Unit 5 What is E-Marketing Planning + Howme Assignments

Unit 5  What is E-Marketing Planning + Howme Assignments
Unit 5  What is E-Marketing Planning + Howme Assignments

2012-9-16 Unit 5 What is E-Marketing Planning (Home Assignments)

I. Questions:

1.Why is e-business model so important?

A business model identifies the value chain elements of the business such as

inbound logistics, operation (or production), outbound logistics, marketing, service, and support activities.

2.What is a business model?

A business model describes your architecture for product, service, and

information delivery and a description of sources of revenues (revenue streams).

3.What does the marketing mix refer to?

It refers to product, price, place, and promotion.

4.What are the business models mentioned in the text?

They are: merchant model, auction model, manufacturer model, affiliate model, advertising model, informediary (information + intermediary ) model, subscription model, brokerage model, virtual communities model, and logistics model.

5.What are the obstacles of planning an e-marketing plan?

For starters, procrastination is a problem; busy executives put off writing a plan. Another obstacle is time. The process of developing an e-Marketing plan is time-consuming. Other issues relating to the writing process such as writer’s block and the labor-intensive circuitous nature of writing are also major barriers. Other difficulties include the challenge of identifying the right analysis, the tricky nature of developing revenue stream forecasts, and question of which expense budge to develop.

6.According to the author, how to define an e-marketing plan?

E-marketing plan is more centered on the marketing opportunities, threats, objectives and strategies of the Internet.

1.Any time you need to prepare a multi-page report, like an e-marketing plan,

writer’s block can be a problem.


2.Products like e-marketing Suite by Embellix can help you overcome writer’s

block by providing you with an effective template and writing outline to follow.


3.Writing an e-marketing plan is partly an exercise in answering a series of

critical questions.


4.Not only e-marketing experts but also professionals who know how to apply

professional styles and formatting to create great looking reports have designed products like e-marketing Suite by Embllix.


5.Y our e-marketing plan content is critical but almost as critical is the look

and “feel”of your reports. Management may interpret poor looking e-marketing plans as less credible. Be sure to polish your e-marketing plan document.




An e-marketing plan is a written document that details the current situation, threats and opportunities, marketing objectives and the strategies for achieving those objectives.



As usual, e-business model includes such models as merchant mode, auction model, manufacture model, affiliate model, advertising model, infomediary model, subscription model, brokerage model, virtual communities model, logistic model, etc.


As you prepare your e-marketing plan, you should take it into consideration whether it fits your e-business model.


The virtual communities provide their users with an online interaction platform, facilitating their online transactions.


Writing an e-marketing plan is a rather complicated task, there are some hurdles/obstacles that must be overcome.
