
Here are some common methods of introduction:

(1) Begin with a broad, general statement of your topc and narrow it down to your thesis statement;

(2) Start with an idea or a situation that is the opposite of the one you will develop;

(3) Explain the importance of your topic to the reader;

(4) Use an incident or a brief story;

(5) Ask one or more questions;

(6) Use a quotation.

The reversal method in creative thinking is about generating ideas in the opposite direction, and no one says it better than de Bono (1970): “In the reversal method one takes things as they are and then turns them round, inside out, upside down, back to front. Then one sees what happens. It is a provocative rearrangement of information. You make water run uphill instead of downhill. Instead of driving a car the car leads you.”


Tips for writing good thesis statements:
(1) Write statements, not announcements: a thesis statement must make a point about a limited subject;
(2) Avoid statements that are too broad: the thesis statement should be focused enough that it can be effectively supported in a five-paragraph essay;
(3) Avoid statements that are too narrow: a thesis statement must be broad enough to require support in an essay;
(4) Make sure statements develop only one idea: the point of an essay is to communicate a single main idea to readers.


When writing thesis statements, people often make mistakes that undermine their chances of producing and effective essay. One mistake is to simply announce the subject rather than state a true thesis. A second mistake is to write a thesis that is too broad, and a third is to write a thesis that is too narrow. A forth error is to write a thesis containing more than one idea.


Here are some quick hints that can help make revision easier. First, set your first draft aside for a while. You can then come back to the draft with a fresh, more objective point of view. Second, work from typed or printed text. You’ll be able to see the paper more impartially in this way than if you were just looking at your own familiar handwriting. Next, read your draft aloud. Hearing how your writing sounds will help you pick up problems with meaning as well as with style. Finally, as you do all these things, add your thoughts and changes above the lines or in the margins of your paper. Your written comments can serve as a guide when you work on the next draft.


Techniques for prewriting:
(1) Freewriting: to write whatever comes into your mind;
(2) Questioning: to generate ideas and details by asking question

s about your subject, such as why? When? Where? Who? and How?
(3) Making a list: to brainstorm and collect ideas and details that relate to your subject;
(4) Clustering: diagramming or mapping, to use lines, boxes, arrows, and circles to show relationships among the idea and details that occur to you;
(5) Preparing a scratch outline: to think carefully about the point you are making, the supporting items for that point, and the order in which you will arrange those items.


保持段落连贯性的两种方法:第一,用转承词语或称转承信号词 (transition sig-nals) 表明一个意思是怎样与另一个意思相连的;第二,按照一定的逻辑顺序排列句子,采用何种逻辑顺序应取决于文章的主题和写作目的。最常用的逻辑顺序是时间顺序、空间顺序和主次顺序。在同一个段落写作中,可以把不同的逻辑顺序有机地结合起来。



Because argumentation assumes controversy, you have to work especially hard to convince readers of the validity of your position. Here are five strategies to help win over readers whose viewpoint may differ from yours:

(1) Use tactful, courteous language: You are attempting to persuade readers to accept your viewpoint. It is important not to anger them by referring to them or their opinions in rude or belittling terms. Keep the focus on the issue you are discussing, not on the people involved in the debate.

(2) Point out common ground: Another way to persuade readers to consider your opinion is to point out common ground— opinions that you share. Find points on which people on all sides of the argument can agree. Readers will be more receptive to your idea once they have considered the ways in which you and they think alike.

(3) Acknowledge differing viewpoints: The earlier you acknowledge the better. Ideally in the introduction. By quickly establishing that you recognize the other side’s position, you get your readers “on board” with you, ready to hear what else you have to say.

One effective technique is to cite the opposing viewpoint in your thesis statement. In the first part of the thesis, you acknowledg

e the other side’s point; in the second, you state your opinion, suggesting that yours is the stronger viewpoint.

Another effective technique is to use one or two sentences in the introduction to acknowledge the alternative position.

(4) When appropriate, grant the merits of differing viewpoints: Sometimes an opposing argument contains a point whose validity you cannot deny. Then, the strongest strategy is to admit that the point is a good one. You will lose credibility if you argue against something that clearly makes sense. Admit the merit of one aspect of the other argument while making it clear that you still believe your argument to be stronger overall.

(5) Rebut differing viewpoints: To rebut means to point out problems with an opposing view, to show where an opponent’s argument breaks down.


Developing a division or classification essay:

When writing a division or classification essay, your purpose is to present your audience with your own unique way of dividing and classifying a particular topic. In order to write a successful essay, you will need to first choose a topic that interests readers and lends itself to being divided and classified.

Once you’ve selected your topic and figured out how to divide it, you will need to provide specific details so that readers fully understand the categories you made. Whatever division you make, be sure to include enough details to make your division-classification method clear to your readers. And always keep your audience in mind, so that you can write an essay appealing to them.


主题句的位置比较灵活,通常位于段首, 其优点是开门见山,一目了然。用演绎法 (deduction)写的段落也称“扩张法”,就是以概述主题开首,随之辅以细说,即用具体细节或事例来演绎展开主题句中的主题思想。用归纳法 (induction) 写段落也称作“收拢法”,从细节出发,最后归纳到段落的中心论点。用此种方法写作时,主题句一般位于段落的末尾,它是依据上文的细节推出的论点,起到画龙点睛的作用。




例如:A tall intelligent young Chinese debater’s eloquent speech particularly attracted the audience’s attention.


在有的段落中,主题句甚至不直接写出来,而是通过细节的陈述含蓄地表达出段落的主题思想 (implied topic sentence)。实际上它是客观存在的,只是隐含在字里行间,需由读者意会。


The main purpose of a cause-and-effect is to explain to your audience (1) the cause of a particular event or situation; (2) the effects of an event or a situation, or more rarely, (3) a combination of both.



General It is often windy and dusty here in spring.

Specific In spring there is often a very strong northwest wind. It carries so much fine dust with it that sometimes the sun becomes obscure. There is no escape from the fine dust; it gets into your eyes, your ears, your nostrils, and your hair. It goes through the cracks of closed windows and covers your desks and chairs.



习语常用于发言和文章中,使得语言自然、地道。外国学生在使用习语时应注意两点:1)大多数习语用于非正式或口语化文体,谈话时可用;但少数是俚语,应慎用,如 all balled up(使……变得紊乱/一团糟),to cough up(勉强说出或供出);2)很多习语由于用得太多而不再新鲜有趣,如 armed to the teeth,as good as gold,因而以少用为宜。


Brainstorming was originally proposed by Alex Osborn in 1963 as a method for group problem solving, but it’s also useful for individuals working alone. Brainstorming is also called “ideas cascading”1 where many ideas are generated to serve as raw material for later analysis. Bowkett’s suggestion for this activity is that “once you have identified the concept(s) to be brainst

ormed or the problem(s) to be solved, the golden rule is that all responses are valued and go into the melting pot.” Effective brainstorming requires participants to make links and to look at things in as many different ways as possible and to volunteer to contribute freely without passing judgment on anything. Remember, refinement of ideas or critical thinking is for later use. At this stage you just write down the first thing that comes to mind; anything goes—no idea is to be evaluated or judged, much less discarded.

