
Foreign Language Department

Graduation Thesis

Cultural Differences of Chinese and Western

Courtesy Languages

Name: Ma XX

Class: X-X

Major: English

Advisor: Zhang X

Time: May15th, 2013




系别XX 系

















Language, as a part of culture, is influenced by culture, so is courtesy. Courtesy language is the important part of the culture. All the courtesy languages are the mirrors to their cultures. Different cultures between china and west lead to different politeness principles. Courtesy language plays a very important role in the cross-cultural communication. It is the basic element to keep a good relationship. Whether the use of courtesy language is proper or not will directly influence the communication. According to the different principles of Chinese and Western courtesy languages, the paper makes a comparison study between them, and expounds the similarities and differences, as well as the reasons and countermeasures. Therefore, the study of this subject can conduct people to use the right polite language, avoiding the conflict that brings about the different culture courtesy and different culture according to the different occasions in the social process. At the same time, the paper can make the reader understand and master the western culture and the right way of communication. Finally, if the politeness principles are used in the English teaching and learning, it will improve the students comprehensive quality, and the ability of cross-cultural communication.

Key Words: polite principle ; politeness language; countermeasure

1 Introduction

With the development of science and technology, communication among people from different countries and different cultures is more frequent and important. Our world is multicultural, when we communicate with people from another culture, we are not only affected by the difference of language, but also disturbed by the difference of culture, to ensure a successful understanding and communication, we should pay attention to politeness, one of the most universal phenomena in intercultural communication.

As a universal phenomenon, politeness is observed in every society; its main functions are maintaining social order; maintaining friendly interpersonal relations; reducing conflicts and misunderstandings by means of polite speech acts so as to attain the aim of communication.Both English and Chinese language , among which the most important is the restriction of cultural factors. British linguists, Leech listed the six politeness principles according to the English culture characteristic, while Gu Yueguo analyzed Chinese culture characteristic and about Politeness, Pragmatics and Culture. Comparing the politeness principles of Gu Yueguo and Leech we can find that there are many politeness norms of differences. It is an effective way to prevent pragmatic failures and promote the communication smoothly by analyzing and comparing these differences scientifically.

2 Different Principles of Politeness in Chinese and


Politeness is the common phenomenon existing in social and group which is the symbol of civilization and the tool of maintaining interpersonal an intercultural communication, interlocutors bear the different cultural backgrounds, the manipulation of politeness strategies is even more challenging, because it is natural tendency to evaluate other’s behaviour with the reference to one’s own criteria. Therefore, the comparative study of politeness principles in Chinese and English cultures becomes more and more important. Meanwhile to be familiar with different cultural backgrounds and to choose the right politeness maxims during communication are also very important.

2.1 Politeness Principles of Chinese Courtesy Language

Like the English speaking countries, the ancient Chinese important discussion on politeness. “道德仁义非礼不成。人有礼则安。无礼则危。故曰:礼者不可不学也。鹦鹉能言,不离飞鸟;猩猩能言,不离禽兽。今人而无礼,不亦禽兽之心乎。夫惟禽兽无礼。”There is the stander that 夫礼者自卑而尊人in the early work <礼记> Recently, the study of politeness principle China. Gu Yueguo pointed out four politeness traits in communication according to the culture background of China’s of Chinese people. That is respectfulness, modesty, attitude warmth and refind-ment. At the same time, Gu Yueguo put forward five politeness p rinciples on the basis of Leech’s.

2.1.1 The Chinese Tradition of Politeness

China , China famous as a country of ceremony and propriety. Whether a person is polite or not is important enough to reveal the quality of that person.

In Chinese culture, the concept of politeness can be traced back to the notion of Li, formulated by the ancient philosopher and thinker Confucius (551BC-429BC), who the way people think and treat each other, and even on the forms of language they use in

different communicative situations. Limao defines the appropriate conduct and behavior, and certain obligation and responsibility for every social member in accordance with by way of other-respecting. In a word, politeness in Chinese culture social order.

2.1.2 Gu Yueguo’s Chinese Politeness Principles

Gu yueguo maxim. Gu thought that the most trait of Chinese politeness is “Fu Li Zhe, Zi Bei Er Zun Ren”. The maxim points out that we must “Bian” and “Qian” when we do something for ourselves. On the other ” when something is r elated to the listener. The second politeness principle is address maxim. This maxim points out the traditions that “Huang Xia You Yi, Gui Jian You Fen, Zhang Yao You Xu” which embodies the social relations in the interpersonal communication when people address each other. The third politeness principle is tact maxim. In the Chinese culture, “Bin Bin You Li” is considered the politeness and cultivated. The basic content is “genteelism chose, bawdry forbidden, multi-purpose tactful, less with the truth”, avoiding mention the unpleasant or embarrassing things. The fourth politeness principle is agreement maxim. This criterion refers to caring each other’s identity and status in society, respecting each other’s “face” which makes each other many aspects. When we must criticize others or publish the different opinion, we can take the strategy that “Xian Li Hou Bin, Xian Bao Hou Bian” The fifth politeness principle is generosity maxim. Minimize cost to others, maximizes benefit to other in the behavior of motivation. Maximize the benefit that you gain from others, minimizing the cost you pay in the words.

2.2 Politeness Principles of English Courtesy Language

Brown and Levinson thought different culture their view, the face is something that is emotionally invested, and that can be lost, maintained, or enhanced, and must be constantly attended to in interaction. This different is influenced by the society, culture, religion and geography chronically. Chinese and English choose the different strategy which embodies their different National culture feature to express the different politeness principle. So people will choose the proper politeness principle in

cross-cultural communication.

2.2.1 Brown and Levinson’s “Face” Theory

Politeness, in the interaction, can then be defined as the means employed to show awareness of another person’s face.

In 1978, Brown and Levinson language phenomenon to research on the basis of Goff man in their work of Universals in Language Usage: Politeness Phenomena. Brown and Levinson divided the face into positive face and negative face. Then politeness is also divided into the positive manner and negative manner. The Mature Face Theory of Brown and Levinson is the first; time to discuss the face problems of politeness systematically from anthropology and philosophy. In their view, the face is something that is emotionally invested, and that can be lost, maintained, or enhanced, and must be constantly attended to in interaction. This different is influenced by the society, culture, religion and geography chronically. Chinese and English choose the different strategy which embodies their different National culture feature to express the different politeness principle. So people will choose the proper politeness principle in cross-cultural communication. They thought that face is, for every social member, wanted to gain for the public self-image of them. In the process of interaction, people maintain each other’s face. Along with the face threat increasing, people use the their face. The face threat level depends on the difference of social distance and social power between the communications.

2.2.2 Grice Cooperative Principle

Grice Cooperative Principle Grice, an American linguist, people’s conversation. He thought that, in all the communication, the speaker and listener should follow some principles which make the process of communication develop toward the tacit understanding and cooperation. There are four maxims to embody the cooperative principle: The first one is quantity maxim: the information you offer should accord with the conversation, just the right amount. The second one is quality maxim: what you said should be reasonable and true. The next one is relevant maxim: what you said should be

related to the content of the front. The last one is manner maxim: the word you said should be terse, clear, and systematical.

But some people do not comply with this social principle; even some of them violate those in social communication. In other words, the Cooperative Principle can't completely contain the kinds of conversation. According to this, the English linguist Leech thought the root of people violating the Cooperative Principle is that they want to comply with another principles —Politeness Principle. From the Pragmatics and Interpersonal Rhetoric, Leech summed up and classified the Politeness Principle during the social communication. Leech pointed that: the Cooperative Principle guides what we should say, so as to meet the expectations. However, the politeness principle can be maintained the friendship. So the Cooperation Principles and politeness principles can make a supplement each other which restrict people’s conversation behaviors.

2.2.3 Leech’s Politeness Principle

Leech’s Politeness Principle English scholar Leech, in the basis of Grecian framework. He believed that “besides Cooperative Principle, Politeness Principle guides and constrains rational people’s conversation as well. It is closely connected with Cooperative Principle. Yet on the other conversation, which cooperative principle can not explain”. Leech’s Politeness Principle is elaborated into six maxims. The first two are Maxim of tact: minimize cost to other, maximize benefit to other. Maxim of generosity: minimize benefit to yourself, maximize cost to yourself. The second two are Maxim of approbation: minimize dispraise to other, maximize praise to other. Maxim of modesty: minimize praise of self, maximize dispraise of self. The last two are Maxim of agreement: minimize disagreement between self and other; maximize agreement between self and other. Maxim of sympathy: minimize antipathy between self and other, maximize sympathy between self and other.

This is the main content of Leech’s politeness principles. The above criteria and maxim of modesty, which is the same, maxim is referring to .

3 A Comparison of Chinese and Western Courtesy


What is politeness? This sounds like a simple question. In daily life, we often make judgments about what is polite and what is not polite. To define politeness is by no means an easy job. We may politeness from different viewpoints. Politeness is best expressed as the practical application of good manners or etiquette. It might involve ideas like being tactful, modest and nice to other people. Also, since Politeness is a very important subject of research, many people, present, its absence is strongly indicated. The difference between a polite person and one who is impolite is very marked, yet those who do not possess good breeding rarely understand its importance and worth.

3.1 Humility Language and Formal Language

The self-denigration is the polite phenomenon of richest Chinese culture characteristics. When Chinese gain the praise or congratulations from others, they usually take the expression like “Nali、Nali”, “Guo Jiang Le”, “Can Kui、Can Kui”, “Cha Yuan Le” to show their modesty. But if we communicate with the westerners in the Chinese would fail. Chinese express their politeness through modesty and lower themselves. For example, the Chinese “请教”“高见”“贵姓”“拜读”“鄙人”“拙作”“愚见”“驾到”“贵干”“寒舍”are difficult to find the corresponding expression in English.

For westerns, it’s offensive to deny others praise. However, the Chinese people think the westerns are too confident, not enough modest to show the politeness.

For example: Chinese A: 你的饭菜太香了。

Chinese B:献丑了。

British A: You are very beautiful.

British B: Thank you

Chinese B: 过奖了。

British take the expression of “Thank you”.There are many words to show the respect and politeness in English, such as “will”, “would”, “can”, “could”.

From the above we can make a conclusion that the compliment of Chinese and British . There are more distinguishing in Languages

Communication, namely the interaction between people, usually refers to the two and two or more people through the language and behavior to communicate express opinions, emotion. The communication is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a cultural phenomenon. It is no doubt that communication is of great importance in our daily life. People can not live without communication. Communication is every where. Daily communication is very important to our the vehicle by which people initiate, maintain, and terminate their relationships with others.

Cultural differences on politeness between western and Chinese can be found in many aspects of daily communication, including addressing, greeting, compliments, apologies, thanks, and so on. In the following, we will look at some cultural differences between China and Western.

3.2.1 Terms of Address

People pay great attention to the other’s status or career. This is the symbol of Vertical social relations, which shows a power orientation. In Chinese culture, the subordinate can’t call the name of the supervisor, students may not call a teacher’s name directly, and the children do not call the parents’ name, which is showing the politeness and upbringing. Chinese often use “title + surname” to address other rather than call them surnames. Such as “张经理”. In English speaking country, people can not be tolerated with the addressing of Chinese such as “李老师”“李师傅”in addition to several traditional called in west. That is Doctor, doctor, judges and professor. While in English country, people are affected by the social relation and personal standard. So they show equal cultural orientation in the terms of address. The address shows equal cultural orientation which makes each other closer. Generally speaking, no matter .

3.2.2 Terms of Greetings

The difference of communication reflects the nation’s cultural characteristics. In most cases, they are activities between friend and acquaintance. The aim is to make each
