
龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/c110163573.html,




摘要:以敦煌市鸣沙山景观大道建设工程项目为例,阐述了在高速施工状态下的GPSRTK 测量控制技术。项目位于三危山及党河冲击阶地,地质地貌复杂,分布不连续的带状沙漠、沙坑、林地、村庄等,存在经常性的沙尘暴天气等不利观测因素,采用常规测量技术很难满足施工进度及质量要求。基于双基站GPSRTK测量技术的应用,提高了线路测量的效率,该技术经笔者工程实践,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益,相信对类似工程有一定的借鉴及参考价值。

Abstract: Taking the construction project of Mingsha Mountain Landscape Road in Dunhuang as an example, the GPSRTK measurement and control technology in high speed construction is described. The project is located in the impact terraces of Sanwei Mountain and Danghe river, where the geology and geomorphology is complex, with uneven distribution of belt desert, bunkers,woodland, villages. There are frequent dust storms and other adverse observation factors, and the conventional measurement technology is difficult to meet the construction progress and quality requirements. Based on the application of dual-base station GPSRTK measurement technology, the efficiency of line measurement is improved. The technology has achieved good economic and social benefits through the engineering practice of the author, and it is believed that it has some reference and reference value for similar projects.


Key words: GPSRTK;desert area;parameter conversion;road survey

中图分类号:P228.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2017)23-0171-03

0 引言

GPSRTK技术作为数字科学与信息化高度融合的产业,有着不同于经典测量的技术优势,测站间无需通视,观测时间短,能实时获取待测点的高精度三维坐标,在各类工程建设,特别是公路工程施工中获得了极大的推广与应用。结合具体工程实践,对GPSRTK技术的创新应用成为解决工程测量难题,实现技术持续革新,促进技术向便捷化、实时化方面发展的新举措。目前国内GPSRTK的应用还停留在基于仪器厂商开发时形成的成套技术。对于GPSRTK 技术的创新应用,获得即能够满足工程质量和进度要求,又能考虑到经济性指标的测量手段,是广大测量从业者的探索方向。
