2018-英语日常应用文概述-推荐word版 (1页)

2018-英语日常应用文概述-推荐word版 (1页)



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2016考研英语应用文写作解题“三步走”策略 当前全球社会的发展使得英语应用文写作能力的重要性日益凸显,这种能力不仅能体现 出一个人的基本语言水平,同时也为日后从事现代化办公、顺利开展社会交流尤其是国际交 流打下良好的基础。因此,考研英语作文中增加应用文写作部分不仅是大势所趋,同时也体 现出了我国教育者的良苦用心。 相对于大作文来说,应用文的写作还是比较容易把握的。但是在大约15分钟的时间内理 解题意并迅速将内容要点扩充成一篇100字的短文也是有较大难度的,考生不仅能够恰当地 根据给定情境迅速成文,而且也要有较高的语言能力。因此,在平时的准备过程中,考生要 重视这类文体的准备工作,全面了解和掌握各种应用文体的写作格式、方法和特点,尤其是 要熟悉各类文体的基本结构和套话。 应用文文体的种类非常丰富,大纲中规定的就包括私人和公务信函、备忘录、摘要、报 告等。鉴于考试的要求和考场的条件限制、文章的长度以及文体的应用广泛程度而言,我们 认为各类信件、便笺、以及备忘录在研究生考试中的考查几率比较大。其中信件种类繁多、 内容广泛,因此最为重要;便笺的写法与格式都和信件相类似;备忘录在公务和商业往来中使 用较多,但也可能在考生平时的校园生活中出现。因此,本书将以信件、便笺和备忘录的写 法为重点详加阐述。 应用文的实际用途决定了其语言应以简洁明了为基本原则,并不要求复杂多变。应用文 一般需要开门见山,行文一开始就要尽快地表达主要意思;文章要求逻辑清晰、有条有理,目 标明确;语气要恰如其分,尤其在公文信函中,一定要注意语言的正式和礼貌,遵循交际原则; 最后还要注意细节,确保事件、数字、日期等信息的准确传达和标点符号的正确使用。 下面以2007年的大纲样题为例来具体分析考研应用短文的出题思路和应对步骤: directions: you are preparing for an english test and are in need of some reference books. write a letter to the sales department of a bookstore to ask for: 1) detailed information about the books you want, 2) methods of payment, 3) time and way of delivery. you should write about 100 words on answer sheet 2. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use “li ming” instead. you do not need to write the address. 通过这个题目可以看出,考研的应用文题目是以日常生活的场景为基础的。我们有以下 的“三步走”策略: 第一、判断题型。在阅读完题干以后,考生应迅速判断这是一篇请求信,此时准备充分 的考生应在脑海中以最快速度搜索此类信件的写作框架、流程、常用套语和词汇等(本书中提 供了详实的模版供考生参考)。 第二、重新读题,并用铅笔划出题目中包含的重点信息。这些信息都是考生在写文章的 时候必须包含在其中的。本题的重点信息包括preparing for an english test, in need of some reference books, a letter to the sales department of a book store, detailed information, payment, delivery等。 第三、扩充成文并仔细检查。在扩充细节的时候,考生要结合平时的生活积累、发挥充 分的想象力。如在本题中,考生应思考的细节包括准备何种英语考试,需要哪些参考书,对 参考书的质量和内容有什么要求,付款方式是现金还是信用卡,运送方式是ems、邮局还是 其他等等。在这些方面考生可以自由发挥,但是注意要符合我们的生活常识和日常规律。在 完成文章以后,一定要花大约1分钟的时间重新检查一遍信件的结构是否完整、所要求的细 节是否全部包含在内、以及是否有拼写错误等。篇二:英语应用文 电子邮件


2020年高考英语作文应用文写作--祝贺信 1.假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Peter最近在某电视台举办的汉语演讲比赛中获得第一名,他给了你重要的人生启迪。请写信向他表示祝贺与感谢。 注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 第一稿 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二稿(第一稿的基础上修改语法错误,替换词汇、短语及句式) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


英语日常应用文的分类哪些 英语日常应用文的分类哪些 书信是交流思想、互通信息、联络感情的有效工具。从大的范围看,英文书信可分为公函或者事务信件和私人信件两大类。前者主要是单位与单位之间,个人与单位之间的工作来往信件;后者则指个人与个人之间的来往信件。本文所谈及的英语日常应用文是将这两类信件中最常用的抽出来并分别予以介绍。大体来讲,本书介绍的日常应用文有以下几种。 (一)邀请信(letter of invitation) 这是一种很常见的英文书信。朋友亲戚之间相邀约时用它,进行学术交流邀请专家名流要用它,聚餐设宴要用它,请人讲演讲学要用它。 (二)介绍信(letter of introduction) 介绍信也是一种常见的英文书信。私人之间的交往,各种大型的会议交流以及其它商业事务上的业务联系,常常要用到这种书信。 (三)求职信(letter of application to vocation) 向国外有关企业或单位谋职或推荐到国外有关单位工作要写求职信,申请在国内的外资企业工作也要写求职信。这些都要用到英文求职信。 (四)入学申请信(letter of application to school) 到国外的学校学习,一般要先向该校有关单位发出申请信,在得到对方的答复后,才可办理有关手续。近些年来,越来越多的人开始到国外去进修和深造,掌握这类申请信的写法也就显得十分必要了。 (五)庆贺信(letter of congratulation) 庆贺信是一种常见的书信形式。单位开业、朋友结婚得子、生日寿诞等均可写信表示祝贺,它是人们之间感情交

流的一项重要的媒介和方式,掌握庆贺信的写法也是十分必要的。 (六)推荐信(letters of recomendation) 谋职或申请入学等常常需附上专家教授或有关人员的推荐信件。推荐信有时也单独存在。因此作为一种必不可少的交流形式,本书也将介绍推荐信的格式和写法。 (七)简历(resume) 简历也是作为其它有关信件的附件而使用的,它不单独存在,总是随同其它信件一起送达有关单位或人员的。掌握简历的写法也很重要。


英语应用文写作之祝 贺信

英语应用文写作之祝贺信 ●祝贺信是指在日常生活中,得知同学或朋友竞赛获奖、考上大学、结婚、过新年或重 大节日等,给对方祝贺的信件。 ●书写时应做到真诚、自然、亲切动人。 ●祝贺信通常包括以下内容:祝贺事由→所取得的成绩→被祝贺人过去的努力→被祝贺 人的优点→表达自己的愿望。 ●开头常用句式 1. 我很高兴你梦想成真。 I feel very happy for your dream has come true. 2. 我写这封信是为了表达我对你英语演讲比赛获得第一名的祝贺。 I am writing to express my congratulations on your winning the first place in the English speech contest. 3. 祝贺你高考成功。 Congratulations on your success in the National College Entrance Examination. ●常用语块 1. 恭喜/祝贺…… Congratulations on 2. 实现/成真…… come true 3. 很高兴听到…… How happy I am to hear 4. 很高兴知道你…… I have learned with delight that you 5. 我想表达我对……的祝贺I would like to express my congratulations on… 6. 我为你……感到非常高兴 7. ……是相当令人振奋的消息!I feel very happy for you (r) … 8. 我知道这肯定是因为…… …is quite exciting news! 9. 是你非常值得的奖赏It is a reward that you richly deserve for your… 10. 我希望…… I hope… 11. 请接受……Please accept… 12. 祝你一切顺利! Wish you all the best! 13. 你们是天生的一对!You two are a perfect match!


高三英语作文范文 演讲稿 Dear teachers and students, on in the daytime, or let water running after washing. Some leave over much food on the table. Besides, white paper and notebooks that are not completely used are often thrown away. As we all know, these bad habits will have a bad influence on our character and behavior. They not only increase our cost at school and add financial burden to our parents, but also waste the limited resources. In my opinion, it's high time that we dealt with this problem. And above all, we should start with ourselves and take action in reducing the waste on campus. 1.What I want to talk about today is …… 今天我想讲的是…… 2.Working together, we can make the future better. 一起努力,我们会把未来变得更美好。 建议信 Dear Wang Lin, I’m glad to know that you are going to be a senior high school student this September. As a senior 3 student, I have so much experience to share with you. High school life is full of challenges. Making good use of your time will be of great benefit to efficient study. It is also helpful to preview your lessons before class and take notes in class. High school life can be very colorful as well. I suggest that you participate in some meaningful activities, such as sports and voluntary work to develop yourself properly and thoroughly. The coming three years will be the most beautiful time in your life. I believe that with your efforts, you’ll make it fruitful and wonderful. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 家书 Dear parents, The hardest time of my life is coming, and I know that you both are very concerned about my studies and my life. I can say nothing but thanks to your care and love. These days I have been studying hard and have performed to the best of my


考研英语作文应用文系列之祝贺信模板 一、信函写作:称呼、正文、落款 1、审题—-判断是个人书信&事务公函 决定: 语域使用:正式:使用礼貌表达,不用缩略语(对公) 半正式:可以使用缩略和口语表达(对私) 非正式:(一般不考)——It depends 呼语:特定的写信对象:Dear XX 不明确收信人:Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern 2、正文 三段(8句):写作目的段、细化段、感谢或者期待。 3、各种信函内容安排 6)祝贺信 A.基本结构 Dear…., 表示祝贺,为之高兴; 祝贺缘由,劳有所获; 寄予期望,取得更大成就; 再次祝贺。 Yours sincerely, Li Ming B.范文解析 Dear Zhang Jian,

I am just as proud as you can be of you and send my sincerest congratulations on your admission to Beijing University as a postgraduate. During the past four years, you kept improving and devoted yourself into your major study. I am delighted that the four years of your study has been rewarded in this way. It is obvious that you will have a promising future in front of you. Congratulations again. I wish you will make great achievement in you future study and life. I am looking forward to hearing more good news in your studies and research work. Yours sincerely, Li Ming C.祝贺信框架 Dear XX, I am just as proud as you can be of you and send my sincerest congratulations on…. Du ring the past four years, you kept improving and devoted yourself into…. I am delighted that the four years of your effort has been rewarded in this way. It is obvious that you will have a promising future in front of you. Congratulations again. I wish you will make great achievement in you future study and life. I am looking forward to hearing more good news in your studies and research work. Yours sincerely, Li Ming


考研英语应用文格式之备忘录 在上篇文章中,我们已经向大家详细介绍了2010年英语(一)曾经考过的应用文——通知 的写作格式。对此,从第一行的题目一直到最后一行的署名,诸位即将参加考研的同学们务 必要牢牢记住其中的每个细节,因为“格式恰当”也是咱们考研应用文考查的一个重要评分 标准。对于应用文的几个评分标准来说,它是最简单、最容易掌握的一个;但是对于同学们来 说,鉴于它的琐碎性与细节性,它又是同学们最常因为马虎粗心而犯错的一个。古人讲:“一 屋不扫,何以扫天下!”因此,作为一个未来的研究生,大家不要在这样的细节上出现失误。 此外,在今天的这篇文章中,我们继续给大家介绍下一种告示类应用文——备忘录,虽 然在英语(一)和英语(二)中都还未曾考过,但是咱们的两个考研英语大纲却一直都明确规定 应用文考查类型中包括备忘录。至于备忘录到底是什么,有什么样的写作思路,这些我们早 在系列介绍考研英语应用文的写作思路的时候已经详细地讲过,大家可以去翻阅查看。本文 中主要给大家介绍一下备忘录的写作格式。 memo to: all employees from: berry silver, president date: june 22nd, 2014 subject: entertainments or gifts during spring festival however, the acceptance of any offers, entertainment or gifts, can lead to either a real or perceived conflict of interest. to ensure that this does not arise, all such offers should be declined and gifts returned. i should appreciate your understanding and cooperation. 首先,与通知一样,备忘录也须有题目,但是其中不同的是备忘录的题目非常简单,就 是memo,首字母m要大写,此外它居于答题空间的首行中间位置。 其次,从第二行开始接下来的四行位置则是备忘录比较个性特殊的格式了。 第一行是“to: ”,也就是此封备忘录的写作对象,而且鉴于备忘录是一种告示类文章, 那么它的收件人往往是一群人,而不再是书信之中的一个人。 第二行是“from: ”,也就是此备忘录的写作者,在这里面,既可以只写人名,也可以 在人名后面加上其职位等身份,但是两者之间要用逗号隔开。 第三行是“date:”,也就是写作日期。英文中日期的写法我们已在上篇文章的通知中 详细介绍过,在此就不再多加赘述了。 第四行是“subject:”,也就是整封备忘录的内容概括,但是在这边大家需要注意的是 小标题的内容一定要是短语形式,而不能是一个完整的句子。 再次,上面四行内容结束之后,我们还需在其下面空出两行方能书写正文内容。至于正 文的写作格式,我们则采取缩进式,即段落之间不空行,但是每段开始前都要空格,而且是 四个英文字符的空间。 最后,与通知不同的是,备忘录中正文写完后下面就不再需要署名了,因为前面我们已 经表明了文章的写作者,即“from: ”。 以上就是大家在写备忘录时所需要注意的写作格式,对此各位务必要谨记每个细节,切 不可因为马虎而在格式上犯错,以致影响最后的得分。篇二:考研英语应用文写作方法 考研英语应用文写作方法 为了帮助大家顺利通过研究生入学考试,勤思考研辅导老师会在第一时间为大家搜集整 理考研的复习资料及相关信息,希望对大家的复习备考有所帮助!小作文即应用文写作, 是2005年大纲修订之后出现的新题型,主要考察考生在特定日常情境下英语语言的实际运用 能力。与大作文相比,小作文的写作相对比较简单,但是要在十五分钟内完成一篇百词左右


英语应用文范文祝贺信与道歉信 2007-06-28 20:13 (4). 祝贺信(Letter of Congratulations):祝贺信的写作与普通信件没有 什么大区别,但应注意: 1.必须包括对收信人的称谓。 2.必须包括对收信人的祝贺。 3.必须包括写信人的姓名。 4.措词真诚、轻松愉快,切忌言过其实。 1.Warm congratulations on your success in passing the entrance examination to … university. 热烈祝贺你考上了……大学。 2.Please acce pt our sincere wishes for your…请接受我们对您……的衷心祝愿。 3.I extend my best wishes for your success. 衷心祝愿你成功。 4.May each new year bring you new hope. 愿每个新年都给您带来新的希望。 (5).道歉信(Letter of Apology) 1.Please accept my sincere apologies. 请接受我们诚挚的道歉。 2.Please accept my sincere apologies for the lateness of my birthday greetings. 3.I am sorry I missed your …对不起,我错过了你的……

4.I’ve to of fer you an apology for not coming to your party. 未能参加你的庆祝会,我得向你道歉。 5.Please accept my sincere apologies for…请接受我对…… 诚挚的歉意。 Ex. 就下述内容写一封道歉信: 你的一位朋友昨天来看望你,你正巧外出未遇,对此你写信表示歉意,并约 慰问信 慰问信应写得真切,注意措辞,对轻病或者小损失,慰问信应写得轻松一些。相反,对严重病情或重大损失,信就应该写得深沉一些。慰问信写时应注意: 1. 写给受伤人的信要简短,中肯。信中不必问询事故发生的过程、原因、见证人等。 2. 慰问信中应写一些被慰问者喜欢或熟悉的事物,如病人的爱好、兴趣等,以使病人得到宽慰。 1. 向朋友问候 A letter of inquiring after some one’s health Dear [John]: I am extremely sorry to hear that your illness, which we had thought was clearing up, has become more serious, and that your have had to go into hospital. Let us hope that it will be for only a very short time, and that you will soon be out and about again. Everybody here sends his best wishes to you for a quick recovery. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, 亲爱的[约翰]: 听说你病了,我深感不安。原来我们还以为您的病情有所好转,事实上却反而加重,而不得不住进了医院。但愿这是短时间的,很快不会恢复健康。这里每


高考英语的10种类型 高考作文分为实用文和应用文。 实用文包括:1.提纲作文;2.图表作文; 3.图画作文; 4.开放作文; 应用文包括:5.书信; 6.通知;7简历;8.日记;9.便条;10.电子邮件。1.提纲作文:在英语课堂上,你喜欢你的老师授课时只用英语,还是英语、汉语 兼用?某英语杂志社就此话题邀请中学生发表看法。请围绕“How do you prefer your English classes to be taught? In English only,or in both English and Chinese?”这个问题,参考所给要点,选择一种授课形式,写一篇英语短文。 授课形式一:只用英语 优点:有助于提高听说能力等 缺憾:不易听懂等 结论:…… 授课形式二:英语、汉语兼用 优点:易于理解等 缺憾:英语氛围不浓等 结论:…… 注意:1.词数100~120,短文开头已给出(不计词数)。 2.参考词汇:atmosphere氛围 满分文(一) I prefer my English classes to betaught in both English and Chinese, whose advantage is that it is easy for usto understand what the teacher talks about. The teacher first teaches the classin English, and then she explains those that are hard to understand to us sothat we get a better knowing of the passage. That will be good for us. However, teaching the class in twolanguages will make the English atmosphere not so strong. Some students whowish to be taught in English will be disappointed. Except for the disadvantage, I thinkit is really good to hear two languages in classes. It can make us morefamiliar with the foreign culture. 名师指导: 审题是作文的第一要素,本文的审题准确无误。无论是要点的把握还是结构的组织都证明了这一点。本文运用多种复杂句式,整体看来是不错的。文中的一个复合句式显示了作者的英语功底。其他出彩短语的使用也很地道,可以参看好句中的分析。 背诵内容: 1.advantage n.优点 2.be familiar with,对某人熟悉 3. atmosphere n.气氛 满分文(二) I prefer my English classes to betaught only in English because it is helpful for us to improve the ability ofspeaking and listening in a very short time. I have strong


2011考研英语应用文写作精品范文 一、投诉信参考范文 Directions: You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because your roommate always has friends visiting. He/She has parties in the room and sometimes borrows your things without asking you. Write a letter to the Accommodation Officer at the college and: 1)ask for a new room next term, 2)you would prefer a single room, 3)explain your reasons. Don’t sign your own name at the end of your letter, using“Li Ming”inst ead. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express/air dissatisfaction/disappointment/concern regarding accommodation. I would prefer to move into a single room next semester, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient. I must explain that the re ason for my dissatisfaction is my roommate’s inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy parties. To solve this difficulty/surmount this difficulty/improve this situation/crack this hard nut, I hope to draw the attention of the authorities concerned. I am sure you will agree that the only solution for me is to move into a room of my own. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible. Yours sincerely, Li Ming (136 words) (128 words)


高考英语常考应用文分类背诵 2016-12-12 邀请、招聘类 一 假设你是某中学学生会主席李华,你校与本地一所国际学校经常举办联谊活动,你计划在重阳节组织学生到养老院去慰问老人,拟邀请国际学校的学生参加。请你根据以下内容要点给国际学校的学生会主席Tony写一封信。 要点:1. 向老人赠送礼物(鲜花、自制贺卡等) 2.为老人提供服务(做清洁、陪老人等) 3. 为老人表演节目(唱歌、跳舞等) 注意:1.词数100左右;2.信的开头和结尾已经给出(不计入总词数)。 Dear Tony, Chongyang,the traditional Chinese festival for the the elderly,is coming around. We are planning to visit Nursing Home to celebrate the special day,and we would like to invite students from your school to join us. We have planned several activities. When we get there,we will visit the elderly in their rooms in groups,presenting them with flowers and self-made cards to show our respect and love. Then we will do some cleaning and washing for them with the help of the nurses. As some old people feel lonely,we may chat with them about their old days,changes of our city,or anything they are interested in. We may also give them some performances: singing,dancing,and so on. I am sure we will both gain a better understanding of the elderly in China. If you have any suggestions,please let us know. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Lihua 二


英语应用文写作之祝贺信 ●祝贺信是指在日常生活中,得知同学或朋友竞赛获奖、考上大学、结婚、过新年或重大 节日等,给对方祝贺的信件。 ●书写时应做到真诚、自然、亲切动人。 ●祝贺信通常包括以下内容:祝贺事由→所取得的成绩→被祝贺人过去的努力→被祝贺人 的优点→表达自己的愿望。 ●开头常用句式 1. 我很高兴你梦想成真。 I feel very happy for your dream has come true. 2. 我写这封信是为了表达我对你英语演讲比赛获得第一名的祝贺。 I am writing to express my congratulations on your winning the first place in the English speech contest. 3. 祝贺你高考成功。 Congratulations on your success in the National College Entrance Examination. ●常用语块 1. 恭喜/祝贺…… Congratulations on 2. 实现/成真…… come true 3. 很高兴听到…… How happy I am to hear 4. 很高兴知道你…… I have learned with delight that you 5. 我想表达我对……的祝贺I would like to express my congratulations on… 6. 我为你……感到非常高兴 7. ……是相当令人振奋的消息!I feel very happy for you (r) … 8. 我知道这肯定是因为…… …is quite exciting news! 9. 是你非常值得的奖赏It is a rewar d that you richly deserve for your… 10. 我希望…… I hope… 11. 请接受……Please accept… 12. 祝你一切顺利! Wish you all the best! 13. 你们是天生的一对!You two are a perfect match! 14. 祝你心想事成! May all your wishes come true! 15. 祝你年年有今日,岁岁有今朝。I wish you many happy returns of the day. ●


英语应用文的常用句型: 一、邀请信 ①request the pleasure of恭请... ②The favor of a reply is requested敬赐复函 May I have the honor of your company at dinner敬备菲酌,恭请光临 Thank you for inviting us to dinner谢谢您邀请我们共进晚餐 I hope you’re not too busy to come.我期望您会在百忙中光临 The reception will be held in ...,on ...招待会定于...在...举行 We sincerely/faithfully hope you can attend….我们期待您的光临 We have decided to have a party in honor of the occasion为此我们决定举办一次晚会 Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience是否参加,请早日告之 二、感谢信 1、Thank you very much for ....十分感谢... 2、Many thanks for your ...非常感谢您... 3、Please accept my sincere appreciation for ...请接受我对...真挚的感谢 4、I am truly grateful to you for ...为了...,我真心感激您 5、It was good (thoughtful) of you ...承蒙好意(关心)... 6、You were so kind to send ...承蒙好意送来... 7、Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you soon.再次感谢您的盛情款待,并期待不久见到您 8、I find an ordinary "thank-you" entirely inadequate to tell you how much... 我觉得一般的感谢的字眼完全不足以表达我对您多么地... 9、I sincerely appreciate ...我衷心地感谢... 10、I wish to express my profound appreciation for ...我对..深表谢意 11、Many thanks for you generous cooperation谢谢贵方的真诚合作 常用句子: I shall feel obliged if you will favor me with a call at your earliest convenience. Delighted! Will call at 2 . tomorrow.来条收悉,定于明天下午两点拜访。 ③Encl.: Doctors Certificate of Advice. 附;医生证明I shall be very happy to call at your house at 6:30 this evening. Until then,...我定于今晚6:30去你家,望等候。Enclosure ④Upon receiving this note, please come to my office.见条后,请立即来我办公室。 ⑤Mr. Li stands in urgent need of your service.李先生急需你的帮助。 ⑥I happen to be in urgent need of 200 yuan.我因有急事,需要200元。 ⑦Your note with an admission ticket enclosed is much appreciated.留言和一张入场券均已收到,不胜感激。 ⑧I‘m very grateful to you for your kind invitation, and I’m sure to come to see your concert.承蒙邀请观看你们的音乐会,我一定按时到场。 ⑨Please accept this little gift as a small token of my esteem for you.奉上这小小的礼物,以表达我对您的崇高敬意。Token=symbol ⑩结束语I trust my absence will not cause you any serious inconvenience.望我的缺席不会给你带来太大的不便。 ⑾Please favor me with an early reply.敬请早复。 ⑿Hoping that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.希望能及早处理此事。 ⒀Please give an extension of leave for three days.请准予续假三天为盼。
