



About the new fire-proof material application in indoor decoration analysis contrast in both Chinese

and English


One, the overview of new fire protection material


In current society, has three kinds of commonly used in the indoor fire prevention materials, organic fireproof materials; Jet fire prevention materials; Calcium silicate material fire prevention board.


Organic fireproof material is mainly used for ceiling and wall in the design of interior design; Compared with the traditional fire materials, organic fire-proof material has a series of advantages, it has good high temperature resistance, good thermal endurance and stability, small fire difficult to deformation; Oxygen index and flame retardancy to ensure the construction is difficult to burn in fire; Smoke is low, only have very little smoke in the fire, so that can protect the scene of the fire life safety of people.


Jet fire prevention materials and don't have a lot of use in our country. The fireproof material is sprayed onto the construction on building fire protection materials, the materials mainly have don't produce smoke, inorganic fiber combustion, the quality of light and sound absorption and the

characteristics of high efficient heat insulation; The current social jet fire protection material has been widely used in heat insulation, fireproofing and sound absorption in construction. Supervision by national building materials test center testing, its performance has reached the level of similar foreign products.


China's grade A or materials including calcium silicate in new fire prevention board material, flexible installation, this material has excellent fireproof heat insulation function, especially in the underground construction speed and wet environments become more prominent. Such as fire control system in hydropower station adopts the fire-proof material has certain advantages, with the development of our country's economy and living standards, the application of the material will become more common, this will surely promote the new fire protection materials faster development. Overall, new fire prevention materials is more widely used not only in our life, and improved the level of our urban construction. Can say new fire prevention materials widely used social prospect is very broad and worthy of our study and promotion.


Second, the necessity of fire prevention materials for interior decoration


If used in the interior decoration is a combustible material. In confined space fire, the material will become the new combustion sources. The charges of decoration materials in the interior also easy to have the consequences of deflagration in the fire. Mainly because of combustible material thermal feedback can lead to decorate indoor accommodate temperature rises, thus reducing the deflagration occurred exothermic speed you need. Flammable items when indoor temperature reaches a certain degree can cause fire and explosion hazard. At the same time, the combustible decoration materials in use process will absorb heat and store up energy, thus shortening the deflagration of time. Finally, at the time of the fire smoke from the burning of the air mail is the ceiling of the place, makes the ceiling and wall is heated, if these are heated using the combustible decorate material, will increase the development of the fire and have a huge impact.


Three, that is commonly used in indoor fire-proof material analysis


(a) flame retardant plywood


Most used in indoor decoration is the woodiness material, flame retardant plywood is one of the wooden material, it is the wood cut into thin plate or wood square result in of, through the study of the flame retardant of veneer processing, and bonding with adhesives become more than thirty percent of the plate. Usually an odd number of layer plates, the adjacent single fiber direction perpendicular to each other. Fine processing production process makes structure more reasonable, this not only overcomes the drawback of ordinary plywood flammable, improve the sheet resistance of the thermal performance; And overcomes the defect of ordinary wood and improve the physics properties of the wood. Flame retardant plywood is mainly divided into four kinds: one kind is can soak in cold water with hot water and short time soaking ShuiNan burning resistant plywood; Category is a neat high temperature resistant, durable and able to handle the resistance to boiling water and climate of flame retardant plywood; Three is can short time in cold water soak in moisture resistant flame retardant plywood, mainly is suitable for the furniture in room temperature and general construction; Four class is mainly used in normal indoor moisture resistant flame retardant plywood.


(2) the calcium silicate board


Most used in indoor decoration is stepless or material, calcium silicate board is one of the material. It is mainly made up of siliceous and calcareous materials, pulp, molding, drying, steaming oxygen and sanding process has been made of the new board, is characterized by high strength, light quality, water proof, fire prevention, insulation, deformation, sound insulation, good processing performance, avoid rupture and green environmental protection, etc., it is mainly applied to public buildings and top fireproof ceiling board, partition panel, air duct, fire doors and bulkhead cabin, etc.


(3) the phenolic foam


Phenolic foam is mainly used by foaming technology and blowing agent shall not apply to the freon, this technology is helpful to protect the earth's ozone layer, in the process of its production don't need to add any harmful substances. This material has the good moistureproof, fire prevention, insulation and heat preservation function, no toxic substances in the materials at the same time, light mass, compressive ability is good, sound insulation, sound-absorbing the effect is good. This material is widely used in petrochemical engineering, construction engineering, aerospace, thermal engineering and transport and other fields. Of phenolic foam insulation materials with high performance of flame retardant, mainly for low smoke, high oxygen index, heat insulation, high temperature resistant performance is high. At the same time, better able to stop the spread of the flame.


(4) composite high strength of fire prevention board


Composite high strength heterogeneity sandwich structure is used in fire prevention board sheet this is the latest patented technology. Gels mainly adopts magnesium oxide and match with special solidification method, and the multiple modification of material, this material overcomes the

magnesium oxide gel in the halogen. In the core layer function of sound insulation, thermal insulation, fire prevention, heat insulation, high strength refractory aggregate, and using of refractory fiber networks to increase the strength between the layers. When the indoor fires, combustion can be combined as a whole, this plank itself to prevent collapse, and effectively block the spread of turbulent flame, and the heterogeneity of soil material properties, delay the conduction of the high temperature. So, this kind of plate with calcium silicate board, gypsum board, watertight fiber board, etc what board does not have special fire prevention performance.


Fire retardant coating (5)


Main fire retardant coating has the function of flame retardant and heat insulation clothing in material surface, can effectively delay the development of fire and to prevent the spread of flame, can protect the base material. Starting in 1837 developed the first kind of formula of fire retardant coating, the coating not only began to constantly development and in the continuous improvement in performance. At the same time as people demand for fireproof material performance and the development of flame retardant technology, dilatability PangZhang fire prevention of the fire-resistant material and protect indoor structure material also in constant development.


(6) fire retardant floor


Fire retardant floor adopts the low pollution, low toxicity, erosion, flame retardant effect lasting, anticorrosion, insect resistance, moisture resistance, size stability and other functions the flame retardancy of cement. Can dilute combustible gas and the new material does not burn, can isolate air source and transform the thermal cracking of the wood, achieve control of plate burning. The floor, or use a kind of excellent gloss and transparency of the decorative paper, by the fire and melamine impregnated balance layer. The characteristics of decorative paper has: high temperature resistance, abrasion resistance, water resistance, impact resistance, flame resistance, solvent

resistance, arc resistance, electrical insulation and other characteristics, to ensure the fire flame retardant performance of the floor.




Current society although there are many different kinds of fireproof material, but it does not meet the actual demand. In our country economy high speed development of life, attention to fire prevention materials as well as the demand is higher and higher. Improve the quality of fireproof material, explore new fire protection materials, reduce cost, further concentrated power, integration of resources in our country, in order to promote our country fire prevention materials research and efforts, for improving the standard of construction quality in production in our country has the theoretical and practical significance.


新型防火材料项目可行性研究报告 规划设计 / 投资分析

摘要 该新型防火材料项目计划总投资6196.95万元,其中:固定资产投资5225.49万元,占项目总投资的84.32%;流动资金971.46万元,占项目总投资的15.68%。 达产年营业收入9185.00万元,总成本费用7098.66万元,税金及附加120.90万元,利润总额2086.34万元,利税总额2495.01万元,税后净利润1564.76万元,达产年纳税总额930.26万元;达产年投资利润率33.67%,投资利税率40.26%,投资回报率25.25%,全部投资回收期5.46年,提供就业职位190个。 消防、卫生及安全设施的设置必须贯彻国家关于环境保护、劳动安全的法规和要求,符合相关行业的相关标准。项目承办单位所选择的产品方案和技术方案应是优化的方案,以最大程度减少建设投资,提高项目经济效益和抗风险能力。项目承办单位和项目审查管理部门,要科学论证项目的技术可靠性、项目的经济性,实事求是地做出科学合理的研究结论。 总论、项目必要性分析、市场前景分析、项目投资建设方案、项目建设地方案、工程设计、工艺先进性、项目环保研究、安全保护、项目风险评价、节能方案、实施进度计划、投资方案计划、经济收益、项目评价结论等。

新型防火材料项目可行性研究报告目录 第一章总论 第二章项目必要性分析 第三章市场前景分析 第四章项目投资建设方案 第五章项目建设地方案 第六章工程设计 第七章工艺先进性 第八章项目环保研究 第九章安全保护 第十章项目风险评价 第十一章节能方案 第十二章实施进度计划 第十三章投资方案计划 第十四章经济收益 第十五章项目招投标方案 第十六章项目评价结论


关于新型建筑防火材料的探究 发表时间:2016-03-21T13:19:18.340Z 来源:《基层建设》2015年24期供稿作者:赵虎 [导读] 身份证号码:612324************ 随着经济飞跃发展,建筑行业也突飞猛进,高楼大厦拔地而起,随之而来在消防安全上也出现了新的问题和挑战。 身份证号码:612324************ 陕西西安 摘要:随着我国经济的快速发展,工业化城市化进程的日益深化,建筑行业规模也日益壮大,与此同时建筑防火问题变得日益重要。建筑防火材料是建筑防火的关键,是建筑安全的保障,随着科学技术的发展,涌现出越来越多的建筑防火材料,降低了建筑的安全隐患。本文针对新型建筑防火材料的重要性、特性及其未来的发展方向进行分析论述,希望能够更好地把握防火材料,从而最大程度地降低发生火灾的危险性。 关键词:建筑;防火材料;发展方向 随着经济飞跃发展,建筑行业也突飞猛进,高楼大厦拔地而起,随之而来在消防安全上也出现了新的问题和挑战。防火建筑材料直接关系到人们的人生安全和财产安全,为此,在保障建筑本身安全性和稳定性的基础上如何选用合适的建筑防火材料在最大程度上降低火灾隐患,延缓火灾的蔓延时间变得至关重要。文章对新型的建筑防火材料特别是新型的复合性防火材料的运用及发展方向进行详细的论述。 一、新型建筑防火材料的重要性 新型建筑防火材料无毒、轻质,具有一定的隔热、保温和吸声性能,与传统型建筑材料相比具有更好的耐火性和耐侯性。很多轻质复合材料具有良好的特性,如质量轻、厚度低,抗拉强度和抗冲击强度高,良好的耐冷热性能以及受气候变化影响小、不燃烧及加工性能良好等。如果在选用新型建筑防火材料时能够做到科学合理,就能最大程度地降低火灾的发生几率,保证建筑物安全,减少或是避免不必要的财产损失和人员伤亡。当前新型的建筑防火材料种类众多,但是仍不能满足现代建筑的实际需要和建筑业的发展,导致防火材料需求日益增长,同时对防火材料的复合性要求也很高,所以一方面提高防火材料品质,另一方面降低生产成本,扩大防火材料的应用范围。 二、新型建筑防火材料的应用分析 1.新型轻质复合材料 (1)石膏 石膏是一种用途广泛的建筑材料。石膏具有质轻、保温、隔热、吸声和耐火等良好特性,石膏制品是以无机质材料石膏为主体的复合材料,硬化后的二水石膏含21%的结晶水,遇到火灾时,会脱出结晶水并吸收大量热能,蒸发出来的水在石膏制品表面形成水蒸气气幕,能阻止火势蔓延。脱水后的无水石膏仍是热的不良导体和阻燃物,其优点是:水化快,凝结硬化迅速;强度较低,硬化后孔隙率大、有隔热保温以及吸声的功能;水化硬化后体积有少许膨胀;石膏制品具有优良的防火性能。石膏制品因其良好的防火特性,广泛应用于各种建筑物中,尤其是高层建筑的墙体和吊顶。 (2)天然纤维 天然纤维是一种新型的防火材料,具有良好的阻燃性。该建筑防火材料无毒无异味、无色透明,并且没有腐蚀性。在建筑施工中,其与建筑施工材料混合使用。利用其进行处理的建筑材料的阻燃性能好,即使遇火,也只会在局部出现碳化的情况,从而防止火势的蔓延,减少火灾发生的几率。因此,在实际施工中应严格按照相关标准,对建筑材料的各项技术指标进行检验,这样才能更好地确保其应用的成效。 (3)钢丝网夹芯复合板材 钢丝网夹芯复合板按所用的轻质芯材可分为:钢丝网架泡沫塑料夹芯板,以阻燃型聚苯乙烯泡沫为主作芯材;钢丝网架岩棉夹芯板,用半硬质岩棉板作芯材。 钢丝网夹芯复合板是以轻质板材为覆面板或用混凝土作面层和结构层,轻质保温材料作芯材所构成的复合板材,它充分发挥了各种材料的特性,使墙体的厚度减薄,墙体的重量大大减轻。 2.新型轻质无机防火材料 (1)岩棉和矿渣棉 岩棉和矿渣棉防火材料主要是利用天然的岩石高温锻造而成,具有导热系数低、熔点高、抗温缩性强和无燃点的特征,因此,作为防火和隔热的主要材料广泛应用于建筑施工中,成为建筑结构重要的防火屏障。岩棉是一种集保温隔热,防火,吸音和隔音等多种功能于一体的经济高效环保的建筑材料,随着生产技术和质量管理水平的提高,岩棉这种传统的保温材料将迎来更为广阔的发展空间。 (2)硅酸钙 硅酸钙板以优质高标号水泥为基体材料,并配以天然纤维增强,经先进生产工艺和通过加压、高温蒸养等特殊技术而制成,是一种具有优良性能的新型建筑工业板材。该类防火材料具有较强的稳定性、耐热性和耐火性,是一种新型的不燃材料。硅酸钙板是用钙质材料,硅质材料和纤维等为主要原料制成的轻质板材。硅酸钙板优点很多,可作为公用和民用建筑的隔墙以及吊顶,经过表面防水处理后还能用作建筑物的外墙。因为此种板材的防火性很高,所以尤其适合用于高层以及超高层的建筑。 (3)硅酸铝纤维 硅酸铝纤维又称耐火纤维,俗称陶瓷棉。是一种特殊的新型轻质耐火材料,是用天然焦宝石为原料制成的棉丝状无机纤维耐火材料,具有导热系数小,抗压强度高,施工方便,能反复利用的优点。可以作防火门的芯材、吊顶板材、玻璃幕墙填充隔热材料,起防火隔热的作用。 3.新型砌砖和板材 (1)加气混凝土砌块及板材 加气混凝土是一种新型的轻质建筑材料,具有质量轻、保温性能好、吸音效果好等优点,具有广阔的发展前景。加气混凝土又叫做发气混凝土,是由含钙材料、含硅材料和发气剂等作为原料生产而成的。其制品有砌块和条板两种,既能用作非承重墙体、承重墙体又能做


课程关键术语中英文对照表 1、Software 软件 2、U ser 用户 3、s oftware engineering 软件工程 4、D ocument 文档 5、D ata 数据 6、S oftware Crisis 软件危机 7、S oftware Engineering 软件工程 8、M aintenance 维护 9、B ug 故障 10、Correctness 正确性 11、Reliability 可靠性 12、IDE 集成开发环境 13、Maintainability 可维护性 14、Reusability 可重用性 15、Traceability 可跟踪性 16、Portability 可移植性 17、Interoperability 互操作性 18、Efficiency 有效性 19、Abstract 抽象 20、Modularity 模块化 21、Information Hiding 信息隐藏

23、Consistency 一致 24、Completeness 完整 25、Verifiability 可验证 26、Software Lifecycle 软件生命周期 27、Feasibility Investigation 可行性分析 28、Requirement 需求 29、Requirement Analysis 需求分析 30、Software Delivery 软件发布 31、Prototype 原型 32、Software Requirement Specification (SRS) 软件需求规格说明书 33、Software Architecture 软件体系结构 34、software development 软件开发 35、unit testing 单元测试 36、Integration Test Plan 集成测试计划 37、Detailed Design 详细设计 38、Unit Test Plan 单元测试计划 39、Integration Test 集成测试 40、Integration Test Report 集成测试报告 41、Software Process 软件过程 42、Software Process Model 软件过程模型 43、Incremental Model 增量模型


vibration 振动 sound 音 tone 音(乐音) musical tone 乐音 noise 噪音 acoustics 声学 psychoacoustics 心理声学 frequency 频率 intensity 强度 time 时间 wave form 波形 pitch 音高 loudness 响度 duration 时值 timbre 音色(tone color or quality) tuning fork 音叉 pure tone 纯音 complex tone 复音(composite tone) overtone(s) 泛音 (aliquot tone, harmonics, flageolet tone 即upper partials) overtone series 泛音列 partial(s) 分音(partial tone)

fundamental(tone) 基音(first partial) step 音级(scale step, degree) accidental(s) 变音记号 sharp 升号 flat 降号 double-sharp 重升号 double-flat 重降号 nature 还原号 intonation 音准 octave 八度 range 音域(compass) (voice) register 音区 small c 小字组c great C 大字组C contra C 大字二组C unaccented octave 小字组 one-lined octave 小字一组(one-line) two-lined octave 小字二组(two-line) three –lined octave 小字三组(three-line) four-line octave 小字四组(four-line) temperament 乐律 tempered scale 平均律(equal temperament)


新型防火材料的研究 摘要:随着人们对消防安全问题的逐步重视,防火材料的研发与应用自然成为消防安全的关键。本文提出了防火材料的重要性,并对市面常见的复合防火材料、高分子防火材料和轻质无机防火材料的特点及应用进行了简单的介绍。 关键词:防火材料;复合防火材料;高分子防火材料;轻质无机防火材料 abstract: with the people to fire safety problems of attention gradually, fire materials research and development and application of natural as fire safety of the key. this paper puts forward the fire materials, and the importance of the common market composite fire materials, polymer fire materials and lightweight inorganic fire materials features and application of a simple introduction. keywords: fire materials; composite fire materials; polymer fire materials; light inorganic fire materials 中图分类号:tu545 文献标识码:a 文章编号: 随着现代建筑向高层化发展和室内装修的多样化,这些都对现代建筑材料的防火性能提出更高的要求。更关键的是,高层、超高层建筑物中人员十分集中,一旦发生火灾,逃生的难度极大。所有这


新型材料在建筑防火设计方面的应用研究 引言 火灾一直都是人们谈之色变的话题,如今各大中小学校及社会各行各业对消防知识的普及越来越广,消防安全已经逐渐被大众所重视。随着我国整体经济水平不断提高,建筑行业的发展也越来越好,然而日益紧缺的土地资源,促使建筑不得不向天空发展,高层建筑的数量不断增加。高层建筑一般位于城市的经济生活中心,相比传统建筑其体量更大,装饰更华丽,结构更复杂,同时建筑本身亦增加了很多火灾隐患。近几年有关高层建筑火灾的新闻十分常见,其中很多火灾起因与建筑材料有关,建筑材料的防火质量直接影响着人们的生命和财产安全。 1建筑材料与建筑防火材料概述 建筑材料顾名思义就是建筑的最根本组成部分,如今随着人们对生活品质的要求不断提升,建筑材料的选用愈发讲究,尤其是在装饰材料方面,不仅要实用性高,更要具备华丽的外表。建筑防火设计最关键的一点就是对建筑材料燃烧性能等级的选择,许多火灾事故正是因为使用了不符合要求的建筑材料所引起的。建筑材料主要分为结构和装饰两大类 建筑防火材料,顾名思义就是指在建筑物的防火关键部位使用的具备

一定防火阻燃性能的建筑材料,其防火性能的好坏主要取决于材料的燃烧性能、耐火极限、燃烧时的毒性和发烟性。作用原理主要就是通过气相阻燃、凝聚相阻燃和中断热交换阻燃等几类阻燃机理来实现其防火性能。例如用不燃或难燃材料直接制作建筑物防火材料;用难燃或不燃的涂料喷涂可燃建筑构件表面,使其与空气隔绝而变成难燃或不燃的建筑防火材料;通过添加具备防火特性基质的物质提高建筑构件的难燃性或不燃性;自身在高温或火焰作用下表层剧烈发泡炭化,形成难燃的海绵状炭质层或致密的无机“釉膜层” ,以达到隔热或隔绝氧气的建筑防火材料;自身在高温下可产生脱水、分解等吸热反应或熔融、蒸发等物理吸热过程,以通过降低周围氧气浓度或熔融形成覆盖层隔绝空气来延缓或阻止火势蔓延的建筑防火材料。 2特殊建筑结构的防火要点 2.1木结构 木结构在我国的建筑中仍旧占据不小的比例,我国传统建筑中一向有大量运用木结构的习惯,如今的新式建筑中也不乏存在着木质结构。众所周知木质材料具备易燃性,可以说木结构其本身属性就不利于防火设计的开展。对于使用木结构,尤其是轻型木结构的建筑,要 着重对其整体结构进行严密的设计,并通过对建筑构件进行包覆阻燃处理


Lecture 1 An Introduction to Software Engineering 1 what does software engineering concern? 1) Software engineering is concerned with theories, methods and tools for professional software development. 2) Software engineering is concerned with cost-effective software development. 2 What is software? Software includes: ①computer programs ②data structures ③documents 3 What is the two types of software products Generic software(通用软件) and custom software(定制软件) 4 The three key elements of a successful software project are: on time, within budget, satisfies the user’s needs 5 Generic activities in all software processes are: Specification(描述), Development(开发), Validation(有效性验证), Evolution (进化) 6 The attributes of good software include: Maintainability(可维护性), Dependability(可依赖性), Efficiency(有效性), Acceptability(可接受性)


色彩常用术语中英文对照 2007-08-06 16:48:16 (已经被浏览7次) 一.红色类红色red 朱红vermeil; vermilion; ponceau 粉红pink; soft red; rose bloom 梅红plum;crimson;fuchsia red 玫瑰红rose madder; rose 桃红peach blossom; peach; carmine rose 樱桃红cherry; cerise 桔红reddish orange; tangerine; jacinth; salmon pink; salmon 石榴红garnet 枣红purplish red; jujube red; date red 莲红lotus red 浅莲红fuchsia pink 豉豆红bean red 辣椒红capsicum red 高粱红Kaoliang red 芙蓉红hibiscus red; poppy red; poppy 胭脂红rogue red ; carmine; cochineal; lake 鲑鱼红salmon 玳瑁红hawksbill turtle red 海螺红cadmium orange 宝石红ruby red 玛瑙红agate red 珊瑚红coral 金红bronze red 铁红iron oxide red 铁锈红rust red 镉红cadmium red 铬红chrome red 砖红brick red 土红laterite; reddle 郎窑红lang-kiln red 均红Jun-kiln red 釉底红underglaze red 威尼斯红Venetian red 法国红French vermilion 茜红alizarin red; madder red 洋红carmine; magenta 品红pinkish red; magenta 猩红scarlet red; scarlet; blood red 油红oil red 紫红purplish red; madder red; wine red; wine; carmine;amaranth; claret; fuchsia;


中英文对照外文翻译 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) Application Fundamentals Android applications are written in the Java programming language. The compiled Java code — along with any data and resource files required by the application — is bundled by the aapt tool into an Android package, an archive file marked by an .apk suffix. This file is the vehicle for distributing the application and installing it on mobile devices; it's the file users download to their devices. All the code in a single .apk file is considered to be one application. In many ways, each Android application lives in its own world: 1. By default, every application runs in its own Linux process. Android starts the process when any of the application's code needs to be executed, and shuts down the process when it's no longer needed and system resources are required by other applications. 2. Each process has its own virtual machine (VM), so application code runs in isolation from the code of all other applications. 3. By default, each application is assigned a unique Linux user ID. Permissions are set so that the application's files are visible only to that user and only to the application itself — although there are ways to export them to other applications as well. It's possible to arrange for two applications to share the same user ID, in which case they will be able to see each other's files. To conserve system resources, applications with the same ID can also arrange to run in the same Linux process, sharing the same


给排水常用名词中英文对照 1、给水工程water supply engineering原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程。 2、排水工程sewerage ,wastewater engineering收集、输送、处理和处置废水的工程。 3、给水系统water supply system给水的取水、输水、水质处理和配水等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。 4、排水系统sewerage system排水的收集、输送、水质处理和排放等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。 5、给水水源water source给水工程所取用的原水水体。 6、原水raw water由水源地取来的原料水。 7、地表水surface water 存在于地壳表面,暴露于大气的水。 8、地下水ground water存在于地壳岩石裂缝或工壤空隙中的水。 9、苦咸水(碱性水) brackish water ,alkaline water碱度大于硬度的水,并含大量中性盐,PH值大于7。 10、淡水fresh water含盐量小于500mg/L的水。 11、冷却水cooling water用以降低被冷却对象温度的水。 12、废水wastewater居民活动过程中排出的水及径流雨水的总称。它包括生活污水、工业废水和初雨径流以及流入排水管渠的其它水。 13、污水sewage ,wastewater受一定污染的来自生活和生产的排出水。 14、用水量water consumption 用水对象实际使用的水量。- 15、污水量wastewater flow ,sewage flow排水对象排入污水系统的水量。 16、用水定额water flow norm对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排水量的数值。 17、排水定额wastewater flow norm对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排水量的数值。 18、水质water quality在给水排水工程中,水的物理、化学、生物学等方面的性质。 19、渠道channel ,conduit天然、人工开凿、整治或砌筑的输水通道。 20、泵站pumping house设置水泵机组、电气设备和管道、闸阀等的房屋。 21、泵站pumping station泵房及其配套设施的总称。 22、给水处理water treatment对不符合用不对象水质要求的水。进行水质改善的过程。 23、污水处理sewage treatment ,wastewater treatment为使污水达到排水某一水体或再次使用的水质要求,对其进行净化的过程。 24、废水处理wastewater disposal对废水的最终安排。一般将废水排入地表水体、排放土地和再次使用等。 25、格栅bar screen一种栅条形的隔污设备,用以拦截水中较大尺寸的漂浮物或其他杂物。

软件工程第八版(英文)机械工业出版社 课后习题

Part 1 Overview Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 FAQs about software engineering 1.2 Professional and ethical responsibility Chapter 2 Socio-technical systems 2.1 Emergent system properties 2.2 Systems engineering 2.3 Organisations, people and computer systems 2.4 legacy systems Chapter 3 Critical systems 3.1 A simple safety-critical system 46 3.2 System dependability 47 3.3 Availability and reliability 51 3.4 Safety 55 3.5 Security 58 Chapter 4 Software processes 4.1 Software process models 65 4.2 Process iteration 71 4.3 Process activities 74 4.4 The Rational Unified Process 82 4.5 Computer-Aided Software Engineering 85 Chapter 5 Project management 92 5.1 Management activities 94 5.2 Project planning 96 5.3 Project scheduling 99 5.4 Risk management 104 Requirements Chapter 6 Software requirements 6.1 Functional and non-functional requirements 6.2 User requirements 6.3 System requirements 6.4 Interface specification 6.5 The software requirements document Chapter 7 Requirements engineering processes 7.1 Feasibility studies 7.2 Requirements elicitation and analysis 7.3 Requirements validation 7.4 Requirements management Chapter 8 System models 8.1 Context models 8.2 Behavioural models 8.3 Data models 8.4 Object models 8.5 Structured methods Chapter 9 Critical systems specification 9.1 Risk-driven specification 9.2 Safety specification 9.3 Security specification 9.4 Software reliability specification Chapter 10 Formal specification 10.1 Formal specification in the software process 10.2 Sub-system interface specification 10.3 Behavioural specification Part 3 Design Chapter 11 Architectural design 11.1 Architectural design decisions 11.2 System organisation 11.3 Modular decomposition styles 11.4 Control styles 11.5 Reference architectures Chapter 12 Distributed systems architectures 12.1 Multiprocessor architectures 12.2 Client-server architectures 12.3 Distributed object architectures 12.4 Inter-organisational distributed computing Chapter 13 Application architectures 13.1 Data processing systems 13.2 Transaction processing systems 13.3 Event processing systems 13.4 Language processing systems Chapter 14 Object-oriented design 14.1 Objects and object classes 14.2 An object-oriented design process 14.3 Design evolution Key Points Further Reading Exercises Chapter 15 Real-time software design


天气预报常见名词(易混淆)中英文对照 一热带气旋Tropical Cyclone 定义:俗称台风,发生在热带海洋上的一种具有暖心结构的逆时针强烈旋转的涡旋。 等级(由低到高):缩写和全称 TC 热带气旋tropical cyclone TD 热带低压tropical depression TS 热带风暴tropical storm STS 强热带风暴severe tropical storm TY 台风typhoon STY 强台风severe typhoon Super TY 超强台风super typhoon PS不同海区热带气旋的不同名称—— ①发生在西北太平洋和南海海域的称之为台风typhoon ②发生在北大西洋、加勒比海、墨西哥湾、东北太平洋东部和东经160度以东的南太平洋 等海域的称之为飓风hurricane ③发生在北印度洋、孟加拉湾、阿拉伯海等海域的称之为气旋风暴cyclonic storm ④发生在东经160度以西的南太平洋和东经90度以东的东南印度洋等海域的则称之为强热带气旋severe tropical cyclone ⑤发生在西南印度洋的则称之为热带气旋tropical cyclone 其他衍生词汇: 台风中心附近最大风力:Maximum sustained wind speed of XX km/h 二天气现象名词 晴Sunny/Clear sky 多云cloudy 阴天Overcast 雾Smoggy/Foggy weather 霾Haze 冰雹Hail 零星小雨Scattered light rain 小雨Little Rain 阵雨showers 中雨Moderate Rain 大雨Heavy Rain


常见职务,职位英文译名 Accounting Assistant 会计助理 Accounting Clerk 记帐员 Accounting Manager 会计部经理 Accounting Stall 会计部职员 Accounting Supervisor 会计主管 Administration Manager 行政经理Administration Staff 行政人员 Administrative Assistant 行政助理Administrative Clerk 行政办事员 Advertising Staff 广告工作人员 Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司定座员Airlines Staff 航空公司职员 Application Engineer 应用工程师 Assistant Manager 副经理 Bond Analyst 证券分析员 Bond Trader 证券交易员 Business Controller 业务主任 Business Manager 业务经理 Buyer 采购员 Cashier 出纳员 Chemical Engineer 化学工程师 Civil Engineer 土木工程师 Clerk/Receptionist 职员/接待员 Clerk Typist & Secretary 文书打字兼秘书Computer Data Input Operator 计算机资料输入员Computer Engineer 计算机工程师 Computer Processing Operator 计算机处理操作员Computer System Manager计算机系统部经理Copywriter广告文字撰稿人 Deputy General Manager副总经理 Economic Research Assistant经济助究助理Electrical Engineer电气工程师 Engineering Technician工程技术员 English Instructor/Teacher英语教师 Export Sales Manager外销部经理 Export Sales Staff外销部职员 Financial Controller财务主任 Financial Reporter财务报告人 F.X. (Foreign Exchange)Clerk外汇部职员 F.X. Settlement Clerk外汇部核算员 Fund Manager财务经理 General Auditor审计长 General Manager/ President总经理 General Manager Assistant总经理助理 General Manager's Secretary 总经理秘书


计算机软件编程英语词汇集锦(转载) Access Control List(ACL)访问控制列表access token 访问令牌 account lockout 帐号封锁 account policies 记帐策略 accounts 帐号 adapter 适配器 adaptive speed leveling 自适应速率等级调整Address Resolution Protocol(ARP) 地址解析协议Administrator account 管理员帐号 ARPANET 阿帕网(internet的前身) algorithm 算法 alias 别名 allocation 分配、定位 alias 小应用程序 allocation layer 应用层 API 应用程序编程接口 anlpasswd 一种与Passwd+相似的代理密码检查器applications 应用程序 ATM 异步传递模式 attack 攻击 audio policy 审记策略 auditing 审记、监察 back-end 后端 borde 边界 borde gateway 边界网关 breakabie 可破密的 breach 攻破、违反 cipher 密码 ciphertext 密文 CAlass A domain A类域 CAlass B domain B类域 CAlass C domain C类域 classless addressing 无类地址分配 cleartext 明文 CSNW Netware客户服务 client 客户,客户机

client/server 客户机/服务器 code 代码 COM port COM口(通信端口) CIX 服务提供者 computer name 计算机名 crack 闯入 cryptanalysis 密码分析 DLC 数据链路控制 decryption 解密 database 数据库 dafault route 缺省路由 dafault share 缺省共享 denial of service 拒绝服务 dictionary attack 字典式攻击 directory 目录 directory replication 目录复制 domain 域 domain controller 域名控制器 domain name 域名 域名其实就是入网计算机的名字,它的作用就象寄信需要写明人们的名字、地址一样重 要。域名结构如下:计算机主机名.机构名.网络名.最高层域名。域名用文字表达,比 用数字表达的IP地址容易记忆。加入Internet的各级网络依照DNS的命名规则对本网内 的计算机命名,并负责完成通讯时域名到IP地址的转换。 DNS 域名服务器 DNS(Domain Name System,域名系统)是指在Internet上查询域名或IP地址的目录服务系 统。在接收到请求时,它可将另一台主机的域名翻译为IP地址,或反之。大部分域名系 统都维护着一个大型的数据库,它描述了域名与IP地址的对应关系,并且这个数据库被 定期地更新。翻译请求通常来自网络上的另一台计算机,它需要IP地址以便进行路由选择。DDE 动态数据交换 DHCP 动态主机配置协议 encryption 加密 EGP 外部网关协议 FDDI 光纤分布式数据接口 FAT 文件分配表 FTP(File Transfer Protocol)文件传送协议 filter 过滤器 firmware 固件


常用A级防火材料(不燃)截止目前用于建筑上的防火隔离带包括:岩棉、发泡水泥、泡沫混凝土、发泡陶瓷等一些A级防火材料制作。 一、岩棉防火隔离带 岩棉板”外墙外保温系统,主要以经摆锤法生产的憎水型岩棉板为保温隔热层材料,采用粘、钉结合工艺与基层墙体连接固定,并由抹面胶浆和增强用玻纤网布复合而成的抹面层以及装饰砂浆饰面层或涂料构成的A级不燃型建筑节能保温系统。系统构造主要包括:粘结层、保温层、抹面层、饰面层及配件。饰面层应采用饰面砂浆、装饰灰浆等轻质功能性涂层或有良好透气性的水性外墙涂料。 缺点: 1.对人体有害,岩棉不小心搞到身上会很痒,尽量避免与皮肤直接接触或吸入人体内部。 2.国内岩棉生产良莠不齐,注意辨别。 3.施工过程中安装裁剪不便。 二、发泡水泥(泡沫混凝土、加气混凝土板)防火隔离带 是通过发泡机的发泡系统将发泡剂用机械方式充分发泡,并将泡沫与水泥浆均匀混合(泡沫混凝土、加气混凝土板),然后经过发泡机的泵送系统进行现浇施工或模具成型,经自然养护所形成的一种含有大量封闭气孔的新型轻质保温材料。由于原材料全是水泥所以也可以用做防火隔离带。 缺点: 1.物理性能较差,受潮后容易开裂引起饰面层脱落。

三、发泡陶瓷(泡沫陶瓷板)防火隔离带 这是一种新型轻质发泡无机陶瓷保温板材。该板材以陶土尾矿、陶瓷碎片、河(湖)道淤泥、掺加料等为主要原料,采用先进的生产工艺和发泡技术,经高温焙烧而成的高气孔率闭孔陶瓷材料。 特性:不燃、防火,耐老化,施工简单 其他:玻璃棉、泡沫玻璃板、无机保温砂浆等等。 常用B1级防火材料(阻燃) 胶粉聚苯颗粒保温砂浆 PU 酚醛树脂板 黑EPS板 B1级白EPS板 常用B2级防火材料(可燃) B2级白EPS板 XPS板 B2级白EPS板 XPS板 常用B3级防火材料(易燃)


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