

V. Give a brief answer to the following questions. (20%)

1. Discuss the theme of Wuthering Heights。

2. Say something about John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim Progress.

①The Pilgrim Progress, written by John Bunyan, was written in the old-fashioned, medieval form of allegory and dream. It became an immediate success upon its publication.

②The allegory depicts the Puritan struggle for freedom of worship, the eternal

struggle of man to find unity with God. The purpose is to urge people to seek salvation through constant struggle with their weaknesses and social evils.

③The book is ranked as one of the greatest allegories in English language. It

sets a standard in story-telling with vivid characterization and natural dialogue.

It becomes a landmark for later works s uch as Thackeray’s Vanity Fair, and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Celestial Railroad.

3. Say something about Hamlet.

①Hamlet is generally regarded as the most representation of Shakespeare’s

artistic creations and the summit of the Renaissance drama.

②It is not a simple revenge play but a tragedy of humanist ideals crushed by

cruel reality. It addresses the fundamental question of the meaning of human existence, with Hamlet’s meditation on life and death at the centre.

③It portrays the social realities in England a t the end of the 16th century and

the start of the 17th century.

4. Say something about Robinson Crusoe.

①The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, which is often

shortened as Robinson Crusoe, was based on the true experience.

②It is a n interesting picaresque novel about an 18th century English adventurer.

Crusoe is practical, religious and mindful of his profit. He resembles the rising bourgeoisie at the earliest stage of its development.

③In depicting Crusoe’s efforts and growth on th e island, the novel glorifies

both physical and mental labor. The novel also shows the author’s attitude towards colonialism and Negro slavery.

1. Discuss the theme of Wuthering Heights

5. Say something about Paradise Lost and its theme.

7. Say something about The Canterbury Tales.

The Canterbury Tales is written in middle English created by Chaucer. The pronunciation and spelling are quite different from those in modern English, but the reading of the Tales is not as difficult as it first appears for the modern reader.

It is sometimes argued that the greatest contribution that The Canterbury Tales made to English literature was in popularizing the literary use of the vernacular English. Chaucer’s poetry, along with the poetry of his other peer writers, helped standardize the London Dialect and establish English as the literary language of the country.

Chaucer was one of the first English poets to use the five-stress line, a decasyllabic cousin to the iambic pentameter, in much of his work. This arrangement became one of the standard poetic forms in English. He is father of English poetry.

9. Say something about Bacon’s Of Studies.

①Bacon was one of the greatest minds in an age of giants. His compact style with

wise ideas has won him popularities. His famo us essays in students’ bibliography include ”Of Study”,” Of Beauty” and “Of Truth”.

②Of Study discusses the function and method of reading. It is one of Bacon’s

most frequently quoted essays.

③The essay is known for its clearness, brevity and force of expr ession. The

discussions are clearly presented. The first sentence points out the three functions. Then it discusses some wrong opinions about study, the importance of experiment in study, the various methods to read, the role of discussion and notetaking. The essay also argues that study is different fields can bring all sorts of benefits and improve spiritual defeats.

④Bacon has employed various rhetorical devices in the essay: metaphor makes the

essay rich; parallelism makes it sinewy; and contrast makes it persuasive.

10. Say something about Paradise Lost and its theme.(同上第⑤题)

14. Say something about Gulliver’s Travels.

①Gulliver’s Travels, as Swift’s highest achievement, is considered to be a

satirical examination of the human nature, man’s potential fo r depravity and the dangers of misuse of reason.

②The novel gives an unparalleled sarcastic depiction of all the social vices

of the early 18th century. In spite of his contempt for the rulers and social evils,

Swift cherished a great love for the common people.

③Gulliver’s Travels is a fantasy, and at the same time, a realistic work of

fiction, including four voyages.

also known as “The daffodils”, was written by British romanticist William Wordsworth.

②The poet described his heartfelt happiness as he saw the beautiful daffodils

and sang high praises of nature.

③Its rhyme scheme is ababcc.

④The poem can be divided into two parts: the first part describes the scene ry

and the second part expresses the poets’ emotion. We can see daffodils everywhere, and the poet compares them to the stars in the sky. He is immensely influenced by the beauty and the memory of the daffodils is imprinted in his mind, which brings back happiness when he feels lonely, dull or depressed.

22. Say something about the poem Ode to a Nightingale.

Ode to a Nightingale, written by John Keats under a plum tree in the yard of his friend out of “a tranquil and continual joy”in the nightingale’s song, contains his poetic feeling on the song of the nightingale. The poem is not about the bird only, it is about human experience in general. The principal stress of the poem is a struggle between ideal and actual: nature and the human, art and life, freedom and bondage, waking and dream.

23. Say something about Pride and Prejudice.

Pride and Prejudice, written by Jane Austen, ha long been a favorite of both readers and critics and is often regarded as Jane Austen’s consummate achievement of her own social class: the ladies and gentlemen of the landed gentry.

Eyre, written by critic realism novelist Charlotte Bronte, is a frank and passionate story of the love between a governess and her master, a married man, Mr. Rochester.

②The novel is written in the first person and contains authentic autobiographical


③Jane Eyre has many merits. It is the first governess novel in English literature.

It is one of the most popular works of the working middle class women. It announces


D’Urbervilles is the twelfth novel by Thomas Hardy. It tells the misery and tragedy of Tess. It deals with such themes as injustice of human existence, social classes and social status of women in Victorian England.

②It questions society’ sexual mores by portraying a heroine who is seduced by

the son of her employer and is not considered a pure and chaste women by the rest of society.

③Thus it is an attack on the hypocritical morality of the society an d the

political status quo in English.

38. Say something about Charles Dickens.

Charles Dickens is a British critical realist in Victorian Age. Charles Dickens was the son of a navy clerk. When he was fifteen, he left school and entered a lawyer’s office. In 1834, his lifework of writing began. The novel Pickwick Papers brought him into the first rank of the most popular novelist of his day. The rest of his life was work without rest.

①The first period of his literary career: This period is referred to the years

from 1836-1841, which is marked for youthful optimism. The main novels in this period are: Pickwick Papers, Oliver Twist and The Old Curiosity Shop.

②The second period of his literary career: the second period, which began from

1842, was a period of excitement and irritation. In this period, he visited America and was shocked by the corruptive influence of wealth and power there. The main novels are: Dombey and Son, David Copperfield.

③The third period of his literary career: Dickens’ works in this period show

intensifying pessimism. His main novels in this period are: Great Exceptions,

A Tale of Two Cities.

39. Say something about John Milton.

Milton is the greatest writer of the seventeenth century. In his life and literary career the two dominant historical movements of Renaissance and Reformation combined and received their most intense and intelligent expression. He towers over his age just as Shakespeare towers over the Elizabethan Age and Chaucer over the Medieval Age. His works mainly include Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained and

Samson Agonistes.

41. Say something about Geoffrey Chaucer.

The 14th century is called “Age of Chaucer”. Chaucer is acclaimed not only as “the father of English poetry”, but also the father of English fiction”.

His masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales, is one of the most famous works in all literatures.

43. Say something about Jane Austen.

①Jane Austen was the first English Woman novelist.

②Austen was born in Hampshire, a small town in southwest England. She was educated

at home and led a quiet life. Austen wrote altogether 6 novels, among which the most important ones are Pride and Prejudice, Sense and sensibility and Emma.

③Jane Austen was popular all through the 19th century. She died in 1817 at the

age of 42.

45. Say something about Thomas Hardy.

①Hardy was born in Dorset, which he called Wessex in his novels. His principle

novels are the Wessex novels. Among his famous novels, the best-known are Tess of the D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure.

②Other works by Hardy include The Return of the Native, Far From the Madding

Crowd and The Mayor of Casterbridge.

48. Say something about George Bernard Shaw.

Bernard Shaw was the greatest dramatist in English literature in the 20th century.

He used stage to criticize the evils of capitalism.

His major plays include Man and Superman, Major Barbara and Pygmalion.

Shaw is a critical realist writer and a humorist. His plays deal with contemporary social problems.

53. What is the theme of The Waste Land?

The theme of the poem is modern spiritual barrenness, the despair and depression that followed the First World War, the sterility and turbulence(动荡)of the modern world, and the decline and breakdown of Western culture.

1. Discuss the theme of Wuthering Heights

5. Say something about Paradise Lost and its theme.

VI. Write no less than 120 words on each of the following topics in English.

3. Thomas Hardy, living at the turn of the century, is often regarded as a transitional writer. In him we see the influence from both the past and the modern. Tess of the D’Urbervilles is one of his greatest works. Try to discuss the fate of Tess in this work.

The discussion about the fate of Tess in Tess of the D’Urbervilles.

Tess of the D’Urbervilles is Thomas hardy’s representative work, as a transitional writer, his work reflect the profound changes about the social economic, politic, moral, customs and the tragic fate about the people(especially the fate of women)which caused by the capitalism intrudes England rural towns, it reveals the hypocrisy of bourgeoisie moral, legal and religion.

Tess of the D’Urbervilles concentrate on the ‘character and environment. The heroine Tess while clever beauty, diligent and kind, but as a victim of she finally was on the gallows. So what are the reasons? Here we analyze her tragic fate from the following 3 aspects:

Firstly, the tragic fate of Tess first comes from the capitalist society.

In the furious conflict between individual and environment, Tess's fate is inevitably miserable. Tess lived in the Victorian period as British capitalism intrudes England rural countries. Though she is diligent and kind, clever beautiful girl, but as a laborer, a powerless of agricultural workers without money and social status, naturally will be affected by the capitalist society

of oppression and reproach. With the capitalist invasion, those who own a small piece of land and production material of peasants are forced to, and then go bankrupt. Visible, Tess's tragic fate and her economic poverty are closely linked. This is one the social reason.

Secondly, unjust laws system is also a factor in Tess tragedy. In capitalist society, the legal system are protect the exploiting class profits while oppress powerless workers. From the story, we knew that Alec is a domineering, do evil young guy, he was protected by the injustice law while the beautiful and diligent Tess was killed, it shows the underclass counteractions people in society is impossible to get treated fairly.

Thirdly, Tess's destruction is closed linked with the hypocrisy of religion .Alec's characters, revealed the hypocrisy of religion. He is on the business, is a bourgeois upstarts and carnal "person". He set a trap to seduce

a Tess, but using the biblical allusions to blame them. Later he was turned

into a good cleric. Who advised Visible, in capitalist society, religion is the reactionary ruling class anesthesia, cheating, and a fool of working people.

Marx once said: "with artificial Christian." Religion is bourgeois reproach and defiled women provided theoretical basis.

Fourthly, Tess is also a victim of the bourgeoisie hypocritical moral. From the story, Angel is the representative of bourgeoisie hypocritical moral, though he is a liberal thought of intellectuals, but he has a deep psychological ingrained in traditional ethics and morality. his own dissolute behavior was forgived by Tess, but he did not forgive Tess on the situation the fault is not Tess, but Alec. He has not a little sympathy on Tess, which force Tess came back to Alec.

Fifthly, Tess’s tragic is also related by her own personality.

Tess is a brand-new woman created by hardy, she has dual personality. On the one hand, she dares to against the hypocrisy of traditional moral and religious, On the other hand, cannot completely get rid of the traditional ethics of their own. Because Tess was born in a peasant family, remaining some of the old farmer on moral and destiny view that she appeared when traditional moral against the weak side. when she treated with the secular public opinion, she also think herself is guilty. Tess, as a certain historical period of the individual, must be particular historical period of social consciousness and moral concepts, she thought and action are bound by age and social consciousness.

From above all, the tragedy of Tess have social reason also have her own personality reason, but all these reasons are directly linked with the bourgeoisie society, it’s the kinds of reflects of the society. Her des troy is inevitably in the bourgeoisie society.

6. Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe is a very influential novel in the enlightenment period of the English literature. It depicts Crusoe as a figure of middle class who makes success through his hard work. Discuss the social reason why the novel becomes so successful.

Robinson Crusoe is supposedly based on the real adventure of an Alexander Selkirk who once stayed alone on the uninhabited island Huan Fernandez for five years. Factually, the story is an imagination. In the story the author describes inviting plots of Robinson Crusoe who survives and lives quite well on an island after the shipwreck. In Robinson Crusoe, Defoe traces the growth of Robinson Crusoe from a na?ve and artless youth into a shrewd and hardened man, tempered by numerous trials in his eventful life. The realistic account of the successful struggle of Robinson here is a real hero: a typical eighteenth century English middle-class man, with a great capacity for work, inexhaustible energy, courage, patience and persistence in overcoming obstacles, in struggling against the hostile natural environment. He is the very prototype of the empire builder, the pioneer colonist. Robinson Crusoe is an adventure story in the spirit of the time. So when it was published, people all liked that story, and it became an immediate success.

7. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen explored three kinds of motivations of marriage the middle-class people had in the second half of the 18th century. Say something about this novel and try to make a discussion about the three kinds of motivations with specific examples from the novel. Make comments on Austen’s attitude towards these motivations.

First, there is marriage merely for fortune, money and social rank. This is to be found in Miss Bingley’s pursuit of Darcy, Lady de Bourgh’s intention to marriage between her daughter and Darcy, and in Charlotte Lucas’marriage to Mr.Collins. The snobbery and vanity of the rich and the practicality of the poor gentry women are fully accounted for.

The second is the tendency to marry for beauty, attraction and passion regardless of economic conditions or personal merits. This is generally known as Mr.Bennet and Mrs. Bennet who has a beautiful face but an empty head and of their youngest daughter Lydia to the handsome, charming but morally weak and penniless Wickham. The terrible aftermath of such marriage is only too obvious in the marriage of the two generations of the Bennet.

Lastly comes the idea marriage, which is a love match with considerations of the lover’s personal merits and economic conditions. Such perfect happiness is to be found in the marriage of Darcy and Elizabeth and that of Mr.Bingley and Jane, although the satisfaction of both the personal and economic conditions like this is really a bit too idealistic.

What Jane Austen tries to say is that it is wrong to marry just for money or for beauty, but it is also wrong to marry without consideration of economic conditions. Of the three types, she prefers the the last one. And in the last type, she seems to give her particular preference to the marriage of Darcy and Elizabeth.

28. What is the social significance of The Canterbury Tales?

The Canterbury Tales has its social significance in several ways. ①It represents the spirit of the rising bourgeoisie people’s right to pursue earthly happiness is affirmed by Chaucer. ②the ideas of humanism are shown in C haucer’s praising of man’s energy ,intellect, wit and love of love. ③Chaucer exposed and satirized the evils of the time. ④the corruption of the church is vigorously attacked. ⑤Chaucer showed sympathy for the poor to some extent. ⑥Chaucer established the language of literature.

36.John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress is generally regarded as a religious allegory. Say briefly about this

book and what does the work symbolically concern? What is the predominant metaphor that is carried on through the whole work? And what is the author’s purpose in writing such a book?

A. It concerns the search for spiritual salvation.

B. “That life is a journey” is to urge people to abide by Christian doctrines.

C. The author’s purpose is to urge people to abide by Christian doctrines and to seek salvation through constant struggles with their own weakness and all kinds of evils.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/9211006092.html,ment on Jane Austen’s c haracteristics of her novels.

1. Jane Austen is one of the realistic novelists. She drew vivid and realistic pictures of

everyday life of the country society in her novels.

2. Jane Austen’s main concern is about human beings in their personal relations, human beings

with their families and neighbors. Stories of love and marriage provide the framework for all her novels and in them woman are always taken as the major characters.

3. Jane Austen’s work has a very narrow literary field. She confines herself to small country

parishes, whose simple country people become the characters of her novels, but within her own field, she is unrivaled.

4. Her novels show a wealth of humor, wit and delicate satire. Her plots are straight-forward.

There is little action. Her characters are like real living creatures, with faults and virtues mixed as they are in real life. Jane Austen is successful in the employment of irony and frequent use of witty and delightful dialogues.


.. ;.. 一.中古英语时期 Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language, and the most important specimen (范例、典范)of Anglo-Saxon literature, and also the oldest surviving epic in the English language. The romance is a popular literary form in the medieval period(中世纪). It uses verse or prose to sing knightly a dventures or other heroic deeds. Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the greatest English poets, whose masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》),was one of the most important influences on the development of English literature. Chaucer is considered as the father of English poetry and the founder of English realism. 二.文艺复兴Renaissance Renaissance r efers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It marks a transition(过渡) from the medieval to the modern world. It started in Italy with the flowering of painting, sculpture(雕塑)and literature, and then spread to the rest of Europe. Humanism is the essence of Renaissance -----Man is the measure of all things. This was England’s Golden Age in literature. Queen Elizabeth r eigned over the country in this period. The real mainstream of the English Renaissance i s the Elizabethan drama. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance E ngland are Christopher Marlowe and W illiam Shakespeare. The greatest of the pioneers of English drama was Christopher Marlowe. Francis Bacon was the best known essayist of this period. “Of Studies” is the most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays. Thomas More ——Utopia Edmund Spenser——The Faerie Queene 相关练习 1. Which is the oldest poem in the English language? A. Utopia B. Faerie Queene C. Beowulf D. Hamlet 2. _____ is the father of English poetry. A. Edmund Spenser B. William Shakespeare C. Francis Bacon D. Geoffrey Chaucer 3. ____ is not a playwright during the Renaissance period on England. A. William Shakespeare B. Geoffrey Chaucer C. Christopher Marlowe D. Ben Johnson 三.莎士比亚William Shakespeare “All t he world 's a stage, a nd all the men and women merely p layers.”——William Shakespeare William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright in the world and the finest poet who has written in the English language. Shakespeare understood people more than any other writers. He could create characters that have


I. Each of the following below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would bet complete the statement. 1. The long poem ______ in Anglo-Saxon period was termed England’s national epic. A. The Canterbury Tales B. Paradise Lost C. The Song of Beowulf D. The Fairy Queen 2. Romance, which uses verse or prose to describe the adventures and life of the knights, is the popular literary form in ______. A. Romanticism B. Renaissance C. medieval period D. Anglo-Saxon period 3. Among the great Middle English poets, Geoffrey Chaucer is known for his production of____. A. Piers Plowman B. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight C. Confessio Amantis D. The Canterbury Tales 4. _______ is regarded as the father of English poetry. A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Edmund Spenser C. John Milton D. W. Wordsworth 5. It is _____ alone who, for the first time in English literature, presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life. A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Martin Luther C. William Shakespeare D. John Gower 6. One of Chaucer’s main contributions to English poetry is ______. A. he introduced the rhymed stanzas from France to English poetry B. he created striking brilliant panorama of his time and his country C. he wrote in blank verse D. he was the first to write sonnet 7. During the Renaissance, _______ was the first one to introduce the sonnet into English poetry. A. Chaucer B. John Donne C. Thomas Wyatt D. Earl of Surrey 8. During the Renaissance, _______ wrote the first English blank verse. A. Chaucer B. Edmund Spencer C. Thomas Wyatt D. Earl of Surrey 9. Which of the following historical events does not directly help to stimulate the rising of the Renaissance Movement? A. The rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman culture B. The new discoveries in geography and astrology C. The Glorious revolution D. The religious reformation and the economic expansion 10. The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events. Which one of the following is NOT such an event? A. The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture. B. England’s domestic rest C. New discovery in geography and astrology. D. The religious reformation and the economic expansion. 11. Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between ______ and ______ centuries. A. 14th...mid-17th B. 14th...mid-18th C. 16th...mid-18th D. 16th...mid-17th 12. Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, its essence is_______. A. science B. philosophy C. arts D. humanism 13. _______ frequently applied conceits in his poems. A. Edmund Spenser B. John Donne C. William Blake D. Thomas Gray 14. _______ is known as “the poet’s poet”. A. William Shakespeare B. Christopher Marlowe C. Edmund Spenser D. John Donne 15. Romance,which uses narrative verse or prose to tell stories of____ adventures or other heroic deeds,is a popular literary form in the medieval period. A. Christian B. knightly C. pilgrims D. primitive 16. ________ and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanism. A. Edmund Spenser, Christopher Marlowe B. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe


考试课程:英国文学史及选读考核类型:A 卷 考试方式:闭卷出卷教师: XXX 考试专业:英语考试班级:英语xx班 I.Multiple choice (30 points, 1 point for each) select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. 1._____,a typical example of old English poetry ,is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. A.The Canterbury Tales B.The Ballad of Robin Hood C.The Song of Beowulf D.Sir Gawain and the Green Kinght 2._____is the most common foot in English poetry. A.The anapest B.The trochee C.The iamb D.The dactyl 3.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, which one of the following is NOT such an event? A.The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture. B.England’s domestic rest C.New discovery in geography and astrology D.The religious reformation and the economic expansion 4._____is the most successful religious allegory in the English language. A.The Pilgrims Progress B.Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners C.The Life and Death of Mr.Badman D.The Holy War 5.Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, its essence is _____. A.science B.philosophy C.arts D.humanism 6.“So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,/So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare, Sonnets18)What does“this”refer to ? A.Lover. B.Time. C.Summer. D.Poetry. 7.“O prince, O chief of my throned powers, /That led th’ embattled seraphim to war/Under thy conduct, and in dreadful deeds/Fearless, endangered Heaven’s perpetual king”In the third line of the above passage quoted from Milton’s Paradise Los t, the phrase“thy conduct”refers to _____conduct. A.God’s B.Satan’s C.Adam’s D.Eve’s


一.中古英语时期 ?Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language, and the most important specimen (范例、典范)of Anglo-Saxon literature, and also the oldest surviving epic in the English language. ?The romance is a popular literary form in the medieval period(中世纪). It uses verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds. ?Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the greatest English poets, whose masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》),was one of the most important influences on the development of English literature. ?Chaucer is considered as the father of English poetry and the founder of English realism. 二.文艺复兴Renaissance ?Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It marks a transition(过渡) from the medieval to the modern world. ?It started in Italy with the flowering of painting, sculpture(雕塑)and literature, and then spread to the rest of Europe. ?Humanism is the essence of Renaissance -----Man is the measure of all things. ?This was England’s Golden Age in literature. Queen Elizabeth reigned over the country in this period. The real mainstream of the English Renaissance is the Elizabethan drama. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England ? ?“Of Studies” is the most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays. ?Thomas More ——Utopia ?Edmund Spenser——The Faerie Queene 相关练习 ? 1. Which is the oldest poem in the English language? ? A. Utopia B. Faerie Queene ? C. Beowulf D. Hamlet ? 2. _____ is the father of English poetry. ? A. Edmund Spenser B. William Shakespeare ? C. Francis Bacon D. Geoffrey Chaucer ? 3. ____ is not a playwright during the Renaissance period on England. ? A. William Shakespeare B. Geoffrey Chaucer ? C. Christopher Marlowe D. Ben Johnson 三.莎士比亚William Shakespeare ?“All the world 's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”——William Shakespeare ?William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright in the world and the finest poet who has written in the English language. Shakespeare understood people more than any other writers. He could create characters that have


英国文学史 Part one: Early and Medieval English Literature Chapter 1 The Making of England 1. The early inhabitants in the island now we call England were Britons, a tribe of Gelts. 2. In 55 B.C., Britain was invaded by Julius Caesar. The Roman occupation lasted for about 400 years. It was also during the Roman role that Christianity was introduced to Britain. And in 410 A.D., all the Roman troops went back to the continent and never returned. 3. The English Conquest At the same time Britain was invaded by swarms of pirates(海盗). They were three tribes from Northern Europe: the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. And by the 7th century these small kingdoms were combined into a United Kingdom called England, or, the land of Angles. And the three dialects spoken by them naturally grew into a single language called Anglo -Saxon, or Old English. 4. The Social Condition of the Anglo -Saxon Therefore, the Anglo -Saxon period witnessed a transition from tribal society to feudalism. 5. Anglo -Saxon Religious Belief and Its Influence The Anglo -Saxons were Christianized in the seventh century. Chapter 2 Beowulf 1. Anglo -Saxon Poetry But there is one long poem of over 3,000 lines. It is Beowulf, the national epic of the English people. Grendel is a monster described in Beowulf. 3. Analysis of Its Content Beowulf is a folk lengend brought to England by Anglo -Saxons from their continental homes. It had been passed from mouth to mouth for hundreds of years before it was written down in the tenth century. 4. Features of Beowulf The most striking feature in its poetical form is the use of alliteration, metaphors and understatements. Chapter 3 Feudal England 1)T he Norman Conquest 2. The Norman Conquest The French -speaking Normans under Duke William came in 1066. After defeating the English at Hastings, William was crowned as King of England. The Norman Conquest marks the establishment of feudalism in England.


华南农业大学xx文学史期末考试题 (下)注:本文档主要用作题型参考,非100%原题。 考试范围:启蒙运动时期,浪漫主义时期。 一选择题。(共50题,每题1分) 类型1:作品来源。(约10-15道题) 1.” Some village-Hampden, that with dauntless breast. The littletyrant of hisfields withstood, Some mute inglorious Milton here mayrest. SomeCromwell,guiltless of his country's blood.” is from ( )A.I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud B. The Cloud C. Bright Star D. Elegy 2. “But now your brow is beld, John. Your locks are lik e the snaw;But bless ingson your frosty pow…” is from ( ) A. John Anderson, My Jo B.A Red, Red Rose C. Tintern Abbey D. When We two parted 3.” I am assured by our merchants, that a boy or a girl beforetwelve years old isno saleable commodity, and even when they come tothis age, they will not yieldabove three pounds, or three pounds andhalf a crown at most, on the exchange.” isfrom ( ) A. Gulliver’s Travel B. Robinson Crusoe


Instructions: This examination consists of 5 parts, and the total time for the examination is 2 hours. All the answers should be entered onto the Answer Sheet. Part I:Multiple Choices (10%) Choose the best answer to the following sentences. 1.Which of the following is NOT a feature of Beowulf? A. Alliteration B. Anglo-Saxons’ early life in England C. Germanic language D. The national epic of Anglo-Saxon people 2.English Renaissance Period was an age of. A. prose and novel B. poetry and drama C. essays and journals D. ballads and songs 3.The main literary form of the early 17th century was poetry. John Milton was acknowledged as the greatest. Besides him, there were two groups of poets. They were the Cavalier poets and. A. the lake poets B. the university wits C. the Metaphysical poets D. the Romantic poets 4. Pamela is widely considered to be the first novel and was written by ___________. A. Thomas Hardy B. James Joyce C. Samuel Richardson D. Henry Fielding 5.The publication of, which was the joint work of William Wordsworth and Samuel T. Coleridge, marked the beginning of the Romantic Age in England. A. Don Juan B. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner C. Lyrical Ballads D. Queen Mab 6.Among the most famous realistic novelists of the Victorian age are, W. M. Thackeray, Bronte sisters, etc. A. Joseph Conrad B. Henry Fielding C. Charles Dickens D. D. H. Lawrence 7.In James Joyce’s ____________ the story “Eveline” paints a portrait of a young woman from Dublin deciding whether or not to leave her hometown. A. Ulysses B. Orlando C. Dubliners D. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 8.In the 18th century England, satire was much used in writing. Literature of this age produced some excellent satirists, such as Jonathan Swift, Henry Fielding and.

英国文学史复习资料(三年级专业生期末考试必备)[1] (1)

英国文学史资料British Writers and Works I. Old English Literature & The Late Medieval Ages 贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons Epic:long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated. e.g. Homer?s Iliad and Odyssey Artistic features: https://www.360docs.net/doc/9211006092.html,ing alliteration Definition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound(头韵) Some examples on P5 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9211006092.html,ing metaphor and understatement Definition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideas Geoffery Chaucer 杰弗里?乔叟1340(?)~1400 (首创“双韵体”,英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为“英国诗歌之父”。代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》。) The father of English poetry. It is ____alone who, for the first time in English literature, presented to us a comprehensive (综合的,广泛的)realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life. ( A ) A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Matin Luther C. William Langland D. John Gower writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity. ① 坎特伯雷故事集: first time to use …heroic couplet?(双韵体) by middle English ②特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德 ③ 声誉之宫 Medieval Ages’ popular Literary form: Romance(传奇故事) Famous three:King Arthur Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Beowulf II The Renaissance Period A period of drama and poetry. The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance. Renaissance: the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world. Three historical events of the Renaissance – rebirth or revival: 1.new discoveries in geography and astrology


英国文学史及作品选读 (模拟试题二) Ⅰ. Multiple Choice(1′×20=20分) 1.______can be justly termed England’s national epic. A. The Canterbury Tales B. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight C. The Song of Beowulf D. The Romance of the Rose 2. Among of the following dramas, which is one of Shakespeare’s four tragedies? A.Macbeth B.As You Like it C. Twelfth Night D. The Merchant of Venice 3. _______ is called as “ father of English novels” A. William Shakespeare B. Christopher Marlowe C. Daniel Defoe D.John Donne 4. It was ____who made blank verse the principal vehicle of expression in drama. A. Thomas Wyatt B. William Shakespeare C. Edmund Spenser D. Christopher Marlowe 5. Absoulute monarchy in England reached its summit during the reign of ____, especially Britain’s sea power was established. A.James I B. Henry VIII C. Queen Elizabeth D. Charles I 6. Hamlet, the most popular of Shakespeare's plays for readers and theater audiences, tells about the story of Hamlet, Prince of _______, and son of the dead king, who seeks revenge for his father’s death. A. England B. Norway C. Scotland D. Denmark 7. Which comment on John Donne is wrong? A. He is the leading figure of metaphysical poetry. B. His poetry is characterized by mysticism and peculiar conceit. C. John Donne’s poetry is characterized regularity among irregularity D. He never shows positive attitude towards love. 8. Robinson Crosue can be termed as____. A. a self-dependent person B. a person with colonial mind C. an adventuous person D. all of the above 9. Robert Burns is the representative of _____. A. Sentimentalism B. Pre-Romanticism C. Romanticism D. English Renaissance 10. William Blake’s ____ paint a world of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy tone. A.Poetical Sketches B. The Book of Thel C. Songs of Experience D. Songs of Innocence 11. The notorious “Peterloo Massacre” happened in _____. A. English Romantic period B. English Renaissance C. period of Restoration D. Neo-classical period 12. Lyrical Ballads are made by ____. A. Wordsworth and Shelley B. Wordsworth and Southey C. Wordsworth and Coleridge D. Shelley and Byron 13. According to____, poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings which originates in emotion and recollected in tranquillity.


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