This lack of a specified agent gives

the text a sense of timelessness. The text producer, in issuing commands, is attempting to stir the reader into the action proposed. Exclamation marks are a feature of punctuation which proliferate on front covers. They can be used to convey emotion, heighten involvement and give the text a sense of immediacy which is clearly the case in the above examples. Note there are no softeners such as “please” to reduce the force of the command which is give n as if from a sergeant major, yet the reader is unlikely to take offence.

As mentioned, the front cover gives the reader a glimpse of what is to follow in the rest of the magazine. Along with the ideal image presented to readers on the front cover of Bella are the previews:






The text producers attempt to distinguish their particular magazine from others---“ONLY IN BELLA”. This technique continues on the page where the feature appears, a “ticket-tape” effect repeats the phrase:


The impression is of a news scoop which is available only to the readers of this particular magazine. This is an example of the lengths to which text producers will go in distinguishing their particular magazine from its rivals.

A mainstay of women’s magazines is the reader’s “true” story where readers are invited to write in to the magazine and other readers are allowed a voyeuristic glimpse into their lives. Two of the articles previewed on the front cover are the real life stories of readers.





“They brainwashed my husband—how

I won him back”

The stories are introduced by quotations, we are to imagine, from the readers themselves which just happen to be the most sensational aspects of the story. Even if we accept that the stories are authentic, they are nevertheless subject to some form of editing; for example, the text producer selects which story to publish and which aspects of it to highlight. The kind of sensationalism illustrated above encourages the reader to purchase and consume the magazine since they are compelled to read o in order to discover how the woman wins back her brainwashed husband.

Problems and solutions

The text set of headings introduce another feature of magazines which is the problem/solution

format. This is where the text producer anticipates that the reader is in need of advice. Unlike the start commands of Men’ Health, the text producer of Bella simulates conversation in an attempt to reduce the distance between themselves and the reader. A question is posed which is designed to raise the problem in the reader’s mind:

Feeding friends? Relax!

Delicious cook-ahead,

Stress-free feast(Bella)

Notice how once the topic has been introduced this is immediately followed up by reassurance, “Relax!”, and a solution, “Delicious cook-ahead, stress-free feast”. In this way the authority of the text producer is reduced to that of a friend giving advice.

However, some information is presented more directly:


The text producer affects to know the reader so well she even knows what they need. Possibly, due to the seriousness of the subject, the text producer appears less concerned about sounding too authoritarian.


The vital role of the front cover can be summed up by the words of Tatler’s editor: “So there you have it. Worry about the front cover and the rest of the magazine will take care of itself----this month, at least.” The front cover acts as an advertisement for the magazine since it is the first text that the reader sees. We have looked at a wide range of linguistic techniques employed to grab our attention inc luding rhyme, alliteration, assonance, superlatives, puns, intertextuality, idioms, contractions and nominalization. We have also explored structural patterning with illustrations from a range of current front covers. Visual images and the different communities w hich readers are invited to join have also been covered.

III. Magazine Advertising Revenue

Circulation and advertising revenue are not always in sync. A weekly with less circulation than a monthly may carry more pages of advertising and generate more revenue. The weekly People, for example, carries far more advertising pages a year than the monthly Reader’s Digest. Also, some magazines deliver an especially attractive audience segment to advertisers, like Business Week, Forbes and Fortune, all in the Top 10 for ad revenue but hardly in circulation.

People $1.2 billion

Sports Illustrated 919 million

TV Guide 905 million

Time 836 million

Better Homes$Gardens 707million

Parade 608 million

Reader’s Digest 606 million

Newsweek 545 million

Good Housekeeping 447 million

Business Week 417 million


1.Civilization It is generally accepted that the Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. 普遍认为中国文化是世界最古老的文化之一 Chinese civilization European civilization world civilization .2 lecture (1)n.演讲,讲课 give/deliver a lecture to sb. on sth.关于某事进行演讲 have a lecture 听演讲 go to a lecture去听演讲 The famous professor delivered a lecture on how to protect the environment. (2)v.作演讲,讲课 is lecturing on Russian literature 3 take over接管 In 89BC,the Romans took over Pompeii. Our chairman has left, so Peter will take over his job from him.我们的主席走了,彼特将接任他的工作. take sb. in欺骗 take sth. in 理解e take on 呈现 take off 起飞, 脱下 take up占据 ,着手处理 take charge take away 拿走 take out 拿出 take place take…for.. 把…误认为 When did you take up Japanese as a second foreign language.你什么时间开始选修日语作为第二日语的 .3unfortunately 位于句首,作状语,用来修饰整个句子。 Luckily, frankly, obviously, exactly, honestly, generally, certainly, fortunately Unfortunately, all the people were buried alive after the vocalno erupted..不幸的是,火山爆发后所有的人都被活埋了 .4bury (vt)埋葬,安葬,埋 burial n 埋葬 He was buried in his hometown.他被埋葬在他的故乡 The house was buried under snow.房子被埋在雪下. be buried in =bury oneself in 埋头于…,专心于… Jean always buried himself in his work.简总是埋头工作。 Bury oneself in the country.隐居 She buried her face in her hands andcried.她双手掩面哭了起来。 1)______ (bury) himself in novel, he didn’t notice me coming in. 2) _______ (bury) in novel, he didn’t notice me coming in. 5. destroy指彻底毁灭或破坏,以至于不能修复,有时可用于比喻义 The terrible earthquake destroyed the whole city. They have destroyed all the evidence. destroy one’s hopes, career, reputation毁掉某人的希望,事业,名誉 destruction 毁灭,破坏 Damage


Unit 3 Directions & Signs Talking Face to Face Teaching Objectives: 1. how to ask for and give directions 2. useful terms in directions

Key Points: 1. asking the way indoors

2. asking the way outdoors Difficult Points: patterns that are appropriate for asking for and giving directions in different situations Teaching Methods: Task-based learning; Communicative approach Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Show the Ss a map of Hunan Province. Ask them where they are from and how they go back home. Step 2 Tell the Ss how the teacher goes back home and get them to imitate the example. Step 3 Show the Ss the focal words and expressions. Also the focal functions and patterns. Step 5 Show the Ss two maps. One is a street map, and the other is a map of a building, the fourth floor. First Get the Ss to make dialogues with what they’ve learned. Then get them to follow the Samples. Step 6 Practice Teaching Material: Task1 Lead-in Show the Ss a map of Hunan Province. Ask them where they are from. Then tell them where the teacher is from and how the teacher goes home. At the end get several students to tell others how to get to their home from the school. Teacher’s description: First I take the No. 1 bus and get off at the last stop. Then I’ll take the express train from Shanghai to Chongqing and get off at Lengjiang Station. Go up along the Jinzhu Road and turn left at the corner of Jinzhu Road and Jianshe Road. A seven-story building is in front of you. Go upstairs and my home is on the second floor. Task 2 Data Bank Tell the Ss It is important for us to know how to ask for and give directions. The following words and phrases and patterns will help us: words and phrases 1.walk/on foot take bus/subway/lift go up/down turn left/right


常用金融英语词汇的 翻译

常用金融英语词汇的翻译 acquiring company 收购公司 bad loan 呆帐 chart of cash flow 现金流量表 clearly-established ownership 产权清晰 debt to equity 债转股 diversity of equities 股权多元化 economy of scale 规模经济 emerging economies 新兴经济 exchange-rate regime 汇率机制 fund and financing 筹资融资 global financial architecture 全球金融体系 global integration, globality 全球一体化,全球化 go public 上市 growth spurt (经济的)急剧增长 have one's "two commas" 百万富翁 hedge against 套期保值 housing mortgage 住房按揭 holdings 控股,所持股份 holding company 控股公司 initial offerings 原始股 initial public offerings 首次公募 innovative business 创新企业 intellectual capital 智力资本 inter-bank lending 拆借 internet customer 网上客户 investment payoff period 投资回收期 joint-stock 参股 mall rat 爱逛商店的年轻人 means of production 生产要素 (the)medical cost social pool for major diseases 大病医疗费用社会统筹mergers and acquisitions 并购


L/O/G/O College English Book One

Unit 3The Present 1.Warm -up Questions 2. Background Information 3.New Words and Expressions 4.Text Interpretation 5. Assignment

1. Warm-up Questions Related topics ?How does your family celebrate the birthdays of your grandparents? ?How do you usually celebrate your birthday? ?Do you know your parents birthday?What do you do for that? ?Do you think you truly understand your parental love?

2. Background Information Happy Birthday to You

An English Song: Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You, the four-line song was written as a classroom greeting in 1893 by two American teachers, Mildred J. Hill, and Dr. Patty Smith Hill. The melody of the song Happy Birthday to You was composed by Mildred J. Hill, a schoolteacher. The song was first published in 1893, with the lyrics written by her sister, Patty Smith Hill. Happy Birthday to You was copyrighted in 1935 and renewed in 1963. The song was apparently written in 1893, but first copyrighted in 1935 after a lawsuit. In 1988, Birch Tree Group, Ltd. sold the rights of the song to Warner Communications for an estimated $25 million. In the 1980s, the song Happy Birthday to You was believed to generate about $1 million in royalties annually. With Auld Lang Syne and For He's a Jolly Good Fellow, it is among the three most popular songs in the English language.


金融专业英语词汇表 accelerated depreciation 加速折旧 acceptor 承兑人;受票人;接受人 accommodation paper 融通票据;担保借据 accounts payable 应付帐款 accounts receivable 应收帐款 accrual basis 应计制;权责发生制 accrued interest 应计利息 accredited investors 合资格投资者;受信投资人 指符合美国证券交易委员(sec)条例,可参与一般美国非公开(私募)发行的部份机构和高净值个人投资者 accredit value 自然增长值 ace 美国商品交易所 acid test ratio 酸性测验比率;速动比率 across the board 全面一致;全盘的 acting in concert 一致行动;合谋 active assets 活动资产;有收益资产 active capital 活动资本 actual market 现货市场 actuary 精算师;保险统计专家 adb 亚洲开发银行

adr 美国存股证;美国预托收据;美国存托凭证 ad valorem 从价;按值 affiliated company 关联公司;联营公司 after date 发票后,出票后 after-market 后市 agm 周年大会 agreement 协议;协定 all-or-none order 整批委托 allocation 分配;配置 allotment 配股 alpha (market alpha) 阿尔法;预期市场可得收益水平 alternative investment 另类投资 american commodities exchange 美国商品交易所 american depository receipt 美国存股证;美国预托收据;美国存托凭证 (简称“adr ”参见adr栏目) american depository share 美国存托股份 amercian stock exchange 美国证券交易所 american style option 美式期权 amex 美国证券交易所 amortizable intangibles 可摊销的无形资产 amortization 摊销



LESSON 1 The Gold Standard Era, 1870 — 1914 Origins of the Gold Standard The gold standard had its origin in the use of gold coins as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value. While gold has been used in this way since ancient times, the gold standard as a legal institution dates back to 1819, when the British Parliament passed the Resumption Act. The Resumption Act marks the first adoption of a true gold standard because it simultaneously repealed long-standing restrictions on the export of gold coins and bullion from Britain. Later in the nineteenth century, Germany, Japan, and other countries also followed suit.The U.S. effectively joined the gold standard in 1879 and institutionalized the dollar-gold link through the U.S. Gold Standard Act of 1900. With Britain's preeminence in international trade and the advanced development of its financial system, London naturally became the center of the international monetary system built on the gold standard. The Gold Standard Rules The gold standard regime has conventionally been associated with three rules of the game. The first rule is that in each participating country the price of the domestic currency must be fixed in terms of gold. Since the gold content in one unit of each currency was fixed, exchange rates were also fixed. This was called the mint parity. The second rule is that there must be a free import and export of gold. The third rule is that the surplus country, which is gaining gold, should allow its volume of money to increase while the deficit country, which is losing gold, should allow its volume of money to fall. The first two rules together ensure that exchange rates between participating countries are fixed within fairly narrow limits. With the price of any two currencies fixed in terms of gold the implied exchange rate between the two currencies is also fixed and any significant deviation from this fixed rate will be rapidly eliminated by arbitrage operations. The third rule, requiring the volume of money to be linked in each participating country to balance of payments developments, provides an "automatic" mechanism of adjustment which ensures that, ultimately, any balance of payments disequilibria will


mortgage抵押barter物物交换rates of exchange汇率credit union信用社 double coincidence of wants需求双重巧合stock index股票指数 surplus unit资金盈余单位deficit unit资金短缺单位 a means of payment for goods购货的支付手段repayment of debts债务偿还interest rate fluctuation利率波动financial asset金融资产money supply货币供给checking account支票账户Federal Reserve note联邦票据Federal Reserve bank联邦银行market mutual funds市场互助资金overnight loans隔夜贷款financial institution金融机构economic life经济生活be converted into转换成 a medium of exchange交换媒介unit of account记账单位stock market股票市场circulate流通,发行suspend使中止quota配额,定额,限额agreement协定,协议redeem将(纸币)兑换成硬币,用(股票等)兑取现金 inflation通货膨胀,(物价)暴涨appreciate增值,涨价surveillance看守,监视,监督,检查International Monetary System国际货币体系balance of payments收支平衡International Monetary Fund (IMF)国际货币基金(组织) Bretton Woods System布雷顿森林体系The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT)关贸总协定par value面值IMF system国际货币基金体系paper gold/SDRs纸黄金/特别提款权favorable payments balances国际收支顺差the gold standard金本位The Jamaica System牙买加体系Plaza Agreement广场协议Louvre Accord卢浮宫协议European Monetary System欧洲货币体系security证券denomination(货币)计值单位,面额commission佣金marketable适于销售的auction拍卖yield收益,回报default违约secure抵押,担保acceptance承兑fraudulent欺诈的fixed interest income固定利息收入bearish market 熊市bullish market牛市risk/return tradeoff风险回报考量mutual fund互助资金coupon bonds息票债券compound bonds复利time deposit定期存款tie up占用,冻结secondary market二级市场account receivable应收账款money market investment货币市场投资cash investment现金投资money market instrument货币市场工具Treasury Bills(T-bills)国债,国库券certificate of deposit(CD)大额存单commercial paper商业票据bankers’ acceptance银行承兑汇票Eurodollars欧洲美元repo回购协议dividend红利,股息hedge套期保值opportunity cost机会成本preferred stock优先股real assets不动产common stocks普通股EPS(Earning Per Share)每股收益fall short of不符合,达不到investment decision投资决策real interest rate实际利率excepted returns预期回报personal risk个人风险timing risk时机风险tenure risk时期风险company risk公司风险financial risk财务风险management risk管理风险market risk市场风险liquidity risk流动风险interest risk利率风险inflation risk通货膨胀风险exchange rate risk汇率风险reinvestment risk再投资风险national and international risk国家和国际风险 economic risk经济风险industry risk工业风险tax risk税收风险political risk政治风险impact作用,影响survival生存havoc破坏,混乱unpredictability不可预期swap掉期,互换,做交易subsidiary子公司,辅助物indebtedness亏欠,欠债invoice发票,开发票offset抵消,冲销,补偿monetary units货币单位foreign currency外币in the absence of缺少,如果没有forward foreign exchange market远期外汇市场foreign currency swap外汇掉期spot transaction即期交易forward transaction远期交易parent company母公司home currency本币forward delivery远期交割set off抵消,抵补citizenship公民credit贷记debit借记reserve储备resident居民multinational corporations跨国公司balance of payments国际收支double-entry bookkeeping复式记账法capital and financial account资本与金融账户


equilibrium theory 均衡理论 mechanical models of the economy 机械经济模型macroeconomic management 宏观经济管理 demand management 需求管理 nationalization 国有化 social security 社会保障 unemployment benefit 失业救济 counter-cyclical monetary and fiscal policies 反周期-货币与财政政策time lags 时滞 Monetarism 货币学派 trade unions 工会 aggregate demand 总需求 conventional wisdom 普遍流行观点 Keynesianism 凯恩斯主义 economic behavior 经济行为 economic model 经济模式 the principle of comparative advantage 比较优势法则 the theory of income determination 收入决定论 the circular flow model 循环流向图 fiscal policy 财政政策 merchant capitalism 商业资本主义 Industrial Revolution 工业革命 the Great Depression 大萧条 imperfect competition 不完全竞争 possibilities frontier (生产)可能性界限 exchange rate 汇率 checking account 经常账户支票账户 savings and loan association 储蓄与贷款协会 foreign exchange rate 外汇汇率 junk bond crisis 垃圾债券危机 bank failure 银行倒闭 savings and loan crisis 储蓄贷款危机 Federal Reserve System 联邦储备银行系统 personal finance 个人理财 business finance 公司财务 international finance 国际金融 public finance 公共财政 risk of loss 亏损的风险 medium of exchange 交换手段 fiat money 法币 legal tender 法定货币 IOU 借据欠条 business day 工作日 electronic means of payment 电子支付手段


1. He is very __A__ and well-qualified, so he should reach the top of his profession. A. ambitious B. urgent adj.紧急的;急迫的 C. proud D. jealous adj.妒忌的;猜疑的;唯恐失去的;戒备的 2. China has been following the foreign policy to develop relations with other countries on the __C__ of the five principles of peaceful co-existence. A. ground B. foundation C. basis D. bases 3. The town planning commission委员会 said that their financial 金融的;财政 的outlook for the next year was optimistic. T hey expect increased tax __D__. A. funds B. income收入,收益; C. payment付款,支付 D. revenues 4. The toy maker produces a _C__ copy of the space station, exact精密的; 精确的 in every detail. A. minimal最低的;最小限度的 B. minimum C. miniature极小的 D. minor未成 年的;次要的;较小的 5. Do you have any _C___ about what living beings on other planets would be like? A. ideal B. comprehension理解 C. notion概念 D. intelligence理解力 6. The clothes a person wears may express his _B___ or social position. A. curiosity B. status C. determination D. significance 7. The Prime Minister frequently wandered from离题 his text to _A___ on a point that had obviously caught his audience’s interest. A. elaborate 精心制作的 B. interrupt C. stress D. explain 8. The foreigner tried to make himself understood _D___ body language. A. in terms of在…方面 B.with regard to adv. 关于;至于 C. in relation to 关于;涉及 D. by means of借助 9. Today, housework has been made much easier by electrical D____. A. facilities设施;工具,设备 B. apparatus n. 装置,设备;仪器 C. equipment D. appliances家用电器 10. The kitchen was small and __B__ so that the disabled could reach everything without difficulty. A. conventional B. compact小巧的 C. compatible兼容的 D. concise简洁的


常见银行英文词汇 储蓄 银行及金融机构 会计 经济政策 金融债券 FORFAITING 储蓄(save) account number帐目编号depositor存户 pay-in slip存款单 a deposit form存款单 a banding machine自动存取机to deposit存款 deposit receipt存款收据private deposits私人存款certificate of deposit存单deposit book,passbook存折credit card信用卡 principal本金 overdraft,overdraw透支 to counter sign双签 to endorse背书 endorser背书人 to cash兑现 to honor a cheque兑付 to dishonor a cheque拒付 to suspend payment止付cheque,check支票 cheque book支票本 order cheque记名支票 bearer cheque不记名支票crossed cheque横线支票 blank cheque空白支票 rubber cheque空头支票cheque stub,counterfoil票根cash cheque现金支票 traveler's cheque旅行支票cheque for transfer转帐支票outstanding cheque未付支票canceled cheque已付支票

forged cheque伪支票 Bandar's note庄票,银票 银行及金融机构(Banks and financial organizations) banker银行家 president行长 savings bank储蓄银行 Chase Bank大通银行 National City Bank of New York花旗银行 Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation汇丰银行 Chartered Bank of India,Australia and China麦加利银行 Banque de I'IndoChine东方汇理银行 central bank,national bank,banker's bank中央银行 bank of issue,bank of circulation发行币银行 commercial bank商业银行,储蓄信贷银行 member bank,credit bank储蓄信贷银行 discount bank贴现银行 exchange bank汇兑银行 requesting bank委托开证银行 issuing bank,opening bank开证银行 advising bank,notifying bank通知银行 negotiation bank议付银行 confirming bank保兑银行 paying bank付款银行 associate banker of collection代收银行 consigned banker of collection委托银行 clearing bank清算银行 local bank本地银行 domestic bank国内银行 overseas bank国外银行 unincorporated bank钱庄 branch bank银行分行 trustee savings bank信托储蓄银行 trust company信托公司 financial trust金融信托公司 unit trust信托投资公司 trust institution银行的信托部 credit department银行的信用部 commercial credit company(discount company)商业信贷公司(贴现公司)neighborhood savings bank,bank of deposit街道储蓄所 credit union合作银行 credit bureau商业兴信所


高一必修一英语Unit3单词表单词是构成英语文章的骨架,背好了单词,英语的学习之路也就成功了一大步了。下面是为你推荐高一必修一英语Unit3单词表,希望能帮到你。 journal日记;杂志;定期刊物谐音?热闹?日记里记热闹的事 transport运送;运输船是跑的→运输 prefer更喜欢选择某事物而不选择其他事物 disadvantage不利条件;不便之处advantage有利条件;利益,好处偶的完(美)体质就是我成就事业的?优点,有利条件? dis表示否定 fare费用费儿——什么费儿——车费或船费

route路线;路途?入塔的路线? flow流动;流出n.流动;流量?腐漏?腐烂漏了就流出来了 persuade说服;劝说 cycle骑自行车 graduate毕业 n 大学毕业生毕业后哥要追她 finally最后;终于 schedule进度表

fond心喜爱的;慈祥的宠爱的 be fond of喜爱;喜欢 shortcoming缺点变:shortcoming=short+com+ing stubborn顽固的;固执的谐音?是大笨?笨了就顽固organize组织;成立 detail细节;详情 source n.来源;水源

determine vt.决定;确定;下定决心直接把[di’t ?:min]谐音过去→狄特民(姓狄名特民,狄仁杰的狄) 句子:狄特民决定去了(决心已定) determined adj.坚决的;有决心的 change one‘s mind改变主意 journey旅行;旅程接你(旅行) altitude海拔高度;高处 altitude & attitude(态度) 站得越高,态度要越好 make up one‘s mind下决心;决定


unit one division of labor 劳动分工 commodity money 商品货币 legal tender 法定货币 fiat money 法定通货 a medium of exchange交换媒介 legal sanction法律制裁 face value面值 liquid assets流动资产 illiquidl assets非流动资产 the liquidity scale 流动性指标 real estate 不动产 checking accounts,demand deposit,checkable deposit 活期存款time deposit 定期存款 negotiable order of withdrawal accounts 大额可转让提款单money market mutual funds 货币市场互助基金 repurchase agreements 回购协议 certificate of deposits存单 bond 债券 stock股票 travelers'checks 旅行支票 small-denomination time deposits小额定期存款 large-denomination time deposits大额定期存款 bank overnight repurchase agreements 银行隔夜回购协议 bank long-term repurchase agreements 银行长期回购协议 thrift institutions 存款机构 financial institution 金融机构 commercial banks商业银行 a means of payment 支付手段 a store of value储藏手段 a standard of value价值标准 unit two reserve 储备 note 票据 discount贴现 circulate流通 central bank 中央银行 the Federal Reserve System联邦储备系统 credit union 信用合作社 paper currency 纸币 credit creation 信用创造 branch banking 银行分行制 unit banking 单一银行制


《Financial English》 1、Investment banking 投资银行 2、Invest 投资 3、Investor 投资者 4、Speculate 投机 5、Speculator 投机者 6、Speculation投机交易 7、Surplus 盈余;顺差 8、Budgetsurplus 预算盈余 9、Trade surplus贸易顺差 10、Deficit 赤字;不足额 11、Government deficit 政府赤字 12、Tradedeficit贸易逆差 13、Balanceof payment 国际收支 14、Strategy战略;策略 15、Strategic 战略上的,战略的 16、Strategist 战略家,军事家 17、Analyze vt.分析,研究 18、Analysis n.分析 19、Analyst分析师 20、Chief executive officer (CEO)首席执行官;总裁 21、Infrastructure基础设施 22、Standard of living 生活水平;生活标准 23、Public transportation公共交通;公共运输 24、Mass transit 大众运输 25、Incentive 动机;刺激;诱因 26、Supplydemand供给需求 27、Policyholder 投保人 28、Rate of return 收益率

29、Expected rate of return 预期收益率 30、Interest利息 31、Interest rate 利率 32、Dividend股息,红利 33、Profit 利润 34、Loss 损失 35、Financialintermediary 金融中介机构 36、Primarymarket 一级市场 37、Secondarymarket 二级市场 38、Financial instrument金融工具 39、Trust company信托公司 40、Credit union信用合作社 41、Mutual funds共同基金 42、Mortgage broker 贷款经纪人 43、Pension fund 养老基金 44、Insurancecompany保险公司 45、Venture capital Company 风险投资公司 46、Jointventure合资企业,联合经营 47、Stock exchange证券交易所 48、Transaction 交易 49、Listedcompany上市公司 50、Commodity商品;期货 51、Crudeoil 原油 52、Physical market 现货市场 53、Intangible (notional) market 无形市场 54、Nasdaq纳斯达克 55、Over the counter market OTC 场外交易场所 56、Debt 债务;负债 57、Equity 权益;股本 58、Share 股份
