

Questions 1 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.

In the Pittsburgh suburb of Wilkinsburg, March 1, a gunman shot down five men —killing three and injuring two —in an apparently racially motivated rage.

But this time, there were two

features in

the racial attacks:

First, the suspect was a black. Second, no black leader or organization immediately rushed forth to

condemn the shootings. And there was no demand that the suspected shooter, Ronald Taylor, be

punished by law if he shot the men because they were white.

Some blacks I know privately

off the

killings with the bitter remark that whites have been killing blacks for years and getting away with it and that the law did not do anything about the killings.

The victims of Taylor's

were innocents

who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time —apparently shot because they were white. While the shooting appears to be an extreme example of

violence, it is not unusual. More whites

than ever are the

of attacks by blacks.


others are driven

Part 2 Compound Dictation

(每小题:1 分)

A 1998 Justice Department study confirmed that nearly 20

percent of the more than 4,000 hate crimes

Southern Poverty Law Center also notes that there is a huge increase in black-on-white violence from nearly none at the

beginning of the 1990s.

Part 1 Understanding Passages

(每小题:2 分)

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. 1.

A. Scientists who have altered genes.

B. Healthier animals with better genetics.

C. A breakthrough in genetic studies.

D. The laboratory that produced Dolly.


A. Animals are used as organ banks.

B. Cloned animals are healthier.

C. The science of genetics is improving.

D. Gene targeting was first done on sheep.


A. Be used as organ banks.

B. Produce milk for humans.

C. Produce milk with a certain human protein.

D. Introduce DNA changes.


A. Introduce changes into a person by inserting sheep DNA.

B. Make clones that carry the genes altered in clone's parents.

C. Produce a cloned animal from a human protein.

D. Produce a cloned animal with only a specific part of DNA.


A. Scientists can change DNA so that animals taste better.

B. Milk from cloned animals is undrinkable.

C. Animals with altered genes are more healthy.

D. Cloned meat and milk are more delicious.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog. 6.

A. Television advertisements.

B. A product Americans will use in the future.

C. A new type of rice.

D. A Swiss scientist, Ingo Potrykus.


A. They show children playing somewhere in Asia.

B. They show a product that will help prevent blindness.

C. They are advertising a product people don't like.

D. They are advertising a product that Americans may never



A. Vitamin A deficiency.

B. White rice.

C. Infections in children.

D. Golden rice.


A. Introduced a flower gene into rice.

B. Prevented kids from getting blind.

C. Developed a flower.

D. Produced Vitamin A.


A. The flower that carries a special nutrient is yellow.

B. Vitamin A is yellow in color.

C. The new rice has saved a million children a year.

D. Time magazine is in favor of the new rice.

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the same passage or dialog.


A. The history of racial discrimination.

B. The problems and needs all humans share.

C. Artificial distinctions made by society.

D. Things that make people similar and different.


A. Skin color.

B. Human history.

C. Human needs.

D. Human problems.


A. To show that people lose much by emphasizing


B. To show that people have the same problems.

C. To show that people should put aside cultural hatred.

D. To show that people are similar to one another.


A. By looking at how much humans have lost.

B. By recognizing the distinctions made by society.

C. By studying human history.

D. By looking at the religious systems.


A. People should see other people as equals.

B. People do not emphasize distinctions on purpose.

C. He is not sure if he is right or wrong.

D. He exaggerates differences too much.

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the same passage or dialog.


A. In the early 1980s.

B. In the 1960s.

C. In the 1970s

D. In the 1990s


A. In 1980.

B. In 1991-1992.

C. In 1960.

D. In 1970.


A. Integration isn't the answer to their problem.

B. Civil rights advocates cannot find an answer.

C. 2/3 of blacks attend minority-only schools.

D. 15 out of 16 blacks are in schools where whites are rare.


A. Something besides integration must be done.

B. Integration hasn't made schools better.

C. Integration doesn't work on the playground.

D. Asians and other groups are all in different corners.


A. To find a solution to the problem.

B. To attract more Asian kids to school.

C. To have integrated schools.

D. To advocate civil rights.

Part 3 Reading Comprehension (Banked Cloze)

(每小题:1 分)

Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the Word Bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.

Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage.

What is it that is special about you and why? Are you gifted at math and science or possibly an exceedingly good athlete?

From where do you think you 1.

abilities? Does either of your parents share similar 2.

particularly involved in your learning as a child, or did they let

you naturally 3.

this planet? What I am trying to conclude here by having you think about your beginnings is the primary factor for each

person's abilities. It has long been my theory that such abilities

can be 4.

common to many, but recent studies have attempted to 5.

It is true that Einstein was a genius. Many people would simply


capacities—fantastic genes. Others counter that even with

great genes, Einstein still needed his abilities to be 7.

"Nature vs. Nurture". I, of course, am on the side of "Nature". I


argument. It is this: Without 9.

Einstein would never have been able to achieve greatness.

Teaching a person with 10.

never yield a genius. What do you think of my argument?

Questions 11 to 20 are based on the following passage.

There is more to a woman than her looks. I 11.

old and loses her looks, people stop paying attention to her.

And, I must say directly, "The 12.

as a whole." I have heard the arguments that say women are

to 13.

in social activities and big businesses. Don't tell me old men

who are politicians worked harder to get where they are. Don't tell me that because I took off five years from my career to

raise my children, I am less 14.

woman, I have better 15.

understand what is important. In fact, women understand how

to 16.

gains as well as men. It's ridiculous that society 17.

neglecting their families. These men never learn the 18.

their community and family. I do not believe I should have to

act like a man in order to be able to take on higher 19.

proven that I understand the meaning of 20.

a focus on thoughtful behavior and responsible decisions. It is

time society recognized this by lending the respect I have


Part 4 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice)

(每小题:2 分)

Directions: Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. One phase of the business cycle is the expansion phase. This phase is a two-fold one, including recovery and prosperity. During the recovery period there is ever-growing expansion of existing facilities, and new facilities for production are created. More businesses are created and older ones expanded. Improvements of various kinds are made. There is an ever increasing optimism about the future of economic growth. Much capital is invested in machinery or heavy industry. More labor is employed. More raw materials are required. As one part of the economy develops, other parts are affected. For example, a large expansion in automobiles results in an expansion of the steel, glass, and rubber industries. Roads are required; thus the cement and machinery industries are stimulated. Demand for labor and materials results in greater

prosperity for workers and farmers from increased demand for supplies of raw materials. This increases purchasing power and the volume of goods bought and sold. Thus prosperity is diffused (扩散) among the various segments of the population. This prosperity period may continue to rise and rise without an apparent end. However, a time comes when this phase reaches a peak and stops spiraling (盘旋上升) upwards. This is the end of the expansion phase.

1.We may assume that in the next paragraph the writer will

discuss ________.

A. the expansion phase

B. the status of the farmer

C. the higher cost of living

D. the recession period

2.The title below that best expresses the ideas of this passage

is ________.

A. Attaining Prosperity in One Industry

B. The Recovery Stage

C. An Expanding Society

D. A Period of Growth

3.Prosperity in one industry ________.

A. reflects itself in many other industries

B. will affect the steel industry

C. will spiral upwards

D. will end abruptly

4.Which of the following industries will probably be a good

indicator of a period of expansion?

A. Toys.

B. Machine tools.

C. Foodstuffs.

D. Materials.

5.During the period of prosperity, people regard the future


A. cautiously

B. in a confident manner

C. in a careful way

D. indifferently

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.

Are organically grown foods the best food choices? The advantages claimed for such foods over conventionally grown and marketed food products are now being debated. Advocates of organic foods—a term whose meaning varies greatly—frequently proclaim that such products are safer and more nutritious than others.

The growing interest of consumers in the safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American diet is a welcome development. However, much of this interest has been sparked by sweeping claims that the food supply is unsafe or inadequate in meeting nutritional needs. Although most of these claims are not supported by scientific evidence, the great number of written material advancing such claims makes it difficult for the general public to separate fact from fiction. As a result, claims that eating a diet consisting entirely of organically-grown foods prevents or cures disease or provides other benefits to health have become widely publicized and popular among customers.

Almost daily the public is surrounded by claims for "no-aging" diets, new vitamins, and other wonder foods. There are numerous unsubstantiated (无确实根据的) reports that natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones, that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs, that untreated grains are better than fertilized grains, and the like.

One thing that most organically grown food products seem to have in common is that they cost more than conventionally grown foods. But in many cases consumers are misled if they believe organic foods can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods. So there is real cause for concern if consumers, particularly those with limited incomes, distrust the regular food supply and buy only expensive organic foods instead.

6.The word "Advocates" (Para. 1) is closest in meaning to which

of the following?

A. Supporters.

B. Merchants.

C. Inspectors.

D. Consumers.

7.What does the word "others" (Para. 1) refer to?

A. Advantages.

B. Advocates.

C. Organic foods.

D. Nonorganically-grown products.

8.The author implies that there is cause for concern if

consumers with limited incomes buy organic foods instead of conventionally grown foods because ________.

A. organic foods can be more expensive but are often no better than conventionally-grown foods

B. many organic foods are actually less nutritious than similar

conventionally-grown foods

C. conventionally-grown foods are more readily available than

organic foods

D. too many farmers will stop using conventional methods to

grow food crops

9.According to the last paragraph, consumers who believe that

organic foods are better than conventionally-grown foods are often ________.

A. careless

B. mistaken

C. mistaking

D. wealthy

10.What is the author's attitude toward the claims made by

advocates of health foods?

A. Very enthusiastic.

B. Somewhat favorable.

C. Neutral.

D. Doubtful.

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the same passage or dialog. For me, scientific knowledge is divided into mathematical sciences, natural sciences or sciences dealing with the natural world, and sciences dealing with mankind. Apart from these sciences is philosophy. In the first place, pure or theoretical knowledge has been sought only for the purpose of understanding. What distinguishes man from animals is that he knows and needs to know. If man did not know that the world existed, and that the world was of a certain kind, that he was in the world and that he himself was of a certain kind, he wouldn't be man. The technical aspects or applications of knowledge are equally necessary for man and are of the greatest importance, because they also contribute to defining

him as man and permit him to pursue a life increasingly more truly human.

But even while enjoying the results of technical progress, he must defend the value of pure knowledge. Knowledge sought directly for its practical applications will have immediate and foreseeable success, but pure or theoretical knowledge will not. Let me recall a well-known example. If the Greek mathematicians had not applied themselves to the investigation of conic (圆锥形的) sections, keenly and without the least suspicion that it might someday be useful, it would not have been possible centuries later to navigate far from shore. The first men to study the nature of electricity could not imagine that their experiments, carried on because of mere intellectual curiosity, would eventually lead to modern electrical technology, without which we can scarcely think of contemporary life. Pure knowledge is valuable for its own sake, because the human spirit cannot resign itself to ignorance. But, in addition, it is the foundation for practical results that would not have been reached if this knowledge had not been sought disinterestedly.

11.The most important advances made by mankind come from

________ according to the passage.

A. practical applications of social sciences

B. practical applications of pure knowledge

C. sciences dealing with the natural world

D. the biological sciences

12.The author does NOT include among the sciences the study

of _________.

A. chemistry

B. astronomy

C. economics

D. literature

13. The author points out that the Greeks who studied conic

sections ________.

A. were mathematicians

B. were interested in navigation

C. were unaware of the practical value of their studies

D. worked with electricity

14. The title below that best expresses the ideas of this passage

is ________.

A. Technical Progress

B. A Little Learning Is a Dangerous Thing

C. Man's Distinguishing Characteristics

D. The Value of Pure Knowledge

15. Pure knowledge is valuable for its own sake because


A. it is sought only for the purpose of understanding

B. it is the foundation for practical results

C. people are keen on it

D. people are curious about it


their attackers were blacks




《计算机网络》中英文对照 Chapter 1 End system P28 端系统 Modem P29 调制解调器(俗称:猫) Base station P29 基站 Communication link P30 通信链路 Physical media P30 物理介质 Coaxial cable P30 同轴电缆 Fiber optics P30 光纤 Radio spectrum P30 射频频谱 Transmission rate P30 传输速率 Packets P30 (数据)包,或分组 Routers P30 路由器 Link-layer switches P30 链路层交换机 Path P30 路径 ISP (Internet Service Provider) P30 网络服务提供商 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) P31 传输控制协议 IP ( Internet Protocol) P31 网际协议 Intranets P31 内网 API (Application Programming Interface) P32 应用程序编程接口Network edge P35 网络边缘 Access Networks P38 接入网 Ethernet P42 以太网 Network core P48 网络核心 Circuit Switching P50 电路转换 Packet Switching 分组交换 FDM (frequency-division multiplexing) P50 频分多路复用 TDM (time-division multiplexing) P50 时分多路复用 Statistical Multiplexing 统计复用 Store-and-forward 存储转发 Queuing delays P53 排队延迟 Transmission delay P60 传输延迟,或发送延迟 Propagation delay P60 传播延迟 Throughput P59 吞吐量 Internet backbone P57 骨干网 Delay P59 延迟,或时延 Loss P59 丢包 Packet-Switched Network P59 分组交换网络 Nodal processing delay P60 节点处理延迟 End-to-end delay P66 端到端延迟 Instantaneous throughput P68 瞬时吞吐量


浅谈网络英语课堂的有效性及意义 【关键词】:网络环境英语课堂教学有效性意义 【摘要】:网络环境下的英语课堂教学是在传统英语教学的基础上,利用计算机网络技术开展的教学活动。在这种新的教学模式下,有助于丰富教学手段和教学资源,拓展教学空间和容量,活跃课堂学习氛围,增强学生学习兴趣。 网络作为一种现代高科技的教育教学媒体,在英语课堂教学中已成为一种教学信息的载体与传播工具。这种具有强大功能的高科技教学媒体使英语课堂教学变得更为活跃与高效。然而英语课堂教学是一种语言的教学与互动,语言的教学是有音、有形、有意、有情的,是具有交际性的,网络的功能再强大也不能替代教师在英语课堂教学中的位置与作用,其使用的目的是使英语的课堂教学更优化。因此在网络环境下的英语课堂教学并不是完全放任学生在网络中进行自主学习,而是运用网络优化英语课堂教学的结构,活化英语课堂教学的活动,使学生的学习更为自主、生动、活泼、高效。由于它的跨时空性、直观形象性、交互性、多种信息形态的表现形式等特点,能在教学中强化重点,化解难点,学生既可通过媒体进行学习,教师也可以利用多媒体辅助教学,提高课堂教学质量和效益。网络英语课堂的有效性 一、教材图文,引领学生合作互动 图文并茂,为学生学习英语提供了大量的信息,但是教材中的图文都是静态的,其内涵具有一定的内隐性。如果使用多媒体课件或其他如:电影、录像、幻灯片等电教手段来呈现,那么教材中的静态图文就会被激活,课堂容量就会增大,变得信息丰富,趣味昂然,从而极大地提高教学效率。 多媒体课件的制作尽量做到“活”、“美”、“广”三个字。所谓“活”是指图文的再创要灵活,既忠实于教材原有设计,又不受其束缚,其内容可以合理取舍,大胆增删,只要能更好地服务于教材与教学就行。所谓“美”是制作的课件要美观,让学生在学习知识的同时,受到美的熏陶。所谓“广”是指学生人人参与,个个动手,多设计一些discussion, action, report 等教学任务,引领学生互动、合作参与,真正使知识应用于行动中,从而更好地培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。 二、培养思维的独创性,营造自主学习的机会


新视野大学英语4网络答案 【篇一:新视野大学英语第二册第4册网络试题答案】ts. d. ones special abilities. 4. b. the man never thinks about acting. c. many people dont like acting. d. many people think the mans a good actor. 5. b. the man hasnt taught the woman anything. c. the woman is proud of winning the race. d. the woman believes she is a loser. 6. b. they are well-paid. c. they work outside homes. d. they have good jobs. 7. b. father and daughter. c. husband and wife. a. mother and son. a. they have rights. a. the man doesnt think second place is good. a. the man is a professional actor. c. the history of war. d. a battle station. 2. b. in 1978. c. in 1983. d. in 2005. 3. a. the last group of episodes coming out before the first group. b. a man, like the one in the movie, who wears a black suit. c. a battle station that has the ability to destroy a planet. d. a group of movies that seems confusing to peopl e. 4. b. han solo. c. princess leia. d. luke skywalker. 5. b. the man is exciting. c. the man likes star wars. a. the man was influenced by star wars. a. darth vader. a. in 1999.



论网络英语教学资源的利用 1.机遇与挑战同在 现在,网络英语教学网站数量之多,内容之丰富让不少学校和教师都跃跃欲试,试图将网站上的英语教学移入课堂。网络英语教学的号召力可以给学校带来许多好处,比如,生源迅速增加,大大缓解优秀教师师资不足的压力,同时,多媒体网络给学生提供了一个真实的英语学习环境,提高了学生的学习兴趣。在交互式网络教室里,学生能自由地表达观点,这就大大提高了学生口语和书面表达能力。 然而,网络英语课堂给我们带来的挑战是不言而喻的。各种问题会扑面而来,给教学的顺利进行造成很大压力。我们许多教师却对此估计不足。看来我们必须赶在开展网络英语教学的尝试之前,对网络英语课堂这一新课题在诸方面给我们带来的挑战进行全面而深入的讨论,使其能够尽快地成为英语教学的有效手段。 2.对教师的挑战 网络英语教学是建筑在以“学”为中心的新理念上的一种学习模式。它的主要特点就是每个学生在教师的指导下,选择适合自己的内容,按照适合自己的节奏学习。有人将这种方式归纳为五个“任何”式,即“任何学习者可以在任何时间、任何地点,选择网络上的任何课程中的任何章节进行学习”。因此教师将自己的角色由“教”而转变为“咨询、指导”就显得十分重要。 但是,我们多数的教师对电脑知之不多,更不用说英特网和英语教学网站了。因此教师们显得信心不足,他们在网络课堂里失去了权威性和安全感。即便是那些有电脑和网络经验的教师也缺乏网络课堂教学的有效方法,生往往只是在电脑上点击这个,点击那个,除了了解了一些信息之外,我们很难说学生真正学到了什么语言知识。 这实际上暴露了网络英语的一个既是优点又是缺点的问题,即网站太多,网络上内容和信息的过于丰富刺激了学习者的浮躁感。他们总是期待着发现更好的,更适合自己兴趣和特点的网站和语言活动去不停地做网站搜索,而不愿静下心来把一个


网络时代下的大学英语教学 摘要:网络的出现对大学英语教学产生了一定冲击。新型网络课堂如微信、QQ、慕课的出现,对传统课堂教学产生一定影响,主要表现在:学习方式的转变;更好地因材施教,实现个性化教学;学习更加具有灵活性;学习效费比更高。但是网络课堂能否取代传统课堂则还有待于进一步观察。 关键词:网络;微信;慕课;大学英语 大学英语教学是一个双边活动,需要师生共同参与,所谓雨阳共织方现彩虹,就是这个意思。在大学英语教学中,无论哪一方缺乏积极性和活动性,教学效果都会大打折扣。而计算机和互联网信息技术普及,正在给几乎每一个领域带来历史性的巨大变化。从互联网产生至今几十年的时间,它已经覆盖全球。“作为一种可以变革教育的潜在强大工具,信息与通讯技术受到全世界几乎所有国家、政府、国际组织和越来越多的有识之士的广泛重视”(教育部全国高校教师网络培训中心,2014)。网络技术、社交媒体比如微信、QQ 平台则为大学英语教学效果的提高提供了更好、更多的平台。它开放了教育资源,让更多热爱学习的人们能够便捷地获取各种英语知识。 一、微信与大学英语教学

微信(wechat)是腾讯公司于2011年初推出的一款即时聊天软件,用户可以通过手机或者平板电脑上的微信客户端快速发送语音、视频、文字和图片。截止到2014年10月,微信用户已经突破了6亿,形势喜人。而大学英语课堂教学则可以很好利用高科技来为教学服务,提高教学效果。 具体做法是:首先,微信可以提供学习平台。教师需要自建一个微信号码,让所在班级学生全部加入该微信群。这是利用微信教学的前提,犹如QQ群一般。 其次,准备教学资源。教师需要将自制的教学视频编码,注明对应内容,粘贴在学生可以看得到的位置,学生们通过手机或平板电脑扫描后即可进入网页观看相关的视频;教师也可以通过关注一些微信公众号,与学生分享里面相关的学习资源。 再次,利用微信作为交流和监控平台。学生之间,学生和老师之间可以用语音或文字进行群聊、私聊,也可以进行视频聊天,还可以利用实时对讲机进行对讲以及通过朋友圈发状态和评论来沟通交流;同时教师也可以通过这些方式来监督和帮助学生,对学生进行学习效果的评价。 二、 QQ与大学英语教学 与微信相比较而言,QQ则具有自己独特的优势。微信往往需要准备手机、平板电脑,方便携带,方便师生交流,但是其不足在于无法满足大型在线同时交流,尤其是需要上


[A] Alphamosic Graphics字母镶嵌图形Active Directory动态目录 ADSI动态目录服务接口Autosizing自动调整大小Anonymous FTP 匿名文件传输Access Control 访问控制 ARP地址解析协议 API 应用程序界面 ACL 访问控制表 Attenuation 衰减 ARP 地址解析协议 Adapter 适配器 Average seek time 平均寻道时间Authorization 授权,认证 Adapter 适配器 A3D 3D定位音效技术 Acrobat Adobe阅读软件 AC97 音响数字/模拟转换 ACL 访问控制表 A3D Aureal声音技术 ATAPI AT附件包接口 aliasing 混淆 utoexec.bat 自动批处理文件API 应用程序设计接口 ASP服务器开发专用脚本 ADSL 非对称数字用户线路 AVI 影音文件 ADSL 非对称数字用户环线 Algorithm 算法 Alpha DEC公司微处理器 Authorwsre Authorware 多媒体创作软件AMI BIOS BIOS基本输入/输出系统AGP 加速图形接口 Aactive matrix 动态矩阵 Aactive Network 动态网络Authentication and Authorization 鉴别与授权 Auditing 审计,计审 At Work Architecture,Microsoft Microsoft 的At Work体系结构 [B] BISDN宽带综合业务数字网 BRI基本速率接口 BIS商务信息系统 Bundled Software捆绑软件 Bluetooth蓝牙 Back Door 后门


浅析网络对英语教学的积极影响 " [论文关键词]网络英语教学影响 [论文摘要]随着信息技术的不断发展,互联网在人们生活中起到了不可忽视的作用。网络影响着人们生活的各个领域,包括政治、经济、文化、教育等领域。在教育领域,特别是在英语教学中,网络自身的特点给英语教学带来了很多积极的影响。 英语是一门实践性很强的课程,语言学习的关键在于学,而不是在于教。学生能否进行自主学习对英语学习有着非常大的影响,而网络的快捷、资源的丰富以及网络的高科技,给当代学生的学习和生活带来了方便和乐趣,可以让学生主动地,有主见地,探索性地进行学习,即能有效地进行英语学习。网络自身的特点必将给现代英语教学带来很多积极的影响。 一、网络确保了英语学习者教育地位的平等性 网络具有开放性、自由性的特点。不论贫富贵贱,不分男女老少,任何人都可以通过网络搜寻到所需的有关于英语学习的各种信息。通过互联网,英语学习者有平等交流、互帮互学的权利,他们以平等的方式进入网络,共同分享网络资源。教育资源不再为教育者单独掌握,受教育者也不再被动地接受教育信息,每个人可以自由选择自己喜好的信息。网络给英语学习者提供多种交流的途径,例如:英语学习者可以通过电子邮件、MSN、英语聊天室等网络交流方式与别的国家的

学生进行远程交流。在聊天室里,教师可以采取问题教学、角色扮演、辩论等以学为中心的各种模式进行语言教学,促进和提高学生对语言知识的理解和领悟,培养学生的写作、听力和交际能力。无论通过上述哪种途径,任何一个英语学习者都可以不断地提高和改进自身的英语水平,最终达到每个英语学习者教育地位的平等性。 二、网络确保了英语教育内容、教学形式的丰富多样 网络的另一特点是网络资源的丰富性,这必将给英语学习者提供更加多样、全面、丰富的英语学习内容。网络内容覆盖面广,几乎无所不包,而且资源共享,英语学习者可以通过网络获得任何所需的英语知识。了解和掌握说英语国家的文化是学好英语的必要条件,网络为英语学习者了解其他国家的文化提供了极大的便利。同时,在网络的帮助下,学校可以给学生提供更多的英语学习的方式和资源。例如:学校可以建立英语学习网站,或者大面积搜索一些适合英语学习的网站,然后向学生进行推荐,让他们利用业余时间去浏览,选择自己喜欢的内容进行学习。有很多人喜欢听英文歌曲和看英文原版电影,这也是学好英语、练习英语听力和语感的最佳方式。教师可以抓住学生的这个爱好,选择一些适合学生的英文歌曲和电影,充分利用学校为班级配置的多媒体设备,使之真正起到辅助教学的作用。教师也可以在下班后,通过QQ、MSN等网络交流方式在家里跟学生用英语进行沟通,帮助学生解答英语学习方面遇到的困难,这样可以在不知不觉中提高学生英语的口语表达能力,并且学生能及时向老师请教英语学习中出现的问题,能更加有效地提高英语学习的效率。


Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦! Part 1 Word Dictation (每小题: 分) Directions: Listen and write down the words you hear. You are going to listen to the recording twice. During the first time, write the word that you hear. Check your answers as you listen the second time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

discount assoon feature confront indicate superwise fasennate stimilading fertige alert dereation review asemble insure confire

A. The woman has an angel. B. The woman is a new mother. C. The woman is perfect. D. The woman is like a baby. Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage or dialog. 2. A. The baby has to worry a lot about little accidents. B. The man has baby-proofed his home. C. An unsafe home is good for a baby. D. The woman is more worried about her baby. Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage or dialog. 3. A. People are more similar than different. B. Chinese people seem different to Americans. C. Chinese people are very different from Americans. D. People all around the world try to be honest. Questions 4 to 4 are based on the following passage or dialog. 4. A. The sound of languages. B. The singing in different countries. C. The Chinese way of speaking.


网络环境下的英语教学 网络环境下的英语教学在这以计算机和网络通讯为核心的教育时代,网络在社会各个领域中得到了广泛的应用。同样在教育教学中网络环境也起了很重要的作用。因为网络环境在综合处理和控制符号、语言、文字、声音、图像等方面具有高超的能力,可使抽象的难以理解的知识具体化、实物化,从而化难为易。在教育教学中,正确合理地应用网络环境协作式学习、探究式学习、多维互动式学习研究可以更有效地提升课堂教学效果。就这一问题作了一些探讨。一、网络环境的定义网络环境是指将分布在不同地点的多个多媒体计算机物理上互联,依据某种协议互相通信,实现软、硬件及其网络文化共享的系统。环境总是与一定的空间或范围有关,有大有小。从小的角度看,网络环境可以理解为“学习者在追求学



大学英语网络教学现状及建议 摘要:目前,大学英语网络教学还存在着缺少必要的硬件保障、大多数网络课件不能适应网络学习的需求、传统教学模式仍然没有改变和教师对学生网络学习监督管理不到位等问题。为此,一要加强学习环境和硬件设施建设,保障学生自学效果;二要完善网络平台,满足学生需要;三要不断更新观念,促进教师角色转变。在英语网络教学过程中,要注意加强学生自主学习能力的培养提高,注意多媒体网络环境与人文环境的结合,还要注意不能忽视教师的介入作用。 关键词:英语;网络教学;现状;建议 伴随着计算机和全球网络技术的日益更新和普及,大多数高校在英语教学中已初步将传统的一块黑板、一本教材的教授方式逐步转变为多媒体课件的教学模式。这种图、文、声、像并茂的教学手段容易使学生产生浓厚的学习兴趣,但仍未完全建立以学生为中心的教学环境。教师基于自己对课程内容的分析和理解,通过现场翻译和课堂提问等方式对学生的英语学习和发展进行全盘的计划和安排,控制着整个课堂,而学生始终处于被动、接受地位,从而导致学生过分依赖教师的引导,缺乏自主学习能力。而基于网络的大学英语教学旨在将传统课堂教学与现代信息技术结合起来,实行网络课程和传统课堂的优势互补,针对不同起点的学生,加强自主学习能力的培养,注重个性差异,进行多样化、个性化教学,在学习过程中,学生可以利用巨大的网络资源库时空界限寻找自己需要的信息,并能够借助网络媒体进行师生及学生间的讨论以加深对知识的理解。同时教师也可以通过网络发布信息、布置任务、参与讨论、解答提问、接收作业和反馈信息等,给予学生相应的指导。 为了顺应高等教育的发展形势,新《大学英语课程教学要求》中明确指出,“各高等学校应充分利用现代信息技术,采用基于计算机和课堂的英语教学模式,改进以教师讲授为主的单一教学模式。新的教学模式应以现代信息技术,特别是网络技术为支撑,使英语的教与学可以在一定程度上不受时间和地点的限制,朝着个性化和自主学习的方向发展”。同时也指出,“教学模式改革成功的一个重要标志就是学生个性化学习方法的形成和学生自主学习能力的发展”。由此可看出,我国的大学英语教学将逐步过渡到基于网络的大学英语教学模式。 一、网络环境下大学英语教学的现状 1缺少必要的硬件保障 网络教学是基于计算机和网络的一种交互式教学手段,作为教学终端的一个重要环节——计算机,学生的个人拥有量不容乐观,大多数学生没有自己的电脑。虽然也可以通过网络中心或者网吧上网的方式弥补电脑拥有量的不足,然而在走访过程中发现,很少有同学愿意自己花钱去学习,上网也不过是为了满足娱乐需求,即使可以通过网络中心的英语学习平台来实现,又往往受限于时间和环境等客观因素,无法真正满足学生自主学习的要求。另外,调查显示超过67%的学生抱怨网


互联网背景下的英语学习 一.语言与文化之水乳交融 文化一词,含义极其宽泛。依社会学家和人类学家所言,文化,即一个社会所具有的独特的信仰、习惯、制度、目标和技术的总和,是人类创造的,经由历史积淀的物质和精神财富。语言为水,文化作舟,唇齿相依。Jesperson曾言“Learningaboutthecultureisthehighestpurposeoflanguagelearning.(了解文化是学习语言的最高目的)”。语言孕育了文化,文化又成就了语言的表达方式和内容的发展与丰富。语言是人类社会进化的产物,是该民族文化的重要体现。表达方式因人而异,语言的使用却有其一定的规则可循。 不同国家、不同地域的文化,因为各自异彩纷呈的鲜明个性必然会有所区别甚至大相径庭。“己所欲,施于人”是人类语言交流过程中的一种倾向性,人们总是习惯于以自己的表达方式诠释对方的话语,以至于对对方的话语得出不恰当的结论,进而产生文化碰撞。交谈双方若不能就所谈内容达到绝对的认同,误解或歧义随之而来。语法的错误显而易见,语用失误则不尽然。语法错误纵然令人不快,却不会被归结为粗鲁或敌意。

二.互联网之异军突起 英语,作为大不列颠王国的母语,在全球的扩张,皆因历史上大不列颠殖民强权和现而今美利坚合众国经济强权。互联网在我国乃至世界以迅雷不及掩耳之势飞速普及,其触角业已伸展到日常生活中衣食住行的方方面面。毫无疑问,互联网已成为当今世界影响面最广、时效性最强的媒体。而互联网自诞生之日起,和英语的关系就是血脉相连、浑然一体。美国学者海斯科拉在《因特网上的文化霸权》一文中写道,世界上90%的网站是一以英文注册,网络的搜索引擎更是英语的天下。以google为例,输入汉字“大学”出现的字条是11亿8千万,而输入“uni-versity”出现的字条为21亿9千万,天壤之别一目了然。 宛若一夜之间,地球之上芸芸众生都被internet这张无形的大网所裹挟,疏而不漏却又无所遁形。英语教学,作为传播英语言文化的前沿阵地,将互联网的优势与英语结合,责无旁贷。 三.英语教学之文化碰撞 语言,人际交往的重要手段。语言的表达作用,贯穿语言活动始终。不同的地域滋养了不同的文化,人们对外界事物的看法和认识注定会因文化相异而不同,最终带来了千差万别的思维模式。西方文化


江苏城市职业学院(高职) 商务英语专业毕业论文 论文题目:浅谈网络环境下商务英语的学习方法学号: 学生姓名: 学校: 指导教师姓名: 指导教师职称: 指导教师单位: 日期: 江苏城市职业学院印制 二○一三年四月二十日

浅谈网络环境下商务英语的学习方法 Brief Exposition on Leaning Method for Business English under the Network Environment 摘要:自上世纪50年代以来,随着网络技术的飞速发展,互联网给人们的生活和学习带来了革命性的、质的改变,极大的方便了人们交流和学习。互联网凭借优越的、丰富的手段与资源平台,越来越受到广大商务人士的青睐。同其他学习形式相比,网络环境下的商务英语学习将具有不可替代性。本文就网络环境下商务英语的学习方法进行简单阐述。 Abstract:From 1950s, with the rapid growth of network technique, the internet has changed people’s life and learning revolutionarily and fundamentally. By right of the advantageous and abundant means and resourceful platform, the internet has become more and more welcome to businessmen. Compared with other learning forms, the business English learning under the network environment will become irreplaceable. This article did some simple exposition on the learning method for business English in the internet. 关键词:网络技术,网络环境,革命性,商务英语 Key Words:Network technique, network environment, revolutionary, business English 随着市场经济的飞跃发展,涉外商务活动的更加繁荣,商务英语在现代商务活动中的作用越来越明显,所扮演的角色越来越重要,愈发受到广大企业和商务人士的重视。作为涉外交流的主要语种,商务英语是涉外企业职员及管理层等高级商务人士在工作中广泛使用的外语语种,与其他语种相比占有绝对的比例。拥有良好的商务英语水平可使商务人士在职场及各种国际商务社交场合中游刃有余地与他人交流、沟通,较好地完成各类工作和商务活动。 一、网络环境下学习的概念


1. A. The woman is a talented singer and impressed the man. B. The man would like to go to a talent show. C. The man liked the show better than the woman. D. The woman had no interest in the show at all. 2. A. He feels he isn't good enough. B. He feels he isn't a kid anymore. C. He can't make it on the 12th. D. He doesn't like trying. 3. A. One's own values. B. One's hard work. C. One's personal contacts. D. One's special abilities.

4. A. The man is a professional actor. B. The man never thinks about acting. C. Many people don't like acting. D. Many people think the man's a good actor. 5. A. The man doesn't think second place is good. B. The man hasn't taught the woman anything. C. The woman is proud of winning the race. D. The woman believes she is a loser. 6. A. They have rights. B. They are well-paid. C. They work outside homes. D. They have good jobs. 7. A. Mother and son.


网络环境下的中学英语教学 Abstract The 21st century is the information age, it symbolizes that the humanity stride in the epoch. But this time most remarkable characteristic is the network popular and the rapid popularity. The Internet is affecting and is changing people’s study way and the working by the unprecedented speed. With the development of information technology, the Internet is playing a more and more significant role in teaching and learning processes. The traditional Secondary School English teaching course does not provide students with a non-obstruction classroom communication environment. Students’ elaborative faculty has not been well developed. The Internet in secondary school has not been fully used. This paper focuses on the use of the Internet as an educational tool to instruct English teaching and learning in secondary schools. To show both the benefits and limitations and discussed the significance of the new method. Key word: network teaching network environment secondary school English 摘要 21世纪是信息时代,它象征着人类的时代跨越。但是,这一次最显着的特征是网络的迅速流行和普及。互联网正在以前所未有的速度影响和改变人们的学习式和工作方式。随着信息技术的发展,互联网正发挥着越来越重要的作用,互联网正在以前所未有的速度影响和改变人们的学习方式。传统的初中英语教学没有为学生提供一个无障碍的课堂交流环境。学生的思维能力并没有得到很好的开发。网络教学在中学教学中还没有得到充分利用。本文讨论的重点是利用因特网作为一种教育工具,来指导初中英语教学。同时还探讨了这种方法的优点和局限性,并讨论了新方法意义的。 关键词:网络教学网络环境初中英语 一、全面阐述网络教学 1.1网络教学的定义 1.2网络教学的特点 1.3为什么要进行网络教学 1.3.1中外网络教学的现状


英语网络培训会学习心得 英语网络培训会学习心得 今天,葛天中学全体英语老师参加了人教版义务教育教科书网络培训会,通过这次培训活动,使每一位老师在思想和业务理论上都受益匪浅,同时也看到了差距。作为一名面临新课改的英语老师,为了能更好的跟上课改的潮流,适应新的课程改革,要不断的更新自己的教学理念,提高自己的教育教学水平。 上午吴萍老师讲解了阅读方面的问题,新课标对学生的阅读提出了循序渐进的要求,吴老师向我们介绍了阅读课的理解和设计,她建议学生多朗读课文,阅读字数达到四万词,相当于三级水平。吴老师又给出了阅读环节分析:Warming---up pre---reading while---reading and post ---reading 通过这些技巧,有助于我们英语老师在讲阅读课时提高教学效率,把课堂还给学生。培养学生的自主能力,养成良好的习惯和有效的学习方法。 下午庄力老师针对课本实际,对每一个环节都做了深入细致的讲解,解决了很多老师的困惑,真是如沐春风,受益匪浅。 会后,我们全体英语老师召开了一个座谈会,结合我们本校实际和学生状况制定了一系列务实、求真的英语教学方案及策略。 一、加强专业知识学习,做专业型教师。 每个不同年级的学生要规定不同的阅读量。作为一名教师要更爱好学习,充实自己,如果想给学生一碗水,自己必须有一桶水,甚至是

源源不断的活水,所以必须加强专业知识的学习。 二、认真备课,多创设问题情景,激发孩子学习英语的兴趣。 备课,备教材,备学生,备好课,是每一位老师的本职工作。听过报告之后,让我们更加认识到备好一节课需要做多个资料的收集,学生学习的积极性不高,教师要想法设法激发学生的兴趣,创设情境,设置层层入扣的游戏,达到“玩与学”相结合的目的,引导学生自主研究的学习,这将是我们以后工作的重中之重。 三、创设情境,多用直观教学。 由于初中生年龄较小,生活经验不丰富,知识范围有限,作为一名英语老师在课堂上需要更生动的表演、丰富的表情,使学生进入一个美丽的童话世界。 四、鼓励学生互相协作,对学生做有效的评价。 英语是一门实践性、操作性很强的学科,新课程核心理念就是参与、合作。通过合作性学习,使学生互相学习帮助,及时有效的评价可以使学生认识自我、树立自信,有助于反思及调整自己的学习过程。五、营造学习英语的氛围,使英语学习成为教师和学生的共同爱好。教师应该在潜心教学中的同时让学生尽可能多的使用英语,达到学以致用,营造浓厚的英语学习氛围,让学生体会英语的语言魅力。 总之,通过这次培训使每一位教师对新课标有了更深一步的理解,令人耳目一新,让我们更进一步理解和感悟了人教版教材编写的真谛,真切的感受到了新课程的精彩,在以后的教学中,转变自己的思维方式,走在英语新课改的最前列。


浅析英语网络语言的特点 Analysis on the Features of English Network Language 摘要 随着网络技术的日趋成熟,网络语言这一全新的语言模式逐渐兴起。而本文则对英语网络语言的特点加以分析,希望读者可以对英语网络语言有个更加全面和正确的认识。本文由六部分组成。引言部分介绍了网络语言的涵义以及论文的写作意义。第二部分从形态学角度分析了英语网络语言的特征。第三部分分析了英语网络语言的语义特征。第四部分对英汉语网络语言的特征进行了对比。第五部分分析了在使用英语网络语言过程中出现的问题。最后是结论部分,总结了全文。 关键词:网络语言;特征;对比;问题 Abstract With the development of network technology, a new mode of language—network language appears. This paper will study on the features of English network language, aiming to give readers a better understanding of English network language. The paper consists of six parts. Part one gives a brief introduction to the definition of network language and then tells about significance of this paper. The second part analyzes on the features of English network language from perspective of morphological. Part three makes a detailed analysis on the semantic features of English network language. The fourth part compares English network language with Chinese network language. Part five focuses on the problems in the process of using English network language. The last part is conclusion, in which the author will make a summary of the whole paper. Keywords:Network Language; Characteristics;Comparison;Problems


Part 1 Word Dictation (每小题:1 分) Directions: Listen and write down the words you hear. You are going to listen to the recording twice. During the first time, write the word that you hear. Check your answers as you listen the second time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

15. 16. 17. 注意事项 Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦! Part 2 Understanding Short Conversations (每小题:1 分) Directions: In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. 1. A. The man taking something from her. B. The man stealing from her grandmother. C. The man stealing from his grandmother. D. The man telling his grandmother that she steals. 2. A. The woman doesn't worry about important things in society. B. The woman doesn't know what's important in society.


Computer Network Test Paper 1.Who invented IP and some related Internet protocols? B a)Vinton Cerf and Bob Metcalfe b)Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn c)Bob Metcalfe and Ivan Sutherland d)Bob Metcalfe and David Clark 2.In the OSI reference model, 3.The upper layers of the OSI model are, in correct order B a)Session, application, presentation b)Session, presentation, application c)Session, application, presentation, physical d)Application, presentation, session 4.The lower layers of the OSI model are, in correct order D a)physical, system, network, logical b)physical, logical, network, system c)physical, transport, network, data link d)physical, data link, network, transport 5.The Internet Protocol (IP) generally corresponds to which OSI layer? A a)Network (layer three) b)Transport (layer four) c)Data link (layer two) d)Session (layer five) 6.MTU stands for C a)Minimum Transfer Unit b)Minimum Transmission Unit c)Maximum Transmission Unit d)Maximum Transfer Unit 7.What layer of the OSI model is designed to perform error detection functions? B a)Physical b)Data link c)Network d)transport 8.Which of these network devices primarily functions at the OSI Network layer (layer 3)? C
