Dear Mr

Dear Mr
Dear Mr

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Would you please quote(报价) for delivery and installation of new furniture for the refectory(食堂)and office of our company?

1. The refectory area is approximately 30m×20m and we require six dining tables, each with four chairs from your No.4 range, and twelve “Junior Executive” chairs.

2. Would you please quote price inclusive of transportation and insurance, and inform us when delivery will take place?

We look forward to receiving quotation soon, as we shall need to make a final decision in the matter before the end of this financial year.

?Yours sincerely,

?Purchasing Department Manager 尊敬的约翰逊先生:




?采购部经理谨上Dear Mr. Holmes,

“Export Guides for Asia” is being mailed to you today with our compliments. If you need additional copies, just let me know.

You’ll see in the circular enclosed that International Air Cargo also has available export guides to other areas. If you have to use any of the guides listed, just drop me a note and I’ll send them. Please be assured, Mr. Holmes, that if there is any way that International Air Cargo can assist you with your exporting problems, we’d be delighted to hear from you.

Thank you for writing.

Yours sincerely,

Service Manager







Dear sirs,

We are delighted at the receipt of your letter of 7th April and note what you write.

We note with pleasure that you are sending us samples of imitation Fancy Earl Necklaces and Earrings, on receipt of which we shall examine same along with the price-list you have furnished us with, and if your designs are quite acceptable to our clients and prices competitive, we shall immediately pass on our orders.

We have also received Price-list of Toys and Pens, but we would say that we should like to have some latest designs, which have not yet come to our market, and if you can furnish us with such items, we shall be obliged if you will kindly let us have a couple of samples of these, as our clients would like to see samples before placing their orders.

You can rest assured that we shall do our best to pass on our orders.

Yours faithfully,

Martin Thomas

President of California Trading Company 尊敬的先生:






Dear Sirs.

We are informed in your letter of October 22 that our price for the above article is too high, since Japanese goods are being offered to you at a price approximately 10% lower than that quoted by us. Although we do not doubt about what you say, we are of the opinion that the quality of other makes does not measure up to that of our products. Desirous as we are to expand our business with you, we feel very regretful that we cannot accept your counteroffer or even meet your half-way. The best we can do is to make a reduction of 2% in our previous quotation. We hope you will direct the attention of your users to the superior quality of our products.

We hope to hear from you soon.

ours truly





英语人教版三年级上册Dear zoo

Dear zoo教案 张兰杰Step1 Greeting and lead in T:Good morning, my boys and girls! S: Good morning, Laney! T: Before the class, let’s enjoy a vedio.Pay attention to the animals in it. 播放《爱宠大机密》电影片段。 T:What can you see from the vedio? S: I can see a ... T: They have a same name--pet.(出示pet 幻灯片) 出示幻灯片(Do you have a pet?)。 T: Do you have a pet? S: Yes, I do .My pet is a... S: No, I don’t. (提问2-3名同学) T:I don’t have a pet, so I wrote a letter to the zoo.(出示信纸幻灯片,并演示sent) 呈现问题“What would they do ?“ Free talk(学生发表自己意见,用英语或汉语) Step2 Presentation 呈现封面,介绍title和writor.

呈现封面大图。 T: Look at the cover carefully, what can you see?(2-3回答) 学生答出lion和box之后。 T:Why the lion in the red box?(引发猜想,展开故事) 出示第一页“I wrote to the zoo...”幻灯片。 T:They sent me so many boxes. 出示所有的箱子。 学生挑选箱子,教师点击幻灯片对应的箱子打开,呈现相应的动物和文本内容。 elephant 呈现图片 T:He was too big.(做出夸张的手势来表示big) 学生跟读录音,模仿动作。 T: So, I sent him back.(做出sent动作) 教授sent读音。 Giraffe 呈现图片,学生说出giraffe。 与elephant同样方式教授,重点教学生读会“I sent him back”。Lion 呈现狮吼音效和图片,使学生感受到”fierce” T:He was too fierce. 利用tiger举例。


《Dear-zoo》亲爱的动物园 《Dear zoo》 I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet, they sent me an elephant. He was too big! I sent him back. 我写信给动物园让他们送一只宠物。他们寄来了一头大象,它太大了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a giraffe. He was too tall! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一只长颈鹿,它太高了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a lion. He was too fierce! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一头狮子,它太凶猛了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a camel. He was too grumpy! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一头骆驼,它太暴躁了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a snake. He was too scary! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一条蛇,它太吓人了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a monkey. He was too naughty! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一只猴子,它太调皮了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a frog. He was too jumpy! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一只青蛙,它太能跳了!于是我退了回去。 So they thought very hard, and sent me a dog. He was perfect! I kept him. 最终他们想了又想,寄来了一只小狗,它再合适不过了!于是我留下了。 关键词: Dear: 亲爱的 Zoo: 动物园 From the __ : 来自___ wrote: (write过去式)写(信) send me: 发给我(sent过去式) pet: 宠物 heavy: 重(形容词) elephant: 大象 sent him back: 送回去 so: 所以 fragile: 脆弱(易碎) giraffe: 长颈鹿 too: 太 tall: 高(形容词) danger: 危险 lion: 狮子 fierce: 凶猛(形容词) with care:小心 camel: 骆驼 grumpy: 脾气暴躁(形容词) snake: 蛇 1 / 2


吴敏兰老师《绘本123用五感玩出宝宝的英语好感度》,绘本123-CH1开启宝宝的阅 读之门 第一章0-2岁,打开那扇宝宝的阅读窗【booksforbaby】推荐书单,书目如下: 1.《ReadytoYourBunny》 2.《BlackonWhite》 绘本123-CH2好玩又没压力的来看书! 第二章2-3岁,小小孩也爱看的无厘头书【fun&sillybooks】推荐书单,书目如下: 1《What’sintheWitches’Kitchen?》 2《SharkinthePark》 3《TheNappingHouse》

4《NoDavid》 5《KnuffleBunny》 6《MommyLaidanEgg》 7《NotaBox》 8《WeAreinaBook(AnElephantandPiggieBook)》 9《EveryonePoops》 8《TenBlackDots*》 9《TheDoorbellRang》 10《MouseCount》 11《1,2,3totheZoo》 12《InchbyInch》

CH3-3_FOODBOOKS你今天吃了些什麽? 1《TheVeryHungryCaterpillar》 2《EatYourPeas》 3《GreenEggsandHam》 4《Don'tForgettheBacon》 5《TodayisMonday》 CH3-6_ANIMALSBOOKS我家有个动物园1《BrownBearBrownBearWhatDoYouSee?》2《WeAreGoingOnaBearHunt》 3《TheVeryBusySpider》 4《TheGrouchyLadybug》

小学英语《Unit 3 At the zoo Part B Let’s talk》优质教案、教学设计

教学设计 教学步骤: Step 1:Warm-up 1.课前观看纸巾魔术视频,边看边大声说出认识的动物名称。 【设计意图】:视频用一张纸巾变出各种动物,学生们在感兴趣的同时,复习了动物单词。 2.师生问好,并创设游览动物园的情境,分组并制定规则。 3.玩游戏:How many body parts do you know?

【设计意图】:利用希沃白板课堂活动功能,男女生比拼,复习身体部位词。 Step 2: Presentation ◆第一站——象屋 1.听录音,回答整体性问题,进入游览动物园的第一站——象屋。Miss White and her students are also at the zoo. Listen and answer: Which animal are they talking about? 【设计意图】:第一遍听录音,学生对文本有一个整体的感知,设置问题,在听的过程中,锻炼有针对性的提取有关信息的能力。 2.通过手势提示,让学生理解come here 的意义。

3.观看对话视频,回答What does the elephant look like? 出示主句型It has...。 (1)It has a long nose.与I have a short nose.进行对比,让学生理解has 的含义是“有”。 (2)It has a short tail. 通过图片,让学生理解tail 的含义“尾巴”。 (3)It has small eyes and big ears. 通过动作和黑板字卡,让学生学会复数身体名称的描述方式。 (4)Let’s draw the elephant together. What is missing?Can you help me to complete the elephant? 【设计意图】:本环节通过让学生观看视频,引出本课的重点句型并进行板书。老师借助简笔画在黑板上勾勒大象特征,让学生更加直观的理解语言,复习对话内容,学生尝试输出It has...句型。按照对话内容

dear zoo-7.9绘本沙龙

Dear zoo 课程时长:45min 课堂设置: 一、warming-up (5min) 1、热身操(1min)。 2、引入(介绍&提问) 二、reading(8-10min) 纸质书阅读:老师朗读,(有过度词),带领孩子观察绘本,理解故事 三、Guiding(3min) 孩子们发表看法--这是一个怎样的故事 四、New words & check (10min) 1、展示单词卡片(配合ppt理解),教读单词和动作(5min) 2、检测游戏:(5min)(配合PPT提示) 小朋友分成AB两组,给A组同学分发单词卡片。老师读绘本(会读的小朋友一起读),当读到动物单词时,A组同学大声讲出该单词,手持该卡片的同学出示卡片。B组同学则根据情景做出对应动作。读到形容词时,一组说单词,一组做动作,(出示卡片?做不做形容词的卡片?) 五、chanting (13min) 1、唱绘本:听一遍 2、带领孩子读,边读边做动作 3、带孩子唱 六、Conclude(5min) 开放式提问。 例如: 1、有没有见过书里的动物?还能想出哪些宠物?(小猫,乌龟,兔子,仓鼠,金鱼) 2、最喜欢里边哪一种,why? 3、你希望选哪种动物做宠物呢(不一定书里的)?why? 七、games (8min) 小脚踩大脚: 限时1分钟,小朋友将脚放在家长的脚上,全程小朋友的脚不能碰地,一同向前移动,到达黑板前。根据图画提示,将单词条贴在对应的句子上,贴的正确且最快的家庭获胜。每个家庭都参加,两组对抗,预计进行四轮左右 (报名10个小朋友,7个家庭。有2个小朋友的2个家庭进行对抗。一个小朋友在白板一头,老师给他分发卡片,根据提示做动作,另外2人看到动作提示


精品文档 精品文档《Dear zoo》 I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet, they sent me an elephant. He was too big! I sent him back. 我写信给动物园让他们送一只宠物。他们寄来了一头大象,它太大了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a giraffe. He was too tall! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一只长颈鹿,它太高了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a lion. He was too fierce! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一头狮子,它太凶猛了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a camel. He was too grumpy! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一头骆驼,它太暴躁了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a snake. He was too scary! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一条蛇,它太吓人了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a monkey. He was too naughty! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一只猴子,它太调皮了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a frog. He was too jumpy! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一只青蛙,它太能跳了!于是我退了回去。 So they thought very hard, and sent me a dog. He was perfect! I kept him. 最终他们想了又想,寄来了一只小狗,它再合适不过了!于是我留下了。 关键词: Dear: 亲爱的 Zoo: 动物园 From the __ : 来自___ wrote: (write过去式)写(信) send me: 发给我(sent过去式) pet: 宠物 heavy: 重(形容词) elephant: 大象 sent him back: 送回去 so: 所以 fragile: 脆弱(易碎) giraffe: 长颈鹿 too: 太 tall: 高(形容词) danger: 危险 lion: 狮子 fierce: 凶猛(形容词) with care:小心 camel: 骆驼


HI DEAR,我的宝贝 Hi dear, 在那边过得还好吗? 嗯…………让我猜猜,吃的方面一定没问题,你这馋猫只要是消化完全的物质都爱。晚上睡得一定不安吧,记得你以前都是习惯怀中有个东西,而且认床认得要命。你解释说自己家的床有熟悉的味道,宛如婴粟般深深迷恋到不可自拔甚至非它不可。我听过后当时只是笑笑,些许不经意,却在那次我们一起在有天家的床上过夜而彻夜未眠后瞠目结舌。我开玩笑说,见过认床的没见过你这么认床的。可是,你为什么现在不认床了呐? 原谅开头那一大段的废话,毕竟是第一次写信给你。想想认识这么多年,我们之间却没有互相通过哪怕一封信。记得你上次刚跟我抱怨过我没有给你写过信,朝着我说话时瞪圆了眼睛噘着嘴装作很生气的样子,可那在我看来却是前所未有的可爱。我选择了不回答,笑着把你揽入怀中,然后吻着你的发丝任你有些挣扎的不安分。 不知道在那边,你生气的时候是否能找到一个人解气撒娇呐? 好吧,我承认是我想再次拥抱你,那份宽慰的机会。 呵呵,10点半了,安拉安拉,你说过要准时上床睡觉。我不想让你生气,我听你的话,那么, 我睡去了。 我的宝贝, 离第一封信有些时段了,说实话我是忙到没有时间了。 哈哈,我知道你一定会气得骂我骗人。但,可这次真得没有说谎。说起来这应该怪有天他们三个,不信你可以去问他们是不是每天硬缠着我。哦,我差点忘了,你不能够去问他们了。好,那哥跟你说总行了吧。其实本来自己挺闲的,最近店里都交代给KENDY打理,每天早上去作个例行监督然后剩下大把大把的空白时间没有被安排。你又要说我没有计划了,不过哥是有事情的哦。不是你以前总说我不爱看书么,现在家里最多的就是一堆堆没地方安置的书了。包括你看过的推荐给我去看的。我是想把时间用来放在解决这些文字作品上,不过计划总赶不上变化快不是么? 那几个家伙不知道是不是在我身上装了窃听仪,知道我没有事情就整天往家里跑。唉,真是的,我们俩认识他们这么久了,我敢打包票连你也想不到有天他们有多像牛皮糖。 前天在酒馆,当然又是他们拉着我去。几轮下来,我们都喝得差不多,有天连上厕所的力气也没有,俊秀还好些只是脸跟红烧过似的,允浩一向酒量不错,但舌头也开始打卷。但很奇怪,我怎么喝却是愈发清醒,不像以前你在我旁边坐着拼命劝我不要喝还是醉得一塌糊涂。每次都是你拖着我回家。在第二天你会坐在饭桌前板着脸硬是不跟我说话,当然我会慌了手脚想尽办法哄你开心。接着我发现其实我醉了,因为我竟然看见你坐在我旁边,可跟以前不同,只是静静看着我,不说话。果然醉得不行了,是吧。 于是我逃离了酒馆,没来得及跟谁说一声就匆匆离去。 是的,我想到你真的好久没有劝我少喝一点了,所以我死命地喝酒,其实就是想再听你劝我一次。 天,有天又打电话来了,那么,就到这里吧。

《Dear zoo》亲爱的动物园

《Dear zoo》 I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet, they sent me an elephant. He was too big! I sent him back. 我写信给动物园让他们送一只宠物。他们寄来了一头大象,它太大了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a giraffe. He was too tall! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一只长颈鹿,它太高了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a lion. He was too fierce! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一头狮子,它太凶猛了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a camel. He was too grumpy! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一头骆驼,它太暴躁了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a snake. He was too scary! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一条蛇,它太吓人了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a monkey. He was too naughty! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一只猴子,它太调皮了!于是我退了回去。 So they sent me a frog. He was too jumpy! I sent him back. 他们又寄来了一只青蛙,它太能跳了!于是我退了回去。 So they thought very hard, and sent me a dog. He was perfect! I kept him. 最终他们想了又想,寄来了一只小狗,它再合适不过了!于是我留下了。 关键词: Dear: 亲爱的 Zoo: 动物园 From the __ : 来自___ wrote: (write过去式)写(信) send me: 发给我(sent过去式) pet: 宠物 heavy: 重(形容词) elephant: 大象 sent him back: 送回去 so: 所以 fragile: 脆弱(易碎) giraffe: 长颈鹿 too: 太 tall: 高(形容词) danger: 危险 lion: 狮子 fierce: 凶猛(形容词) with care:小心 camel: 骆驼 grumpy: 脾气暴躁(形容词) snake: 蛇
