









Types of Social Groups

Life places us in a complex web of relationships with other people. Our humanness arises out of these relationships in the course of social interaction Moreover, our humanness must be sustained through social interaction—and fairly constantly so. When an association continues long enough for two people to become linked together by a relatively stable set of expectations, it is called a relationship.

People are bound within relationships by two types of bonds: expressive ties and instrumental ties. Expressive ties are social links formed when we emotionally invest ourselves in and commit ourselves to other people. Through association with people who are meaningful to us, we achieve a sense of security, love, acceptance, companionship, and personal worth. Instrumental ties are social links formed when we cooperate with other people to achieve some goal. Occasionally, this may mean working with instead of against competitors. More often, we simply cooperate with others to reach some end without endowing the relationship with any larger significance.

Sociologists have built on the distinction between expressive and instrumental ties to distinguish between two types of groups: primary and secondary. A primary group involves two or more people who enjoy a direct, intimate, cohesive relationship with one another. Expressive ties predominate in primary groups; we view the people as ends in themselves and valuable in their own right. A secondary group entails two or more people who are involved in an impersonal relationship and have come together for a specific, practical purpose. Instrumental ties predominate in secondary groups; we perceive people as means to ends rather than as ends in their own right. Sometimes primary group relationships evolve out of secondary group relationships. This happens in many work settings. People on the job often develop close relationships with coworkers as they come to share gripes, jokes, gossip, and satisfactions.

A number of conditions enhance the likelihood that primary groups will arise. First, group size is important. We find it difficult to get to know people personally when they are milling about and dispersed in large groups. In small groups we have a better chance to initiate contact and establish rapport with them. Second, face-to-face contact allows us to size up others. Seeing and talking with one another

in close physical proximity makes possible a subtle exchange of ideas and feelings. And third, the probability that we will develop primary group bonds increases as we have frequent and continuous contact. Our ties with people often deepen as we interact with them across time and gradually evolve interlocking habits and interests.

Primary groups are fundamental to us and to society. First, primary groups are critical to the socialization process. Within them, infants and children are introduced to the ways of their society. Such groups are the breeding grounds in which we acquire the norms and values that equip us for social life. Sociologists view primary groups as bridges between individuals and the larger society because they transmit, mediate, and interpret a society's cultural patterns and provide the sense of oneness so critical for social solidarity.

Second, primary groups are fundamental because they provide the settings in which we meet most of our personal needs. Within them, we experience companionship, love, security, and an overall sense of well-being. Not surprisingly, sociologists find that the strength of a group's primary ties has implications for the group's functioning. For example, the stronger the primary group ties of a sports team playing together, the better their record is.

Third, primary groups are fundamental because they serve as powerful instruments for social control. Their members command and dispense many of the rewards that are so vital to us and that make our lives seem worthwhile. Should the use of rewards fail, members can frequently win by rejecting or threatening to ostracize those who deviate from the primary group's norms. For instance, some social groups employ shunning (a person can remain in the community, but others are forbidden to interact with the person) as a device to bring into line individuals whose behavior goes beyond that allowed by the particular group. Even more important, primary groups define social reality for us by structuring our experiences. By providing us with definitions of situations, they elicit from us behavior that conforms to group-devised meanings. Primary groups, then, serve both as carriers of social norms and as enforcers of them.

Paragraph 1:

Our humanness arises out of these relationships in the course of social interaction Moreover, our humanness must be sustained through social interaction—and fairly constantly so. When an association continues long enough for two people to become linked together by a relatively stable set of expectations, it is called a relationship.


○ delicate

○ elaborate

○ private

○ common

2. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of a relationship?

○ It is a structure of associations with many people.

○ It should be studied in the course of a social interaction.

○ It places great demands on people.

○ It develops gradually overtime.

Paragraph 2:People are bound within relationships by two types of bonds: expressive ties and instrumental ties. Expressive ties are social links formed when we emotionally invest ourselves in and commit ourselves to other people. Through association with people who are meaningful to us, we achieve a sense of security, love, acceptance, companionship, and personal worth. Instrumental ties are social links formed when we cooperate with other people to achieve some goal. Occasionally, this may mean working with instead of against competitors. More often, we simply

cooperate with others to reach some end the relationship with any larger significance.


○ leaving

○ exposing

○ providing

○ understanding

4. Which of the following can be inferred about instrumental ties from the author's mention of working with competitors in paragraph 2?

○ Instrumental ties can develop even in situations in which people would normally not cooperate.

○ Instrumental ties require as much emotional investment as expressive ties.

○ Instrumental ties involve security, love, and acceptance.

○ Instrumental ties should be expected to be significant.

Paragraph 3:Sociologists have built on the distinction between expressive and instrumental ties to distinguish between two types of groups: primary and secondary.

A primary group involves two or more people who enjoy a direct, intimate, cohesive relationship with one another. Expressive ties predominate in primary groups; we view the people as ends in themselves and valuable in their own right. A secondary group entails two or more people who are involved in an impersonal relationship and have come together for a specific, practical purpose. Instrumental ties predominate in secondary groups; we perceive people as means to ends rather than as ends in their own right. Sometimes primary group relationships evolve out of secondary group relationships. This happens in many work settings. People on the job often develop close relationships with coworkers as they come to share gripes, jokes, gossip, and satisfactions.

5. According to paragraph 3, what do sociologists see as the main difference between primary and secondary groups?

○ Primary groups consist of people working together, while secondary groups exist outside of work settings.

○ In primary groups people are seen as means, while in secondary groups people are seen as ends.

○ Primary groups involve personal relationships, while secondary groups are mainly practical in purpose.

○ Primary groups are generally small, while secondary groups often contain more than two people.

6. Which of the following can be inferred from the author's claim in paragraph 3 that primary group relationships sometimes evolve out of secondary group relationships?

○ Secondary group relationships begin by being primary group relationships.

○ A secondary group relationship that is highly visible quickly becomes a

primary group relationship.

○ Sociologists believe that only primary group relationships are important to


○ Even in secondary groups, frequent communication serves to bring people into close relationships.

Paragraph 4:A number of conditions enhance the likelihood that primary groups will arise. First, group size is important. We find it difficult to get to know people personally when they are milling about and dispersed in large groups. In small groups we have a better chance to initiate contact and establish rapport with them.

another in close physical proximity makes possible a subtle exchange of ideas and

feelings. And third, the probability that we will develop primary group bonds increases as we have frequent and continuous contact. Our ties with people often deepen as we interact with them across time and gradually evolve interlocking habits and interests.


○ enlarge

○ evaluate

○ impress

○ accept

Paragraph 5:Primary groups are fundamental to us and to society. First, primary groups are critical to the socialization process. Within them, infants and children are introduced to the ways of their society. Such groups are the breeding grounds in which

we acquire the norms and values that equip us for social life.

8. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

○ Sociologists think that cultural patterns establish connections between the individual and the larger society.

○ Sociologists believe that individuals with a sense of oneness bridge the gap between society and primary groups.

○ Sociologists think primary groups contribute to social solidarity because they help maintain a society's cultural patterns.

○ Sociologists believe that the cultural patterns that provide social solidarity arise as bridges from primary groups.

9. This passage is developed primarily by

○ drawing comparisons between theory and practice

○ presenting two opposing theories

○ defining important concepts and providing examples of them

○ discussing causes and their effects

Paragraph 7:Third, primary groups are fundamental because they serve as powerful instruments for social control. Their members command and dispense

many of the rewards that are so vital to us and that make our lives seem worthwhile. Should the use of rewards fail, members can frequently win by rejecting or

threatening to ostracize those who from the primary group's norms. For instance, some social groups employ shunning (a person can remain in the community, but others are forbidden to interact with the person) as a device to bring into line individuals whose behavior goes beyond that allowed by the particular group. Even more important, primary groups define social reality for us by structuring our experiences. By providing us with definitions of situations, they elicit from us behavior that conforms to group-devised meanings. Primary groups, then, serve both as carriers of social norms and as enforcers of them.


○ detract

○ advance

○ select

○ depart

11. According to paragraph 7, why would a social group use shunning?

○ To enforce practice of the kinds of behavior acceptable to the group

○ To discourage offending individuals from remaining in the group

○ To commend and reward the behavior of the other members of the group

○ To decide which behavioral norms should be passed on to the next generation?

Paragraph 6:Second, primary groups are fundamental because they provide the settings in which we meet most of our personal needs. ■Within them, we experience companionship, love, security, and an overall sense of well-being. ■Not surprisingly, sociologists find that the strength of a group's primary ties has implications for the group's functioning. ■For example, the stronger the primary group ties of a sports team playing together, the better their record is.■

12. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

People who do not live alone, for example, tend to make healthier life choices and develop fewer pathologies than people who live by themselves.

Where would the sentence best fit?

13. Directions: Complete the table below by selecting three answer choices that are characteristics of primary groups and two answer choices that are characteristics of secondary groups. This question is worth 3 points.

Primary Groups

Secondary Groups

Answer Choices

○ Developing socially acceptable behavior

○ Working together against competitors

○ Experiencing pressure from outside forces

○ Viewing people as a means to an end

○ Existing for practical purposes

○ Providing meaning for life situations

○ Involving close relationships


1 What is the main purpose of the lecture?

A To introduce a method that can help students remember new information

B To introduce a way to study how information passes from one person to another

C To explain the differences between biological information and cultural information

D To explain the differences between stories, songs, and other pieces of information

2 Why does the professor tell the story about alligators?

A To explain the difference between true and false stories

B To draw an analogy between alligator reproduction and cultural transmission

C To give an example of a piece of information that functions as a meme

D To show how a story can gradually change into a song

3 According to the professor, which of the following are examples of meme transfer?

(2 answers)

A Telling familiar stories

B Sharing feelings

C Composing original music

D Learning a scientific theory

4 What example does the professor give of a me me’s longevity?

A A story has been changing since it first appeared in the 1930s.

B A person remembers a story for many years.

C A gene is passed on through many generations without changing.

D A song quickly becomes popular all over the world.

5 What does the professor compare to a housefly laying many eggs?

A A child learning many different ideas from his or her parents

B Alligators reproducing in New York sewers

C Difference people remembering different versions of a story

D A person singing the “Twinkle, twinkle” song many times

6 (listen again) Why does the professor say this?

A To explain why some memes do not change much

B To ask the students for their opinion about songs as memes

C To acknowledge a problem with the meme theory

D To ask the students to test an idea about memes



You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic.

In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience,

important for learning and taking responsibility.

What are your opinions on this?

You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

You should write at least 250 words.

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __________


Some universities require first-year students to live in dormitories on campus. Others allow students to live off campus. Which policy do you think is better for first-year students and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.


托福考试语法易错题及错误统计精汇(最新版) Grammar error prone questions and error statistics in TOEFL 编订:JinTai College

托福考试语法易错题及错误统计精汇 (最新版) 前言:本文档根据题材书写内容要求展开,具有实践指导意义,适用于组织或个人。便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整修改及打印。 我们在总结近五年亚洲与北美托福考试语法部分试题的基础上,为同学总结出错误率在60%以下的易错难题汇编,希望大家能 汲取常见错误原因,从而有效地跳开托福考试中的出题陷阱. 1.[Melting] glaciers may [account the] rise [in sea level] that [has taken place] honing this century. 答对率:50% 答案:b 2.Anthropologist jane Goodall [has contributed] a [wealth information] concerning primate behavior [through] her [studies] of chimpanzees. 答对率:46% 答案:b 3.The [discovery] of gold in 1848 [transformed] San Francisco suddenly from a [quiet] portsintosone of the world's richest and most famous [city].


最新托福考试作文题选编 1. Some people think that parents should plan their children‘s leisure time carefully. Other people believe?that children should decide for themselves how to spend their free time,Which idea do you agree with?Give reasons for your choice. 2. People should be realistic rather than romantic in order to live a better life. Do you agree or disagree?with the statement. Use specific reasons to support your answer. 3. People should never be satisfied with what they have,they should always want something new or?something different Do you agree or disagree with the statement. Give reasons for your choice. 4. Some people think that the family is the most important influence on young adults. Other people think?that friends are the most important influence on young adults. Which view do you agree with?Use examples to)support your position. 5. Some students participate in school activities such as clubs and sports. Other students do not take part in??such activities because they spend more time on their studies. Tell why you think the two groups of?students spend their time differently?Which type of student do you prefer to be?Explain why. 6. Traveling is more important than reading books in order to understand the people and the world. Do you agree or disagree with the statement Use specific reasons to support your answer. 7. Some people like different friends. Others like similar friends. Compare the advantages of these two?kinds of friends. Which kind of friend do you prefer. Explain why? 8. After they complete their university studies,some students live in their hometowns,others live in?different towns or cities. Which do you think is better……living in your hometown or living in different towns or cities. Give specific reasons for your answer. 9. Some people believe that newspaper are the best source of news. Others think that the news is presented?better on radio or television. Which of these sources of news do you prefer?Use specific examples to?support your choice. 10. Some people learn best when a classroom lesson is presented in an entertaining,enjoyable way. Other?people learn best when a lesson is presented in a serious,formal way. Which of these two ways of?learning do you prefer?Give reasons to support your answer. 11. Some people say that the best preparation for life is learning to be cooperative. Others take the opposite?view and say that learning to be competitive is the best preparation. Tell which one you agree with and explain why. 12. Some people pay money for the things they want or need. Other people trade products or goods for?what they need. Compare the advantages of these two ways of obtaining things. Which way do you?prefer?Explain why. 13. Some people believe that growing up in a large family,with several sisters and brothers,offers?more advantages than disadvantages. Other people think that being the only child is more?advantageous. Write a short essay in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each position. Explain which position you


更多试卷下载请访问:https://www.360docs.net/doc/b02132058.html,/ 2005年01月托福语法全真题及答案 2005年01月语法题【改错部分】 1-15、选择部分省略 16. In the eighteenth century, quilting became a common technique in the American colonies for make of coverlets sewed in floral and geometric designs. 答案:C->改为making 测试点:介词+宾语 分析:for doing sth 为了作某事,介词for后面不能接动词原型make,需要改成doing。 参考译文:在18世纪的时候,在被子上面绣花变成了一种常见的技术,用来在床罩上面绣花和几何图案。 除外。 18. Centrifuges are widely use to separate liquids having different densities or to separate solids from 参考译文:分液漏斗广泛用于吧不同密度的液体分开或者把固体和液体分开。 19. There is ample evidence of that about 700 million years ago, glaciers reached well into what are now tropical regions. 答案:B->改为that 测试点:定语从句 分析:定语从句的连接词that前面多了of,of只能出现在which前面

参考译文:有足够的证据表明,在7亿年前,冰山深入到达过现在的热带地区。 20. Mathematics is a tool that can help solve problems and lead to new developments in other fields, such as space flight, medical, and architecture. 答案:D->改为medicine 测试点:词性 分析:such as 后面接并列的形式,flight, architecture都是名次,medical是形容词,错误,改为medicine 参考译文:数学是用来帮助解决问题的工具,在其他领域可以带来新发展,比如飞行,医药和建筑。 21. The meter of the English poetry is determined by accented syllables rather by the quantities of vowels. 答案:C->改为rather than by 测试点:固定搭配 分析:并列结构by sth rather than by sth,后面的by可以省 参考译文:英语诗歌的节拍是由重读的音节决定的而不是由元音的数量决定的。 22. In the nineteenth-century United States, it was assumed that growth, change, and progressive derived mainly from individual effort and competition. 答案:B->改为progress 测试点:词性 分析:groth, change and______三个名次才能并列,progressive是形容词,词性不对 参考译文:在19世纪的美国,成长,改变和发展被认为是主要来源于个人的努力和竞争。 23. Swelling of the mucous membranes, cause by irritants, allergies, or infections, may block the nasal passages, making breathing difficult. 答案:A->改为caused 测试点:过去分词修饰 分析:句子的主谓分别是swell may block,中间的部分cause没有和may block用连词连接,说明是修饰成分,再看到by说明是被动,所以修改为caused by;making 是现在分词结构修饰动词谓语,没有错误。 参考译文:由刺激、过敏、或者感染带来的粘膜的肿大,可能阻塞鼻子内部的通道,带来呼吸困难。

TOEFL Junior语法题小托福语言形式与含义教学教材

T O E F L J u n i o r语法题小托福语言形式与 含义

TJ时态题 官方指南 1. He ___ one of his other classes on a field trip to the aquarium this Saturday. A. take B. to take C. is taking D. was taken TJ语态题 1. A man’s wristwatch ___ in the lobby of Liugi’s Pizza Restaurant on Tuesday, February 16. A. finds B. finding C. has found D. was found 2. Given new technologies and advanced training techniques, ski jumping records will surely continue ___ A. are broken B. to be broken C. breaking them D. have been breaking 3. They ___ to provide a lot of living spaces, not for long, dangerous voyages. A. build B. are built C. have built D. are building TJ连词/介词/副词 1. _____ you were at basketball practice today, your teacher, Mr. Morris, called on the phone to talk with you. A.So B. While C. Because D. Although 2. _____ the construction , the front entrance to the science building will be closed. ____, all students will have to use the doors on the north side to enter the building. A. At B. On C. Over D. During A. As a result B. Even though C. All of a sudden D. On the other hand 3. Cuckoos, cowbirds, and widowbirds are three examples ___ birds that are brood parasites. A. of B. by C. for D. from 4. My mother asked me if I wanted anyone else to come, __ the first person I thought of was you! A. but B. and C. while D. therefore 5. Known throughout recorded history, they are __- used by people all around the world.

托福真题- 10月13日新托福测试阅读真题

托福真题: 10月13日新托福测试阅读真题 考试日期 2012.10.13Passage 1Title:Is Panspermia Possible?大致内容 1996年发现了一个15 million years以前的陨石之类的,含有微生物,而且其中一些活过来了,这提起了科学家继续研究panspermia的兴趣(有题,这个概念在1996年很久以前就被提出了)。举了一些例子,1. 陨石crust外面的磁场很强,但是往里几厘米就渐弱很多,所以内部无法产生高温,无法让陨石飞行和降落。但是后来发现,其实是可以的;2. 又发现了一个一百多million以前的陨石之类的,里面也有微生物可以活过来,证明了之前的假设。而且,还做了实验,把细菌暴露在外太空的低温下。Passage 2Title:Sea Lions大致内容 sea lion数量减少的原因。一开始科学家们认为是因为大量的捕猎造成的数量减少,还做了实验,四个地方,两个禁止捕鱼,另外两个不禁止。一个professor带的团队认为是其他的原因。是因为killer whale吃掉的太多了。原因:因为原来killer whale吃的大型whale被人类捕杀了很多(有题),所以killer whale开始shift它的diet到小一点的动物上。有例子证明,在大型whale数量减少的时候,其他一些动物

的数量也接连的在减少(有题)。科学家debate how often killer whale吃其他动物,但是他们承认killer whale是原因之一。最后一段是那个professor带领学生采集数据发现killer whale改变1%的diet就造成了这么大的影响(有题),scientist也在怀疑这个结论。Passage 3Title:the Rise of Constantinople大致内容说的是君士坦丁堡这个城市的建立。先说这个城市是由皇帝建立的,用皇帝的名字命名(这里出现了一个日期,有题),虽然刚开始还很弱小,但很快就发展壮大。第二段说它的壮大的原因是地理位置很好,城市本身坐落在一个三角半岛的小山丘上,旁边全是悬崖。整个城区成为一个重要的军事要塞,易守难攻。此处也是从黑海前往爱琴海的通路(有题)。此外,此处还有自然深水港湾(有题),港湾边界还有链子围起来成为一个安全区域(有题),可供船只停泊。自古以来就是世界各地商船汇集的地方,处在交通要道,拥有深水港,是船的休息的中转站。皇帝对这些船进行征税。然后说了它的贸易发达,很多货物都运往这里(有题,问为什么举很多货物的例子),发展模式是沿用罗马模式,给民众发放免费食物,还有发展娱乐业,比如马戏团,文化产业繁荣。第三段说繁荣的第三个因素是城市规划的很好,建了很多建筑,采用罗马模式,但是又因地制宜(有题)。还讲了建了很多神明的雕塑,有最新的,也有传统的希腊神(有题),最后总结了一下。点


托福考试之历年托福语法真题全面解析 1.The flexibility of film allows the artist __________ unbridled imagination to the animation of cartoon characters. (A) to bring (B) bringing (C) is brought (D) brings 答案: A 测试点:不定式。 分析: allow+sb .十不定式为固定结构。4 个答案中只有( A) to bring 是不定式。 2. Traditionally, __________in New England on Thanksgiving Day. (A) when served is sweet cider (B) when sweet cider is served (C) is served sweet cider (D) sweet cider is served 答案: D

测试点:主谓结构。 分析:原句主、谓俱缺,应选一完整的主语+谓语的结构,即( D)。(A)、(C)不通,( B)则是从句,不适合此句。 3. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent __________, or pronghorn. (A) it is the American antelope (B) the American antelope is (C) is the American antelope (D) the American antelope 答案: C 测试点:倒装句。 分析: Typical of放在句首的句子,要用倒装句。Typical of,短语是表语,应在答案中选择“系动词+主语”的结构,即( C)。 解题要点:遇倒装句在 4 个答案中寻找以系动词( be)开始的结构。 4. Lillian D. Wald, public health nurse and __________, was born in Cincinnati Ohio, in 1867. (A) reforming society


文档从网络中收集,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 阅读 1. What is the main reason that people developed methods of refrigeration? They wanted to improve the flavor and nutritional value of food. They needed to slow the natural processes that cause food to spoil. They needed a use for the ice that formed on lakes and rivers. They wanted to expand the production of certain industries. 2. The word perishable in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to capable of spoiling uncooked of animal origin highly nutritious 3. What can be inferred from paragraph 1 about cold storage before the invention of artificial refrigeration? It kept food cold for only about a week. It was dependent on a source of ice or snow. It required a container made of metal or wood. It was not a safe method of preserving meat. 4. Artificial refrigeration involves all of the following processes EXCEPT the pumping of water vapor through a pipe the rapid expansion of certain gases the evaporation of a volatile liquid the transfer of heat from one place to another 5. Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 2? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. It takes a lot of energy to transform a liquid into a vapor, especially when the vapor loses heat. Some gases expand rapidly and give off energy when they encounter a very cold THE DEVELOPMENT OF REFRIGERATION Cold storage, or refrigeration, is keeping food at temperatures between 32 and 45 degrees F in order to delay the growth of microorganisms—bacteria, molds, and veast—that cause food to spoil. Refrigeration produces few changes in food, so meats, fish, eggs, milk, fruits, and vegetables keep their original flavor, color, and nutrition. Before artificial refrigeration was invented, people stored perishable food with ice or snow to lengthen its storage time. Preserving food by keeping it in an ice—filled pit is a 4,000-year-old art. Cold storage areas were built in basements, cellars, or caves, lined with wood or straw, and packed with ice. The ice was transported from mountains, or harvested from local lakes or rivers, and delivered in large blocks to homes and businesses. Artificial refrigeration is the process of removing heat from a substance, container, or enclosed area, to lower its temperature. The heat is moved from the inside of the container to the outside. A refrigerator uses the evaporation of a volatile liquid, or refrigerant, to absorb heat. In most types of refrigerators, the refrigerant is compressed, pumped through a pipe, and allowed to vaporize. As the liquid turns to vapor, it loses heat and gets colder because the molecules of vapor use energy to leave the liquid. The molecules left behind have less energy and so the liquid becomes colder. Thus, the air inside the refrigerator is chilled. Scientists and inventors from around the world developed artificial refrigeration during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. William Cullen demonstrated artificial refrigeration in Scotland in l748, when he let ethyl ether boil into a partial vacuum. In l805, American inventor Oliver Evans designed the first refrigeration machine that used vapor instead of liquid. In l842, physician John Gorrie used Evans’s design to create an air-cooling apparatus to treat yellow—fever patients in a Florida hospital. Gorrie later left his medical practice and liquid.


托福考试之历年托福语法真题全面解析 ) 1.The flexibility of film allows the artist __________ unbridled imagination to the animation of cartoon characters. (A) to bring … (B) bringing (C) is brought 】 (D) brings 答案: A ^ 测试点:不定式。 < 分析: allow+sb .十不定式为固定结构。 4 个答案中只有( A) to bring 是不定式。 【 2. Traditionally, __________in New England on Thanksgiving Day. (A) when served is sweet cider … (B) when sweet cider is served ? (C) is served sweet cider (D) sweet cider is served

答案: D

测试点:主谓结构。 分析:原句主、谓俱缺,应选一完整的主语+谓语的结构,即( D)。(A)、(C)不通,( B)则是从句,不适合此句。 3. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent __________,or pronghorn. (A) it is the American antelope (B) the American antelope is (C) is the American antelope (D) the American antelope 答案: C 测试点:倒装句。 分析: Typical of放在句首的句子,要用倒装句。Typical of,短语是表语,应在答案中选择“系动词+主语”的结构,即( C)。 解题要点:遇倒装句在 4 个答案中寻找以系动词( be)开始的结构。 4. Lillian D. Wald, public health nurse and __________, was born in Cincinnati Ohio, in 1867. (A) reforming society


新托福口语考试试题小范例 (发布时间:2007-8-7 15:31:00 来自:模考网 实例: Narrator: “Public transportation should be encouraged instead of private cars.” Do you agree with this statement? Please give reasons for your answer. You may begin to prepare your response after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Preparation time: 15 seconds Response time: 45 seconds Narrator: Please begin speaking after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Suggested Answer: With the improvement of living standards, some people can afford to buy their own cars. They drive to work or drive to the suburbs, enjoying the happy holidays. Yet, private cars can’t replace public transportation, such as buses or subways. Compared with private cars, buses and subways have several advantages. First, they are very cheap. A


1989年01月语法题 1. The flexibility of film allows the artist __________ unbridled imagination to the animation of cartoon characters. (A) to bring (B) bringing (C) is brought (D) brings 2. Traditionally, __________in New England on Thanksgiving Day. (A) when served is sweet cider (B) when sweet cider is served (C) is served sweet cider (D) sweet cider is served 3. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent __________, or pronghorn. (A) it is the American antelope (B) the American antelope is (C) is the American antelope (D) the American antelope 4. Lillian D. Wald, public health nurse and __________, was born in Cincinnati Ohio, in 1867. (A) reforming society (B) social reformer (C) who reformed society (D) her social reform 5. Copper sulfate, spread in judicious amounts, kills algae __________ harming fish or aquatic invert-ebrates. (A) does not (B) but does no (C) except (D) without 6. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people __________long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. (A) will they live (B) they will be living (C) will live


托福语法辅导解析题精选篇 语法在托福考试中一直都是一些同学的痛点,整理了一些托福语法解析题,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福语法辅导解析题1 1. Most doctors of the Colonial period believed _______ was caused by an imbalance of humors in the body. A. in disease B. that disease C. of disease D. about disease 答案:B 分析:动词believe 的用法:直接加that引导的宾语从句。这里that为连接adv.,在句中不作任何成分,其后接完整句。 参考译文:大多数殖民时期的医生认为疾病来源人体内不平衡的体液。 2. In 1976 Sarah Caldwell became _________ at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City. A. she was the first woman to conduct B. the first woman conductor C. the woman was first conducting

D. the woman conducts first 答案:B 分析:缺宾语,答案中只有B,D可以作宾语,但D的语序不对。 参考译文:1976,Sarah Caldwell成为在第一个在纽约Metropolitan Opera House演出的演奏家。 补充:常考the f irst/second/… one to do sth 3. On January 7,1955,Marian Anderson became _________ to sing a major role at New York Citys Metropolitan Opera House. A. the first African American B. the first African American was C. she was the first African American D. when the first African American 答案:A 分析:缺宾语,C,D都不能作宾语。一句话中只能有一个谓语,而B中有was,句中出现两个谓语,一定错。 参考译文:1955年1月7号,Marian Anderson成为在第一个在纽约Metropolitan Opera House担任主唱的美籍黑人。 4. Perhaps the most significant postwar trend was the decentralization of cities throughout the United States,_________ when massive


新托福考试内容及题型 新托福考试包括听说读写四个部分,大约持续四个小时。四个部分的考试将在一天内完成。考试的顺序是:阅读、听力、口语、写作,听力之后有10分钟的休息时间。 阅读部分: 新托福阅读文章的篇幅比笔考托福(PBT)的篇幅略长,难度也有所增加。新托福考试阅读部分为60-100分钟,包括3-5篇文章,每篇650-750字,对应12-14道题。 题目类型包括: 1. 图表题Fill in a Table 2. 篇章总结题Prose Summary 3. 词汇题V ocabulary 4. 指代关系题Reference 5. 简化句子题Sentence Simplification 6. 插入文本题Insert Text 7. 事实信息题Factual Information 8. 推断题Inference 9. 修辞目的题Rhetorical Purpose 10.否定排除题Negative Factual Information 除了最后一道试题之外,其他试题都是针对文章的某一部分提问,试题的出现顺序与文章的段落顺序一致。最后一题针对整篇文章提问,要求考生从多个选择项中挑选若干项对全文惊醒总结或归纳。在完成答题的过程中,考生可以使用“复查”功能瞬间找出没有回答的题目,而不必每道题都检查一遍。 听力部分: 新托福听力部分取消了以往托福考试的短对话形式,由两端较长的校园情景对话(Conversation)和四段课堂演讲(Lecture)组成。每段对话涉及2个或2个以上的说话者,分别对应5道试题。每段演讲对应6道试题。 听力部分的时间为60-90分钟,每段对话是2-3分钟,每段演讲是4-6分钟。考生在听录音资料之前无法得知试题。在播放录音资料时,电脑屏幕上会显示相应的背景图片。考生可以在听录音过程中记笔记。考生不能复查、修改已提交的答案。 题目类型包括: 1.Gist-Content(内容主旨题,理解讲座或对话的主旨大意) 2.Gist-Purpose(目的主旨题,考察对话目的) 3.Detail (细节题,听懂并记住讲座或对话中明晰的细节或事实) 4.Understanding the Function of What Is Said(句子功能题,测试是否理解某一句话的功能) 5.Understanding the Speaker's Attitude(说话人态度题,考查是否能听出说话人的态度或观点) 6.Understanding Organization(组织结构题,识别整个听力材料的结构和听力材料中两个部分之间的关系) 7.Connecting Content(连接内容题,考查对材料中各观点之间的关系的理解能力,有时需要


托福考试之历年托福语法真题全面解析 1. The flexibility of film allows the artist __________ unbridled imagination to the animation of cartoon characters. (A) to bring (B) bringing (C) is brought (D) brings 答案:A 测试点:不定式。 分析:allow+sb.十不定式为固定结构。4个答案中只有(A)to bring是不定式。 2. Traditionally, __________in New England on Thanksgiving Day. (A) when served is sweet cider (B) when sweet cider is served (C) is served sweet cider (D) sweet cider is served 答案:D

测试点:主谓结构。 分析:原句主、谓俱缺,应选一完整的主语+谓语的结构,即(D)。(A)、(C)不通,(B)则是从句,不适合此句。 3. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent __________,or pronghorn. (A) it is the American antelope (B) the American antelope is (C) is the American antelope (D) the American antelope 答案:C 测试点:倒装句。 分析:Typical of放在句首的句子,要用倒装句。Typical of…短语是表语,应在答案中选择“系动词+主语”的结构,即(C)。 解题要点:遇倒装句在4个答案中寻找以系动词(be)开始的结构。 4. Lillian D. Wald, public health nurse and __________, was born in Cincinnati Ohio, in 1867. (A) reforming society
