
请在规定的矩形区域内答题,超出矩形区域的答案无效。 请在规定的矩形区域内答题,超出矩形区域的答案无效。






50.5~90.5 ~100.5


缺考 违纪


高三第二阶段英语试题 出题人: 李庆明审题人: 杨丽丽 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 第一节阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Micro-Enterprise Credit for Street Youth Introduction Although small-scale business training and credit programs have become more common throughout the world, relatively little attention has been paid to the need to direct such opportunities to youth living on the street or in difficult circumstances. Over the past years, Street Kids International (S.K.I.) has been working with partner organizations in Africa, Latin Africa and India to support the economic lives of street children. The purpose of this paper is to share some of the lessons S.K.I. and our partner organizations have learned. Background Typically, children end up on the streets not due to a single cause, but a combination of factors: the lack of adequately funded schools, the demand for income at home and so on. The street may be attractive to children as a place to find adventurous play and money. However, it is also a place where some children are exposed, with little or no protection, to exploitative employment, and urban crime. Street Business Partnerships S.K.I. has worked with partner organizations in Latin America, Africa and India to develop innovative opportunities for street children to earn income. ● The S.K.I Bicycle Courier Service first started in the Sudan. Participants in this enterprise were supplied with bicycles, which they used to deliver parcels and messages, but they were required to pay for it gradually from their wages. ● The Youth Skills Enterprise Initiative in Zambia is a joint program with the Red Cross Society. Street Youths are supported to start their own small business through business training, life skills training and access to credit. Lessons Learned The following lessons have emerged from the programs that S.K.I. and partner organizations have created.


部编人教版七年级上册语文第一次月考试卷 一、语文知识积累与运用(33分) 1、(1)默写古诗文中的名句名篇,任选6句默写(10分) ①水何澹澹,__________________。 ②杨花落尽子规啼,_________________ 。 ③__________________,小桥流水人家。 ④乡书何处达,__________________。 ⑤__________________,影入平羌江水流。 ⑥遥怜故园菊,_______________________。 ⑦潮平两岸阔,__________________。 ⑧__________________,受降城外月如霜。 (2)、默写杜甫《江南逢李龟年》。(4分) 2、阅读下面的文字,完成(1)-----(4)题。(7分) 半夜里听见繁杂的雨声,早起是浓阴的天,我觉得有些烦闷。从窗内往外看时,那一朵白莲已经谢了,白瓣儿小船般散飘在水面。梗上只留个小小的莲蓬,和几根淡黄色的花须。那一朵红莲,昨天还是菡萏的,今晨却开满了,亭亭地在绿叶中间立着。 仍是不适意!——徘徊了一会子,窗外雷声作了,大雨接着就来,愈下愈大。那朵红莲,被那繁mì的雨点,打得左右qī斜。在无遮蔽的天空之下,我不敢下阶去,也无法可想。 (1)给加横线的字注音,根据拼音写出相应的汉字。(3分) 菡萏()繁mì()qī斜() (2)文中“”一词有错别字,这个词的正确写法是(2分) (3)解释“菡萏”在文中的意思:(1分) (4)划线句子运用的修辞方法是:(1分) 3、名著阅读(4分) 《西游记》的作者是,被鲁迅先生称之为“”,孙悟空的第一个师傅是,后被封为。 4、《综合性学习:漫游语文世界》


高三第二次月考英语试卷 第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分) 第一节:单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 1. --- You’d better keep quiet in class. --- Sometimes I _______. Yesterday, I was very quiet during my English class. A. would B. do C. did D. favor 2. --- How would you like your coffee? --- ___________________________. A. It’s well done. B. Very nice. Thank you. C. One cup. That’s enough. D. The stronger, the better. 3.What a pity! I missed my father at the airport because my car was _______ in the traffic jam. A. broken up B. kept back C. held up D. kept up 4.--- Do you mind if I shut down the radio-tape recorder? --- _______________. The good news will be on the air in a few minutes’ time. A. I’m afraid I do. B. Of course not. C. Why not? D. Yes. Just go ahead. 5. --- I heard Back Street Boys would sing at the New Century Theater. --- Where did you ________________? A. pick that up B. put that up C. make that up D. take that up 6. All these changes will lead to ______ stronger and more powerful China, _______ country that can surprise and enrich our planet. A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the 7. They began to think about what use could be __________ such materials. A. made up B. made from C. made out D. made of 8.It was not until she had arrived home ___________ her appointment with the doctor. A. did she remember B. that she remembered C. when she remembered D. had she remembered 9. Few pleasures can equal ______ of a cool drink on a hot day. A. some B. any C. that D. those 10. Practice is a good way, only ________ learn a foreign language well. A. in which we can B. through that can we C. in which can we D. in that can we 11. Who did you ____ the wall yesterday? A. have paint B. have painted C. have to paint D. have painting 12. The big forest fire must have been put out half an hour ago, _____________? A mustn’t it B. wasn’t it C. hasn’t it D. didn’t it 13. We must make every effort to achieve our goals ______ we regret our life. A. or B. when C. though D. before


七(下)语文第一次月考试卷 (时间:150分钟,满分:150分) 一、书写水平考查(5分) 1、根据作文的书写水平计分。(5分) 二、积累与运用考查(28分) 2、下列加点字注音完全正确的一项是()(2分) A. 元勋.(xūn)选聘.(pìn)挚.友(zhì)迭.起(díe) B. 殷.红(yīn)燕.然(yàn)澎湃 ..(péng pài)伫.立(zhù) C. 小楷.(kǎi)咳嗽.(sòu)校.对(xiào)草率.(shuài) D. 韭.菜(jiǔ)揩.桌子(kāi)疙瘩 ..(gē da)抹.杀(mǒ) 3、下列词语书写有误的一项是()(2分) A. 鞠躬尽瘁家喻户晓至死不懈气冲斗牛 B. 妇孺皆知锲而不舍沥尽心血慷慨淋漓 C. 目不窥园锋芒必露深恶痛绝警报叠起 D. 兀兀穷年群蚁排衙迥乎不同马革裹尸 4、下列词语解释有误的一项是()(2分) A、锲而不舍:不停的雕刻,比喻有恒心、有毅力。锲,刻。 B、孰若孤:谁像我一样孤独。孤,孤独。 C、怪诞:荒诞离奇,古怪。 D、不以为然:部认为是对的。 5、下列语句中依次填入的词语最恰当的一项()(2分) 走进人生的春天,固然要以浓烈的深情抒写壮志畅快的豪情锐气,但更需要 以清醒的头脑躁动,以厚道的心地偏激以沉稳的步履沉醉。 A. 激荡沉淀稳住踏破 B. 踏破稳住沉淀激荡 C. 激荡稳住踏破沉淀 D. 踏破沉淀激荡稳住 6、下列文学常识,说法有误的一项是()(2分) A、邓稼先,我国研制和发展核武器的重要技术领导人。1999年国庆50周年前夕,党中央、国务院和中央军委又向邓稼先追授了金质的“两弹一星功勋奖章”。 B、《木兰诗》选自北宋郭茂倩的《乐府诗集》,这是南北朝时北方的一首乐府民歌。 C、《黄河颂》选自组诗《黄河大合唱》第二部,是一部大型合唱音乐作品,光未然作词,冼星海谱曲,作品由8个乐章组成。。 D、《资治通鉴》是北宋政治家、史学家司马迁主持编纂的一部编年体通史。 7、对下列汉语知识的判断,有误的一项是()(2分) A. “没有冻结的牛铃摇响乡村的歌谣。被雪覆盖的田园上,那麦苗和雪亲切地耳语。”这个句子运用了拟人的修辞手法。 B. 能否熟练规范地书写汉字,是《语文课程标准》对学生汉字书写的基本要求。这句话不是病句。 C. “甲秀楼壮观”“古雅的阳明祠”这两个短语依次为:主谓短语、偏正短语。 D. “草地上的天鹅像白雪公主那么美丽,双腿一蹬,跃出优美的弧度,身躯展现天鹅完美的曲线。”这个句子中“优美”和“曲线”分别是形容词、名词。 8、下面对名著表述有误的一项()(2分) A.《西游记》是古代长篇神魔小说,作者是吴承恩。写了孙悟空大闹天空和护送唐僧往西天取经的故事。B.《朝花夕拾》是鲁迅回忆童年、少年和青年不同生活经历与体验的散文集。 C.《钢铁是怎样炼成的》是作家奥斯特洛夫斯基在双目失明、全身瘫痪的情况下,强忍病痛在病床上历时三年才写成的。 D.《骆驼祥子》讲述的是一个普通的人力车夫祥子长得象骆驼一样丑陋,在南京路上拉洋车的故事。9、填空(10分)


初二英语试题及答案 注:1. 卷面分3分。 一、听力测试(25分) (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后选出每个句子的正确应答语。(10分) 1. A.I visited my aunt. B.Thank you. C.It was great. 2. A. No, she didn’t. B. Yes, she didn’t. C.Yes, he did. 3. A.A watch. B. Talk shows. C.Reading. 4. A.My school uniform. B.At school. C. On Monday. 5. A. It takes 25 minutes. B. How about you? C.I take a train. (二)录音中有五组对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 6. A. Yes, I do. B.Yes, she does. C.No, she doesn’t. 7. A.In the classroom. B. In the garden. C.In the hallway. 8. A.He went to the beach. B. He visited her aunt. C. He was at home. 9. A.She takes a train. B.She drives a car. C.She takes a ship. 10. A.Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. We don’t know. (三)录音中有一段对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 11. A.He takes the subway. B. He takes the bus. C.He gets to school on foot. 12. A. An hour. B.Two hours. C.Around thirty minutes. 13. A.She rides a bike. B.She takes a taxi. C.She walks. 14. A. Around two hours. B.Around five minutes. C.About twenty-five minutes. 15. A.Yes, she does. B.No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. (四)录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍后,判断下列各句正(T)误(F)。 16. Jeff had a great vacation. 17. Jeff went across the USA by train. 18. The weather was cool in big cities. 19. Jeff loved the houses in the mountains very much. 20. The houses in the mountains were big and quiet. 二、单项填空(20分) 从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能填入句中空白处的最佳选项。 21. It’s interesting, but ________ difficult for me.


试卷第1页,共4页 试卷第2页,共4页 2018-2019学年度上学期第一次月考质量测查 (七年级数学)试卷 (答案必须写在答题卡上,写在卷子上的无效) 一.选择题(共13题,每题3分,共39分) 1.如果零上5℃记作+5℃,那么零下5℃记作( ) A .-5 B .-10 C .-10℃ D .-5℃ 2.-(–5)的绝对值是( ) A 、5 B 、–5 C 、51 D 、51 - 3. 在–2,+3.5,0,3 2 -,–0.7,11中.负分数有( ) A 、l 个 B 、2个 C 、3个 D 、4个 4. n 为正整数时, 的值为( ) A.2 B.﹣2 C.2或﹣2 D,无法确定 5. -a 一定是( ) A 、正数 B 、负数 C 、正数或负数 D 、正数或零或负数 6.下列各式中,不成立的是( ) A . 3-=3. B. -3+=-3. C. -3-=3. D. 3-=3。 7.一个数和它的倒数相等,则这个数是( ) A 、1 B 、1- C 、±1 D 、±1和0 8. 如果a a -=||,下列成立的是( ) A .0>a B .0


2010至2011學年第一學期第二次月考試卷 六年級數學 一.選出劃線部分與其他兩個單詞不同の一項。( 5 分 ) )1. A cat B van C father )2. A get B new C west )3 .A bread B mean C ready )4 .A whose B were C when )5 .A bike B pig C big 二.根據提示或要求寫單詞( 每空一詞)。( 6分 ) 1. bye ( 同音詞 ) 2 . right ( 反義詞 ) 3. twelve ( 序數詞 ) 4 . different ( 名 詞 ) 5. near ( 反義詞 ) 6 . book ( 書 店 ) 三.英漢互譯。( 將所給漢語翻譯成英語或將英語翻譯成漢語 ) ( 10 分 ) 1. 去上學 2 . traffic rules 3. 電影院 4 . 圖書館 5 . go to the cinema 三.單項選擇。 ( 20 分 ) ( )1. do you go to Licai school ? A What B Where C . How ( )2. Usually I go to school foot . A by B at C on ( )3. traffic light means “ Stop ” , light means “ Go ”. A Green , yellow B Red , yellow C Red , green ( )4. In Australia , drivers drive the side of the road . A in , left B in , right C on ,left ( )5. Go straight five minutes . Then turn right . A at B for C in ( )6. ------ Where you buy that ? ------ Dad bought it in Chinatown . A do B does C did ( )7. ------ Let ’s go to TV together . ------ OK . A see B look C watch 考号:_____________班级:__________ 姓名:____________

三年级下册英语试题第二次月考英语试卷 人教新版

广东省惠来县华清学校2019-2019学年度三年级下学期第二次月考英语试卷(无答案) 班别:姓名:座号:总分: 一、按字母表的顺序给下列字母标上正确的序号。(10分) 二、判断下列字母是不是相应的大小写字母,是的打“√”,否则打“×”。(10分) 三、看图,将相对应的单词和图片连线。(12分) apple dog student Coke elephant girl 四、根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。(10分) ( )1. What's your name? A. Nice to see you,too. ( )2. Where are you from? B. Great! ( )3. Who's that man? C. My name is Tutu. ( )4. Nice to see you again. D. I'm from China. ( )5. Let's make a puppet! E. He's my grandpa. 五、根据所给的情景,选择正确答案。(10分) ( )1. 别人跟你说“Thank you.”你应该回答: A. Thank you. B. Oh,no. C.You’re welcome. ( )2. 你想说“我是从中国来的。”应该这么说: A. I'm China. B. I'm from China. C. My name is China. ( )3. 你想向别人介绍你的姐姐,应该说: A. This is my father. B. This is my sister. C. This is my brother. ( )4. 你想知道对方是哪里人,你可以问: A. How are you? B. What's your name? C. Where are you from? ( )5. 你想跟说你是一名学生,应该说: A.I am a teacher. B Hi,I am student.. C. I am a student. 六、看图,选出合适的句子。(10分) ( )1.A. I'm from China. B. I'm from Canada. C. I'm from America. ( )2.A.She is my mother. B. He is my father. C. This is my family ( )3.A. This is a panda. B. This is a duck. C. Bounce the ball. ( )4.A. This is a girl. B. This is a boy. C. This is a teacher. ( )5.A. Act like a cat. B. Act like a duck. C. Act like a dog. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 七、问与答,连连看。(8分) 1.How old are you? A. Thank you. 2.Happy birthday! B. Yes,she is. 3.Is she your sister? C. I'm fine,thanks. 4.This is my brother. D. Nice to meet you.


高一学年上学期第一次月考语文测试题时间:120分钟总分:150分命题人:伊春市第二中学高一语文备课组 第一卷古代诗文部分 一、基础知识:(55分) 1.下列各句中不含通假字的一项() A.今老矣,无能为也已 B.张良出,要项伯 C.言沛公不敢背项王也 D.卒起不意 2.下列加点词不属于古今异义词的一项() A.备他盗出入与非常 ..也 B.若舍郑以为东道主 ... C.今行而无信 .. D.皆白衣冠 ..以送之 3.下列句中词语解释不正确的一项是() A.失其所与.,不知。与:结交,亲附 B.旦日不可不蚤自来谢.项王。谢:道歉 C.因.人之力而敝之。因:因为 D.焉用亡郑以陪.邻。陪:增加 4.下列句中词语解释不正确的一项是() A.杀人如不能举.。举:尽 B.持千金之资币.物。币:钱财 C.愿大王少假借 ..之。假借:宽容,原谅 D.素善.留侯张良。善:友善,交好 5.下列虚词解释不正确的一项是() A.微.夫人之力不及此微:没有。用来表示一种否定的假设或条件。 B.不如因.而善遇之因:趁着 C.吾其.还也其:表商量或希望语气,还是。 D.何辞为.?为:介词,因为,常用在疑问句里。 6.下列各句中加点词语活用情况不同于其他三项的是() A.籍.吏民 B.夜.缒而出 C.吾得兄.事之 D.常以身翼.蔽沛公 7.下列选项中句式不同于其他三项的是: ( ) A.若属皆且为所虏 B.佚之狐言于郑伯曰 C.以其无礼于晋 D.具告以事 8.下列选项中加点词语与例句中给出词意义相同的一项() 例:举.世无双 A.举.所佩玉玦以示之者三 B.愿举.国为内臣 C.杀人如不能举. D.举.头望明月 9.下列各句加点词活用情况与例句相同的一项是() 例:项伯杀人,臣活.之 A .太子迟.之 B.群臣怪.之 C .范增数目.项王 D.若亡.郑而有益于君 10.下列句中词语解释不正确的一项是() A.轲既取图奉之,发图发:发现 B.秦王复击轲,被八创被:受 C.秦王购之金千斤,邑万家购:重金征求 D.顾计不知所出耳顾:不过、只是,表示轻微的转折 11.下列选项中句式与例句相同的一项是: ( ) 例句:沛公之参乘樊哙者也 A.太子及宾客知其事者 B.沛公安在 C.群臣侍殿上者 D.此臣日夜切齿拊心也12.下列加点词语解释不正确的一项是() A.是.寡人之过也是:判断动词 B.既东封.郑,又欲肆其西封封:疆界。这里这动词。 C.阙.秦以利晋阙:侵损、削减。 D.是寡人之过.也过:过错。 13.对下列两组句子中加点词的意义和用法判断正确的一项() ①顾.计不知所出耳③越国以鄙.远 ②荆轲顾.笑武阳④北蛮夷之鄙.人 A.①②相同,③④不同 B.①②不同,③④相同 C.①②相同,③④相同 D.①②不同,③④不同


泰兴市供销职业技术学校 高一对口单招班英语月考试卷2017 年5 月 出卷人:刘萍审核人:陈玉 第一部分:语言知识运用(共40小题;每题1分,满分40分) 第一节在本节中,你将读到10个句子,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. It was lovely weatherwe decided to spend the holiday on the beach. A. such a; that B. such; that C. such; as D. so; that ( ) 2. this dictionary, I have another two ones. A. Except for B. Except C. Besides D. In addition ( ) 3.Henry seldom came here to help us, ? A. didn't he B.doesn't he C. does he D. did he ( ) 4. My friend lent me a few reference books, but of them was useful for my school project. A. neither B. none C.either D .all ( ) 5. The day we look forward to . A. come B. coming C. arriving D. is coming ( ) 6.When to superiors, address them as “Mr.” or “Ms.” unless they give you permission to call them by their first names. A. speak B. speaking C. spoke D. Speaks ( ) 7.Try to the habit of looking out for these signs and reacting accordingly. A. get on B. get over C. get into D. get up ( ) 8. You may use my dictionary ____ you don?t keep it too long. A. as soon as B. as long as C. as well as D. as far as ( ) 9.The more effort you put into your studies, . A. the better will be your result B. the better your result will be C. your result will be better D. will be better your result. ( ) 10. Was it in 1969 the American astronaut succeeded landing on the moon? A. when; on B. that; on C. when; in D. that; in 第二节在本节中,你将读到15个短对话或片段,从题后所给的A、B、C、D、四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 11. —What do you think about the TV series House of Cards? — ________. A. Wonderful, I think B. I think a lot about it . C. I don?t think so. D. All right ( ) 12. —May I speak to Anna? —Sorry, she is not in.______ A. May I leave a message? B. Can I give a message? C. Would you like to leave a message? D. Can you receive a message? ( ) 13. —What will the weather be like tomorrow? — A. It was raining outside. B. What a fine day! C. The weather forecast says it will be fine D.We'll fly kites if it is fine. ( ) 14.一May I take your order, sir? 一What would you recommend? 一Baked fish and garlic chicken are always popular here. 一 A. Help yourself. B. It's too cheap. C. Take it easy. D. The garlic chicken, please ( ) 15.一Why not put off the picnic until next month? 一 A. A good match. B. A good idea. C. Good job. D. Good luck. ( ) 16. 一_____ 一Thank you. I certainly will. A. I wish you success. B. Will you help me with my work? C. May I help you? D. Please remember me to your family. ( ) 17. —Although it?s a good opportunity, I?ve decided not to accept your offer.—_______.I do wish you?d think it over. A. I?m glad to hear that. B. I?m sorry to hear that.. C. I don?t think so. D. Forget it. ( ) 18.—Have you ever been to Maldives? —______. A. I …m not sure B. sometimes C. It depends D. Never been there ( ) 19. —His mother dances well. —So _____ and so _____. A. she does; his father does B. does she; his father does C. she does; does his father D. does she; does his father ( ) 20. —Shall I bring you a cup of black coffee as you look so sleepy? —Thank you. __________. A. If you like B. Of course you can ( ) 21. The manager expresses his feeling of ___________. A. sadness B. annoyance C. surprise D. happiness


请 请 第II 卷 非选择题(共55分) 请 2019年秋季学期第一次月考化学试卷 答 题 卡 座位号:________ 学校 班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 …………○…………密…………封…………线…………内…………不…………准…………答…………题…………○………… 请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超过黑色矩形边框限定区域 请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超过黑色矩形边框限定区域 请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超过黑色矩形边框限定区域的答请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超过黑色矩形边框限定区域的答 请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超过黑色矩形边框限定区域的答 请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超过黑色矩形边框限定区域的答 27、 猜想Ⅲ:氧化铜是反应的催化剂,反应前后质量和化学性质不变 (1) 步骤③现象 步骤⑥结果 步骤⑦现象 结论 溶液中有气泡放出 ,带火星 的木条复燃 所得固体0.2g 溶液中有气泡放出,带火星的木 条复燃 猜想Ⅰ、Ⅱ不成立,猜想Ⅲ成立 (2)与步骤③作对比,检验加入加氧化铜前后双氧水分解速率有没有变化 (3) 第I 卷 选择题(共45分) 一、选择题(本大题共20个小题,其中第1—15小题,每小题2分,第16—20小题,每小题3分,共45分。每小题只有一个正确答案) 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 答案 C B C B D D A 题号 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 答案 B D C C B B D 题号 15 16 17 18 19 20 答案 C C D D C B 二、填空与简答(本大题共5个小题,文字表达式每空2分,其余每空1分,共34分) 21、(1)助燃 不能燃烧也不助燃 (2)红磷的量不足(或没有冷却到室温就打开止水夹) (3)点燃红磷后由于不需要打开瓶塞,容器的气密性较好测量 更准确 (5) 缓冲作用 22、 (1) ② (2) ⑥ (3) ④ (4) ⑦ (5) ⑤ 23、(1) ①②③ (2) ④ (3) ⑥ (4) ⑦ (5) ⑤ 24、(1) 试管夹 (2) 坩埚钳 (3) 试管 (4) 试管刷 (5) 酒精灯 (6) 滴管 量筒 (7) 量筒 滴管 25、 (1) A 高锰酸钾 E 过氧化氢 Q 二氧化硫 M 四氧化三铁 (2)① ② 硫+氧气二氧化硫 ③ 铁+氧气 四氧化三铁 三、实验与探究(本大题共2个小题,文字表达式每空2分,其余每空1 分,共17分) 26、 (1)a 试管 ;b 锥形瓶 (2) 一团棉花 防止高锰酸钾颗粒进入导管,堵塞导管 导管口有连续均匀气泡 冒出时 (3)B 将带火星的木条伸到集气瓶口,若木条复燃,说明已集满 (4) d 四、写出元素符号及名称( 本大题共1个小题,共4分) 28、略


飞龙初中 2017 年春季第一次月考语文答题卡 姓名 班级 准考证号 注意事项 1、答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、班级、准考证号填写在指定位置,并核对条码上姓名、准考证号 等信息,无误后居中横向正贴在条形码方框内,粘贴要牢固; 2 、客观题部分必须使用2B 铅笔填涂;主观题部分必须使用0.5 毫米黑色字迹签字笔书写,字体工整, 字迹清楚; 3、请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上 答题无效; 4 、保持答题卡卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要破损。 6 、正确填涂 此栏考生禁填 缺考标记 缺考考生由监考老师贴条形码,并用2B 铅笔填涂缺考标记。 第 I 卷选择题(共20 分) 1A B C D5A B C D9A B C D 2A B C D6A B C D A B C D 10 3A B C D7A B C D 4A B C D8A B C D 第 II卷非选择题(共100 分) 一、积累与运用(21 分) 11.( 7 分,每空 1 分,错一字该空不得分。) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)12.( 4 分) (1) (2) 13.( 4 分) (1) (2) 14.(6分) (1) (2) 一、阅读理解( 39 分) (一)记叙文阅读,完成15-19 题。( 12 分) 15.(2分) 16.(2分) 17.(2分) 18.(2分) 19.(4分) (二)议论文阅读,完成第20-24 题。( 13 分) 20.(2 分) 21.(2 分) 22.(3 分) 23.(3 分) 24.(3 分) (三)文言文阅读,完成第25-29 题。( 14 分) 25.(1)从乡之先达执经叩问 (2)独学无友则孤陋而难成 26.(4 分) ( 1)(2) ( 3)(4) 27.(4 分) (1) (2) 28.(2 分) 29.(2 分)

五年级下册英语试题第二次月考英语试卷 人教新版

广东省惠来县华清学校2019-2019学年度五年级下学期第二次月考英语试卷(无答案) 班别:姓名:座号:总分: 1.按先后顺序给下列单词排队。(填序号10分) ()twenty-third ( )thirtieth ()twelfth ( )seventh ()second ( )fourteenth ()sixteenth ( )twentieth ()first ( )third 2.选出不同类的单词。(10分) ()1.A.two B.four C.second ()2.A.happy B.May C.June ()1.A.trip B.sweet C.delicious ()1.A.third B.twenty C.twentieth ()1.A.thirsty B.cute C.hungry 3.写出下列对应此的名词性物主代词。(10分) his her my their our 四.单项选择(10分) ()1.Sunday is the day of a week. A.first B.one C.seven ()2.-- --It’s on September 10th. A.When is April Fool’s Day? B.When is Teachers’Day? C.When is Mother’s Day? ()3. When is Father’s Day? -- . A.It’s on the third Sunday in June. B. It’s on the second Sunday in June. C. It’s on the third Sunday in July. ()4.Today is my birthday. Now I am . A.ten;tenth B.tenth;ten C.ten;ten ()5.—When is your mother’s birthday? --It’s July. A.at B.on C.in 五.选出合适的单词完成句子,填序号。(10分) A.What B.Is C.Where D.Are E.Whose 1.( )--- is your cat? ---It’s under my bed. 2.( )--- are you doing now? ---I’m eating lunch. 3.( )--- is your little kitten eating food? ---Yes ,it is. Look,it is cute . 4.( )--- birthday is it today? ---My mother’s. 5. ( )--- your parents drinking water now?
