

Improvement of Second Language Acquisition comes from supplying communicative and comprehensible input.

The input hypothesis:It states simply that we acquire (not learn) language by understanding input that is a little beyond our current level of (acquired) competence

Input is used to refer to the language that is addressed to the L2 learner either by a native speaker or by another L2 learner. what learners hear and read.

Methods:The methods for investigating input and interaction is that colecting data to study learner language .These data consisted of transcriptions of the interactions in which the learners took part, involving both detailed linguistic analyses and discourse and conversational analysis.

Three different views about input: The Behaviourist view that input is the primary mechanism in language acquisition.Without input, learning cannot occur. The nativist view that learners have internal systems that construct language in a particular order, regardless of the input. The nativist view minimizes the role of the input and explains language development primarily in terms of the learner’s internal processing mechanisms. The interactionist treats acquisition of language as the result of and interaction between the learner’s mental abilities and the linguistic environment. The learner’s processing mechanisms both determine and

are determined by the nature of the input.

The behaviourist view emphasizes the importance of the linguistic environment, which is treated in terms of stimuli and feedback. The nativist view minimizes the role of the input and explains language development primarily in terms of the learner’s internal processing mechanisms. The interactionist view sees language development as the result both of input factors and of innate mechanisms. Language acquisition derives from the efforts of the learner and his interlocutors and involves a dynamic interplay between external and internal factors. Input and interaction in natural settings

Caretaker talk

When caretakers speak to young children who are in the process of acquiring their L1, they typically adjust their speech in a number of ways. The register that results has been referred to variously as ‘baby-talk’, ‘motherese’, ‘caretaker talk’, and ‘child-directed language’Motherese concentrates on the “here and now”rather than on the abstract and remote.

The features of caretaker talk

It is more ungrammatical than speech addressed to adults;

It is simpler;

It is more redundant.

Foreigner talk

In natural settings, input has been considered in terms of foreigner talk. When native speakers address learners, they adjust their normal speech in order to facilitate understanding. These adjustments, which involve both language form and language function, constitute ‘foreigner talk’. The modified speech used by native speakers when talking to L2 learners. It was first studied by Charles Ferguson in 1975. It can promote communication. Gass and Varonis (1994) have found that native speaker modifications are more frequent in two-way communication because conversation provides the native speaker with feedback from the learner and thus enables him to estimate the amount of adjustment required. It can signal speakers' attitude towards their interlocutors. It can teach the target language implicitly.

Input and interaction in classroom settings

Teacher talk

As the main source of input in classroom setting, teacher talk is the speech produced by the teacher in the classroom in order to pass on knowledge or to organize the class or for some interpersonal purposes. Teacher talk parallels that of foreign talk.

Teacher talk refers to the language of teaching tasks as prescribed in textbooks and the language the teacher uses to perform such teaching tasks as paragraphing words or sentences or illustrating grammar rules.

In general, the research confirms the finding for L1 classroom ---

namely, that the teacher takes up about two-thirds of the total time. There is considerable evidence of variability among teachers and programs, but the general picture is again one of teacher dominance in that teachers are likely to explain, question and command and learners to respond. Teachers, like native speakers in general, slow down their rate of speech when talking to learners in comparison to other native speakers and also do so to a greater extent with less proficient learners. However, there is considerable variability among teachers. Teachers are likely to make use of longer pauses when talking to learners than to other native speakers. There have been few studies which have attempted to quantify these aspects of teacher talk, but teachers appear to speak more loudly and to make their speech more distinct when addressing L2 learners. teachers vary their choice of words in accordance with the learners’proficiency level.

Firstly, a teacher can improve his Teacher talk to create harmonious atmosphere in foreign language teaching. Secondly, a good teacher needs to make sure that all students get the feeling of being encouraged. It is the best way for teacher to use the linguistic tools to verbally encourage students, not by pointing out that students’weaknesses do not matter, but by highlighting their strengths.

Interlanguage talk

The language that learners address to each other (ILT constitutes the

primary source of input for many learners). ILT provides learners with opportunities for negotiating meaning as occur in foreigner talk. Interaction Hypothesis

Interaction Hypothesis claims that learners acquire through talking with others. According to this hypothesis, learners are likely to have misunderstandings in their interaction because they do not know the language perfectly. In this situation, the learner will try to use some strategies to express his idea clearly, such as repeating, using other words and simple structures.

Through negotiation of meaning, both the speaker and the listener clarify the contents, verify the understanding, make communicative respond and give feedback to each other, as well as a chance to examine his own assumption.

The Interaction hypothesis is a theory of second-language acquisition which states that the development of language proficiency is promoted by face-to-face interaction and communication.

The idea existed in the 1980s, but is usually credited to Michael Long for his 1996 paper The role of the linguistic environment in second language acquisition.

There are some principles about interaction hypothesis

1. The linguistic characteristics of target language input need to be made salient.

2. Learners should receive help in comprehending semantic and syntactic aspects of linguistic input.

3. Learners need to have opportunities to produce target language output.

4. Learners need to notice errors in their own output

5. Learners need to correct their linguistic output.

6. Learners need to engage in target language interaction whose structure can be modified for negotiation of meaning.

7. Learners should engage in L2 tasks designed to maximise opportunities for good interaction.


Output (producing language) is also necessary for language learning - Output Hypothesis (Swain, 1995). Understanding language and producing language are different skills, and the comprehensible input is not enough to push the learner’s linguistic competence to a higher level. Output, the language that the learner himself produces, is an important part of the language acquisition as well. output is the result of learning which actually exists in oral or written forms. Output is also of great significance to L2 acquisition. There are three functions about output. Attention function indicates that the target language output causes the learner to pay more attention to the difference between what he wants to say and what he has said, which will stimulate the conscious learning.

Confirmation function stresses that learner has the upper hands to identify and correct. Meta-language function means that when producing the language, the learner realizes his own problems which the feedback system in the brain makes the learner to respond and correct.

Language acquisition is a bilateral interaction process in which the input and output are closely related. To cultivate the linguistic competence, the learners not only need to listen, but also need to open their mouths to speak and pick up their pens to write. In practice, learners can build up their language sense and perfect their communications, which are favorable conditions for the language study. The balance between language input and language output plays an import ant role in second language acquisition.Once we notice the balance betw een language input and output,we will become more efficient in language learning .If we ignore this balance, especially only focus on language input,most of us are incapable in oral s peaking and writing.To sum up,teachers should adopt different kinds of te aching methods on the basis of the balance between language input and o utput,so that their students can have an all-round development capability i n second language acquisition.


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XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 科目毕业论文写作 院贵州民族学院外国语学院 专业英语语言文学 年级 学年 姓名 学号 成绩评定

and English Speaking Thesis statement: The study of the interaction of psychological factors and English speaking can improve the teaching of spoken English. 1. Introduction 2. The Five Important Psychological Factors in Spoken English 2.1. Motivation 2.2. Anxiety 2.3 Self-esteem 2.4 Extroversion 2.5 Self-concept 3. The Application of the Five Psychological Factors in Teaching and Learning Oral English 3.1 The “Psychology-based” Teaching Approach 3.2 The Realization of the Approach in Spoken English Teaching Practice 3.2.1 Teachers Responsibility 3.2.2 Students Duty 4. Conclusion Abstract: Spoken English is generally considered an important part in English as a Foreign Language classroom. Many linguists, educationists, and even English teachers have been exploring ways of improving spoken English. They investigated factors concerning English speaking, such as social factors, teachers’ influences, learners’ strategies. This paper attempt s to find effective ways to teach spoken English by exploring the interaction of students’ psychological factors and their oral English. Key Words: interaction; motivation; anxiety; extroversion; self-esteem


Paper for the course of second language acquisition Understanding of second language acquisition

Understanding of second language acquisition This semester I enter the course of second language acquisition taught by professor Yu. Before this course, I really don’t know that there are some difference between second language acquisition and foreign language acquisition; with my understanding, they are just the same thing. With the further studying, I get to know the differences between the second language acquisition and the foreign language acquisition and also some theories or hypothesis about second language acquisition. Second language acquisition, generally refers to the process of learning another language after the native language has been learned. It can refer to any language learned after learning the first language, regardless of whether it is the second, third, fourth, or other language. While the foreign language acquisition refers to the foreign language learns mainly learn the language in formal instruction classroom setting and usually have less chance to experience the real target language environment. A second or foreign language can rarely be learned or taught without addressing the culture of community in which it is used. Thomas observes that nonnative speakers are often perceived to display inappropriate language behaviors and often are not even aware that they do. In Rosaldo’s study of culture and the individual, she points out that culture is far more than a mere catalogue of rituals and beliefs.


四种二语习得理论 1、中介语理论(Interlanguage)by Selinker ML TL chiglish target language 中介语是介于母语与目标语之间的一种语言 Positive transfer(正迁移)母语的干扰:Transfer(迁移) Negative transfer(负迁移)正迁移(positive):母语帮助目标语 2、文化移入说(Acculturation . Model)--by Schunman(舒曼) 3、渐进体系说(Approximative System) 循序渐进(Graduality) Palmer ( 帕默) "Snowball" 四先原则:先易后难,先简后繁,先死后活,先集体后个人。 4、输入说(Input Theory)S.D.Krashen(克拉申) 对于二语的习得,要进行大量的,可理解性的输入 "i+1"即"input+1","1"相当于不定量"n" “中国外语立体教学理论”by “张正东”所用甚少 四、环境对外语教学的影响 Critical period 关键期假说 “13”is the critical age 1、印度狼孩 2、非洲黑猩猩孩 3、辽宁猪孩 思考题:语言学对我国外语教学有什么样的启示 第二部分:外语教学流派(Schools of FILM ) 教学目的:1、了解英语教学法主要流派。 2、借签 第四讲:

一、FLIM: Foreign Language Teaching Methods (一).GTM(语法翻译法)----Grammar Translation Methods 始于18世纪末19世纪中,源于欧洲(西欧),(18世纪前的拉丁语) 中国从1872年开始,同文馆标志着中国班级教学的开始。 GTM持续到20世纪70年代。主要特点如下(弊端) 1、重视书面语,轻视口语。 2、重视语法教学。①按语法的体系来编教材 ②用演绎法教语法 ③充分利用本族语,翻译为课堂主要活动。 ④句子是教学的基本单位。 不足:课堂80%在讨论语言,20%操练;消极活动占85%,积极活动占15% (二)、直接法(Direct Methods) 始于19世纪末,源于欧洲。它的背景是移民、商业发达等。其特点如下: 1、帕默的"snowball" 循序渐进 2、AA制"Ask -Answer"制 直接法作为科学外语教学的开端 (三)、听说法(Auduiolingual Methods)源于二战 20世纪40-60年代源于美国,20世纪70-90年代在中国盛行。其产生背景是珍珠港事件(Bloomfield布龙菲尔德)。其特点如下: 1、听读领先 2、句型操练(听说法的核心) 过程:①耳听会意 ②模仿(跟读,齐读,抽读,纠错,改正记忆) ③重复(检查) ④变换操练(机械练习有意义练习交际练习) 3、缺点:①脱离了内容和环境,学生无话可说。 ②无法交际。 ③忽视了读写。 思考题:听说领先,读写跟上指导下的英语课堂教学模式探讨。 第五讲 (四)视听法(Audio-Visual Method)例如"Family Albumn" 1、始于20世纪50年代在法国,又称情景法(Situational Method)例如Follow Me 2、特点:①整体感知(Global Senses).它包括音、形、义、词、句、


化学类专业及院校介绍 1.化学 主干学科:化学 主要课程:无机化学、分析化学(含仪器分析)、有机化学、物理化学(含结构化学)、化学工程基础等。 包括生产实习、毕业论文等,一般安排10~20周。 培养目标 本专业培养具备化学的基础知识、基本理论和基本技能,能在化学及与化学相关的科学技术和其它领域从事科研、教学、技术及相关管理工作的高级专门人才。 培养要求 本专业学生主要学习化学方面的基础知识、基本理论和基本技能与方法,受到科学思维和科学实验的训练,具有一定的科学研究、应用研究及科技管理的能力。 就业方向 1.掌握数学、物理等方面的基本理论和基本知识; 2.掌握无机化学、分析化学(含仪器分析)、有机化学、物理化学(含结构化学)及化学工程的基础知识、基本原理和基本实验技能; 3.了解相近专业的一般原理和知识;

4.了解国家关于科学研究、化学相关产业的政策,国内外知识产权等方面的法律法规; 5.了解化学某些领域的理论前沿、应用前景和最新发展动态以及化学相关产业发展状况: 6.掌握中外文资料查询、文献检索及运用现代信息技术获取相关信息的基本方法;具有一定的实验设计,创造实验条件,归纳、整理、分析实验结果,撰写论文,参与学术交流的能力。 开设院校 [北京]清华大学[广东]中山大学 [上海]复旦大学[北京]北京理工大学 [北京]中国人民大学[河南]郑州大学 [吉林]吉林大学[江苏]苏州大学 [天津]南开大学[湖南]湖南大学 [重庆]西南大学[山东]中国海洋大学 [四川]成都理工大学[山东]青岛科技大学 [北京]北京师范大学[广东]广州大学 [北京]中国农业大学[上海]华东师范大学 [甘肃]兰州大学[陕西]西北大学 [河北]河北大学[辽宁]辽宁大学 [安徽]安徽大学[四川]西南石油大学


考查课作业 姓 谢培辉 名 院系国际商学系 学 124042011037 号 年 2011 级 专 国际经济与贸易业 1 班级 考试 计量经济学科目 考试 分数

关于影响就业人数因素的计量分析 【摘要】本文通过对各地区的数据进行计量经济分析,探讨相关经济变量对就业人数的影响,并以工资额与就业人数为代表构建模型 【关键字】大学生就业工资额就业人数 一、引言 就业是我们很关注的问题,人口就业和收入分配是关系国计民生的热点问题。在国际金融危机冲击和复杂多变的经济形势下,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,及时解决经济运行中的问题,经济发展总体上呈现平稳发展的局面,就业局势总体保持稳定,新增就业人数创出新高,劳动报酬总额、工资水平稳步提高。 最近,据中国媒体援引人力和社会保障部的最新统计数据,二零一零年全国高校毕业生为630万人,比去年的611万多19万人,加上往届未能就业的,需要就业的毕业生数量很大,高校毕业生就业形势十分严峻。随着九十年代末大学扩招和教育产业化政策推行以来,大学生人数的增幅远远超过经济增长所需要的人才增长,大学生就业不难才是怪事,"毕业即失业"成为中国大学生的普遍现象。尽管如此,中国教育部决定继续扩大全日制专业学位硕士研究生招生规模,努力培养更多高层次、应用型人才。表面上看,研究生扩招能提高大学生学历层次,可以缓解就业难。但是,如果不清理高等教育积弊,扩招研究生来应对就业难将是饮鸩止渴,使就业矛盾更加突出。 随着市场就业体系的形成及隐性失业的显性化,单纯依靠经济发展对劳动力需求的拉动,难以全面解决劳动就业问题。从我国劳动力供需矛盾尖锐化的国情出发,通过各种途径减少劳动力市场上的过度供给,缓解就业压力,应当作为制定就业政策的一个重要考虑内容。作为长期决策,要确立高素质人才优先就业的方针。政府应对各类企业进行分类,对高科技企业,如电力、化工、电子信息、机械制造等行业,给予特殊劳动力的供给政策,进入这些企业的人员就当具备较高的学历水平。工资额也应和就业相适应,对此提出计量分析。 二选题意义 从上面分析可以看出,解决就业问题意义重大,主要体现在一下几个方面: 1.充分配置劳动力资源,提高社会生产效率;


College of Foreign Languages Shandong Agricultural University Course Name: 应用语言学Credits: _____2___________ Name: 田冬 Student ID: 2015110591 Date: Jau.15. 2016

应用语言学:基于实践的理论 我对这个领域的理解 从我在德国文学领域的研究,以及20世纪50年代在法国的学习,以及后来我移民到美国。我发现我在20世纪60年代在学术氛围浓厚的美国大学做出乎意料的大量的外语教学。我不知道在美国教授语言被认为不如教授文学,我开始厌恶美国外国语言和文学系中的语言、文学层级结构。终究,我认为,文学是由语言构成的,我们必须先学会语言才能明白文学的微妙。这些年来,我发现我对解析文学文本和分析句子都不感兴趣,但我对演讲者和作者如何在不同的语言中表达他们的思想很感兴趣。事实上,我对我和我的美国学生在世界观上的基本区别不感兴趣,尽管我们在课堂上都讲德语。我对英语和德语有一个法国局外人的观点,正如他们对法语和德语有一个美国局外人的观点。这种局外人的视角对我的实践来说是痛苦的,但对我的研究是有好处的。这些我教学实践中遇到的问题是我的一块肥沃的研究领域。在教授我的学生德语词汇时我教授了什么认知范畴?并且,为什么我的美国学生总是用一些在法语或德语中没有对应的单词比如challenge或者agency?今天,这些问题在我的头脑中形成了关于语篇和跨文化理解的更大的问题。我意识到我作为学者的身份或许和在这个特殊的领域做贡献的其他人有些不同。尽管我大部分时间在美国,我故意停留在盎格鲁-撒克逊和欧洲大陆教育和文化传统的交叉点上。事实上,这些年来,关于不同文化间的误解一直是我研究工作的一个主要推动力。 我沉浸于一本小的自传的原因是为了突出我如何来到应用语言学以及我个人对这个领域的理解。是教学中遇到的问题促使我在社会科学而非文学和文化领域中寻求答案。通过Pierre Bourdieu 的工作,我对演讲者而非演讲感兴趣,对话语而非语言系统感兴趣。Bourdieu在1977年用英语出版的Outline of a Theory of the Practice,美国应用语言学会也在同年成立,第一届大会于1978年由Wilga Rivers组织并在波士顿举行。他是当时哈佛大学的法语教授并且是学会的首任主席。由于我在麻省理工学院教学,Wilga Rivers慷慨地允许我参加他在哈佛的基于心理语言学的二语习得的研讨班并将我带入了应用语言学的领域。 Bourdieu当时在法国的畅销书对我来说是一个启示。他对反映社会学的呼唤,冲破了科学的客观性和实践性的界限。这与我对理解语言学习者的努力产生了共鸣。它打消了我作为移民的焦虑并坚定了我对研究事业的决心。在那个时候我通过二语习得的分支对应用语言学的发现使我在社会科学领域拥有一席之地,同时通过话语文体学的分支使我对文学的原始研究有了新的发现。 对我来说,应用语言学从来不是语言学理论或其他理论对语言教学中的实际问题的应用。它是语言研究本身的实践,并且是可以从实践中得到的理论。和Bourdieu对人种学的研究一样,我对应用语言学的兴趣源自它提供了基于实践的理论。与其称作应用语言学,我宁愿称它为实践语言研究。然而,这样一个名字必然会引来歧义。应用语言学不能等同于语言教学方法或者是课程与教学论。应用语言学不像理论语言学或者社会功能系统那样是一门抽象的研究语言系统的科学。它是一个基于实证经验的领域,从中产生基于实践的理论。 抛开它的名字,应用语言学不仅从语言学理论也从其它领域比如心理学,社会学,人类学中发展的理论中获得启示。像其它对复杂系统的研究一样,应用语言学的目标有两方面。一是观察,解释,分析,阐释实践并将其研究的成果告知实践者;二是反映实践者和研究者的实践并发展实践的理论。 近年来,一些语言学家提出了一系列语言实践的应用语言学理论。比如,维果茨基学派关于社会文化心理学的学者把活动聚焦于二语习得中的单元分析。Pennycook的《作为实践的语言》指出语言从活动中产生。Widdowson的《实践文体学》提供了探索它对研究者和实践者的益处的机会。话语分析学家比如Kasper,Markee,或者Gardner和Wagner研究了会话实践分析如何促进二语习得理论。在专业领域,Chris Candlin和Srikant Sarangi和已将他们的期刊《应用语言学与专业实践》更名以缓解应用语言学中研究与实践的紧张关系。

二语习得 文献综述 作业样本

英师11101班 201100495 姓名: 关于年龄因素与二语习得研究的文献综述 姓名: 摘要:年龄问题是二语习得研究领域一个热点话题,其研究主要集中在探讨语言学习有无一个敏感期(sensitive period)或临界期(critical period,有人译做关键期)的问题上。通过对近20年来一些具有代表性的论文的分析,大概可将这些研究分为两类,一是翻译和评介外国理论,二是探讨年龄差异与外语教学。 关键词:年龄因素,二语习得,文献,综述。 第二语言习得(Second Language Acquisition)是一个相对比较年轻的一个领域。但是,在过去的四、五十年间该领域的各项研究已有了一个长足的发展与进步。年龄问题是二语习得研究领域一个热点话题,其研究主要集中在探讨语言学习有无一个敏感期(sensitive period)或临界期(critical period,有人译做关键期)的问题上。(王初明,2001)我国学者除了翻译介绍国外理论以外,还主要探讨了所谓临界期或关键期对于外语教学的启示等问题,这方面已有大量文章问世。下面,笔者将对近20年来关于二语习得年龄问题的论文作一综述,疏漏不当之处,敬请指教。 一、翻译、评介国外理论的论著 国外有关二语习得年龄研究的理论成果大多围绕着所谓的关键假说(Critical Period Hypothesis,或译临界期假说)展开的。这一理论最初的构想来自Lennenberg(1967),后来围绕此理论形成支持派和反对派。我国学者对国外理论的引进主要集中在对支持派和反对派观点的介绍和评述上。戴曼纯介绍了 C .Snow和M. Hoefnagel-hohle(1978)有关关键期假说的相关试验及研究,以及一些学者有关“敏感期”假设的实验研究(戴曼纯,1994)。王初明就国外语言习得临界期的研究所取得的成果进行了大致介绍(王初明,2001)。王立非和李瑛就美国二语习得专家David Birdsong在1999年出版的《第二语言习得与关键


从认知心理学的语言输入、吸收、输出方面来研究二语 习得 【摘要】:第二语言习得的研究始于20世纪40年代,实际上,语言是人类大脑在人类实践中思维与活动的产物.对语言的研究实际上是一个心理学.尤其是认知心理学的问题。在二语习得过程中,输入、吸收和输出是其必要的关键环节。目前对于二语学习中输入和输出环节的研究然而,在二语学习过程中,如何更多的将语言输入转化为吸收,促进语言输出的准确度和流利度,在反馈中使学习者发现与目标语的差异,从而更好地感知理解语言输入,提高将语言输入转化为吸收的可能也显得十分重要。我们认为,语言习得的过程就像是一个信息加工的流程,学习者必须要对语言进行语码加工,这一语码加工的过程就包括了语码的输入、吸收和输出。很多,且大都集中在学习者的心理认知方面,讨论它们对于外语教学的指导性作用。 儿童的语言是如何获得的?行为主义认为是后天学习的结果。学习的本质是“刺激一反应”的联结.语言学习也就是语言符号和符号所标志的事物之间的联结的形成。社会学习理论进一步发展了“强化”的概念。它认为。学习中的强化不一定是来自他人,也可以是儿童的自我强化。强化可以是物质的,也可以是精神的。当儿童能够从某种活动中获得愉悦感受,这种愉悦的感受会增加他进行类似活动的频率;当儿童看到别人的某种行为受到了奖励或惩罚.他也会学习着做或者不做某件事。因此,儿童完全可以通过模仿成人或同伴的语言来学习语言。上述行为主义理论.过分强调了语言环境在语言习得中的作用.并且把语言习得看成是言语习惯形成的机械过程。20世纪60年代以后.认知主义心理学形成潮流.呈三个阶段发展:

在70年代以前.以认知结构论为主。以布鲁纳和奥苏伯尔为代表。他们认为:学习过程是认知结构的组织和再组织过程。学习的实质在于主动地形成认知结构,并使已有的认知结构不断分化和整合。他们强调,通过一定的方式和情景,使有内在联系的学习材料与学习者原有认知结构关联起来。新旧知识就会发生相互作用.新材料在学习者的头脑中就有了真正的意义。70年代以后,信息加工论盛行。该理论通过把人的认知和计算机进行功能模拟,分析人的认知过程,认为人的认知过程是一个主动寻找信息、接受信息并在一定的认知结构中进行加工的过程。把学习过程看作信息植入一编码一加工一贮存一提取一输出应用的过程。研究重心由低级认知能力转移到高级认知活动上,研究范围扩展到认知结构、认知表征、认知图式、认知过程的发生机制等领域。同时研究方法也向以实验研究为主的方向发展。这一理论对语言习得的研究和外语教学的发展产生了深刻影响。语言学家们也纷纷开始从信息加工的角度来研究语言习得。 美国语言学家S.D.Krashen在20世纪80年代初提出了著名的且颇有争议的二语习得模式―“监察模式”.它包括了五大假说。即习得与学习假说,自然顺序假说,监控假说,输入假说和情感过滤假说。Krashen将他的五大假说进行了汇总。并作了细致的描述和论证,尤其肯定了输入假说的重要地位。他认为.输入假说“也许是当今第二语言习得理论中唯一最重要的一个概念”.因为它回答了语言学习中的一个关键问题。即怎样习得语言.尤其是外语。他认为单纯主张语料输入是不够的.学习者需要“可理解输入”。“可理解输入”是语言习得的必要条件。 而本文要讨论的问题大部分理论来源于Gass.Gass从认知心理学的角度描绘了人脑认知机制习得语言的流程图。


期末计量经济学论文作 业 Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】

考查课作业 谢培辉 姓名 院 系国际商学系 学号 2011 年级 国际经济与贸易 专业 班 1 级 计量经济学 考试科目 考试分数 关于影响就业人数因素的计量分析

【摘要】本文通过对各地区的数据进行计量经济分析,探讨相关经济变量对就业人数的影响,并以工资额与就业人数为代表构建模型 【关键字】大学生就业工资额就业人数 一、引言 就业是我们很关注的问题,人口就业和收入分配是关系国计民生的热点问题。在国际金融危机冲击和复杂多变的经济形势下,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,及时解决经济运行中的问题,经济发展总体上呈现平稳发展的局面,就业局势总体保持稳定,新增就业人数创出新高,劳动报酬总额、工资水平稳步提高。 最近,据中国媒体援引人力和社会保障部的最新统计数据,二零一零年全国高校毕业生为630万人,比去年的611万多19万人,加上往届未能就业的,需要就业的毕业生数量很大,高校毕业生就业形势十分严峻。随着九十年代末大学扩招和教育产业化政策推行以来,大学生人数的增幅远远超过经济增长所需要的人才增长,大学生就业不难才是怪事,"毕业即失业"成为中国大学生的普遍现象。尽管如此,中国教育部决定继续扩大全日制专业学位硕士研究生招生规模,努力培养更多高层次、应用型人才。表面上看,研究生扩招能提高大学生学历层次,可以缓解就业难。但是,如果不清理高等教育积弊,扩招研究生来应对就业难将是饮鸩止渴,使就业矛盾更加突出。 随着市场就业体系的形成及隐性的显性化,单纯依靠经济发展对劳动力需求的拉动,难以全面解决劳动就业问题。从我国劳动力供需矛盾尖锐化的国情出发,通过各种途径减少劳动力市场上的过度供给,缓解就业压力,应当作为制定就业政策的一个重要考虑内容。作为长期决策,要确立高素质人才优先就业的方针。政府应对各类企业进行分类,对高科技企业,如电力、化工、电子信息、机械制造等行业,给予特殊劳动力的供给政策,进入这些企业的人员就当具备较高的学历水平。工资额也应和就业相适应,对此提出计量分析。 二?选题意义? 从上面分析可以看出,解决就业问题意义重大,主要体现在一下几个方面:?1.充分配置劳动力资源,提高社会生产效率;? 2.提高和保持劳动者素质;?


化学发展史简介 概述化学发展史的五个时期 自从有了人类,化学便与人类结下了不解之缘。钻木取火,用火烧煮食物,烧制陶器,冶炼青铜器和铁器,都是化学技术的应用。正是这些应用,极大地促进了当时社会生产力的发展,成为人类进步的标志。今天,化学作为一门基础学科,在科学技术和社会生活的方方面面正起看越来越大的作用。化学史大致分为: 远古的工艺化学时期。这时人类的制陶、冶金、酿酒、染色等工艺主要是在实践经验的直接启发下经过多少万年摸索而来的,化学知识还没有形成。这是化学的萌芽时期。 炼丹术和医药化学时期。从公元前1500年到公元1650年,炼丹术士和炼金木士们,在皇宫、在教堂、在自己的家里、在深山老林的烟熏火燎中,为求得长生不老的仙丹,为求得荣华富责的黄金,开始了最早的化学实验。记载、总结炼丹术的书藉,在中国、阿拉伯、埃及、希腊都有不少。这一时期积累了许多物质间的化学变化,为化学的进一步发展准备了丰富的素材。这是化学史上令我们惊叹的雄浑的一幕。后来,炼丹术、炼金术几经盛衰,使人们更多地看到了它荒唐的一面。化学方法转而在医药和冶金方面得到了正当发挥。在欧洲文艺复兴时期,出版了一些有关化学的书耕,第一次有了“化学”这个名词。英语的chemistry 起源于alchemy,即炼金术。chemist至今还保留昔两个相关的含义:化学家和药剂师。这些可以说是化学脱胎于炼金术和制药业的文化遗迹了。 燃素化学时期。从1650年到1775年,随着冶金工业和实验室经验的积累,人们总结感性知识,认为可燃物能够燃烧是因为它含有燃素,燃烧的过程是可燃物中燃素放出的过程,可燃物放出燃素后成为灰烬。 定量化学时期,即近代化学时期。1775年前后,拉瓦锡用定量化学实验阐述了燃烧的氧化学说,开创了定量化学时期。这一时期建立了不少化学基本定律,提出了原子学说,发现了元素周期律,发展了有机结构理论。所有这一切都为现代化学的发展奠定了坚实的基础。 科学相互渗透时期,即现代化学时期。二十世纪初,量子论的发展使化学和物理学有了共同的语言,解决了化学上许多悬而未决的问题;另一方面,化学又向生物学和地质学等学科渗透,使蛋白质、酶的结构问题得到了逐步的解决。 古代和近代化学史大事记 §我国有了青铜器;春秋晚期能炼铁;战国晚期能炼钢;唐代有了火药。 §十八世纪七十年代,瑞典化学家舍勒和英国化学家普利斯里分别发现并制得了氧气;法国学家锡最早用天平和为研究化学的工具,并推翻了燃素学说;英国化学家卡文迪许。雷利等陆续从空气中发现了惰性气体。 §1748年俄国化学家罗蒙诺索夫建立了质量守恒定律。 §1808年英国科学家道尔顿提出了近代原子学说。 §1811年意大利科学家阿佛加德罗提出了分子的概念。 §1828年;德国化学家维勒第一次证明有机物可用普通的无机物制得。 §1869年俄国化学家门捷列夫发现了元素周期律。 §1888年法国化学家勒沙特列提出了化学平衡移动原理 §1890年德国化学家凯库蔓提出了苯分子的结构式。 §十九世纪荷兰物理学家范德华首先研究了分子间作用力。 §十九世纪英国物理学家丁达尔和植物学家布朗分别提出了胶体的“丁达尔现象”与


《概率论与数理统计》论文题目:正态分布及其应用 学院:航天学院 专业:空间科学与技术 姓名:黄海京 学号:1131850108

正态分布及其应用 摘要:正态分布(normal distribution),是一个在数学、物理及工程等领域都非常重要的概率分布,在统计学的许多方面有着重大的影响力。正态分布有极其广泛的实际背景, 例如测量误差, 人的生理特征尺寸如身高、体重等 ,正常情况下生产的产品尺寸:直径、长度、重量高度,炮弹的弹落点的分布等, 都服从或近似服从正态分布,以及确定医学参考值范围,药品规格,用量等。可以说,正态分布是自然界和社会现象中最为常见的一种分布, 一个变量如果受到大量微小的、独立的随机因素的影响, 那么这个变量一般是一个正态随机变量。 关键词:正态分布, 一、正态分布的由来 正态分布(normal distribution)又名高斯分布(Gaussian distribution)。正态分布概念是由德国的数学家和天文学家Moivre于1733年受次提出的,但由于德国数学家Gauss率先将其应用于天文学家研究,故正态分布又叫高斯分布,高斯这项工作对后世的影响极大,他使正态分布同时有了“高斯分布”的名称,后世之所以多将最小二乘法的发明权归之于他,也是出于这一工作。 正态分布是一个在数学、物理及工程等领域都非常重要的概率分布,在统计学的许多方面有着重大的影响力。若随机变量X服从一个数学期望为μ、标准方差为σ2的高斯分布,记为:则其概率密度函数为正态分布的期望值μ决定了其位置,其标准差σ决定了分布的幅度。因其曲线呈钟形,因此人们又经常称之为钟形曲线。我们通常所说的标准正态分布是μ= 0,σ= 1的正态分布。 二、正态分布的特性 1. 正太分布的曲线特征 正态曲线呈钟型,两头低,中间高,左右对称,曲线与横轴间的面积总等于1。 (1)集中性:正态曲线的高峰位于正中央,即均数所在的位置。 (2)对称性:正态曲线以均数为中心,左右对称,曲线两端永远不与横轴相交。 (3)均匀变动性:正态曲线由均数所在处开始,分别向左右两侧逐渐均匀下降。


我的语言学概论期末论文 终于写完了,那个辛苦啊!一次又一次的修改,我体会到努力的快乐,做好一件事是不容易的,昨天刚交了,今天就发在博客上,作为一段记录一个回忆,七月继续加油。 浅谈礼貌原则与英语学习 摘要: “礼貌原则”是语用学中的一个指导成功交际的重要原则,它显示了一个人的受教育程度,教养和素质。不同的语言环境中,同样的语言有可能有礼貌和不礼貌之分别。英语学习者掌握英语语言的礼貌原则是有必要的,这对是否能进行成功的交际起着重要的作用。 关键词: 礼貌原则〈politeness principle〉英语学习〈English study〉 日常交际 语用学〈Pragmatics〉 前言: 英语学习的根本目的是培养语言的交际能力。而语言表达是否得体是衡量一个人语言交际能力高低的一项主要指标。礼貌作为人们交际活动的基本准则之一,被认为是人类文明进步的标志。礼貌原则的正确使用,能在交际中取得最佳效果。本文将从礼貌原则的概念,从语用学角度的把握和在英语学习日常交流中的实际应用几方面对英语中的礼貌原则作简略的分析。 一.礼貌原则的概念和从语用学角度的把握 礼貌原则是语用学所研究的内容之一。礼貌体现出人们对他人“面子”的意识,在语用学中,“面子”被称其为自身的公众形象(public self-image)。(Leech.1994)也就是说,作为说话人,你说的话要达到如下几个效果:既要明确清晰的表达你想表达的意思,又要让对方,即听话人听了觉得舒服痛快,还要让在场的其他人觉得你是一个有礼貌有教养有素质的人。尤其是在一些气氛紧张严肃容易引起争执或翻脸的场合,说出去的话既能保全他人的颜面,不至于双方都下不来台,又能提升你自己的公众形象,这是一种艺术,需要在不断地与人交流中去体会和积累。 对英语中礼貌原则的分析,语言学家Leech认为:委婉的话语是建立在礼貌这一文化因素上。(Leech.1994)在语用学的框架内,英语的礼貌原则一般可以分为如下六类: 1.1得体原则(tact maxim). 即少让别人吃亏,多让别人得益。减少表达有损于他人的观点,多用于指示和宣布某件事。适用于我们向别人提出请求时。可以从两个方面来说: 从祈使句方面提供(offer)比要求(request)要显得礼貌。(章振邦.1999)如:have some ice-cream比close the door 要礼貌。从表示请求方面,越不直接越显得有礼貌。看下面三个句子:Carry the box. Can you carry the box? Can I probably ask you to carry the box? 这三句的礼貌程度是逐步加深的。普遍疑问句比直接祈使句显得有礼貌,而先提出“是否可以提出请求”的疑问句比普遍疑问句显得更有礼貌。 1.2慷慨原则(generosity maxim). 即尽量少使自己得益,多让自己吃亏。减少表达利己的观点,多用于指示和宣布。当发出提供性的示意时,直接比不直接礼貌。如:Let me clean the house. I was wondering if I could possibly clean the house.前一句显得真诚有礼貌,表示热忱真心地帮助别人。 1.3赞誉原则(praise maxim). 即尽量少贬低别人,多赞誉别人。减少表达对他人的贬损,多用于表情和表态。这一原则分为两类,一类是否定式称赞,就是说,觉得不好,但不直接的批评别人反而说好话。如:-Do you like my new hat? -Well, yes, but it's not my favorite.不直接说不好而是说很好但不是我喜欢的类型,给别人台阶下,不至于太难堪。另一类是夸大式称赞,用于正式的场合,给足别


Communicative Language Teaching Abstract:As long as the Communicative Language Teaching was introduced into China, it had been applied to language teaching immediately and gradually subsitute for our traditional teaching methods. This paper ,first of all,introduces Communicative Language Teaching in an all-round way by elaborating the primary principles of communicative language approach from five aspects.Then it go on to deal with the Communicative Approach in China and list some useful class activities that may utilize in the teaching process. At last, the passage also give some comments and suggestions on this approach. Key words:CLT;principle;class activities;evaluation 1.Introduction The origins of the Communicative Language Teaching are to be found in the changes in the British language teaching tradition dating from the late 1960s. In the late sixties, the current situational approach was questioned. British applied linguistics began to emphasize the fundamental dimension of language teaching at that time- the functional and communicative potential of language. Scholars like Christopher Candlin and Henry Widdowson drew on the work of British functional linguistics such as John Firth, and Halliday, American work in socioliguiticis like Dell Hymes as well as work in philosophy and argue for focus in language teaching on communicative proficiency rather than


Children and adult difference in Language Acquisition It is a fact generally accepted that children seem to be easier and quicker than adult to acquire a language. All children acquire language in the same way, regardless of what language they use or the number of languages they use. Acquiring a language is like learning to play a game. α + β = χ. (1) Note that the equation is centered using a center tab stop. Be sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before or immediately following the equation. Use ―(1)‖, not ―Eq. (1)‖ or ―equation (1)‖, except at the beginning of a sentence: ―Equation (1) is . . .‖ 2.4. Some Common Mistakes ?The word ―data‖ is plural, not singular. ?The subscript for the permeability of vacuum μ0, and other common scientific constants, is zero with subscript formatting, not a lowercase letter ―o‖. ?In American English, commas, semi-/colons, periods, question and exclamation marks are located within quotation marks only when a complete thought or name is cited, such as a title or full quotation. When quotation marks are used, instead of a bold or italic typeface, to highlight a word or phrase, punctuation should appear outside of the quotation marks. A parenthetical phrase or statement at the end of a sentence is punctuated outside of the closing parenthesis (like this). (A parenthetical sentence is punctuated within the parentheses.) ? A graph within a graph is an ―inset‖, not an ―insert‖. The word alternatively is preferred to the word ―alternately‖(unless you really mean something that alternates). ?Do not use the word ―essentially‖to mean ―approximately‖ or ―effectively‖. ?In your paper title, if the words ―that uses‖can accurately replace the word ―using‖, capitalize the ―u‖; if not, keep using lower-cased. ?Be aware of the different meanings of the homophones ―affect‖and ―effect‖, ―complement‖ and ―compliment‖, ―discreet‖ and ―discrete‖, ―principal‖ and ―principle‖. ?Do not confuse ―imply‖ and ―infer‖. ?The prefix ―non‖is not a word; it should be joined to the word it modifies, usually without a hyphen. ?There is no period after the ―et‖in the Latin abbreviation ―et al.‖. ?The abbreviation ―i.e.‖means ―that is‖, and the abbreviation ―e.g.‖ means ―for example‖. An excellent style manual for science writers is [7]. 3. Using the Template After the text edit has been completed, the paper is ready for the template. Duplicate the template file by using the Save As command, and use the naming convention prescribed by your conference for the name of your paper. In this newly created file, highlight all of the contents and import your prepared text file. You are now ready to style your paper; use the scroll down window on the left of the MS Word Formatting toolbar. 3.1 Authors and Affiliations The template is designed so that author affiliations are not repeated each time for multiple authors of the same affiliation. Please keep your affiliations as succinct as possible (for example, do not differentiate among departments of the same organization). This template was designed for two affiliations. 1)For author/s of only one affiliation (Heading 3): To change the default, adjust the template as follows. a)Selection (Heading 4): Highlight all author and affiliation lines. b)Change number of columns: Select the Columns icon from the MS Word Standard toolbar and then select ―1 Column‖ from the selection palette. c)Deletion: Delete the author and affiliation lines for the second affiliation. 2)For author/s of more than two affiliations: To change the default, adjust the template as follows. a)Selection: Highlight all author and affiliation lines. b)Change number of columns: Select the ―Columns‖ icon from the MS Word Standard toolbar and then select ―1 Column‖ from the selection palette. c)Highlight author and affiliation lines of affiliation 1 and copy this selection. d)Formatting: Insert one hard return immediately after the last character of the last affiliation line. Then paste down the copy of affiliation 1. Repeat as necessary for each additional affiliation. e)Reassign number of columns: Place your cursor to the right of the last character of the last affiliation line of an even numbered affiliation (e.g., if there are five affiliations, place your cursor at end of fourth affiliation). Drag the cursor up to highlight all of the above author and affiliation lines. Go to Column icon and select ―2 Columns‖. If you have an odd number of affiliations, the
