







A) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段


1. How does Tom‘s father usually go to work?

A. B. C.

3.What will the man do this weekend?




4. What is the girl‘s favourite pet?

A. B. C..

5. Which is Jack‘s favourite city?

A. Paris.

B. Tokyo.

C. London.

6. What will the boy do tomorrow?

A. He‘ll do his homework.

B. He‘ll go to work.

C. He‘ll do his housework.

7. Where does the boy have lunch?

A. In the restaurant.

B. At home.

C. At school.

8. What does the man want to do?

A. Climb hills.

B. Go fishing.

C. Go shopping.

9. What will the boy do this afternoon?

A. Have a party.

B. Visit the old people.

C. Go shopping.

10. How many teachers are there in the boy‘s school?

A. 150.

B. 3,080.

C. 3,018.

B) 听下面1段对话和2篇短文。对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳



11. What does Millie often do at weekends?

A. Go on a picnic.

B. Visit a museum.

C. Read in the reading room.

12. How often does Tommy go on a picnic?

A. Once a week.

B. Twice a week.

C. Once a year.

14. A. On foot B. By bus C. By bike

15. A. go swimming B. have a picnic C. take photos


16. What are Jack and John good at?

A. English.

B. Maths.

C. Chinese.

17. What do Jack and John like to do in their holidays?

A. Play ping-pong and run.

B. Swim and ride bikes.

C. Swim and play basketball.

18. Where do Jack and John fly kites?

A. At school.

B. In the park.

C. Near the lake.

19.Who likes playing football?

A. Sam.

B. John.

C. Jack.

20. Who likes drawing pictures?

A. John.

B. Jack.

C. Sam.



21. —Who‘s_______ pretty girl in pink over there?

—She‘s a friend of_______.

A. a; mine

B. the; his

C. the; me

D. a; her

22. —_______ I try on the white dress in the window?

—_______. It‘s just on show.

A. Could; Yes, you can

B. Can; Sorry, you couldn‘t

C. Could; Sorry, you can‘t

D. C an: Yes, you could

23. There is a_______ over the bench saying ―Wet Paint‖. Don‘t sit on it.

A. fact

B. message

C. talk

D. sign

24. The careless boy lost his key, _______ he had to wait for his mom in the cold.

A. and

B. or

C. for

D. so

25. The exchange_______ homes are in the UK.I want to take_______ to the Great Wall.

A students‘; them

B student‘s; their

C students‘, theirs D. student‘s; they

26. The superman can burn things with his eyes._______ special his eyes are!

A. What

B. What a

C. How

D. How a

27. —The fish_______ nice. Your mother is a great cook.

—Really? Try some, and you will like i t more.

A. tastes

B. smells

C. cooks

D. sees

28. I put my hands ___________ her eyes to let her guess who I am.

A. outside

B. off

C. over

D. behind

29. —Why are you carrying an umbrella? It‘s not going to rain.

—To_______ myself from the sun.

A. protect

B. save

C. stop

D. prepare

30. _______ knows anything about him because he never tells us_______ about himself.

A. Nobody; something

B. Nobody; nothing

C. Nobody; anything

D. Anybody; nothing

31. —Why are you in such a hurry, Mike?

—There_______ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.

A. will be

B. will have

C. is going to have

D. are going to be

32. —You mustn‘t swim here. Look at the sign. It_______ ―No swimming‖.

—Oh, I_______ notice it. Thanks for telling me.

A. says; don‘t

B. writes; don‘t

C. says; didn‘t

D. writes; didn‘t

33. What a ______________ boy! Can‘t you do everything_______________?

A. careful; carefully

B. careless; carefully

C. car eful; carelessly

D. careless; carelessly

34.— Where does he live?

— He lives in Room _______ on the ______ floor.

A. Three; third

B. Three; three

C. Third; third

D. Third; three

35. —Big animals are a lot of trouble. Maybe you should keep a small pet, like a goldfish.


A. That‘s all right.

B. You‘re welcome.

C. That‘s a good idea.

D. Never mind.



Jennifer was sitting on th e bench. ?It‘s getting 36 ,‘ she thought. ?I should go home.‘ She wanted to know her parents‘ reactions (反应) when she 37 home after the three days she was missing. It was really dark when she finally got to home‘s front door. It was different 38 usual. 39 looked after the outside garden for 40 days. It was so strange because her father usually worked hard to keep everything 41 and tidy. She couldn‘t understand what was going on. She walked into the 42 . First, she went into the kitchen 43 she saw a note written by her father. He said, ?Dear Ellen, here is some coffee. I am looking for her out.‘ Ellen was her mother, but 44 is she? She went to her parents‘ room. She saw her there. Her 45 was lying on the bed and was sleeping. Her face looked so tired as if she wasn‘t asleep for days. Jennifer wanted to wake her up. However, she looked too tired, 46 Jennifer just fell asleep beside her.

When Jennifer 47 , something was different: She wasn‘t in her mother‘s room and she wasn‘t

48 the old clothes she ran away in. She was on her own bed. It felt so good being back home. Suddenly she

49 a voice, ?Are you feeling better now, dear? You know you 50 us all very, very afraid.

36. A. ear ly B. late C. warm D. angry

37. A. got B. get C. gets D. will get

38. A. to B. from C. with D. as

39. A. Everybody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Nobody

40. A. many B. lots of C. a few D. much

41. A. clean B. dirty C. quiet D. busy

42. A. school B. room C. house D. library

43. A. if B. or C. what D. and

44. A. when B. who C. where D. what

45. A. mother B. father C. friend D. sister

46. A. and B. so C. but D. though (尽管)

47. A. got up B. woke up C. put up D. cleaned up

48. A. putting on B. dressing C. wearing D. taking

49. A. heard B. listened C. sounded D. listened to

50. A. had B. told C. made D. gave



A These are all the messages that Helen got yesterday. Read them carefully and find the best answers to the questions.

51. What do you think "Hoppy Feet" is?

A. A book.

B. A film.

C. A song.

D. A basketball match.

52. Who asked Helen to buy some milk and sugar?

A. Chris.

B. Lisa.

C. Jack.

D. Steve.

53. What time can Helen get her computer back?

A. At 8 : 00 a. m.

B. At 8 : 30 a. m.

C. At 6 : 00p. m.

D. At 3 : 00 p. m.


Fire can be very dangerous. We should be careful with it. This is what to do in a fire:

●Shout out. Shout as loudly(高声地)as you can, because people may he asleep.

●Call 119. Don‘t try to put out the fire yourself. Tell 119 where you are and what is on fire.

●Keep do wn next to the floor. There is less smoke down there, so it‘s easier to breathe(呼吸)and see where you are going.

●Test the door. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out.

●Get out. Do not stop to pick up anything. Afire can become very big in a few seconds!

●Don‘t use the lift. Always use the stairs(楼梯).The lift may go wrong and keep you inside.

●Don‘t go back. Even if your pet is still inside, do not go back for it. Animals have a very good sense(感觉)of smell. They often get away from buildings before people.

54. The passage tells us that we can_______ in a fire.

A. use the lift

B. try to put out the fire ourselves

C. open the hot door and go out

D. shout as loudly as possible

55. You should keep down next to the floor because_______

A. people may be asleep

B. people can find you easily

C. there is less smoke down there

D. you should look after your things carefully

56. If the door is hot, we should_______.

A. open it and get out

B. find another way out

C. stop to pick up things

D. go back for something

57. The lift is dangerous in a fire because_______.

A. it is too small

B. it may go wrong

C. it may keep you inside

D. both B and C


I went home one Saturday afternoon in the autumn of 1993 to get some work done in the garden. While sweeping leaves on the ground, my five-year-old son Nick came over and asked me to write something on a piece of paper to make a sign for him.

"What for?" I asked.

"I‘m going to sell some of my stones," he answered.

Nick was fascinated with stones and had collected many stones (石头) from all over. "I‘m too busy to do that for you. Go and ask your mum for help." I said.

A short time later, Nick returned with a sign, reading. "Stones. One Dollar Each". He took the sign, a small

chair and 4 0f his best stones and walked to the road in front of our garden. There he put the stones in a line and sat down on the chair.

After half an hour, nobody passed by. I walked to him and asked him to go back, but he didn‘t.

Another half hour later, a small car came down the road. I watched as Nick stood up, holding his sign up. A woman rolled down(摇下)a window and read the sign. I couldn‘t hear their talk, but I saw the woman turn to the driver and the man reach for his pocket.

I sat in the yard, as Nick ran to me. Waving the dollar, he shouted. "I told you I could sell one stone for a dollar – if you believe in yourself, you can do anything."

58. Why didn‘t the writer help his son?

A. Because his wife is better at making a sign.

B. Because he didn‘t know what to write.

C. Because he was busy sweeping leaves.

D. Because he didn‘t want his son to sell the stones.

59. The underlined words "was fascinated with" mean "_______".

A. was far from

B. was afraid of

C. was famous for

D. was interested in

60. Nick was a boy_______.

A. who was kind

B. who had a strong mind (愿望、决心、意志)

C. who was honest(诚实的)

D. who had many hobbies

61. From the passage we know_________.

A. the story happened in spring

B. the car was driven by a woman

C. Nick spent half an hour selling one stone

D. the writer might be moved (感动)by his son


As students, you may have many dreams. They can be very big like becoming Superman, or they can be small. You may just want to become one of the ten best students in your class.

If you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ev er try to make your dream come true?

Follow Your Heart by Australian writer Andrew Matthews tells us that making our dreams come true is life‘s biggest challenge.

―You may think you‘re not very good at some school subjects, or that it is impossible (不可能) for you to become a star. These ideas stop you from getting your dream,‖ the book says.

In fact, everyone can make his dream come true. The first important thing you must do is to remember what your dream is.

Don‘t let it leave your heart (心).Keep telling yourself what you want. Do this step by step (一步一步地) and your dream will come true faster. A big dream is, in fact, many small dreams.

Never give up (放弃) your dream. There will be difficulties on the road. But the biggest problem comes from yourself. You need to decide what is the most important. Studying instead of (代替) watching TV will bring you better exam points. Saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book. When you get closer to your dream, it may change a little. Then you will be able to learn more skills and find new interests.

62. Follow Your Heart is _______.

A. the first thing you must do to make your dream come true

B. the most important dream to have for students

C. the name of a book by Andrew Matthews

D. the name of a famous Australian writer

63. From the text, we know the word ―challenge‖ means _______.

A. 变化

B. 挑战

C. 决定

D. 态度

64. What should NOT you do to make your dream come true?

A. Watch TV to get better exam points.

B. Do what you should do step by step.

C. Always remember what your dream is.

D. Read more books, learn more skills and find new interests.

65. What is the best title (标题) of the text?

A. Keep Your Dream in Your Heart

B. How to Find Your Dream

C. Make Your Dream Come True

D. Students Have Many Dreams




66. Did you or __________in your family see a little boy in blue? (someone)

67. My mother is good at cooking __________food ? (west)

68. ―Come on, I am the best!‖ he said to _________. (he)

69. I will go _________ with my friends this weekend.(ride)

70. Jenny always comes __________in her class. (one)

71. Thousands of __________ come to Yangzhou every year. (参观者)

72. Walk __________on and you‘ll see the traffic lights.(径直地)

73. I __________some stories about this singer many years ago. (听说)

74.We are so excited to drive __________the Slender West Lake Tunnel(隧道).(通过)

75. The human brain(人脑) usually__________ about 1.4 kilograms, but it can hold much more information than most computers. (重)



Let me tell you about my hometown. I live in Kinsale. It may be one of the smallest towns in Southern Ireland, but it is also the most famous one.

The fish restaurants are very wonderful and there are many good cooks here. They cook the best fish for people. The food is expensive but people enjoy it very much. So you can see many people from different countries in every restaurant.

My town is very beautiful because it is by the sea. In summer it is very cool a nd you can go swimming in the sea. There are three small shops and you can buy your friends many souvenirs (纪念品) there. They are very cheap and you can pay a little money for them.

The people in my town are friendly. They can make friends with you. If you feel sick, there is a clinic (诊所)with a doctor and a nurse. I‘m Andy. You can ask me for help when you have some trouble(困难,麻烦). I think you will enjoy the holiday.



When I was a middle school student, I often had evening classes. Lily and I often walked home t 86 so I was not afraid.

But one evening, Lily didn‘t go to school. I had to go home by myself after school. It was nearly 8:30p.m.. I walked q 87 as I was a little afraid. Suddenly I heard something s 88 behind me. I began to walk f 89 than before. And I s 90 could hear the sound. ―Maybe s 91 is walking after me.‖ I said to m 92 . But I was afraid and didn‘t dare(敢) to look back. I began to run .But when I was running the sound still came behind, and b 93 louder than before. It seemed that he was also running. Some sand (沙子) came i 94 my shoes. But I didn‘t want to stop and just ran home.

Ten minutes later, I got home out of breath(上气不接下气). My father asked me, ―What‘s wrong with you, dear?‖―Someone, someone is running after me.‖ My father h 95 outside. Nobody was there. Then he asked me to tell him about it. I told him everything. After that, he laughed, ―Silly girl. There isn‘t ghost in the world at all.‖



96. 你应该沿着河边的小路走。

97. 他将不得不照顾他住院的妈妈。

98. 如果你想更多了解扬州历史,不要错过今天的报告。

99. 信不信由你,我五岁的时候会拉小提琴。

100. 上周他足够的勇敢扑灭了餐厅的大火。


101. 假如你是Daniel,请根据下列表格中的要点写一封推荐信,推荐你班的Simon 为本年度的青年奖


I want to recommend Simon for this year‘s Youth Award.




Yours faithfully,




1-5 BCAB C 6-10 AABBA 11-15 BABAC 16-20 ABCCA


21-25 BCDDA 26-30 CBCAC 31-35 ACBAC


36-40 BABDC 41-45 ACDCA 46-50 BBCAC


51-53 BCD 54-57 DCBD 58-61 CDBD 62-65 CBAC


66. anyone 67. Western 68. himself 69. riding 70. first

71. visitors 72. straight 73. heard 74. through 75. weighs


76. hometown 77.Maybe/Perhaps 78.by 79.Things 80. restaurants

81. swimming 82.for 83. expensive 84. friendly/nice/kind 85.make


86. together 87.quickly 88. strange 89. faster 90.still

91. someone 92. myself 93. became 94. into 95. hurried



96. You should walk along the river next to the river.

97. He will have to /has to look after/take care of his mother in hospital.

98. If you want to learn more about the history of Yangzhou/Yangzhou history, don‘t miss today‘s report/the report today.

99. Believe it or not, I could /was able to play the violin at the age of 5.

100. He was brave enough to put out the fire in the dining room last week.


Dear Sir/ Madam,

I want to recommend Simon for this year‘s Youth Award. He is kind, friendly and helpful. He likes reading and playing badminton. He is good at organizing class activities. Simon is a top student and has good grades in all subjects. He knows a lot about history. He likes English best. He spends a lot of time practicing speaking English every day. Last week, a little boy lost his way. Simon took him to the police station. The boy‘s parents were very grateful to him.

I will be very happy if he can get this award. I‘m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,





1.W: Does your father usually go to work by bus, Tom?

M: No, he usually goes to work by bike. It‘s good for his health.

2.M:How do you spend your weekend, Lucy?

W: I often play the piano on Saturday and dance on Sunday.

3. M: I will go swimming this weekend. What about you?

W: I will go cycling.

4. M: What pet do you like best?

W: I have two cats at home. But I like rabbits best.

5. W: Which city do you like best, Jack?

M: My favourite city is the capital of England.

6. W: Will you be free tomorrow?

M: I‘m afraid not. I‘ll hav e a lot of homework to do.

7. W: Do you have lunch at home?

M: No, my parents don't come home for lunch. My home is just next to a restaurant and I usually have lunch there.

8. W: Would you like to climb hills this Saturday?

M: No. Why not go fishing?

9. W: I‘ll have a party at my home this afternoon. Would you like to come?

M: I'd like to, but my parents will take me to visit the old people.

10.W: How many students and teachers are there in your school?

M: There are 150 teachers and 3,080 students.




M: What do you like to do at weekends, Millie?

W: I like to visit a museum.

M: How often do you visit a museum?

W: About twice a month. What about you, Tommy?

M: I like to go on a picnic with my family.

W: How often do you go on a picnic?

M: About once a week.

W: That‘s great.


Alice is going to Flower Park with Allan this Saturday , because there is a flower show there on Saturday . The park is next to their school , so they are going there on foot . In the park , there is a lake in the centre . Allan wants to row a boat there and Alice looks forward to taking photos of flowers .


My name is Sam. I have two good friends. They are Jack and John. They are twins. Both of them are good at English. They like to swim and ride bikes in their holidays. They like to fly kites too. They often fly kites near the lake. But they are not all the same. Jack likes playing football, but John likes playing ping-pong. Jack likes listening to music, but John likes drawing pictures. They often help each other. Do you like them? Would you like to make friends with them?


人教版七年级下册英语期末试卷及答案 推荐答案 人教版七年级英语下册期末试题 一. 选择填空:从A、B、C、D中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。(15%) 1. A ______ works in a restaurant. A. reporter B. waiter C. teacher D. doctor 2. Is there ______ fruit shop near here?Yes, there’s one near here. A. a B. the C. an D. / 3. Rick usually ______ up at 5:30 on weekdays. A. get B. gets C. got D. getting. 4. My house is ______ the post office and the bank.. A. on B. in C. between D. over 5. --___________? -- Because they are very cute. A. What is it ? B .Where are they from? C. Why do you like pandas? D. How do you like pandas? 6. Do you want to ______English with me? A. ask B. speak C. talk D. say 7. --Is there a bank over there? -- ___________. A. Yes, there’s B. No, there aren’t C. Yes, there is D .No, it isn’t 8. –How is the weather in Harbin? --It’s _________. A. snow B. snowing C. snows D. to snow 9. Look! Burton is _________ photos of the Eiffel Tower. A. having B. making C. watching D. taking 10. --_________are the children doing now? --They’re playing football on the playground. A. What B. Where C. When D. How 11. –Where is Tokyo? --I know it’s in _______. A. France B. Brazil C. Korea D. Japan 12. –Is that Mr. Smith? --Yes, he ______ a beard. A. is B. has C. takes likes 13. –It’s cold outside. You’d better _______ your gloves. A. wear B. in C. with D. put on 14. Please _______, because this is a reading room.、 A. quiet B. to be quiet C. be quiet D. to quiet 15. Just go straight and ________ left. A. go B. come C. take D. turn 二. 完形填空:从A、B、C、D中,选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。(15%) I’m Li Fen. I have a pen pal. 16 name is Mary. She is from Canada. She lives in Toronto. She speaks English. She has 17 brother, but she has no sisters. Her favorite 18 is art. Two of my good friends 19 pen pals, too. Lu Yang’s pen pal is from _ 20__. His name is Tony. Tony lives in Paris. He speaks 21 . He has one brother and one 22 . His favorite subject is PE. And he can play soccer


七年级英语下学期期末考试题 英语 班级:姓名:学号: 一、单项选择(30分) ( )1. ---Where do you come from? ---________ A. Yes I do. B. I’m a student. C. I come from Canada. D. It’s very nice. ( )2. ---How do you usually go to school?----________ A. By a bus. B. On foot. C. On bike. D. with car ( )3. --- ---The kitchen fan doesn’t work. A. What’s that? B. What’s the matter? C. Can I help you? D. How are you? ( )4. Mike was born a hot summer evening. A. at B. on C. in D. of ( )5. ---Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the hospital?--__________ A. You can’t miss it. B. I don’t know. C. No, I don’t know. D. I’m sorry, I’m new here myself. ( )6. The plane will leave at __________. A. a quarter to eleven B. eleven a quarter C. eleven past a quarter D. quarter ( )7. ----What’s the matter with your leg?----I_________ yesterday. A. fell about B. fell down C. fell over D. broke down ( )8. Last Saturday, we made the cards___________hand. A. of B about C. by D. with ( )9. The local people were very_________ . A. friend B. friendly C. fine D. expensive ( )10. ---Happy New Year!----_______ A. It’s OK. B. The same to you! C. Yes. D. Happy birthday! ( )11. He is sitting __________ the classroom. A. at the front B. in the front of C. in front D. in front of ( )12. It was very different__________ours. A. of B. about C. from D. for ( )13. ----How was the weather yesterday?---It was__________ . A. sun B. rain C. snow D. cloudy ( )14. ---Is there a shop around here?----__________ A. Yes, it is . B. Yes, that is . C. Yes, there is. D. No, there is.


七年级上册英语期中考试卷及答案【篇一:2014年新人教版七年级上册英语期中测试题 及答案】 --学号----- (满分100分时间90分钟) 一.语言知识综合运用(共15分) a. 按要求写出下列单词(每空1分,共10分) 1.too(同音词) 2. photo(复 3. he(名词性物主代词 4. story(复) 5. these(对应词 6. watch(复数 7. found(反义词8. i(宾格 9. come on!(英译汉10.they are ( 缩写 b.用所给词的适当形式填空。(每空1分,共5分) 11. what are _______ (this)? 12. _______(be) these your apples? 13. she is _______(we) english teacher. 14. he is a new student. i don’t know_______(he). 15. some pictures ______ (be) on the wall(墙) 二.翻译下列句子。(12分) 1、我的书包在床上。 ______schoolbag is _______ _________ bed. 2、他的手表在椅子的下面。 his watch _____ _______ the ________ . 3、你的字典在哪里?它在桌子台上。 ______your dictionary? _____on the _____. 4、—你的电脑游戏的背包里吗?—是的,它在。 —_______your _______game ______the bakpack? —_______, __________ 三.句型转换.(12分) 1)my schoolbag is under the chair. (对划线部分提问) ___________________________________________? 2)the plant is on the table.(对划线部分提问) ___________________________________________? 3)my dictionary is in the schoolbag.(变一般疑问句) ___________________________________________? 4. my name is (对划线部分提问) ________ _______ your name? 对划线部分提问)


七年级英语试卷下学期期末考试学校:姓名:考号: 注意事项: 1、本试卷分试题卷和答题卷两部分;考试时间为120分钟,满分120分。 2、所有答案均须做在答题卷上相应区域,做在其他区域无效。 一、听力部分(25分) I. 听句子,从A—E中选出与所听内容相符的图片。(共5分)

A B C D E 1. _________ 2. _________ 3. __________ 4. ________ 5. _________ II. 听短对话,从各题所给的三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的最佳选项。(共5分) 6. Where can they eat lunch? A. In the classroom. B. In the dining hall. C. In the library. 7. How old is Mary? A. Eleven.. B. Twelve. C. Thirteen. 8. What does the girl want to drink? A. Some milk. B. Some juice. C. A cup of tea. 9. Who is playing with the dog? A. Lisa. B. Peter. C. Tom. 10. Does the girl like the talk show? A. Yes, very much. B. No, she doesn’t. C. Yes, a little. III. 听长对话,从各题所给的三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的最佳选项。(共5分) 11. When did the girl and her mother go to Beihai Park? A. Last Friday. B. Last Saturday. C. Last Sunday. 12. How did they go there? A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By subway. 13. What time is it now? A. It’s 7:15. B. It’s 7:25. C. It’s 7:45. 14. What does the boy want to have for breakfast? A. A hamburger, an egg and some juice. B. A hamburger, an egg and some milk. C. Some bread, a tomato and some milk. 15. Where does the boy want to go after breakfast? A. To the zoo. B. To the supermarket. C. To the shop. IV. 听短文,从各题所给的三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的最佳选项。(共5分)16. When does Lisa usually get up?


作品编号:DG13485201600078972981 创作者:玫霸* 七年级英语试题 本试卷分卷I和卷II两部分:卷I为选择题,卷II为非选择题。 本试卷满分为100分,考试时间为90分钟。 卷I(选择题,共80分) 注意事项:1. 答卷I前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号等相关信息填写在试卷左侧密封线以内。 2. 请将卷I的所有试题答案A、B、C或D写在每一题前 面的括号里,答案写在横线上或是画对勾均为无效。 I. 单项选择(每小题1分,共20小题,计20分) 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。请将答案写在题前的括号里。( ) 1. —What’s this in English? —It’s ________ orange. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 2. I have a cat. ________ name is Mimi. A. It B. It’s C. Its D. It is ( ) 3. —Who is the girl ________ red? —She is my cousin. A. on B. in C. with D. for ( ) 4. There is some________ on the table. A. tomato B. eggs C. chicken D. banana ( ) 5. —Are these Chinese books? —Yes, ________. A. they are B. they aren’t C. they’re D. those are ( ) 6. The shoes are too small, so I want a pair. A. long B. short C. big D. small ( ) 7. —________ is your football?


E D F 上海版牛津英语七年级上学期期中考试卷 Part 1 Listening:20% I. Listen and choose the right picture:5% A B C D E F 1._______ 2.________ 3.________ 4._ 5._________ II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the questions you hear:5% ( )1. A)In a shop B) In a Market C)In a library D)In a bookstore ( )2. A)America B) American C)Australia D) Australian ( )3. A) Yes, she is a member of SPCA. B) Yes, she does. C) No, she isn ’t a member of SPCA. D) No, she doesn ’t. ( )4. A)At 7:55 B)At 7:50 C) At 7:45 D)At 7:20 ( )5. A)A singer B)A pilot C) A football player D)A basketball player III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following sentences are true or false:5% ( )1. Jane ’s apartment is in a very convenient place. ( )2.There is a cinema around the corner from her building. ( )3.Two gas stations are far away from her building. ( )4.There is not much traffic near her home. ( )5.It is very noisy, but Jane still likes to live there. IV. Listen to the passage and complete the form:5% Mrs Jackson ’s family


2004—2005初一年上学期期末模拟试卷 英语试题 卷首语:当你走进考场,你就是这里的主人,一切都在你的掌握之中,请 相信自己。经过了一学期的学习今天就来自我检测一下,Go for it! 一、情景交际:选择方框内的句子完成对话(一项多余)5% A: Hi, Maria! A nice day, isn’t it? B: Yes, What about going out for a picnic tomorrow? A: Tomorrow? B: Why? A: I listened to the weather report. B: What a pity! If it rain, I’m afraid we will have to stay at home. A: I’ll ask Mary and Jim, too. B: Great! A: My home is quiet near here. Just walk along this road to the end. You’ll find a white house on your left. That is my house. B: Ok! Orders(顺序): 二、词汇积累 (1)翻译下列的词组: 1. talk on the phone 2. beginning of the tour 3. please be quiet 4. never stop talking 5. the way to the hospital 6.躺在沙滩上 7.经过公园 8. 树叶变黄 9.观光度假 10. 成为一名流行歌手 (2)根据句意及首字母,将所缺单词补全,使句意完整: 1. There is a g of people over there go shopping. 2. Don’t worry! Your mother is w for you on Center street. 3. She wants a large pizza with p and mushrooms. 4. He e swimming when I am free. 5. Don’t speak loudly in the l , please be quiet! 6. The weather is p good.


人教版七年级下册英语 期末考试题及答案 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

人教版七年级(下册)英语学科期末试题及答案 卷Ⅰ 一、听力部分(第一节,共20分) Ⅰ听小对话,回答问题,读一遍 1. How's the weather? A. It's raining. B. It's snowing C. It's windy. 's the nearest post office A. It's behind the tall building.. B. It's on the right. C. It's on the left. 3. Who's jacket is it A. Jim's B. Bob's C. Tom's 4. What does the woman want to do A. She wants to go swimming. B. She wants to go skating. C . She wants to do some reading. 5. Which country is Mary in A. the USA. B. China. C. Canada. II 听问题,选出最佳答语。 . At school. B. In the school C. Yes, I can . No, I’m not B. walking C. May 1st . Friday B. English C. Comedy 9. A. In Tokyo B. The music club C. July . Yes, I do B. At 6:00 C. Because it’s interesting Ⅲ对话理解。请听对话及问题,选择正确答案。 11. A. It' s raining. B. It' s windy. C. It' s snowing. 12. A. A reporter. B. An actor. C. A waiter. 13. A. In a police station. B. In a restaurant. C. In a mall. 14. A. Yes, Tony does. B. Yes, they do. C. No, they don’t 15. A. All over the world. B. In China. C. In other countries all over Ⅳ短文理解。请听短文,选择正确答案。 is A. Sunday morning . B. Saturday morning C. Sunday afternoon ' s the weather there A. It's w indy. B. It' s cloudy. C. It’s sunny. are many people from A. England and Canada B. America and Japan C. Canada and Australia 19.The driver{司机) is




笔试部分(100分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分) ( )1. Lucy and Lily _____ China next week. A. is visit B. are visiting C. visit D. visits ( )2. —How do you go to work? —I usually go to work _____. A. by a car B. in a car C. on a car D. by cars ( )3. —Must I finish my homework now? —No, you _____. A. may not B. mustn’t C. can’t D. needn’t ( )4. They each _____ a CD in their bags. A. have B. has C. is D. are ( )5. It is a good time _____. A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sang ( )6. Find the answer _____ the question, please. A. of B. with C. to D. for ( )7. —_____ do you go for a picnic? —Once a month. A. How long B. How many times C. How often D. How many time ( )8. —_____ will you stay in America? —About two months. A. How many B. How often C. How long D. How ( )9. She’s good at _____. A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads ( )10. —Mum, I’ m going to Ann’ s party this evening. —_____. A. Why not B. Have a good time C. Come back early D. Good idea ( )11. —I’m going to Hawaii with my aunt this month for my holiday. —_____! A. Have a good time B. Best wishes to them C. Thand you very much D. It’s OK ( )12. —Excuse me, which is the way to the post office? —Sorry. I’m new here. —_____. A. Not at all B. Bad luck C. Thank you all the same D. Thank you ( )13. —Would you like to go for a picnic with us? —_____, but I’m too busy. A. No, I can’t B. I’d like C. Yes, I’d love to D. Why not ( )14. Leo likes _____, but he doesn’t like _____ now. A. hike; hiking B. hikes; hiking C. hiking; to hike D. hiking; hiking ( )15. The flowers smell _____.


七年级上学期期中考试英语试卷 ( 总分:120分) 一. 选择填空。(20分,每小题1分) ( )26. 在26个字母中,元音字母是。 A. A I O U Y B. A E I O U C. A E K U Y ( )27. 下列字母都含有字母Ee 的读音的一项是____ 。 A. Gg, Kk, Pp B. Jj, Tt, Vv C. Bb, Dd, Vv ( )28.下列单词中a字母的发音与其它两个不同的一项是_______。 A. name B. that C. hand ( )29. This is ______ English book and that is ______ map. A. a; an B. an; a C. an; an ( )30. —What’s that ____ English? —It’s a desk. A. from B. to C. in ( )31. — What grade Li Wei in ? — He in Grade Seven. A. is; is B. are; are C. are; is ( )32. — Is this a toy? —______ It’s a ruler. A. Yes, it is. B. No, this isn’t. C. No, it isn’t. ( )33. —What are those? —____ are cakes. A. They B. These C. It ( )34. —____ is your favorite teacher? —Miss Huang. A.What B.Who C.Where ( )35. —____, are you Ben? —No, I’m not. I’m Peter. A. Sorry B. How do you do C. Excuse me ( )36. Peter, is this ______ book? —No, it’s not _____. My book is in the desk. A. your; my B. your; mine C. yours; mine ( )37. —Whose is this bedroom? —It’s ______. A. Lily and Lucy’s B. Lily’s and Lucy’s C. Lily and Lucy ( )38. This is my teacher,Miss Chen. ______is from Fujian. A. She B. He C. Her


七年级下学期期中考试卷 英语 (考试时间: 120 分钟试卷总分 100 分) 第一部分听力(共四节,满分 20 分) 第一节听句子,选出与所听内容相符的图画句子。注意听两遍。( 5 分) ( )1. A B C ( )2. A B C ( )3 . A B C ( )4 . A B C ( )5 . A B C

第二节听句子,选择最佳应答语。注意听两遍。( 5 分) ( )6. A. I can play the guitar. B. Yes, I can. C. You’re right. ( )7. A. Good idea. B. I like tigers. C. I’d love to. ( )8. A. No, I’m not. B. It takes about ten minutes. C. Sorry, I have to do my homework. ( )9. A. By bike. B. About five kilometers. C. I don’t know. ( )10. A. by bus B. train . C. car . 第三节听对话选择最佳答案。注意听两遍。( 5 分) ( )11. A. in the schoolbag . B. under the chair . C. on the desk . ( )12.A.math . B. Chinese . C. music . ( )13.A. under the desk . B. on the bed . C. in the desk . ( )14.A . apples B. bananas C. strawberries ( )15.A. chicken . B. hamburger C. beef 第四节听短文,根据短文内容回答问题。注意听三遍( 5 分) ( )16. How old is Eric? A. 13. B. 10. C. 20. ( )17. Is his father a musician? A. Yes, he is B. No, he is C. Yes, she is ( )18. Is his sister a good student? A. Yes , she is. B. a teacher. C. No, she isn ’ t. ( )19 .What is the dog ’ s name? A. Coco B. Mimi C. Bob ( )20. What is his favorite sports? A. ping-pong . B. volleyball C. basketball 第二部分英语知识运用(共二节,满分 30 分) 第一节词语释义,选出与句子划线部分意思最相近的解释,并把所选答案的字母代号填入答题卷相应位置内。( 5 分) ( )21 . --- How are you?


七年级英语第二学期期末 试题 一、单项选择 21. Jack doesn’t like documentaries, she likes action movies. A. or B. so C. and D. but 22. – What’s your favorite fruit? – . A. Apples B. Dumplings C. Red D. English 23. – noodles would you like? –Beef noodles, please. A. What color B. What favorite C. What kind of D. What size of 24. Let’s the pandas first. A. to go and watch B. go to look C. go and see D. goes to see 25. – do you get to school? – At about 7:30. A. What’s the time B. What time C. Where D. What’s time 26. –Do you want to ? –Yes, I want to see a comedy. A. go to the street B. go to the hotel C. go to school D. go to a movie 27. –Would you like some noodles? – . A. Yes, I would B. No, I don’t C. Yes, please D. No, I wouldn’t 28. He wants to work a magazine an English editor(编辑). A. in, as B. for, as C. for, be D. in, of 29. – ?


七年级英语期末考试试题 第一卷选择题(50分) I.单项选择。(每小题1分,计15分) ( )1. This is _________ alarm clock. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2. We don’t like_________. A. broccoli B. broccolis C. a broccoli D. broccolies ( )3. _________. Is this your pen? A. Sorry B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Hi ( )4. Do you have two ________? A. tennis racket B. tennis rackets C. tennis’ racket D. tennis’ rackets ( )5. He _________ his homework at school. A. doesn’t do B. don’t does C. isn’t do D. does not ( )6. ________this your guitar? A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Do ( ) 7. Let’s _________ now. A. go to home B. to go home C. go home D. to go to ( ) 8. How much are these shoes? _________ twenty dollars. A. Are B. There C. They’re D. Their ( ) 9. My father usually________ a shower _________the morning. A. take; in B. takes; in C. take; on D. takes; at ( )10. ________you play the violin? A. Are B. Can C. Is D. When ( )11 ---This is my sister Ann. ---Is _____ a student? A. she B. he C. her D. his ( )12. I ________ two baseballs and my friend ________five baseballs. A. have; have B. have; has C. has; have D. has; has ( ) 13. ---Is that your book? ---Yes, ________. A. it is B. it isn’t C. it’s D. this is ( )14. Miss Wei often helps us ________ our English. A. at B. in C. of D. with ( )15. I want __________ the music club. A. join B. to join C. joins D. be join II.从A、B、C、D中选择最恰当的选项填进文章中去,你会读到一个有意思的故 事。(15分)


七年级上学期英语期中测试卷 I. 单项填空(每小题1分,共10分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. H e and I ____ from China and we aren’t ____. A. am; America B. are; America C. am; American D. are; Americans 22.—Is there ____ “u” in the uncle? —Yes, there is. A. a B. an C. the D. / 23. ____ mother is a teacher at a school. A. Tom’s and Jim’s B. Tom and Jim’s C. Tom and Jim D. Tom’s and Jim 24. I like to eat some ____ and some other ____. A. potatoes; vegetable B. potatos; vegetables C. potatos; vegetable D. potatoes; vegetables 25. There ____ a pen, ten books and a dictionary and there ____ some milk in them. A. am; is B. are; are C. is; is D. are; is 26. —____ you ____ any carrots? —No, I ____. A. Have; got; have B. Have; got; haven’t C. Have; /; haven’t D. Do; have; haven’t 27. —Would you like ____ chicken? —No, thanks. I’m full. But Jack hasn’t got ____ food. A. any; some B. some; some C. some; any D. any; any 28. Don’t watch TV ____, Jim. It’s bad for your eyes. A. many too B. much too C. too much D. too many 29. He can ____ and won’t get fat. A. keep health B. keep healthy C. stay health D. stays healthy 30. —What class are you in? —I’m in ____, ____. A. grade seven; class three B. class Three; grade Seven C. Class Three; Grade Seven D. Grade three; Class seven II. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) Tick, tick, tick, Good morning, Jim! It’s 6:30 now. you must get up. Do you know me? I’m your 31 friend. My name is Clock. Look at me. I haven’t got feet, 32 I can walk with my hands; I haven’t got a mouth, but I can 33 you. Now please listen to 34. Today is Monday. You have many things 35. Lessons 36 at 8:00. You have four classes in the morning. At 3: 40 in the afternoon you go to watch a basketball match 37 Peter. You come back 38 at 5: 40 and have dinner at 6:00. You watch TV at 7:00. And you go to bed at 9:30. Now please 39 and have breakfast, or you will 40. 31. A. thin B. high C. new D. small 32. A. and B. but C. or D. as 33. A. speak B. talk C. say D. speak to 34. A. me B. her C. him D. his 35. A. does B. do C. to do D. doing 36. A. start B. begins C. get D. come 37. A. to B. with C. and D. so
