


Welcome to New York. I've always said, ''New York City is the real jungle.''

-It's tougher in New York than anyplace in the world.

-You're gonna find out what I mean.

-Okay, let's get started.

-I want to introduce somebody who's been with me for 25 years--George Ross. He's my executive vice president and senior council.

-On this side--This is Carolyn Kepcher.She is the chief operating officer of one of my companies.And Carolyn is a killer. There are many men buried in her wake. -These two will be my eyes and ears...and will accompany you during your tasks. -They're gonna help me make a decision...as to who ultimately is going to be working as the president of one of my companies,and then we'll see how you do.

-This isn't a game.This is a 13-week job interview.Out of 215,000 job applicants, you're the 16 people that I chose to go through 13 weeks of hell...to determine who's gonna work for me at the end.

- Now, some of you think that attending a top business school gives you an advantage. - Others think that street smarts and hands-on experience are the best way to get ahead.

- Additionally, women have a tougher time in the workplace,or so they say.

- Let's find out.


1. let's get started. 我们开始吧.

2. I want to introduce sb. who's been with me for ... years. 介绍你们认识一个人,他跟了我...年.

3. bury in her wake 拜倒在她石榴裙下

4. These two will be my eyes and ears. 这两位是我的左右手.

5. street smarts 在大城市里比较不安全的街道上对付各种情况,甚至还可能在这种环境下发财的能力。

6. hands-on 亲身经验

7. Let's find out. 那我们来瞧瞧吧.


学术英语单词 第一单元 free enterprise自由企业制度 adversity不幸,逆境 capitalistic 资本主义的 compelling 令人信服的 array 大群,大量 stockholder 股东 work force 劳动力 prospective 可能的 underestimate 低估 dedication 奉献 perseverance 坚忍 mailable 可邮寄的 cooperative 合作完成的 on-demand 按要求的 billionaire 亿万富翁undercapitalization 资本不足convertible 敞篷汽车 sander 打磨机 vendor 卖家 stockbroker 股票经纪人 personality 名人 facet 一个方面 mutual fund 共同基金 oceanic evaporation 海洋蒸发 business plan 经营策划 customer service 顾客服务 fraud 欺骗 road map 指南 transaction 交易 price-targeting strategy 区别定价战略pricing 定价 hassle 困难,麻烦 self-targeting 使自己成为目标 prise 撬开 insensitive 不敏感的,反应迟钝的recipe 菜谱 make sth. of sb/sth. 利用(机遇)illuminating 使清楚易懂的 turn sth on its head使……与之前相反的premium 溢价 profitable 有利可图的 chili 小红辣椒 triple 使成三倍 markup 涨价 whopping 巨大的 crisp 薯片 snack 吃零食 admittedly 确实,无可否认的 irritated 生气的 outwit 以智取胜 close substitutes 功能接近的替代品 business landscape 商业格局,商业环境competitive dynamics 竞争的态势social web 社交网站 sicial networking site(SNS)社交网站Facebook Wall 脸谱的涂鸦墙 call center 呼叫中心 support staff 向客户提供支持的员工competitive advantage 竞争优势adoption of new technology 新技术的采用 log in 登陆 news feed 即使新闻,动态消息 target audience 目标受众 text message 手机短信 overestimate 高估 relevance 重要性 mainframe 主机 underway 在进行中 portal 门户网站 order of magnitude 数量级 traffic 受到访问 cohort 一批人 feat 事迹 technophobic 畏惧技术的 overly 太 unnavigable 无法导航的 anonymous 匿名的 blur 变模糊


英语演讲幽默开场白 作为一个演讲者,我从观众那只得到过两种抱怨:一种是我讲话声音太大了,他们无法入睡;第二种是我讲得时间太长了,他们无法一直清醒。 作为一个讲演者,他的演讲总拿来和林肯的哥得堡演讲[一个著名的演讲]相比较。当他演讲结束时,也有悲伤、眼泪和悲痛——特别是计划委员会。 幽默注释:演讲者讲得太糟糕了,组织者哭得很伤心。 演讲结束时,宴会主人感谢你从繁忙的日程中抽出时间来——你泰然自若,优雅地点头微笑着,心里非常清楚你日历上唯一的事情就是就早餐后喝点咖啡poise is when you finish your speech and the toastmaster thanks you for taking time out of your busy schedule to be a part of their program --- and you nod and smile graciously knowing full well that the only thing on your calendar is a little coffee from breakfast. 幽默注释:一些老干部退休后没什么事干,有人请他参加一些活动,他还假装很忙,好象推开了很多事才赶去似的。 过去我演讲时常常会比较紧张,但那时我看到一条信息说如果你想象所有的观众都是裸体会有所帮助。此时此刻,我站在这里想象着观众都是裸体,真的起作用,我不再紧张了,但眼睛有些疲劳。 i used to get nervous when giving a speech but then i read that it helps to think of the entire audience as being naked. and so, at this very moment, i’m standing up


英文汇报开场白 篇一:Presentation开场白及结束语 Presentation开场白及结束语 1.张刚 开场白: -Iamdelightedtostandhereandhavethisopportunitytosharesometh ingwithyou.TodayIwillfocuson... -It'smypleasantdutytoreportmyresearch.TodayI'dliketosaysome thingabout... -I'dliketothankyouforgivingmethechancetostandhere.Well,thet opicI'mgoingtodealwithis...

结束语: -That'sall.Thanksforyourattention. -Iamafraidthattheclockisagainstus,sowehadbetterstophere. 2.王一越 开场白: -Mr.Chairman,teachersandclassmates,mynameisWangYiyue.Icomef romtheschoolofmanagement.Thetitleofmypresentationis… -Goodmorning,everyone,mynameisWangYiyue.Icomefromtheschoolo fmanagement.Iamsogladtohavetheopportunitytogivetoaspeechtoy ouonsuchanoccasion.Myspeechisabout… -Goodmorning,everyone!MynameisWangYiyue.Thankyouforgivingme thisopportunitytostandhere.Mysubjectis…


Unit 1 When faced with both economic problems and increasing competition not only from firms in the united states but also from international firms located in other parts of the world, employee and managers now began to ask the question:what do we do now? although this is a fair question, it is difficult to answer. Certainly, for a college student taking business courses or be beginning employee just staring a career, the question is even more difficult to answer. And yet there are still opportunities out there d=for people who are willing to work hard, continue to learn, and possess the ability to adapt to change. 当面对不仅来自美国的公司而且来自位于世界其他地方的国际公司的经济问题和日益激烈的竞争时,员工和经理现在开始要问一个问题:我们要做什么?虽然这是一个很清晰的问题,但是它是很难回答的。当然,对于一个正在谈论商务课程的大学生或者一个刚开始职业生涯的员工来说,这个问题更难回答。但目前仍然有许多机会给那些愿意努力工作,继续学习并且拥有适应变化的能力的人。 Whether you want to obtain part-time employment to pay college and living expense, begin your career as a full –time employee, or start a business, you must bring something to the table that makes you different from the next person . Employee and our capitalistic economic systems are more demanding than ever before. Ask yourself: What can I do that will make employee want to pay me a salary? What skills do I have that employers need? With these questions in mind, we begin with another basic question: Why study business?


幽默又有意义的英语演讲稿篇一:幽默的英语演讲稿 英语演讲幽默开场白 作为一个演讲者,我从观众那只得到过两种抱怨:一种是我讲话声音太大了,他们无法 入睡;第二种是我讲得时间太长了,他们无法一直清醒。作为一个讲演者,他的演讲总拿来和林肯的哥得堡演讲[一个著名的演讲]相比较。当他 演讲结束时,也有悲伤、眼泪和悲痛——特别是计划委员会。幽默注释:演讲者讲得太糟糕了,组织者哭得很伤心。演讲结束时,宴会主人感谢你从繁忙的日程中抽出时间来——你泰然自若,优雅地点头 微笑着,心里非常清楚你日历上唯一的事情就是就早餐后喝点咖啡poise is when you finish your speech and the toastmaster thanks you for taking time out of your busy schedule to be a part of their program --- and you nod and smile graciously knowing full well that the only thing on your calendar is a little coffee from breakfast.幽默注释:一些老干部退休后没什么事干,有人请他参加一些活动,他还假装很忙,好

象推开了很多事才赶去似的。过去我演讲时常常会比较紧张,但那时我看到一条信息说如果你想象所有的观众都是裸 体会有所帮助。此时此刻,我站在这里想象着观众都是裸体,真的起作用,我不再紧张了, 但眼睛有些疲劳。 i used to get nervous when giving a speech but then i read that it helps to think of the entire audience as being naked. and so, at this very moment, i’m standing up here imagining every one in this audience as being naked. and it really works. i no suffer from nervousness. eyestrain. yes幽默注释:把观众想象成裸体,意思是我不怕你们,就不紧张了。创新句子:大部分人站在讲台上都会有点儿紧张,我属于少部分人,我非常紧张。 我本人不自负——我简直不能告诉你们我是多么钦佩我这一点。 personally, i have never been conceited --- and i can’t tell you how much i admire myself for that. 幽默句子:他因为自己不自负,所以变得非常骄傲。创新句子:我一点儿都不自负,我希望别人也这么看我.我先


問侯語或開場白的寒喧(Greetings) 開場白很重要,最常用的問候是“Ladies and gentlemen”,但要視場合而定。例如在會議討論會場合時,經由主席介紹上台時可先說Mr.Chairman,Honorable guest,Ladies and gentlemen,good morning ,It's very great pleasure indeed for me to be able to attend this meeting 主席先生,各位貴賓,各位女士,先生早安. 非常榮幸能參加這次的會議。或者你也可以說I'm hornored and proud to have the opportunity to speak at this meeting . 禮貌性的問侯語這是對主持人和來賓的一種尊重。 開始簡報(opening a presentation)—提出簡報摘要 在正式進入主題之前可先扼要說明簡報的內容與順序,幫助聽眾了解您的報告的大概內容。 例1.Today I would like to present my paper“The challenges of pharmacy practice in Taiwan”,In the first part of the report ,I'm going to begin with a few general comments concerning the Taiwan Medical care enviroment recently, and then discuss in more detail specific issue which concerned community pharmacy, and how the National Health cave Insurance influence the future of pharmacist career? 例2.你亦可將要簡報的摘要條列式的依序說明。 My presentation will cover the following aspects: professional pharmacy practice as part of the health -care system Safe distribution of medicine co-operation for better drug therapy promotion of good health Remuneration for pharmaceutical servicss 進入主題(Main points)—演講部份的主要內容,論證與比較事實。對所要簡報主題內容逐一詳細說明。例如將上例每一項摘要逐項詳細闡釋說明,依序讓文章或演說有系統的講解。在presentation 時如果能井然有序的,依段落分明,串聯成一篇完整文章,聽眾必定能印象深刻。


在小编听过的大大小小的演讲中,只有幽默的演讲开场白最能吸引我的注意力,因此把这些经典的开场白跟大家分享一下,也让大家乐一下。 作为一个演讲者,我从观众那只得到过两种抱怨:一种是我讲话声音太大了,他们无法入睡;第二种是我讲得时间太长了,他们无法一直清醒。 创新句子:你们或者睡觉,或者不睡,只要不打呼噜,我就接着讲。 作为一个讲演者,他的演讲总拿来和林肯的哥得堡演讲[一个著名的演讲]相比较。当他演讲结束时,也有悲伤、眼泪和悲痛——特别是设计好的。 幽默注释:演讲者讲得太糟糕了,组织者哭得很伤心。 演讲结束时,宴会主人感谢你从繁忙的日程中抽出时间来——你泰然自若,优雅地点头微笑着,心里非常清楚你日历上唯一的事情就是就早餐后喝点咖啡。 幽默注释:一些老干部退休后没什么事干,有人请他参加一些活动,他还假装很忙,好象推开了很多事才赶去似的。 过去我演讲时常常会比较紧张,但那时我看到一条信息说如果你想象所有的观众都是裸体会有所帮助。此时此刻,我站在这里想象着观众都是裸体,真的起作用,我不再紧张了,但眼睛有些疲劳。 幽默注释:把观众想象成裸体,意思是我不怕你们,就不紧张了。 创新句子:大部分人站在讲台上都会有点儿紧张,我属于少部分人,我非常紧张。 我本人不自负——我简直不能告诉你们我是多么钦佩我这一点。 幽默句子:他因为自己不自负,所以变得非常骄傲。 创新句子:我一点儿都不自负,我希望别人也这么看我。 我先用简单明了的英语演讲,以后我再翻译给律师听。 幽默注释:律师总喜欢用复杂的语言,简单的话都听不懂了。 创新句子:我的讲话有三个版本,小学生版本,中学生版本,大学生版本,你是听小学一年纪版的,还是小学二年纪版的? 如果你听过这个故事,请不要打断我,我就知道这一个故事。 幽默注释:就是你知道两个故事,讲故事前也可以这么说。


会议发言的开场白 会议发言开场白方式会议发言,既不同于学校教育中的讲课,也不同于电视广播中的播音,更不同于书本中的文学作品。讲课以传授知识为目的,强调师生之间的互动,时而老师讲解,时而学生活动,讲解和反馈交替进行。发言以表达事情、激发听众情绪为目的,基本上没有听众的参与,由发言人一气呵成。电视广播的播音有多个栏目,每个栏目都有自己独有的主题,“新闻联播”的主题是播发新闻,“科技之光”的主题是普及科学知识;而会议发言每次只有一个主题。书中的文学作品是可视化的、读者可以随意选择;发言是以声音为主要媒介传递信息的、发言人站主导地位,听众处于被动地位。 会议发言的特点,造就了它特有的文体结构。书本上的文学作品,读者可以自由控制阅读的时间,不想看的地方可以跳过,想看的地方可以多看几遍。课堂教学,教师可以根据学生的反馈,调整讲课的速度,使绝大多数学生都能够接受所要教学的内容。会议发言,对于听众来说,没有选择听讲内容的权力,也没有和发言人交流的机会,只有按照发言人的设计按部就班地听下去。这就要求听者必须处于兴奋状态,注意力高度集中。为了激发听众的情绪,发言人常常在

正式发言之前,说一些挑逗听众情绪的话,这就是我们常说的开场白。 心理学的研究表明:人们在接受事物的时候,对事物的开头和结尾印象比较深。譬如,看一篇小说或者听一段故事,往往是中间的有些情节已经淡忘,但是对开头和结尾仍记忆犹新。所以,人们比较重视事物的开头和结尾。开场白是发言的开头,说得好,能够打动听众的心,激发起他们的情绪,使听众以高昂的情绪听发言,产生良好的发言效果。因此,几乎所有发言人都非常重视开场白。 开场白多种多样,归纳起来主要有这样几类: 一、自我介绍式 发言人落座后,首先做一个自我介绍,把自己的基本情况,或者是自己单位的基本情况告诉听众,然后,宣读讲稿,或者边宣读讲稿边解释发言内容,或者脱稿发言。这样的开场白叫做自我介绍式开场白。譬如,在全国NIT应用技术交流会上,有一位代表发言的开场白是:“同志们好!我是河南省南阳幼儿师范的老师,也是我们学校NIT推广项目的负责人。现在,我向诸位同仁汇报一下我们学校在NIT方面的做法,……。”再譬如说,在河南省课件制作交流会上,某代表的开场白是:“各位老师,你们好!我叫张军,来自河南省的南疆边陲新野县,是一所乡村小学普通老师,……。” 听众有一个共同的心理,就是想知道自己在听谁发言。


学术报告的英文开场白 篇一:英文学术报告开场白、结束语 問侯語或開場白的寒喧 開場白很重要,最常用的問候是“Ladies and gentlemen”,但要視場合而定。例如在會議討論會場合時,經由主席介紹上台時可先說,Honorable guest,Ladies and gentlemen,good morning ,It's very great pleasure indeed for me to be able to attend this meeting 主席先生,各位貴賓,各位女士,先生早安. 非常榮幸能參加這次的會議。或者你也可以說I'm hornored and proud to have the opportunity to speak at this meeting . 禮貌性的問侯語這是對主持人和來賓的一種尊重。 開始簡報—提出簡報摘要 在正式進入主題之前可先扼要說明簡報的內容與順序,幫助聽眾了解您的報告的大概內容。 例1.Today I would like to present my paper“The challenges of pharmacy practice in Taiwan”,In the first part of the report ,I'm going to begin with a few general comments concerning the Taiwan Medical care enviroment recently, and then discuss in more detail specific issue which concerned community pharmacy, and how the


学术英语管理U n i t课 文翻译 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

《业务营销化》 1 问街上一般的人什么是营销时,他们会告诉你那大概就是“卖东西的”。这从根本上说是正确的,但营销不是简单的销售行为,而是怎样做成的销售。我们都被全天候不间断营销所围绕,而我们每一个人都已经以我们自己的方式成了一名营销人。 2 专家是怎么定义营销的呢?根据美国市场营销协会,市场营销是一种组织职能,是为组织自身及利益相关者(stakeholders n. 利益相关者;股东)而创造、传播、传递客户价值,管理客户关系的一系列过程。 3 根据世界市场营销协会对营销的定义,“核心的经营理念是指导通过交换来识别和满足个人和组织需要的过程,从而为各方创造出众的价值。” 4 最后,英国特许营销学会说,“营销是有利地识别,预测,和满足顾客需求的管理过程”。 5 如果我们只是看这三个定义的共性,我们可以看出,营销本质上(in essence)是:a)发现和给顾客他们所想要的和需要的东西, b)通过做这些来获利。 4Ps或5Ps营销策略 6 密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)的杰罗姆·麦卡锡(Jerome McCarthy)教授在20世纪50年代写了一本书并且定义了4Ps营销策略,包括产品、渠道、价格和促销。这本书为这个星球上最古老的专业提供了一个清晰的结构,而这个结构成为市场营销的定义。 7 为了更好地理解营销,你应该有你自己对术语的定义。例如,我认为营销是对产品的价格、分配、促销以及人员进行控制,满足顾客以获得利益。控制是个充满感情的词语,尤其在我们谈及控制人的时候。无论怎样,控制是很重要的,因为作为


篇一:幽默英语演讲稿 幽默英语演讲稿 love your mother 爱你的母亲 why are you crying, a young boy asked his mom? 你为什么哭?一个小男孩问他的妈妈. because im a woman, she told him. 因为我是女人,她告诉他. i dont understand, he said. 我不明白.他回答 his mom just hugged him and said, and you never will, but thats o.k........ 妈妈拥抱了他说,你永远也不会明白,但没关系... later the little boy asked his father, why does mom seem to cry for no reason?. 后来小男孩问他的父亲妈妈为什么似乎在无缘无故的哭泣? all women cry for no reason, was all his dad could say...... 所有的女人都会常常没有原因地哭泣,这是他的父亲唯一可以解释的... the little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry. 等到小男孩长大,成了男人的时候, 他仍然奇怪妈妈为什么哭. finally he put in a call to god and when god got back to him, he asked god, why do women cry so easily? 最后他把这件事祷告给上帝,他问上帝,为什么女人容易哭泣? god answered...... 上帝回答: when i made woman, i decided she had to be special. i made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet, 当我创造女人的时候, 我决定把她造的很特别, 我让她的双肩强壮的足以能够承担整个世界,但是, 却让她的双臂温柔的足够去安慰他人... i gave her the inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection even from her own children. 我给她内在的力量去忍受生产的剧痛, 也让她有勇气承受无数的伤害, 甚至这些伤害有时会来自于自己的孩子... i gave her a hardness


幽默演讲——调侃自己(中英对照)演讲者如何调侃自己作为一个演讲者,我从观众那只得到过两种抱怨:一种是我讲话声音太大了,他们无法入睡;第二种是我讲得时间太长了,他们无法一直清醒。As a speaker, I’ve only had two complaints from audiences. One, that I talk so loud they can’t fall asleep. And two, that I talk so long they can’t stay awake. 创新句子:你们或者睡觉,或者不睡,只要不打呼噜,我就接着讲。作为一个讲演者,他的演讲总拿来和林肯的哥得堡演讲[一个著名的演讲]相比较。当他演讲结束时,也有悲伤、眼泪和悲痛——特别是计划委员会。 As a speaker, he has often been compared to Abraham Lincoln delivering the Gettysburg Address. When he finishes his speech, there is also sorrow, tears and mourning ---- especially by the program committee. 幽默注释:演讲者讲得太糟糕了,组织者哭得很伤心。演讲结束时,宴会主人感谢你从繁忙的日程中抽出时间来——你泰然自若,优雅地点头微笑着,心里非常清楚你日历上唯一的事情就是就早餐后喝点咖啡。 Poise is when you finish your speech and the toastmaster thanks you for taking time out of your busy schedule to be a part of their program --- and you nod and smile graciously knowing full well that the only thing on your calendar is a little coffee from breakfast. 幽默注释:一些老干部退休后没什么事干,有人请他参加一些活动,他还假装很忙,好象推开了很多事才赶去似的。过去我演讲时常常会比较紧张,但那时我看到一条信息说如果你想象所有的观众都是裸体会有所帮助。此时此刻,我站在这里想象着观众都是裸体,真的起作用,我不再紧张了,但眼睛有些疲劳。 I used to get nervous when giving a speech but then I read that it helps to think of the entire audience as being naked. And so, at this very moment, I’m standing up here imagining every one in this audience as being naked. And it really works. I no suffer from nervousness. Eyestrain. Yes. 幽默注释:把观众想象成裸体,意思是我不怕你们,就不紧张了。创新句子:大部分人站在讲台上都会有点儿紧张,我属于少部分人,我非常紧张。我本人不自负——我简直不能告诉你们我是多么钦佩我这一点。 Personally, I have never been conceited --- and I can’t tell you how much I admire myself for that. 幽默句子:他因为自己不自负,所以变得非常骄傲。创新句子:我一点儿都不自负,我希望别人也这么看我。我先用简单明了的英语演讲,以后我


做报告的开场白 各位领导下午好:今天很荣幸参加我们公司的述职报告会,下面请允许我向大家汇报一下我一年来的工作情况并同时展望一下新的一年里,我的期望。 年初时,我在机动处工作,主要负责设备的计划检修和临时检修情况跟踪,以及大修计划的编制工作,在此期间主要大修了一台真空练泥机和二台球磨机。 在机动处任专项工程师期间主要负责自动榨泥机安装方案的制定和榨泥平台的改扩建工程,在此期间同时完成了安装与调试工作。 为我们的呼市二期的顺利开展做了前期铺垫。 3月份我调到了机械厂,在机械厂我的岗位是专项工程师,主要负责二期专用设备的制造工艺和制造过程的监督,同时也围绕二期的装备兼任非标设备的设计。 在此期间共完成了四台关键设备的制造跟踪和监督,以及几大类共计几十台设备设计和专用设备选型工作,共出图纸近150余份。 并同时负责这些设备的技术咨询和资料整理,同时对附属设备生产厂商进行了选定,为领导的订货选择做好了前期准备。 在机械厂我还兼任材料员的岗位https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac17288626.html,调研报告,完成每周材料的汇总编制和申请上报。 也同时完成了领导临时交办的任务。 过去的一年是忙碌的一年,我们的二期工程开展的很顺利,在新的一年里我还要继往开来,把我的工作做好,同时协助领导做好我们机械厂的服务工作。 保证我们单位的二期顺利进行而努力。 最后祝大家新年愉快。 谢谢!述职人:2012.1.5学术报告开场白2017-06-2014:55|#2楼各位领导、各位嘉宾,同志们,朋友们:大家早上好!中国保险学会2xx年学术年会现在开幕。 出席本次年会的领导有:中国保监会主席吴定富同志,中共上海、上海市人民政府副屠光绍同志,中国保监会副主席周延礼同志、主席助理陈文辉同志,国家发改委财政金融司司长徐林同志。 参加本次年会的嘉宾包括:保监会机关各部门、各保监局的负责人,各保险公司、保险资产管理公司、保险中介公司的负责人,各地保险学会的负责人,各高等院校、科研单位从事保险理论研究的专家学者,中国保险学会的部分副会长和中国保险行业协会、中国精算师协会的代表;还有《中国风险管理报告》编写单位的代表,第三届保险研究优秀成果的获奖代表和本届年会征文优秀论文的作者代表,以及从北京专程前来采访的中央新闻媒体和上海本地的新闻媒体的朋友们。 首先,请允许我代表中国保险学会和本次年会的承办单位、协办单位向各位领导和嘉宾表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢!本次年会由中国第一家全国性股份制商业保险公司、世界500


英语演讲稿精彩开头 篇一:精彩英语演讲开场白示例 精彩英语演讲开场白示例 有了好的开头,英语演讲便成功了一半。好的英语演讲开头能够吸引听众的注意力,让你的英语演讲获得更多人的认可。那么,英语演讲的开头应该怎么写才能吸引听众的注意力呢下面与你分享精彩的英语演讲开场白示例。 1、精彩英语演讲开场白示例一:问候听众,介绍自己 Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman, Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today. Let me introduce myself first. My name is... 英语演讲稿开头怎么写英语演讲稿的开头问候听众是最基本的礼貌。在一个陌生的场合作英语演讲,英语演讲稿的开头可以先介绍自己。人的好奇心都特别强,如果台上站着一个不认识的人作演讲,听众们一定都想知道演讲者的身份背景信息。所以在英语演讲的开头,大大方方将自己介绍给听众,让大家认识自己,无论如何,这总比演讲结束了,台下的观众还不知道台上那个家伙是谁要强!英语演讲稿开头怎么写 英语演讲稿开头怎么写精彩英语演讲开场白示例

2、精彩英语演讲开场白示例二:受邀致辞 I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to... I am grateful for the opportunity to present... 通常情况下,在一起企业活动或者学术活动中,有的演讲者会作为嘉宾被邀请发言。这个时候,你可以通过上述英语演讲开场白来发表讲话。 3、精彩英语演讲开场白示例三:告知演讲主题 Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about... The subject of my presentation is... 英语演讲稿的开头要记得告知听众演讲的主题,不要一篇英语演讲洋洋洒洒结束了,听众还对你所讲述的主题不甚明了,那就太悲剧了。一开始就告诉听众主题,让他们带着已有的自我认知跟着你的演讲往下听,他们的兴趣会更浓厚,如果他们听了半天不知道主题,又没怎么完全听懂,演讲就没有太大效果。 4、精彩英语演讲开场白示例四:引起听众兴趣 Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your companies operate... At the end of this presentation you will


Presentation开场白及结束语 1. 张刚 开场白: -I am delighted to stand here and have this opportunity to share something with you. Today I will focus on... -It's my pleasant duty to report my research. Today I'd like to say something about... -I'd like to thank you for giving me the chance to stand here. Well, the topic I'm going to deal with is... 结束语: -That's all. Thanks for your attention. -I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here. 2. 王一越 开场白: -Mr. Chairman, teachers and classmates, my name is Wang Yiyue. I come from the school of management. The title of my presentation is… -Good morning, everyone, my name is Wang Yiyue. I come from the school of management. I am so glad to have the opportunity to give to a speech to you on such an occasion. My speech is about… -Good morning, everyone! My name is Wang Yiyue. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to stand here. My subject is … 结束语: -That’s all. Thank you for listening. -That’s all for my talk. If there are any questions, I would like to give further explanations. 3. 李慧颖 开场白: -Good morning, everyone. I am B from C. I appreciate the opportunity to be here to attend this mini-symposium [session]. The topic of my paper is (about) D. My presentation will be divided into the following three parts. -Mr. Chairman, distinguished colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your gracious introduction. I am honored to have the chance to address you on this special occasion. I would like to divide my talk into three parts: 1) background of …; 2) recent results in my group; 3) conclusions. -Prof. A, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you very much, Professor A, for your kind introduction. I am delighted to be here (with you this morning). I am going to give this talk in four parts. First…. Second…. Third…. Finally…. 结束语: -Once again I would like to thank you for the opportunity of talking to you on the subject. I hope you will give me your comments and suggestions. That will help me improve my work. -Thank you for your attention. If there are any points that I didn’t make clearly, please point them out and I would like to give further explanations.


演讲稿开场白 -To tell a story (about yourself); 讲个(自己的)故事; -To acknowledge the occasion of the gathering; 对大家能够聚在一起表示感谢;-To pay the listeners a compliment; 称赞一下听众; - To quote; 引用名人名言; - To use unusual statistics; 使用一些不平常的数据; - To ask the audience a challenging question; 问观众一个挑战性的问题; - To show a video or a slide. 播放录像带或看幻灯片。 欢迎听众(正式) - Welcome to our company - I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company... - I'd like to thank you for coming. - May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming 欢迎听众(非正式 ) - I'm glad you could all get here... - I'm glad to see so many people here. - It's great to be back here. - Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today. - Welcome to X Part II. 受邀请在会议上致词 - I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation... - I am grateful for the opportunity to present... - I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to... - Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman - It's my pleasant duty today to...
