T. A web-based virtual community

T. A web-based virtual community
T. A web-based virtual community

Int. J. Web Based Communities, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2005 127 A web-based virtual community

Christos Bouras*, Vaggelis Igglesis,

Vaggelis Kapoulas and Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos

Computer Engineering and Informatics Department,

University of Patras and Research Academic Computer Technology

Institute, Riga Feraiou 61, Patras GR 26221, Greece

E-mail: bouras@cti.gr E-mail: igglesis@cti.gr

E-mail: kapoulas@cti.gr E-mail: tsiatsos@cti.gr

*Corresponding author

Abstract: This paper describes functionality and architectural issues in the

design of a web-based virtual community. This virtual community aims to meet

the requirements of a virtual collaboration system with both autonomous and

collaborative e-learning services, by supporting communities whose members

interact and form groups based on their common interests.

Keywords: collaborative virtual community; networked virtual environments;


Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Bouras, C., Igglesis, V.,

Kapoulas, V. and Tsiatsos, T. (2005) ‘A web-based virtual community’, Int. J.

Web Based Communities, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.127–139.

Biographical notes: Christos J. Bouras is an associate professor in the

Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics of Patras University,

Greece, and the Scientific Advisor of Research Unit 6 in Research Academic

Computer Technology Institute (CTI), Patras, Greece. His research interests

include analysis of performance of networking and computer systems,

computer networks and protocols, telematics and new services, QoS and

pricing for networks and services, e-learning networked virtual environments

and WWW issues. He has published 150 papers in various well-known refereed

conferences and journals. He is a co-author of five books in Greek. He has been

a PC member and referee in various international journals and conferences. He

has participated in R&D projects such as RACE, ESPRIT, TELEMATICS,


STRIDE, EUROFORM, IST, GROWTH, among others. He is also member of

several prestigious committees.

Vaggelis Igglesis obtained his diploma from the Department of Computer

Engineering and Informatics of the University of Patras, Greece. Currently, he

is a postgraduate student of the department and also works as an R&D engineer

at Research Unit 6. His research interests include: computer networks,

telematics, networked virtual environments and internet technologies.

Vaggelis Kapoulas obtained his diploma from the Computer Science and

Engineering Department, School of Engineering, University of Patras, Greece.

He is currently a PhD candidate at the same department and an R&D engineer

at Research Unit 6. His research interests include networks, telematics and

algorithms for distributed systems. He has extended professional experience in

the analysis and design of networks, applications of networks, telematic

applications, open and distance learning and tele-working.

Copyright ? 2005 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

128 C. Bouras, V. Igglesis, V. Kapoulas and T. Tsiatsos

Thrasyvoulos-Konstantinos Tsiatsos obtained his PhD degree at the Computer

Engineering and Informatics Department of Patras University (Greece). He is

currently an R&D Computer Engineer at Research Unit 6 of Research

Academic Computer Technology Institute, Patras, Greece. His research

interests include computer networks, telematics, distributed systems, networked

virtual environments, multimedia and hypermedia. More particularly he is

engaged in distant education with the use of computer networks, real time

protocols and networked virtual environments. He has published four papers in

Journals and 18 papers in well-known refereed conferences.

1 Introduction

The constant expanding of the World Wide Web and the familiarisation of the users with the internet have generated all the necessary preconditions for a wide adaptation of the electronic communication. The internet now forms the basis for the constitution of online communities. Software applications allow online communication and interaction among users, which is being expanded by the use of 3D multi-user spaces, simulating real communities. These virtual communities offer a variety of functionalities, while they are proven to be efficient for educational and instructional goals (Spector et al., 2002).

Regarding the social and educational aspect of the virtual collaboration spaces (Bouras et al., 2003), this research area is becoming increasingly interesting both from a technological perspective and a social perspective. The technological challenge arises from the need to develop a collaborative environment, which, should be able to offer educational senses to the users. On the pedagogical and social part, this concept raises questions on the models that can be used and how they can contribute in the most efficient way to the distribution of knowledge in a virtual environment. The design of this web-based community aims to develop a platform that will provide the users with the ability to learn through an autonomous learning process and experience the knowledge offered through a social interaction. In other words, the web-based community described in this paper is a virtual collaboration system that aims to enhance each member on the cognitive and social field.

The interrelated trends in the development of an online web-based learning community are three (de Vries and Kommers, 2004). The first one is integration of services. An online meeting place will become more and more a portal that gives access to a wide number of services. This platform aims to combine different interaction services in different spaces. These services will be provided both in 2D and 3D environments and will allow the users to interact with the system and the other community members through various methods.

The second one is practicality of use. The online meeting place is expected to become the networked desktop of the users at home, at the workplace, at seminars, etc. This shows that the usability of the system and the navigation facilities are essential to the function of the system, while their quality will ensure the fulfilment of the platform objectives. For this reason, the interface of the system was designed based on certain criteria.

The last trend is personalisation. The platform is expected to adapt to the preferences and competences of its members. The user must feel at home in an online community and

A web-based virtual community 129 this is feasible only when he/she is able to customise the spaces of the community that he participates in. The customisation concerns not only the look and feel of the system, but also the personalisation of the content provided by the system or the other members of the community. This has to be also adopted in the 3D spaces of the platform.

This paper is structured as follows. Firstly, the trends in the development of the community are described, providing the reasoning for the development of the community. Secondly, the functionality of the platform is presented, by introducing the entities that the system ontology consists. Afterwards, the architectural structure of the system is analysed, presenting the different layers of the intended model. Finally, some concluding remarks and proposals for future work are provided.

2 Basic re

q uirements

In this section are provided the basic requirements for the development of the web-based virtual collaboration community. In this platform, the formation of groups is the initiative of the users. Therefore, the groups are spontaneously formed and developed without the system’s interference. This is opposed to formal groups that are created by a parent organisation and are intentionally designed to direct members towards some important organisational goal. Community is a group of people who are related to some extent to each of the following minimal requirements:

? a common purpose: some form of shared meaning or reason for the co-existence of the members

? a common cultural context: a collective identity that includes values, beliefs, attitudes, behavioural norms, and accumulated experiences

? co-location: all members of the community share a common physical and/or virtual space

? voluntary participation: the community chooses who participates in the community and members of the community choose to participate in it

? multiple, shifting and overlapping membership and participation: people typically participate in more than one community at a time, tend to join and leave the different communities to which they belong, and more communities may share purpose,

location, cultural context or membership.

To maximise these elements, the strength and cohesiveness of the community can be enhanced by the following elements: common history, shared knowledge, common practices, common action, shared vision of the future and co-created future.

The platform functions in two directions, including two different action domains of the users, the individual and the social domain. In the social domain, the user will be able to join a group or to create a new one. Each group will have an objective and a set of rules and principles that each user adopts when becoming member of this team. The decision on the type of the group and the group interaction that will be part of the social domain rests on the theoretical foundation of the Group Theory (Sinclair et al., 2002).

The individual domain includes the virtual environment plus its content, main features and characteristics whose design aims to encourage the user to cultivate an

130 C. Bouras, V. Igglesis, V. Kapoulas and T. Tsiatsos

autonomous learning process. In the social domain, the system provides the user with the ability to create social groups. Beyond the dialogical interaction processes that will be grown among the members of each group, these groups will be stimulated by the system to produce and apply ideas, which will serve their needs. The system’s support to all these capabilities will be felt both in an individual and a social level. We should underline that although there is a distinction between the users’ activity both in the individual and the social domain, these domains will be not presented separately in the platform as two different parts. User’s navigation in the system will be based on the content and the activities provided, which are related to the two different domains. For example, a user is able to perform an individual activity, such as studying some courses on how to participate in interviews and then practice on what he learned by searching a partner in the social domain.

3 Design rationale

This section describes the design rationale of the platform that also determines the system’s functionality. Based on the main concept of the platform presented in the previous section, here the system ontology and the main entities on which the community is based are described. These entities that constitute the platform are the following: Knowledge Assets (KAs), Interaction Places and Actors. The Knowledge Assets (KAs) represent all the entities that exist on the system. These entities are objects that become resource of knowledge for the users of the platform. Such an object can be a mathematical theorem, a personal experience, and a set of learning activities or even a personal profile of a user, since each one of those can offer knowledge to a member of the community. The interaction places are different spaces within the platform where the different Knowledge Assets can be found. In these spaces, users are able to retrieve information stored in the system or communicate and interact with other members of the platform. The Actors can be individual members, members of a group or the agents of the system.

The main target of the platform is to provide the members of the community with learning experiences through these spaces that will enable them to interact and participate in various knowledge exchange processes. This platform is a complex, distributed, virtual environment, whose members’ orientation is to learn through the use of the variety of Knowledge Assets, to share knowledge and to experience the interaction places.

3.1 Knowledge assets

The Knowledge Asset (KA) is an essential concept in the platform. Every object in the system is a potential Knowledge Asset. According to the structure, every component can be described and represented as a KA. For this reason, the system consists of all the necessary Knowledge Asset types, which are suitable to describe all the components of the platform. The KA types can be divided in two main categories: the Simple KAs and the Structured KAs. The different types of the available Knowledge Assets are shown in Figure 1.

A web-based virtual community 131

Figure 1

Knowledge asset types In the first category, the content is not structured in a particular way, thus containing information such as texts, images or multimedia applications. On the contrary, the Structured KAs contain the above information in a structured way, with the addition of specific metadata that help the users and the system to classify and use this information efficiently. 3.2 Interaction places The interaction places represent the way in which a user is able to navigate through the system. They provide all the possible activities for a community member, which are supported by the system. The set of the system’s functionality consists of these activities, which are embedded in different places and subplaces, since each place is divided in smaller interaction virtual web spaces. In the following paragraph is the role and the activities supported by each place and sub place of the system is analytically described. The environment is divided into five Interaction Places. In these virtual spaces, the users experience different Knowledge Assets. These web spaces cover the different aspects of the learning experience. Their title had to indicate the activities supported in each space, and point the dynamically created content they contain. Therefore, applying a similar rationale to the five stages of group development (Tuckman and Jensen, 1977), the five interaction places, in which each member of the community experiences a different set of Knowledge Assets that contribute to his personal learning activity, are the following: the learning space, the collaborative knowledge exchange system, the 3D social stage, the members’ place and the activities’ place. All the spaces are enhanced by the presence of the agents that stimulate, help and guide the user. 3.3 Actors As mentioned earlier, there are three types of actors in the platform. These are the following: individual members, members of a group and the agents of the system. In the following section the roles and rights of each of those actors and their interconnection is presented.

132 C. Bouras, V. Igglesis, V. Kapoulas and T. Tsiatsos

3.3.1 Roles and rights

A very important factor to be taken into consideration in the design of such a platform is the definition of the users’ roles within the community, as well as the levels of access that each role involves. Each Actor has its own profile, which is accessible from the community members. Apart from these entities, there are four, well defined, user roles, each of which possesses certain privileges. The user roles (pictured in Figure 2, along with the user rights) are as follows:

? Visitor. This type refers to the users who have not yet been registered to the system.

The Visitors may view and access information about the community in general, but they are not able to navigate through the system’s functionality. In order to achieve this, they have to register to the system, by completing a registration form, which

will be approved by the system administrator.

? Administrator. The administrator is the person responsible for the efficient and smooth functioning of the community. Hierarchically, the administrator has full

access to the system and its content. He is responsible to approve or reject

applications from new users, and is able to add, remove and modify functionalities or fix possible feeblenesses of the system.

? Member. The members of the community constitute the majority of the system users.

They are able to browse through the content, interact with other users and experience all the system’s capabilities. The individual members are also capable of forming

new user groups. The member who is the founder of a group becomes automatically the group leader.

? Group leader. The group leader is the member who is responsible for a group of users. He is the representative of this team, and also the one who stimulates the other members of the team, in order to set the group’s goals, ideas and initiatives. He is also responsible to communicate the team’s principles in the community.

Figure 2

Roles and rights in the platform

A web-based virtual community 133 As already mentioned, each component of the system can be represented as a Knowledge Asset. Thus, the rules that exist in the system are related to the KAs. These general rules concern the permissions a user holds to create, delete or modify Knowledge Assets. There are three permission levels for each KA. The options for the author of a KA are the following: include the accessibility to the user himself (level: me), his group (level: my group) or the entire community (level: the community). These levels are valid for the access and modification of the specific KAs by the community members.

3.3.2 Agents

The agents can be seen within the platform as special, non-human members of the users’ community, whose main activity is to intervene dynamically and proactively (or upon request) with value-adding suggestions formulated to each user individually.

The type of suggestions produced by the agents depends mainly on the characteristics of the agent itself, but always aims at gradually increasing the member’s familiarity, interest and involvement in the community dynamics, as well as to stimulate their reflective thinking. The key functions of agents are hence to:

? contribute to gradually increase the level of familiarity of each user with a specific subsection (space) of the overall system (agents are allocated to spaces)

? contribute to increase the value perceived by each user from using the system by locating and suggesting the exploration of valuables KAs and members (reduced

search costs for value creation at the individual level)

? contribute to gradually increase the level of participation/involvement of each user (provide stimulus to knowledge sharing and proactive behaviour with consequent value creation at the collective as well as individual level).

4 System architecture

This section describes the system architecture in the form of functional blocks and their interrelations. The main aspects of the system described here is the architectural structure, which is the static structure of the architecture in terms of its components, their interconnections, and the interfaces and operations offered by the components.

The platform’s architecture is based on several components that provide all the needed functionality. These components are the following: the web server along with the web services, the multi-user server, the streaming video server, the simulation engine, the database and the client (which is a web browser along with the respective plug-ins for accessing specific functionality such as streaming video, 3D multi-user spaces, voice chat, text chat and interactions with the agents). An overview of this architecture is shown in Figure 3.

134 C. Bouras, V. Igglesis, V. Kapoulas and T. Tsiatsos

Figure 3 Architectural

overview The main system components are described in the following paragraph. For each component, there is a description of its responsibilities, interfaces it offers, and other components with which it will interact. Furthermore, a description of the component interfaces and their operations is presented. 4.1 Client As a web-based platform, the client of the system is a typical web browser, utilised by the users in order to access the learning content and the functionality of the virtual environments. The only requirement of the web browser is that it must be able to embed and interact with the flash player and the parallel graphics Cortona VRML plug in. Flash player The flash player interacts with the web server in order to download the client-side part of the above applications and then with the multi-user server in order to communicate with the other participants in the above multi-user applications. The interaction between the flash player and the flash communication server is used in order to support multi-user applications such as voice and text chat, shared whiteboard, etc. This interaction is achieved through the exploitation of the client-side application program interface (API) of the flash communication server MX. The flash player is a plug-in, which is embedded into the web browser. The embedded player interacts with other HTML-based elements of the web page through https://www.360docs.net/doc/b612306738.html, and JavaScript functions. This interaction will be used in the system in order to deliver the user data (e.g., name, assigned roles, avatars etc.) to the flash movies. There are two ways to achieve this interaction: the first one comprises a set of flash methods (JavaScript functions) that are specific to flash movies. These methods are used in order to send JavaScript calls to flash movies from a scripting environment. The second way is used for sending and loading variables to and from a remote source. It comprises a set of flash actions and object methods that are used in order to send information to and receive

A web-based virtual community 135 information from, server-side scripts, text files, and XML files. It can also be used for loading JPEG and MP3 files from a remote source into a flash movie while the movie plays. In addition, server-side scripts can request specific information from a database and relay it to a flash movie. These actions and object methods uses a protocol to transfer information, and require information to be formatted in a certain way.

Parallel graphics Cortona VRML client

Cortona is used for accessing the 3D Social Stage (Virtual Plaza, Virtual Meeting Rooms, etc.). Furthermore it is used in order to access streaming video and embedded flash applications (such as whiteboard) in a 3D space.

It interacts with the web browser and external applications (such J ava applets) through VRML-EAI (Marrin, 1997). Furthermore, it interacts with EVE multi-user server through Java applets in order to send/receive shared VRML events to/from EVE server. In addition, Cortona can exploit various VRML extensions (EXTERNPROTOS) in order to embed flash applications and streaming media in a VRML file.

4.2 Web server

The web server is used for

? storing the content KAs

? storing and executing the scripts/modules of the web services

? storing the client-side files of multi-user applications (Voice Chat, Text Chat, Shared Screen, 3D Games).

It interacts with the web browser using the HTTP protocol and the database through the modules/objects (web services) in order to implement specific functionality.

Web services

The web services represent one of the basic components of the system architecture. More specifically, the scripting environment supports the operations such as the interaction with the database, the administration of the system, users’ authentication, manipulation/extraction of access rights of each user in each KA and tracking users’ actions for the agents. They also support the functionality of the learning space, the collaborative knowledge exchange system, the members’ place and the activities’ place, while they provide the internationalisation to the web interface.

The web services are designed to be implemented using https://www.360docs.net/doc/b612306738.html, Framework, the https://www.360docs.net/doc/b612306738.html, scripting languages in conjunction with MS SQL Server 2000 as the database management system. Due to this fact, the web server that has to be adopted for the development of the system is Microsoft IIS server.

4.3 Multi-user server

The multi-user server is exploited for achieving the multi-user interaction in the 3D social stage as well as the text chat interaction in the knowledge exchange system. It supports the collaboration and communication of multiple users in the same subspace of the above

136 C. Bouras, V. Igglesis, V. Kapoulas and T. Tsiatsos

system spaces. The platform will exploit the Macromedia Flash Communication Server MX in conjunction with EVE platform (Bouras et al., 2001). The Macromedia Flash Communication Server MX will host and run the following applications in order to provide the desired communication services: whiteboard, shared screen brainstorming board, agenda tool (in the 3D social stage), text chat (in the knowledge exchange space). Each of these applications consists of two parts: ? a flash movie, which provides the user interface and runs on the client side (flash player) ? server-side scripting (action script), which enables flexible control of shared state information and provides the logic for mediating real-time interactions among multiple users. The Macromedia Flash Communication Server MX communicates with the respective clients (Shockwave and Flash) via the Macromedia Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP). For the implementation of the above referred functionality, two Application Program Interfaces (APIs) are provided along with the Flash Communication Server: the client-side API, and the server-side API (Macromedia Inc., 2002). The EVE platform will provide the multi-user substance in the 3D practice space in terms of users’ representation by 3D avatars, chat communication as well as user interaction through avatar gestures (Bouras et al., 2002). It interacts with specific J ava applets, the Cortona VRML client and the simulation engine through HTTP protocol. 4.4 S treaming server The streaming server will be used in order to host streaming audio and video files. The streaming server that will be exploited in the system is Darwin streaming media server. The streaming client is used in order to play the streaming media and it is embedded into a web browser. The streaming client that will be used in the platform is quick time player. In order to embed streaming media in a web page, the EMBED tag is used in conjunction with reference to the movie that contains a streaming track with an RTSP URL, which points to the media on the streaming server. 4.5 Database The system’s database is the most basic module of the system. It keeps the main part of the information needed for the operation of the virtual environment. Almost all modules of the system interact directly (web services) or indirectly (e.g., multi-user server) with the database. More specifically, the database of the system is responsible for the following tasks: ? storing of users’ data (roles, access rights, profiles, etc.) ? storing of KAs/Learning content data (accessibility rules, editability rules, metadata, etc.) ? storing of auto-logging parameters users’ actions for evaluation purposes as well as for facilitating agents’ tasks.

A web-based virtual community 137 Database structure for users’ data

The main entity in the platform is the actor. There are three types of actors (individual users, groups and agents) from which the two of them are external users. The platform enables system users to exist as individual community members as well as organised in groups of them. Therefore, two different tables exist in the database, where individual users’ and groups’ data are stored. A third table is used, in order to mark the group members of each group. Finally, the group profile table is related to the individual profile table, to indicate the user who is the group leader.

Database structure for knowledge assets

The structure of the database is strongly connected with the Knowledge Assets (KAs), Spaces, Subspaces and Tools concept of the platform. The KAs are the basic ‘cells’ of the system. There are many types of KAs that have different characteristics as well as common fields. Therefore, in the database there is a common table for all KAs, where all the common characteristics of all KAs are stored. In order to support the different types of KAs (namely: knowledge units, structured knowledge units, synchronous and asynchronous exchange), additional database tables are exploited to store the specific information of each KA type.

Database structure for auto-logging parameters

One of the main goals of the platform is to track user actions. This will provide statistics about all Knowledge Assets and how the users behave in each of the system Spaces and Subspaces. The critical information that has to be stored is the number of each user actions in each Knowledge Asset, and the time between every action. Concerning spaces, subspaces and life domains, it is important to store which spaces/subspaces and life domains are being visited by the users, and how much time the users spend in each space or subspace. All this information has to be accessed by the agents, in order to provide them with the desirable information to implement their functionality. The database will store this information, and the statistical analysis of the data will create records for individual users and Knowledge Assets. These records will feed the agents with information for their proper functionality. For this reason, every user action during a visit in a Knowledge Asset is stored in a table that relates the Individual profile’s table, the Knowledge Asset’s table and the KA actions table. Moreover, it is essential to design a table that relates the profile of each individual user with the space (or subspace) and the life domain he is currently visiting. The number of those visits, and the time that every user remains in the Space/Subspace, is stored in the user visits table. Finally, the overall time that each user spends in the system is stored in his individual profile.

5 Conclusions and future work

This paper presented the technological functionality and architecture issues of a web-based collaborative learning environment. The features of this environment include Interaction Spaces, Knowledge Assets, and Intelligent Agents, which are guided by the roles and rights of the platform. Its n-tier architecture combines various technologies that enable a rich browsing experience in the environments’ spaces. The client side includes a browser extended with Macromedia’s Flash Player and the Parallel Graphics Cortona

138 C. Bouras, V. Igglesis, V. Kapoulas and T. Tsiatsos

VRML client. Multiple server-side products are used that enable the provision of the services offered to the users of the system: IIS web server, SQL Server, Macromedia Flash Communication Server (in conjunction with the prototype of the EVE educational virtual environment) and the Darwin Streaming Media Server.

The interconnection of so many diverse technologies in a single platform will enhance users’ interaction and assist them in discovering new possibilities for socialising through the web. The learning process gains new opportunities, since the web-based services such as forums, instant messaging, chat and educational content presentation is being empowered by the 3D interaction and simulation, which occurs in the social domain of the community.

A future development step of the described platform could be the integration of the agents in the 3D multi-user spaces. According to the presented web-based community, the agents exist only in the 2D spaces and interact with the users through text messages. The upgraded development of the multi-user environment platform (EVE) will support the existence of the agents in the virtual worlds of the platform. This will enable the agents to exist and function both during the navigation in the website and in the 3D spaces of the community, providing the users with a completed way of interacting with the intelligent components of the platform.


This work is partially funded by ‘EdComNet (Humanistic Urban Communal Educational Net)’, IST Project (EDCOMNET / IST-2000-26037). Many thanks to everyone involved in the project for their contributions, fruitful discussions and hard work.


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Organizational Studies, Vol. 2, pp.419–427.


1.名[场所]名[物/人]力*笳◎去歹/「仮歹 名[物/人]总名[场所]笳◎去歹/「仮歹 意思:“ ~有~ ”“~在~”,此语法句型重点在于助词“心‘ 例:部屋忙机力?笳◎去歹。 机总部屋 2.疑问词+哲+动(否定) 意思:表示全面否定 例:教室忙疋沁o 3?“壁①上”意思是墙壁上方的天棚,“壁才是指墙壁上 例:壁 4. ( 1)名[时间]动 表示动作发生的时间时,要在具体的时间词语后面加上助词“V”,这个一个时间点 例:森总心比7時V 起吉去To 注意:只有在包含具体数字的时间时后续助词“V”,比如“ 3月14 日V, 2008年V”;星期后面可加V,比如“月曜日V” ,也可以不加V;但是“今年、今、昨日、明日、来年、去年”等词后面不能加V。 此外:表示一定时间内进行若干次动作时,使用句型“名[时间]V 名[次数]+动” 例:李1週間V2回7°-^^行吉去T。 (2)名[时间段]动:说明动作、状态的持续时间,不能加“ V” 例:李毎日7時間働^^L^o (PS: “V”的更多用法总结请看初级上第15课) ( 3)名V 【用途】【基准】 表示用途时,前接说明用途的名词,后面一般是使"去T等动词 表示基准时,前名词是基准,后面一般是表示评价的形容词。 例:--乙①写真总何V使"去T力、。「用途」 --申請V使"去T。「用途」 乙①本总大人V易L^^ToL力'L、子供V总難L^^To 「基准」 X —X—力*近乙買⑴物V便利^To 「基准」 (4)动(基本形) OV 【用途】【基准】:使用与上述( 3)一样 例:乙O写真求一卜总申請T^OV 使"去T。 ^OV>^3>^ 買“物T^OV 便利^To (5)小句1 (简体形)OV,小句2:名/形動+肚+OV 表示在“小句1 ”的情况下发生“小句2”的情况不符合常识常理,翻译为“尽管…还是…,虽


和声学基本知识 1. 大小三和弦、大小调中的主、属、下属和弦西方古典音乐体系的和声基础是三和弦,三和弦又以大小三和弦为最基本。三和弦是由三个音组成的,分别被称为根音、三音和五音。而和弦的性质,则是由根音、三音和五音之间的距离(及音程),来决定的:根音和三音之间是大三度,三音和五音之间是小三度的,被称为“大三和弦”。根音和三音之间是小三度,三音和五音之间是大三度的,被称为“小三和弦”。西方古典音乐(从16世纪以后),是以大小调为主的。大小调都各有三个最主要的三和弦:主和弦,属和弦和下属和弦,分别是调内的I 级、V级和IV级。我们看到,大调的主、属、下属是大三和弦。小调的主、属、下属是小三和弦。作为小三和弦的小调属和弦,当进行到主和弦时,感觉缺乏力量。原因是小调的VII级,到I级是大二度,没有向I级的强烈倾向。而大调的VII级和I级之间是小二度关系,有强烈的倾向。因此,西方传统和声,常常把小调的VII级音升高半音。升高后的VII级音和I级和大调一样,是小二度关系,被称为“导音”,(大调的VII 级亦被称为“导音”) 这样,小调音阶中的VII 级就被升高了。这种小调音阶,VI级和VII级间是增二度,被称为“和声小调”。VII级没有升高的,被称为“自然小调” 。这两种小调,在现代流行音乐中,都被广泛运用,而在西方古典音乐中,和声小调占绝对优势。西方传统和声是建立在这样的进行:由主和弦开始,经过下属和弦,到属和弦,最后解决到主和弦上的。这个进行是西方传统和声的基础,所有的其它和声进行,都是这个进行的扩展和补充。其中,最重要的原则是:下属不能直接接在属之后,这被称为功能倒置。这是因为,西方古典音乐是建立在一种美学体系,及──力量不断增加,最后解决──的美学体系基础上的。属后直接接下属,被认为是解决到主和弦之前的力量衰减,因此不被接受。但现代流行音乐中,这种限制完全被打破。我们的第一个和声公式:I-V-IV-V,后面可以接I级,或其它可以接V级的和弦。(其它可以接V级的和弦将在以后介绍。) 注1:“大小三和弦”是指和弦的性质,及这个和弦的特性是什么。而“主和弦,属和弦和下属和弦”是指和弦的功能,及在大小调中起什么作用。“I级、V级和IV级”是和弦根音的音级,及和弦根音在音阶中所占的位置。 2. 增减三和弦和大调中的副三和弦西方传统和声体系中,除了大小三和弦外,增减三和弦也是很常用的。增三和弦是由两个大三度叠置而成。减三和弦是由两个小三度叠置而成。在大小调中,除了主、下属和属以外,其他音级上的副三和弦也是很常用的。大调上的副三和弦的性质分别为: ii级:小三和弦。iii级:小三和弦。vi级:小三和弦。vii级:减三和弦。 ii级三和弦,由于和IV级三和弦有两个共同音,有下属的功能倾向,因此被归为下属和声组。 vi级三和弦,由于和IV级三和弦有两个共同音,有下属的功能倾向,因此也被归为下属和声组。然而vi级三和弦,同时和I级三和弦也有两个共同音,因此也有主的倾向,因此有时在属到主的进行中,用来代替主和弦的位置,被称为“阻碍终止”(因为它并不是真正的终止,感觉上象被vi级和弦从中间阻住了一样。) iii 级三和弦是一个较少用的和弦,它具有I级和V级的双重功能(因为它和I级、V


第一部分——名词 名词:名词是词性的一种,也是实词的一种,是指待人、物、事、时、地、情感、概念等实体或抽象事物的词。在日文中的充当句子成分时可以做主语,宾语,目的语等。与数量词、代词等构成体言。在单词方面完全由汉字组成的词汇如:説明せつめい 等很多是音读即类似汉语发音,当然也有训读的时候(海うみ ),甚至一个词有音读和训读两种念法(紅葉こうよう 和紅葉もみじ )。由汉字和假名组成的词语大多训读念法例:お知らせ 名词无变形但有时态的差别: 名词 简 体 敬 体 现在式 过去式 现在式 过去式 肯定 名词+だ 例:学生だ 名词+だった 学生だった 名词+です 学生です 名词+でした 学生でした 否定 名词+ではない 学生ではない 名词+ではなかった 学生ではなか った 名词+ではありません 学生ではありません 名词+ではありませんでした 学生ではありませんでした 另外名词的中顿形:名词+で、~~~。 名词的推量形,表示推测或向对方确认:でしょう。 初级上名词相关时态、句型: 敬体: 1.现在肯定:N です わたしは 王です。「3」2.现在否定:N ではありません わたしは 日本人では ありません。「3」 3.过去肯定:Nでした 前の 会社は 日系企業でした。「11」 4.过去否定:Nでは ありませんでした 先週,大阪は いい 天気では ありませんでした。「11」 简体: 1.现在肯定:Nだ 今日は 日曜日だ。「18」 2.现在否定:Nではない クリスマスは 祝日では ない。「18」 3.过去肯定:Nだった 恋人からの 誕生日の プレゼンは ネクタイだった。「18」 4.过去否定:Nではなかった 昨日は 休みでは なかった。「18」


《基础和声学》教学大纲 适用专业:音乐学专业 课程类别:基础理论课 授课学时: 学分: 总纲 课程的性质: 《基础和声学》是音乐学专业各专业方向的一门专业专业基础理论课,是学习多声部音乐中的和弦结构方式、声部进行规律、和声序进规律以及四部和声写作技术与应用的课程,它起着提高学生和声写作与分析能力的作用,并且,为以后学习《即兴伴奏》、《复调基础》、《配器法常识》、《曲式与作品分析》、《歌曲作法》、《电脑音乐》等课程打下良好的基础。课程基本任务: 本课程是音乐学专业的基础理论课,是学习多声音乐中的和声规律及其应用的一门基础理论课程。通过教学使学生比较系统地理解基础和声理论及其运用,能分析一般中、外乐曲中常见的和声现象,掌握初步的和声写作技能。为音乐表演、编写歌曲伴奏与小型合唱曲、学习有关作曲技术理论课程打下基础。 课程内容概要: 本课程以冯鄂生、贾方爵、薛世民编著的《和声实用基础教程》教材为主,适当参考其他教材,如桑同主编的《和声学教程》、金铁宏主编的《基础和声学》,本课程主要讲授了四部和声的写作原则、和弦的连接方法、和声进行的一般规律、副属和弦的构成及使用方法、转调的方法和在实际作品中的应用等内容。 课程教学形式: 教学中采用四部和声写作和作品谱例分析相结合的形式,使学生具备写作和分析的能力,注重理论与实践相结合,注意培养和声听觉及和声思维能力,并根据实际情况将学生分组授课,加强学生的四部和声写作练习,并一对一修改,使学生掌握扎实的理论基础。 课程学时分配: 课程考核方式: 理论闭卷考试

成绩评定: 采用总分百分制或五级制计分方式。 平时成绩(考勤、作业、态度等)占30%,考试成绩占60%,其它(课程实验、专业技能性考核等)占10%。 选用教材及参考书目: 桑桐主编的《和声学教程》 杨通八主编的《和声分析教程》 金铁宏主编的《基础和声学》 课程教学内容提要 第一章绪论 (一)基本要求 1、了解和声的起源和发展概况 2、掌握和声这门学科的性质 (二)主要教学内容 1、掌握有关多声部音乐的几个概念 2、什么是主调音乐 3、什么是复调音乐 4、什么是多声部音乐以及以上几种音乐形式的区别 (三)教学重点难点 1、和声学是怎么样一门学问 2、和声在多声部音乐中所起到的作用 3、和声对形成作品的曲式结构具有重要作用 第二章和弦 (一)基本要求 1、了解和弦的基本概念 2、熟悉和弦的种类以及性质 (二)主要教学内容 1、掌握什么是原位和弦及转位和弦 2、掌握大、小调体系中各级和弦的名称以及各级和弦的结构 3、熟悉以五声音阶为基础的各调式和弦名称 (三)教学重点难点 1、掌握什么是原位和弦及转位和弦 2、掌握第一、第二转位和弦的名称 3、第一、第二转位和弦的性质 4、熟悉各级和弦在大小调体系中的结构和色彩 第三章四部和声 (一)基本要求 1、学习四部和声的基本记谱形式及各声部的名称 2、了解关于和弦音的省略与重复问题 3、学会四部和声的排列法


1.《和声学》.姜之国编著.湖南文艺出版社, 2008 本书内容包括:自然音体系和弦、调性扩张的三种基本方式、和弦外音与持续音、调性转换等四篇。专业公共课教材音乐考研复习精要。 2.《多声部音乐写作与分析基础教程, 基础和声》.张建华主编.安徽文艺出版社, 2008 本书内容包括:原位正三和弦的平稳连接、为低声部配和声、正三和弦的转位、属七和弦、和弦外音、调内模进、近关系转调等。高等学校音乐学专业教材 3.《和声学教程》. (苏)伊·杜波夫斯基[等]合著 ; 陈敏译.人民音乐出版社, 2008.2版, 增订重译版 本版图书将原来的上下两册合为一册,从学术上说把传统和声归纳得科学、缜密、井然有序;阐述得合理透彻、丝丝入扣;从交教学上循序渐进。 4.《基础和声》.现代远程音乐教育丛书.刘锦宣著.中央民族大学出版社, 2007 本书分为上编与下编两部分,上编为自然音体系,下编为半音体系。其中还有两章五声性旋律民族调式和声配置手法的介绍。附1光盘。 5.《和声的结构功能》.(Structural functions of harmony)(奥)阿诺德·勋伯格(Arnold Schoenberg)著 ; 茅于润译.上海音乐出版社, 2007 本书介绍了和声的结构功能、和声的原则、代替音与领域、小调的领域、变和弦、游移和弦等内容。据原书修订本译出。 6.《勋伯格和声学》(Arnold Schoenberg theory of harmony).奥)阿诺德·勋伯格著 ; 罗伯特·D. W. 阿达姆斯英译 ; 罗忠镕译.上海音乐出版社, 2007 本书内容包括:大调音阶的自然音和弦、小调调式、没有共同音的和弦的连接、转调、来自教会调式的副属和弦和其他非自然音和弦等。 7.《和声对位化写作与综合性分析》.徐平力著.吉林人民出版社, 2007 本书分为上下两篇“对位化和声写作”、“综合性和声分析”,内容包括:对位部分,外音部分,其他部分等。 8.《综合和声理论写作与应用》.李龙德编.哈尔滨地图出版社, 2007 本书的学习对象以巴洛克开始到浪漫派西洋音乐和声为依据,写作部分和分析部分完全保持在这个框架里面,理论与学习的射程从中世纪、文艺复兴尝试扩展到近代、现代西欧多声音乐的全史。 9.《键盘和声与即兴伴奏》.周慕俊主编.高等教育出版社, 2006 本书主要内容有:和弦基础与初步伴奏;属七和弦、终止四六和弦及进行曲风格的歌曲伴奏、常用七和弦的连接及抒情性歌曲伴奏等。五年制高等职业教育幼儿教育专业教学用书。附1光盘。 10.《二十世纪音乐的和声技法》(Harmonik in der Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts ).(德)瓦尔特·基泽勒(Walter Gieseler)著 ; 杨立青译.上海音乐学院出版社, 2006.上海市重点学科建设项目资助上海音乐学院音乐研究所课题.上音译丛.丛书第一辑


日语初级上册语法总结 ㈠日语常用的词汇分类及用法: 1 名词:在句子中作主语,谓语,宾语,定语(名词+の名词)。 2 形容词:定语,谓语。 3 形容动词:定语,谓语。 4 动词:定语,谓语。 5 副词:可做状语,修饰动词,形容词,形容动词。 6 助词:相当中文里的助词,用于说明一个句子或一个词,与其它句子或词的关系。 ㈡动词的分类及「て形」、「ない形」、「た形」的变形规则。 ㈣上册所学语法中与「て」「ない」「た」相关的语法。 ①「て」:~ています、~てから、~てもいいです、~てください、~てはいけません、~ても 补充:动词的「て」形表示动作的先后顺序,以及动作行为的方式方法。 例えば:顔を洗って学校へ行きます。 歩いて駅へ行きます。 ②「ない」:~なくてもいいです、~ないでください、~ないほうがいいです、~なければならない 补充:动词的「ない」形表示否定。 例えば:会社へ行かない。 ③「た」:~たことがあります、~たほうがいいです、~たり~たりします、~たら 补充:动词的「た」形表示过去时。 例えば:フランスへ行った。

㈢名词,形容词,形容动词,动词的简体及敬体变形 ㈤常见助词用法的归纳总结。 1「は」用与提示主语,像「には、では、へは、からは、までは等」属于助词的重叠使用。 起加强语气或提示为主题的作用。 例えば:田中さんは日本人です。 教室には学生がいます。 2「が」提示主语和描述状态的作用。 常用「が」的情况有:1其后为形容词。 2表示自然现象。 3其前为疑问词。 4整句中的一小部分的主语。 5另外自动词前也用「が」来提示而不用「を」。 例えば:天気がいいです。 空は青いです。 誰がいますか。 私は足が痛い。 電気が付いている。 3「も」表示后项事物和前项事物一样。相当于中文的[也]。 例えば:陳さんは中国人です。 李さんも中国人です。


《和声学基础》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息 课程名称和声学基础 总学时数96 讲课学时56 实验 学时 上机 学时 习题 课学 时 40 周学 时 3 学分 6 开课单位音乐学院 适用专业音乐表演、音乐学 先修课程基本乐理、视唱练耳 课程性质必修课课程类型专业基础课群选用教材《初级和声教程》杨通八著高等教育出版社 2006年4月第二版 主要教学参考书1.《和声学基础教程》(上、下册)谢功成等编著人民音乐出版社 2001年4月 2.《和声的理论与应用》(上、下册)桑桐编著上海音乐出版社 1997年11月 3.《和声分析》刘春荣著广东高等教育出版社 1998年 4.《和声学教程》伊 .斯波索宾著人民音乐出版社 2008年3月 本课程地位(作用)和任务 本课程是一门音乐基础理论课程,是音乐表演专业学生进行专业学习的必修课程。 设置本课程的目的,是使学生掌握传统和声学的基础理论,认识和了解多声音乐在作品中的应用及发展规律,树立学生在音乐演奏、演唱等过程中的多声思维和较高的演绎力及鉴赏力,培养学生对音乐作品中和声现象的分析和理解力,以便能更充分地发挥自己本专业的能力。

二、教学内容与基本要求: 和声学基础1 第一章绪言 一、和声 二、大小调和声 三、四部和声 四、和声分析 基本要求: 了解学习和声写作的目的; 了解学习和声分析的目的; 掌握四部和声的书写方法。 第二章四部和声 一、三和弦的类别与构成,调式中的三和弦 二、四部和声的记谱方法 三、和弦音的重复 四、和弦音的排列法 基本要求: 能很好的识别三和弦的类型; 掌握书写各种旋律位置及低音位置的四部和声; 能识别各调中三和弦的级数。 第三章原位正三和弦连接(一) 一、不同三和弦之间的关系 二、和声连接法运用中的声部进行 三、和弦的连接法 四、根音为四、五度关系的原位三和弦连接(和声连接法) 基本要求: 了解一级、四级、五级三和弦的性质; 掌握和弦连接的两种方法; 掌握和声连接中声部进行的一般规律。 第三章原位正三和弦连接(二) 一、和弦连接中声部进行的一般规律 二、根音为四、五度关系的原位三和弦连接(旋律连接法) 三、根音为二度关系的原位三和弦连接 四、和声谱例分析 五、书面习作示范 基本要求: 分别掌握和声连接法与旋律连接法; 掌握和声连接中声部进行的一般规律; 掌握一级、四级、五三和弦连接的方法。 第四章为旋律配和声 一、和弦的选择 二、低音的设计 三、排列法的选择 四、和声习作示范


新標準日本語語法點總結(初級上) 1.名【场所】名【物/人】力* / 庭忙何力?笳◎去T力、。 部屋忙誰力"、去T力、。 2.名【物/人】总名【场所】笳◎去T /「岷T 図書館乙忙笳◎去T力、。 猫总椅子 3. 表示方位 上*9^隣 下L尢中忌 力、 前外 後6 九勺 4.疑问词+哲+动词(否定)教室V誰去乜人。 冷蔵庫忙何哲笳◎去乜人。 5.去T 去乜人 6.时间的表达方式 今何時何分IT力、。 今四時三十分IT。 毎日何時忙寝去T力、。 11時3 0分忙寝去T。 (叙述包含数字的时间后续助词V,例3月14日V, 但是今日、今、昨日、明日、毎日、去年等词后不加V,星期后一般加V,但也可以不加。午前中 試験总始去◎去T力、。 来週①木曜日IT。 (詢問時間用 ^^,當詢問的時間很具體時,在表示時間的詞語后加V,如何時V、何曜日V、何日V )力、5……表示某动作发生在某个期间,也可以表示某移動動作的起點和終點森月曜日力、5水曜日去疋休注5。

表達時刻【何時何分】 1點一時7點七時 2點二時8點八時 3點三時9點九時


刚看完斯波索宾《和声学教程》,发总结一篇共飨 ★调号 # ## ### #### ##### ###### G-e D-b A-#f E-#c B-#g #F-b b bb bbb bbbb bbbbb bbbbbb F-d bB-g bE-c bA-f bD-bb bG-be ★转调音程和调号的关系 ↑小二↑大二↑小三↑大三↑纯四↑增四↑纯五↑小六↑大六↑小七↑大七bbbbb ## bbb #### b 6个调 号# bbbb ### bb ##### ↓大七↓小七↓大六↓小六↓纯五↓增四↓纯四↓大三↓小三↓大二↓小二 ★属七和弦 S D7 T K D7 T S K D7 T T D34 T6 ★下属七和弦 {T, T6, K, S, SⅡ}-SⅡ7-{ D, T, D7 } ★导七和弦 {T, S, D, D7, SⅡ7, TSⅥ}-DⅦ7-{ T, D7 } DⅦ7的功能内解决:DⅦ7-D56-D34-D2-D7 DⅦ7之间的经过和弦:DⅦ7-{ T组,D组, S组}-DⅦ7 DⅦ34(4 6 7 2)有下属功能 ★属九和弦 { S, SⅡ, SⅡ7, T, K, D7, D }-D9-{T, D7} ★下属九和弦 SⅡ9-{ D7, D9, SⅡ7 } ★副七和弦 T7 DTⅢ7 S7 TSⅥ7(用于模进) 进行到下方五度的三和弦或进行到该级上的七和弦 T7-{ S, S7 } DTⅢ7-{ TSⅥ, TSⅥ7 } S7-{ DⅦ, DⅦ7 } TSⅥ7-{ SⅡ, SⅡ}

★重属和弦(升高IV) 在序列[2-#4-6-1-3(b3)]上随意截取形成: DD,DD7,DD9,DD9,DDⅦ,DDⅦ7 { S, SⅡ, SⅡ7, S7, T, TSⅥ}-DD-{ D, K, D7, DⅦ7, D9, sⅡ7 }★变音重属和弦(含增六度) b6-1-#4(亦可在1和#4之间增加2,b3或3) { T, S组, DD }-变DD-{ K, T46,(D)} X-变DD-X6(辅助) ★大调变音属和弦 变属和弦:#5D, b5D, #5D7, b5D7, #5D9, b5D9 变导和弦:#3DⅦ, b3DⅦ, #3DⅦ7, b3DⅦ7 重要的有:#5D, #5D7, b5D7, #3DⅦ7 {D, SⅡ, SⅡ7, DD, T6, S, 变DD}-变D-T 阻碍中止:b5D7-降Ⅵ级(tsⅥ), ★小调变音属和弦(仅用于和声小调) 降Ⅱ级:b5D, b5D7, b5D9,(3-#5-b7-2-4) 降Ⅳ级:b7D7(3 #5 7 b2), b5DⅦ(#5 7 b2) 降Ⅱ,Ⅳ级:b57D7(3 #5 b7 b2), b57DⅦ(#5 b7 b2) {D, sⅡ, sⅡ7, DD, t6, s, 变DD}-变D-t ★那不勒斯和弦(N6, N, N7) N6(小调:2 4 b7, 大调:4 b6 b2), N(小调:b7 2 4, 大调:b2 4 b6) N7(小调:b7 2 4 6, 大调:b2 4 b6 1) 用于小调:{t, tsⅥ, sⅡ, s, dtⅢ}-N6 用于大调:{tsⅥ, dtⅢ}-N6(交替大小调和弦) N6-{K, D, D7, T(t)} N7-{变D, 变D7, 变DⅦ7, 变D9} s-N, tsⅥ-N N-{D, D7, DⅦ7, D9} ★大调变音下属和弦(#1SⅡ56:4 6 1 #2, 相当于下属调的属七和弦) T-#1SⅡ56-T([4 6 1 #2]-[1 5 1 3]) ★用同主音小调复杂化的大调 t=b3T, s=b3S, sⅡ=b5SⅡ, tsⅥ=b1b5TSⅥ, d=b3D, dtⅢ=b1b5DT Ⅲ, dⅦ=b1DⅦ(逢3 6 7便降) ★用同主音大调复杂化的小调 T=#3t, D=#3d, DTⅢ=#1#5dtⅢ, DⅦ=#1dⅦ, S=#3s, SⅡ=#5s Ⅱ, TSⅥ=#1#5tsⅥ(逢1 4 5便升) 交替大小调常用进行


新版标准日语初级上册语法总结 ㈠日语常用的词汇分类及用法: 1 名词:在句子中作主语,谓语,宾语,定语(名词+の名词)。 2 形容词:定语,谓语。 3 形容动词:定语,谓语。 4 动词:定语,谓语。 5 副词:可做状语,修饰动词,形容词,形容动词。 6 助词:相当中文里的助词,用于说明一个句子或一个词,与其它句子或词的关系。㈡动词的分类及[ます形]「て形」、「ない形」、「た形」的变形规则。 动词的分类:ます形:て形: ない形: た形: ㈢名词,形容词,形容动词,动词的简体及敬体变形 ㈣上册所学语法中与「て」「ない」「た」相关的语法。 ㈤常见助词用法的归纳总结。 ㈥连词:连接句子于句子的词。 ㈦疑问词: ㈧副詞及接续词: 动词的分类: 动词「て形」「た形」的变形规则: 1、一类动词: ①动词的最后一个假名以「うつる」结尾时,将它们改为「って」「た」 買う買って 立つ立って 終わる終わって

②动词的最后一个假名以「むすぶ」结尾时,将它们改为「んで」「た」 読む読んで 遊ぶ遊んで 死ぬ死んで ③动词的最后一个假名以「くぐ」结尾时,将它改为「いて」「た」 書く書いて 泳ぎぐ泳いで ④行く行って「た」 ⑤話す話して「た」 2、二类动词:直接去掉加「て」「た」 食べる食べて出かける出かけて 鍛える鍛えて起きる起きて 3、三类动词:直接去掉「する」加「して」「た」。「来るー来(き)て」「た」。運動する運動して復習する復習して 買い物する買い物してチェックするチェックして 动词「ない形」的变形规则: 1、一类动词:将动词「ます形」的最后一个假名改为其「あ」段假名。若动词「ます形」的最后一个假名以「い」结尾时不要将其改为「あ」,而要改为「わ」。 買う買わない 立つ立たない 読む読まない


和声学(NBT理论教材) 声明:本和声教程以流行音乐的现代和声应用为主论,与传统和声学悖逆与反叛的部分,敬请音乐学术人员见谅,并予以亲善指导。谢谢! 第31讲—三和弦与四部和声(谱例讲解) 大三和弦-大三度(1-3)+小三度叠置(3-5),具有坚定的声响效果。-协和和弦。 小三和弦-小三度+大三度叠置,具有柔和温暖的声响效果。-协和和弦。 减三和弦-小三度+小三度叠置,具有压抑的声响效果。-不协和和弦。增三和弦-大三度+大三度叠置,具有外扩倾向的声响效果。-不协和和弦。 四部和声-三和弦经常加一个和弦中重复音来构成四个声部,1音,三音,5音都可以作为重复音,常见的为旋律音+三和弦;根音+三和弦。排列法—密集排列-流行音乐中以密集排列为主,1/和弦三个声部可以与旋律音构成四部和声,可以重叠;2/与根音构成四部和声,根音声部在流行音乐中往往用低音乐器来演奏,所以根音与三和弦的三个声部具有八度以上的音程的距离,甚至到3个八度的程度。密集排列法往往以某一内声部的应用为常见。 开放排列-在流行音乐中,常以织体和声形式应用。比如,贝司,吉他,电钢琴,弦乐声部,人声声部等的织体和声形式。

各级的原位三和弦-谱例。 功能属性—1/主功能组:1级主和弦,为调式稳定的唯一和弦;3级和弦,6级和弦,作为辅助性的主功能,常用在主和弦后面,或代替主和弦用在乐句的句首位置。偶尔也用在句尾。 2/下属功能组:下属和弦(半稳定),大调中的2级和弦,6级和弦,7级和弦;小调中的2级和弦,6级和弦。作为辅助性的,在下属和弦的前后(注:在下属和弦作为半终止的时候不能用在后面),或代替下属和弦单独用于过度。 3/属功能组:属和弦(半稳定)。3级和弦,7级和弦。作为辅助性的,在属和弦的前面(注:不能用在属和弦后面),或代替属和弦单独用于过度。 第32讲—正三和弦与副三和弦 正三和弦-各调式的主和弦(稳定和弦),下属和弦(半稳定和弦),属和弦(半稳定和弦)。 功能与连接应用-在一个乐句结构内作为主要的和声来应用,往往用在句首和句尾,起着调式的稳定作用。 副三和弦-各调式中2级,3级,6级,7级和弦。不稳定和弦。其中减三和弦为不协和和弦。 功能与连接应用-在一个乐句结构内以辅助和声的形式应用,常在其属性的正三和弦的前后,作为辅助;也经常代替其属性的正三和弦,独立应用,但一般在不重要的位置上。

新版标准日本语初级上册语法解释 第2课

新版标日初级·语法解释 第2课 1.これ/それ/あれは [名]です 相当于汉语“这是/那是~”。 “これ”“それ”“あれ”是指代事物的词,相当于汉语“这、这个”“那、那个”。用法如下: (1)说话人与听话人有一点距离,面对面时: ·これ:距离说话人较近的事物 ·それ:距离听话人较近的事物 ·あれ:距离说话人和听话人都较远的事物 (2)说话人和听话人处于同一位置,面向同一方向时: ·これ:距离说话人、听话人较近的事物 ·それ:距离说话人、听话人较远的事物 ·あれ:距离说话人、听话人更远的事物 例:これは 本です。 それは テレビです。 あれは パソコンですか。 2.だれですか/何ですか 相当于汉语“~是什么?/~是谁?”。不知道是什么人是用“だれ”,不知道是什么东西时用“何”。句尾后续助词“か”,读升调。例:それは 何ですか。 あの人は だれですか。 注意:“だれ”的礼貌说法是“どなた”。对方与自己是同辈、地位相当或地位较低时用“だれ”。对方比自己年长或地位高时用“どなた”。 例:吉田さんは どなたですか。 3.[名]の[名]【所属】 助词“の”连接名词和名词,表示所属。 例:私のかぎ。 小野さんの傘。 4.この/その/あの[名]は [名]です 相当于汉语“这个/那个~是~”。修饰名词时,要用“この”“その”“あの”。其表示的位置关系与“これ”“それ”“あれ”相同。例:このカメラは 私のです。 その傘は 小野さんのです。 あの車は だれのですか。 5.どれ/どの[名] 三个以上的事物中,不能确定哪一个时用疑问词“どれ”“どの”。单独使用时用“どれ”,修饰名词时用“どの”。 例:森さんのかばんは どれですか。 長島さんの靴は どれですか。 私の机は どの机ですか 扩展:100以下数字 0 れい/ぜろ 1 いち 2 に 3 さん 4 し/よん  5 ご 6 ろく


第1课李さんは中国人です 1、名は名です 相当于汉语的“~是~”。“~は”是主语部分。“~です”是谓语部分。助词“は”用于提示主题,读做“わ”。 李さんは中国人です。(小李是中国人。) わたしは日本人です。(我是日本人。) わたしは王です。(我姓王。) 2、名は名ではありません 相当于汉语的“~不是~”。“ではありません”的“では”,在口语中有时会发成“じゃ”。 王さんは学生ではありません(王先生不是学生。) わたしは日本人ではありません(我不日本人。) わたしは田中じゃありません(我不是田中。) 3、疑问句及应答 (1)名は名ですか 相当于汉语的“~是~吗?”。助词“か”接在句尾表示疑问。日语的问句在句尾不使用“?”。回答时用“はい”或“いいえ”。 あなたは小野さんですか(您是小野女士吗?) ー-はい、小野です。(是的,我是小野。) キムさんは中国人ですか(金女士是中国人吗?) ‐ーいいえ、中国人ではありません(不不是中国人。) (2)应答 回答疑问句的时候,可以只用“はい”“いいえ"也可以在“はい”之后加上“そうです”,在“いいえ”之后加上“ちがいます”,即成“はい、そうです”“いいえ、ちがいます”。不知道时用“わかりません(不知道)”。 森さんは学生ですか。(森先生是学生吗?) はい、そうです。(是,是学生。) いいえ、ちがいます(不,不是。) 4、名の名[从属机构、国家][属性]助词“の”连接名词和名词,表示前面的名词是后面名词从属的机构、国家或属性。 李さんはJC企画の社員です。(小李是JC策划公司的职员。)

北京旅行社は中国の企業です。(北京旅行社是中国的企业。) デュボンさんは大学の先生です。(迪蓬先生是大学的老师。) 注意在日语中,不论名词之间的是什么关系,一般加(の),如“(我的父亲)わたしの父”。汉语中说“我父亲”,而日语中不说“×わたし父” 国家/人/语言 国国名~人人~語语 中国中国中国人中国人中国語汉语 日本日本日本人日本人日本語日语 ?メリカ美国?メリカ人美国人?メリカ語英语 ?ギリス英国?ギリス人英国人?ギリス語英语 ?タリ?意大利?タリ?人意大利人?タリ?語意大利语 ?ンド印度?ンド人印度人?ンド語印地语 オーストラリ?澳大利亚オーストラリ?人澳大利亚人オーストラリ?語英语 韓国韩国韓国人韩国人韓国語韩语 スベ?ン西班牙スベ?ン人西班牙人スベ?ン語西班牙语 タ?泰国タ?人泰国人タ?語泰语 ド?ツ德国ド?ツ人德国人ド?ツ語德国语 ブラジル巴西ブラジル人巴西人ブラジル語葡萄牙语 フランス法国フランス人法国人フランス語法语 ベトナム越南ベトナム人越南人ベトナム語越南语 メキシコ墨西哥メキシコ人墨西哥人メキシコ語西班牙语 ロシ?俄罗斯ロシ?人俄罗斯人ロシ?語俄语 外国外国外国人外国人外国語外语 大陆 ?ジ?亚洲ヨーロッパ欧洲?メリカ北美洲 オーストラリ?澳洲?フリカ非洲?メリカ南美洲


和声学公共课基础教程 第一课 四部和声写作与和弦排列法 和声学,是一门作曲技术理论课程,它不仅是掌握多声部音乐写作与理论研究的基础课程之一,更在于通过和声学的学习来观察西方多声部音乐文化的现象和逻辑,以及十八、十九世纪以来西方作曲家的作品中所归纳出来的一整套具有完整体系的多声部理论基础。因此,和声学的学习不仅是作曲家、指挥家、音乐学家必须掌握的理论课程,对于从事演奏、演唱、音乐普及教育专业包括与音乐有关各个专业的学生都是一门必不可少的理论课程。 1、和声与和声学的概念:和声(Harmony)是由若干音有机地构成不同结构(包括相 同结构)、不同位置或不同属性的和弦(Chord)或和音,这些和弦或和 音连续运动而产生的多声部现象,即为和声。 和声学是研究和弦的构造、序进和运用、它们的风格特征以及和声在构 成曲式和表现音乐形象方面的作用的一套完整的学科体系。 2、四部和声:四部和声写作(Four part writing)是音乐作品中尤其是和声写作练习 中最常用的声部(Part)组合方式,特别是在混声合唱中运用的更多。它 具有和声音响丰满、声部平衡的作用。和声写作练习采用四部写作,更 有利于掌握和声的基本写作技能。四部和声采用的是大谱表记谱形式。 这四个声部从高到低顺次称为高音部(也常称为女高音声部) (Soprano)、中音部(也常称为女低音声部)(Alto)、次中音部(也 常称为男高音声部)(Tenor)、低音部(也常称为男低音声部)(Bass)。 谱例1、 在四部和声写作的记谱中,如果时值是在二分音符以下的时候,音符的符干方向也必

须是固定的形式,即高音声部必须朝上;中音部必须朝下;次中音声部必须朝上;低音部必须朝下。构成一种对称的、清晰的记谱方式。另外,高音部与低音部我们都习惯称之为“外声部”(Outer parts);而中音声部与次中音声部我们都习惯称之为“声部”(Inner parts)。 3、各声部的音域(Range):由于四部和声写作最初来源于混声合唱的记谱形式,虽然和声写作中并不完全要际为人声演唱,但是也要求各声部具有声乐的特性并按照各类人声相似的音域写作,在非特殊情况下最好不要超出各声种的音域围。 各声部的音域大致如下: 谱例2 在谱例2中我们看到的全音符是各声部的正常音域;实心的音符是各声部的极限音只能在特殊条件下,短时间使用这些极限的音。 4、重复音的原则:三和弦在四部和声写作中必然要重复和弦中的某一个音,目前重复音的原则是这样规定的,只允许重复和弦的根音,其它音暂时不得重复。请参见谱例1中和弦重复音的现象。 5、旋律位置的概念:高音部,也就是女高音声部为旋律声部,和弦中的某个音在旋律声部出现,我们称之为旋律位置。 三和弦有三种旋律位置,即和弦的根音在高音部出现,为根音旋律位置(Octave position);和弦的三音在高音部出现,为三音旋律位置(Third position);和弦的五音在高音部出现,为五音旋律位置(Fifth position)。 谱例3 6、和弦排列法:和弦排列法(Chord spacing)是指和弦在纵向排列时,各声部之间的音程关系。在原位的三和弦纵向排列时有两种排列的方式。 ①密集排列法:密集排列法(Close position)为上方三声部中相邻声部之间的距离在四度以的(含四度)的排列方式,为密集排列法。也就是说,上方三声部中的相邻声部是相邻和弦音的状态。


新版标准日 语初级上册语法总结 ㈠ 日语常用的 词汇分类及用法: 1名词:在句子中作主 语,谓语,宾语,定语(名词+0名词)。 2 形容 词:定 语, 谓语 。 3 形容 动词 :定 语 ,谓语 。 4 动词 :定语, 谓语。 5 副词:可做状 语,修饰动词 ,形容 词,形容动词。 6 助词:相当中文里的助 词,用于 说明一个句子或一个 词,与其它句子或 词的关系。 ㈡ 动词的分类及「疋形」、「肚X 形」、「尢形」的变形规则。 动词的分类:「疋形」: 「肚X 形」:「尢形」: ㈢ 名词,形容词,形容动词,动词的简体及敬体 变形 ㈣上册所学语法中与「疋」「肚X 」「尢」相关的语法。 ㈤ 常见助词用法的归纳总结 。 ㈥ 连词 :连接句子于句子的 词。 ㈦ 疑问词: ㈧ 副詞及接 续词: 动词的分类: 立弐去r 走◎去r 読族去r 例元運動L 去r 復習L 去r 練習L 去r 買x 物L 去r 夕|丿少夕L 去r 于工少夕L 去r 动词「疋形」的变形规则: 1、一 类动词 : ① 动词「去r 形」的最后一个假名以 「x 、^、o 」 结 尾时,将它们改为「。疋」 買x 去r 買二疋 立弐去r 立二疋 走◎去r 走二疋 ② 动词「去r 形」的最后一个假名以 「族、厂、^」 结尾时,将它们改为「人^」 読族去r 読人疋 遊厂去r 遊人疋 死忙去r 死人疋 ③ 动词「去r 形」的最后一个假名以 「吉」结尾时, 将它改 为「xi 」 書吉去r 書x 疋 1 动词「去歹形」的最后一个假名以「X 」段假名 结尾时, 则为 一类动词 行吉去r 段假名 話L^r 结尾时, 则为二类动词 。 其中有一部 起吉召浴着召疋吉召 書吉去r 泳老注r 2 动词「去r 形」的最后一个假名以「元」 分特殊的二 类动词 (它们看起来类似一类) 見x§ 降 例元食卞去r 疋吉去r 降◎去r 3 通常情况下是两个 全部是片假名情况,除此之外 还有一个「来去r 」 这种类型的动词则为 三类动词。 借◎召足◎召 出 力、疗去r 見去r 足◎去r 鍛元去r 起吉去r 浴厂去r 着去r x 去r 借◎去r (部分特殊的二类动词) 汉字加上L 去r ,也有两个 汉字加上一个假名再加上L 去r ,或者


简明和声学教程 第一部分:学习和声学必备的乐理知识 一、五线谱基础知识 1、谱表 五线谱中按照使用的音域分为高音谱表、中音谱表、次中音谱表和低音谱表。以及大谱表等等。学习传统和声学一般情况下使用大谱表。 2、音名和唱名 根据音高的震动频率规律,制定了十二平均律。并以CDEFGAB及变化音符号标记,称为音名; 以“都、来、米、发、索、来、西”发声的称为唱名。 3、音组 根据音高,五线谱中中央C以上为小字1组,小字2组……以此类推;中央C以下一组为小字组,再下一组为大字组、大字一组、大字二组……以此类推。 4、首调和固定调 按照调号标记,以“都、来、米、发、索、来、西”发声的唱法称为首调; 无论什么调号,都以“C”调的首调唱法为基准辅之变化音的唱法称为固定调. 二、音程 1、音程 两个音之间的距离称为音程。(举例路程) 2、和声音程和旋律音程 同时出现的音程称为和声音程,先后出现的音程称为旋律音程。(举例) 3、音程的计算(举例路程) 音程的计算单位是“度”。乐谱中(五线谱)相同位置的两个音称为一度,音高相邻的音称为二度,以此类推。 4、大音程、小音程、增音程和减音程 在同样度数的音程中,根据半音的数量可分为大音程、小音程、增音程和减音程。 5、自然音程和变化音程 自然音之间的音程关系称为自然音程,使用变音记号临时更改音高的音与其他音之间的音程关系称为变化音程。 6、等音程 标记法不同而际音高相同的两组音程称为等音程。 7、音程的称谓 构成音程的基础音称为根音,上方的音称为冠音。 8、音程的转位 a、转位的概念 音程中的一个音保持原位,另一个音向上或向下进行八度的转换形成新的音程关系称为转位。转位后各音的称谓不变。 b、转位音程的计算 用9减去原来的音程度数即为新的音程度数。 c、转位音程的特性 大音程转位后为小音程,小音程转位后为大音程,增音程转位后为减小音程,


新版标准日本语初级语法总结 **************************** 第17课 **************************** 1、名が欲しいです ▲わたしは新しい洋服がほしいです。(我想有套新西服)ようふく ▲(あなたは)何が欲しいですか。(你想要什么) --新しいパソコン欲しいです。(想要新的电脑) 表示愿望时,使用“[名词1]は[名词2]が欲しいです”这一表达形式。“名词1”是 愿望的主体,“名词2”表示愿望的对象。 2、名を动たいです ▲(わたしは)映画を見たいです。(我想看电影) ▲今日はお酒を飲みたくないです。(今天不想喝酒) ▲(あなたは)何をしたいですか。(你想做什么) --何もしたくありません。(什么都不做) 表达相当于汉语“想~”的意思时,使用“[名词1]は[名词2]を~たいです”“名词1”是愿望的主体,“名词2”表示希望进行动作的对象。 “たい”前接动词“ます形”去掉“ます”的形式。使用“欲しいです”或“~たいです”的时候,如果是陈述句,则第一人称“わたし”是主语。如句子是疑问句则第二人称“あなた”是主语。这两种情况的主语都可以从句子的前后关系中判断出来,因此常常省略。 ▲水を飲みたいです。(我想喝水) ▲水が飲みたいです。(我想喝水) ▲水が欲しいです。(我想喝水) 如“わたしはお茶が飲みたいです”所示,たい”的对象有时不用“を”,而用“が”表示。但“欲しい”的对象只能用“が”来表示。※ ▲だれに会いたいですか。(你想见谁) --だれにも会いたくないです。(谁也不见) ▲どこへ行きたいですか。(你想去哪儿) --どこへも行きたくないです。(哪儿也不去)

和声 教程 自然音体系

和声自然音体系 一、正三和弦原位 (一)、定义:建立在音阶上的Ⅰ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ级的三和弦称为原位正三和弦。 (二)、结构: 1、大调:建立在根音上的大三度和纯五度,均为大三和弦。 2、和声小调:建立在根音上的小三度和纯五度,Ⅰ、Ⅳ为小三和弦、Ⅴ为大三和弦。 (三)、功能性: 1、Ⅰ—主功能(最稳定)标记:大调—T 小调—t 2、Ⅳ—下属功能(不稳定)大调—S 小调—s 3、Ⅴ—属功能(更不稳定)大调—D 小调—D (四)、重复与省略: 正三和弦原位只能重复根音,不能重复五音和三音。 (五)、排列法: 1、密集排列:上三声部中,相邻两声部中均不能插入和弦音。 2、开放排列:上三声部中,相邻两声部中均能插入和弦音。 (六)、声部进行: 1、同度:(Ⅰ—Ⅰ、Ⅳ—Ⅳ、Ⅴ—Ⅴ)运用同和弦转换。 2、四、五度:(Ⅰ—Ⅳ、Ⅰ—Ⅴ) ⑴、和声连接法,共同音保持; ⑵、根音—根音; ⑶、其余各音到最近和弦音。 3、二度:(Ⅳ—Ⅴ) ⑴、旋律连接法,低音最近进行; ⑵、上三声部与低音反向。 (七)、正三和弦的功能逻辑: 1、正格进行:根据其功能组成,由主和弦与属和弦组成的进行。 T—D、D—T、T—D—T、D—T—D、T—D—D—T 2、变格进行:根据其功能组成,由主和弦和下属和弦组成的进行。 T—S、T—S—T、S—T、S—T—S 3、完全进行:根据其功能组成,包括所有三种功能的进行。 T—S—D—T (八)、应用:

正三和弦原位应用于结构的主要位置,如作品的开头、结尾等作品主要的位置。二、正三和弦第一转位 (一)、定义:以三和弦的三音作为低音即构成正三和弦的第一转位,低音与上方两和弦音分别构成了三度和六度(简称六和弦)。 (二)、结构: 1、大调:低音到三音为小三度,到五音为小六度,构成大六和弦。 2、小调:低音到三音为大三度,到五音为大六度,Ⅰ6、Ⅳ6为小六和弦、Ⅴ为大六和弦。(三)、功能性: 正三和弦转位后其协和性不变,稳定程度越转越不稳。 (四)、重复与省略: 正三和弦的六和弦 1、根音:可以重复,但不能省略。 2、三音:不能重复,也不能省略。 3、五音:可以重复,也可以省略。 (五)、排列法: 1、密集排列 2、开放排列 3、混合排列 (六)、声部进行 1、三和弦+六和弦 ⑴、同度 Ⅰ—Ⅰ6、Ⅳ—Ⅳ6、Ⅴ—Ⅴ6(可逆) 重复三音 ①低音到低音; ②上方三声部不动。 不重复三音 ①低音到低音; ②共同音保持(两个声部); ③三音跳进。 ⑵、四、五度 Ⅰ—Ⅳ6、Ⅰ6—Ⅳ、Ⅰ—Ⅴ6、Ⅰ6—Ⅴ ①和声连法; ②各声部做平稳进行; ③避免不良进行。 ⑶、二度:Ⅳ—Ⅴ6、Ⅳ6—Ⅴ ①旋律连接法; ②各声部平稳进行;
