USCG Inspection Book

USCG Inspection Book
USCG Inspection Book


United States Coast Guard




Name of Vessel Flag

No Change

IMO Number Case Number

Date Completed


Senior Marine Inspectors / Port State Control/ Boarding Officers




4. 5.






Rev. 15APR04

Use of Foreign Vessel MTSA/ISPS Code Exam Book

Since 1994, the Port State Control (PSC) program has had a dramatic influence upon the elimination of substandard shipping. This highly successful program will now include changes that seamlessly integrate verification and enforcement of the regulations authorized by the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 (MTSA) and the provisions of SOLAS Chapter XI-2 and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code into the existing port State control structure and processes.

The PSC program relies on several elements to ensure vessels not in compliance with safety and security standards do not enter or pose a hazard to the United States. These elements focus on poor performance of owners, operators, charterers, flag Administrations and those recognized organizations (RO) or recognized security organizations (RSO) an Administration may authorize to act on their behalf through:

? risk-based screening of vessels;

? on board verification on potentially non-compliant vessels; and

? enforcement actions that may include, among other actions, denial of entry, detention, or ordering a vessel out of port.

Security examinations shall be done at the location specified by the COTP or OCMI based on the priority established by targeting risk factors. For example, an arriving vessel that receives a high risk score could be boarded at sea, prior to port entry, for the purpose of conducting a security and safety sweep of the vessel. Vessels posing less risk may be boarded for examination at the pier or not at all. In every case, vessels selected for security boarding will be boarded in accordance with the applicable international and domestic standards. The scope of the security examination shall be as determined by the COTP or OCMI and the applicable provisions of Title 33 CFR, SOLAS Chapter XI-2, and ISPS Code Parts A and B and this Exam Book shall apply. Note that for many requirements, compliance with Part A of the ISPS Code can be inferred from compliance with Part B because of the greater detail in Part B. It is important to note that every vessel only selected for a port state control safety boarding may also be subject to some measure of security examination in accordance with Part A and Part B of the ISPS Code and the checklist herein may be used to guide this abbreviated security examination.

To meet port State responsibilities, senior marine inspectors/port State control officers must verify that the vessels and their crews are in substantial compliance with international conventions and applicable U.S. laws related to security. The senior marine inspectors/port State control officers, based on their observations, must determine the depth and scope of the examination.

This exam book does not establish or change Federal or International standards. References given are only general guides. Refer to IMO publications, United States Code, the Code of Federal Regulations, NVIC’s, and any locally produced guidance for specific regulatory references. This checklist is an extensive list of possible examination items related to security equipment, operations, plans and records. It is intended as a job aid to be used by Coast Guard marine inspectors during examinations of foreign-flagged vessels subject to regulations authorized by MTSA, and provisions of SOLAS Chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code.It is not the Coast Guard’s intention to inspect all the items listed in the checklist at every exam; rather the inspector should use it as a reminder of the various items that may be examined during a security examination. As always, the inspector’s experience, knowledge, and judgment will determine the depth and scope of each examination.

Conducting the exam

Complete Certificates/Equipment Data/Records information (Section A).

Review Vessel Security Practices and Competencies (Section B).

Expanded Examination (only if Clear Grounds are exist) (Section C)

Pre-inspection Items Post-inspection


? Review MISLE records ? Deficiency History ? Critical Profile

? CG Activity History ? Issue letters/certificates to vessel

? Issue Port State Control Report of Inspection-Form A

? Issue Port State Control Report of Inspection-Form B (if needed) ? Immediate MISLE documentation

? Complete MISLE activity case

Until such point that clear grounds are established, examinations shall address Parts A and B of the ISPS Code and shall be done through observations that expected security procedures are in place, though verifying the on board presence and validity of required security documents and certificates, and by asking questions to verify security procedures and personnel competencies. Questions asked prior to the point clear grounds are established should be limited in both scope and number. The checklist items given below are to serve merely as reminders for items to observe as far as practicable and applicable on a particular type of ship and to the type of shipboard operations being conducted.

Performance of Ship Security Duties

Duties of ship personnel assigned security responsibilities and of other shipboard personnel

? Ship is at prescribed security level at port (MARSEC Level __________).

? General walk-through of vessel/restricted areas to observe security provisions in place


Shipboard personnel attentive to security matters indicating active efforts being taken to ensure appropriate security measures are in place

Identification of ship security officer/company security officer

33 CFR 104.240(a)

ISPS Part A Sect. 7.1 & 12 ISPS Code Part B Sect 9.7

Controlling Access to the Ship (number in parentheses indicates security level)

Measures to Prevent Unauthorized Access to ship

? Security personnel require personal identification and reason to board (1) ? Access points identified/manned to prevent unauthorized access (1)

? Unattended spaces adjoining spaces accessible to passengers/visitors secured (1)

? Security personnel appear to be briefed re: threats, suspicious persons, objects or activities and need for vigilance (1)

? Security personnel patrolling deck areas (2) ? Access points to ship limited (2)

? Waterside access to ship deterred (2)

? Restricted zone established on shore side of ship (2) ? Visitors receive escort (2)

? Full or partial search of ship conducted (2) ? Access restricted to single point (3)

? Access to ship limited to security personnel (3) ? Directing persons on board (3)

? Suspend embarkation/debarkation or evacuate ship (3) ? Suspend cargo operations (3)

? Move the ship to a more secure area (3)


Preparations taken for a full or partial search of the ship (3)

33 CFR 104.265

ISPS Part A Sect. 7.1 & 9.4 ISPS Part B Sect. 9.9 – 9.17

Controlling Embarkation of Persons and Their Effects (number in parentheses indicates security level)

Measures to prevent unauthorized weapons, dangerous substances, and devices from being brought on


? Secure area(s) to search persons, baggage, etc. provided (1)

? Checked persons/baggage segregated from unchecked persons/baggage (1) ? Embarking persons segregated from disembarking passengers (1) ? Ro-ros/Ferries - vehicle searches performed (1) ? Unaccompanied baggage screened/searched (1)

? Frequency and detail of searches (persons, effects, vehicles) increased (2) ? Unaccompanied baggage 100 percent x-ray searched (2)


Unaccompanied baggage, thorough x-ray search (different angles), or refusal to accept (3)

33 CFR 104.255

ISPS Code Part A, 7.1, 9.4 ISPS Code Part B 9.14, 9.15, 9.38 – 9.41

Monitoring Deck Areas and Areas Surrounding Ship (number in parentheses indicates security level)

Monitoring Security of the Ship

? Mix of lighting, watchkeepers, security guards, security equipment used to observe the ship in general (1)

? Stepped up use of lighting, watchkeepers, security guards, security equipment (2) ?

Maximized use of lighting, watchkeepers, security guards, security equipment (3)

33 CFR 104.285

ISPS Part A Sect. 7.1 & 9.4 ISPS Part B Sect. 9.42 – 9.49


? ? ?

? ? ? ? ? Monitoring Restricted Areas Ensuring only Authorized Persons have Access, e.g. (number in parentheses indicates security level)

Restricted Areas Monitored/Measures to Prevent Unauthorized Access (examples: Bridge, Engine Room,

Steering Compartment, Cargo Control Room, Pump Room, Cargo Spaces, CO2 Room, etc.) Surveillance Equipment in use (1) Locked/ Secured/ Roving guard for access points (1) Intrusion alarms devices in use (1) New restricted areas established adjacent to access points (2) Continuous use of surveillance equipment (2) Added guards for access points (2) Restricted areas established in proximity to security incidents (3) Restricted areas searched (3)

33 CFR 104.270

ISPS Part A Sect. 7 & 9.4 ISPS Part B Sect. 9.18 – 9.24

Supervision of Cargo and Ship’s Stores (number in parentheses indicates security level)

Procedures for security of cargo & stores and for cargo & stores operations

? cargo, transport units, and cargo spaces routinely checked before operations (1) ? cargo checked for match to cargo documentation (1) ? vehicles routinely searched prior to loading (1) ? anti-tamper seals/methods checked (1) ? cargo visually/physically examined (1) ? scanning equipment/dogs used (1)

? stores checked for match order prior to loading (1) ? stores stowed immediately (1)

? cargo, transport units, and cargo spaces checked in detail before operations (2) ? intensified checks that only intended cargo is loaded (2) ? vehicles search intensively prior to loading (2)

? anti-tamper seals/methods checked with greater frequency and detail (2) ? cargo visually/physically examined with greater frequency and detail (2) ? scanning equipment/dogs used with greater frequency and detail (2)

? enhanced security measures coordinated with shipper/responsible party iaw an established agreement (2)

? stores more extensively checked for match order prior to loading (2) ? cargo loading/unloading suspended (3)

? verifying the inventory of dangerous and hazardous goods and their location (3) ?

stores more intensively checked, suspended, or refusal to accept (3)

33 CFR 104.275, 104.280 ISPS Code Part A 7.1, 9.4 ISPS Code Part B 9.25 – 9.37

Security Communication is available

Procedures and equipment for communicating responses to security threats and communicating with port,

port State, and flag State ? Security Personnel have ready access to communications – ship to flag, ship to shore, SSO to

security personnel

33 CFR 104.245

SOLAS Chap. V, Reg. 19


Other Items

Security Certificates Valid

? International Ship Security Certificate (if Interim confirm it is issued for the reasons listed in ISPS Code Part A, 19.4.1 and iaw ISPS Code Part A, 19.4.2 – 19.4.6)

? Continuous Synopsis Record On Board and Kept Up-to-Date

? Declaration of Security (If applicable)

Hull Markings (new ships – on delivery, existing ship by 1st scheduled drydocking after 7/1/04)

Security Related Records

? Records of Drills and Exercises

? Records of Security Threats, Incidents, & Security Breaches

? Records of Changes to Ship Security Levels

? Record of Security Communications

? Records protected Against Unauthorized Access

? Records retained for 2 years (Vsls subj to MTSA only)

Special Passenger Vessel Requirements

? Security Sweeps, Alternatives to ID checks, Additional vehicle screening appropriate for MARSEC lvl ? Screen all personnel and baggage, ID check, Security patrol, Selected area search prior to embarking passengers and sailing, MARSEC level 3 security brief to passengers 33 CFR 104.250

SOLAS Chap XI-1, Reg. 5 SOLAS Chap XI-2, Reg. 9.1.2 SOLAS Ch. XI-1, Reg. 3

33 CFR 104.235

SOLAS Ch. XI-1, Reg. 5 ISPS Part A Sect. 10.1

ISPS Part B Sect. 10

33 CFR 104.292

33 CFR 104.295

Security at Facility at which Vessel is visiting (limit in scope to observations while transiting the facility and while on facility in vicinity of ship – if compliance issues are noted, immediately contact facility security verification staff at the COTP or OCMI)

Declaration of Security

? Executed between cruise ship or ship carrying CDC in bulk and facility (1)

? Executed between all other ship types and facility (2)

? DoS provisions reflect shared security concerns

? Ship and facility comply with DoS provisions

Measures to Prevent Unauthorized Access to facility

? Access to facility controlled/guarded/secured (1)

? Identity and valid reason to access facility checked (1)

? Persons accessing liable to search (1)

? Warning Signs

? Unaccompanied baggage screened/searched (1)

? Patrol vessels for waterside security (2)

? Unaccompanied baggage x-ray screened (2)

? Suspension of access to all but authorized personnel (3)

? Complete screening of personal effects (3)

? Extensive x-ray screening of unaccompanied baggage (3)

Restricted Areas at the port facility (includes, among other things, shore and water-side areas adjacent to ship, passengers embarkation areas, cargo loading and storage areas, etc.)

? Restricted areas marked (1)

? Permanent/temporary barriers in place (1)

? Controlled or guarded access points to restricted areas (1)

? Access to authorized personnel only (1)

? Restricted access to areas adjacent to restricted areas (2)

? Active searches of restricted areas (3)

Supervision of Cargo and Ship Stores

? Safety permitting, cargo/stores checked for evidence of tampering (1)

? Cargo/Stores checked by facility against delivery documents (1)

? Delivery vehicles screened (1)

Monitoring Security of Facility

? Facility is continuously monitored

? Lighting sufficient to monitor

? Facility Security consistent with MARSEC Level 33 CFR 104.255, 105.145 ISPS Part A 5

33 CFR 105.255

33 CFR 105.260

33 CFR 105.265, 105.270 33 CFR 105.275


The Coast Guard will exercise appropriate control/enforcement options when clear grounds exist of security deficiencies. Control measures include: inspection of the ship (an expanded examination); delaying the ship; detention of the ship; restriction of operations, including movement within the port; or expulsion from the port. The MARSEC level, and the severity of security deficiency(ies) found on a vessel prior to entry, during transit, or while in port, will dictate the level of control that the U.S. will take on vessels with security deficiencies, and above all, control actions will be proportionate to the security deficiency(ies) noted. Control actions are accomplished using Captain of the Port Orders, Safety/Security Zones, Naval Vessel Protective Zones, and Regulated Navigation Areas, as appropriate.

The security examination may be expanded to include the items shown below.

Ship (or Vessel) Security Plan (SSP or VSP) Note: PSCOs not authorized to review SSP content unless clear grounds of substantial non-conformance are discovered – See next section

? On board Vessel (A 9.1)

? Approved by Flag Administration/Recognized Security Organization (A 9.2, B 9.4)

? Audits Conducted/Procedures for Periodic Review (A 9.4.11, B 9.53)

? Security Assessment conducted and documented for SSP/VSP (A 8, B 9.1)

? Working Language and Translation into English, French, Spanish Available (A 9.4)

? Plan protected Against Unauthorized Access (A 9.6, A 9.7) 33 CFR 101.400 & 104.410 ISPS Part A Sects. 9.4 & 9.8.1 ISPS Part B Sect. 9

Ship (or Vessel) Security Plan (SSP or VSP): Relevant sections of the SSP may be reviewed only if there are clear grounds that a nonconformity exists. For example, vessel access control is non-

existent or haphazard, the PSCO may ask to review the section of the SSP/VSP pertaining to access control. Similar reviews may be done for other areas where apparent non-conformities exist. The

PSCO may not review the SSP/VSP without the consent of the flag Administration or the ship’s master. Note provisions of the SSP/VSP relating to Part A, Sections 9.4., subsections 2, .4, .5, .7, .15, .17, and .18 are considered sensitive information and may not be reviewed without

consent of the flag Administration!

Review Sections of SSP/VSP, Comments:

_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 33 CFR 104.400

ISPS Part A Sect. 8 (See cites at left) ISPS Part B Sect. 9 (See cites at left)

Security Drill (only if vessel has not performed drills on periodic basis or if vessel opts to demonstrate competence as part of expanded examination through drill)

? Observe security drill exercising the activation of the provisions in the SSP related to a security threat, breach, security communications, change of security level, or other security related

incident or action as described in the SSP

? Drill selection and location shall be as directed by the Master and SSO. Describe:







_____________________________________________________________________________ 33 CFR 104.230

ISPS Part A Sect. 13.4

ISPS Part B Sect. 13.5 & 13.6


The following list of questions is intended for use as a job aid to determine whether the vessel’s security personnel and procedures are in keeping with regulations issued under MTSA and the provisions of SOLAS Chapter XI-2, and the International Ship and Port Facility Code Parts A and B. This list is by no means a complete listing of appropriate questions, but is provided as an example of appropriate questions that may be used during the examination and expanded examination to determine that personnel are properly trained and that meaningful security procedures are in place. Boldfaced questions may only be asked if the flag State has given permission to review the portion of the security plan related to that question.

To the Ship Security Officer:

What do you do if there is a security breach? Or security threat?

How does the security alert system work? What happens if the security alert system is activated?

What do you do if the port is at a higher security level than the ship?

What are the vessel’s restricted areas? How do you restrict access to these areas?

Why do you have an interim International Ship Security Certificate? Is the ship new or has re-entered service? Or has the ship transferred flag or its owner/operator?

How often is the security equipment calibrated? Ask to see records.

How do you coordinate security activities with the port facility?

When would you limit shore to ship access to only one access point?

How often do you audit security activities? How do you audit a security activity? Ask for an example. Also ask to see records.

Who is the Company Security Officer? Do you have 24/7contact information for this person? Ask to see information.

Do you have any active Declarations of Security? And with whom?

How often do you hold security drills, training, or exercises? When was the last time you conducted a security drill, training session, or exercise? Ask to see associated records.

How do you report security breaches or incidents? Ask to see records.

What do you do if someone tries to bring an unauthorized weapon on board the vessel? Dangerous substance? Device?

How do you prevent unauthorized persons from coming on board?

Who on board are assigned security duties?

When was the last time the SSP was reviewed? Was it updated? Ask to see record of update.

What do you do to search persons and their belongings when they come on board?

What are your procedures to search unaccompanied baggage? How do these become more rigorous if security level increases?

How do you monitor the security of the ship when underway? When pierside? At anchor?

Do you have procedures in place to bring on board additional security personnel? Please describe.

Do you have procedures in place to ensure security for cargo handling? Please describe.

How do you safeguard the Ship Security Plan?

To Crew members having security responsibilities:

Who is the Ship Security Officer?

What do you do if there is a security breach? Or security threat?

How does the security alert system work? What happens if the security alert system is activated?

What are the vessel’s restricted areas? How do restrict access to these areas?

When was the last time you participated in a security drill, training session, or exercise?

How do you report security breaches or incidents?

What do you do if someone tries to bring an unauthorized weapon on board the vessel? Dangerous substance? Device?

How do you prevent unauthorized persons from coming on board?

What do you do to search persons and their belongings when they come on board?

What are your procedures to search unaccompanied baggage?

How do you monitor the security of the ship when underway? When pierside? At anchor?

To Crewmembers not having security responsibilities:

Who is the Ship Security Officer?

What do you do if there is a security breach? Or security threat?



Vessel representative hired by the ship's owners. Ship's agent may be tasked with various jobs such as: ensuring proper vessel documentation and compliance.


Any ship which is not a passenger ship.


Evidence (including observations) or reliable information that the ship does not correspond with the requirements of SOLAS Chapter XI-2 or Part A of the ISPS Code, taking into account the guidance of Part B of the ISPS Code.


Captain of the Port.


Company Security Officer


An agreement between a vessel and a port facility that addresses security requirements that are shared between a ship and a facility and outlines both ship and facility responsibilities.


International Maritime Organization. Specialized agency of the United Nations concerned solely with maritime affairs. Responsible for international treaties, conventions, resolutions and codes to improve Maritime safety.


International Safe Management


Maritime Safety Committee. One of four technical bodies of the IMO which deals with issues such as aids to navigation, vessel equipment, and construction, manning requirements handling dangerous cargoes, hydrostatic information and marine casualty information.


A ship that carries more than 12 passengers.


Preventative Maintenance System


Recognized Security Organization. Contracting Governments may authorize agency to undertake certain security-related



Safety Management System


The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea.


Ship Security Officer (Similar in nature to Vessel Security Officer in domestic maritime security regulations.)


Ship Security Plan (Similar in nature to Vessel Security Plan in domestic maritime security regulations.)


The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers.


Summary of Changes


1. Revised all references to “COTP” to “COTP or OCMI”.

2. Added to “Post-Inspection Items” on Pg 3 for “Immediate MISLE Documentation” and “Complete MISLE Activity


3. Added clarification to Section B introduction on Pg 5 regarding security-related questions as part of the verification


4. Added performance criteria for acceptable Interim ISSC to “Security Certificates Valid” block on Pg 6.

5. Added new checklist block for limited examination of facility security titled, “Security of Facility” on Pg 7.

6. Added Sample questions applicable to interim ISSCs on Pg 9.


词性转换总结与归纳 动词变名词 announce—announcement通知 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材(不可名) settle—settlement定居,安定 achieve---achievement 成就 amuse--amusement 娱乐 manage---management 经营管理 advertise--- advertisement广告 agree— agreement同意disgree—disagreement不同意 argue---argument争吵commit—commitment奉献 develop---development发展 govern 统治—government 政府 describe—description描写,描绘erupt—eruption爆发 affect—affection影响 satisfy—satisfaction满意,满足select—selection挑选,选择

permit—permission允许admit—admission承认,允许invite—invitation 邀请,请帖devote—devotion献身,专注apply—application申请,申请书produce—production生产,产品protect—protection保护 educate-----education教育consider—consideration考虑attract—attraction 吸引力,吸引instruct—instruction 指导,介绍discuss—discussion 讨论appreciate—appreciation感激,欣赏recognize—recognition认出conclude—conclusion 结论 decide----decision 决定compete—competition比赛 express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式graduate 毕业—graduation operate—operation操作,动手术organize----organization 组织imagine—imagination 想象力


中考英语常用词性转换 a. 能够,有能力的ability n..能力,才能 2. act v. 扮演 n..表演active a.积极地,主动地 activity n. 活动 actor n.男 演actress n. 女演员 3.add a. 加上addition n. 加 4.age n.时代,年龄aged a.有…….之年岁的 5.America n.美国American a.美国的,美国人 6.air n.空气air-conditioner n.空调 airline n.航线 7.angry a.生气的angrily adv.生气地 8.any a..一些,什么,任何的,任意的anybody/anyone pron.任何人 anything pron.任何事anywhere adv.任何地方 n,艺术article n.文章 artist n,艺术家 10.attract v. 吸引attraction n.吸引,吸引力,吸引物attractive a..有吸引力的 11.Austraila n.澳大利亚Australian a.澳大利亚的 n.澳大利亚人 12.beautiful a.美丽的beautifully adv.优美的 13.begin(began-begun) v.开始beginning n.开始 14.bright a.明亮的brightly adv.明亮地 15.Britain n.不列颠British n.英国人 a.英国的 16. build(built-built) v.建造building n.建筑物 17.busy a.忙碌的business n.商业 businessman n..商人 businesswoman n.女商人 18.Cananda n.加拿大Canadian n.加拿大 a.加拿大的 n& v. 小心careful a.小心的carefully adv.小心地 20.certain a..一定的certainly adv.一定 21.change n.变幻,找头,零钱 v.改变,更改,兑零钱changeable a.易变的 exchange v.交换 22.chemistry n.化学chemical a.化学的 n.化学物质 23.China n.中国Chinese a.中国的 n.中国人,汉语 24.choose(chose-chosen) v.选择choice n..选择 n.城市citizen n.市民 26.class n.班级classmate n.同学 classroom n..教室 27.clean v.打扫 a. 干净的clear a.清晰的 v. 清除clearly adv.清晰地 n.云cloudy a.多云 29.collect v.收集collection n.收集,pete v.比较competition n.竞赛 31.custom n.习惯,习俗customer n.顾客


动词变名词1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就advertise---advertisement advertising agree— agreement argue---argument争吵announce --- announcement 通知amuse--- amusement 娱乐commit奉献—commitment develop---development disgree—disagreement equip装备---equipment装备,器材govern 统治—government 政府manage---management 经营管理settle--- settlement 定居 2.V+ tion 结尾以t, te, de, 结尾的动词常去E 或直接加ion admit 承认—admission attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或人;令人向往的地方 conclude—conclusion 结论compete—competition竞争,比赛discuss—discussion 讨论educate-----education decide----decision describe—description描写,描绘organize----organization imagine—imagination 想象力introduce—introduction 介绍instruct—instruction 指导,介绍invent—inventor / invention illustrate 阐明,举例说明--illustration invite—invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的pollute----pollution 污染 predict---prediction 预言pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决心-----resolution 决心impress 给人印象—impression 印象 permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve解决-----solution 解决方法 3.V+ ance 结尾 allow—allowance 允许appear—appearance 外貌,出现perform----performance 演出exist—existance 存在 4.V+ ing 结尾 bathe 洗澡---bathing end 结束----ending 结尾,结局train 训练---training mean ---- meaning 意义say-----saying 谚语 5.V+ 其他 beg(乞讨)—beggar 乞丐 sit--seat 座位


任务型阅读常用词汇词性转换 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就 advertise--- advertisement// advertising agree— agreement apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue---argument争吵 commit奉献—commitment develop---development disgree—disagreement department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治—government 政府 manage---management 经营管理 2.V+ tion 结尾 admit 承认—admis sion attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或人;令人向往的地方conclude—conclusion 结论 compete—competition 竞争,比赛 discuss—discussion 讨论 educate-----education decide----decision describe—description描写,描绘 express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式 graduate 毕业—graduation operate 操作,动手术—operation organize----organization imagine—imagination 想象力 introduce—introduction 介绍 instruct—instruction 指导,介绍 invent—inventor / invention invite—invitation pollute----pollution 污染 predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation impress 给人印象—impression 印象 permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve解决-----solution 解决方法 3.V+ ance 结尾


My favorite book Among all those books that I have been fascinated by, the Hunger Games series are the ones that would definitely stay in my mind for a lifetime. I still remember the very first time that I got to know this was from its movie version, by which I was totally astonished and captured after watching. Then came the 2013 Hong Kong Book Fair where I bought the whole printed copies of its series. Three in total, they are called, the Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay. Written by Suzanne Collins, an American Female writer, the science fiction novel is about a 16-year-old girl, Katniss Everdeen, who lives in a post-apocalyptic nation called Panem in North America. To conrol its twelve districts, the capital of this nation develops an annual event named the Hunger Games, and demand every districts to contribute their teenager residents to fight to death for an only winner. Katniss, who is not only brave but also knowledgeable, selflessly replaced her little sister to be the tribute and finally won the tough game. Although she then enraged the capital, praised and called “ the girl on fire” by the people, Katniss became the symbol of a rebellion for the twelve districts against the Capitol's oppression. When reading the Hunger Games series, all I can feel are the power and drive, filled with the hope for freedom, justice and love. How I wish I could be a girl like Katniss, and be brave enough to fight like a fearless phoenix, strong, healthy and determined.


动词变名词 + ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就advertise--- advertisement词+ ed balance –balanced 平衡的 spot 斑点,地点----spotted 有斑点的talent-----talented 有天赋的organized 有组织的 distusted 厌恶的offended 生气的crowded 拥挤的polluted 被污染的pleased 高兴的 3.名词+ ful/less meaning—meaningful 有意义的care—careful/ careless 小心的;粗心的 help---helpful / helpless home—homeless 无家可归的 colour---colourful pain 疼痛---painful 痛苦的 use---useless/ useful thank—thankful 充满感激的 peace 和平---- peaceful 平静的,宁静的 playful 顽皮的,爱玩耍的 4.名词+ able adjustable 可调整的comfort---comfortable knowledge---knowledgeable suit 一套-----suitable 合适的 5.名词+ ous courage—courageous 勇敢的danger—dangerous mystery 神秘-----mysterious 神秘的变t confidence----confident difference---different dependence—dependent independence--independent 7. al 结尾 Addition—additional 附加的,额外的Class—classical 经典的 medicine 药----medical 医学的music---musical nature---natural 自然的 person---personal (私人的)nation—national 国家的 education---educational有教育意义的tradition----traditional 传统的 origin起源---original 新颖的;独创的grammar—grammatical 语法的globe—global 全球的 8.名词+ ly friend—friendly live---lively 活跃的,有生气的love—lovely 可爱的9.+ en 结尾wood—wooden 木制的wool—woolen 羊毛的 10. 其他 energy精力---energetic strategy—strategic 战略的 fool 傻子—foolish 愚蠢的freedom 自由—free 空的,免费的height 高度—high illness 疾病--- ill love—loving 慈爱的 death---dead pleasure---pleasant / pleased popularity 流行性—popular

小学英语作文-My Favorite Book Harry Potter 我最喜欢的书《哈利波特》

小学英语作文:My Favorite Book Harry Potter 我最喜欢的书《哈利 波特》 My Favorite Book Harry Potter 我最喜欢的书《哈利波特》 Do you know Harry Potter? It's one of my favorite readings. The hero Harry Potter is a student in a magic school. He wears glasses and has no parents, and now he is sixteen years old. He is very brave and known to everyone, because he is the only person who will not die by devil. When I read the book, I feel very excited and interested. So I have read it again and again, each time I have different feelings. Do you like Harry Potter? If you haven't read the book, read it now and you'll find a wonderful world. 【参考译文】 你知道《哈利波特》吗?它是我最喜爱的书籍之一。主人公哈利波特是魔法学校的学生。他戴着眼镜,没有父母,现在十六岁。他非常勇敢,并且大家都知道他,因为他是唯一不会死于魔鬼之手的人。 当我读这本书时,我很兴奋,很感兴趣。因此我读了一遍又一遍,每次都有不同的感受。你喜欢哈利波特吗?如果你还没有读这本书,现在就读它,你将会发现一个精彩的世界。

初中英语演讲稿-My favorite book

初中英语演讲稿:My favorite book Good morning teachers and fellow students. Today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you. My favorite book is . This is a diary written by an Italian boy Enrico. The diary is about his life and study. It included various touching stories that happened around Enrico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten "monthly" stories told by his teacher during the class. Every word in the chapter describes the word "love". From patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child -- really touching. This novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love. I really like this book very much. How about you? What is your favorite book? My favorite book is . Have you read it before? Oh, I haven’t read this book before. What is it about? Well, it is a story of a rich girl who maintained her noble character after the bankruptcy of her father. The story is happy ending.


develop---development 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就advertise--- advertisement// advertising agree — agreement apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue---argume nt 争吵 commit 奉献一commitment compliment 称赞,恭维 2.V+ tion 结尾 admit 承认一admission attract 吸引一attraction 有吸引力的事或人; con clude — con clusi on 结论 compete — competiti on 竞争,比赛 discuss — discussi on 讨论 educate education disgree —disagreement department 局, 部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治 —government 政府 manage---management 经营管理 令人向往的地方 illustrate 阐明,举例说明 --illustration invite —invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的decide - decision describe —description 描写,描绘 express 表达 - e xpression 词语;表达 方式 graduate 毕业— graduation operate 操 作,动手术 —operation organize --------- organization imagine — imagination 想象力 introduce — introduction 介绍 instruct — instruction 指导, 介绍 invent —inventor / invention 3.V+ ance 结尾 allow —allowance 允许 appear —appearance 外貌 ,出现 4.V+ ing 结尾 bathe 洗澡---bathing end 结束 --------- e nding 结尾,结局 train 训练 ---training 5.V+ 其他 Beg (乞讨)—beggar 乞丐 sit--seat 座 位 believe —belief 信仰 behave 行为,举止 ---------------- behavior know---knowledge fly —flight 飞行 heat 加热 ---heat 热量 hit 撞击 ------------ hit 轰动一时的人或物, 碰撞 pollute pollution 污染 predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决心 -- resolution 决心 impress 给人印象 —impression 印象 permit 允许 -- permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve 解决 - s olution 解决方法 perform performance 演出 exist —existance 存在 mean -- meaning 意义 say -- saying 谚语 employ--employer 雇主,老板 --employee 雇员 mix 混合 ---- m ixture 混合物 press 按,压一pressure 压力 receive —receptionist 接待员 serve —service 服务 succeed-- success tour 在 --- 旅游,在 --- 作巡回演出 直接 + 地点 tour China ---tour 旅游 / tourist 游客 pursue —pursuit 追求,从事 propose — proposal 建议 withdraw — withdrawal 取钱;收回;撤 名词变形容词 1 名词 +y anger 生气 angry

我最喜欢的书 My Favorite Book

我最喜欢的书 My Favorite Book Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My Favorite Novel. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below: 1、我最喜爱的小说是… 2、该小说的内容 3、我为什么喜爱 范文: My favorite novel is which is written by Jules Verne. The author was born in France and devoted himself to literature and wrote several scientific romances, which gained him the nameFather of Modern Science Fiction". 我最喜欢的小说是由儒勒·凡尔纳写的。作者出生在法国,致力于文学写作并写了很多科幻小说,使他赢得"现代科幻小说之父"之称。 This is a book of science fiction which tells us an exciting story about an English gentleman, Mr. Phileas Fogg, who makes a bet with his clubmates and manages to travel around the world in eighty days. It gives us a vivid description of the many difficulties and incidents which happen on his journey. 这是一本科幻小说,讲述了一个激动人心的英国绅士的故事,福格先生和他的队友打赌,在八十天环游世界。它生动的描述了他旅途中的遇到的许多困难和时间。 From this story, we can see the author's deep love for the sea, travel and adventure, which played a vital role in his life. We are also astonished and convinced by his fertile imagination and scientific and geographical knowledge. 从故事中我们可以看到作者对于海洋,旅游和冒险的热爱。这在他的一生当中扮演了很重要的角色。我们也对他丰富的想象力,科学、地理知识感到很吃惊和折服。


常用词词性转换及派生 词义动词v. 名词n. 形容词adj. 反义词其他派生词使能够enable ability/disability able disable disabled/unable 不正常的abnormal normal 缺席absence absent 学术的academy academic 加速accelerate acceleration 接受accept acceptance acceptable unacceptable 接进access access accessible 住宿accommodate accommodation 积累accumulate accumulation 陪伴accompany company 精确的accuracy accurate inaccurate 达到,获得achieve achievement achievable 获得,习得acquire acquisition 表演,行动act action /act /activity active inactive actual/actually 适应,改编adapt adaptation 增加,add addition additional 足够adequacy adequate 调整/使适应 adjust adjustment 敬佩admire admiration admirable 承认admit admission 收养,采纳adopt adoption adopted 前进advance advance advanced 好处advantage disadvantage 事故accident accidentally 使上瘾addict addition addicted /addictive addict 做广告advertise advertisement advertiser 影响,打动affect effect 机构agent agency 侵略,侵犯aggression aggressive aggressor 农业agriculture agricultural 同意agree agreement agreeable disagree disagreement 分配allocate allocation 允许allow allowance allowable 使吃惊amaze amazement amazing/amazed 抱负ambition ambitious 逗乐、娱乐amuse amusement amusing/amused


动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就 advertise--- advertisement// advertising agree—agreement apartment 公寓amusement 娱乐argue---argument争吵commit 奉献—commitment compliment 称赞,恭维2.V+ tion 结尾admit 承认—admission attract 吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或人;conclude—conclusion 结论compete—competition 竞争,比赛discuss—discussion 讨论educate --------------- e ducation disgree—disagreement department 局,部experiment 实验,试验equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材govern 统治—government 政府manage---management 经营管理令人向往的地方 illustrate 阐明,举例说明--illustration invite —invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的 decide --- d ecision describe—description 描写,描绘express 表达expression 词语;表达 方式graduate 毕业—graduation operate 操作,动手术—operation organize --- organization imagine—imagination 想象力introduce—introduction 介绍instruct—instruction 指导,介绍invent—inventor / invention pollute --- pollution 污染 predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决心- resolution 决心impress 给人印象—impression 印象permit 允许-- permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve 解决-- s olution 解决方法 3.V+ ance 结尾allow—allowance 允许appear—appearance 外貌,出现4.V+ ing 结尾bathe 洗澡---bathing end 结束- ending 结尾,结局 train 训练---training 5.V+ 其他Beg (乞讨)—beggar 乞丐sit--seat 座位believe—belief 信仰behave 行为,举止---------------- b ehavior know---knowledge fly —flight 飞行heat 加热---heat 热量hit 撞击hit 轰动一时的人或物, 碰撞 perform --- performance 演出exist—existance 存在 mean --- meaning 意义 say ---- saying 谚语 employ--employer 雇主,老板 --employee雇员 mix 混合 -- m ixture 混合物 press 按,压—pressure 压力receive—receptionist 接待员serve—service 服务succeed-- success tour 在--------- 旅游,在 -- 作巡回演出直接+ 地点tour China ---tour 旅游/ develop---development

大学写作 my favorite book

My favourite book, The Lady of the Camellias, was written by French writer Alexandre Dumasfils. The book tells the story about Marguerite, a young courtesan, who falls in love with a young man, Armand Duval, and then tries to escape from her questionable past, but fails at last and dies in heavy debts. There are two reasons that I like this book. One is Marguerite’s distinctive personality, considerate, which is different from other courtesans, most of whom are cold-hearted. This can be seen from the plot that she has no choice but to leave Armand since Armand’s father pleads her to do so to save Armand's reputation. For another, this book gives me a lesson at the same time. Marguerite fails to escape from her past life and withers in the end with her personal reasons as well as the social factors like the evil of Capitalism and the hideousness of that society. From the story, I learn that I should always keep my dream no matter whether there’s a heavy storm in my life, so that I can realize my dream at last.


英语词性转换 1. 名词变形容词 (a)在名词后面加-y可以变成形容词(尤其是一些与天气有关的名词)例如:rain—rainy,cloud—cloudy, wind—windy, snow—snowy, health—healthy, luck—lucky,anger—angry guilt—guilty(内疚的) tourist—touristy(游客多的), salt (盐)—salty (咸的) silk(丝绸)—silky(丝绸般的), sleep—sleepy (昏昏欲睡的) 注意:1)如果以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母,这时应双写辅音字母再加“-y”。 如: sun—sunny, fun—funny, fog—foggy(有雾的), fur—furry(毛皮的) 2)少数以不发音的e结尾的名词变为形容词时,应去掉e再加“-y”。 如: noise—noisy, ice—icy, shine—shiny(发亮的), taste(口味)—tasty(甜的) (b)名词后面加-ed,以e结尾的直接加d。 例如: spot(斑点)—spotted(有斑点的); talent—talented (有天赋的) organize —organized 有组织的; balance—balanced(平衡的) (c)一些抽象名词在词尾加-ful可以变为形容词 例如:care—careful, thank—thankful, help—helpful, use—useful, meaning—meaningful (d)在名词后加-less构成含有否定意义的形容词 例如:care—careless(粗心的), use—useless(无用的) hope—hopeless(没希望的),home—homeless(无家可归的) (e)一些以-ce结尾的名词,把-ce改为-t变成形容词 例如: difference—different, silence—silent, confidence—confident (f)。在名词后加-ly变为形容词


v1.0 可编辑可修改 构词法 动词变名词 + ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就advertise--- advertisement agree— agreement apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue---argument争吵commit奉献—commitment compliment 称赞,恭维develop---development disgree—disagreement department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材govern 统治—government 政府manage---management 经营管理 2.V+ tion 结尾 admit 承认—admission attract吸引—attraction conclude—conclusion 结论compete—competition 竞争,比赛discuss—discussion 讨论 educate-----education decide----decision describe—description描写,描绘express 表达----expression 词语;表达 graduate 毕业—graduation operate 操作,动手术—operation organize----organization imagine—imagination 想象力introduce—introduction 介绍instruct—instruction 指导,介 绍 invent—inventor / invention illustrate 阐明,举例说明 --illustration invite—invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞 人心的 pollute----pollution 污染 predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决心-----resolution 决心

My Favorite Book

My Favorite Book 姓名:郑同学学校:北京市第十七中学分数:93 Hello,everyone,I’m glad to introduce my favourite book to you.The Pobinson Crusoe is my favourite book,because I think it makes me feel the ordinary Robinson the surprising perseverance and indomitable spirit.So I’m so interested in story books that read it in lots of free times.The hero of this book:Robinson,is a British adventure spirit.A19-year-old young Robinson in order to achieve the dream of sailing,regardless of her parents’advice,he gave up the stability and comfortable life, finally set foot on sailing journey story.In a shipwreck,he huge waves sent to a desert island,began the hard and long island.Frightened by that Robinson has not been difficult,but dares to challenge the nature,to challenge death,built tent,built around the fence,“castle”,appliances,food,keep doing so,and savage battle,a person’s desert island created a miracle.Finally returned to the hometown after long London, ending a lonely life of more than30years.I think we can know some about to bravely face difficulties,overcome difficulties,and always maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.We can learn some about the calm to face adversity and challenge yourself. Then you will make a miracle beyond their imagination.Only in this way can,like the great Robinson,to become a winner.
