
经过阅读理解,读者就很容易记住了它的涵义和象征意义。当记住生词后,下次出现时在进行交际的认知—推理过程中所付出的努力小,关联性相对来说越大,从而达到较好的交际效果,能够成功交际。在读完整篇小说以后,读者成功记住了scarlet A 的涵义和象征意义。


通过以上结合关联理论和《红字》中scarlet A 的涵



[1] Deidre Wilson. 关联与交际[J]. 现代外语,2002(2).

[2] Lewis, B. The Lexical Approach [M]. London: Language Teaching

Publication, 1993.

[ ] Sperber, D & D, Wilson. Relevance: Communication and

Cognition (2nd edition)[M]. Oxford UK & Cambridge USA: Blackwell, 1995.

[ ] 何自然. 推理与关联-认知语用学原理撮要[J]. 外语教学,

199 ( ).

[ ] 何自然,冉永平. 关联理论-认知语用学基础[J]. 现代外语,

199 ( ).

[ ] 姜望琪. 语用学—理论及应用[M]. 北京:北京大学出版社,2000.[ ] 李冬梅. 近10年来关联理论在中国的研究[J]. 四川外语学院学


[ ] 刘国辉. 关联理论的回顾与思考[J]. 四川师范学院学报,


[9] 梅晓宇. 关联与二语词汇习得[D]. 上海:上海外国语大学,200 . [10] 苗兴伟. 关联理论与认知语境[J]. 外语学刊,199 ( ).[11] 纳撒尼尔·霍桑. 红字[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社,2009.[12] 熊学亮. 认知语用学概论[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999.[1 ] 寻明. 二语词汇习得途径探究[J]. 外语界,200 (1).

[1 ] 尹春霞. 试论关联理论与二语词汇习得[J]. 琼州学院学报,

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Relevance Theory and Research in Second

Language Vocabulary Acquisition

Abstract: Based on Relevance Theory, this paper analyzes the four theoretical basis of learning vocabulary through reading together with the implication and the symbolic meanings of scarlet A in The Scarlet Letter . The paper studies the Relevance Theory and the second language vocabulary acquisition to display that reading is an important strategy for the second language vocabulary acquisition.

Key words: relevance theory; scarlet letter A; reading; second language vocabulary acquisition



of difficulties have occured when Hunanese begin to learn English pronunciation. They articulate their vowel sounds in their own dialectal way. When they pronounced the English vowels, they tried to make it by their accustomed articulated patterns. Or they took a similar sound just as the same one.

For those students, they mistook the sound /f/ and /n/. They would pronounce the word life /na?f/ and conversely knife as /l ai f/. Also, they pronounce the word five as /h ? v/, fly as /h l ai/……In this way, they always mistook the pronunciation of the words. It’s not really good for their English speaking and listening. The following are some phonetics presented:

Words pronunciations

Name /l ei m/

Knife /l ai h/

Light /n ai t/

Night /l ai t/

They would pronounce “last night” as /n a: s t n ai t/, /l a: s t l ai t/ or /n a: s t l ai t/.

Fly /h l ai/

Life /n ai h/

Fix /h i k s/

Who /f u:/

It would cause a lot of confusion when they speak English to communicate with others. Even foreigners would be confused.

3. The Way the Problems Are Created

The occurrence of everything has its specific reasons. The pronunciations have no exception.

3.1 Analysis from the aspect of articulate phonetics

The speakers can’t make the difference between the pronunciations of English / n/ and / l/. In our phonetic book, we have learned / n/ is an alveolar nasal consonant. But / l/ is an alveolar liquid. Phonologically, in producing / n/, the tip and the rimes of the tongue are in contact with the upper alveolar ridge and side teeth. The soft palate is lowed so as to let the air escape from the nasal cavity. / l/ is produced with the soft palate raised and the tip of the tongue in contact with the upper teeth ridge, letting the air escape on both sides and one side.

/f/ is a labial-dental fricative while / h/ is a glottal fricative. Phonologically, when pronouncing /f/, we press the upper teeth against the lower lip, narrowing the air passage, causing the air to pass in a continuous stream between the lips and teeth, when making a voiceless continuant, raise the soft palate, do not vibrate the vocal cords. As for /h/, we keep the mouth well open, keep the tongue in position for the vowel sound, then instantly allow the air stream to pass though the wide-open glottis, and raise the soft palate, but do not vibrate the vocal cords.

They do not distinguish the patterns clearly. The places of their articulation are wrong. So, errors occur.

3.2 Analysis of Xiang dialect and its negative transfer to English phonemes.

In Xiang dialect, / l/ and / n/ are just two allophones. But in English it’s two different phonemes which are pronounced distinctively. It’s the same case with /f/ and /h/.

In their speech they do not always distinguish them. For example: they say吃饭(have meals) like chihuan in Putonghua. It changed the sound /f/ to /h/. Also, they pronounce 回家(go home) as feijia. Here is a little story, and happened when I was a sophomore. One day, there was a party held by our students union, after it had ended, our teacher said: “等一下,还要搬花。” (‘please wait a moment’, we need to move those flowers.) He pronounced the last two words: “banfa”. We all thought he wanted to give us an award for a perfect party. Everyone got very excited! But it was just a misunderstanding!

English and Chinese are two different languages. But the sound systems have something in common. However, they are very different in pronunciation. Since Xiang pronunciation has become part of their life, they take the phonomics and intonation of Chinese pronunciation into the English language unconsciously.

Though contrastive analysis of language transfer has deficits of one or another kind, it’s also a useful method in language acquisition, as Fries (1945:259) says: “…the most effective materials for second language teaching are based upon a scientific description of the language to be learned, which are carefully compared with a parallel description of the native language of the learners.”

4. Countermeasures for the Problems

4.1 The teachers should have good pronunciation. Only if the teachers pronounce correctly, will the student learn it correctly.

4.2 The teachers should help students to cultivate their confidence. They should not always correct students’ errors and always blame them. It’s also a good way for teachers to encourage students to strive bravely in their learning of english.

4.3 The teachers should help students to analyze the


differences of their dialect and of English phonemes. As Array Fries said:“… The most effective materials for second

language teaching are based upon a scientific description

of the language to be learned, carefully compared with

a parallel description of the native language of the


4.4 Practice makes perfect. The students should

practice and practice to improve their English


5. Conclusion

The first language plays an irresistible role in the

second language acquisition. This article simply describes

the two pairs of problems in English pronunciation,

and analyzes the differences between Xiang dialect and

English phonemes. Finally, it gives several suggestions to

those language learners in second language acquisition.

There are some shortcomings in the article because of

the author’s shortage of knowledge. Further studies are

needed in this field.


[1] Ellis, R. Understanding Second Language Acquisition[M]. Oxford:

Oxford University Press,1985.

[2] Fries, C. Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language Array [M]. Michigan: University of Michigan Press,1945.

[ ] 戴伟栋. 新编简明英语语言学教程[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出


[ ] 李静. 普通话水平测试教程[M]. 长沙:湖南教育电子出版社,


[ ] 周考成. 英语语音学引论[M]. 成都:四川大学出版社,2002.

Abstract: English is the most widely used language

in the world, and has become more and more popular

in our country. In the process of learning English as

the second language, our native language now plays an

irresistible role. One kind is positive transfer and the

other is negative transfer. Since the author has studied for

four years in Hunan Province, an abundance of wrong

phonemes pronounced by those who speak with a Xiang

dialect in English, has been noticed. In this article, through

the contrastive analysis of Xiang dialect and English

phonemes, the author mainly studies the negative transfer

of some pronunciations of Xiang dialect in second language

acquisition. And in the last part of the article, some

countermeasures are presented to help students who speak

with a Xiang dialect to master the English pronunciation.

Key words: Xiang dialect; second language acquisition;

negative transfer

作者简介:罗 虹,教授,硕士生导师。研究方向:语言学与美国文学。











1.周考成英语语音学引论 2002

2.李静普通话水平测试教程 2002

3.戴伟栋新编简明英语语言学教程 2002

4.Fries C Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language 1945

5.Ellis R Understanding Second Language Acquisidon 1985

