八年级上重点背诵 深圳牛津版

八年级上重点背诵 深圳牛津版
八年级上重点背诵 深圳牛津版


liquid n.液体

solid n.固体

gas n.气体

cover v.覆盖

stream n.小溪

tap n.龙头

pour v.涌流;倾泻

freeze v.惊呆;吓呆

waste v.浪费

sound v.听起来;似乎

angry adj.生气的;愤怒的

obey v.服从;顺从

nod v.点头

treatment n.处理

travel v.旅行

pipe n.官十

until conj.直到……时(为止)

plant n.工厂

pump v.用泵输送

pollute v.污染

valuable adj.有价值的;宝贵的customer n.顾客;客户

owner n.主人;物主

bath v.洗澡;淋浴

total n.总数;合计

flow chart n.流程图;作业图step-by-step adj.循序渐进的

*reservoir n.水厍

works n.工厂

*sewage n.(下水道的)污水

*mint n.铸币厂

*shiny adj.光亮的;锃亮的

the amount of……的数量

pour into倾倒


look around环顾四周

sound angry听起来很生气drop…into…将……扔进……

carry sb.to…带某人到……

clean sb.up清扫;净化a water treatment works自来水厂

a sewage plant污水处理厂pump…into把一……抽至到……

in the first place最初;起先

liquid gold液体金子

nod/shake one’s head点头/摇头

be of great value很有价值

a one-yuan coin一枚一元的硬币

in time及时

pocket money零花钱

a little/not much一点点

soy sauce酱油

cooking oil食用油

be on上演

recipe for………的食谱/秘诀1.When you freeze water,it becomes solid.当你将水冰冻,它变成了固体。2.She was brushing her teeth,and the tap was on./She was brushing her teeth with the tap On.


3.Walter was pouring into the sink.水哗哗地流进了水槽。

4.“Turn that tap off.You’re wasting water.”The voice sounded angry.


5.It’s not easy for me to get up here.我来这里可不容易。

6.Then the cloud dropped me into a stream and I flowed quickly down the mountain into the Dongjiang River.然后云将我扔进一条小溪,我飞速地流下山岗流入了东江。

7.I w as dirty after my Journey so people cleaned me up in a water treatment works.


8.I waited here until you called me.我一直等到你叫我。

9.I’ll go to a sewage plant.我将去污水处理厂。

10.I came from the sea in the first place.我最初来自大海。

11.Remember not to waste or pollute me.记住不要浪费我也不要污染我。

Chapter2School newspaper

local adj.当地的;本地的

term n.学期

publish v.出版;发行

hold v.举行

chief editor n.主编

suggest v.建议;提议

experience n.经验;经历secretary n.秘书

free adj.免费的

consider v.考虑

briefly adv.简要地

conclude v.结束

march v.齐步走;行进

form v.形状;外形

jar n.罐子

praise v.表扬

deserve v.应受;应得

shame n.遗憾的事;可惜

absent adj.不在场的;缺勤的

match n.比赛;竞赛

design n.设计

committee n.委员会

pleased adj.高兴的;满足的

*elect v.选举

*vote v.投票;选举

*section n.(文件、书等的)节;项;段mayor n.市长

*stall n.摊位;货摊

*compliment n.赞美

sympathy n.同J|青;同1青心

teenage adj.十三岁到十九岁的

*feature n.(报纸、电视等中)特写或专题节目

*edition n.(书、报等)版次

different sections of a newspaper报纸的不同版面

local news当地新闻

chief editor主编

win a competition赢得比赛

millions of几百万的

take notes记笔记

soon after不久之后

publish a newspaper出版一份报纸

hold a meeting开会elect sb.(to be/as)sth.选举某人担任……be experienced in sth.在……有经验

vote for/against sb.投票赞成/反对某人take charge of负责

be in charge of负责;掌管

ought to do sth.应该做

ask for suggestions寻求建议

be responsible for为某事负责

talk sth.over讨论

make a list of列张清单

be free to sb.免费提供

pay for sth.为……付钱

think about sth.考虑

a bit一点点

make a decision about sth.做决定

agree to sth.同意某件事情

agree with sb./one’s words同意某人意见arrange to do安排做……

conclude a meeting结束会议

in one week’s time一周后

come to an end结束

come to the end of sth.结束某事

in all总共

on everybody’s lips人人都知道

pay compliments to sb.对……赞美

feel sorry/sympathy for sb.对……感到同情/抱歉

1.Soon after the term started,some Grade Eight students at Mayfield School wanted to publish a newspaper.


2.First,we decided to elect the chief editor.首先,我们决定选举主编。3.Tony suggested,“We ought to choose Joyce,because she has experience.”


4.Then we all voted for her.然后我们都投了她的票。

5.Then Joyce took charge of the meeting.然后由乔伊斯主持会议。

6.You will be responsible for different

sections of the paper.你们将负责报纸的不同版面。

7.We considered the last question briefly.我们简要考虑了最后一个问题。8.We should think about it a bit longer.我们应该再花点时间来考虑这个问题。

9.We will make a decision about the name at the next meeting.我们将在下次会议上决定(报纸的)名字。

10.We agreed to conclude the meeting then.然后我们同意结束这次会议。

Chapter3Detectives and crimes innocent adj.无辜的;无罪的detective n.侦探

guilty adj.犯罪的;有罪的

recent adj.最近的;近来的

case n.案件

alone adv.独自;单独

lock v.锁;锁上

carpet n.地毯

question v.提问;质问

necklace n.项链

recognize v辨认出;识别出

suspect n.嫌疑犯;可疑对象

admit v.承认

own adj.自己的;本人的

insurance n.保险

diamond n.钻石

piece n.(尤指一套中的)一件separately adv.单独地;分别地

crime n.犯罪行为

belt n.皮带

frightened adj.受惊吓的;害怕的

safe n.保险箱

clue n.线索

earring n.耳环

deny v.否认;否定

proof n.证据

*jail n.监狱

*bracelet n.手镯

ruby n.红宝石

emerald n.绿宝石

string n.线;绳子*doorway n.门口

have an interview with sb.与某人会谈/面试

buy sth.for…付钱买……

steal sth.from sb.偷某人东西

a black pearl necklace黑色珍珠项链

be in prison/jail,be behind bars坐牢work as从事于……

be innocent/the guilty无辜的/有罪的人

as well as也

enjoy doing sth.喜欢做……

report a theft报案

deny/admit doing sth.否认/承认做某事notice sb.doing sth.注意到某人做……the same…as与……一样

no longer不再

in the end最终

make sb.do sth.使某人做……

instead of代替

solve a case破案

at the time of the robbery在案发当时fake banknotes假币

be afraid of doing sth.害怕发生某事

be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事

me missing vase失踪的花瓶

reach/arrive at/come to a conclusion得出结论


get a suntan晒伤

belong to属于

find out the truth找到真相

put sb.into prison/behind bars将某人投进监狱

a piece of jewellery一件珠宝

make sure确保

arrange to do sth.安排做……

suggest doing sth.建议做……

be made of wool由羊毛做的

bump into sb./sth.撞到……上

1.I lost a friend.He’s a robot with a broken arm called Lo.


2.He bought a vase for two hundred thousand dollars.他花了二十万美元买了这个花瓶。3.To get information,she interviewed Detective Ken.为了获取信息,她采访了肯侦探。

4.Why do you like working as a detective?你为什么喜欢当侦探?

5.I hope to protect the innocent as well as find the guilty.我希望保护无辜者也希望找出罪犯。6.He lives alone and enjoys collecting things.他独自居住且喜欢收集东西。7.They both denied stealing the vase,but I noticed Jill wearing a black pearl necklace.她们都否认偷了花瓶,但我还是注意到吉儿戴着一串黑色珍珠项链。

8.It has the same design as the earring.它的设计和那只耳环一样。

9.I see,so Jill was no longer a suspect.我明白了,那么吉尔就不再是嫌疑人了。

10.He wanted to make Jill go to jail instead of himself.他想让吉尔代替他去坐牢。

11.I checked Jill’s story about someone stealing her earring.我核实了吉尔关于某人偷她耳环的事情。

Chapter4Computer technology monitor n.(计算机)显示器

speaker n.扬声器;喇叭

keyboard n.键盘

mouse n.鼠标

type v.打字;键入

control v.控制

hide v.藏;隐藏

tiny adj.极小的;微小的

realize v.察觉到;意识到

print v.打印

operate v.操作;使运行

railway n.铁路

judge n.法官;审判员

raise v.提出(问题等)

supply n.供应;提供

order n.订单

company n.公司

reference n.标识;编号

price n.价格

medium adj.中等的;中号的

quantity n.数量opinion n.意见;看法

disagree v.不同意

hot adj.辣的

smooth adj.柔和的

speed n.速度

modem adj.现代的

distance n.距离

*drive n.驱动器

*CD-ROM n.只读光盘

*DVD-ROM n.数字只读光盘

*flash disk以.闪存盘

*rarely adv.很少;不常

*ballpoint pen阳.圆珠笔


*be dependent on依赖于

electric machine电动机器

electric fan电扇

electronic mail/dictionary电子邮件/词典type in information键入信息according to根据

hidden helpers隐形助手

hardly ever几乎从不

be unaware of sth./that…没意识到

be aware of意识到

washing machine洗衣机

be dependent on/upon依赖于depend on/upon依赖于

at the moment现在;此刻

be fast at doing sth.做……很快速more importantly更重要的是……

for these reasons因为这些原因electronic brains电子大脑

the answer to a question问题的答案

for the time being暂时;目前

have understanding of sth.对……理解

be able to do能够做

be good at doing sth.擅长于……

raise questions提出问题

be short of缺乏

bring sth.to one's attention提出……order products订购产品

office supplies办公用品

ballpoint pen圆珠笔

flash disk闪存盘

grand total总数

go abroad出国

be made of leather/plastic由皮革/塑料做的in one’s opinion在某人看来

a wide range of services各种服务1.You never seem to be short of pocket money, Lo.你似乎从不缺少零花钱,洛?

2.You use the keyboard for typing in information.你用键盘键入信息。

3.The mouse helps you control the computer.鼠标帮助你控制电脑。

4.You hardly ever saw computers.你几乎看不到电脑。

5.There are also many tiny,hidden computers in your home but you might be unaware of them.


6.You are more dependent on computers than you realize.你比你意识到的更依赖电脑。7.They are faster at calculating than people are and rarely give wrong answers.它们在计算上比人类快并且很少出错。

8.More importantly,they can operate railways and fly planes and spaceships.



9.They may be better at doing their jobs than doctors,judges and teachers.

它们可能在工作上比医生、法官、老师做得都好。Chapter5Historical stories

run v.经营;管理

tale n.故事

rash v.迅速移动;冲

cry v.叫;喊

Greek n.希腊人

main adj.主要的;最重要的

wheel n.轮;车轮

order v.命令;要求

drag n.(使劲而吃力地)拖;拉

citizen n.公民;市民

celebrate v.庆祝;庆贺

joke n.笑话

stupid adj.愚蠢的

square n.广场

army n.军队


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全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节 最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式 八年级(下)复习之Unit 1 一、单词归纳与练习 I. 根据要求写出相应的单词。 1. ill (名词) ____________________ 2. hurt (过去式) ____________________ 3. peaceful (名词) ____________________ 4. difficult (名词) ____________________ 5. expression (动词) ____________________ 6. organize (名词) ____________________ II.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词,完成句子。 6. Peter often goes to help the d____________ children in the hospital. 7. They are going to r_______________ money to build a school for the children in the poor village.

8. I didn't p___________ for my house. My parents bought it for me. 9. We should learn to control our s____________ when we get very angry. 10. She showed great c______________ when she faced the danger. She was so brave. III.用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空,完成句子。 14. The doctor gave him some medicine to reduce his _______ (painful) in his stomach. 15. The young man often offers ________ (help) his mother with housework. 16. As ______ (teenager), we can learn to solve problems by ourselves. 17. I'm confident about the ______ (friend) between Mary and me. 18. Our school _______ (organization) an activity to help the poor children last week. 二、词组归纳与练习 I.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空,完成句子。 1.__________ make his dream come true, he works very hard. 2. Although he met a lot of problems in his study, he ___________ work hard and didn't give up.

深圳牛津八年级下期末综合测试试题 (一 无答案)

深圳牛津八年级下期末综合测试题(一) 第一卷选择题(60分) I.词汇测试(15分) i.根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项。(共8小题,母小题1分) ()1. — Nothing can satisfy the woman in the story. She’s always complaining. — Yes. At last, she gets nothing. A. reach B. remind C. please ()2. — I received a letter from him recently. —Really? How’s he doing? A. a long time ago B. not long ago C. in the present ()3. — Why do you require a pair of scissors? —Because I want to make paper cuttings. A. need B. allow C. advise ()4. — I wonder if you can finish the work by yourself. —I believe I can because I once did the same work. A. want to know B. want to understand C. want to decide ()5. — What do you think of the work? —It’s simple. I can do it in only ten minutes. A.different B. similar C. easy ()6. — Don’t worry about anything. I will support you all the time. —Thank you! I will. A.in public B. in fear C. all the way ()7. — What does Amy think of the news? —She thinks it is surprising and it made her eyes pop out. A. open widely B. close quietly C. get wet ()8. — Mike is a good boy and he often cares for his little sister. —Yes. Sometimes he also helps with the housework. A. plays for B. takes care of C. looks for ii.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。(共7小题,每小题1分)()9. If something is_________, it is not pleasant. A. funny B. terrible C. ready ()10. If two things are_________, they are put together. A.mixed B. developed C. damaged ()11. — Come on o r we won’t catch the early bus. —I’m ready and I’ll come_________. A. in a way B. in the end C. in a second ()12. — Why are you so sad, Tom? —Beca use my mother’s illness is_________ and she has stayed in hospital for one month. A.serious B. popular C. stupid


新版深圳牛津英语八年级上期末测试卷 笔试部分(满分85) I. 词汇运用(15分) i. 同义替换。(共8小题, 每小题1分) ( )1、Your invention is clever, but not practical. A. important B. useful C. useless ( ) 2. I haven’t thought of any methods to solve this problem. A. ways B. steps C. sides ( ) 3. I think the best way to get along well with your parents is to communicate with them to tell them your feelings. A. agree B. talk C. improve ( ) 4. She doe sn’t mention where she is going. A. speak of B. hear of C. think of ( ) 5. Mr. Green gave a speech on how to make friends with little kids last week, and we all listened carefully. A. book B. feeling C. talk ( ) 6. My spoken English has improved a lot. Now I can talk with foreigners. A. become worse B. become better C. become clearer ( ) 7. If you want to learn English well, you should practise it. Above all, you should keep doing it. A. Most importantly B. After all C. Even though ( ) 8. He helped me a lot when I had trouble last year. A. difficulty B. advice C. wealth ii. 词汇释义。(共3小题,每小题1分) ( ) 9. _____ is the ability to remember things. A. Memory B. Energy C. knowledge ( ) 10. A ______ means one that has won something. A. host B. seller C. winner ( ) 11. When someone is _____, he or she has a lot of money or other valuable things. A. poor B. rich C. happy iii. 根据上下文线索猜词。(共4小题, 每题1分) ( ) 12. The boy _____ his father at the age of five, so he lived with his mother until he grew up. A. met B. replied C. lost ( ) 13. When I got into the room, he ______ behind the door, so I couldn’t see him. A. hid B. looked C. rushed ( ) 14. I don’t know how to solve this problem. Can you give some _____ on how to work it out? A. topics B. suggestions C. inventions ( ) 15. The little girl is very _____.When she talks with other people, her face turns red. A. shy B. outgoing C. happy


一课文重点词汇和短语 注意出毛病,出错 抛锚例如 失忆变得更糟 对…生气 吉尼斯世界记录大全 a 长/短时记忆 a 一个脑伤的男人 令人惊叹的故事 及…相连 …对…感到惊讶 找借口/借故 . 道歉 写一篇关于这个主题的文章 a . 增加一个关于…的特写(报道) a 在字典里查询单词 v. 同意 ⑴+V .我们同意立即走。 ⑵ . 赞同;允许 . 她同意我的想法。

⑶ . 同意某人的意见 I . 我同意的意见。 ⑷ . 赞同 I ’t . ⑸ . 对……意见一致 . 他们对此案件意见一致。 ‘I ’s a .’“I’t ”.( ) ‘我认为这是一个坏主意。’“我完全同意”。 反义词: v. 不同意 .“日常的;例行的;平凡的”相当于. . 这篇文章写得浅显易懂。 副词短语“每一天,天天” 6:30 . 他每天6:30起床。 注意,及和 是名词,意思是死亡,是动词,死;是形容词“死了的,死亡的”之意;是形容词,意思是即将死亡的,垂死的 二语法:由和引导的条件状语从句 含有的复合句由两个分句组成;为连词,引导条件状语从 句,另一句为主句。 如果谈论的是某一个动作发生后势必会产生某个结果,那

么主从句都用一般现在时态。 . , . a , . 如果谈论的是‘如果’某一个动作或事情发生后,很可能将会产生某种结果,那么在复句中主句的动词用一般将来时,而从句仍然是一般 现在时。 , . 若条件句放句首,从句后面要加逗号,和主句隔开。 及用法相似,相当于… . ’t .→ . 同步练习 () . A. B C. D. ( ) . A. C 2

一.课文重点词汇和短语 1. 照镜子 2. . = 成功做某事 3. 代替 = 4. …使…陷入麻烦中 5. 及…之间有麻烦 6 陷入困境 7 全世界 8. 脾气坏的 9. a 许多 10. 一共 11 熬夜 12. ……的数量 13. 睡着去睡觉 14. 有生气,活跃 15. a 捉弄 16 卧床 17 逃离 18. 嘲笑 19. = 充满 20. 尽力做某事 21. 1930s 20世纪30年代末 22 想到;想起;想出考虑仔细思考 23. 告诉某人做某事 24. a …= a …叫…的人 二.语法 形容词概述 1.形容词用来修饰名词,说明事物的性质,特征或状态。 a . a . 2. 形容词放在连系动词之后,如:, , , , , , , , , … . ’t . 3. 形容词做宾语补足语.它们能使动作完整并通常及一些特定的动词如:, , , , , 连用。 . I a . 4.形容词及不定式连用的两个句型。 (1) +形容词 / . + . 若形容词是描述不定式行为者的性格、品质的,如,,,,,等,用 .。


深圳牛津八年级下期末综合测试题(五) 第一卷选择题(60分) I.词汇测试(15分) i.根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项。(共8小题,每小题1分) 1. — Mr. White is pleasant, right? —Yes, he always greets others with a smile and offers to help others. A. strict B. friendly C. worried 2. — We should do some exercise to keep fit. — I strongly agree with you. A. cute B. ready C. healthy 3. — It appears that they won’t agree with us in the meeting. —Don’t worry. If you don’t try, you will never know the result. A. seems B. causes C. allows 4. — When did you reach Shanghai last night? —About 9 o’ clock. A.arrive in B. look up C. pick up 5. — If you want to keep a pet, you need to have enough time to care for it. —I think I do because my job is not busy. A. prepare for B. take care of C. be different from 6. — How could I make my parents not be angry with me? —Say sorry to them. What’s more, let them know you’ve known your mistake. A. More importantly B. On the way C. A long time ago 7. — What took place just now in the street? — There was a car accident. A. hurt B. shook C. happened 8. — Do you think you can get a high mark? —Yes, I do. I will certainly make it if I work hard and never give up. A.fail B. succeed C. develop ii.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。(共7小题,每小题1分) 9. If you are not interested in a job, you will feel____________ it. A. pleased with B. bored with C. excited about 10. - A____________ is a system of communication. - We must use it to communicate with others. A. language B. meaning C. feeling 11. — Some pets are____________ so they are not good pets. —From your words, I can know you are a quiet person.

广州牛津深圳版英语八年级上册 Unit 4 同步 语法和拓展(有答案)

广州深圳牛津版八上U4 巩固提升训练(同步+语法+拓展训练) 一.单元短语自查:(Do it by yourself !) 一.重点单词 1. 单词拼写。 (1)The wheel is one of the greatest i in history. (2) After the wheel was invented, travelling became faster and c . (3) Thomas Edison d the first light bulb in 1879. (4)The bus stopped every few minutes to pick up p . (5) Your advice sound p . I’ll do as you said. (6) By chatting online, we can see the speakers over long d . (7)The modern city was only a small village in a times. (8) Cars make our life quite convenient, but they also c many problems. (9)When buying a book, it is necessary to read the i first. (10)The watch was given by my grandpa; so it is very s . inventions, comfortable ,developed, passengers, practical,distance, ancient, introduction, special , 二.重点短语互译


第一单元:义务性工作 三名青少年主动提出在学校放假期间做一些义务性工作。他们写了以下报告。 我在一个儿童医院做了一些义务性工作。那里的孩子们都遭受着严重疾病的折磨。我们为他们组织了一次绘画比赛。 我遇到了一个叫辛迪的女孩。她想画一幅她家附近的公园的图画。我去了那个公园,拍了一些照片。辛迪用它们来画画。 贝蒂有很多失去父母的孩子。我和妈妈一起见了几个这样的孩子。我们教他们讲故事。这帮助他们表达自己感情。一个孩子说:“我的朋友们不理解我的痛苦。” 我们和一个叫薇薇安的女孩共度时光。她的父母在一次车祸中丧生,她很伤心,也非常孤独。她需要友谊。我和妈妈将继续去看望薇薇安。 马克我想帮助残疾儿童。他们行动困难。我教他们唱歌,因为音乐能带给他们快乐和宁静。 我遇到了一个叫蒂姆的男孩。他在一次事故中双腿受伤,但是他很有勇气。我们需要帮助像蒂姆这样的孩子,使他们鼓起勇气。在将来我会继续做义务性工作。 安妮 第二单元:肢体语言 黛比和西蒙是学生。他们两个都在一家旅行社做兼职工作。 一位穿着讲究的女士进入了办公室。她看了看黛比和西蒙,然后朝黛比走了过去,黛比高兴地向她打招呼。 西蒙叹着气走开了。 “怎么啦?”杨先生问。 “人们总是选择黛比而不是我。我不能理解。” “我能理解。这是你交流方式的问题。” “那怎么可能呢?西蒙问,“我都没有机会说话。” “交流不仅仅是说话。你的肢体语言也是很重要的。” “肢体语言?” “它是你站和坐的方式、你的手势和面部的表情。你的整个外观都在传递信息。你没给人留下一个你好印象,西蒙。你低着头,从不微笑并且你不朝他们转头。

看看黛比,她一直在高抬着头,她总是微笑,看上去友好。她的肢体语言使人们觉得(自己)受欢迎,因此人们去她那儿求助。” 西蒙决定改善自己的肢体语言,他坐直身体并试着向人微笑。 几分钟过后,一个漂亮的女孩走了进来。她朝西蒙走了过去。一会儿之后,她带着微笑离开了。 杨先生立即走了过来说,“你给她留下了一个好印象,西蒙。” “那是我妹妹,”西蒙说,“她想提醒我明天是她的生日。” 第三单元:用鸟捕鱼 王大民是一个渔民。尽管他超过65岁了,但是他很健壮并且仍旧喜欢工作。 大民用鸬鹚抓鱼。鸬鹚是黑色的大鸟。它们擅长抓鱼,因为它们水性很好。它们能下潜并在水下停留达两分钟。 大民通常在傍晚动身并让鸬鹚准备好工作。首先,他在它们的脖子四周拴一片草,阻止它们吃掉大鱼。然后,但大民的船到达河里适当的位置时,他把它们赶到河里。大民用几种方式吸引鱼。在白天,他在船上跳上跳下。天黑后,他在船前面的杆上挂一盏灯。这些鸬鹚把鱼带回船上。然和大民取下鱼,并把它们扔进一个大篓子里。这种捕鱼(方式)不需要网。 曾经中国东南部很多地方从事鸬鹚捕鱼业,并且这个地区有很多渔民。但是如今,很少有年轻人对它感兴趣。50年以后,或许世界上将不再有鸬鹚渔民了。 第四单元:如何制作动画片 首先,你需要确定一个故事的基本思路。 这个故事是关于一个机器人,汉。他总是忘事。 一天,汉在地铁站遇到他的朋友萨拉和蒂姆。他说:“我很高兴。我买了一个新笔记本。现在我不会忘记事情了。”。 萨拉说:“是的。我也有一个。它在这儿。” 蒂姆问:“你的在哪里,汉?” 汉说:“啊呀,不!我忘了把它带来!” 第二步,考虑你想要的人物类型以及他们长什么样子。 汉是一个高个子机器人。他有方形的眼睛。它们实际上是摄像机。蒂姆戴着眼睛,因此他看起来聪明。萨拉是个友好的女孩。她有直的黑发。 现在制作这个故事的粗略概述。


牛津英语 八年级第二学期英语期末测试卷 班别姓名学号 一、听力测试(20%) 二、语言知识与运用(20%) 第一节:单项选择(10%) 1.If you use an English word more often, of course you ________ it better. A. remember B. remembering C. will remember D. remembered 2.______ he retired from work, _____ he was concerned about his company. A. Though, but B. Although, / C. /, though D. /, / 3.I’m searching for the clues for the accident. Please tell me what ________ at this time last night. A. were you doing B. you did C. you were doing D. you have done 4.Dr. Wang called me to ask when the plane would _______. A. turn off B. take off C. set off D. fly off 5.Mar Twain was a famous American writer in ___________. A. the 1830s’ B. 1830s C. the 1830’s D. the 1830s 6.There are many places of ____ in China, many foreign visitors enjoy doing ____ sightseeing here. A. interests, many B. interest, much C. interests, much D. interest, many 7.Tomas Edison ______ a lab for himself when he was young. A. set out B. set free C. set up D. set in 8.While my mother was busy ______, I ______ TV. A. cooking, watched B. cooking, watching C. to cook, was watching D. cooking, was watching 9.Mr. Black went to see a doctor this morning since it was difficult for him _______ asleep at night. A. to fall B. falling C. fell D. to falling 10.My mother is strict _____ me, but I am still grateful _____ her. A. with, with B. to, to C. with, to D. to, with


Chapter 1 Encyclopedias 名词 【看图选单词】 A B C (Beethoven) D E (Edison) F G H 1.dinosaur n 2.inventor n 3.musician n 4.scientist n 5.countryside n 6.notebook n 7.fossil n 8.dollar n 9.intelligence n (中文翻译) 10.invention n (中文翻译) 11.ability n (中文翻译)

动词 【看释义选单词】 A. give birth B. You defeat those people you are competing(比赛), or you do better than everyone else . C. consider as part of something 12.win v 过去式: 13.include v 介词: 14.born v (bear的过去分词)(be born in\at \on )【Translation】 The price both your shirt and your trousers. Li Ming was in England on May 8th,1995. The top four teams all at last. Ten members were present(出席)at the meeting,me. 副词 15.perhaps adv 16. even adv 17. however adv 18. suddenly adv sudden adj 【Translation】 I can give you some advice. I'd like to go with you; my hands are full. He passed t by without looking at me. The little boy fell off his bike . 形容词 Europe

牛津深圳版八年级上册Unit 1 Encyclopaedias 单元测试B卷

牛津深圳版八年级上册Unit 1 Encyclopaedias 单元测试B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、词汇测试。每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以以替换划线部分 (共8题;共16分) 1. (2分)The children followed into the living room. A . walked before B . walked behind C . walked on 2. (2分)—________ books can I borrow at a time? —Three. A . How often B . How long C . How many D . How much 3. (2分)There are people in the park on weekends! A . such B . so C . so much D . so many 4. (2分)Look! Sonia looks worried. There must be ________ wrong with her. A . nothing B . something C . anything D . everything 5. (2分)-- The cake looks . -- Yes, and it tastes even . A . well; good B . nice; better C . good; worse D . better; best

6. (2分)-That mountain in Guilin __________ an elephant. -So it does, it's amazing! A . looks up B . looks like C . looks for D . looks after 7. (2分)The food is very delicious in that restaurant. We could go and ______ it. A . sell B . help C . produce D . try 8. (2分)She came to see me last year, but now she doesn't. A . much B . a lot C . lots of D . a lot of 二、根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C二三个选项中选出恰当的 (共7题;共14分) 9. (2分)The problem is so ______________ that I can solve it ________________. A . easy, easy B . easy, easily C . easily, easy D . easily, easily 10. (2分)After six days' walk in the mountains, we all our food and drinks. A . ran away B . ran out of C . turned down D . lay down 11. (2分)He has ________ in touch with his foreign friends for many years. A . kept


八年级英语练习题 II.单项选择( 20 分) () 21.— Boys and girls . We all know water is valuable. We should save water. --You’ re right. We must ______________ the tap in time. A . turn on B. turn off C. turn down D. turn up () 22. –Hello! Benny? Why are you ________________? --I ’ m waiting for a man. A. looking for B. looking out C. looking around D. looking after () 23-- What do you get if you ________four ___________four ? --Oh , I get eight . A. put , to B. put, and C. add , up D. add, to () 24. How ________ milk do you have ? A. little B .many C. some D. much () 25. I haven ’t got __________ money to buy a computer . A . few B. little C. enough D . many () 26. He ran as quickly as he could ______he didn’t want to be late for school . A . so B .but C. though D .because () 27. –Jack , I remember __________a book to you . -- Oh,it is still in my bag . I forget all about it. A. giving B. to give C. gave D. give () 28 What do you mean _______________ liquid gold ? A .in B. for C. with D. by () 29.We climbed the Mount Hua and we enjoyed the beautiful __________. A. view B. drain C. place D. sky () 30. Look! There ___________many sheep on the farm . A . is B . are C. has D . have () 31.--His mother died in a car accident a few weeks ago . --______________. A . I ’ m sorry to hear that . B . I don ’ t think so C. It ’ s bad news .D. I know it . () 32 .--What’s your hobby , George . --I like stamps . I spend __________of my free time in collecting stamps . A . three fourth B . three fourths C. third fourths D. third fourths () 33. She is a music teacher . She teaches children ____________________. A . sing B . singing C. to sing D. sings () 34.-- Many teenagers begin to play the piano when they are under 7 years old . --That's right . Wei Fang is _________________. A . one so girl B. one such girl C. such girl D. so girl () 35. –Where is Jack ? -- I don ’ t know . He was so angry thahe left __________any words . A . for B .about C. without D .with () 36.Children _________ 6 years old are free to go into this zoo. A . for B . with C. under D . over ()37. The competition ______three hours and finally a 14-year-old boy became the winner . A . spent B. took C. finished D. had


八年级下册期末测试卷 Class: __________ Name: ___________ Score: __________ 一、语法选择(每小题1分,共15小题,合计15分) We know the mosquito(蚊子) very well. Mosquitoes fly everywhere. They can 1 almost all over the world, and there are more than 2,500 kinds of them. No one 2 the mosquito. But the mosquito may decide that she loves you. She? Yes, she. It’s 3 that male mosquito doesn’t bite and only the female mosquito bites 4 she needs blood (血) to lay eggs. She is always looking for things or people 5 she wants to bite. If she likes 6 she finds, she bites. But if she doesn’t like your blood, she will turn to7 for more delicious blood. Next time a mosquito bites you, just remember you 8 . You are different from the others! If the mosquito likes you, she lands on your body without 9 you know. She bites you 10 quickly and quietly that you may not feel anything different. After she bites, you 11 an itch(痒) on your body because she puts something from her mouth together with your blood. By the time the itching begins, she 12 away. And then what 13 ? Well, after her delicious dinner, the mosquito feels 14 . She just wants to find a place 15 a good rest. There, on a leaf or a wall, she begins to lay eggs, hundreds of eggs. ( )1. A. find B. found C. are found D. be found ( )2. A. like B. likes C. liked D. is liked ( )3. A. true B. truly C. untrue D. truth ( )4. A. though B. but C. because D. so ( )5. A. when B. where C. which D. that ( )6. A. what B. which C. where D. that ( )7.A. else someone B. someone else C. else anyone D. anyone else ( )8.A. choose B. chose C. are chosen D. were chosen ( )9.A. let B. lets C. letting D. to let ( )10.A.very B. quite C. rather D. so ( )11.A. have B. has C. had D. will have ( )12.A. has flown B. flies C. flew D. fly ( )13.A. happen B. happens C. is happened D. happened ( )14.A. tired B. tiring C. tiredly D. tire ( )15.A. have B. has C. had D. to have 二、完形填空(每小题1.5分,共10小题,合计15分) Mr. and Mrs. Black both work in a big factory. They hate their 1 because she is always borrowing things from them. One evening Mr. Black said to his wife, “The woman has 2 nearly everything we have. Almost every day she comes over.” “You are quite right,” his wife was 3 , too, “and she's never returned most of the things.” Mr. Black said, “I want to know why she can't 4 the things needed, like everyone else.” “Because we were too 5 to her.” She answered, “The next time when she asks to borrow something, I’ll say no.” “It’s 6 to have a good reason for saying no,” Mr. Black said, “and we must 7 to be polite to her.” The next morning the bell 8 . Mrs. Black knew their neighbor was coming to borrow something again, and she was ready to 9 her politely. “Good morning.” the neighbor said. “Could I borrow your garden scissors?” “I’m sorry,” Mrs. Black said, “but I am 10 my husband and I will use them today. We’ll be spending
