E 2016-1-21

E 2016-1-21
E 2016-1-21


Can you remember who your best friend was in seventh grade? If you are having difficulty, it could be because relationships at that age are often short-lived. Half don't last a year. The friendships that do last can be predicted based on demographic and behavioral similarities, according to new research from psychologist Brett Laursen of Florida Atlantic University.你还记得七年级时最好的朋友是谁吗?如果你想不起来,那可能是因为那个年纪的友谊通常都难以延续。半数的友谊都不会超过一年。佛罗里达大西洋大学的心理学家布雷特·劳尔森发布的一项新研究显示,长久维系的友谊可以通过人口学统计数据和行为相似性这两方面预知。

―There is a lot of ch ange during middle school, and that change makes it hard to maintain friendships,‖ Laursen says. As kids move from one academic track to another, join or leave sports teams, or take up new extracurricular hobbies, the opportunities to interact with friends wax and wane. Middle school is also a time when growing personal autonomy first allows children the chance to pick their friends and invest—or not—in those relationships.劳尔森称:―中学时期会有很多变化,而那些变化会使得人们难以维持一段友谊‖。当孩子们从一个学习阶段步入另一个学习阶段,参加或离开体育队,或是有了新的课外的兴趣爱好,那么,和朋友在一起互动的机会就会此消彼长。中学也是孩子们自主能力逐渐增强的时期,孩子们有机会自己选择朋友,或是决定是否要在这些关系上进行―投资‖。

Laursen tracked 573 seventh-grade two-person friendships until they ended or until 12th grade. A few important behavioral traits emerged as predictors of friendships that lasted more than a year: popularity, aggression and academic success. The more similar two friends were in these traits, the longer a relationship lasted. 劳尔森跟踪了573对七年级的友谊关系,到第十二个学年结束或是持续到第十二个学年。其发现了一些预示着友谊关系持续一年以上的重要的行为特征:知名度、上进心、和学业成绩。两个朋友在这些特征上越相似,友谊关系将维持地越长久。

Friends of the opposite sex were least likely to last. ―They're completely doomed,‖ Laursen says, in part because of pressure from other friends. Adolescents tend to sort themselves based on age, race and gender, so being friends with a member of the opposite sex limits the size of one's larger group of ―running buddies‖ and taxes the relationship.异性朋友之间的关系维持下去的可能性最小。劳尔森称:―他们注定是要终结的‖,部分原因可能是来自于其他朋友的压力。青少年倾向于将朋友按年龄、种族和性别等因素予以分类,因此,和异性交朋友会限制自己扩大―同类好朋友‖朋友圈,并且会给此种友谊造成负担


Word play is a literary technique and a form of wit in which the words that are used become the main subject of the work, primarily for the purpose of intended effect or amusement. Examples of word play include puns, phonetic mix-ups such as

spoonerisms, obscure words and meanings, clever rhetorical excursions, oddly formed sentences.文字游戏是一种文学技法,也是一种幽默表达的形式,它将文字本身作为表达的主体,主要目的是制造特殊的效果或诙谐逗趣。文字游戏包括双关语,谐音词,首音误置,词性或词义含混,机智的修辞延宕,结构怪异的句子等形式。

Word play is not only educational but it's also hilarious! A mix-up of names and an entertaining way to use words, everyone will find something amongst these great word play jokes.文字游戏不仅具有教育意义,而且非常诙谐幽默。这些杂糅的名词和使用词语的趣味方式,它们组成的有趣的词语游戏会让每个人都有所收获。

1.Thank you to all my fans.感谢我所有的粉丝。


2.MEN to the left because WOMEN are always right.男士请往左行,因为女士总是往右行。


3.Your brain has two parts:你的大脑有两个部分:

left & right.左脑和右脑

Your left brain has nothing right, your right brain has nothing left.你的左脑里没有右脑的东西,你的右脑里没有左脑的东西。


4. You thought this post would be funny?你以为这个帖子会很搞笑?

I'm a frayed knot.我是一只磨损的绳结。

笑点解析:I'm a frayed knot.(我是一只磨损的绳结。)和I'm afraid not.(我不这么认为)两句话听上去完全相同,所以这段话在字音上也可以理解为―你以为这个帖子会很搞笑?——我不这么认为。‖

5.Once a German, a Frenchman and a Japanese went to work on a mine hill. Their boss said to the German: "You will be responsible for physical work". He told the Frenchman: "You will take the duty of planning for mining". Then he turned to the Japanese: "You will be responsible for supplies."从前有一个德国人,一个法国人,一个日本人一起去一个矿山工作。他们的老板对德国人说,“你来负责体力活。”,又对法国人说,“你负


A few days later, the German and the Frenchman found that the Japanese disappeared. They decided to search for him when the Japanese jumped out all of a sudden and shouted: "Supplies"!几天后德国人和法国人发现日本人不见了。他们决定把他找到,没想到日本人忽然跳出来,喊道“供应!”



If only it were possible to really know what a job will be like, before you take it. Unfortunately, no matter how carefully you prepare and weigh the pros and cons before accepting a new position, there's no way to be 100 percent sure what you're getting into –until you're on the job, and then it's too late.早知道这工作是这样的,我就......不幸的是,不管你在走马上任前怎样权衡利弊,都不能对新工作有十足的把握——除非上岗,但这时候不就晚了嘛。

Or is it? If you're just starting a new gig, and it's beginning to look more like a nightmare than a dream job, don't despair.真的是这样吗?当你开始一份新工作时发现你所谓的理想工作事实上是个噩梦时,不要轻易狗带。

There are plenty of things you can do, right now, to minimize the pain and get your career headed back in the right direction.除了悲伤,其实还有好多可以做的事。就是现在,告别痛苦,走回正轨吧。

1.Figure out whether the job is the problem. 1.弄清楚是工作的问题还是你自身的问题。

Change is hard on most people. If you're someone who needs a while to feel comfortable in a new environment, give yourself that acclimation period before you assume your new job is at fault. You might need to adjust to new procedures, new people, a new corporate culture, before you can be sure that the job itself is the


2.Identify the core issues.2.找到核心问题。

Still feeling vaguely uneasy, after waiting out the "new kid" phase – or worse yet, perfectly aware of what you don't like about the new job?就算过了菜鸟期还是感觉不舒服?或是更糟糕:对自己讨厌新工作的原因一清二楚?

Write it down. State the issues as clearly as possible, and be specific. If your new boss is the problem, is it her management style, attitude, skill set, priorities? If the role itself is what's bothering you, what would you change about it to make it better? The clearer you can be about what's making you unhappy, the better the chances are that you'll be able to fix it – or move on to a new job that suits you better.把这些写下来吧。把问题说得越明白越好,越具体越好。如果是新老板的问题,那么问问自己,是她的管理方式还是态度、能力或是价值观你看不过?如果就是你的工作让你不想做下去,那么就思考一下该怎样做来改善现在的局面。越清楚自己不爽的点,越有可能改善自己做新工作的心态——或者坚定你再换工作的信念。

3.Look for silver linings.3.寻找不幸中的万幸。

Unless you're independently wealthy, you probably can't stroll into your new boss's office and say, "Well, thanks for the opportunity. I think this is the part where I turn in my resignation letter," and

walk out. (Although it's fun to fantasize about.) No matter what you decide to do, you're going to need to bide your time, at least for a little while.除非是个阔佬,否则一般人不会溜达进新老板办公室然后撂下一句,―欸,谢谢你给我这工作机会,要不我也不会这么想辞职呀。‖结束,走人。(虽说这样yy一下挺爽的吧)不管你决定怎样做,人总是要学会忍耐,忍耐一段时间,看看能不能等来时机。

As you do that, look for the not-awful parts of your job. Chances are, there are things you'd like about this role, if it weren't for the deal-breakers you outlined above. Recognizing those good(ish) aspects won't just make you happier in the short-term, while

you're stuck there; it'll help you understand what you enjoy doing at work in the long-term, which will guide you as you pick future job opportunities.当你这样做时,多看看新工作好的一面。说不定除了不满意的那些,你对新工作的某些地方还是喜欢的。这些好的地方可以让你在这一工作岗位的短暂停留时间里有所欣慰,也可以帮你在寻找下一个职位时了解自己所爱,这样也更有机会找到心仪的工作。

4.Keep that resume up-to-date.4.保持简历内容更新。

Even if you love your job, it's a good idea to do this. For an easier time tailoring your resume to future roles, you should also keep a copy of your CV without this latest gig on it. If you start looking for work the week after you take your new job, you won't want to include the role when you apply for new positions.即使你爱自己的工作,有所隐瞒也是可以的。再另投简历之前,这一份工作经历就不要写上去了;如果你是刚入职一周后就另谋高就,那么你可能更不想把最近的这份工


Job hopping might not be a big red flag to every employer these days, but a two-week-long tenure at your latest job will raise some questions you probably don't want to answer. It's hard to be positive and professional and honest about why you're jumping ship so soon.跳槽二字在今天的雇主眼中可能没那么刺眼了,不过一个只维持了两周的近期工作经历所招来的问题和麻烦估计是你想要避免的。在回答为什么槽儿跳得这么快时,想要做到积极专业又诚实哪是件容易事。

https://www.360docs.net/doc/8d17144831.html,work, network, network.5.人脉,人脉,人脉(重要的事情说三遍)。

At least 60 percent of all jobs are found by networking. Your next job could be one of them. Now's the time to look up those old colleagues, roommates, professors, and friends, and take them out to coffee or connect them on Linkdin. You never know who will be the person to send the perfect job opportunity your way.百分之六十的求职者能通过人脉找到工作,所以你的下一个工作也可能成为其中之一。是时候联系联系老同事,室友,教授和朋友,带他们喝个咖啡或是聊个领英了。谁都说不准人生路上带给自己完美机会的伯乐是谁。

6.Don't be afraid to move backward. 6.不要害怕退步。

If you moved on voluntarily, you can consider whether it's possible to go back to your old job. Sometimes, the way forward is by going back. If you liked your old job, but thought it was time to move on, this new situation might make you rethink that. 如果你自愿辞职,那


7.When you move on, make this job disappear. 7.辞职后,将该职业经历抹去。

Whether you return to your old position, find a new job, or quit to do something new (return to school, consult or freelance, etc.), the important thing to remember is that you're under no obligation to include every brief stint on your resume.不管是回到了老工作,找到新工作还是做了其他事(回学校念书、做咨询或是从事自由职业),需要明白的是不要把舍弃掉的那份工作的任何写入你的简历。

If you stay at your less-than perfect new job for a very short period of time, and learn nothing that would contribute to your candidacy for another position, the smart move is to leave it off your CV.如果你在不满意的工作上做了很短的时间,又没得到什么真才实学,那么还是聪明点儿别把这事写进简历了


I want to fall in love in 2016.在2016年我渴望坠入爱河

I want to fall head over heels this year. By the very end of it, I want to be bursting at the seams of all my scars with a love burning happily in my heart.这一年我希望自己爱得死心塌地。待到年末之际,我希望冲破所有创伤,让爱的火焰在心中快乐地燃烧。

I want the authentic feeling that surpasses dreaming -- a love that

is true and never fleeting. I want this for myself as well as for you. I'd like it for the world, if possible.我渴望那种超越梦境的真实感觉——那种真正的、永不流逝的爱。我希望你我皆有这种感觉。如果可能的话,全世界都能享受这种感觉。

I want to be every fear I've ever held in the darkest parts of my heart transformed into the purest desire for truth. I want to feel the magic of love singing my soul to sleep.我希望我内心最阴暗处曾拥有的每一份恐惧都转化为对真爱最热切的渴望。我期望感受到那种魔力,那种爱情唱着歌让灵魂入眠的魔力。


I want to fall in love before I fall for you. 在爱上你之前,我想先坠入爱河

So I would like to fall in love many times this year, so that I may know how extraordinary you are when you appear.所以今年我想坠入爱河很多次,次数多到你一出现我就知道你是多么的与众不同。

I must fall in love this year so I can understand the magnitude of what you will be -- of what you will mean to me, and I to you.我今年一定要坠入爱河,这样我才能知道你的出现是多么的重要——关于你对我、我对你意味着什么。

That's how I want to fall in love in 2016. I want to know love before I know you. I want to feel its essence and understand its woes. I

want to fall in love this way so that I am full of so much love to hand to you, and I am waiting patiently for the day when I can give it all to you.这些就是2016年我想去爱的方式。我想在认识你之前先懂得爱,我想感受到爱情的本质并懂得它的悲哀。我想如此去爱,这样我就会有足够的爱来传递给你,我会耐心地等待着那一天的到来,在那天我将把所有爱都传递给你


You can’t judge a book by its cover,but a new investigation suggests that you can tell a lot about a person by the look of their face。Here are three of the most revealing facial features:你不能从一本书的封面判断它的内容,然而,一项新研究证明,一个人的面部特征能泄露许多个人特质。下面是三个最能泄露个人特质的面部特征。

1.Bone Structure:


Is your face short and wide or long and thin?A study found that people with high levels of testosterone often have wide faces and large cheekbones。This group is more likely to be assertive and sometimes even aggressive。Another study on capuchin monkeys found that the wider the face,the more likely the animal is to have a

high rank in their group’s hierarchy。


2.Baby Fat:


If you’ve got plump cheeks or extra baby fat on your face,you might be prone to infections。Tthose with thinner faces suffer from infections less often,and when they do,the effects are less severe。


In fact,the fill of your face supposedly reveals more about your fitness level than your body mass index。And a thinner face can also indicate lower risk for depression and anxiety,since mental health is linked to overall physical fitness。



3.Skin Tone:


https://www.360docs.net/doc/8d17144831.html, /mfp/click?type=3&t= MjAxNi0wMS0yMSAx MjoxOTo1OAkyMjIuOT IuMTEyLjk4CTIyMS42L jY0LjEyNV8xNDE5OTE0 MTA2LjUzMTg5MAlod HRwOi8vZWR1LnNpb mEuY29tLmNuL2VuLzI wMTYtMDEtMjEvZG9jL WlmeG5yYWhyODU5 NTYyOS5zaHRtbAlQRF BTMDAwMDAwMDU2 MDUzCWJiOTM1Mzkx LThkYmQtNDJjZS04OGI yLTMyYzYxMDYyODM0 NAlEMDkzMERERDQ4 NjIJRDA5MzBEREQ0O DYyCV92X3pvbmU6Mz E2MDAwLDMxNjAwM nx1c2VyX2dlbmRlcjo1 MDJ8dXNlcl9ncm91cD o5MTEsOTA3LDkwMS







Extremely subtle skin tone tints can reveal much about a person’s lifestyle。For example,someone whose skin is a bit yellow or gold is likely to be extremely healthy。The tint,which comes from pigments known as carotenoids,is a result of eating orange and red fruits and vegetables that bolster the immune system。。


A pink,flushed face,on the other hand,could signal that the person has an active lifestyle and good circulation。In women,this color may also be a sign of fertility。


