《Desperate Housewives》第5季 Mary Alice语录(中英双语)

《Desperate Housewives》第5季 Mary Alice语录(中英双语)
《Desperate Housewives》第5季 Mary Alice语录(中英双语)


are wives enraged by the betrayal of those they trusted. Others are predators, deviously setting traps to get what they want. If you're unlucky enough to come upon one of these dangerous creatures. The safest thing to do... Is run the other way.



Desire. It's an emotion designed to lead us astray. Persuading those who arave love make foolish choices. Causing those who yearn for family, to act out in anger. Allowing those who are lonely, to be have in reckless ways. And when the pursuit of our heart's desire, becomes an obsession. The best we can hope for... Is a caring friend willing to come along, and stop us.



There was a fire last night in Fairview. If you open up your morning paper, You can read about those who survived, And those who were injured, those who barely escaped with their lives, And those who didn't. You can a1so read about a man who risked his lifs to rescue his neighbor. What you won't read about are the reasons for this bravery. And that's because no one ever doubts a hero.



If you walk through Fairview Memorial Hospital, you will encounter all sorts of people doing their best to

recover. It might be a husband, icking his wounds after a marital battle. Or two parents rallying from an attack of doubt. It might be a wift who's been cured of low self-esteem. Or a pair of lovers who find honesty to be th best medicine. Sadly, you will also find some porr souls afflicted with a condition they will never recover from.



It's an awful thing to live in darkness. Unable to see what others take for granted. But if we are lucky, the darkness lifts. And we can finally see, the secret sacrifices made by our wifes. The surprising progress made by our mothers. Or the unintended consequences of our own actions. But there are those who prefer the darkness. Because there, they see only what they choose to see.



Everyone needs a lovely home in suburbia.Mostly so the neighbors will never suspect what's going on inside.Behing these freshly painted walls. You will find parents wracked with guilt.Wives tired of struggling.Lovers who have been lied to.Yes, everyone needs a lovely home in surburbia. If for no other reason than to have a place to come home to.



At 5:15 that afternoon,Edie williams began calling her friends to inform them that her husband had come home.Sadly, she never got through to any of them.Gabrielle never picked up.She was too busy watching her children being told they had to obey their mother...And trying not to smile.Lynette wasn't home when edie called.She was with her mother,laughing and sharing stories about the old days...And enjoy every minute of it. Bree was outside showing her future son in law color samples for the home she had bought him...And smiling politely when they disagreed.And susan, well, she didn't answered, because she was sitting in her favourite chair with a cup of tea, learning to enjoy for the first time in her life what it was like to be alone

下午5点15分,Edie开始给朋友们打电话,告诉她们她的丈夫回家了。不过,她一个也没打通。Gabrielle 压根没接电话,她忙着照看听话的孩子们,还要掩藏嘴角的笑容。Lynette不在家,她跟她母亲在一起,欢笑着回忆旧时光,享受这一刻的每分每秒。Bree在屋外向他的未来女婿看涂料的颜色样本。即使意见相左也礼貌地保持微笑。至于苏珊她没接电话是因为她坐在心爱的椅子上,端着咖啡,第一次学着享受生命中独自一人的时光。


Eli Scruggs sat in his truck for almost an hour.Devastated that he had done nothing to save me.He then made a quiet vow to god--From that moment forward,he would do what he could to help people,to help them fix their lives.And for the rest of his life.That's exactly what he did.....And somewhere,in a place reserved for the very best of us,Eli Scruggs smiled and said, "thank you."

Eli Scruggs在车里坐了近一小时,为没能挽救我而深感懊悔沮丧。他暗暗对上帝发誓,从那一刻起,他会竭尽所能帮助人们解决生活中的难题。在他之后的生活中,确实这么做了……在一个我们终将会集的地方,Eli Scruggs微笑着说:“谢谢”。


There's a lot you can do with money in the suburbs.You can pay for a night on the town.You can provide a private school education.You can purchase a token of affection.But the one thing you must never do with money...Is use it as a weapon.Because someone...Always gets hurt.



It begins just after sunrise. After a good night's sleep,people leave their homes to go to work.They do this so they can provide a better life for their families.So they can afford to buy nice things.And have a reason to get up in the morning.And when their exhausting work is done,people come back home again.And some begin counting the days till their next vacation.



You should never be too impressed by people with good manners. They’re the ones who will give a friendly w ave, even when they’ve stolen from you. They’re the type to sweetly welcome you, even as they try to uncover you secrets. They’re the kind to offer you coffee, even as they report you to the police. And don’t be too offended by someone who’s openly rude, b ecause they may be that way for the nicest of reasons.



You can find them almost anywhere-friendly people with hidden agendas-the woman who uses her neighbor to get herself a job, the wife who uses her influence to hire a friendly spy, the husband who uses his charm to steal from his friends. And you can be sure the friendliest people of all have agendas that won’t ever be discovere d, not until… it’s too late.



Yes, life is full of nasty shocks.And they always seem to occur when we least expect them. And once our system has been jolted, the question becomes, will we survive?



And that is how wisteria lane came to be my final resting place. My ashes were spread over grass I had once walked on. Beneath trees that had once given me shade. On top of roses I once admired. And beside fences I once gossiped over. And after my friends had finished saying good-bye, a wind came along and took what was left of me into the air. As I looked down on the world, I began to let go of it. I let go of white picket fences and cars in driveways, coffee cups and vacuum caners. I let go of all those things which seem so ordinary, but when you put them together, they make up a life, a life that really was one of a kind. I’ll tell you something. I t’s not hard to die when you know you have lived, and I did. Oh, how I lived.



The fact is everyone does it. Everyone tries to cover up what they don't want others to see. Women hide their need for commitment. Men disguise their growing insecurity. Wives mask their intense disdain. How can ordinary people hide the truth of their feelings so successfully? All that takes is a friendly gesture...and a plan.



On this street, the bargaining is finished by sundown. a daughter agrees to go to bed early if her mother lets her dress up in her old gowns, a woman agrees to let her fiancée spend the night if he'll agree to sleep on the sofa, a man a11ows his lover to get close as long as they don't diseuss the future. Yes,everyone knows how to bargain on wisteria lane.But sometimes they get more than they bargained for.



Everyone wears some kind of mask, So you must look closely to find the truth that lies beneath. Some conceal anxiety about growing older. Some hide fears of financial ruin. Others cover up a love that continues to linger. And then there are those who let their masks slip. If you look into their eyes, you will see who they really are...And exactly what they are capable of.


5-23 & 5-24

There was a wedding recently, at Fairview presbyterian church.The minister spoke about the nature of marriage. The sublime joy of giving birth. The immense pleasure of raising a family. The importance of fidelity. And then he said what all ministers say.To conclude such matters...You may now kiss the bride. For a moment, The groom wondered if he was doing the right thing. That is when the bells began to ring. Telling him he had.
