The Eurozone crisis in light of the Latin American experience

The Eurozone crisis in light of the Latin American experience
The Eurozone crisis in light of the Latin American experience


The Eurozone crisis in light of the Latin American experience

Rub ′en

Lo Vuolo Centro Interdisciplinario para el Estudio de Pol′?ticas Pu

′blicas (CIEPP),Argentina


Many scholars have looked for similarities between the recent crisis in the Eurozone and the crises that have occurred in the past in developing countries and particularly in Latin America.Problems of balance of payments,public debt,overvaluation of the exchange rate and unregulated capital inflows are frequently mentioned to compare common features of different crisis events.Additionally,Continental European countries are following similar processes of welfare state retrenchment and labour market segmen-tation to Latin American cases in the past,but in different institutional contexts and with different levels of economic development.This article will discuss common features of past Latin American crises and the current crisis in the Eurozone in order to show how such a comparison could help to manage (and avoid)crises in an integrated financial world as well as to teach how a faulty institutional design can arise from a defective understanding of how financial capitalism works in a complex internationally integrated economic system.


austerity,crisis,financial cycle,monetary policy,welfare retrenchment

Many scholars have looked for similarities between the crisis in the Eurozone and past crises in developing countries and particularly in Latin America (some of them now labelled as ‘emerging economies’).1Problems of balance of payments,public debt,Corresponding author:

Rub ′e n Lo Vuolo,Centro Interdisciplinario para el Estudio de Pol′?ticas Pu ′blicas (CIEPP),Rodr′?guez Pen ?a 557,2F,1020Buenos Aires,Argentina.


European Journal of Social Theory


aThe Author(s)2014

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360European Journal of Social Theory17(3) overvaluation of the exchange rate,unregulated capital inflows and social policies’adjustments are frequently mentioned as common features of several crises events.

The comparison is also stimulated by another striking fact:after many crises experi-enced over three decades,from2002onwards there has been no financial crises in emer-ging market economies despite the strong negative shocks caused by the sub-prime crisis in the United States in2008–09.Meanwhile,the Eurozone remains in the middle of a profound crisis.2In a favourable international context of high commodity prices,most Latin American economies have built up balance of payment surpluses through export growth.As a result,they have now accumulated large volumes of foreign exchange reserves,seeking to compensate for the absence of a lender of last resort in international currency.Moreover,many Latin American countries learned from the past that pro-cyclical policies taken to seduce the financial markets have proved powerless to overcome the strong depressive tendencies at work.At most,the intervals of recovery following these policies have been no more than short-lived episodes.

In many ways,faced with a deep crisis,the Eurozone is repeating those pro-cyclical austerity policies that did not work in Latin America and other emerging market econo-mies in the past.Furthermore,the Eurozone is not taking advantage of those elements that were absent in past crises in developing countries.For instance,in earlier Latin American crises the absence of a lender of last resort in international currency raised the exchange rate risk as well as the risk of default on debts in international currency(both private and public).In contrast,in the Eurozone there is no exchange rate risk,at least until a member state decides to quit the zone.In this view,the main source of negative financial feedback effects in the Eurozone countries seems to be the risk of default of public debts due to an‘internal’political problem:the reluctance or inability of the Eur-opean Central Bank(ECB)to play a credible role of lender of last resort for member countries.

Even if the current institutional framework and the international position of Eurozone countries are not the same as in the Latin American countries during past crises,the use of the term‘periphery’for some of the less-developed Eurozone countries signals the presence of some comparable features.As in the case of developing countries,the dis-tinction between core and peripheral countries within the Eurozone has been used sys-tematically in official rhetoric in order to blame some less-developed Eurozone countries for their monetary and financial dependency on the most developed Eurozone partners(L′e g′e and Marques Pereira,2013).3

The comparison of different crisis events in financially dependent peripheral coun-tries could also give a lesson in how to manage(and avoid)crises in an integrated finan-cial world.In this way,it is possible to learn how a faulty institutional design can arise from a defective understanding of how financial capitalism works in a complex interna-tionally integrated economic system.

The financial cycle in peripheral Latin American economies Since the beginning of the period of financial globalization,and until the first two years of the2000s,Latin American countries experienced two severe waves of crisis(Frenkel, 2013).The first was in the early1980s,when deep financial(and currency)crises were

Lo Vuolo361 experienced by Argentina,Chile,Uruguay and Mexico,while Brazil faced a public for-eign debt crisis without a domestic financial crisis.The second wave of financial crises in Latin America began in1995with the Mexican and Argentine crises,followed by the Brazilian currency crisis in1998.On the other hand,five economies in East Asia and Russia experienced financial crises in1997–98and Argentina and Uruguay suffered financial and currency crises in2001–02.4

With the exception of Argentina in1995,under the currency board exchange regime, these crises ended in devaluations and in some cases,some type of bail-out and restructuring of the domestic financial systems were also applied,including the refinancing of private debts(bearing significant fiscal costs).This second element is crucial to understanding the post-crisis developments.For instance,since none of the Latin American debt restructuring processes in the1980s included substantial alleviation of the debt burdens,most countries experienced many years of stagnation and high inflation.Meanwhile,more successful results are found in the case of Argentina’s debt default at the end of2001,which is the major explanation for its fast recovery after the deep recession of1998–2002.

Each wave of these past crises was preceded by booms of capital inflows expanding liquidity and credit and feeding bubbles in financial and real assets(Frenkel and Rapetti, 2010).Due to the weak regulation of local financial markets,most Latin American coun-tries were net receivers of capital flows from the beginning of the financial globalization process up to the late1990s.The resulting expansion of aggregate demand led to output and employment growth,along with non-tradable price increases.In general,these price increases provoked an appreciation of the real exchange rate which reinforced capital inflows seeking to obtain a quick rent given the financial arbitrage between domestic and foreign assets.This in turn fed back into the real economy,accelerating the expansion of credit and output growth.

In Latin American countries,the boom phases preceding the crisis had important ‘non-national’components,namely,the implementation of macro-economic policies imposed by international organizations,thanks to the need to obtain their support in financial markets.These policies typically included the liberalization of the capital account of the balance of payments,the liberalization of the local financial market and some sort of exchange rate fixation(pegs or active crawling-pegs).

These processes are consistent with the main features of a financial-led growth regime which set high profitability thresholds for investment and exerted intense pressure on labour,uncoupling productivity and wage increases(Boyer,2000;Aglietta,2012).With wage growth depressed and growing inequalities in wealth and incomes,the financial-led dynamic demand was provided by the expansion of credit,supported by low interest-rate policies(and overvalued exchange rates in many Latin American coun-tries).5In this type of financial-led growth regime,the boom phase expands until the point when the economic agents’optimism about the risk exposure changes and many of them prefer liquidity and undo their positions.Thus,bubbles deflate,many agents suf-fer financial losses and a contraction process feeds back,leading to the systemic crisis.In brief,in financial-led growth the crises emerged as the culmination of the same processes that caused a growing optimism and encouraged greater risk-taking in the boom phase.

The combined effect of the real exchange rate appreciation and financial-led growth weakened exports and stimulated imports.The worsening of the trade balance together

362European Journal of Social Theory17(3) with the increase in the interest payments turned the current account into deficit.At the beginning of the cycle,in Latin American countries,capital inflows were higher than the current account deficits(and foreign exchange reserves accumulated).However,at some point the current account deficit became larger than capital inflows and the balance of payments result turned negative.These contracted liquidity and credit asset prices bub-bles gradually deflated,and illiquidity and insolvency emerged.

In Latin American countries,the contracting phase usually began with a halt in capital flows combined with the persistent increase in the current account deficit and the nar-rowing trend in international reserves.These processes threatened the exchange rate management and increased the probability of default of the foreign debt issued in inter-national currency.This is because the sustainability of that type of debt has a specific default risk associated with the potential lack of liquidity in foreign currency.This shortage can force a debt default even when the government has resources in domestic currency,due to the lack of a lender of last resort in the foreign currency.In this scenario, even after adjustments have been made in the external sector,a large proportion of the financing needs must be covered from the capital markets.Here enter the IMF,the World Bank and other international institutions which appear as lenders of some money but mainly as the guarantors that countries will apply the‘healthy’policies needed to regain financial market confidence.

This contracting phase reinforces itself because higher risk premiums and higher interest rates are needed to attract foreign capital.Thus,economic activity shrinks even more,further illiquidity and insolvency reduce the credibility of the exchange rate policy and increase the default risk.In Latin American countries the contracting phase ends in a financial and exchange rate crisis because the fall of foreign currency reserves in the Central Bank leads to changes in the exchange rate regime and commonly a bail-out or some type of debt restructuring.This crisis reinforces the power of financial organi-zations and the state has to rescue all the economic agents,including banks in the first place.

The crisis in the Eurozone’s peripheral countries

The US economy before the Lehman Brothers’bankruptcy followed most of the features of this cyclical dynamics but was fuelled by endogenous elements,which are well described in the work of Hyman Minsky on the role of financial exuberance in the con-figuration of financial crises(Minsky,1977).In the USA,the real estate bubble that started with the securitization of mortgages(and other debts)and financial derivatives fed endogenously the boom phase.The entry of China onto the world market amplified this trend,reversing the historic direction of capital flows that previously flew from the West to the emerging economies and then from China and other exporting countries to the USA.These flows fuelled the expansion of credit that was further multiplied by the growth of securitization and derivatives trading,centred on the big banks.

Crises in some Eurozone countries were also preceded by capital inflows.In contrast to the USA and similar to the Latin American experience,in the Eurozone,these capital inflows resulted from a change in a major‘non-national’macro-economic policy:the creation of the monetary union.The introduction of the common currency operated as

Lo Vuolo363 a strong incentive for arbitraging between core and peripheral Eurozone countries’assets since it reduced the interest rates spreads and promoted a sort of risk convergence.6All economic agents–including the state–benefited from the lowered cost of credit which produced huge capital inflows into countries where high interest rates had long made credit scarce.These capital inflows accelerated because risk convergence took place when global credits expanded due to new financial engineering all over the world.

However,in spite of nominal interest rate convergence,the Euro did not result in an inflation convergence within the Eurozone.In practice,countries showed different interest rates and exchange rates in real terms.As a result,in the Eurozone’s peripheral countries the lower real interest rates and the more appreciated real exchange rates stimulated credit,capital inflows,growth,external deficit and external debt.

Similar to the Latin American economies,countries in the Eurozone issued debt nominated in a currency they did not emit.In this aspect the Euro works as a foreign currency for every Eurozone economy:countries do not have sovereign money but a sort of fixed exchange rates in relation to the Euro.As a result,financial markets also doubt (and speculate on)the capability of some European countries to pay their debts in Euros, as in the past they doubted(and speculated on)the capability of Latin American econo-mies to pay their debts in foreign currencies.

This situation resembles the experience of Argentina between1991and2001,when the exchange rate was fixed by law at one peso to the dollar(Lo Vuolo,2003;Cibils and Lo Vuolo,2007).However,apart from the different level of development,there are two other important differences between countries in the Eurozone and Argentina under the convertibility plan:(1)the degree of financial integration in Europe;and(2)the role of the European Central Bank(ECB).

The Argentine banking system during the convertibility rule was relatively insulated from the international financial system,but highly dollarized and constrained by the cur-rency peg.In contrast,the large European banks played an active part in the expansion of debt and toxic assets in the USA.Indeed,when the crisis broke in2007in the USA,these European banks found themselves in a position comparable to that of the American banks.7

One of the results of the creation of the Eurozone was to foster cross-border mergers and acquisitions that have effectively integrated the balance sheets of the respective national banking systems(Toporowski,2013).Accordingly,banks in all countries of the Eurozone are exposed to risks in other countries since they have assets or subsidiaries in other countries or they have liabilities to the ECB.Not surprisingly,during crises private debts were taken over by the state,directly as in Latin America,or indirectly by support-ing banks in the Eurozone.

This is not the only difference between the Eurozone crisis and past crises in Latin American countries.In the Eurozone the economic cycle is different from in Latin Amer-ica because,in principle,the exchange rate risk plays no role in the portfolio decisions leading to capital outflows,and capital flows are not directly influenced by the evolution of external accounts(Eurozone countries do not carry stocks of international reserves and do not have risks of devaluation).But,on the other hand,public debts in the Eurozone do have a specific liquidity risk of default similar to that of public debts issued in foreign currency in Latin America.8

364European Journal of Social Theory17(3) These problems could have been stopped or at least avoided by the operation of the ECB as a credible lender of last resort for governments.However,even when the ECB did perform the role of lender of last resort to commercial banks(and indirectly to firms), for many reasons it has not eradicated the possibility of default on public debts(at least for the financial operators).

Thus,as in past Latin American crises,a large proportion of the financing needs of the debtor Eurozone countries must be covered by funds from the financial markets.This financial dependence is behind the changing rhetoric of the ECB and other European authorities with regard to the Eurozone crisis.After denying at the beginning the very existence of the crisis in the Eurozone and then arguing that it could be solved easily since there is no risk of contagion from small countries to the rest,country governments and European authorities(including the ECB)moved to the centre-periphery explanation for the crisis(L′e g′e and Marques Pereira,2013).Nowadays,the official rhetoric preaches that it is a problem of the Eurozone peripheral countries and will not last if they apply healthy fiscal adjustment and austerity measures,in order to convince financial markets that they have the power to pay their debts.

This rhetoric resembles the Washington Consensus advice to Latin American coun-tries during previous crises.Fiscal austerity is the main objective of the policy orienta-tion of the so-called‘Troika’in order to seduce the financial markets.For the IMF and its partners,all crises look similar since all indebted countries need a loan,and all need to make big changes in order to pay the debt and live within their means after a period of excess expenditure.

But the crisis in the Eurozone is not only a fiscal crisis or a financial crisis.It is mainly the result of a faulty institutional design root embedded in the Maastricht Treaty of1992. The main problem is that the Euro is incomplete as a currency,for its sovereign guaran-tor has not been realized.Each Eurozone state is responsible for the capital it has invested in the ECB,but not for its overall solvency.Briefly,‘the Eurozone has a central bank without a government,governments without central banks and banks without an effective lender of last of resort’(Toporowski,2013:2).Instead of adjusting this faulty institutional design,political authorities insist on pushing those austerity measures and fiscal adjustments that did not work in past Latin American crises.

Austerity pro-cyclical policies

Many of the measures required by the Troika in the European countries in crisis are well known in Latin America:the institutionalization of rules for fiscal policy which restricts the room for counter-cyclical macro-economic policy manoeuvre,the adoption of structural reforms such as privatization of public enterprises,de-regulation of the labour market,retrenchment of social policies,etc.

Like the Washington Consensus did in past crises in developing economies,the rheto-ric of the Troika spreads the idea that these measures will have a net expansionary effect on output due to the positive effects on private expenditures.These positive effects would result from the impact of these measures on expectations and credibility of the financial markets.However,in practice this rhetoric hides the main objective of austerity policies:debt payments.

Lo Vuolo365 National policies of fiscal austerity are undertaken because governments and the Troika wish to follow the more generalized conventions of financial market operators. For them,these policies are positive measures,even if they worsen the sustainability fun-damentals of the economies in,ernments choose to confront domestic social and political conflicts arising from austerity policies,worsening the economic perfor-mance,in order to send conventional‘positive’signals to financial markets.

But even this narrow objective is difficult to attain.Austerity policies seek to force what is called an‘internal devaluation’of domestic prices(labour costs in the first place).In such a view,wage flexibility is a substitute for the impossible exchange rate flexibility in the Eurozone(Toporowski,2013).In the absence of the possibility of devaluation,due to membership of the monetary union,competitiveness should be obtained by low wages and low wages will increase competitiveness.From here comes the belief that austerity policies and wage reductions will lead in the future to growth and more employment.

Among other elements,the logical flaw in this argument is that lower wages reduce domestic demand,which is very difficult to replace by foreign demand.Moreover,with a regime of low inflation,which can turn into deflation,and without the possibility of expanding public expenses,the system has few mechanisms for eliminating the debt bur-den.Under the Troika advice and the Eurozone rules,fiscal austerity causes reductions in GDP,unless offset by trade surpluses or private sector investment(Toporowski,2013). Attempts to significantly reduce government debt when the economy is in recession can-not succeed because GDP will start to fall well before governments cease deflating their economies.At the same time,financial uncertainty and recession in Europe have a cor-rosive impact on global growth.

Time is an important element to take into account in these processes.Past crisis experiences in Latin American countries teach that the alleged expansionary effects of low wages and austerity measures have been no more than short-lived episodes.The aus-terity policies taken have proved powerless to overcome the strong depressive tendencies at work.Following these policies the crisis became systemic,affecting every part of the economy:states,banks,firms,households.

Argentina is a good example of these processes.Here fiscal austerity measures were effectively implemented for a long time and the results were catastrophic.Under the Washington Consensus’tutelage,Argentina went from one austerity plan to another.The recession began in mid-1998,default of the debt and devaluation took place at the end of 2001.In this period the country stagnated and unemployment increased to high levels. Meanwhile,the spread of public debt relative to the American interest rate reached 2,500basis points9;given the liquidity shortage,several parallel currencies appeared in the provinces(Th′e ret and Zanabria,2007).On December2001,the government ordered the freezing of bank deposits and put in place drastic foreign exchange controls. Then the government declared the default of public debt,the dollar peg was eliminated at the beginning of January2002and de-dollarization of the economy was forced.As a result of these measures,the Argentine economy started to grow in the second semester of2002and sustained a very high rate of growth in the following years.In2005,the country restructured most of the debt with an important cut in the comparative historical record(Cibils and Lo Vuolo,2007;Damill et al.,2010).

366European Journal of Social Theory17(3) The long recession makes the Argentine case particularly relevant in an analysis of the implementation and effects of the pro-cyclical fiscal policies during crisis periods. At the end of austerity measures Argentina not only defaulted on its external debt but also suspended debt payments to private creditors for about four years.Also,the crisis resolution involved a huge devaluation and the bail-out and restructuring of the domestic financial system,favouring the refinancing of private debts in the country.The lesson is clear:the longer you apply austerity measures,the worse it can be.

The case of Greece since late2009resembles the situation in Argentina between1998 and2001.Both the Greek government and the Troika denied the possibility of a Greek default while devaluation was impossible as a member of the Eurozone.They imposed policies of a sharp reduction in wages,public spending cuts,regressive tax rises and pres-sure for large-scale privatizations.The result has been a huge drop in GDP.Instead of halting the steady growth in public debt,austerity measures sent it up.Meanwhile,the cumulative recession reduced the current account deficit but not as the Troika projected.

Thus,austerity measures are not a wise road to follow during a crisis,even if one seeks to seduce financial markets.Among other reasons,national policies are not the only element to be taken into account to assess the country’s risk and to seduce capital inflows.The risk perception depends mostly on conjectures about the behaviour of the rest of the financial market and of international institutions(including the ECB).Debt sustainability then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of the average opinion of the mar-ket.It can change for many‘exogenous’reasons and contagion effects are important sources of volatility.In the Eurozone monetary union,these problems are more acute because of the underlying economic heterogeneity of the member states.

Also,from austerity policies many distributional conflicts emerge.These types of policy responses to the crisis foster a dangerous social political climate of winners and losers,making it more difficult to sustain the old welfare state’s social pacts.In these aspects,the Latin American experience can also teach some lessons to Europe. Austerity policies,welfare state retrenchment and distribution Processes of socio-economic and institutional change during crises cause huge problems for modern welfare,tin American experiences teach that austerity measures directly affect the central supporting pillars of the welfare capitalist system,meaning employment and fiscal expansion.During crises,labour markets and social policies are confronted with critics tending to undermine their legitimacy.In times of severe eco-nomic hardship,‘insiders’protected under welfare state policies feel that their living standards are declining while the numbers of‘outsiders’rise,and their lives depend more than ever on sometimes discretional social transfers.

Social protection retrenchment in Latin America

Latin American past experience is informative on these issues.During the foundation years of social insurance policies,many Latin American governments followed similar conceptual principles to the continental European countries about institutional comple-mentarities between the economic and the social protection systems(Lo Vuolo,2012).

Lo Vuolo367 The belief was that the expansion of social policies sustained itself and was based on an implicit trust in a virtuous circle:social protection increases productivity;productivity increases growth and wages;wages increase growth and social protection.Consistently, macro-economic policies were conceived to boost depressed economies and to rapidly increase employment.The objective of fiscal and monetary policies was to preserve full employment,preventing the economies from falling into a recession and incurring a rise in unemployment.

However,the alleged virtuous circle faced many obstacles to modernizing backward sectors in Latin American countries and incorporating all the labour force in formal sal-aried relations.Social policies in Latin America developed in a fragmented and unequal manner,with severe limitations to expanding coverage and to equalizing benefits(Mesa-Lago,1978;Lautier,2006).

One of the differences between most redistributive European welfare states and Latin American countries lies in the timing and the institutional design of the political commit-ment regarding the distribution of productivity gains.In Europe,the commitment was made prior to the economic boom of the post-Second World War period;in Latin Amer-ica it was made afterwards,or step by step.While by the1940s and1950s,the process of legislative development of welfare systems was broadly complete in Europe,the main institutional structure for social protection systems was not well established in many Latin American countries before the growth period of the import substitution regime of the1960s and part of the1970s.

Even when social rights were legally established for the universe of Latin American citizens,in practice,only a few groups enjoyed the benefits and the insider–outsider conflict appeared as a structural problem in the region(Arza,2004).The informal econ-omy explains an important part of these results,constraining the possibilities for ‘decommodification’and limiting coverage for a large proportion of the population which remains outside the reach of social insurance systems.The informal economy works as a low-cost manpower provider(and fiscal credit)for employers trying to avoid paying the‘political’increase in wages and the costs of the social wage,which they have not agreed to.

In this scenario,during the1980s and1990s,most countries in the region were used as a kind of laboratory where the most extreme recommendations of the so-called Washing-ton Consensus were put into practice(Lo Vuolo,2005).The prescriptions included the joint impact of strongly pro-market rhetoric,passive monetary policy and restraints on fiscal policy,openness to international flows of trade and capital,and several deregula-tory measures in the markets of goods,finance,and labour.Deregulation of labour rela-tions was a key element in these prescriptions and an increasing number of people started to drop out of protected work patterns,while wages and labour costs decreased sharply.

Structural economic heterogeneity intensified during this period in the region,nurtur-ing more labour market segmentation,lowering labour security measures and reducing labour costs(and purchasing power).Subcontracting,part-time work or jobs without contracts,a reduction in public employment,the expansion of jobs in microenterprises, domestic service and self-employment,excessive working hours for some groups,were all part of the reconfiguration of labour markets,which did not lead to the results preached,but to a downward flexibility of wages in the formal and informal labour

368European Journal of Social Theory17(3) market(Lo Vuolo,2009).More people dropped out of‘normal’work patterns and we see no decline in the size of the informal economy across the region.

More insecure labour relations and a closer connection between contributions and benefits in social security(including privatization)were some of the recipes to boost financial markets,growth,workers’effort and employment.The universalistic aim of social policies was faced with the argument that it did not serve the best interests of the poorest groups.Thus,social policy-makers were advised to set aside such universalistic aims and boost private social insurance.The‘over-protection’that certain categories of workers enjoyed within the social security system helped legitimize policies to reduce benefits and foster selectivity,despite the social insurance legacy.The poorest groups were to receive residual subsidies by means of social assistance programmes if they proved their need through a means test.

As a result,the distribution of income worsened all over the region(CEPAL,2010). During the1990s the Gini index increased in almost every Latin American country (except for Colombia and Uruguay).At the beginning of the2000s open unemployment averaged9per cent,showing a marked growing tendency,with peaks of20per cent in Argentina and16per cent in Uruguay,Colombia and Venezuela.Public employment dropped and employment in low productivity services increased.Far from the sustain-able growth promises,the economic and social situation worsened and the second wave of crises affected many countries first around1995–97and then in2001–02.

While insecurity in labour markets,lack of social security coverage and regressive income distribution became generalized features,the demands for compensation systems grew.As a result,since the1990s the region has witnessed a general tendency to set up focalized poverty alleviation schemes with separate administration and mainly related to some means test for poverty.More recently,a new wave of targeted assistance pro-grammes known as Conditional Cash Transfer programmes has swept over Latin Amer-ica(Cechini and Madariaga,2011).Critical evaluations of the targeted and conditional income transfer programmes point to numerous problems,such as the arbitrary selection of beneficiaries,interference in people’s lives,political clientelism,stigmatization of recipients,inability to achieve universal coverage and to act preventively with regards to income poverty,fomentation of poverty traps and of informality,etc.(Lo Vuolo, 2012).

Past and recent experience in the region shows that the potential to achieve universal inclusion through separate,targeted and contribution-based schemes is inherently limited.The Latin American experience shows that the more insecure labour economies are,the more stable and well-funded income maintenance and public service systems must be in order to integrate and make economically efficient heterogeneous societies. Europe is not taking into account these lessons either.

Social protection retrenchment in Europe

Continental European countries are following similar processes to Latin America in the past,but under different institutional and economic development.Since the early2000s, a wave of reforms has been developing,showing new trends in social protection.

Lo Vuolo369 Activation of the unemployed,the limitation of early exit,measures for increasing the participation of women,older workers and unskilled workers are amongst the biggest inno-vations.Important pension reforms have also been adopted,aimed at further reducing the cost of public pensions and at favouring the development of private fully funded comple-ments.In health care,in the countries with a health insurance system,more regulatory power has been given to the state,and more competition between health insurances is being introduced.Minimum income protection has also been generalized,to protect the weakest from the further retreat of social insurance that has happened through the structural trans-formation of traditional social insurances.(Palier,2010:356)

Resembling past scenarios in Latin America,the crisis in Europe raises the debate about the alleged inequality impact of the welfare state itself.The argument is that some of the core institutions of the traditional welfare state itself are effectively responsible for the economic divergence between low and high skilled workers.For instance,minimum wages are said to be particularly harmful to the employment chances and hence(relative) living standards of less-skilled workers.Meanwhile,and even if labour markets have not been deregulated wholesale in Europe,the number of‘atypical’or‘nonstandard’employment relationships has risen sharply,as have the numbers of the working poor. The emergence of a secondary labour market made of(and for)various nonstandard employment relationships resembles what is a structural feature in Latin America.

The crisis in the Eurozone is accentuating these processes and widening differences in earnings between low-and high-skilled workers.Unemployment risk and gender inequality constitute an additional dividing line in the insider–outsider conflict in the labour market emerging from the austerity policies.In many parts of Europe,women’s unemployment risk is considerably higher than that of men and this divide is exacerbated by the cutbacks in public sector jobs,where women make up the majority of the work-force.Meanwhile,in the private sector,where women tend to have reduced paid oppor-tunities across the board,low-wage jobs are growing.

Overall,these processes have reinforced the distinction between workers who are still linked to the core labour market(even if temporarily unemployed)and those who are moving away from it.These processes generate pressures for the development of a secondary type of welfare protection.Welfare institutions and programmes have been modified,paving the way for a trend that makes them very distant from those that pre-vailed in the past(Palier and Thelen,2010).All this also has a detrimental impact on social mobility,resembling similar processes well known in Latin America(Filgueira, 2007).

As was the case in Latin America(Lo Vuolo,2002),pensions are at the centre of the welfare state retrenchment in Europe.The crisis reinforced cost-containment reforms tightening eligibility conditions,strengthening the link between contributions and bene-fits,increasing retirement ages,changing indexation rules from wages to prices,etc. (Kohli and Arza,2010).Recent reforms have strengthened the link between the amount of contribution and the volume of the benefits(through a change in the calculation formula and/or stricter entitlement rules)and usually meant a shift away from redistri-butive(horizontal and vertical)toward actuarial principles and a potential reduction in the coverage of social insurance.

370European Journal of Social Theory17(3) While unemployment insurance benefits are generally limited in time,unemployment in Europe is becoming to a large extent structural in nature.Moreover,many of the struc-turally unemployed are not even entitled to unemployment insurance benefits,since they have earned no or insufficient social entitlements.Social assistance schemes that in the past were implemented as a residual and temporary social safety net for very small population groups in Europe have now become a quasi-permanent source of income for large sections of the population.As a result,most European countries have either created or expanded and generalized minimum income guarantees,either as a general safety net, or as specific minimum incomes.

Similar to the Latin American experience,but in a different context,in Europe many of the social and labour policy changes are being framed as part of a distinction between what type of social benefits and who should remain in the world of occupational social protection(and be financed through contributions)and what type of social benefits and who should be transferred to the world of social assistance,aimed at those with atypical employment situations(and financed through taxation).As in Latin America,retrench-ment in social insurance programmes thus reinforces dualism and fragmentation in social benefits to the extent that it is accompanied by a clarification of responsibility,and a shift in funding,as the welfare system has come to rely more heavily on taxation to support the(non-contributing)working poor.

As was the case in Latin America,cutbacks to the state services are never sufficient because at the same time the economic recession means fewer taxes,creating a destruc-tive environment of winners and losers inside each country and inside the Eurozone.In this scenario,the challenge is not only to find a new optimum in response to changed economic conditions but also to avoid the increasing social divide.

The Eurozone crisis in light of the Latin American experience Latin American experiences can give some useful tips to analyse the crisis in the Euro-zone.In particular,the relevance of the financial-led growth regimes to explain the boom phases preceding the crisis and the importance of the‘non-national’elements,like the implementation of macro-economic policies imposed by international organizations and the problems derived from the institutional organization of the Eurozone.

Austerity policies are another comparable element of how governments act during crisis periods following recommendations and pressures from international organiza-tions.In both cases governments chose to face domestic social and political conflicts in order to gain the financial markets’confidence about debt payments.However,past experiences in Latin America suggest that the longer you apply austerity measures,the worse it can be,even for debt payments.In spite of the rhetoric searching to seduce financial markets in order to restore growth,austerity measures do not result in long-lasting recovery but they are the practical way to impose insecurity in labour markets, to cut social security coverage benefits and to advance more regressive income distribu-tion.In this way the very nature of the welfare state institutions and social pacts are gradually and structurally changed.

Governments in the Eurozone are applying austerity policies in order to get financial support for the common currency and in this way they are damaging the welfare state and

Lo Vuolo371 other social achievements of member states.As in past Latin American crises,indebted Eurozone governments are taught that the way out of the current crisis is either through the reduction of wages or the social wage to recover competitiveness.Otherwise,critics of this way out propose that indebted governments default on their debts and exit from the monetary union,to allow a new currency to be depreciated in order to recover competitiveness.However,both options have problems under the current institutional setting of the Eurozone.

The first option would lower demand and decrease employment and output even fur-ther as well as change the very nature of the European welfare states.The second option would cause the collapse of the banking system in the peripheral Eurozone countries who attempted such a strategy because banks holding government securities would become insolvent due to both the reduction in the value of their assets and the increase,with the devaluation of the new currency,in the value of any euro liabilities that they may retain. Those banks would probably be subject to mass withdrawals of deposits as citizens in the countries exiting from the monetary union try to obtain cash in order to keep their savings in appreciating Euros.

The resolution of this contradiction is more complicated because the ECB is not play-ing the role of a credible lender of last resort for the Eurozone.Since countries in the Eurozone issue debt nominated in a currency they do not emit,the euro works as a foreign currency for every Eurozone economy.As happened in the past Latin American crisis,even when Eurozone economies do not have exchange risk,they do have a specific liquidity risk of default similar to that of public debts issued in a foreign currency in Latin America.The negative feedback effects of this problem could have been stopped or at least avoided by the operation of the ECB as a credible lender of last resort for governments.However,this is not allowed under the current institutionalization of the monetary union.

In order to play the role of other central banks,the ECB must necessarily make polit-ical decisions about which market or financial actor to support.But unlike other central banks in the world,the legitimacy of the ECB is not grounded in any political sover-eignty and it is not even required to interact with country governments.Moreover,the Eurozone does not have any other mechanisms for region-wide macro-economic regula-tion(beyond an arbitrary and uniform limit imposed on public deficits).

What is at stake here is the very conception of money for the Eurozone authorities and for the financial world in general.Money is not only a means of exchange,but a crucial mechanism for the integration of social order.The legal enforcement of specific money implies not only the issuance of means of payments,but also the power to regulate values and distribution of values.From this conception,credit and debt are the dichotomy sus-taining any monetary system because credits and debts are valued and paid in legal money and using money implies the acceptance of all monetary values(Aglietta and Orl′e an,1998,2002).

This monetary conception maintains that money is ultimately based on the social faith that makes it unanimously accepted by a community.Each community member accepts and anticipates that all the others desire the same money.In fact,a given monetary insti-tution is never established once and for all because there is‘money competition’in the market,expressing the distrust of certain groups relative to monetary rules which they

372European Journal of Social Theory17(3) consider to be against their interests.In Latin America this is well known and is expressed in the experiences of recurrent exchange rate devaluation,dollarization and the issue of‘parallel’money mainly during crisis periods.

The interdependence of the different monetary signs in the world economy is orga-nized hierarchically within the social payments system(national and international)and gives rise to the‘routine trust’based on repeated practices,learning experiences and other rules.For these and other reasons,any monetary policy must be legitimated by its correspondence to what was termed the‘ethical source’of money trust:in modern soci-eties,money is only legitimate if it contributes to the common good of society members.

The enforcement of the euro and the current crisis of the Eurozone are an example of the relevance of this conception of money.In order to impose the euro some important things changed quite fundamentally in the Eurozone societies or are in the process of doing so.Changes are consistent with a growing divide between winners and losers as was the case of Latin America during the Washington Consensus hegemony.Thus,Euro-zone countries are facing more structural labour market exclusion,more low-paid employment,high levels of involuntary unemployment,and benefit dependency among those of working age.These are not transitory features of a transitional economy but are becoming permanent elements of Eurozone countries.

While employment remains as the sine qua non for good life chances,the institutional design of the Eurozone does not put employment at the forefront of governments’con-cerns.The development of assistance schemes shows that instead of a temporary cyclical change in the labour markets,the increasing number of atypical workers,the develop-ment of long-term unemployment and the growing numbers of outsiders are a durable phenomenon that necessitates a permanent answer.In this way,the Eurozone seems to be institutionalizing a new type of highly fragmented social protection system,resem-bling what has been the case for a long time in Latin America.


1.Emerging market economies could be seen as developing countries that have been inserted into

the expanding international financial system after implementing policies of deregulation and liberalization of their financial systems and capital accounts.

2.Some authors present this fact as evidence that current emerging market countries have

‘learned’from their past experience,making significant changes in their macro-economic pol-icies during the2000s with respect to previous years(Ocampo,2010;Frenkel,2012).

3.It is worth recalling that the Latin American structuralism school has popularized this dichot-

omy in order to stress the heterogeneity and dependence relations of capitalist development (Prebisch,1981).

4.The last two crises together with the crisis in Turkey in2001constitute so far the last financial

crises in peripheral developing economies.,ually,debt-based household spending allowed consumption to grow at a faster rate than

incomes and wages.

6.Interestingly,after the European Council ratified the list of countries eligible for admission

(May1998)in few months the spread between the10-year interest rate on public debt in Spain and the German rate fell from5per cent to zero(Aglietta,2012).

Lo Vuolo373

7.At the beginning of the US sub-prime crisis,the impact was proportional to the degree of expo-

sure of the national financial systems to toxic assets in the USA,irrespective of the countries’balance of payments situations.For instance,GDP contraction in2009was greater in Germany, which showed a current account surplus,than in other Eurozone economies showing current account deficits but less exposure to US assets(Serv′e n and Nguyen,2010).

8.This explains why the main sources of negative feedback effects in the current contraction phase of

the cycle in the Eurozone are the vicious circle dynamics of public debt ratios and risk premiums.

9.More or less the same level of Greek spreads relative to German Bunds in autumn2011.


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Author biography

Rub′e n Lo Vuolo is Director of the Centro Interdisciplinario para el Estudio de Pol′?ticas Pu′blicas (CIEPP),Buenos Aires,Argentina.He has recently edited Citizen’s Income and Welfare Regimes in Latin America:From Cash Transfers to Rights(Palgrave Macmillan,2013).

The way常见用法

The way 的用法 Ⅰ常见用法: 1)the way+ that 2)the way + in which(最为正式的用法) 3)the way + 省略(最为自然的用法) 举例:I like the way in which he talks. I like the way that he talks. I like the way he talks. Ⅱ习惯用法: 在当代美国英语中,the way用作为副词的对格,“the way+ 从句”实际上相当于一个状语从句来修饰整个句子。 1)The way =as I am talking to you just the way I’d talk to my own child. He did not do it the way his friends did. Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just the way they are—all we have to do is to clean and peel them. 2)The way= according to the way/ judging from the way The way you answer the question, you are an excellent student. The way most people look at you, you’d think trash man is a monster. 3)The way =how/ how much No one can imagine the way he missed her. 4)The way =because


1麦考瑞雅思 已具有近10年英语和雅思培训经验,全国唯一开设在复旦大学城的专业雅思培训机构,唯一雅思承诺保分班,唯一突破中国学生写作口语瘸腿的创新性教学,写作口语成绩普遍高出社会平均分70%左右,唯一每天13小时《雅思高分技巧课+训练课》复合式教学体系,大学氛围,省级重点高中的管理模式,坚持高强度、大容量、出高分,得到了复旦大学高校教师和复旦内部大学生及上海大学生的普遍认可,享有极高的声誉,尤其是在写作口语双7分方面极为擅长。适合零基础、高中生、大学生在短期内的快速突破雅思6—8分。 麦考瑞雅思06年即开始G类移民类雅思培训,对G类雅思5分—8分都有丰富的教学和应试经验,每年都有G类学员在麦考瑞雅思的帮助下,取得了雅思4个6分,4个7分,总分和7分等,成功技术移民或投资移民到澳洲、美国、加拿大、新西兰等国家。 麦考瑞雅思低调而务实,从不做广告,除了江浙沪皖,仍有北京、河北、湖南、四川、内蒙等全国各地学员慕名而来。2010年度,麦考瑞雅思在沪江网被万名(ielts)《2010年度学员最满意的雅思培训机构》,并被央视CCTV、新华网等权威媒体报道班级成功故事,成为上海8万考生雅思7分实战人气排名第一和教学质量最好的专业雅思培训。 2新东方雅思 新东方教育科技集团(New Oriental Education & Technology Group )成立于1993年11月16日。经过十多年的发展,新东方教育科技集团已发展成为一家以外语培训和基础教育为核心,拥有短期语言培训系统、基础教育系统、教育研发系统、出国咨询系统、文化产业系统、科技产业系统等多个发展平台,集教育培训、教育研发、图书杂志音响出版、出国留学服务、国际游学服务,新东方在线教育、教育软件研发等于一体的大型综合性教育科技集团。2006年9月7号,新东方教育科技集团在美国纽约证券交易所成功上市,成为中国第一家在美国上市的教育机构。 3环球雅思

The way的用法及其含义(二)

The way的用法及其含义(二) 二、the way在句中的语法作用 the way在句中可以作主语、宾语或表语: 1.作主语 The way you are doing it is completely crazy.你这个干法简直发疯。 The way she puts on that accent really irritates me. 她故意操那种口音的样子实在令我恼火。The way she behaved towards him was utterly ruthless. 她对待他真是无情至极。 Words are important, but the way a person stands, folds his or her arms or moves his or her hands can also give us information about his or her feelings. 言语固然重要,但人的站姿,抱臂的方式和手势也回告诉我们他(她)的情感。 2.作宾语 I hate the way she stared at me.我讨厌她盯我看的样子。 We like the way that her hair hangs down.我们喜欢她的头发笔直地垂下来。 You could tell she was foreign by the way she was dressed. 从她的穿著就可以看出她是外国人。 She could not hide her amusement at the way he was dancing. 她见他跳舞的姿势,忍俊不禁。 3.作表语 This is the way the accident happened.这就是事故如何发生的。 Believe it or not, that's the way it is. 信不信由你, 反正事情就是这样。 That's the way I look at it, too. 我也是这么想。 That was the way minority nationalities were treated in old China. 那就是少数民族在旧中


●中国培训机构排行榜 ● ●根据2013-2014年中国教育培训行业的发展,现在慢慢转向为在线教育,不 再是以前的传统式教育。现在大多数培训机构都是以面授加网授同步进行教学,满足学员需求。 ● ●在这么众多的培训机构里,有加盟的,有连锁的。中国大大小小的培训机构 上万家,到底哪些培训机构最好,最适合我们理想的学习环境。深圳爱培训网为大家整理出以下中国十个最为出色的培训机构! ● ●一、新东方教育科技集团 ● ●培训项目:英语、厨师、出国留学、托福、雅思等。 ● ● ●

● ●中国培训机构排行榜---新东方教育集团 ● ●学校简介:新东方创办于1993年,20年专注教育培训,累积培训学员超过1600 万,从早教到成人,业务涵盖早教、学前、小学、中学、四六级、考研、出国考试、留学咨询、英语能力提升、国际游学、国际教育、图书、网络课堂等50多所学校,30000多名教职员工,旨在为学员提供一站式终身学习服务。 ● ●新东方教育科技集团已发展为一家以外语培训和基础教育为核心,拥有短期 语言培训系统、基础教育系统、职业教育系统、教育研发系统、出国咨询系统、文化产业系统、科技产业系统等多个发展平台,集教育培训、教育研发、图书杂志音响出版、出国留学服务、职业教育、新东方在线教育、教育软件研发等于一体的大型综合性教育科技集团。 ● ●学校优势:网授+面授同步进行、学校师资力量雄厚,中国老品牌教育培训 机构。 ● ●二、学而思教育 ● ●培训项目:小学奥数、英语、语文,初高中数学、物理、化学、英语、语文。●

● ● ●中国培训机构排行榜---学而思中小学教育 ● ●学校简介:2010年10月20日,学而思教育在纽约证券交易所正式挂牌交易, 成为国内首家在美国上市的中小幼课外教育培训机构。 ● ●学而思以“给孩子受益一生的教育”为使命,秉承“激发兴趣、培养习惯、 塑造品格”的教育理念,不仅关注学生学习成绩的提高,更关注学生学习兴趣的激发、学习习惯的培养和思维模式的塑造。为满足孩子多元的教育需求,学而思开展小班、1对1、网校等多种形式的教育服务,旗下拥有摩比思维馆、学而思培优、学而思网校、智康1对1、E度教育网五个子业务品牌,在各自细分领域都处于领先地位。 ● ●学而思还发展了国内布局完整的中小幼教育专业门户网站群——e度教育 网。e度网由育儿网、幼教网、奥数网、中考网、高考网、留学网等多个网


定冠词the的用法: 定冠词the与指示代词this ,that同源,有“那(这)个”的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西. (1)特指双方都明白的人或物 Take the medicine.把药吃了. (2)上文提到过的人或事 He bought a house.他买了幢房子. I've been to the house.我去过那幢房子. (3)指世界上独一无二的事物 the sun ,the sky ,the moon, the earth (4)单数名词连用表示一类事物 the dollar 美元 the fox 狐狸 或与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人 the rich 富人 the living 生者 (5)用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词等前面 Where do you live?你住在哪? I live on the second floor.我住在二楼. That's the very thing I've been looking for.那正是我要找的东西. (6)与复数名词连用,指整个群体 They are the teachers of this school.(指全体教师) They are teachers of this school.(指部分教师) (7)表示所有,相当于物主代词,用在表示身体部位的名词前 She caught me by the arm.她抓住了我的手臂. (8)用在某些有普通名词构成的国家名称,机关团体,阶级等专有名词前 the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国 the United States 美国 (9)用在表示乐器的名词前 She plays the piano.她会弹钢琴. (10)用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人 the Greens 格林一家人(或格林夫妇) (11)用在惯用语中 in the day, in the morning... the day before yesterday, the next morning... in the sky... in the dark... in the end... on the whole, by the way...

“the way+从句”结构的意义及用法

“theway+从句”结构的意义及用法 首先让我们来看下面这个句子: Read the followingpassageand talkabout it wi th your classmates.Try totell whatyou think of Tom and ofthe way the childrentreated him. 在这个句子中,the way是先行词,后面是省略了关系副词that或in which的定语从句。 下面我们将叙述“the way+从句”结构的用法。 1.the way之后,引导定语从句的关系词是that而不是how,因此,<<现代英语惯用法词典>>中所给出的下面两个句子是错误的:This is thewayhowithappened. This is the way how he always treats me. 2.在正式语体中,that可被in which所代替;在非正式语体中,that则往往省略。由此我们得到theway后接定语从句时的三种模式:1) the way+that-从句2)the way +in which-从句3) the way +从句 例如:The way(in which ,that) thesecomrade slookatproblems is wrong.这些同志看问题的方法

不对。 Theway(that ,in which)you’re doingit is comple tely crazy.你这么个干法,简直发疯。 Weadmired him for theway inwhich he facesdifficulties. Wallace and Darwingreed on the way inwhi ch different forms of life had begun.华莱士和达尔文对不同类型的生物是如何起源的持相同的观点。 This is the way(that) hedid it. I likedthe way(that) sheorganized the meeting. 3.theway(that)有时可以与how(作“如何”解)通用。例如: That’s the way(that) shespoke. = That’s how shespoke.

way 用法

表示“方式”、“方法”,注意以下用法: 1.表示用某种方法或按某种方式,通常用介词in(此介词有时可省略)。如: Do it (in) your own way. 按你自己的方法做吧。 Please do not talk (in) that way. 请不要那样说。 2.表示做某事的方式或方法,其后可接不定式或of doing sth。 如: It’s the best way of studying [to study] English. 这是学习英语的最好方法。 There are different ways to do [of doing] it. 做这事有不同的办法。 3.其后通常可直接跟一个定语从句(不用任何引导词),也可跟由that 或in which 引导的定语从句,但是其后的从句不能由how 来引导。如: 我不喜欢他说话的态度。 正:I don’t like the way he spoke. 正:I don’t like the way that he spoke. 正:I don’t like the way in which he spoke. 误:I don’t like the way how he spoke. 4.注意以下各句the way 的用法: That’s the way (=how) he spoke. 那就是他说话的方式。 Nobody else loves you the way(=as) I do. 没有人像我这样爱你。 The way (=According as) you are studying now, you won’tmake much progress. 根据你现在学习情况来看,你不会有多大的进步。 2007年陕西省高考英语中有这样一道单项填空题: ——I think he is taking an active part insocial work. ——I agree with you_____. A、in a way B、on the way C、by the way D、in the way 此题答案选A。要想弄清为什么选A,而不选其他几项,则要弄清选项中含way的四个短语的不同意义和用法,下面我们就对此作一归纳和小结。 一、in a way的用法 表示:在一定程度上,从某方面说。如: In a way he was right.在某种程度上他是对的。注:in a way也可说成in one way。 二、on the way的用法 1、表示:即将来(去),就要来(去)。如: Spring is on the way.春天快到了。 I'd better be on my way soon.我最好还是快点儿走。 Radio forecasts said a sixth-grade wind was on the way.无线电预报说将有六级大风。 2、表示:在路上,在行进中。如: He stopped for breakfast on the way.他中途停下吃早点。 We had some good laughs on the way.我们在路上好好笑了一阵子。 3、表示:(婴儿)尚未出生。如: She has two children with another one on the way.她有两个孩子,现在还怀着一个。 She's got five children,and another one is on the way.她已经有5个孩子了,另一个又快生了。 三、by the way的用法


哪个雅思培训机构最好? 哪个雅思培训班好?哪个雅思培训机构最好这应该是广大考雅思们最关注的问题。每次看到都是感触良多,我想到大家选择雅思培训学校的心情的时候,就真的想借给每位雅思考生一双慧眼,让他们把这些培训学校都看的清清楚楚、明明白白。 雅思考试费用不菲,培训价格更高,简直可以说高的离谱,学费几千甚至上万的雅思培训学校比比皆是。那如何选择雅思培训学校呢?我总结了以下几点注意事项,希望对大家有帮助。 一、雅思培训机构的口碑 俗话说得好:金杯,银杯,不如老百姓的口碑!选择雅思培训机构之前一定要多听取周围参加过培训同学的意见,做到心中有数。而对于通过网络搜索学校好坏的同学,一定要谨慎,慎重选择,因为网络上的职业枪手无以计数。 二、学校的师资 目前国内有很多知名雅思培训机构,其中不乏连锁或者加盟的,多数培训学校的老师都是本土化,如果哪家学校的宣传上给老师的包装冠以“北京”,“著名”,“学者”之类的名师,大家可要留意了,很多都是假的。其次老师的稳定性,如果学校的授课老师不断变换,对培训效果就会无法保障,报培训班之前一定要了解授课老师情况,有

的学校虽然打出了什么外教或者是名师的招牌,其实这些老师甚至连从业资格都没有这样我们怎么期待他们能给我带来英语能力的提高! 三、雅思学校课程设置 专业的雅思学校会根据学生不同英语基础开设课程,例如长期班、基础班、提高班、强化班等。这里建议大家最好选择一对一的雅思课程,在教学上会更有针对性,学习效果也显著。如果基础不同,采取一勺烩的做法,那你需要敬而远之。 四、能为学员提供相关服务 一个专业的雅思培训学校,会为学员提供很多的专业服务。例如:雅思写作批改,雅思口语交流机会,学前、学中、学后的模考等等。如果能提供这些服务并贯穿整个雅思学习的过程,那你可以优先选择了! 作为中国在线英语培训的领先者,引入欧美授课新理念,一直以来都认真聆听学员的心声,专注于提高学员的英语口语能力,使之成为最高性价比抉择的首选出国前英语雅思培训机构。易格英语利用专门的音频视频软件,通过在线学习的形式为学员提供一对一的专业辅导。他们最大的特色就是英美专业外教,一对一辅导以及免费试听。因为是在线培训的方式,所以培训不受时间、地点的限制,因为省去了场地和往返的费用,真正做到为每位学员节省每一分钱。全国官

The way的用法及其含义(一)

The way的用法及其含义(一) 有这样一个句子:In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted. 1770年,这间琥珀屋按照她的要求完成了。 the way在句中的语法作用是什么?其意义如何?在阅读时,学生经常会碰到一些含有the way 的句子,如:No one knows the way he invented the machine. He did not do the experiment the way his teacher told him.等等。他们对the way 的用法和含义比较模糊。在这几个句子中,the way之后的部分都是定语从句。第一句的意思是,“没人知道他是怎样发明这台机器的。”the way的意思相当于how;第二句的意思是,“他没有按照老师说的那样做实验。”the way 的意思相当于as。在In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted.这句话中,the way也是as的含义。随着现代英语的发展,the way的用法已越来越普遍了。下面,我们从the way的语法作用和意义等方面做一考查和分析: 一、the way作先行词,后接定语从句 以下3种表达都是正确的。例如:“我喜欢她笑的样子。” 1. the way+ in which +从句 I like the way in which she smiles. 2. the way+ that +从句 I like the way that she smiles. 3. the way + 从句(省略了in which或that) I like the way she smiles. 又如:“火灾如何发生的,有好几种说法。” 1. There were several theories about the way in which the fire started. 2. There were several theories about the way that the fire started.

way 的用法

way 的用法 【语境展示】 1. Now I’ll show you how to do the experiment in a different way. 下面我来演示如何用一种不同的方法做这个实验。 2. The teacher had a strange way to make his classes lively and interesting. 这位老师有种奇怪的办法让他的课生动有趣。 3. Can you tell me the best way of working out this problem? 你能告诉我算出这道题的最好方法吗? 4. I don’t know the way (that / in which) he helped her out. 我不知道他用什么方法帮助她摆脱困境的。 5. The way (that / which) he talked about to solve the problem was difficult to understand. 他所谈到的解决这个问题的方法难以理解。 6. I don’t like the way that / which is being widely used for saving water. 我不喜欢这种正在被广泛使用的节水方法。 7. They did not do it the way we do now. 他们以前的做法和我们现在不一样。 【归纳总结】 ●way作“方法,方式”讲时,如表示“以……方式”,前面常加介词in。如例1; ●way作“方法,方式”讲时,其后可接不定式to do sth.,也可接of doing sth. 作定语,表示做某事的方法。如例2,例3;


上海雅思培训行业分析报告 ——专业解读上海雅思培训怎么选?

上海雅思培训行业分析报告 ——上海雅思培训机构怎么选? 随着雅思考试的持续火热,各种线上线下培训也余温不减。市面上的雅思培训机构被“吹”得天花乱坠,考生也被弄得晕头转向。诚然,不同的考生选择雅思培训机构关注的重点不一样,但是有四点是必须要看的。另外,相对于这四个必看点,考生容易陷入的一些误区,在此也为大家列出,以供参考。 第一,看口碑不看品牌 品牌的响亮很大程度在于机构广告费用的投入,及公司宣传策略的选择。大家在衡量一个机构质量的同时,不要仅凭平日里的印象进行选择,最好能先咨询参加过相关机构培训的朋友或同学,由他们进行推荐或者听取他们的建议。 部分知名度较高的培训机构内部培训效果难以评判,据一些参加过相关机构培训的考生反应,其培训效果与预期落差很大。 2 / 22

3 / 22 第二,看试听不看吹捧 考生在决定报考哪个培训机构前,一定要预约一次免费试听课。不要只听顾问老师的“吹捧”。通过试听,可以了解到这个机构老师上课的大致水平,从而对机构的教学实力做出评估。但是老师的教学水平千差万别,大家还需要对机构老师的整体水平做了解。如有条件还可以对相应授课教师做进一步的打听。 师资力量是一个机构培训实力的根本保证。大家需要从老师的教育背景、教学经验两方面去考察。有海外留学背景和国内知名院校背景相关专业的最好。另外,需要有三年及以上教学经验,且多次参加雅思考试并有高分学员培养经典案例的老师。 第三,看课程不看高分 课程设置是否全面,即有没有适合自己的 课程非常重要,切忌只看高分学员。高分学员的产生是有其自身英语基础的。一般考生要获取高分必须在适合自


t h e-w a y-的用法

The way 的用法 "the way+从句"结构在英语教科书中出现的频率较高, the way 是先行词, 其后是定语从句.它有三种表达形式:1) the way+that 2)the way+ in which 3)the way + 从句(省略了that或in which),在通常情况下, 用in which 引导的定语从句最为正式,用that的次之,而省略了关系代词that 或 in which 的, 反而显得更自然,最为常用.如下面三句话所示,其意义相同. I like the way in which he talks. I like the way that he talks. I like the way he talks. 一.在当代美国英语中,the way用作为副词的对格,"the way+从句"实际上相当于一个状语从句来修饰全句. the way=as 1)I'm talking to you just the way I'd talk to a boy of my own. 我和你说话就象和自己孩子说话一样. 2)He did not do it the way his friend did. 他没有象他朋友那样去做此事. 3)Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just the way they are ----all we have to do is clean or peel them . 大部分水果天然甜润,可以直接食用,我们只需要把他们清洗一下或去皮.


十大英语培训机构推荐 一、美联英语 美联英语,全球体验式英语培训领先品牌,是美联国际教育集团旗下最重要的产线品牌,一直提倡“会用,才算会英语”。从2006年开创至今,已覆盖14个省份、25个城市,拥有近100家教学中心。多年来,美联英语一直秉持体验式英语的教学理念,以轻松灵活的教学方式,每年为全球3万余名学员提供专业、高端的英语教育。美联英语更开创多种英语学习方法和课程,满足不同英语水平学员的切实需要,让学员能够在职场、学校、生活上真正运用英语。 特点:口语培训,独特的体验式英语培训的教学方法,教学中给学员力争还原真实的英语交流环境。欧美国家外教跟你面对面对话,教你最地道的口语。如果说把自己扔在国外是学英语的好方法,美联英语是把国外的语言环境搬到了美联英语的中心里。 二、新东方英语 简介:新东方学校成立于1993年,并于2006年成功在美国上市,语言培训一直是新东方的核心竞争力。 特点:学英语的都知道,新东方在应试方面的培训全国一流。托福雅思GRE,四级六级,专四专八,老师会教你各种考试方面的技巧。新东方解决了很多中国人应付考试的问题,很多考托福的学生都在新东方接受过培训

三、昂立英语 上海市昂立进修学院前身为交大昂立外语培训中心,1991年成立,是全国首家大学生发起的勤工助学组织,取名“ONLY”,长期的发展在培训行业积累了一定的口碑。 特点:价格、开课种类以及课时人数方面与新东方有些类似,但包含更多英语以外的培训班。 四、新航道 创始人是原新东方教师胡敏,与新东方培训有异曲同工之处,“雅思梦之队”、“托福国家队”、“考研英语梦之队”等为广大学子提供雅思、新托福、SAT、GRE、考研英语、四六级考试、英语口语、中学英语、综合英语等应试培训课程。 特点:明星老师口才比较好,上课气氛热烈,应试技巧比较有用。 五、李阳疯狂英语 简介:李阳疯狂英语是在中国本土土生土长的实用高效的英语学习方法,在广大校园有很大的影响力。 特点:多以训练营、夏令营等短期全封闭培训为主,作为一种交新朋友、集体生活的体验对于学生来说,参加一次这样的英语培训也很不错。


way的用法总结大全 way的用法你知道多少,今天给大家带来way的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 way的用法总结大全 way的意思 n. 道路,方法,方向,某方面 adv. 远远地,大大地 way用法 way可以用作名词 way的基本意思是“路,道,街,径”,一般用来指具体的“路,道路”,也可指通向某地的“方向”“路线”或做某事所采用的手段,即“方式,方法”。way还可指“习俗,作风”“距离”“附近,周围”“某方面”等。 way作“方法,方式,手段”解时,前面常加介词in。如果way前有this, that等限定词,介词可省略,但如果放在句首,介词则不可省略。

way作“方式,方法”解时,其后可接of v -ing或to- v 作定语,也可接定语从句,引导从句的关系代词或关系副词常可省略。 way用作名词的用法例句 I am on my way to the grocery store.我正在去杂货店的路上。 We lost the way in the dark.我们在黑夜中迷路了。 He asked me the way to London.他问我去伦敦的路。 way可以用作副词 way用作副词时意思是“远远地,大大地”,通常指在程度或距离上有一定的差距。 way back表示“很久以前”。 way用作副词的用法例句 It seems like Im always way too busy with work.我工作总是太忙了。 His ideas were way ahead of his time.他的思想远远超越了他那个时代。 She finished the race way ahead of the other runners.她第一个跑到终点,远远领先于其他选手。 way用法例句


国内十大(ielts)雅思培训机构排名相关资讯讯息 1麦考瑞雅思 已具有近10年英语和雅思培训经验,全国唯一开设在复旦大学城的专业雅思培训机构,唯一雅思承诺保分班,唯一突破中国学生写作口语瘸腿的创新性教学,写作口语成绩普遍高出社会平均分70%左右,唯一每天13小时《雅思高分技巧课+训练课》复合式教学体系,大学氛围,省级重点高中的管理模式,坚持高强度、大容量、出高分,得到了复旦大学高校教师和复旦内部大学生及上海大学生的普遍认可,享有极高的声誉,尤其是在写作口语双7分方面极为擅长。适合零基础、高中生、大学生在短期内的快速突破雅思6—8分。 麦考瑞雅思06年即开始G类移民类雅思培训,对G类雅思5分—8分都有丰富的教学和应试经验,每年都有G类学员在麦考瑞雅思的帮助下,取得了雅思4个6分,4个7分,总分6.5和7分等,成功技术移民或投资移民到澳洲、美国、加拿大、新西兰等国家。 麦考瑞雅思低调而务实,从不做广告,除了江浙沪皖,仍有北京、河北、湖南、四川、内蒙等全国各地学员慕名而来。2010年度,麦考瑞雅思在沪江网被万名(ielts)《2010年度学员最满意的雅思培训机构》,并被央视CCTV、新华网等权威媒体报道班级成功故事,成为上海8万考生雅思7分实战人气排名第一和教学质量最好的专业雅思培训。 2新东方雅思 新东方教育科技集团(New Oriental Education & Technology Group )成立于1993年11月16日。经过十多年的发展,新东方教育科技集团已发展成为一家以外语培训和基础教育为核心,拥有短期语言培训系统、基础教育系统、教育研发系统、出国咨询系统、文化产业系统、科技产业系统等多个发展平台,集教育培训、教育研发、图书杂志音响出版、出国留学服务、国际游学服务,新东方在线教育、教育软件研发等于一体的大型综合性教育科技集团。2006年9月7号,新东方教育科技集团在美国纽约证券交易所成功上市,成为中国第一家在美国上市的教育机构。 3环球雅思 广州市环球精英培训中心作为国内规模最大并首家在美国上市的连锁外语培训机构之一,为中国民办教育创新做出巨大贡献。12年来以驰名独特的“环球实用应试教学模式”,迅速发展成为具有全国(ielts)雅思、托福、SAT、GRE、PTE、少儿英语、BETS、BEC商务英语、职称英语、国际预科课程、四六级、外教口语、中教听说、新概念英语、词汇语法发音、夏冬令营、法德西意多语种、留学文书写作中心、职业网校、英语网校、政府及企业团培、英美公派奖学金申请、大学国际课程委培、英语教材开发等项的综合性学校及大型网校,成为第一个中国教育行业旗舰连锁机构,被称为“中国人的英语学习强国”。 4新航道雅思 新航道国际教育集团(是由英语教育专家胡敏教授率领一批国内外语言培训界精英及专家、学者共同创办,美国国际数据集团(IDG)和全球著名的教育培训机构美国KAPLAN国际


t h e_w a y的用法大全

The way 在the way+从句中, the way 是先行词, 其后是定语从句.它有三种表达形式:1) the way+that 2)the way+ in which 3)the way + 从句(省略了that或in which),在通常情况下, 用in which 引导的定语从句最为正式,用that的次之,而省略了关系代词that 或 in which 的, 反而显得更自然,最为常用.如下面三句话所示,其意义相同. I like the way in which he talks. I like the way that he talks. I like the way he talks. 如果怕弄混淆,下面的可以不看了 另外,在当代美国英语中,the way用作为副词的对格,"the way+从句"实际上相当于一个状语从句来修饰全句. the way=as 1)I'm talking to you just the way I'd talk to a boy of my own. 我和你说话就象和自己孩子说话一样. 2)He did not do it the way his friend did. 他没有象他朋友那样去做此事. 3)Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just the way they are ----all we have to do is clean or peel them . 大部分水果天然甜润,可以直接食用,我们只需要把他们清洗一下或去皮. the way=according to the way/judging from the way 4)The way you answer the qquestions, you must be an excellent student. 从你回答就知道,你是一个优秀的学生. 5)The way most people look at you, you'd think a trashman was a monster. 从大多数人看你的目光中,你就知道垃圾工在他们眼里是怪物. the way=how/how much 6)I know where you are from by the way you pronounce my name. 从你叫我名字的音调中,我知道你哪里人. 7)No one can imaine the way he misses her. 人们很想想象他是多么想念她. the way=because 8) No wonder that girls looks down upon me, the way you encourage her. 难怪那姑娘看不起我, 原来是你怂恿的


十大英语培训机构排名 1、新东方 简介:新东方学校成立于1993年,并于2006年成功在美国上市,语言培训一直是新东方的核心竞争力。 影响力:闻名遐迩的应试培训,英语四六级、雅思、托福等考试技巧传授得不错,应试品牌效用很强大。 特点:明星老师口才比较好,上课气氛热烈,价钱相对实惠。 不足:应试技能传授多过语言的培训,上课人数较多。据说笑话每期一样,课件每期一样,不过对于应试来说很有效果。 师资:中教、外教 上课模式:课堂面授,大班上百人,小班十余人 面对对象:大学生出国考试 2、英孚教育 简介:1965年,一位名叫Bertil Hult的瑞典年轻人创办了EF 英孚教育。1994年进入中国市场的英孚教育,基于各大城市布点宣传较多,网络搜索排名第二。 影响力:老外开的公司,品牌宣传投入大,知名度、费用很高的英语培训“贵族”机构之一。 特点:局限于大城市,高档写字楼的教学环境,英语学习氛围较好。学习时间自由,要自制力较好和有品质要求的学员。 不足:价格较贵,学习期限多为一年以上,2万以上,课时数比较少单价较高。 师资:中教、外教 上课模式:面授为主,辅助在线预习等学习,一对4+大班课+在线学习 面对对象:成人商务人士 3、环球雅思 简介:雅思是最受语言培训网民关注的语言考试,市场上存在众多以雅思辅导起家的语言培训机构,市场竞争激烈。2001年成立的环球雅思则以3.9%的关注度排名第三。 影响力:一如期名字,在雅思考试这一块是绝对的权威,要移民出国的语言考试选择这错 不了。 特点:针对考试开设听力、口语、写作、阅读方面的针对性课程,适合专项突破。 不足:大班教学,更偏向应试,口语课时数较少。 师资:中教、外教

the way 的用法

The way 的用法 "the way+从句"结构在英语教科书中出现的频率较高, the way 是先行词, 其后是定语从句.它有三种表达形式:1) the way+that 2)the way+ in which 3)the way + 从句(省略了that或in which),在通常情况下, 用in which 引导的定语从句最为正式,用that的次之,而省略了关系代词that 或in which 的, 反而显得更自然,最为常用.如下面三句话所示,其意义相同. I like the way in which he talks. I like the way that he talks. I like the way he talks. 一.在当代美国英语中,the way用作为副词的对格,"the way+从句"实际上相当于一个状语从句来修饰全句. the way=as 1)I'm talking to you just the way I'd talk to a boy of my own. 我和你说话就象和自己孩子说话一样. 2)He did not do it the way his friend did. 他没有象他朋友那样去做此事. 3)Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just the way they are ----all we have to do is clean or peel them . 大部分水果天然甜润,可以直接食用,我们只需要把他们清洗一下或去皮.

the way=according to the way/judging from the way 4)The way you answer the qquestions, you must be an excellent student. 从你回答就知道,你是一个优秀的学生. 5)The way most people look at you, you'd think a trashman was a monster. 从大多数人看你的目光中,你就知道垃圾工在他们眼里是怪物. the way=how/how much 6)I know where you are from by the way you pronounce my name. 从你叫我名字的音调中,我知道你哪里人. 7)No one can imaine the way he misses her. 人们很想想象他是多么想念她. the way=because 8) No wonder that girls looks down upon me, the way you encourage her. 难怪那姑娘看不起我, 原来是你怂恿的 the way =while/when(表示对比) 9)From that day on, they walked into the classroom carrying defeat on their shoulders the way other students carried textbooks under their arms. 从那天起,其他同学是夹着书本来上课,而他们却带着"失败"的思想负担来上课.

The way的用法及其含义(三)

The way的用法及其含义(三) 三、the way的语义 1. the way=as(像) Please do it the way I’ve told you.请按照我告诉你的那样做。 I'm talking to you just the way I'd talk to a boy of my own.我和你说话就像和自己孩子说话一样。 Plant need water the way they need sun light. 植物需要水就像它们需要阳光一样。 2. the way=how(怎样,多么) No one can imagine the way he misses her.没人能够想象出他是多么想念她! I want to find out the way a volcano has formed.我想弄清楚火山是怎样形成的。 He was filled with anger at the way he had been treated.他因遭受如此待遇而怒火满腔。That’s the way she speaks.她就是那样讲话的。 3. the way=according as (根据) The way you answer the questions, you must be an excellent student.从你回答问题来看,你一定是名优秀的学生。 The way most people look at you, you'd think a trash man was a monster.从大多数人看你的目光中,你就知道垃圾工在他们眼里是怪物。 The way I look at it, it’s not what you do that matters so much.依我看,重要的并不是你做什么。 I might have been his son the way he talked.根据他说话的样子,好像我是他的儿子一样。One would think these men owned the earth the way they behave.他们这样行动,人家竟会以为他们是地球的主人。
