教案---Unit 7 Topic 2 Cooking is fun

Topic 2 Cooking is fun!

Section A

Section A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。

The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。

Ⅰ.Aims and demands 目标要求

1. (1)Learn adverbs of manner:

finely, lightly, immediately

(2)Learn other new words and phrases:

cut, oil, add, cooker, pork, cut up, ham, noodle, bowl, advantage, cheap

2. Know the ways to cook Chinese food:

First, cut some cooked meat very finely.

Next, you need to put some oil in the pan.

Then fry the meat lightly.

You need to add the rice slowly.

Finally, add some salt.

3. Talk about sequences:

First … Second … Next … Then … After that … Finally …

4. Learn object clauses with “whether”:

But I’m not sure whether I can cook it well.

Ⅱ.Teaching aids教具


Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:7分钟)


1. (出示迈克尔关于美食节的海报,复习食品名称。)

T: Let’s look at the poster that Michael made for the food festival. Can you speak out these foods on it?

S1: Yes. There are Italian pizza and American chocolate cookies.

S2: Greek cheese pies, Indian curries …

T: Pretty well! Most of them are western foods. We can ask them to cook some Chinese food. Can you cook some Chinese food? Then what can you cook?


S3: Yes. I can cook fried rice.

S4: I can cook dumplings.

S5: I can cook porridge.

T: You are great. Then can you tell me the ways to cook porridge?

2. (学生可能不能熟练地用英语讲述,教师可以让学生分组讨论,教师给予一些提示词,然


T: Maybe you can’t tell me now. Never mind. I’ll give you some key words. Then you can

discuss in groups. After that, I’ll ask some students to report the results of their discussions.

Please look at the blackboard carefully.

(教师出示小黑板或幻灯片。要求学生掌握add;用图片教学要求学生理解单词pot。) First, put some water in the pot

Second, boil water

Next, wash rice

Then, add rice

Finally, cook


T: Well done! When we cook porridge, we must cook very carefully. We also need to add the rice slowly.


We must cook very carefully.

We also need to add the rice slowly.


Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间: 6分钟)


1. (教学新单词。)

T: Porridge is nice. But if we want to cook nicer food, we may use more materials and cookers.

Now let’s learn some new materials and cookers.

(出示关于厨具和食物原材料的图片教学新单词,并板书。并要求学生掌握:oil, cooker, pork, ham, noodle, bowl;理解:pan, onion。)

oil n.油pan n.平底锅cooker n.炊具pork n.猪肉ham n.火腿onion n.洋葱(头) noodle n.面条bowl n.碗,盒


T: Repeat the new words. Then match the words with the pictures. Make sure you understand the words.

2. (呈现本课1a。)


T: Suppose Kangkang has these materials and cookers. What will Kangkang cook? Do you want to know? Please listen to 1a and answer this question.

3. (让学生阅读对话,猜测生词词义。)

T: Good. Read the conversation carefully and guess the meanings of the new words.

(板书并教学新单词及方式副词的构成和用法。并要求学生掌握cut;理解:finely, fry, lightly。)

careful+ly→carefully cook … carefully

fine+ly→finely cut … finely

light+ly→lightly fry … lightly

slow+ly→slowly add … slowly

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间: 11分钟)

巩固1a, 完成1b。

1. (再次阅读1a对话,注意做炒饭的步骤。)

T: Read 1a again and pay attention to the process of cooking fried rice.


T: Boys act as Kangkang and girls act as Mother. Please act out the dialog.

(表演结束后,找两名学生表演做炒饭的步骤。一个表演做炒饭的动作,另一个根据表演用英语描述。注意表演方式副词如finely, lightly, slowly时,动作要到位。)

2. (根据1a复述做炒饭的步骤,完成1b。)

T: Let’s retell the steps of making fried rice according to 1a. Then finish 1b.


Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间: 15分钟)


1. (组织学生完成2a和2b。)

T: We’ve learned how to cook fried rice. Would you like to learn how to cook a bowl of noodles?

S S: Yes.


T: OK! What do we need to cook a bowl of noodles?

S1: We need some water, some noodles …


materials: water, noodles, pork bones, ham, cabbage, green onions


T: We have got the materials. Who can tell me how to cook it? Please have a discussion in groups.


T: Pretty well. Now please turn to Page 62, read 2a and try to guess the meanings of the new words.


(板书并要求学生掌握:cut up, immediately。)

cut up 切碎,剁碎immediately adv.立即


T: Read 2a again. I’ll show you the key words on the blackboard. Then finish 2b.


Second—cut up



After that—fill—slowly



T: Good. Now, I’ll ask some students to tell me how to cook noodles without looking at your books. You can look at the key words and the pictures in 2b. Who will try?

S2: …

T: Well done!

2. (提问学生西方有哪些快餐食品,导入3。)

T: W e have learned how to cook fried rice and noodles. Now let’s talk about western fast food.

When we talk about western fast food, we mean …

S S: Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips …


T: Good! Please go through 3 and try to guess the meanings of the new words. Listen to 3 and give me the right answers.


advantage n.优点;好处cheap adj.便宜的


T: Who can give me the answers?

S3: …

S4: …


T: Well done!

T: Do you often go to the fast food restaurant?

S5: Yes.

T: What do you think of the food there?

S6: It’s served fast.

T: Is it delicious?

S7: Yes. / No.

T: Is it good for our health?

S8: Yes. / No.

T: I think we shouldn’t eat too much fast food. It’s bad for our health. We should try to cook at home.

Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间: 6分钟)


1. (要求学生分组讨论自己最喜欢的饭菜以及制作步骤,然后记录下来,接着向全班学生汇


T: Do you want to cook by yourselves? Please discuss in groups of five and try to write down how to cook your favorite food, and then report it to us. You can do it like this.


Materials: …

How to cook: First, …

Next, …

Then, …

After that, ...

Finally, …


T: Excellent! / Great! I’ll try it, too.

2. Homework:


T: In this lesson we’ve learned how to cook porridge, fried rice and noodles. Please cook one of them for your parents.

(2)预习Section B。

Section B

Section B needs 1 or 2 periods. Section B 需用1~2课时。 The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a 和2a 。 Ⅰ.Aims and demands 目标要求

1. Learn some new words:

butter, pear, piece, polite, spoon, fork, chopstick 2. Go on learning object clauses with “if / whether”:

Can you tell me if it’s polite to eat with your arms or elbows on the table in America? Do you know whether they use knives?

I don’t know if there’s any need for knives, forks or chopsticks.

3. Learn the comparative and superlative degrees of monosyllabic adverbs: Wow, Michael did best of all. Jane works harder.

4. Social communications. (1) Asking for permission:

Would you mind if we learn to make it from you? (2) Having meals:

Help yourself to some soup.

Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 4分钟)

复习Section A 中的1a 和2a ,导入新课。 (检查作业,检查学生对知识的掌握情况。)

T: Let’s check your homework. Who can tell me how to make a meal for your parents? (学生讲述,教师板书。)

First, … Next, … Then, … After that, ... Finally, … T: Very good! Can you tell me how to make noodles?

(选一名学生陈述步骤并表演动作。提醒他/她动作表演要到位,体现carefully, finely, slowly, lightly, 复习副词的构成和用法。) T: W ell done! Yesterday I asked you to cook some food for your parents. You did very well and your parents must be very happy, yes? Ss: Yes.

T: Did you enjoy it? Ss: Yes.

T: Today we will learn how to make a kind of snack, sandwich.

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 13分钟)

呈现本课1a ,完成1b 。

1.(呈现1a 。出示面包、黄油、梨等的图片,引出本课的目标语言。) T: Let’s learn how to make a sandwich with butter, honey and a pear.



First, take two pieces of bread and spread butter on them.

Next, cut a pear into small pieces. Then put them on the bread.

After that, pour some honey over the pear.

Finally, put the pieces of bread together.


(教师板书新词。领读并要求学生掌握:butter, pear, piece;理解snack和pour。)

snack n.小吃butter n.黄油,奶油pear n.梨piece n.一块pour v.倒出


T: Good, it’s easy. Once again, look carefully and then I’ll ask some students to retell it.


S1: …

S2: …


T: Well done! S1, Would you mind telling me again how to make a sandwich? Just now I didn’t hear clearly.


Would you mind telling me again how to make a sandwich?


S1: Of course not. First, … Next, … Then, … After that, … Finally, …

T: Good. Thank you! Do you want to know w hat’s Michael’s favorite snack? Please listen to 1a and answer it.


Ss: His favorite snack is a sandwich with butter, honey and a pear.

2. (读1a,先大声齐读后分角色朗读。)

T: Great! Now, please read 1a together and then in roles.

3. (再读1a两分钟,然后让三个学生复述,同时完成1b。)

T: OK! Please read 1a freely for two minutes again. Then I’ll ask some students to retell the process of making a sandwich.


Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间: 6分钟)


1. (让学生巩固1a。)

T: Please work in groups of three and practice 1a. I will ask some students to act it out in the front of the classroom.

(操练两分钟后,让三组学生到前面表演,然后用well, better, best进行鼓励性点评,让学生感知并体验其含义。)

2. (分组活动。)


T: Now I’ll divide the class into three groups. The students in each group should describe the

process of making your favorite food. Then I’ll choose some students to act it out in front of the class. Which group wants a try first?

G1: …

G2: …

G3: …

T: Pretty well. Just now we watched them. Now let’s decide which group did better and which group did best.

S3: Group3 did best.

S4: Group2 did better than Group 1.

T: OK. Group 1 is not the best, but they did very well.


did very well

did better than …

did best

3. (教师解释副词比较级的用法并出示图片,学生用副词比较级造句。完成1c。)

T: These sentences are about comparative and superlative forms of adverbs. Let’s look at the pictures in 1c and describe them.

S5: …

S6: …

S7: …

T: Great! Please match the parts of the sentences in 1c.


Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间: 16分钟)


1. (师生讨论。出示小黑板呈现“It’s polite / impolite to …”,为学习2a做准备。)

T: In 1c, we know the children prepare for the food festival very well. Besides that, what else do they need to prepare? Please discuss in groups, and then tell us.

G1: W e think they need to prepare dinner service.(教师帮助说出dinner service。)

T: Good. Such as forks, spoons, chopsticks, plates, knives and so on.

(教师出示图片教学spoon, fork, chopstick,板书并要求学生掌握。)

spoon n.匙,调羹fork n.叉,餐叉chopstick n.筷子

T: What else?

G2: T hey also need to learn eating customs in different countries.

T: Great! Now please look at the small blackboard, and then discuss whether it’s polite or impolite to eat in China in the following manners.


□eat noisily.

□speak loudly during a meal.

It’s polite/impolite+to □smoke during a meal.

□eat with your arms or elbows on the table.

T:Is it polite to eat noisily in China?

S8: Yes. It’s polite. / No. It is impolite.


T: Suppose we were traveling in Cuba, do you know if it’s polite to eat noisily in Cuba? Listen to 2a and tell me the answer.


T: Now, who can tell me?

Ss: It’s impolite to eat noisily in Cuba.

T: Good, what about in Japan?

Ss: I t’s polite to eat noisily in Japan.


I t’s impolite to eat noisily in C uba.

It’s polite to eat noisily in Japan.

T: Great! Please listen to 2a again and follow it. Then practice the dialog in pairs.


2. (不同的国家有不同的饮食习惯。听2b录音,完成2b。)

T: We know that the eating customs in Cuba are different from those in Japan. What are they like in America, France, Thailand and India? Do you want to know? OK, l et’s list en to 2b and find out the answers.


T: Can you tell me if it’s polite to eat with your arms or elbows on the table in America?

S9: Yes, I can. It’s not polite.

T: And do you know whether or not it’s impolite to smoke during a meal in France?

S10:Yes, I do. It’s not impolite.

T: Well. Do you know whether they use knives in Thailand?

S11: Yes, I do. They don’t use knives at all.

T: I don’t know if there is any need for knives, forks or chopsticks in India.

S12:No. There’s no need.


Can you tell me if it’s polite to eat with your arms or elbows on the table in America?

Do you know whether or not it’s impolite to smoke during a meal in France?

Do you know whether they use knives in Thailand?

I don’t know if there is any need for knives, forks or chopsticks in India.


3. (再听2b,学生跟读,然后完成2b。)

T: Please listen to 2b again and follow it, then match the pictures.


Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间: 6分钟)


1. T: We have learned some useful table manners of different countries today. Do you know any

table manners in our country? Please discuss the question in groups, and then I’ll ask one of you to report it to us.

In China

Polite Impolite



In China, it’s polite to … It’s impolite to… There is no need for… We use…

2. Homework:



Section C

Section C needs 1 period. Section C需用1课时。

The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。

Ⅰ.Aims and demands 目标要求

1. Learn some new words and phrases:

table manners, eat up, drink to sb./sth., somebody

2. Go on learning object clauses:

I want to know whether/if it is polite to point with chopsticks at people in China.

3. Talk about table manners for a formal western dinner party:

Take your napkin and put it on your lap.

When you start eating, you should keep the fork in your right hand. If you use your knife, then put the fork in your left hand.

It’s polite to eat up the food on your plate, so don’t take more food than you need.

You should speak quietly and smile a lot.

When you drink to somebody, you’d better raise your glass and take only a sip.

Remember not to drink too much.

Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间: 6分钟)

通过对Section B的复习,导入本课目标语言。

1. (结合whether和if引导的宾语从句,复习Section B所学的就餐习俗,用师生问答的形式


T: We have learnt the eating customs in different countries in the last lesson. Let’s review them.

I ask, and you answer, OK?


T: Do you know if it is polite to eat soup noisily and finish all the rice in Japan?

S1:I think it’s polite to…

T: Could you tell me whether it is impolite or not to smoke during a meal in France?

S2:I think it’s not impolite to …

T: I wonder if it is polite to eat with your arms or elbows on the table in America.

S3:I don’t think it’s polite to…


T: What else do you know about the eating customs in different countries?

S4: I think it is polite to …

S5: I think it’s impolite to…

2. (导入本课目标语言。)


T: Just now we reviewed something about table manners. Do you want to know what is polite for a formal western dinner party? Let’s come to Section C.


Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:11分钟)


1. (导入1a。)

T: Suppose you would go to a formal western dinner party for the first time, but you don’t know their table manners. Do you want to get some advice?

Ss: Of course!

2. (教师展示有关吃西餐的录像/幻灯片/图片等。)

T: OK. I’ll show you some pictures about eating customs in western countries.

3. (教师用手势、动作来演示西餐礼仪习俗。出示1a中的图片,导入并让学生了解生词:napkin,


napkin n.餐巾sip n.一小口

T: Please look at me carefully. I’ll show you some table manners.

4. (快速阅读1a,然后完成1b,并核对答案。)

T: Do you want to know more about western table manners?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK! Please read the passage quickly and then finish 1b.

5. (让学生仔细阅读1a,找出生词,结合上下文猜测词义。)

T: Read 1a carefully. Find out the new words and guess the meanings according to the passage. (板书、领读并让学生掌握:table manners, eat up, drink to sb./sth., somebody;理解manner 和lap;了解formal。)

formal adj.正式的manner n.方式;举止;态度table manner 餐桌礼仪lap n.膝部eat up 吃光,吃完drink to sb./sth. 为……干杯(或祝酒)somebody pron.某人;有人6. (完成1a右图餐具的名称。)

T: Now, please choose the names in the passage to label the things in the picture.


7. (让学生听短文1a,讨论下列问题,并找出正确答案。)

T: Please listen to 1a carefully, then discuss the following questions and find out the answers. (用小黑板出示问题。)

Is it polite to eat up everything on your plate?

Is it polite to take more food than you need?

Is it polite to speak loudly at the table?

Is it polite to drink too much during the dinner?

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间: 10分钟)


1. (让学生再读1a,注意餐桌礼仪,并复述课文。)

T: Read 1a again, and pay attention to the table manners. Later on I’ll ask some of you to retell the passage.


What should you do when you sit down at the table?

What does the dinner start with?

How should you keep the fork and knife when you start eating?

Why can’t you take more food than you need?

Can you speak loudly at the table?

What should you do when you drink to somebody?

Can you drink too much during the dinner?


T: Now, who can try? The questions on the small blackboard may help you.

S1: …

S2: …


T: Well done! / Good job!

2. (让学生根据1a中的图片和同伴谈论西餐礼仪。)

T: Well, talk to your partner about how to start a formal western dinner with the things in the picture in 1a. You may begin like this:

When you sit down at the table …


T: Well, any volunteers? Be brave! Come to the front, please!

S3: …

S4: …


T: Excellent! / Well done!

3. (完成2。)

T: Now, read the sentences in 2 carefully, and try to get the main idea.


T: Listen to the passage and mark True (T) or False (F).


T: OK. Let’s check the answers.

Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间: 8分钟)


1. (用宾语从句讨论饮食习惯,练习3。)

T: We have learned many eating customs. Please discuss eating customs in pairs, using object clauses.



T: I want to know whether/if it is impolite to smoke during a meal in France.

S1: I think that it is not impolite to smoke during a meal in France.


S2: …

S3: …

2. (用小黑板出示问题。)

T: Now, please read the questions on the small blackboard. Write down the sentences according to the example above, using “whether” or “if”.

Is it right to use the knife in the right hand, the fork in the left?

Is it right to keep your knife and fork in hand until you finish eating?

Is it right to drink from your soup bowl?

Is it polite to leave the table during a meal?

Is it polite to take everything that is passed to you?



T: Well, who would like to come to the front to write down the sentences?

S4: …

S5: …

T: OK, read the sentences together, please!

3. (全班学唱Pat a Cake。完成4。)

Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间: 10分钟)


1. (方案一)

(找两名学生到前面来,一名学生用英语讲解餐桌礼仪,另一人表演餐桌礼仪的动作。) T: I’d like two of you to come to the front. One student tells us about the table manners while the other acts them out.


Tools: knife, fork, spoon, glass, plate, bowl, napkin

How to start a formal western dinner:

When you sit down at the table, take your napkin and put it on your lap.

You should keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.

It’s polite to eat up everything on your plate.

Don’t take more food than y ou need.

Try to speak quietly and smile a lot.

Never drink too much during a dinner.

When you drink to someone, you’d better raise your glass and take only a sip.



T: Good job! / Well done!



T: Now, Let’s have a competition.

First, I’ll ask eight students to prepare a short dumb play on a formal western dinner. The eight students will make some mistakes on purpose.

Second, I’ll divide the rest of you into six groups. Each group should try your best to find out the mistakes they make during their performances.

Third, the group which finds out the most mistakes will be the winner.


T: OK, stop! Please report your results group by group.


Group 1 2 3 4 5 6



T: Congratulations! Group ××.

2. (小组讨论中国的餐桌礼仪并上台表演,评出优胜组。完成1c。)

3. Homework:


Section D

Section D needs 1 period. Section D需要用1课时。

The main activities are 1a and 5. 本课重点活动是1a和5。

Ⅰ.Aims and demands 目标要求

1. Learn some new words:

course, southern

2. Review object clauses:

Can you tell me if there are two or more courses for every meal in North America, Australia and Europe?

I ask Tom if/whether the most popular food in his restaurant is hot dogs.

3. Learn different eating habits around the world:

In North America, Australia and Europe, there are two or more courses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eat.

In Korea, people use spoons or chopsticks to eat, but it is not polite to use both of them at the same time.

4. Review how to cook some kinds of food.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间: 6分钟)


1. (呈现图片,以知识竞赛的方式快速复习餐具名称和餐桌礼仪,激情导入。)

T: There are many tools used by people for eating, aren’t there?

Ss: Yes, there are.

T: Can you tell me the names of the tools?

Ss: Yes, we can.

T: What’s this? How can you spell it? And what can we use it for?

S1: It’s a spoon, s-p-o-o-n, spoon. We can use it for drinking soup.

S2: …

S3: …

T: Excellent! You are very great. Do you still remember how to start a formal western dinner? Ss: Yes, we do.

T: Who can have a try to tell me something about it?

S1: When we sit down at the table …

S2: …

S3: …

T: Wonderful!

2. (小组讨论。呈现目标语言,导入本课阅读内容,激发阅读兴趣。)

T: What else do you know about table manners? Please discuss in groups and each group makes

a short report.


S1: …

S2: …


T: OK! Table manners are quite different around the world. So I think people around the world have different eating habits. Do you think so?

Ss: Yes, I think so.


T: Do you know something about the eating habits in Asian countries? Go on discussing in groups, and then each group make a short report.


Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间: 10分钟)


1. T: As we know, in western countries, people use knives and forks to eat, and they have two or

more courses for every meal. They also like hot dogs.

(板书并教学生词。要求学生掌握course; 了解hot dog。)

course n.一道菜hot dog n.热狗

2. T: People around the world have different eating habits. Do people eat rice a lot in the southern

part of China? Do people eat much seafood in the central and western parts of China? Do people use spoons to eat in India?


southern adj.南方的,南部的seafood n.海鲜,海味

Now please listen to 1a carefully and find out the answers.


3. (快速阅读1a,完成小黑板上的表格。)

Area Eating habit

North America/Australia/Europe


Parts of India


Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间: 10分钟)


1. (朗读1a。从每组中找一两个学生根据表格内容复述1a,给予评价及鼓励。)

T: Please read 1a loudly for 3 minutes. Try to remember the facts. Then I’ll ask one or two students from each group to retell 1a according to the form.

2. (同伴互相讨论世界上不同地方的就餐习惯,完成1b。)

T: Talk about eating habits in different parts of the world according to 1a. Work in pairs after the example.


T: Can you tell me if people in the southern part of China eat rice?

S1: Yes, I think so.

T: D o you know if it is polite for people to use a spoon and chopsticks at the same time in Korea?

S1: No, I don’t think so.

3. (两人一组表演2的采访活动。完成2。)

T: Just now we learned different eating habits in different parts of the world. I think different people have different eating habits, too. Then suppose you were Beth, a journalist from CCTV, you will interview Tom, a boss of a restaurant. Please report the result to your partner according to the form in 2.

S3: …

S4: …


T: Good job!

Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间: 10分钟)


1. (复习本话题出现的炒饭/面条等的做法,导入新内容,指导学生完成3。)

T: We’ve learned how to cook fried rice and noodles. Now let’s learn how to cook chicken soup according to the pictures in 3. You must use first, next, then, after that, finally, etc.

S1: …

S2: …

T: Well done.

2. (做游戏“拷贝不走样”,完成4a和4b。)

T: Now you look tired. Let’s play a game. I’ll divide the class into eight groups, each row as a group. Every one in the first line is assigned a sentence in 4a and 4b to read and memorize.

Then he/she whispers it to the one in the second line. This will go on till the one in the last line. The one in the last line tells the sentence to the class and to be checked and judged by the teacher.


Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间: 9分钟)


1. (小组竞赛。组织学生用纸做一些帽子,并在每顶帽子上用英语注上一个学过的国家名称,如: Japan, China, Cuba等。然后将帽子上写有相同国家的学生分为一组,每组写出该国的特色食品,展示结果,进行比赛,教师参与评比。)

T: First, please prepare some paper hats with coun try’s names on them, such as“Japan, China, Cuba…”


T: Now, students who write the same country on your hats work in a group. Write down the special foods in your countries, and then show us the results.


S1: …

S2: …


T: Well done! / Good job!

2. (让一些学生表演吃饭的动作,其他学生猜这些行为是否礼貌。)

T: Now, I’ll ask a few students to act out some eating habits and the other students guess whether they are polite or not.


T: What’s he/she doing?

S3: He/She is using a spoon and chopsticks to eat.

T: Is it polite to do this during the dinner in Korea?

S4: It is not polite that he/she uses both of them at the same time in Korea.

3. Homework:


Make a survey about table manners in different parts of China.
