


一份出色的Resume,是向外企求职的关键之一。不了解有关的常识和程式,不花费相当的心思来展示,以有纯正娴熟的英文功底,决不能获得单位的青睐。在一大堆错误百出、英文表达能力低劣或平庸,毫无针对性和创造性的Resume中,你的那份若能让人眼睛一亮,成功的机会必将大大增加,以下试着结合一个具体的例子给出说明和评述。Balance Sheet:基本方法选取适当的工作后,必须看清招聘广告上所列出的每项要求,再将自己的学历、能力与兴趣逐一与之比较,作一张balance sheet.

例如,一则关于marketing management trainee和job requirement是这样写的:We are looking for a competent person to fill the captioned position:

University graduate majors in Marketing Management. Prepared to develop career in the commercial field

-outgoing personality

-Able to communicate with different levels

-Good knowledge in PC operations -Proficiency in written and spoken


则你相应地考虑自己的qualification的选择和表述,如你可写(与上列各项对应):-University graduate with major in Marketing

-Having actively participated in Business club‘s activities and learned accounting and management

-Good in communication with people and like a lot of out door activities know how to tackle with people from all walks of life

-Skillful in operating Words,Excel,Lotus1-2-3,etc

-Fluent in English and studied advanced level of Mandarin

这个方法的好处是可让求职者清楚了解该职位是否适合自己,而本身资料又是否切合要求,而且,明白了各项要求后,就可依据每一点在履历表上重点提出自己在该方面的强项。突出卖点(selling point),将之放在最吸引别人的地方,使招聘者一眼可见,有利于present 自己。





1996/7-1996/8 General Clerk, IBM

1995/7-1995/8 Account clerks, Manley Toy Trading



Three years of job experience in different positions have offered me opportunities to understand different job aspects.

-As a General Clerk(IBM),Accounts clerk (Manley Toy Trading),I have learned how to prepare purchasing orders, place orders, handle accounting mattery, check voucher,……also(Salesgirl, Esprin)developing the technique of sellina, serving and stocking.


Job Objective通常,一般求者只会在履历表开端简单地写上所应征的职位-"Position Applied: Management Trainee"或"I am appling for……"其实,若懂得利用这小小空间写出自己的事业目标(job objective),能显示出你对该工作的热诚及憧憬,能令招聘者对你加倍留意。

比如这个不错的例子job objective To begin as a Marketing Management Trainee, with opportunity to advance to executive level and contribute to the development of firm.




Room XXX Building XXX

Beijing University, Beijing 100084

(010) 6277XXXX E-mail:_________

Zeng Yun


To obtain a challenging position as software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development


1997.9-2000.6 Dept. Automation, Graduate School of Beijing University, M.E.

1993.9-1997.7 Dept. Automation, Beijing University, B.E.

Academic Main Courses


Advanced Mathematics Probability and Statistics Linear Algebra

Engineering Mathematics Numerical Algorithm Operational Algorithm

Electronics and Computer

Circuit Principal Data Structures Digital Electronics

Artificial Intelligence Computer Local Area Network

Computer Abilities

Skilled in use of MS FrontPage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, java script, Perl, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process, Pascal, PL/I and SQL software.

English Skills

Have a good command of both spoken and written English. Past CET-6, TOEFL: 650;GRE: 2300

Scholarships and Awards

1999.3 Jia Chen Award, the top honor given by Beijing University

1998.11 Metal Machining Practice Award

1997.4 Academic Progress Award


General business knowledge relating to financial

Have a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common sense



大学生外企应聘英文简历范文 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)-456 xxx. Seeking an entry-level position within the Engineering Department of a manufacturing facility. Castle Island Engineering Works, South Boston, MA May – Sept xx Summer Placement Performed time studies on each process in a large manufacturing area. Planned the floor layout for a new automated production line.

Completed Auto-CAD drawings for the Senior Engineer on line layout and ergonomic space-saving concepts. Identified potential bottlenecks to production, and developed methods to reduce and prevent these impediments to efficiency. Completed change requests on production procedures and drawings. Douglas Engineering Co. Ltd., Cambridge, MA June – Sept 2000 Summer Placement Completed Auto-CAD drawings of proposed layouts for a large production facility in Boston. Reviewed production procedures and engineering specs including machine drawings prior to submittal for review in the change process.


外企个人英文简历范文 basic information name: sex don\t: female people race: the han nationality birth: january 27, 1987 body high: 163 cm body weight: 60 kg households record: now is located in guangdong zhanjiang, guangdong zhanjiang graduate school: guangzhou kang big professional technology institute study calendar: the specialized subject professional name: graduated from financial accounting year: XX term: two years or above post says: objective position properties: the post job category: financial/audit/tax-accounting financial/audit/tax-finance/accounting assistant financial/audit/tax-a cashier job title: accounting; accounting assistant; cashier work areas: xia zhan jiang city mountain; zhan jiang city zone; salary: rmb 2500 / month do not need to provide housing starting time: skills expertise language: english level 2; standard mandarin computer ability: certificate national computer rank examination level 1; education training education experience: time school education


外企应聘电子版英文简历模板 对于英文简历的写作、参加笔试和面试,都应该作好充分的准备。有关这一方面的技巧,我们将在今后进行介绍。下面搜集外企应聘电子版英文简历模板,欢迎阅读! 外企应聘电子版英文简历模板CAREER OBJECTIVE Efficient supervisor seeks a team leader position to help increase productivity and meet or exceed company goals. BACKGROUND SUMMARY Extensive and diversified supervisory experience in computer,office furniture,and boat manufacturing operations.Particularly effective in increasing productivity and capavcity.Demonstrated ability to learn new skills quickly.Able to supervise new departments without prior experience and meet production goals.Successfuily motivate employees.Excellent interpersonal skills.Gained reputation for honesty and placed in a position of trust. SUMMARY OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS Supervised the start-up of second shift shipping department.Trained new employees,reached full capacity while maintaining quality and production goals. Instructed Quality Development courses. Participated in upgrading assembly systems at Lennon and Epstein Systems. Consistently met and/or surpassed production goals.Supervised same day shipping of orders. Participated with Lennon management team in the move of logistics,service operations from St.Paui to Winona facility.Received cash


美国留学名校塔夫斯大学 塔夫斯大学建于1852年,校址在马萨诸塞州的梅德福,是一所综合性私立大学,现有学生8000多人。塔夫斯大学的办学原则是以质取胜、注重革新。从学生录取、教师的教学到学术研究、教学和科研设施的建立以及对教师的业绩评估等,塔夫斯大学都设立了严格的质量标准,并因其出色的教学和研究而享誉世界。塔夫斯大学有四大办学理念:全球主义、知识型公民、跨学科研究及可持续性发展。塔布斯的学生自学校第一天,就踏上追求自己人生目标的路上。 塔夫斯大学Tufts University院系设置 塔夫斯大学建有环境斯管理研究所、生物技术研究中心、电子和光学技术研究中心等科研机构和文学院、杰克森学院、工程学院、文理学院、营养科学与政策学院、弗雷切尔法学院、外交学院、医学院、牙医学院、兽医学院、生物医学院等十多个学院,设有数十个学科专业,其中部分可以授予硕士、博士学位。 所有学科中医科、牙科、法律、外交、职业治疗学等最为着名,国际关系、政治学科、生物、戏剧、儿童研究、英语和工程类专业也相当不错。20世纪80年代中期,校方运用募捐得来的一笔款项,兴建了一座营养研究中心、两座工程实验室、一所科学中心、和一座电脑设计实验室,使该校理工方面的实力大大增强。 塔夫斯大学Tufts University专业课程 历史、英语、亚洲学、天文学、生物医药工程系统、生工、生物学、化学、化学物理、美国研究、人类学、应用物理、考古学、建筑学、艺术史、经济学、城市事务研究、特殊教育学、公共政策分析、心理卫生护理、神学、西班牙语言文学、生物分子学、材料工程、国际商业、欧洲研究、东亚研究、认知心理学、化工、细胞分子生物学、中文、医学、音乐、戏剧、数学、管理学、管理信息系统、法律、拉丁语、电子通讯、土木工程、人类学、生物化学、天文物理学、环境学、法语、地理、工商管理、化学、古典语言文学、计算机科学、教育学、工程、环境科学、德语、历史、意大利语、心理学、比较宗教学、俄语、社会学、葡萄牙语言文学、建筑学等。 塔夫斯大学Tufts University牙医学院:塔夫斯牙医学院认为,在培育拥有分析能力和对前所未有剧增的知识基础和快速的科技改变有探索精神的专业人士时,研究教学和临床必须要齐头并行,不可或缺。本学院之精神是对病人进行整体考量:不仅应用科学来执业,并且也以关心来医疗人类疾病和寻找其病因。 专业:牙科植体学(Implant Dentistry)口腔公共卫生及社区服务课程(Oral Public Health and Community Service Program)细胞、组织及器官研究(Histology: Study of Cells, Tissues and Organs)临床前之全副义齿补缀(Preclinical Complete Denture Prosthodontics)老人牙医学(Geriatric Dentistry)医药学I (Medicine I)


优秀英文个人简历模板范文 英文简历是求职者求职成功的开路先锋,那你知道英文简历该怎 么写吗?下面是由小编分享的英文版个人简历范文,希望对你有用。 英文版个人简历范文(一) Basic information Full name: xxx Height: 157cm University one is graduated from Jiangsu Normal University: Professional category: finance and Economics Contact telephone number: Gender: Female Weight: 47kg Graduation year: 20xx Specialty: Electronic Commerce Address: Xuzhou XX Road No. XX E-mail: age: 23 Marital status: single Highest level of Education: College Work experience: Graduates Job search intention job: civilian class (Assistant / Secretary / Administrative Assistant) Education experience

In 20xx -20xx year studying in Xuzhou Normal University Electronic commerce professional work experience no Internship experience Had the mobile phone sales, drinks promotions, campus agent and various forms of network of part-time. Accumulated certain experience, enhance personal communication. Training experience Skilled operation computer office software Self assessment Strong learning ability, good attitude adjustment. Honest, positive enterprising spirit and the team cooperation spirit, has the good communication skills, adaptable, eat bitter and difficult challenge. Optimistic and cheerful personality, interests, hobbies of dance and movement, friendly, has the certain organization management ability. To maintain the best condition in the work. 英文版个人简历范文(二) Name XXX mobil:139******** affiliation height Eductional systme degree of census register Professional secretary professional school graduate


应聘外企,教你制作高水准的英文简历 发布时间: 2006-11-26 02:09 作者: webmaster 来源: 本站原创 字体: 小中大 | 上一篇下一篇 | 打印 坐上英文简历快艇,把你送进500强彼岸应聘外企,一份高水准的简历必不可少,英文简历的构成: 一、说明信(Cover letter) 一封介绍性的信笺,介绍你自己以及你应征的目的,并有机会在其中概述你的技能和你能为公司做出的贡献,大多数公司除了要履历之外还要求附上一封说明信。(Anintroductory letter which introduces yourself, states your intent, and gives you an opportunity to summarize your skills and sell what you can offer to a company. Most companies require a cover letter in addition to a resume.)主要包括三部分:开场白(Anfang)、自我介绍(Selbstvorstellung)和结束语(Schluss)。 二、简历(Resume) 一个正规的个人鉴定,描绘出专业目标、工作经历和教育背景以及与某专业相关的其他的活动,或参加的专业组织,等等。这是一种向一个可能成为你老板的人推销你技能和专业技巧的手段。(A formal document which identifies a person, outlines professional goals, describes work history and educational background, andidentifies other activities, member ships in professional associations,etc., which are relevant to a career. It is a tool by which you market or sell your skills and expertise to a potential employer.) 英文简历与中文简历内容相似,主要包括: (一)求职目标(Goals): 一份描述你专业抱负或是职业目标的陈述报告。(A statement which expresses your professional ambitions and/or career objectives.)包括:目标(objective)、工作目标(job objective)、职业目标(careerobjective)、谋求职位(positionsought)、希望职位(position wanted)、申请职位(position applied for)等。 例: 1.Executive and Managerial 管理部分: Executive Marketing Director 市场行政总监 Vice-President 副总裁 Assistant Vice-President 副总裁助理 Controller(General) 管理员 Vice-President of Administration 行政副总裁 manager 经理 Production Manager 生产经理 Operations Manager 操作经理 Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席执行官 President 总统 Chief Operations Officer(COO) 首席运营官 Branch Manager 部门经理 Controller(International) 国际监管 Director of Operations 运营总监 Claims Examiner 主考官 General Manager 总经理 Property Manager 房地产经理 Field Assurance Coordinator 土地担保协调员 District Manager 市区经理 Regional Manager 区域经理 Hospital Administrator 医院管理 HMO Administrator 医疗保险管理 Import/Export Manager 进出口经理 Insurance Claims Controller 保险认领管理员 Program Manager 程序管理经理 Insurance Coordinator 保险协调员 Project Manager 项目经理 Product Manager 产品经理


https://www.360docs.net/doc/a710793403.html,/index100310.asp 留学美国五步走 一.了解美国 1. 美国概况 美国本土东濒大西洋,西临太平洋,北靠加拿大,南接墨西哥及墨西哥湾。其首都为华盛顿(哥伦比亚特区)。美国源自于1776年从英国统治下脱离而出的北美殖民地,13州的殖民地代表们一同发表了《美国独立宣言》,在经历艰苦的独立战争后,于1783年与英国签订了巴黎协约,从此受到世界各国的承认。 2.美国的政治 美国是现存历史最悠久的宪政立宪共和国,有世界上最早并仍在运作的成文《宪法》。在《宪法》授权下,政府通过国会运作代议民主制。政府分为三级架构:联邦、州和地方政府。三级政府中的官员由选民进行不记名投票选举产生,或者由民选官员任命。行政长官和立法机构官员从单一选区多数制选举产生,司法系统和内阁官员由行政长官任命并经立法机构批准产生。在某些州,司法系统官员也通过多数制选举产生。 联邦政府本身有三个分支,互相制约和平衡: 立法机关:即国会,由众议院和参议院两部分组成; 行政机关:即总统,总统提名和参议院批准的内阁官员及其下属,负责行使基于联邦法律的治理权; 司法机关:即最高法院和较低级别的联邦法院,法官由总统提名并参议院批准。 美国国会实行两院立法体制。众议院设435个席位代表各自的国会选区,任期2年。众议院席位根据人口分布,每10年重新划分一次,每个州最少都会分配到1个众议院席位:目前有7个州只有1个议席,人口最多的加利福尼亚州则有高达53个议席。而无论人口众寡,每个州在参议院都有2个席位,加起来共一百席,任期6年;每隔2年,重选三分之一的参议员。 在联邦体制内,州与联邦政府的关系很复杂。根据美国法律,各州是主权实体。然而,在美国内战和“德克萨斯对怀特案”建立的规则是,州无权脱离联邦;根据宪法,也无外交权。美国联邦法律在经过宪法授权的领域要高于各州所制订的不同的法律,但是联邦政府的权力只能在宪法规定的范围之内行使;所有未授予联邦政府的权力由州政府和人民自行保留。 美国宪法以及权利法案等一系列修正案致力维护公民自由:包括言论、宗教信仰和出版自由;接受公正审判的权利;拥有和携带武器的权利;选举和财产权。虽然美国所珍视的西方意识形态追求人权,在具体实践中也有争议:直到1964年《民权法案》才立法禁止种族歧视。一般而言,州内事务的主导权完全在各州政府手中。这包括了内部通讯;关于财产、工业、商业以及公共设施的法规;州的相关法律,诸如死刑;以及州内部的工作情况。很多州立的法律在各州之间都十分相似。在还有一些领域中州的管辖权与联邦政府的管辖权有重叠。美国的联邦和州政府主要有两个政党竞争:共和党和民主党。一些小党的参选人有时也有可能当选。中间偏右的共和党通常在社会议题上属于社会保守派、在经济议题上属于古典自由主义。中间偏左的民主党通常在社会议题上属于自由派、在经济议题上属于进步主义。美国人一般会倾向支持两党中的其中一个,不过一些人也会支持独立的小政党和候选人,包括了自由党、绿党、改革党等。除了2001至2002年由民主党在参议院暂时占多数外,共和党自从1994年以来一直保持在两院的多数优势,目前的总统乔治?沃克?布什属于共和党籍,而在2006年中期选举后,情况又有了新的变化,民主党取代共和党成为参众两院的多数党。 3.美国的经济及科学和科技


优秀英文简历范本|英文简历范文 RESUME Kelly Wang Sex: Female Born: Oct.18, 1982 English:TEM8 Computer: Level-3 Nantong University Major: English Mob: 013055686022 Graduated: July, 2004 kellylighting@sohu Excellent Health EDUCATION 2000.9----2004.7 English Major in Nantong University Vice president of Student Union, Vice president of Singing Association of Foreign Language Department LANGUAGE LEVEL Good command of English, effective written and oral communication AWARD TEM 8----Band 8 certificate, BEC vantage -----Business English of Cambridge Award in the oral English competition in Nantong University. COMPUTER LEVEL Proficient in the operation of Excel, Word and such kind of office software effectively WORKING EXPERIENCE Sept 2003Feb, 2004 Jiangsu Provincial Publishing House Job title: Interpreter ( part time Job) Mar 2004Oct, 2005 ZheJiang Yongkang Vehicle CO.,LTD Job title: Senior Merchandiser Responsible for exploring export market, handling the whole project of exporting mini motorcycles, Establishing good business relationship with my foreign customers by e-business, Canton Fair and other channels Handle shipping documents and tax refund of all orders in export department Contracted with 2 new clients successfully after Canton Fair in October


外企推荐的超完美简历模板 目录 英文简历模板1(毕业生) (2) 英文简历模板2(有工作经验者) (3) 英文简历模板3(秘书) (4) 英文简历模板4(翻译) (5) 英文简历模板5(律师) (6) 英文简历模板6(前台) (7) 英文简历模板7(后勤) (9) 英文简历模板8(会计师) (10) 英文简历模板9(管理员) (11) 英文简历模板10(销售助理) (12) 英文简历模板11(人事助理) (13) 英文简历模板12(市场主管) (14) 英文简历模板13(培训协调员) (16) 英文简历模板14(工业工程师) (17) 英文简历模板15(人力资源总监) (18) 英文简历模板16(酒店文职人员) (20) 英文简历模板17(人力资源招聘专员) (21) 英文简历模板18(客户服务代表) (22)

英文简历模板1(毕业生) Room 212 Building 343 Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 (010) 62771234 Email:good@ https://www.360docs.net/doc/a710793403.html, Zheng Yan --------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development. Education 1997.9-2000.6 Dept.of Automation,Graduate School of Tsinghua University, M.E. 1993.9-1997.7 Dept.of Automation,Beijing Insititute of Technology,B.E. Academic Main Courses Mathematics Advanced Mathematics Probability and Statistics Linear Algebra Engineering Mathematics Numerical Algorithm Operational Algorithm Functional Analysis Linear and Nonlinear Programming Electronics and Computer Circuit Principal Data Structures Digital Electronics Artificial Intelligence Computer Local Area Network Computer Abilitees Skilledin use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, javabeans, HTML, CGI, , Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL software English Skills Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE:2213 Scholarships and Awards 1999.3 Guanghua First-class Scholarship for graduate 1998.11 Metal Machining Practice Award 1997.4 Academic Progress Award


英文简历免费模板 英文求职简历是招聘单位了解外企个人应聘者的首要途径。以下是小编精心推荐的一些英文简历免费模板,一起来学习下吧! 英文简历免费模板(一) name tel email strengths: interpersonal skills - ability to put people at ease; dependable, organized, efficient ;team player; self-starter business experience: the health institute, division of clinical care research, new england medical center, boston, ma november XX - present, executive assistant to director and to research scientist created prepress drafts for flyers, catalogs, order forms, and price lists managed digital image library formatted digital images for website coordinated co-op program and produced credit memos wrote memos, presentations, and correspondence for vice president maintained excel sheets for budget, brand id program, and retail mailer program monitored invoices health dialog, inc., boston, ma sept. 1998-april 1999 administrative assistant for healthcare management firm


college中文.doc San Mateo Community College District 圣马特奥大学学区 International Students 国际学生 Deadlines 申请截止日 *2012年秋季班,美国境外申请截止期:2012年4月15日 美国境内申请截止期:2012年7月1日 開課:2012年8月 *2013年春季班,国境外申请截止期:2012年10月15日 美国境内申请截止期:2012年12月1日 開課:2013年1月 If you do not have a valid F1 visa then you need to follow the deadlines from outside the country. 注:如果您没有有效的F1签证,那么你的申请要按照美国境外的截止日期。 聖馬特奧大學學區三所分校: 肯尔那达学院 Ca?ada College 4200 Farm Hill Blvd. Redwood City, CA 94061 USA Ca?ada Main Site 肯尔那达学院主网页 Ca?ada International Site 肯尔那达学院国际网页 Ca?ada Map 肯尔那达学院地图 圣马特奥学院 College of San Mateo 1700 W. Hillsdale Boulevard San Mateo, CA 94402-3784 USA CSM Main Site 圣马特奥学院主网页

CSM International Site 圣马特奥学院国际网页 CSM Map/Virtual Tour 圣马特奥学院地图和网上遊览 斯凯兰学院 Skyline College 3300 College Dr. San Bruno, CA 94066 ?USA Skyline Main Site 斯凯兰学院主网页 Skyline International Site 斯凯兰学院国际网页 Skyline Map 斯凯兰学院地图 2年在圣马特奥总院 + 2年在全美各个4年制大学(包括直升美國名校) = 学士学位低学费,高品质教学包括转入:加州大学各校 小班上课,一对一的关注加州州立大学各校 有利的学习环境私立艺术大学 闻名全球的地点长春藤名校 绝佳的升入四年制大学良机及很多全美各地的大学 为什么选择肯尔那达学院、圣马特奥学院或斯凯兰学院? 学费:相当公立大学学费的1/5,私立大学的1/10 *有荣誉课程*转换学分,成绩合格保送4年制大学*许多著名校友*丰富的历史 *非常有利学习的环境*转入优良大学的良机 *屡获殊荣的教师*设有超过100个专业的课程 *优良的服务为后盾,以帮助学生成功*一对一的关注


英文简历模板100篇 :11-18中学教师中英文简历范文 英文简历现在大家也不会很陌生了,中学教师的英文简历要怎么写呢?下文是中学教师中英文简历范文,希望对你们有所帮助。中学教师中英文简历范文【一】123, Lee St E Charleston, WVTELL:****** Email:Objective: Seeking a secondary 英文简历范文制作技巧 We will cover the purpose of resume, when to use one, how to format effectively and how to write content that promote your qualifications.我们将讲述简历的制作目的,使用日期,怎样制作有效简历以及如何编辑简历以提升职业匹配应届毕业生如何写好英文简文范文 想要进外企的同学,一定要制作一份好的英文简历,才能打动面试官的芳心。下面来跟大家讨论一下针对应届生英文简历的模式和英文写法,如果你正在制作英文简历的话,务必要看一眼哦!LZ中文不好,今天刚被顾问批评写的中文报告全部都是英式中采购员优秀英文简历范文 purchaser resumeName:WTT.Nationality:ChinaHeight/Weight: ***cm** kgMarital Status:SingleAge:** yearsCareer

ObjectiveApplication type: JobseekerPreferred job title:Purchasing: PurchaserWorking life: 英文简历范文你会写了吗?常用专有名词介绍 你还在为英文简历中生僻的专有名词而烦恼吗?现成的常用专有名词送给你!不管你读大几,都一定用得上!一、国家及校级奖项、称号(1)奖学金国家奖学金 National Scholarship国家励志奖学金 National Encouragement scholarship三好学生标兵制作高水平英文简历范文,成功应聘外企 坐上英文简历快艇,把你送进500强彼岸应聘外企,一份高水准的简历必不可少,英文简历的构成:一、说明信(Cover letter一封介绍性的信笺,介绍你自己以及你应征的目的,并有机会在其中概述你的技能和你能为公司做出的贡献,大多数公司除了 化学工程专业英文简历范文 Personal Information:Name:*** Sex: MaleDate of Birth:Dec.28th,19** Native Place: Meishan Sichuan, P.R.ChinaHealth:Good Marital Status: UnmarriedAddress:College of Biology and Chemical Engineering, Panzhihua University, 电台主持人英文简历范文 DennisObjective: Television presenter (Height: 178cm)Hosting video:***@***.(+86) 123-456-789SELF-


外企个人英文简历范文 name email professionalexperience XX-presentattorney emerson,lake&palmer,p.c.,atlanta,ga trialattorneyinmedium- sized,generalpracticelawfirmwithextensivecorporatedealings. areasofconcentrationhaveincludedenvironmental,publicutility ,generalbusinessandappellatelitigation. XX-XXassistantdistrictattorney athensdistrictattorney#39;soffice,athens,ga seniortrialattorneyresponsibleforprosecutingmajorfelonyc asesinthesuperiorcourt.supervisedcriminalinstigationsandtra inedassistantdistrictsttorneys.prosecutedoverthirtymajorfel onyjurycasesincludingmurder,rape,andchildabuse.briefedandar guedoverfortycasesbeforethesupremejudicialcourtandtheappeal scourt. XX-XXlawclerk/assistanttowncouncil townofmarietta,marietta,ga generalmunicipalandappellatelitigation. education georglainstititeoftechnology,atlanta,ga j.d.,XX,cumlaude.


英文简历自我评价优秀范文5篇 自我介绍在英文简历中占有一定的位置,那你知道英文简历的自我介绍该怎么写吗?下面是由小编分享的英文简历自我评价优秀范文,希望对你有用。 英文简历自我评价优秀范文(一) respected Professors:Good afternoon! I'm great honored to meet you here.Now allow me to give a brief self-introduction: I'm *******,26 years old , born in ***** city ,HeNan Province.In year 1996,I entered ********University, majoring in Machincal Designing and Producing. During those 4 years'study,I worked hard and I was always active in various activities . I gained the first scholarship for four times and I joined the Communist Party at the college.After my graduation in June 20xx,I worked in ——company.I got a position in the Technology Department the first year and I was involved in several internet projects, such as the one for College student Recruitment in Henan Province and the one for Computer Center in Mathmatics Department in Zhengzhou University. Owning to my hard work ,I was rewarded the Best Newcomer Prize in the year 20xx. The next year, I was transferred into the Principal Customer Department, responsible for the Developing and


应聘外企的英文简历范文 Balance Sheet基本方法 选择要应聘的工作后,必须看清招聘广告上所列出的每项要求,再将自己的学历、能力与兴趣逐一与之比较,作一张balance sheet. 例如,一则关于marketing management trainee和job requirement是这样写的: We are looking for a petent person to fill the captioned position: -University graduate major in Marketing Management. Prepared to develop career in the mercial field -Outgoing personality -Able to municate at different levels -Good knowledge of PC operations -Proficiency in written and spoken English/Mandarin 那么你相应地考虑自己的qualification的选择和表述,就 可以这样写(与上列各项对应): -University graduate with major in Marketing -Having actively participated in Business clubs activities and learned accounting and management

-Good in munication with people and like a lot of out door activities, know how to tackle with people from all walks of life -Skillful in operating Words, Excel, Lotus1-2-3, etc -Fluent in English and Mandarin 这个方法的好处是可让求职者清楚了解该职位是否适合自己,而本身资料又是否切合要求,而且,明白了各项要求后,就可依据每一点在履历表上重点提出自己在该方面的强项。突出卖点(selling point),将之放在最吸引人的地方,使招聘者一眼可见,有利于present自己。 Work experience工作经验的陈述 工作经验是resume中令招聘者相当感兴趣的一项内容,善加措词是不可忽视的要务。 刚毕业,何来工作经验?其实,读书时的兼职、实习、实践,以至所曾参加的一些课外活动-协助出版学校刊物、举办活动,展览、宣传--都可算是工作经验、不过,表达起来要有针对性地展开,列出那些与所找工作有关的项目重点介绍,必要时更可使用summary的方式,以给招聘者深入的了解。 下面的写法显得相当简陋呆板: 1996/7-1996/8 General Clerk, IBM 1995/7-1995/8 Account clerks, Manley Toy Trading 1994/6-1994/8Salesgirl, Esprit.
