


课题Unit 1 Meeting New Friends

Part A



教学目标1.学习单词tall, pupil, Australia,能够初步运用beside, behind, on等表示方位的介词。

2.学习句型:Who’s that boy?

Which boy?

The boy beside/behind/with….

He’s a new pupil.


4.学说韵律诗:Who’s the Girl?

5.学唱歌曲:Do You Know the Tall Boy?


教学重点1.能够初步运用beside, behind, on等表示方位的介词。

2.学习并运用Who’s that boy? Which boy? 等句型。


教学过程旁注Step 1 Warming up



×××is our new friend. Hello, ×××! Nice to meet you.

Where are you from?

Which class are you in?

Can you sing?

Can you play basketball? 等。

3.欣赏歌曲:Do You Know the Tall Boy?

4.教师指着歌曲的题目说:“Do you know the tall boy?”边说边出示单词卡片

ball, wall, tall,帮助学生学习新词tall的音、形、义,然后告诉学生:“He is our

new friend, Peter. Today let’s talk about Meeting New Friends.”揭示并板书课

题:Unit 1 Meeting New Friends Part A。

Step 2 Review

1.复习词组:play basketball, play the violin, play football, ride a bike等。





2.复习句型:Who’s that boy/girl? Which class are you in?

(1)教师出示班上个别学生的照片,将学生的脸部遮住,然后问:“Who’s that boy/girl?”学生用That’s….来猜,猜对后,请该学生起立,教师问:“Which class are you in?”学生根据实际回答。


Step 3 Presentation


1.教师说:“You are in Grade Five now. In your English book you will meet a new friend. His name is Peter. He is a new pupil. He’s from Australia. H e can play football. He’s very good at sports.”


His name is…

He’s a new…

He’s from…

He can…

He’s very good at…




(1)教师出示Peter的头像,一边贴在黑板上的五个句子的旁边,一边说:“His n ame is Peter. He’s a new pupil.”出示单词卡片pupil,教学单词pupil。告诉学生pupil与student的区别。教师让学生用单词pupil说句子,如:I’m a pupil. He is a pupil. She is a pupil. We are pupils. Peter is a new pupil.等。

(2)教师指着Peter的头像接着问:“Where is Peter from?”引导学生看第三个句子:He’s from Australia.出示单词卡片Australia,教学单词Australia。告诉学生地名的首字母要大写。复习Beijing, Taiwan和London的音和形。教师出示澳大利亚的国旗、伦敦大本钟、北京天安门、上海东方明珠、台湾阿里山等图片,让学生用She’s/He’s from…. I’m from….练说句子。




(二)学习句子:The tall boy beside Wang Tao.


2.教学句子He /She is beside….和He /She is behind….

(1)教师请一位女生站在教师的旁边,教学单词beside和句子She is beside me.再请这位女生站在其他学生的旁边,请全班学生说句子“She is beside ×××.”

(2)教师请一位男生躲到门后,教学单词behind和句子He is behind the door.


Who’s th at boy?

Which boy?

The tall boy beside Wang Tao.

That’s Peter. He’s a new student.

教师问:“Which boy is Peter?”

(1)教学句子Which boy? The tall boy beside Wang Tao.

学生读完句子后,教师根据学生的答案板书句子:Which boy? The tall boy beside Wang Tao.并教学句子。


教师指着班上的某个学生提问大家:“Who’s the boy beside ×××?”学生说出该同学的名字。教师请个别学生提问,其余学生回答。





教师出示句子:A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难见真情。)帮助学生理解句子含义,并说一说。


1.完成课本第3页的Ask and answer.部分。



(3)PPT上出现第四幅图,教师指着图,引出句子“The boy with a basketball.”的教学。教师出示几幅图,如:“the boy with blue eyes(蓝色眼睛的男孩)”,“the girl with a kite(拿着风筝的女孩)”,“the boy in a black car(黑色小轿车里的男孩)”等,让学生看图说句子:The boy/girl with….


2.学说韵律诗:Who’s the Girl?


(1)教师出示玩具娃娃,让“她”分别站在桌子上、椅子下、书本旁边、笔盒后面、茶杯里面等,请学生用“The girl on/under/beside/behind/in….”来造句。


游戏规则:教师在PPT上出示一张学生的集体照,给学生10秒钟记忆时间,而后将照片遮住,教师说:“The boy/girl beside/behind/with….Who’s he/she?”请学生猜是哪位学生,反应最快的学生所在的小组得一分。教师示范两次后可请学生上台出题。


1.教师带领学生朗读单词teacher, chair, Chinese, chicken,引导学生发现单词中共同包含的ch字母组合,发现字母组合ch在单词中发/t?/。


3.教师播放课本第3页的Listen and learn the English sounds.部分的录音,学生模仿跟读,学习字母组合ch, tch在单词中的读音。

Step 4 Extension






Step 5 Homework











课题Unit 1 Meeting New Friends




教学目标1.学习单词short,long和hair,熟练掌握介词with, beside, behind, on的用法。

2.学习句型:Who’s that g irl?

Which girl?

The girl with….

Come and play basketball with us.

I like to watch you play.


教学重点熟练掌握介词with, beside, behind, on的用法。


教学过程旁注Step 1 Warming up


2.听录音,齐唱歌曲:Do You Know the Tall Boy?

3.教师对全班学生说:“Peter is a new pupil. He meets some new friends in this school.”

揭示并板书课题:Unit 1 Meeting New Friends Part B。

Step 2 Review

1.教师出示课本第3页的第一幅图,请学生用英语简单介绍Peter,如:He is

a new pupil. He is from Australia. He is in Grade Five now. He is tall. He can play basketball. He is good at sports.等。

2.出示课本第3页中Ask and answer.部分的四幅图,请学生描述图中人物。



Step 3 Presentation


1.教师说:“In the playground, Peter sees a girl with short hair. He wants to know

h er name. Let’s watch the CD ROM.”




(1)Lily is a girl with short hair.()

(2)Peter is in Class 1.Lily is in Class 2.()

(3)Lily will play basketball with Peter.()

(二)教学单词short, long, hair和句子Who’s that girl? Which girl? The girl with short hair.

1.教师将Lily的头像贴在黑板上,边贴边说:“Lily is Chinese. She is a girl with short hair.”



4.教师拿出两把长短不同的尺子和两支长短不一的钢笔,让学生练说This is a long ruler. This is a short ruler. This is a long pen. This is a short pen.等。

5.教师指着一位长发的女生A说:“A is a girl with long hair.”接着指着一位短发的女生B说:“B is a girl with short hair.”教师出示单词卡片hair,教学单词hair。教师板书句子:The girl with short hair.进行教学及操练活动。




(三)教学句子:Come and play basketball with us.

1.教师说:“Peter is very good at sports. What about Yang Ming and Lily? Let’s watch the CD ROM once again.”

2.教师再次播放课文录音或教学光盘,引导学生找出答案:Yang Ming can play basketball. Lily isn’t good at it.

3.教师问:“How can you find the answer?”引出Come and play basketball with us.的教学。

4.PPT上出示课文的第三幅图,教师说:“Lily isn’t good at playing basketball. But what does she say?”引出句子But I like to watch you play.的教学。






教师在PPT上出示句子:We are a big family. We should get along well with our friends.帮助学生理解它们的含义,并告诉学生:“我们是一个大家庭,我们要相亲相爱、友好相处。”


1.完成课本第5页的Ask and answer.部分。

(1)教师出示第5页的第二幅图,问:“Who’s that girl?”引导学生问:“Which girl?”教师说:“The girl with short hair.”学生回答:“That’s Lily.”教师也可针对图中人物Julia与学生进行对话练习。



2.完成课本第5页的Read and answer.部分。




3.完成课本第7页的Listen and circle the right answer.部分。




游戏规则:教师拿出自制的一个大转盘,转盘的每一格都贴有学生的照片,由教师或者一位学生来转动转盘,当指针停住时,全班学生观察指针停在哪一格,然后快速说出指针所停位置中照片的人物特征,如:She is a girl with long hair. He is a boy with short hair. She is a girl with big eyes.等。

Step 4 Extension


1.教师先示范说:“In my class I have a good friend. She is a girl with short hair. She is good at music. She can play the violin. Who is she?”



Step 5 Homework


2.完成课本第6页的Learn to write.部分。










课题Unit 2 Teachers’ Day

Part A 课时一课时


教学目标1.学习单词where, September, panda, tomorrow,词组sitting room, Teachers’ Day,并能够初步运用lovely, kind等单词。

2.学习句型:Where is the boy?


What’s he doing?



4.学说韵律诗:Thank You.

5.学唱歌曲:Where Is Linda?


教学重点学习并运用Where is the boy? He’s…. What’s he doing?He’s….等句型。教学难点就某人所在的位置、所做的事情进行交流。

教学过程旁注Step 1 Warming up


2.学说韵律诗:Thank You.

3.通过韵律诗,揭示并板书课题:Unit 2 Teachers’ Day Part A。

(1)教师说:“Today we are going to talk about Teachers’ Day.”教师出示单词

卡Teachers’ Day,教学并板书,告诉学生节日的首字母要大写。

(2)教师在黑板上Teachers’ Day前加上When is,组成句子When is Teachers’

Day?教师问:“When is Teachers’ Day?”出示9月份的日历,用红笔圈出10

号,说:“Teachers’ Day is on September 10th.”出示单词卡片September,教

学单词September和词组September 10th,告诉学生月份的首字母要大写。

Step 2 Review


1.教师出示Teachers’ Day, Children’s Day, New Year, Christmas Day和the

Spring Festival等有关节日的卡片,请学生认读。





4.教师出示各种庆祝节日的图片,引导全班学生说“Happy New Year!”或“Happy Teachers’ Day!”等句子。

Step 3 Presentation


1.教师说:“Teachers’ Day is coming. Where is Yang Ming? What’s he doing?”



(2)教师出示where, when, what, why等单词,帮助学生认知这四个单词的音、形、义。



4.教学句子:He’s in the sitting room.和He’s drawing a picture.

(1)教师问:“Where is Yang Ming?”引导学生回答:“He’s in the sitting room.”(2)教师在黑板上Where is Yang Ming?的句子下方板书He’s in the sitting room.并教学词组sitting room。

(3)教师在PPT上出示课文第二幅图,然后问全班:“What is Yang Ming doing?”学生可用中文回答。

(4)教师出示单词卡片picture,教学单词。引导学生说句子“He’s drawing a picture.”教师在黑板上What’s he doing?的句子下方板书答句。


游戏规则:教师出示sing, dance, play basketball, play the violin, row a boat等动态图片或电脑课件,边指着图片或课件边问:“What’s he/she doing?”或“What are they doing?”学生根据图片或课件提示回答“He’s/She’s….”或“They are….”


游戏规则:请两位学生上台,面向全班学生站好,教师站在两位学生身后出示图片给全班学生看,全班学生根据图片内容做出相应动作(动作不能停)。一学生问:“What are they doing?”另一学生要用“They are….”来回答。每组学生上台可做三至四个动作,看看哪组学生是最佳搭档。


1.教师对全班说:“Yang Ming is drawing a picture. What is he drawing? Why does he want to draw a picture?”



(1)教学句子:This is a lovely panda.

①教师在PPT上出示课文的第二幅图,然后自问自答:“What’s Yang Ming drawing? He’s drawing a lovely panda.”进行单词lovely,panda及句子This is

a lovely panda.的教学。

②教师出示兔子、猴子、小猪等动物的图片,引导学生说句子“It’s a lovely monkey.”等。

(2)教学句子:It’s September 10th tomorrow. I want to give it to Miss Gao.

教师再次播放课文录音或教学光盘,请学生翻开课本第9页,让学生在语境中边听边理解课文,然后进行It’s September 10th tomorrow.和I want to give it to Miss Gao.句子的教学。

(3)教学句子:She is a nice teacher. She is very kind.

①PPT上出现课文的第三幅图,教师说:“Yang Ming is drawing a picture. He wants to draw a picture for Miss Gao. Why?”

②请学生从书中找到答案,引出句子“She is a nice teacher.”和“She is very kind.”的教学。

(4)教学句子:Say“Happy Teachers’ Day”to her, please.

①教师说:“Miss Gao is very kind. She is a nice teacher. What will Yang Ming do on Teachers Day? Can you find out the answer?”

②教师引导学生找到答案,并引出Say“Happy Teachers’ D ay”to her, please.的句子教学。


游戏规则:教师出示教师节、春节、圣诞节等节日图片以及向他人问好、再见等图片,让学生看图说出“Say‘Happy New Year’s Day’to her, please./Say hello to her, please.”等句子。




(1)Yang Ming is in the .

A. library

B. sitting room

C. classroom

(2)Yang Ming is drawing a lovely.

A. dog

B. monkey

C. panda

(3)Teachers Day is in .

A. spring

B. September

C. summer

(4)Miss Gao is a teacher.

A. nice

B. short

C. lovely


1.完成课本第10页的Ask and answer.部分。




2.游戏——Guessing Game。

游戏规则:教师出示各种地点的图片,如:in the classroom, in the park, at school, at the zoo, behind the tree等,并将这些图片贴在黑板上。请两位学生上台,学生A背对黑板站立,学生B将一个人物图片(如Lily)放置在任意一个地点图片中,然后问:“Where is Lily?”学生A猜,猜对了,全班学生说:“Y es. She’s….”猜错了,全班学生则说:“No. She’s….”以此类推。3.学唱歌曲:Where Is Linda?


1.复习字母组合ch, tch在单词中的读音。


(1)教师出示单词卡片mouth, house, cloud, sound并带读,语速由慢到快。(2)让学生自主读单词,找出这几个单词中的音和形的共同点。告诉学生字母组合ou通常读/ au /。

(3)教师播放课本第10页的Listen and learn the English sounds.的录音,请学生模仿跟读,学习字母组合ou在单词中的读音。

(4)让学生尝试读出带有字母组合ou的单词,如:proud, loud等。


(1)教师播放课本第10页的Listen and learn the English sounds.部分的录音,让学生感知字母组合oa的读音,引出oa发/ ?u /音的教学。

(2)教师出示单词卡片boat, coat,road, goat等含有字母组合oa的单词,让学生尝试拼读。

4.全班翻开课本第10页,教师再次播放Listen and learn the English sounds.部分的录音,让学生模仿跟读。教师引导学生注意以上单词之间音与形的区别。

5.教师读mouth, house, boat, coat, cloud, goat等单词,请学生根据单词的读音,把mth, hse, bt, ct, cld, gt补充完整。

Step 4 Extension



2.学生写一写心目中的老师,并在旁边画一幅画,如:She is good at Chinese. She is tall. She has long hair and big eyes. She is very kind. She is a nice teacher.等。



Step 5 Homework










课题Unit 2 Teachers’ Day

Part B 课时一课时


教学目标1.学习单词paper, picture, smile和词组paper flowers, take a photo,并懂得运用。

2.学习句型:These are paper flowers.

It’s/They are…for you.


教学重点1.学习单词paper, picture, smile和词组paper flowers, take a photo,并懂得运用。

2.学习并运用句型:These are paper flowers. It’s/They are…for you.


教学过程旁注Step 1 Warming up


2.齐唱歌曲:Where Is Linda?

Step 2 Review

1.复习句子Where is…?What’s he/she doing?及其答句。


T: Where am I?

S1: You are in the….

T: What am I doing?

S1: You are….



T: Where is he/she?

S1: He’s/She’s….

T: What’s he/she doing?

S1: He’s/She’s….

2.听录音,齐说韵律诗:Thank You.

3.揭示并板书课题:Unit 2 Teachers’ Day Part B。

(1)教师问:“When is Teachers’ Day?”复习句子:It’s September 10th.

(2)教师说:“On Teachers’ Day I want to say thank you to my te acher. I want to

say ’Happy Teachers’ Day’ to my teacher. What about you?”请学生自由说。

Step 3 Presentation



教师说:“It is Teachers’ Day. Sally, Lily and Yang Ming are in the classroom. What do they say to Miss Gao? Do they give presents to Miss Gao? Let’s watch the video.”

2.教师播放课文教学光盘,引导学生得出答案:They give their presents to Miss Gao.


What’s Sally’s present?

What’s Yang Ming’s present?

Does Peter take a photo?



1.教学句子:These are paper flowers.和They are for you.

(1)教师根据第一个问题:What’s Sally’s present? 引出词组paper flowers 和句子These are paper flowers.的教学。教师出示单词卡片paper,示范发音,学生跟读。

(2)教师拿出事先准备好的一朵纸花说:“A paper flower. This is a paper flower.”教师采取递进式操练方式教学,如:flower, paper flower, a paper flower, This is a paper flower.

(3)教师拿出三朵纸花,引导学生说“paper flowers”。用上述方法进行操练,教师板书句子“These are paper flowers.”


游戏规则:教师出示两张单词卡片:a paper flower和paper flowers,教师说“This is”,学生就说“This is a paper flower.”教师说“These are”,学生就说“These are paper flowers.”可以用book, pen, crayon等单词替换进行操练。(5)教师说:“These paper flowers are beautiful. They are for Miss Gao. What does Sally say?”引出句子“They are for you.”的教学。教师在黑板上“These are paper flowers.”句子的下方板书句子“They are for you.”

2.教学句子:This is my drawing.和It’s a present for you.

(1)由第二个问题:What’s Yang Ming’s prese nt? 引出单词drawing和句子This is my new drawing.的教学。

(2)教师出示单词卡片drawing,教学drawing。教师板书句子“This is my new drawing.”区别drawing与be drawing sth.的用法。drawing作为名词表示“图画”或“素描”,而be drawing sth.中的drawing是动词draw的现在分词形式,表示正在画画。

(3)教师说:“Yang Ming wants to give a present to Miss Gao, too. What does he say?”引出句子“This is my new drawing. It’s a present for you.”的教学。教师在黑板上“This is my new drawing.”句子的下方板书“It’s a present for you.”提醒学生注意名词单、复数形式的使用。

3.教学句子:Let me take a photo.和Smile, please.

(1)先教学单词photo。教师拿出一张照片,说:“This is a photo.”接着拿出一架相机做拍照的动作,说:“Let me take a photo.”引出“Let me take a photo.”的教学。教师出示词组卡片take a photo进行教学,再说句子:“Let me

take a photo.”

(2)教师在黑板上画出一个笑脸,并做出微笑的表情,带学生读smile;然后教师把相机镜头对准几个同学,说:“One, two,three! Smile, please!”(3)游戏——照相。

游戏规则:全班学生一起说句子:“Let me take a photo.”当教师举起相机,说:“Smile, please!”的时候,全班学生必须将动作“定格”下来。

4.教学句子:They are beautiful! 和It’s a nice picture.

(1)教师说:“Sally and Yang Ming give the presents to Miss Gao. Does Miss Gao like the presents? What does she say? Let’s watch the video again.”

(2)教师再次播放教学光盘,引导学生找到答案,引出句子“They are beautiful!”和“It’s a nice picture.”的教学。

(3)教师在PPT上出示一些图片,如:美丽的花朵、漂亮的衣服、一幅美丽的风景画等,引导学生自主说句子“They are beautiful. It’s beautiful. It’s a nice picture.”等。







(1)完成课本第12页的Look and say.部分。


(2)完成课本第12页的Read and answer.部分。


(3)完成课本第14页的Listen and connect.部分。


(4)完成课本第13页的Learn to write.部分。


Step 4 Extension



Teachers’ Day

A: Happy Teachers’ Day! This is my drawing. It’s a present for you.

B: Thank you. It’s beautiful!

Children’s Day

A: Happy Children’s Day! This is my new drawing. It’s for you.

B: Thank you. It’s a nice picture!


A: Merry Christmas! These are paper flowers. They are for you. B: Oh, thank you. They are beautiful!

A: Let me take a photo.

New Year

A: Happy New Year! This is a New Year card. It's for you.

B: …

Step 5 Homework










课题Unit 3 Planning a Trip

Part A



教学目标1.学习单词will, won’t, holiday,专有名词National Day。

2.学习句型:Will you…?

Yes, I will. /No, I won’t. I will….

Where will you go? I will go to….



教学重点1.学习单词will, won’t, holiday,专有名词National Day。

2.学习句型:Will you…? Yes, I will. /No, I won’t. I will…. Where will you go? I will go to….


教学过程旁注Step 1 Warming up



Good morning, ×××.

How are you?

Where are you from?

Do you like playing football?

Will you go to Beijing?

Do you like to travel?

3.从句子“I will make a trip to Taiwan.”引出单词trip的教学。

4.揭示并板书课题:Unit 3 Planning a Trip Part A。

教师说:“I like to travel. I am planning a trip to Taiwan.”教师板书课题,教学

词组plan a trip。

Step 2 Presentation

(一)学习节日名称:National Day。


如:教师指向6月1日说:“It’s June 1st. It’s….”学生说:“Children’s Day.”


2.教师出示National Day, Children’s Day, New Year等有关节日的词组卡片,


3.教师播放国庆节阅兵式的图片或视频,问:“We raise our national flag. What

holiday is it?”



1.教师指着日历说:“October 1st is our National Day. It is coming.”教师出示10月份的日历和单词卡,教学单词October。然后出示下列问题:

(1)What do you often do on National Day?引导学生回答“We raise our national flag./We go to the park.”等。

(2)Do you go for a holiday?引导学生回答“Yes, I do.”帮助学生理解问题的意思,教学单词holiday,复习单词will,告诉学生will用于表示将要做某事的句子中。

2.教师说:“National Day is coming. Will Wang Tao go for a holiday? Where will he go? Let’s watch the video.”教师播放教学光盘,让学生先整体感受课文。(三)学习课文对话。

1.学习句子:Where will you go? 和I’ll go to Taiwan.


(2)教师问:“Will Wang Tao go for a holiday?”得到肯定答复后,教师出示一张中国地图,问大家:“Where will he go? Can you find it?”请一位学生上台,指出“台湾”的位置。

(3)教师在黑板上板书:Where will you go? I’ll go to Taiwan.并教学。

(4)请一位学生看中国地图,全班学生提问:“Where will you go,×××?”该学生回答:“I’ll go to….”并指着地图上该地所在的位置。



and live in Taibei.

will go with Wang Tao.

They will go to Taiwan by .


(3)复习aunt, uncle, with和live in 等单词和词组,并请学生熟读上面三个句子。



A: How can we go to Taiwan?

B: We can go .

A.by train B. by plane C. by bus D. by ship







1.完成课本第17页的Ask and answer.部分。

(1)教师出示词组卡片,如:go to Wuyishan, go to the library/computer room, watch TV, do my homework, draw a picture, make paper flowers, read a book等,先请学生看卡片说词组,然后教师将卡片贴在黑板上并编号。

(2)教师出示图片,学生说词组,并指出黑板上相应词组卡片的编号。(3)教师播放Ask and answer.部分的录音,学生模仿跟读。



2.完成课本第21页的Listen and connect.部分。



(1)教师出示单词卡片blue, black并带读,语速由慢到快。


(3)教师出示单词bloom, blouse, block, blanket,学生尝试自己拼读单词。


(1)教师出示单词卡片bread, breakfast, brown并带读,让学生感知单词bread, breakfast中辅音连缀br的读音,引出br发/br/音的教学。

(2)教师出示单词bright, bride, brother, brick,学生尝试自己拼读单词。

3.教师播放课本第17页的Listen and learn the English sounds.的录音,请学生模仿跟读,学习辅音连缀bl和br在单词中的读音。



游戏规则:教师请四位学生到讲台前,从blue, bread, bride, black, breakfast, block, brown, blanket等单词卡片中选出4张发给他们,并让他们将单词卡片放在胸前。教师站在他们背后用手指某位同学,全班则要快速拼读,如:/bl/,/bl/,/blu/,持有blue单词卡片的学生应迅速向前一步,以此类推。

Step 3 Extension


完成课本第20页的Do a survey.部分。

1.教师说:“National Day is coming. I’ll go for a holiday. How about you?”教师根据课本内容示范提问学生A。


×××will go to….He will go by….

Step 4 Homework








课题Unit 3 Planning a Trip

Part B



教学目标1.学习单词July, August, October和Internet,并懂得运用。

2.学习句子:How is the weather in Taiwan?

It’s hot in July and August.

But it’s cool in October.






教学过程旁注Step 1 Warming up





Will you go for a holiday? Where will you go?

When will you go? Will you go by…?等。

3.揭示并板书课题:Unit 3 Planning a Trip Part B。

Step 2 Review


教师说:“When you go for a trip you will ask,‘How is the weather there? Is it

hot, warm or cold? Must I wear a sweater or a coat?’”


(1)教师一边问:“How is the weather today?”一边板书,请学生根据实际


(2)教师出示sunny, windy, rainy, snowy等单词卡片,复习单词。


S1: How is the weather in Beijing?

S2: It’s….


(1)出示两组单词卡片:spring, summer, autumn, winter和hot, cold, warm,

五年级上册英语试题期末测试卷 闽教版 无答案

五年级英语(上)期末测试卷(二) 年级______班级_______姓名_________分数_________ 听力部分(40%) 一.听音,根据录音内容将你所听到的字母或单词前的序号填入括号内。(10分). 1.()A.C B.K 2.()A.GF B.LB 3.()A.how B.are 4.()A.too B.zoo 5.()A.home B.speak 6.()A.January B.August 7.()A.yellow B.sea8.()A.photo B.bank 9.()A.monkey B.tiger10.()A.bus stop B.train station 二.听音标号(8分) 三.听音,打勾或打叉.(10分) 1. 2.3, 4. 5. 四、听音,选择单词,将其序号填到横线上。(4分) 1..I bough a________yesterday.A.ruler B.schoolbag. 2.What’s your favorite___________?A.food B.month 3.May I speak to________,please? A.Peter B.Sally 4.It’s on the_____________. A.left B.right 五、听音排序(8分) ()Excuse me,sir.()T urn left.()Where are you from?()OK.Thanks. 笔试部分(60%) 一、按顺序填写所缺字母。(10分) Bb____________________________________________________________________________Mm 二、正确抄写下列单词或句子(注意大小写和标点符号),并在括号中写出中文意思。(12分)


一、选择题 1.Were you in the supermarket?—___________. A.Yes , I were. B. No, I wasn’t. C.No, I was. 2.Where did you go yesterday?—I went to __________. A.the supermarket B.a schoolbag C.orange 3. What’s your favorite color? It’s _______. A. book B. banana C. blue 4. Did you have a good time in your summer vacation? A. Yes, I did. B.Yes,I do. C.No, I did. 5. What did you do in your summer vacation? A.I visit Big Ben. B.I visited the Great Wall. C.I do my homework. 6. I’m from _____. A. the USA B.summer C.the Shanghai 7. Do you like your school,Sally ? A. No,you do. B.No,you don’t. C.Yes,I do. 8.Where are you from, Miss Panda? A.I’m from China. B.I’m here. C.Yes. 9. Excuse me , Sir. How can I get to the zoo? A.In China. B. Go straight,then turn right C.At school. 10. Thank you. —_________. A.You’re right. B.You’re welcome C.Thank you. 11.Are you from Australia?_________ A.Yes ,you are. B.No,I am. C.Yes,I am. 12.Were you in Beijing in summer? A.I am sorry. B.No,I was in Hainan. C.Yes,I am in Beijing. 13. What’s your favorite month? ___ __ ___ A.Sunday B.Tuesday C.March 14. When is your birthday, Li Hong? It’s __ _ _. A.April. B.Monday C.eight 15. How is the weather in spring? It’s ______. A.warm B.cold C.cool 16. When is Children’s Day? A.May 1st B.June 1st C.July 1st 17.翻译词组“向左转”。_________ A.Turn left. B.Turn right. C.Turn on. 18.翻译“十月份”___ ___ A.September B.October C.November 19.It’s Mid-Autumn Day. 翻译:-_____________- A.今天是国庆节。B.今天是中秋节。 C.今天是劳动节。 20.What’s your favorite food,Panda? _________ A.Fish B.Grass C.Bamboo 21.Where are you from, Kangaroo? I’m from _____. A.Australia B.China C.Janpa


闽教版小学英语五年级上册知识点 Unit 1 单词,词组 tall 高的 beside 在……的旁边 pupil 小学生 Australia 澳大利亚 behind 在……的后面 Short 短的;矮的 long 长的 hair 头发 be good at……擅长做……例句:Lily is good at math. But I am not good at it. 重点句型,语法。 Who’s that boy?那个男孩是谁?Which boy?哪个男孩? The boy beside/behind/with/in……那个在……的旁边/在……的后面/带……(特征)/穿……衣服/在……地方 例句: The boy beside Wang Tao.那个王涛旁边的男孩. The boy behind the door.那个门后面的男孩。 The boy with red hair.那个红头发的男孩。 The boy with a basketball. 那个带篮球的男孩。 The boy in red. 穿红色衣服的男孩。

He’ s from Australia. 他来自澳大利亚。He is from Taiwan.他来自台湾。 He is a new pupil. He’s a new pupil.他是新来的小学生。 play basketball 打篮球play the violin 拉小提琴 We are in Grade Five now.我们是五年级。 that 和those that + 单数名词Look at that monkey. those +复数名词Look at those monkeys. Come and play basketball with us.来跟我们一起打篮球吧。 I like to watch you play.我喜欢看你们打篮球。 watch + 动词原形 Unit 2 单词,词组 where 哪里 sitting room 客厅 lovely 可爱的 panda 熊猫 September 九月 tomorrow 明天 Teachers’ Day 教师节 kind 亲切的;和蔼的

五年级英语上册 Unit1教案 闽教版

闽教版五年级英语上册教案 Unit 1 Getting Ready for School Unit 1 Getting Ready for School Lesson 1 Teaching Aims: 1.saythe words:pen,pencil,pencil- box,ruler,supermarket,bookstore,school,bag,schoolbag,a story book; 2.understand and say the sentence pattern: A:Were you in the supermarket? B:Yes,I was.I bought a schoolbag. Important and Difficult Points: How to use was/were to describe what happened in the past. Teaching Aids: a tape recorder, a tape ,ten word cards Teaching Procedure Step one: Warm-up 1.greetings between the students and teacher Step two: Presentation 1.showstudents a thing,and ask them“what“s this?“and “ho wto say it in English?“,next,lead students to read“pen“and “one/a pen“; 2.accordingto the above way,lead students to read“ruler“and “a/oneruler“;“pencil“and “three pencils“; “pencil-box“and “a pencil- box“;“school“;“bag“;“school“;“schoolbag“;“inthe supermarket“;“in the bookstore“;“a story book“; 3.ask some students to read the above new words;


tall 高的beside 在……旁边pupil 小学生Australia 澳大利亚behind在……后面short 短的;矮的long 长的 hair头发 where哪里 sitting room 客厅lovely可爱的panda熊猫September九月tomorrow 明天Teachers’ Day教师节kind 亲切的;和蔼的near 附近 paper纸 picture照片;图画photo照片 smile微笑National Day国庆节holiday假日 uncle叔叔;伯伯 won’t=will not将不 tell告诉 about关于 July七月 August八月 October十月 there那里 turn on打开 find找到;发现 thing东西 Internet因特网 cinema电影院 sit down坐下 put on戴上 glasses眼镜 film电影 afraid害怕 welcome欢迎 museum博物馆 cook烹调 player 球员 chess象棋 play chess下象棋 come on来吧 April 四月 March 三月 June六月 May五月 month月份 December十二月 January一月 easy容易的 remember记住 November十一月 February二月 Excuse me.请问/劳驾 get to到达 station车站 far away很远 or或者 taxi的士 young年轻的

man男人 (复数men) You’re welcome.不用谢hospital医院nearby附近 go straight一直往前走turn朝向;翻转right右边的 left左边的 bus stop公共车站speak说话;讲话wait等候;等待minute分钟 page页 write写字 word词 sorry对不起 time次数 call呼叫 mobile手机 way路 on my way 在我去……路上city城市 the USA美国classmate同班同学understand理解;明白know知道 see明白


2017-2018学年第一学期 小学英语五年级一二单元考试卷 姓名班级座号成绩 听力部分(30分) 一.听音标号。(12分) 二.听音,选出你所听到的字母或数字。(10分) ( )1. A. beside B. behind ( )6. A. when B. where ( )2. A. picture B. photo ( )7. A. kid ( )3. A. shirt ( )8. A. chair B. hair ( )4. A. Australia B. the UK ( )9. A. teacher B. pupil ( )5. A. September B. June ( )10. A. tall B. short 三.听音,选出你所听到的句子,将序号A或B填在括号里(8分)。( )1. tall boy beside Wang Tao.B.The tall boy behind Wang Tao. ( )2.A.Happy Teachers’ Day. Children’s Day. ( )3.A.This is an English book. B.These are English books. ( )4.A.He’s very good at Chinese. B.He’s very good at maths. 笔试部分(70分) 四.默写字母从Gg 到Pp。(10分) 五.正确抄写,并写出中文意思(注意大小写字母)。(10分) flower short picture September ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) a new pupil take a photo on the bike ( ) ( ) ( ) Which boy The tall boy beside Wang Tao.( )六.选择题。(10分) () girl__________ long hair is Sally. A:with B,has () is that girl -___________ is Julia. A:Who,She B,Which,She

(完整word版)闽教版小学英语单词(五年级 上册)

Unit 1 tall 高的 beside 在……的旁边pupil 小学生 Australia 澳大利亚Behind 在……的后面Short 短的;矮的 long 长的 hair 头发 Unit 2 Where 哪里 Sitting room 客厅lovely 可爱的 panda 熊猫 September 九月tomorrow 明天Teacher’s Day 教师节kind 亲切的;和蔼的near 附近 flower 花;花朵 paper 纸 picture 照片;图画photo 照片 smile微笑 Unit 3 National Day 国庆节Holiday 假日 Uncle 叔叔、伯伯Won’t=will not 将不Tell 告诉 About 关于 July 七月 August 八月 October 十月There 那里 Turn on 打开 find 找到、发现thing 东西Internet 因特网 Unit 4 Cinema 电影院 sit down 坐下 put on 戴上glasses 眼镜 film 电影 afraid 害怕welcome 欢迎museum 博物馆cook 烹调 player 球员 chess 象棋 play chess 下象棋c ome on 来吧 Unit 5 April 四月 March 三月 June 六月 May 五月 month 月份December 十二月January 一月 easy 容易的remember 记住November 十一月February 二月

Unit 6 Excuse me.请问/劳驾 get to 到达 station 车站 far away 很远 or 或者 station 的士 young 年轻的 man(复数men)男人 You’re welcome. 不用谢。hospital 医院 nearby 附近 go straight 一直往前走turn 朝向;翻转 right 右边的 left 左边的 bus stop 公交车站 Unit 7 speak 说话;讲话 wait 等候;等待 minute 分钟 page 页 write 写字 word 词 sorry 对不起 time 次数 call 呼叫 mobile 手机 way 路 on my way 在我去……的路上city 城市Unit 8 the USA 美国classmate 同班同学understand 理解;明白know 知道 see 明白


Unit 1 Meeting New Friends 一、单词 tall高的beside 在......的旁边pupil小学生Australia澳大利亚behind在......的后面short矮的、短的long长的hair头发chair 椅子Chinese语文 kitchen 厨房watch TV 看电视 二、词语 beside Wang Tao 在王涛旁边in Grade Five 在五年级that boy 那个男孩 the tall boy 那个高男孩 a new pupil 一个新的小学生be from Australia 来自澳大利 亚 be good at 擅长做某事 on the bike 在自行车上behind the door 在门后 with a basketball 拿着一个篮球be good at sports 擅长运动with short hair 短发的 with an umbrella 带着一把雨伞play basketball 打篮球play the violin 拉小提琴 in white 穿着白色的衣服 三、重点句型、语法 Who’s that boy?那个男孩是谁?Which boy?那个男孩? The boy beside/behind/with/in......那个在 ....的旁边 / 在...的后面 / 带 ...(特征) / 穿 ...衣服 / 在...地方 The boy beside Wang Tao.那个王涛旁边的男孩。(人名前面不加the , a ) The boy beside the door. 那个门后面的男孩。 The boy with red hair. 那个红头发的男孩。 The boy with a basketball 那.个带篮球的男孩。 The boy in red. 穿红色衣服的男孩。 He’s from Australia. 他来自澳大利亚。 He’s a new pupil. 他是新来的小学生。 Come and play basketball with us. 来跟我们一起打篮球吧。 I like to watch you play.我喜欢看你拉打篮球。watch+动词原形


闽教版五年级英语上册教学计划 一、指导思想 国家《英语课程标准》要求在英语教学中,要提倡任务型教学模式,把综合语言运用能力的培养落实在教学过程中,倡导体验、实践、参与、交流和合作的学习方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功,强调学生能用英语做事情。 二、教材分析 《闽教版小学英语》在“激发学习兴趣;强调语言运用;突出教材实用性;提供多种配套”等特点的基础上,又有以下几个方面的突破,进一步体现了教材的发展与创新: (1)适应儿童特点,采用行动学习法;引入项目制作,实现任务型教学;提倡合作学习,培养合作精神。 (2)强调语言的真实自然,培养学生表达真实感受的能力;重视双向交流,增强文化意识。 (3)注重形成性评价,促进学生发展;实现整体设计,确保中小学衔接。 三、学情分析 本学期的教学对象为五年级的学生。学生对英语的学习比较感兴趣。作为教师,可以抓住这一点,调动学生的积极性,活跃课堂。所

以本学期我将面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,在巩固基础知识的基础上,因材施教,分层教学,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。 四、教学目标 根据小学生的心理和生理特征以及发展需求,小学阶段的英语课程的目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的英语学习的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好语音、语调等基础。本学期应达到以下目标: (1)能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词;能按四会要求掌握所学句型;能使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确。 (2)能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音;进一步养成良好的书写习惯。 (3)进一步养成听英语、读英语和说英语的良好习惯;能运用相关的语言知识和技能,完成某项任务;能演唱已学过的英语歌曲,诵读已学过的歌谣。 五、教学措施 (1)以活动为课堂教学的主要形式,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生在乐中学、学中用,从而保证学生英语学习的可持续性发展。


五年级上、下册语言知识归纳(单词) 单词 (1)动词的过去式 原形过去式 am/is was 是 are were 是 go went 去 take took 带走 do did 做 see saw 看见 eat ate 吃 get got 获得 run ran 跑 swim swam 游泳 (2)数词 基数词序数词 one 一 first 1st第一 two 二 second 2nd第二 three 三 third 3rd第三 four 四 fourth 4th第四 five 五 fifth 5th第五 six 六sixth 6th第六 seven 七seventh 7th第七 eight 八 eighth 8th第八

nine 九ninth 9th第九 ten 十tenth 10th 第十 eleven 十一eleventh 11th 第十一 twelve 十二twelfth 12th 第十二 thirteen 十三thirteenth 13th 第十三 fourteen 十四fourteenth 14th 第十四 fifteen 十五fifteenth 15th 第十五 sixteen 十六sixteenth 16th 第十六 seventeen 十七seventeenth 17th 第十七 eighteen 十八eighteenth 18th 第十八 nineteen 十九nineteenth 19th 第十九 twenty 二十twentieth 20th 第二十 (3)月份 January 一月 February 二月 March 三月 April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 August 八月 September 九月 October十月 November 十一月 December 十二月(4)表情的形容词 proud 自豪的sad 难过的 tired 疲倦的 angry 生气的


闽教版小学英语五年级上册全册教案 Unit 1Meeting New Friends文化和语言注释 1.本单元的主要话题是“结识新朋友”,功能为询问人物身份,描述人物的特征。主要语法内容是:以which开头的特殊疑问句;that用作形容词和指示代词;介词beside,behind,with的用法;ch和tch的读音规则。本套教材从五年级上册开始每单元只有Part A教学语音,在Part B部分则增加了阅读回答问题栏目。 2.—Who’s that boy?(那个男孩是谁?) —Which boy?(哪个男孩?) —The tall boy beside Wang Tao.(王涛旁边的那个高个子男孩。) —That’s Peter.He’s a new pupil.(那是彼得,一位新来的学生。) (1)“that”在英文中是一个使用频率很高的单词,有多种词性。本课中that指离说话人较远的人物。在Who’s that boy?(那个男孩是谁?)这个句子中,that作形容词,后接单数名词,而后接复数名词时则要用those。例如: Look at that monkey.(看那只猴子。) Look at those monkeys.(看那些猴子。) 在That’s Peter.这一句中that作代词用,指代前面说过的“that boy”。 (2)Which boy?(哪个男孩?) which在句子中作疑问形容词,后接名词。类似的用法在本套教材四年级上册的第2单元学过:Which class are you in?(你在哪个班级?)又例如:Which book do you like?(你喜欢哪一本书?) which 也可以作疑问代词,如:Which is your classroom?(哪一间是你们的教室?) (3)The tall boy beside Wang Tao.(王涛旁边的那个高个子男孩。) beside是介词,意思是“在……旁边”、“在……附近”。如: The girl is sitting beside her mother.(女孩坐在她母亲的旁边。) There is a tree beside the house.(房子的附近有一棵树。) 在句子The tall boy beside Wang Tao.中,beside Wang Tao作定语用,修饰boy,解释为“王涛旁边的”。英语后置的定语形式和汉语的定语形式差别较大,学生在理解掌握方面有一定困难,教师要多举例说明。本单元第3页的Ask and answer.栏目提供了部分例句和练习,以下几个例子供参考: the boy with blue eyes (蓝眼睛的男孩) the girl with a red umbrella (拿着一把红雨伞的女孩) the boy in a black car (黑色小轿车里的男孩) the baby in pink (穿粉红色衣服的婴儿) (4)pupil的意思是“小学生”,也指画家、音乐家等的“弟子”。 3.He’s very good at sports.(他体育运动方面非常好。) be good at…意思是“擅长……”,由于at是介词,在其后要用名词、代词的宾格或动名词。如: Lily is good at math and English.But I’m not good at them.(李丽数学和英语都很好,但是我这两门功课都不好。) Julia is very good at playing the violin.(朱莉娅小提琴拉得很好。) 4.字母组合ch,tch 可以读作/ /,除了本单元第3页的例词外,学过的含有ch,tch 的单词还有:teacher,which,children,chicken等。字母组合ch的另一种读音是/k/,如:Christmas,school。 5.本单元的B部分继续学习和巩固A部分所学的主要句型。B部分学到单词hair,教师可以借此机会帮助学生复习表示人体各部位的单词。


Unit 1 Meeting New Friends Part A 教学目标 1.学习单词 tall, pupil, Australia,能够初步运用 beside, behind, on 等表示方位的介词。 2.学习句型:Who’s that boy? Which boy? The boy beside/behind/with…. He’s a new pupil. 3.学习字母组合 ch 和 tch 在单词中的发音。 4.学说韵律诗:Who’s the Girl? 5.学唱歌曲:Do You Know the Tall Boy? 6.功能:能用英语描述他人。 1).能够初步运用 beside, behind, on 等表示方位的介词。 2).学习并运用 Who’s that boy? Which boy? 等句型。用英语描述他人所处的方位。 教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。 2.师生自由对话,如:××× is our new friend. Hello, ××× ! Nice to meet you. Where are you from? Which class are you in? Can you sing? Can you play basketball? 等。 3.欣赏歌曲:Do You Know the Tall Boy? 4.教师指着歌曲的题目说:“Do you know the tall boy?”边说边出示单词卡片 ball, wall, tall,帮助学生学习新词 tall 的音、形、义,然后告诉学生:“He is our new friend, Peter. Today let’s talk about Meeting New Friends.”揭示并板书课题:Unit 1 Meeting New Friends Part A。 Step 2 Review 复习音标


闽教版英语五年级上册复习重点 Unit1Meeting New Friends 一、单词 tall 高的 beside在......的旁边 pupil 小学生 Australia 澳大利亚 behind 在......的后面 short 矮的、短的 long长的 hair头发 chair椅子 Chinese 语文 kitchen厨房 watch TV看电视 二、词语 beside Wang Tao 在王涛旁边in Grade Five在五年级 that boy 那个男孩 the tall boy 那个高男孩 a new pupil 一个新的小学生be from Australia 来自澳大利亚 be good at擅长做某事on the bike 在自行车上 behind the door 在门后 with a basketball拿着一个篮球be good at sports 擅长运动with short hair 短发的 with an umbrella 带着一把雨伞 play basketball打篮球play the violin拉小提琴in white 穿着白色的衣服 三、重点句型、语法 1.Who’s that boy?那个男孩是谁? Which boy?那个男孩? The boy beside/behind/with/in...... 那个在....的旁边/在...的后面/带...(特征)/穿...衣服/在...地方 (考点:选择题、连词成句) 询问及说明新朋友情况的句型: 1.-----Who’s the boy ? 那个男孩是谁?

-----Which boy ? 哪个男孩? ------The tall boy beside Wang Tao. 王涛旁边的那个高个子男孩。 ------That’s Peter. 那是彼得。 The boy beside Wang Tao. 那个王涛旁边的男孩。(人名前面不加the , a )The boy beside the door. 那个门后面的男孩。 The boy with red hair. 那个红头发的男孩。 The boy with a basketball .那个带篮球的男孩。 The boy in red. 穿红色衣服的男孩。 He’s from Australia. 他来自澳大利亚。 He’s a new pupil. 他是新来的小学生。 2.that 和those that + 单数名词Look at that monkey. those +复数名词Look at those monkeys. https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b3546579.html,e and play basketball with us. 来跟我们一起打篮球吧。 I like to watch you play. 我喜欢看你拉打篮球。watch+动词原形 4.Can he play basketball?他会打篮球吗? -----Yes , he can.是的,他会。 54. He’s very good at sprots. 他非常擅长运动。


五年级英语(上)期中测试卷 2017.11 (满分:100分完成时间:40分钟)成绩 听力部分(40分) 一、听音,补全单词。(8分) 1. fl______er 2. sh_______t 3. p_______da 4. mu_____m 5. Oc_____er 6.ho ______day 7. s _______le 8. c_______k 二、听音,选择你所听到的单词的序号。(6分) ()1. A. black B. bread ()2. A. photo B. picture ()3. A. uncle B. aunt ()4. A. coat B. boat ()5. A. ball B. tall ()6. A. hair B. chair 三、听音,在正确的图下打“√”。(8分) 1. ( ) ( ) 2. ( ) ( ) 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ()()7.8. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、听音,选择正确的答案。(6分)

( ) 1. Can Julia ride a bike? A. Yes, she can’t B. No, she can’t. C. Yes, she can. ( ) 2. What are they doing? A. They’re cooking B. They’re playing. C. They’re cleaning. ( ) 3. Where is Yang Ming? A. He’s in the park. B. He’s in the classroom. C. He’s in the sitting room. 五、听音,在你所听到的句子前打勾,并在线上写出中文意思。(8分) 1. ( ) The girl beside Li Ming. 2. ( ) They are making cards. ( ) The girl behind Li Ming. ( ) They are making flowers. ______________________________ ______________________________ 3. ( ) This is a lovely panda. 4. ( ) Can we play chess in the park? ( ) These are lovely pandas. ( ) Can we play football in the park? ______________________________ _____________________________ 六、听音,写出你所听到的字母(包括大小写)。(4分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 笔试(60分) 一、按照要求写出所缺的字母(包括大小写)。(10分) Hh Qq 二、抄一抄,注意标点和大小写,并在括号中写出中文意思。(12分)


五年级英语单词 Unit 1 tall 高的 beside 在......的旁边pupil 小学生 Australia 澳大利亚behind 在......的后面short 短的;矮的 long 长的 hair 头发 Unit 2 where 哪里 sitting room 客厅lovely 可爱的 panda 熊猫September 九月tomorrow 明天Teachers' Day 教师节kind 亲切的;和蔼的near 附近 paper 纸 picture 照片;图画 photo 照片 smile 微笑 Unit 3 National Day 国庆节 holiday 假日 uncle 叔叔;伯伯 won't=will not 将不 tell 告诉 about 关于 July 七月 August 八月 October 十月 there 那里 turn on 打开 find 找到;发现 thing 东西 Internet 因特网 Unit 4 cinema 电影院 sit down 坐下 put on 戴上 glasses 眼镜 film 电影 afraid 害怕 welcome 欢迎 museum 博物馆 cook 烹调 player 球员 chess 象棋 play chess 下象棋 come on 来吧 Unit 5 April 四月

March 三月 June 六月 May 五月 month 月份December 十二月January 一月 easy 容易的remember 记住November 十一月February 二月 Unit 6 Excuse me. 请问/劳驾get to 到达 station 车站 far away 很远 or 或者 taxi 的士 young 年轻的 man (复数men)男人You're welcome. 不用谢 hospital 医院 nearby 附近 go straight 一直往前走 turn 朝向;翻转 right 右边的 left 左边的 bus stop 公交车站 Unit 7 speak 说话;讲话 wait 等待;等候 minute 分钟 page 页 write 写字 word 词 sorry 对不起 times 次数 call 呼叫 mobile 手机 way 路 on my way 在我去......的路上 city 城市 Unit 8 the USA 美国 classmate 同班同学 understand 理解;明白 know 知道 see 明白


新闽教版五年级上册 英语单词 Revised on November 25, 2020

闽教版新版五年级上册Unit 1 tall 高的 beside 在……旁边 pupil 小学生 Australia 澳大利亚 behind在……后面 short 短的;矮的 long 长的 hair头发 Unit 2 where哪里 sitting room 客厅 lovely可爱的 panda熊猫 September九月 tomorrow 明天Teachers’ Day教师节 kind 亲切的;和蔼的 near 附近 paper纸 picture照片;图画 photo照片 smile微笑Unit 3 National Day国庆节 holiday假日 uncle叔叔;伯伯 won’t=will not将不 tell告诉 about关于 July七月 August八月 October十月 there那里 turn on打开 find找到;发现 thing东西 Internet因特网 Unit 4 cinema电影院 sit down坐下 put on戴上 glasses眼镜 film电影 afraid害怕 welcome欢迎 museum博物馆 cook烹调 player 球员 chess象棋 play chess下象棋 come on来吧 Unit 5 April 四月 March 三月 June六月 May五月 month月份 December十二月 January一月 easy容易的 remember记住 November十一月 February二月 Unit 6 Excuse me.请问/劳驾 get to到达 station车站 far away很远 or或者 taxi的士


听力部分24% 一、听音排序8% ( ) 1. A. b B. P ( ) 2. A. MN B. WM ( ) 3. A. fair B. hair ( ) 4. A.robots B. rabbits ( ) 5. A. birds B. beds ( ) 6. A.June B. July ( ) 7. A.month B. mouth ( ) 8. A.you B. your 二、听音写字母组成单词,并在括号里写出中文意思10% 1. 2. 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. ( ) 三、听音排序,并写出每个句子的中文意思。6% ()Spring Festival. ()Spring Festival is my favorite holiday,too. ()What’s your favorite holiday? 笔试部分(51%) Ⅰ、字母书写。默写字母Ee ~ Nn(大小写都要)。(10分)

Ⅱ、从方框中选出下列动词的过去式,并写在横线上。(12分) do_______ go_______ am_______ play______ buy_____ take________ Ⅲ、看图写单词。(6分) _________ _ _______ __ ____________ Ⅳ、读一读,选择正确的答句,将序号写在横线上。(12分) 1. Were you in the bookstore just now? A 、Speaking. 2. Where are you from? B 、Yes, I did. 3. May I speak to Sally, please? C 、It ’s in May. 4. When is your birthday? D 、I ’m from China. 5. Did you have a good time? E 、Grass. 6. What ’s your favorite food, kangaroo? F 、Yes, I was. 1_____ 2_____ 3______ 4______ 5______ 6_____ Ⅴ、读一读,选择正确答案的序号,填在括号里。(16分) 1.( )Where are you _______ ? I ’m from China. A 、of B 、from C 、 for 2.( )I bought a book _______ penguins . A 、of B 、from C 、 on 3.( )I took a photo _______the cats.
