


Sep.?2015中 国 学 校 体 育

C h i n a S c h o o l P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n



作者简介:姜山,副教授,博士,研究方向:体育人文社会学。姜 山

(东北师范大学体育学院,吉林?长春 130022)



中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1004?-?7662(2015)09-?0006-?06?Research on Accelerated Completion of Supporting Legislation for Development of Sports Industry in Universities of China


(Physical?Education?College,?Northeast?Normal?University,?Changchun?130022,Jilin?China) Abstract:This study researched on accelerated completion of supporting legislation for development of sports industry in colleges and universities of China through literature review, comparison, expert review and field study. Conclusion of the research indicates that:1) colleges and universities of China lag behind their counterparts in the US to a large extent in the development of sports industry from the perspectives of marketing, supporting legislation and legal supervision; 2) In the future, sports industry in colleges and universities of China has an inestimable room for market development, and development of the industry will also promote the improvement of overall level of competitive sports industry in colleges and universities of China; 3) At present, it is inevitable that operation of the industry under social market economy system is facing a large amount of economic behaviors and legal issues, for which how to develop and expand market of competitive sports industry in China’s colleges and universities in a rapid, reasonable and effective way as well as establish and implement supporting legislation and policies becomes one of the urgent problems. During the process of legislation for sports industry in colleges and universities of China, mode of development of the industry in colleges and universities in the US should be used for reference. At the present stage, legal system of supporting legislation for China’s sports industry and sports law should be completed, based on which development path with Chinese characteristics for sports industry in socialist colleges and universities of China should be established.
