Katy Perry英文版简介

Katy Perry英文版简介
Katy Perry英文版简介

Katy Perry

When Katy Perry was a fourth grader, her teacher asked the class to make a "vision board" - a collage of images cut out from magazines that represents the dreams and aspirations you hope to manifest in life. The year was 1993 and Selena had just won a Grammy Award, so nine-year-old Katy chose a photo of the young Latin pop singer holding her golden statuette. Fifteen years later, Perry has been nominated for her first Grammy Award in the "Best Female Pop Vocal Performance" category for her ubiquitous No. 1 single, "I Kissed a Girl," from her platinum T op 10 album One of the Boys, and has been chosen as this year's My GRAMMY? Moment artist. Current sales check in at over 2 million albums and more than 13 million tracks, singles and mobile product globally.

"I found my vision board when I moved apartments recently," says Perry, now 24. "I knew where I wanted to be even as a young kid. I just didn't know that if I put one foot in front of the other, I would actually get there someday."

Perry's willful determination, not to mention her songwriting and vocal talent and larger-than-life charisma, have led to an astonishing year for the saucer-eyed, raven-haired pop starlet, who, with her cheeky sense of humor and sexy pin-up girl style, was "the breakthrough star of 2008" as Blender magazine put it in the issue that featured Perry on the cover.

You could say it all started in April 2008 when Madonna told Ryan Seacrest that Perry's "Ur So Gay" (off her November 2007 EP of the same name) - a withering kiss-off to a metrosexual ex - was her favorite song. "It may have been a small comment on her behalf, but it was a large comment in my world," Perry recalls. "It was like a big boat leaving the dock and getting a champagne send-off." Shortly after being anointed by the Queen of Pop, Perry released her debut single "I Kissed A Girl" - a provocative ode to the beauty of women that ruled radio over the summer of 2008, becoming an all-format hit and shooting to No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 where it stayed put for seven straight weeks and tied The Beatles' Capitol Records record for weeks at No. 1. The video was nominated for five MTV Video Music Awards, including a nod for Perry for "Best New Artist" and became the No. 1 most viewed music video of 2008 on MySpace. A No. 1 airplay smash in 22 countries and the 2009 People's Choice award winner for "Favorite Pop Song," "I Kissed A Girl" has sold more than six million tracks worldwide. Its popularity also made Perry a ripe target for Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly, who convened a panel of hand-wringing analysts to discuss the effect of the song on America's impressionable youth. Perry was also voted "Best New Artist" by readers of Rolling Stone and https://www.360docs.net/doc/b38338325.html,

On June 17, 2008, EMI Music released One of the Boys, a witty romp through Perry's brightly colored world that showcases her sharp, candid lyrics, big voice, and feisty, girl-power swagger, as well as her appealing vulnerability on songs like her latest single,

"Thinking Of You." "I think people can appreciate a songwriter who shows different sides," she says. "The whole angst thing is cool, but if that's all you've got, it's just boring. Everything I write, whether it's happy or sad, has a sense of humor to it." Case in point: the album's spunky, high-voltage second single "Hot N Cold," which became Perry's second No. 1 single and international hit, selling nearly three million digital tracks since its release. The eye-popping video, with its hilarious wedding theme, became the No. 2 most-viewed premiere of all time on MySpace, proving to armchair critics and naysayers that the success of this irrepressible young woman in the satin onesie and fishnets was no fluke. When Saturday Night Live spoofed her, it was official: Katy Perry was a bonafide cultural phenomenon.

So why does Perry think that she's connected with a mass audience when the road to stardom is littered with the failed dreams of aspiring wannabes? "Because I'm just myself," she says, "and that's all people want. People want to hear artists who are themselves, but who do interesting things and sing about them in an interesting way that maybe they have tried to conceive but couldn't. I get a lot of girls who come up to me and say, 'When I heard 'Thinking of You,' I felt that way to a T, but I never knew anyone who could put my feelings into words.' I think that's why people find me relatable. Plus, anybody can meet me. I'm not distant. I'm very much the same person I was before the hit singles. I just have a schedule for breakfast, lunch, and dinner."

Fans do seem to respond to Perry's approachable girl-next-door quality (if the girl next door were a self-described "glamour ninja"), perhaps because it's not an act. The middle child of two pastors, Perry grew up singing in church. "My dad would give me ten dollars, which is a lot of money when you're nine, to sing at church, on tables at restaurants, at family functions, just about anywhere," she says. Perry was raised on a strict diet of church music; "secular music," as her mother called it, was "not allowed." But one night during a slumber party, Perry happened upon a Queen record "and the heavens opened and saved me," she says. "From then on, they have been my biggest influence. Their musicality and lyrics were so flamboyant and real. I'd never heard anything like it."

By the time she was 15, Perry was determined to pursue a path in music. She spent some time in Nashville working with professional songwriters - "these seasoned country music vets who had been writing songs for forever" - and honing her own songwriting skills. "Every single one of my songs is drawn 100 percent directly from my life." At 17, Perry met legendary producer and songwriter Glen Ballard, who spent years guiding and developing her talent and songwriting. The strength of the songs and Perry's full-throated voice captured the attention of Capitol Music Group, which signed her in Spring 2007. "I've been through a lot of highs and a lot of lows in this business," Perry says. "Before I got signed, it was tough. I'd write a check for my rent and next to it, I'd write, 'Please, God, please.' But I didn't jump off the Hollywood sign. Everything always works out for the best."

It's a long way from being broke to stealing the show at the MTV Latin America "Los Premios Awards" (where Perry face-planted into a large pink cake) and hosting and performing at the MTV Europe Music Awards in Liverpool, England, which she did in November 2008, picking up the award for "Best New Act" in the process. Now Perry is gearing up for her first-ever international headlining tour, something she's ready to tackle after spending a grueling summer on the Vans Warped Tour - a multi-band circus that one critic likened "the running of the bulls in Pamplona...minus the bulls, or the quaint Basque scenery." "Warped was the hardest thing I've ever done," Perry admits. "It was like being in the army, like GI Jane getting my ass kicked every single day, but now I know how to deal with any situation."

Songs:teenage dream


英国历史概况 英国历史是一部征服与合并和的历史。英国全称为大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,由英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰组成,而整个英国的历史也就是由这四个区域的历史交织组成。1535年威尔士成为英格兰王国的一部分,1707年苏格兰与英格兰正式合并为大不列颠王国,1800年大不列颠王国和爱尔兰合并成为大不列颠与爱尔兰联合王国,1922年爱尔兰共和国独立,爱尔兰北部仍留在联合王国内。 苏格兰历史简介 苏格兰位于大不列颠岛北部,英格兰之北。苏格兰的历史的正式记载是在古罗马人入侵不列颠之后的一些纪录。公元5世纪,爱尔兰北部的盖尔人(凯尔特人的一支)移居苏格兰,曾在阿盖尔郡和比特郡地区建立达尔里阿达王国。此后向东扩张到阿瑟尔森林和厄恩河谷,向北扩张到埃尔金地区。公元843年达尔里阿达国王麦卡尔平兼任皮克特王国的国王,建立阿尔巴王国,王号为肯尼思一世,一个相对独立完整的苏格兰王国逐渐成形。此后,苏格兰历经邓凯尔德王朝、坎莫尔王朝、巴里奥尔王朝、英格兰占领、布鲁斯王朝以及斯图亚特王朝统治,至1707年与英格兰王国合并成为联合王国。 威尔士历史简介 威尔士位于大不列颠岛西南部,英格兰以西。 距今约29,000年便有人类定居于威尔士。至古罗马人进入了大不列颠岛后,威尔士属于不列颠行省 公元5世纪,随着罗马人的撤离,盎格鲁撒克逊人大举入侵大不列颠,直至到11世纪,威尔士人在盎格鲁撒克逊人的高压统治与入侵中度过,而同时布灵顿人开始称自己威尔士人。公元8世纪,传说中的亚瑟王(King Arthur)领导布灵顿人抗击盎格鲁撒克逊统治。 公元9世纪和10世纪维京入侵使威尔士王国进一步统一,成为一个实体,但同时亦使威尔士落入英国皇室统治之下。 公元927年,威尔士国皇承认盎格鲁撒克逊国王阿瑟斯坦保护威尔士的主人。在随后的11世纪中,威廉一世充分利用了这种先例,在威尔士边境建立的强大而野心的封建领地制度。公元1282年,英格兰王爱德华一世征服最后一个威尔士北部和西部的威尔士公国 (Statute of Rhuddlan)公元1284年,威尔士正式被英格兰合并,爱德华一世以《罗德兰法令》 确立自己在该地区的统治。 公元1535年,《联合法案》完成英格兰和威尔士的统一,划分后者为13个郡,并规定英格兰法律通行全威尔士,英文为其官方语言。大部分威尔士人因此无法担任政府公职,但可以派代表参与英国国会。 北爱尔兰历史简介 北爱尔兰是英国的一个地区,位于爱尔兰岛东北部。公元前6600年前后,人类开始在爱尔兰岛定居。现在的爱尔兰人是古代凯尔特人的后裔,世代居住在爱尔兰岛上。公元5世纪的时候,随着罗马天主教的传入,爱尔兰人逐渐信仰了天主教,并形成了由修道院、传道士和王国组成的文化。公元8世纪末,爱尔兰岛上出现了统一的文明和法律,但政治上还没有出现统一的国家。 公元12世纪末,英王亨利二世利用爱尔兰的分裂局面,率军在爱尔兰岛登陆,征服都柏林和附近地区,建成“爱尔兰领地”,交由其四子约翰统治。但到1609年为止爱尔兰仍然是


◆爱比杀人重罪更难隐藏;爱情的黑夜有中午的阳光 ◆爱的力量是和平,从不顾理性、成规和荣辱, 它能使一切恐惧、震惊和痛苦在身受时化作甜蜜 ◆爱情是一朵生长在绝崖边缘的花,要想采摘它必须有勇气 ◆爱情不过是一种疯 ◆爱情里面要是搀杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情 ◆不太热烈的爱情才会维持久远 ◆草率的婚姻少美满 ◆充实思想不在于言语的富丽莎士比亚的简介 ◆纯朴和忠诚所呈献的礼物,总是可取的 ◆毒药有时也能治病 ◆真正的爱情是不能用言语表达的,行为才是忠心的最好说明 ◆恋爱是盲目的,恋人们瞧不见他们自己所干的傻事 ◆爱比杀人重罪更难隐藏;爱情的黑夜有中午的阳光 ◆黑夜使眼睛失去它的作用,但却使耳朵的听觉更为灵敏,它虽然妨碍了视觉的活动,却给予了听觉加倍的补偿 ◆洪水可以从涓滴的细流中发生 ◆假如我必须死,我会把黑暗当作新娘,把它拥抱在我的怀里 ◆不太热烈的爱情才会维持久远 ◆当我们还买不起幸福的时候,我们绝不应该走得离橱窗太近,盯着幸福出神 ◆爱情不是花荫下的甜言,不是桃花源中的蜜语,不是轻绵的眼泪,更不是死硬的强迫,爱情是建立在共同语言的基础上的 ◆真实爱情的途径并不平坦 ◆忠诚的爱情充溢在我的心里,我无法估计自己享有的财富 ◆每一个被束缚的奴隶都可以凭着他自己的手挣脱他的锁链 ◆爱的力量是和平,从不顾理性、成规和荣辱, 它能使一切恐惧、震惊和痛苦在身受时化作甜蜜 ◆命运如娼妓,贫贱遭遗弃 ◆闪光的东西,并不都是金子,动听的语言,并不都是好话 ◆当爱情小船被浪掀翻时,让我们友好地说声再见 ◆起先的冷淡,将会使以后的恋爱更加热烈 ◆轻浮和虚荣是一个不知足的贪食者,它在吞噬一切之后,结果必然牺牲在自己的贪欲之下 ◆情欲犹如炭火,必须使它冷却,否则,那烈火会把心儿烧焦 ◆因为她生得美丽,所以被男人追求;因为她是女人,所以被男人俘获 ◆人生就象于段重复叙述的故事一般可厌 ◆白糖上面浇蜂蜜,蜂蜜上面盖白糖 ◆爱情的野心使人倍受痛苦 ◆境由爱造,还是爱逐境迁 ◆一个使性子的女人,就象翻腾的浊水,纵使口干舌燥,也不愿啜饮一口 ◆人心和岩石一样,也可以有被水滴穿的孔 ◆你甜蜜的爱,就是珍宝,我不屑把处境跟帝王对调 ◆诡计需要伪装,真理喜欢阳光莎士比亚名言 ◆人生如痴人说梦,充满着喧哗与骚动,却没有任何意义


London introduction London,the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Europe's largest city, one of the world's two major(主要)center city, is one of the most prosperous(繁荣的)global city. London is the center of economic(经济的)financial(财务的)and trade (贸易)in Europe and the United States of New York, tied for the world's most important financial center. The Big Ben, Tower Bridge Big Ben is Elizabeth Tower. London's famous ancient(报时)bell, the palace of Westminster clock. The British Parliament (英国国会)meeting hall clock tower, built in 1859. Tower bridge is the Tower Bridge of London. Tower Bridge of London is the first bridge the river Thames from where it begins, is a symbol (象征)of London, "London front gate", was built in 1886. The London Eye The London Eye, The London Eye, British Airways, also known as the Millennium(千禧)Wheel, is located(位于)the banks of the river Thames in London, is the world's fourth largest Ferris wheel, is one of the landmarks(标志)of London, is one of the most attractive(具有吸引力的)tourist attractions(旅游景点)in London. Thames River Thames River is a famous British mother river, rising in southwest Coates Ward Hills(科茨沃特丘陵)of England, 338 kilometers in length. Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is the Royal Palace(王宫), built in 1703 and named for the Duke of Buckingham(以白金汉公爵命名). Westminster Cathedral Westminster Cathedral(威斯敏斯特大教堂)is located in the North Bank of the Thames River, was a Benedictine monastery(修道院), founded(成立)in the year 960 ad(公元960年), was expanded(扩建)in 1045, built in 1065. Tate Museum of Contemporary Art The Tate Museum of Contemporary Art(泰特现代美术馆)is located in the South Bank of Thames River, face each other across the river and the St.Paul's Cathedral, connecting(连接)them is the Millennium Bridge across Thames River. St.Paul's Cathedral St.Paul's Cathedral located in London, a representative(代表)of Baroque style architecture (巴洛克风格的建筑), is the world's second largest dome(圆顶)of the church, it imitated(模仿的)Papal Basilica(教皇的教堂)of Saint Peter in Rome(整体为罗马圣彼得大教堂), is the representative of British classical architecture. University of Oxford The University of Oxford is a public university located in the city of Oxford, founded in 1167, is the oldest university in the English speaking world. Stratford Evan upon Avon Ford (埃文的斯特拉特福德)(Stratford) is located on the banks of the Evan River, a beautiful city is the greatest playwright(剧作家)of England, the hometown of Shakespeare(莎士比亚).


一种民族语言(包括词汇)的发展与民族的历史密切可关。要了解英语语汇的发展史,不 可避免地跟整个英语的发展史,乃至英国的历史密不可分。 不列颠群岛的最早居民是凯尔特人,又称不列颠人。公元前55年,罗马人在凯萨大帝的 率领下侵入不列颠群岛,凯尔特人被罗马人赶入威尔士和苏格兰的深山之中。直到公元 410年,罗马占领时期才告结束。随后,来自德国北部平原的三个日耳曼部落盎格鲁人, 撒克森人和朱特人开始来到不列颠定居。英语就是盎格鲁—撒克森人的语言。 语言史学家一般把英语的历史分为三个时期:1、古英语时期,2、中古英语时期,3、现 代英语时期。 1、古英语时期(又称盎格鲁-萨克森时期公元450—1100年) 日尔曼部落在不列颠定居后,名自占领一些地区。盎格鲁人占领了泰晤士河以北的英格兰 的大部分地区和苏格兰的低地,朱特人占领了肯特郡一带地区,撒克森人占领了泰晤士河 以南的大部分地区。各个部落建立了一些小王国,出现了英国历史上的七国时代。直到公 元830年,阿尔弗雷德大王才统一了整个英格兰地区。由于全国长期没有统一,所以古英语时期存在着多种方言,主要方言有四种:西萨克森语,肯特语,莫西亚语和北恩布里亚语。这四种方言都曾一度占主导地位。西撒克森语保存下来的手搞最多。其它方言在形成 英语的过程中也起过很重要的作用。 古英语的词汇有着浓厚的日尔曼语族的特点。这主要表现为复合法是重要的构词方法。复 合词在古英语词汇中占有显著的地位。据统计,在史诗《贝奥武夫》3183行诗句中,竟有1069个复合词。有些复合词中不重读部分,渐渐失去了独立地位,而演变成了词缀,如 for-, in-, -ful 等派生法在古英语中也广泛使用。共有二十四个名词后缀、十五个形容词后缀,-dom, -hood, -ship, -ness, -the, -ful,- ish 等词缀都可溯源到古英语时期。古英语时期的诗歌有一种特殊的修辞手法,即头韵(alliteration),由此产生的许多短语一直保留到现在,如night and main, friend or foe, a labour of love。 古英语时期有两个重要的历史事件,给英语词汇带来较大的影响。第一件事是基督教传入 英国。公元597年,一个名叫奥古斯丁的牧师从罗马来到英国传教。罗马文化随着基督教传入了英国。与此同时,一批拉丁词进入了英语。 第二件事是北欧人入侵英国。从公元790年开始,大批斯堪的那维亚人在英国定居。丹麦国王卡纽特还一度成为英国的君主。斯堪的那维亚人和英国人频繁交往,所以有许多斯堪 的那维亚各国的词语进入了英语。 2、中古英语时期(公元1100—1500年) 公元1066年,诺曼人在征服王威廉率领下,横渡英吉利海峡,在哈斯丁战役中击溃了盎 格鲁-萨克森军队,英王哈路德战死,英国被征服。这在历史上被称为诺曼征服。从此,英国结束了分裂状态,置于中央集权的封建统治之下。谨曼征服是英国历史上的重要转折点,对英语的发展有巨大的影响。 诺曼征服之后,谨曼人占据了教会和政府的一切重要职务。以后的二、三百年里,谨曼法 语成为英国的官方语言。普通人仍然讲英语,但英语的文字记载却几乎中断。中古英语一 般右以分为两个时期,1204年后,英语逐渐恢复主导地位。1362年英王爱德华三世首次 用英语向议会致词。十五世纪,伦敦标准方言兴起。1476年,卡克斯顿把印刷术传入英国,

莎士比亚简介 英文版

关于莎士比亚 莎士比亚的代表作有四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》(英:Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(英:Othello)、《李尔王》(英:King Lear)、《麦克白》(英:Macbeth)。四大喜剧:《仲夏夜之梦》、《威尼斯商人》、《第十二夜》、《皆大欢喜》(《As you like it》)。历史剧:《亨利四世》、《亨利五世》、《理查二世》等。还写过154首十四行诗,二首长诗。本·琼生称他为“时代的灵魂”,马克思称他和古希腊的埃斯库罗斯为“人类最伟大的戏剧天才”。虽然莎士比亚只用英文写作,但他却是世界著名作家。他的大部分作品都已被译成多种文字,其剧作也在许多国家上演。1616年4月23日病逝。莎士比亚和意大利著名数学家、物理学家、天文学家和哲学家、近代实验科学的先躯者伽利略同一年出生。 Shakespearean representative work has 4-big tragedy: "Hamlet" (UK: Hamlet), "Othello" is (UK: Othello), "King Lear " is (UK: King Lear), "Macbeth " is (UK: Macbeth). 4-big comedy: "A Midsummer Night's Dream ", "The Merchant of V enice " ", Twelfth Night " ", "As Y ou Like It" ("As you like it "). Historical play: "King Henry the Fourth Part 1 " ", King Henry the Fifth " ", King Richard II " and so on. Had written 154 sonnets , two leading cadre poems. Our · Jonson says he is "the times soul " , Max says he and Helladic Aisiku Ross are "the greatest human being drama genius ". Although Shakespeare uses English writing only,he is a famous writer of world but. Most work of him has all already been translated into various language , whose play performs also in the lot of country. Die of illness on April 23 , 1616. Body person Galileo is the same as Shakespeare and famous Italy mathematician , physicist , astrologer with the philosopher , experiment science the modern times first being born for 1 year.


I. Introduction Any discussion of Shakespeare's life is bound to be loaded with superlatives. In the course of a quarter century, Shakespeare wrote some thirty-eight plays. Taken individually, several of them are among the world's finest written works; taken collectively, they establish Shakespeare as the foremost literary talent of his own Elizabethan Age and, even more impressively, as a genius whose creative achievement has never been surpassed in any age. In light of Shakespeare's stature and the passage of nearly four centuries since his death, it is not surprising that hundreds of Shakespeare biographies have been written in all of the world's major languages. Scanning this panorama, most accounts of the Bard's life (and certainly the majority of modern studies) are contextual in the sense that they place the figure of Shakespeare against the rich tapestry of his "Age" or "Times" or "Society." This characteristic approach to Shakespeare biography is actually a matter of necessity, for without such fleshing out into historical, social, and literary settings, the skeletal character of what we know about Shakespeare from primary sources would make for slim and, ironically, boring books. As part of this embellishment process, serious scholars continue to mine for hard facts about the nature of Shakespeare's world. The interpretation of their meaning necessarily varies, often according to the particular school or ideology of the author. Whatever the differences of opinion, valid or at least plausible views about Shakespeare, his character and his personal experience continue to be advanced. Yet even among modern Shakespeare biographies, in addition to outlandish interpretations of the available facts, there persists (and grows) a body of traditions about such matters as Shakespeare's marriage, his move to London, the circumstances of his death and the like. The result of all this is that there is now a huge tapestry of descriptive, critical, and analytical work about Shakespeare in existence, much of it reasonable, some of it outlandish, and some of it hogwash. II. Three important points about Shakespeare In examining Shakespeare's life, three broad points should be kept in mind from the start. First, despite the frustration of Shakespeare biographers with the absence of a primary source of information written during (or even shortly after) his death on 23 April 1616 (his fifty-second birthday), Shakespeare's life is not obscure. In fact, we know more about Shakespeare's life, its main events and contours, than we know about most famous Elizabethans outside of the royal court itself. Shakespeare's life is unusually well-documented: there are well over 100 references to Shakespeare and his immediate family in local parish, municipal, and commercial archives and we also have at least fifty observations about Shakespeare's plays (and through them, his life) from his contemporaries. The structure of Shakespeare's life is remarkably sound; it is the flesh of his personal experience, his motives, and the like that have no firm basis and it is, of course, this descriptive content in which we are most interested. Second, the appeal of seeing an autobiographical basis in Shakespeare's plays and poetry must be tempered by what the bulk of the evidence has to say about him. Although there are fanciful


《英语国家概况》教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程编码:B170832223 课程类别:专业基础课 课程名称:英语国家概况 课程性质:必修 适用专业:翻译 开课学期:第三学期 总学分:2 总学时:32 先行课程:英语语法、英语口语、英语听力、英汉翻译 课程简介:本课程属于翻译专业教学课程体系中的专业基础课。该课程旨培养学生实际运用语言的能力,帮助学生打下坚实的专业基础,达到专业四级水平;同时培养学生良好学习作风和正确学习方法,培养学生逻辑思维能力和独立工作能力,丰富学生社会文化知识,增强学生对文化差异的敏感性。 推荐教材:王恩铭. 英语国家概况[M]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2013 参考书目: [1] 来安方. 英美概况[M]. 河南: 河南人民出版社, 2007 [2] 余志远. 英语国家概况主编[M]. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 2000 [3] 朱永涛. 英国社会与文化[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2003 二、课程总目标 以《英语国家概况》(王恩铭著)为蓝本。本课程主要是为了使英语专业学生了解主要英语国家的地理、历史、经济、政治等方面的概况,了解主要英语国家的文化传统,风俗习惯和社会生活的其他情况。本课程是一门实用性很强的文化知识课。一方面通过英语阅读主要英语国家的背景材料扩大知识面,另一方面通过学习文化知识进行语言基本功的训练,巩固和提高英语水平。 三、教学指南 课程重点:本课程教学的重点使英语专业学生了解主要英语国家的地理、历史、经济、政治等方面的概况,了解主要英语国家的文化传统,风俗习惯和社会生活的 其他情况。 课程难点:在使学生了解英语国家主要的地理、历史、经济和政治等方面的概况同时,还要培养学生良好学习作风和正确学习方法,培养学生逻辑思维能力和独立 工作能力,丰富学生社会文化知识,增强学生对文化差异的敏感性。 教学方法和手段:讲授+讨论+练习


[英国]英国简史(英文) 2006-1-23 页面功能【字体:大中小】【打印】【关闭】History Until 1707, this section deals primarily with English history. England and Wales were formally united in 1536. In 1707, when Great Britain was created by the Act of Union between Scotland and England, English history became part of British history. For the early history of Scotland and Wales, see separate articles. See also Ireland; Ireland, Northern; and the tables entitled Rulers of England and Great Britain and Prime Ministers of Great Britain. Early Period to the Norman Conquest Little is known about the earliest inhabitants of Britain, but the remains of their dolmens and barrows and the great stone circles at Stonehenge and Avebury are evidence of the developed culture of the prehistoric Britons. They had developed a Bronze Age culture by the time the first Celtic invaders (early 5th cent. B.C.) brought their energetic Iron Age culture to Britain. It is believed that Julius Caesar's successful military campaign in Britain in 54 B.C. was aimed at preventing incursions into Gaul from the island. In A.D. 43 the emperor Claudius began the Roman conquest of Britain, establishing bases at present-day London and Colchester. By A.D. 85, Rome controlled Britain south of the Clyde River. There were a number of revolts in the early years of the conquest, the most famous being that of Boadicea. In the 2d cent. A.D., Hadrian's Wall was constructed as a northern defense line. Under the Roman occupation towns developed, and roads were built to ensure the success of the military occupation. These roads were the most lasting Roman achievement in Britain (see Watling Street), long serving as the basic arteries of overland transportation in England. Colchester, Lincoln, and Gloucester were founded by the Romans as colonia, settlements of ex-legionaries. Trade contributed to town prosperity; wine, olive oil, plate, and furnishings were imported, and lead, tin, iron, wheat, and wool were exported. This trade declined with the economic dislocation of the late Roman Empire and the withdrawal of Roman troops to meet barbarian threats elsewhere. The garrisons had been consumers of the products of local artisans as well as of imports; as they were disbanded, the towns decayed. Barbarian incursions became frequent. In 410 an appeal to Rome for military aid was refused, and Roman officials subsequently were withdrawn.


京剧英语介绍 ●Beijing Opera is very popular in China. It has a history of more than 200 years. During the reign of the Qianlong emperor in the Qing dynasty, Qianlong had a interest in the local opera. In 1790, to celebrate his eightieth birthday, he summoned opera troupes (戏班)from different places to perform for him in Beijing. ●Four famous troupes from Anhui province remained in Beijing after the celebration. In 1828, A Hubei troupe came to Beijing and often performed together with the Anhui troupes. The two types of singing mixed together and gradually a new type came into being known as Beijing Opera. ●Beijing Opera is a comprehensive performing arts. That is, sing (唱), read (念) and do (作), fight (打), dance (舞). ●Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas, is a special feature of a national cosmetic. As each historical figure or a certain type of person has an approximate spectral type, like sing, play music to the music, so called “types of facial makeup in operas”. On the types of facial makeup in operas sources, the general view is from mask. ●Red has expressed his Warriors(勇士) of strong types of facial makeup in operas such as Guan Yu ●Black said thetypes of facial makeup in operas ming criticized(刚烈) people, integrity(正 直), bravery and even reckless(鲁莽), such as Zhang Fei ●Yellow types of facial makeup in operas that vicious brutality(凶狠残暴), such as Dian Wei ●Blue or green types of facial makeup in operas that some of the figures represented irritable(粗豪暴躁), such as Dou Ambassador(窦尔敦、), Ma Wu (马武) ●General treacherous (奸诈的)court official said the types of facial makeup in operas white, bad guys, such as Xu jia ●Mr. Mei Lanfang,the master of Peking Opera,Mei Lanfang is good at playing the role of women in Beijing operas, called “Dan”. ●Mei’s masterpiece plays Farewell My Concubine (霸王别姬) The Drunken Concubine (贵妃 醉酒) Re-commanding the Army (穆桂英挂帅) Scattering Flowers (天女散花) Eternal Regret (长恨歌) ●Mr. Mei increased international communication between China and other countries as the forerunner who spreads Beijing opera abroad.


莎士比亚简介 威廉·莎士比亚是英国文艺复兴时期的一位伟大的剧作家、 诗人。威廉·莎士比亚于1564年4月23日生于英国中部瓦维克 郡埃文河畔斯特拉特福的一位富裕的市民家庭。其父约翰·莎士 比亚是经营羊毛、皮革制造及谷物生意的杂货商,1565年任镇民 政官,3年后被选为镇长。莎士比亚七岁时被送到当地的一个文法 学校念书,在那里读了六年的书,掌握了写作的基本技巧与较丰 富的知识,除此之外,他还学过拉丁语和希腊语。但因他的父亲 破产,未能毕业就走上独自谋生之路。1577年被父亲从学校接回, 不得已帮他父亲做了一段时间的生意。他当过肉店学徒,也曾在乡村学校教过书,还干过其他各种职业,这使他增长了许多社会阅历。 莎士比亚的戏剧大都取材于旧有剧本、小说、编年史或民间传说,但在改写中注入了自己的思想,给旧题材赋予新颖、丰富、深刻的内容。在艺术表现上,他继承古代希腊罗马、中世纪英国和文艺复兴时期欧洲戏剧的三大传统并加以发展,从内容到形式进行了创造性革新。他的戏剧不受三一律束缚,突破悲剧、喜剧界限,努力反映生活的本来面目,深入探索人物内心奥秘,从而能够塑造出众多性格复杂多样、形象真实生动的人物典型,描绘了广阔的、五光十色的社会生活图景,并以其博大、深刻、富于诗意和哲理著称。 故此,威廉?莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564-1616)成为了欧洲文艺复兴时期最重要的作家,杰出的戏剧家和诗人,他在欧洲文学史上占有特殊的地位,被喻为“人类文学奥林匹克山上的宙斯”。他亦跟古希腊三大悲剧家埃斯库勒斯(Aeschylus)、索福克里斯(Sophocles)及欧里庇得斯(Euripides)合称戏剧史上四大悲剧家。


京剧的发展历程 京剧的形成与发展大体可分为三个阶段:孕育、成型、发展;四个时期:孕育融合期、形成期、成熟期、鼎盛期。 各期时间大体为1780 ----1840年间。1840 ---- 1883年间。1883 ---- 1917年间。1917 年后1860年到1949年,京剧大体经历了三个发展阶段。 京剧的发展分为孕育期、形成期、成熟期、鼎盛期。 孕育期: 徽秦合流 京剧霸王别姬清初,京城戏曲舞台上盛行昆曲与京腔(青阳腔)。乾隆中叶后,昆曲渐而衰落,京腔兴盛取代昆曲一统京城舞台。乾隆四十五年(1780年)秦腔艺人魏长生由川进京。魏氏搭双庆班演出秦腔《滚楼》《背娃进府》等剧。魏长生扮相俊美,噪音甜润,唱腔委婉,做工细腻,一出《滚楼》即轰动京城。双庆班也因此被誉为“京都第一”。自此,京腔开始衰微,京腔六大名班之大成班、王府班、余庆班、裕庆班、萃庆班、保和班也无人过问,纷纷搭入秦腔班谋生。乾隆五十年(1785年),清廷以魏长生的表演有伤风化,明令禁止秦腔在京城演出,将魏长生逐出京城。 乾隆五十五年(1790年),继三庆徽班落脚京城后(班址位于韩家台胡同内),又有四喜、启秀、霓翠、春台、和春、三和、嵩祝、金钰、大景和等班,亦在大栅栏地区落脚演出。其中以三庆、四喜、和春、春台四家名声最盛,故有“四大徽班”之称。…春台班?进京时间,按汉调名家米应先于乾隆末年,在京曾担任…春台班?台柱时始,证明该班进京时间早于…四喜?和…和春?。…春台班?位于百顺胡同。…四喜班?于嘉庆初来京。徽戏、昆曲兼演、尤以昆曲为著,故有“新排一曲桃花扇,到处哄传四喜班”之语。该班位于陕西巷内。…和春班?于嘉庆八年(1804年)于李铁拐斜街组建。该班以武戏见长。道光十三年(1853年)解散。“四大徽班”的演出剧目,表演风格,各有其长,故时有“三庆的轴子、四喜的曲子、和春的把子、春台的孩子”之誉。“四大徽班”除演唱徽调外,昆腔、吹腔、四平调、梆子腔亦用,可谓诸腔并奏。在表演艺术上广征博采吸取诸家剧种之长,融于徽戏之中。兼之演出阵容齐整,上演的剧目丰富,颇受京城观众欢迎。自魏长生被迫离京,秦腔不振,秦腔艺人为了生计,纷纷搭入徽班,形成了徽、秦两腔融合的局面。在徽、秦合流过程中,徽班广泛取纳秦腔的演唱、表演之精和大量的剧本移植,为徽戏艺术进一步发展,创造了有利条件。 徽汉合流 汉剧流行于湖北,其声腔中的二黄、西皮与徽戏有着血缘关系。徽、汉二剧在进京前已有广泛的艺术交融。继乾隆末年,汉剧名家米应先进京后,道光年初(1821年),先后又有著名汉剧老生李六、京剧贵妃醉酒王洪贵、余三胜,小生龙德云等入京,分别搭入徽班春台、和春班演唱。米应先以唱关羽戏著称,三庆班主程长庚的红净戏,皆由米应先所授。李六以《醉写吓蛮书》《扫雪》见长;王洪贵则以《让成都》《击鼓骂曹》而享名;小生龙德云善演《辕门射戟》、《黄鹤楼》等剧;余三胜噪音醇厚,唱腔优美,文武兼备,以演《定军山》、《四郎探母》《当锏卖马》《碰碑》等老生剧目著称。汉剧演员搭入徽班后,将声腔曲调,表演技能,演出剧目溶于徽戏之中,使徽戏的唱腔板式日趋丰富完善,唱法、念白更具北京地区语音特点,而易于京人接受。道光二十五年(1845年)各大名班,均为老生担


Chronology of British Government Monarch Date of Rule Deeds Events Comments Germanic/Scandinavian Rule Alfred the Great 871-899 1Defeated“Da nlaw” expansion & regained land 2established navy and garrison 3introduction of Christanity to Dames, first public schools for noble descendances and magistrates 4Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Anglo-Saxon Wessexline Edward the elder Anglo-Saxon Wessexline; Son to Alfred Athelstan Anglo-Saxon Wessexline; Son to Edward Edgar the Peaceful 959-975 Anglo-Saxon Wessexline Ethelred the Unready 978`1016 Invaded England Anglo-Saxon Wessexline; Sweyn Forkbeard, King of Denmark Canute 1016-1035 1.chosen as king by Witan;2.United England, Denmark and Norway. Scandinavian Conqueror Edward the Confessor 1042-1066 1.facilitated the Norman Conquer;2.Norman feudal system adopted Son of Ethelred the Unready Harold Godwinson 1066 defeated Norwegians Earl of Wessex
