东北师范大学大学英语(二)专升本 《大学英语(二)》专升本 15春在线作业1 答案

东北师范大学大学英语(二)专升本 《大学英语(二)》专升本 15春在线作业1 答案
东北师范大学大学英语(二)专升本 《大学英语(二)》专升本 15春在线作业1 答案

东北师范大学大学英语(二)专升本《大学英语(二)》专升本15春在线作业1 答案一,单选题

1. The weather report says there will be a ______ warming this week, with the temperature slowly rising from the 40s into the 60s.

A. sincere

B. intimate

C. gradual



2. If children (perform)their jobs around the house, they

A. complain about doing the work.

B. do the work they should.

C. don’t do the work they should.



3. We (furnished) the house with stuff we had bought at auction sales.

A. painted

B. repaired

C. built

D. provided



4. When Mrs. Diaz met her grandson for the first time, she rushed over and ______

him tightly.

A. embraced

B. defended

C. performed



5. If you (resolve)to get more exercise, you

A. do not need to get more exercise.

B. do not want to get more exercise.

C. decide that you are really going to exercise more often.



6. At first, I didn’t have the ______ to eat anything. But when I smelled the chocolate

chip cookies baking in the oven, I wanted to eat every single one of them.

A. urge

B. solution

C. duty



7. This is a chance that she should (grasp) with both hands

A. understand

B. seize

C. control

D. obtain



8. We’ll look for work as soon as we (hit)town for we are short of money.

A. struck

B. got

C. reached

D. arrived



9. When Mrs. Ricardo visited her grandson, she was ______ to see that he had grown five inches in just six months.

A. amazed

B. cautious

C. intimate



10. (Confusion)is:

A. a feeling of danger

B. a feeling of not knowing what to do

C. a feeling of peace



11. The opposite of (glance) is:

A. repeat slowly

B. look at carefully

C. give back



12. If you (suggest) something, you:

A. are afraid of it

B. forget it

C. offer an idea



13. If friends say that their plans to move to a new home are (definite), that means

A. the plans are not clear yet.

B. the plans will change.

C. the plans will not change.



14. An (agreement) is:

A. a fight

B. a question

C. an understanding



15. I have never understood why the roof of a river tunnel does not ______ under the weight of all the water on top of it.

A. reveal

B. collapse

C. survive



16. To (entertain) means:

A. to change

B. to make sleepy

C. to make happy



17. The law has been (condemned)by its opponents as an attack on personal liberty.

A. sentenced

B. complained

C. blamed

D. disapproved



18. If something is (modern), it is:

A. up-to-date

B. broken down

C. strong



19. The opposite of (enormous)is:

A. pretty

B. warm

C. small



20. When the report arrived on the scene, the angry protesters had already been (dragged)away.

A. driven

B. pushed

C. pulled

D. delivered


21. Something that is (distant)is:

A. nearby

B. far away

C. different



22. The reporter asked the professor who wrote the book (How Many Spacecraft Have Orbited the Moon).

A. Revolved

B. circled

C. turned

D. rotated




1. She knows the place ______ he stays.

A. /

B. that

C. where

D. which



2. This is the place ______ I once lived.

A. which

B. where

C. in which

D. what




1. Because her husband was sick and couldn’t work, Corinne (appealed) to their landlady for extra time to pay the rent.

A. 错误

B. 正确



2. There is a real (contrast) between the twins. They look so much alike that sometimes even their mother can’t tell them apart.

A. 错误

B. 正确


3. Stone fences are common on New England farms because stones in the fields are so (scarce).

A. 错误

B. 正确



4. Amanda was the (sole) person at the table who ate meat. Everyone else was a


A. 错误

B. 正确



5. When the man shook hands with the child and said, “How do you do?”the child (responded), “How do I do what?”

A. 错误

B. 正确



6. Because the novel is so (complex), it begins with a chart that lists all the

characters and shows how they are related to one another.

A. 错误

B. 正确



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大学英语(二)(第二版)2014年11月考前练习题 一完型填空 Passage 1 Each human being is born as something new, 1 that never existed before.He is born with 2 he needs to win at life.Each person in his own 3 can see,hear,touch,taste,and think 4 himself.Each has his own unique 5 —his capabilities and limitations. 6 can be a significant,7 ,aware,and creatively 8 person in his own right — a winner. The words “winner” and “loser” have many meanings.When we refer 9 a person as a winner,we do not mean one 10 beats the other guy 11 winning over him and 12 him lose.To us,a winner is one who responds authentically by being 13 ,trustworthy,responsive,and genuine,14 as an individual and as a member of a 15 . A loser is one who fails to respond authentically.Martin Buber 16 this idea as he retells an old story of a rabbi who on his 17 bed sees himself as a loser.The rabbi laments that,in the world to come,he will not be asked why he wasn’t Moses;he will be asked why he wasn't 18 . Few people are one hundred percent winners or one hundred percent losers.It's a 19 of degree.However,once a person is on the road to being a winner,his chances are greater for becoming even more 20 .This book is intended to facilitate the journey.1.A.everything B.anything C.something D.thing 2.A.that B.what C.which D.how 3.A.way B.case C.method D.appetite 4.A.of B.to C.for D.about 5.A.possibilities B.abilities C.potentials D.energy 6.A.One B.All C.Every D.Each 7.A.thinking B.think C.thought D.have thought 8.A.produce B.productive C.product D.productivity 9.A.as B.to C.for D.on 10.A.what B.those C.which D.who 11.A.with B.for C.on D.by 12.A.making B.let C.letting D.make 13.A.credit B.believing C.credible D.believed 14.A.all B.both C.which D.each 15.A.society B.group C.community D.party 16.A.takes B.tells C.speaks D.expresses 17.A.die B.death C.dying D.died 18.A.his B.him C.himself D.self 19.A.matter B.case C.thing D.something 20.A.than B.much C.then D.so 附:参考答案 Passage 1

★离散数学 东北师范大学离线作业与答案

离线考核 《离散数学》 满分100分 一、计算题(共25分) 1. 设集合{}c b a A , , =,R 是A 上的二元关系,{}b c c a b a a a R , , , , , , , =, 试求: (1) ()A P ; (8分) (2) R 的关系图与关系矩阵R M ; (8分) (3) ()R r 、()R s 、()R t 。(9分) 设集合{}c b a A , , =,R 是A 上的二元关系,{b c a b a a a R , , , , , , , =,试求: (1) ()A P ; (2) R 的关系图与关系矩阵R M ; (3)()R r 、()R s 、()R t 。 解:(1) (){}{}{}{}{}{}{} {}c b a c b c a b a c b a A P ,,,,,,,,,,,,Φ= (2) ???? ? ??=010000111R M 关系图为:

(3) (){}b c c a b a c c b b a a R r ,,,,,,,,,,,= (){}c b c a c c a a b b a a a R s ,,,,,,,,,,,= (){} R b c a b a a a R t ==,,,,,, 二、证明题(每小题15分,共75分。) 1.证明等价式 :()()()()C Q P A C Q P A C A Q P →?∧=∨∨→∧→∧∧。 证明等价式: ()()()()C Q P A C Q P A C A Q P →?∧=∨∨→∧→∧∧ 证明: ()() ()()() ()() ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()C Q P A C Q P Q P A C Q P Q P A C Q P Q P A C Q P Q P A C Q P A Q P A C Q P A C Q P A C Q P A C A Q P C Q P A C A Q P →?∧=→?∧?∨∧∧=→∨∧?∨??∧=→∨∧?∨?∨??=∨∨∧?∨?∨?=∨∨∨?∧?∨?∨?=∨∨∨?∧∨?∨?∨?=∨∨∨?∧∨∧∧?=∨∨→∧→∧∧ 2. 证明:树是一个偶图。 证明:树是一个偶图。 证明:设E V T ,=是一棵树,对任意的V u ∈,令 {}为奇数之间的基本通路的长度与u v V v V ∈=1 {}为偶数之间的基本通路的长度与u v V v V ∈=2 (1) 因为T 是连通的,所以对任意的V v ∈,必有1V v ∈或2V v ∈,因此V V V =?21,(2) 因为T 是树,v 与u 之间的基本通路有且只有一条,所以Φ=?21V V , (3) 因为T 是树,T 中无回路,所以1V 或2V 中的任意的两个顶点不可能是相邻的。 综上,T 是一个偶图。


《大学英语(二)》作业 Part I. Reading Comprehension Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice. Passage 1 Charlie Chaplin has broken all records in making people laugh. No one has so set a whole world laughing as the little man with the walking stick and the overlarge shoes. Much has been written about Chaplin's art and his career, and opinions have ranged widely. But perhaps those who called him "the most general human being of our time" came closest to the truth. Those who have called him a genius stress the timeless and common qualities in his work. It is an art filled with sad elements and deep human feeling, with which an audience cannot help but become involved. It is for these reasons, I believe, that the figure of Charlie has attracted generation after generation. All the writers who give accounts of Chaplin's life agree that Charlie's unhappy early years in the area in London where houses were dirty and worn had a great influence on his development and on the type of films he made. Chaplin himself emphasizes it in his memoirs (回忆录). The more one reads about his earliest period, the more one tends to agree. Indeed, his suffering youth had a lasting influence on him. Chaplin was never afraid to deal with subjects causing much disagreement in his films. He gave a humorous performance on war only a few weeks before the American soldiers came home from World War I in 1918. This was regarded as madness, but the performance was well received. So perfectly did it hit the nail on the head that even the returning soldiers found it impossible to hate it and deeply appreciated this short and humorous performance on what for them had been unpleasant reality. Chaplin gave numerous performances attacking capital governments, satirizing (讽刺) the cruelty of the machine age and even making fun of Hitler. Years after his death, the funny films of motion picture actor and director Charlie Chaplin continue to be popular. He is particularly well known for his success as a creator of humorous presentations that make fun of people, the establishment, or networks. 1. All of the following about Charlie Chaplin are true except __________. A. he was born in the USA B. he was a great film actor C. he had an unhappy early life D. he made fun of Hitler in his films


离线作业考核 《认知心理学》 满分100分 一、分析判断(每题5分,共25分) 1、平行分布处理模型的基本思想是,通过使用一个处理单元或处理器,在同一时间内实现众多的信息处理。 答:错。平行分布处理模型的基本思想是,通过使用数量众多且独立的处理单元或处理器,在同一时间内实现众多的信息处理。它的特点主要有:(1)处理单元间的联结强度不一样,其大小可以用权重来表示,一个单元得到的总输入量是其他各单元输入量乘以各自权重的和;(2)知识的表征是分布式的储存在单元与单元的联结上;(3)联结的强度可以因学习而加强;(4)一个单元受到破坏,整个知识却可以仍然保持,信息处理仍可继续进行;(5)网络是一种层次结构,同一层次的单元间互相抑制,不同层次的单元间互相兴奋。 2、我们上课或看电视时的聚精会神属于持续性注意。 答:正确。持续性注意也称注意的持久性、注意的稳定性,它是指在一段时间内将注意保持在某个目标或活动上的过程。持续性注意指向的对象可以是经常出现的、可以预期的,也可以是那些偶发的、难以预测的事件。 3、模式识别是将刺激模式与头脑中已有的表征进行匹配的过程。 答:正确。模式识别是指将刺激模式与头脑中已有的表征进行匹配,从而达到确认一个模式的过程,或者说是运用记忆中已经贮存的信息对当前出现的刺激模式进行有效解释的过程。 4、外显记忆测验要求材料驱动加工。 答:错误。外显记忆测验是指直接测验方式,如再认、自由回忆、语义线索回忆等,要求概念驱动加工。概念驱动加工指通过对刺激项目的意义和语义信息的加工来完成测验的过程,要求进行有意义的加工、精细编码和心理映象等过程。内隐记忆测验是指间接测验方式,如知


山东省专升本英语真题2017年 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:听力理解(Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Short Conversations 1、 A. She finished her reading two weeks ago. B. She finished her reading quickly. C. She will write an English novel in two weeks. D. She couldn't finish her reading in less than a month. 2、 A. It gets on your nerves if you buy five of-them. B. It's a very good bargain. C. It's too expensive. D. If you buy five, the price is lower. 3、 A. She wants to know when the man will be free. B. She will be busy every day this week. C. She will be able to go some time later. D. She doesn't want to go to the theater with the man at all. 4、 A. The airplane has already left. B. The plane is overdue. C. They should take the 9:45 flight. D. The plane has arrived early at 3:39. 5、 A. Vacation plans. B. School hours. C. A part-time job. D. Weekend plans. 6、 A. She doesn't know its hours. B. She thinks it closes at 6. C. It's open all night on weekdays. D. It isn't open on weekends. 7、 A. Three dollars. B. Fifteen dollars. C. Half of the price. D. One third the price. 8、 A. Reporters. B. Students. C. Typists. D. Librarians. Long Conversation 1 Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9、 A. Dresses. B. Shoes. C. Socks. D. Shirts. 10、 A. They were worn out. B. They were dirty. C. They were of a dull color. D. They were out of style. 11、 A. They were too casual. B. They were too dressy. C. They were uncomfortable. D. They were not charming enough. Long Conversation 2 Questions 12 to 14 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


2010上半年大学英语(3)第2次作业大学英语(三) 第一部分:交际英语(每题3分,共15分) 1. — _____A_______________ — Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week. A. How long have your parents been in Paris? B. When did your parents arrive at Paris? C. Did your parents arrive at Paris last Wednesday? D. When will your parents go to Paris? 2. —My mother is pretty sick. —____C______________. A. Good for her. B. Oh, it’s not true. C. That’s too bad. D. Why s 3. — I'd like to say goodbye to everyone. My plane leaves at 7:25. — Well, ______C________________. A. sounds great B. good for you C. goodbye and have a good trip D. it’s emergent 4. — Good morning, sir. Can I help you? — _______B__________. A. Yes, why not? B. Yes, is there a bank near here? C. Are you kidding? D. You are welcome! 5. — Please help yourself to some seafood. — ______D_________. A. No, I can’t. B. Sorry, I can’t help. C. Well, seafood don’t suit. D. Thanks, but I don’t like seafood. 第二部分:阅读理解(每题3分,共30分) Passage 1 A new study suggests that the more teenagers watch television, the more likely they are to develop depression as young adults. But the extent to which TV may or may not be to blame is a question that the study leaves unanswered. The researchers used a national long-term survey of adolescent health to investigate the relationship between media use and depression. They based


大学英语(2) 一、单项选择题: 1.The bridge club _________ his application for membership. 答案:A.refused to consider 2.He jumped onto the train just as it was pulling ______. 答案: C.away 3.Unfortunately, very few sheep _________ the severe winter last 答案: A.survived 4.Don’t ________ to let me know if there is anything I can do for you. 答案: C.hesitate 5.Born into a rich family, he has no idea of ____ to be a poor man。 答案: B.what it’s like 6.Does it _______ a lot to have the recorder repaired? 答案: C.cost 7.It was said that Nancy was going to marry a rich man, but she _____ it. 答案: B.denied 8.They have developed techniques which are________ to those used in most factories. 答案: D.superior 9.The old couple decided to move out of town to a quiet _________ , where they had spent several years immediately after their marriage. 答案: B.suburb 10.I’ll have my long skirts shortened because they are _______ now. 答案: A.out of style 11.She can _____ sing well; she is also a good dancer. 答案: D.more than just 12.If I had ____ in business, I might be a very wealthy man today. 答案: C.stayed 13.While it may be more convenient to ______ a car, it is also expensive and troublesome at times. 答案: B.possess 14.It took Jane a whole hour to ________ this problem 答案: D.work out 15.It was because the applicant was too conceited _________ he failed in the interview. 答案: A.that 16.____ the past three years, he has been attending evening classes to study Japanese 。答案: B.For 17.You’ll cut yourself if you walk around in _______ feet. 答案: B.bare 18.Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature __________. 答案: D.taken 19.The film is much better than the _______ we saw last Sunday. 答案: A.one


2014年春季期末作业考核 《计算机应用基础》 一、计算题(每题10分,共20分) 1.一个文件大小为10G,这个文件为多少MB、KB、B? 答:10GB=10240NB=10485760MB=10737418240B 。 2.将十进制数45转换成对应的二进制数、八进制数、十六进制数各是多少? 答:二进制101101,八进制55,十六进制2D。 二、简答题(每题10分,共50分) 1.请画出冯诺依曼型计算机的基本构成框图。 2.怎样将d盘“作业”文件夹中的文件扩展名是“doc”的文件复制到e盘的“练习一”文件夹中,写出操作步骤。 答:打开d盘“作业”文件夹搜索文件名为“*. doc”,就显示全部doc的文件,全选复制,然后打开e盘的“练习一”文件夹中,全部粘贴。 3.“PowerPoint”的超级链接通常在什么情况下使用,在哪个菜单选项中进行,提供了几种链接方式? 答:PowerPoint2000中的超级链有“单击鼠标”和“鼠标移过”两种形式实现。当需要从幻灯片的一页转换到另一页时或其他文件时,使用超链接。超链接在“插入”菜单下的“超级链接”子菜单,有两种链接形式。 4.在哪个菜单的哪个选项中添加Word分页符和分节符?分节符和分页符有什么作用?答:在插入菜单分隔符选项可以添加分页符和分节符。“分页符”与“分节符”的功能不同:“分页符”的作用只是分页,它不影响页眉页脚页码等格式设置。“分节符”的作用除了具有分页的功能外,还可以对每一节内的页眉页脚页码等格式进行独立设置,且还有分节不分页的功能,它比分页符的功能要强得多。要不要实现页面独立设置的关键就是工具栏的一个按钮“链接到前一条页眉”是否被选中,选中后,前后节的设置就是一样的,修改其中的一节就会影响到另外的节;不选中,就可以独立设置了,前后节之间不受影响。 5.在Excel中自动填充“数据序列”应怎样进行操作?


山东省 2019 年普通高等教育专升本统一考试英语试题 本试卷分为策I 卷和策II 卷两部分,共12 页。满分100 分。考试用时120 分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必用毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、座号填写到试卷规 定的位置上,并将姓名、考生号、座号填(涂)在答题卡规定的位置。 2.第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,答在本试卷上无效。 3.第Ⅱ卷答题必须用毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应的位置;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 第Ⅰ卷 PartⅠ Listening Comprehension.(1 point each,20 points) Section A Directions: In will section, you will hear 8 short conversations. 41 the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be read only once. After each question there will be a pause, During the peruse, you must read the four suggested answers marked A) B) C) and D), and decide which is the best answer Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet . Short Conversations 1. A. His car was hit by anothercar. B.H e was hurt while involved insports. C.He fell down somestairs, D.While crossing a street he was hit by acar.


一、单项选择题。本大题共40个小题,每小题2.5 分,共100.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1. —What a poor job I’ve done! —_______ 2. ( D ) 1. Do it again. 2. 3. You can do it. 4. 5. Do your best! 6. 7. Don’t be upset. No one can do it better than you. 8. 3. —Are you doing anything special on Friday, Bill? —_______ —Oh, what a pity! 4. ( B ) 1. No, nothing special 2. 3. Yes, I have promised to call on some friends 4. 5. Yes, of course 6. 7. No, I’m not sure. Why? 8. 1. —I’d like to make an appointment with Mr. White. —_______ 2. ( C ) 1.

Sorry, he is busy at the moment. 2. 3. Why didn’t you call earlier? 4. 5. Certainly. May I know your name? 6. 7. Sorry. He doesn’t want to see you. 8. 1. —This is the worst film ever produced. Do you think so? —_______ 2. ( B ) 1. You’re wrong 2. 3. I don’t think so, I’m afraid 4. 5. Not at all 6. 7. No, that’s not real 8. 1. —My dear! I made a mistake again. —_______ 2. ( B ) 1. Be careful. 2. 3. Don’t w orry. We can do something to make up for it. 4. 5. What a pity!


Unit 1 Outside view Activity 1 3.5 Activity 2 one of the best universities most talented students well-known around the world have open doors good social life you want it to be on another campus it's a fun place go to concerts during the week Activity 3 library system online three / 3 four / 4 Brian leisure purposes the libraries listening in Passage 1 1. 2 2. 6 3. 1 4. 5 5. 3 6. 4 2.Listen to Passage 1 again and rearrange the answers in the right column to match those questions in the left column. Ceahbgdf Passage 2 OC/O/C/O/C/C/O/C/O/OC

2.Listen to Passage 2 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences BDDBA Test CCBBD CDBCB C

Unie 2 Outside view Activity 1 1.Watch the video clip and match the speakers with the statements. K/K/T/S/T/K/S/K Activity 2 2.3.5 Activity 3 regarded along communicating But If during how as plays less LISTENING IN Passage 1 1.Listen to Passage 1 and match the colours with the characteristics


离线作业考核 《学校管理》 满分100分 一、综合论述题(每题15分,计60分。) 1. 请结合实际谈谈人际关系理论对学校管理的影响。 答:权变理论对学校管理的影响表现于许多方面。比较突出的是用“有组织的无序状态”和“松散结合”来分析学校组织行为的选择。“有组织的无序状态”是指教育处于有组织的无序状态,其特点是:有问题的偏好、模糊的技术和流动的参与。“有问题的偏好”是指有组织的无序状态的目的是不清楚的,即教育机构的目的是不清楚的,其目标往往是委婉地陈述的,对清晰的决策提供不了什么指导。 2.请结合实际谈谈教师自身应具备哪些素质。 答:身心素质、道德素质、教学素质、研究素质、交往素质。 3.请结合实际谈谈学生激励的方式有哪些,在现实中应如何运用。 答:目标激励、典型激励、信任激励。 4.结合实际,谈谈学校教学管理的意义是什么。 答:有利于促进学生的发展、有利于提升教师的教学水平、有利于保障学校工作的有序进行。 二、材料分析题(本题20分,计40分。) 1.阅读材料,按要求回答问题。 2014年4月28日上午,湖北咸宁市实验小学沸腾了。升旗仪式后,分管学生德育方面工作的副校长洪耀明当着4000余位师生的面,兑现一个月前的承诺,“只要学生们不乱扔垃圾,我就和猪亲嘴”。亲嘴的照片被发到网上,网友称他为“个性校长”。。 阅读材料,请你谈谈校长应如何做好学校管理工作。 答:校长作为学校管理的核心力量,自身具备良好素质至关重要。深思熟虑,制定明确的目标及政策,使成员为其后果负责,并提供合适的技术支持,以计划、协调及实施学校的政策和工作。支持成员,鼓励合作,提高成员的责任感及满足感,并肯定正面的人际关系。能说服有关人士互相团结及支持,并能有效地解决他们之间的冲突。具有信心和魅


词汇的翻译 Experts have long thought that depression could be bad for your heart. A new research demonstrates just how dangerous it can be. 专家们长期以来就认为抑郁症会对心脏有害,最近的一项研究证明了这种危害有多大。 In the end, they found that people with major depression were at least three times as likely to die of heart disease as were patients who weren’t depressed. 最终,他们发现患有严重抑郁症的人死于心脏病的可能性至少是正常人的三倍。 His ignorance of the company’s financial situation resulted in his failure to take effective measures. 他对公司财务状况一无所知,结果未能采取有效措施。 Although some areas suffered from serious natural disasters, the total grain output was higher than that of last year. 虽然有些地区遭受了严重的自然灾害,但是粮食总产量还是比去年高。 For one reason or another, all countries impose trade barriers on certain goods crossing their border. 由于种种原因,所有国家对通过他们边境的某种商品都强行设置贸易壁垒。 Every employer wants and needs employees who can suggest improvements in an honest and constructive manner. 每位雇主都希望有以诚实积极态度提出改进意见的雇员。 The words and phrases given in this dictionary are those that are likely to be needed by every person. 本字典提供的单词和词组是每个人都有可能要用的。 As far as an Advertising and Sales Manager is concerned, excellent oral English is also a necessary requirement. 对广告和销售经理而言,娴熟的英语口语能力也是必要的条件。 It is reported that so far, foreign insurance companies have made their way into 19 cities in China. 据报道,迄今为止,外国保险公司已进驻中国19个城市。 Air moves from places where the pressure is high to places where the pressure is low. 空气从压力高的地方向压力低的地方流动。 英文句式的翻译


作业二 一、单选题 1、- Would you please show me your bankbook - _________ A:Sorry, I have no idea. B:Here you are. C:Come with me. D:Yes, I'd like to. 2、-- Did you win the 100 metre race -- Yes, I did. -- Really -- _________. A:Congratulations B:Best wishes C:Good luck D:Right-I'm sorry. Bob is not in his office. -_________ A:Can you take a message for me B:Are you sure for that C:Would you like to leave a message D:Can you phone me-I haven't seen Belly for 10 years. 3、 4、- I'm sorry. I lost the key. - ________

A:Well, it's OK. B:No, it's all right. C:You are welcome. D:You are wrong. 5、- Wow! This is a marvelous room! I've never known you're so artistic. - ______ A:Great, I am very art-conscious. B:Don't mention it. C:Thanks for your compliments. D:It's fine. 6、______is the temperature today A:What B:How C:How many D:How much 7、I ______ my home work this time yesterday evening. A:were doing B:was to do C:am doing D:was doing 8、Had you come five minutes earlier, you ______ the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it. A:would catch B:would have caught C:could catch
