英文介绍紫禁城Forbidden City

英文介绍紫禁城Forbidden City
英文介绍紫禁城Forbidden City

Forbidden City Overview Served as the Chinese Imperial Palace from the mid- Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty. Location: Middle of Beijing, China The Complex consists of 800 buildings with 8,886 rooms. Largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world. The Palace Museum in the Forbidden City should not be confused with the National Palace Museum in Taipei. Names “the Forbidden City”=Zijing Cheng Manchu Language=Dabkūri dorgi hoton ZI = “purple” = Polar Star Jin = “forbidden” Cheng = walled city Today―Gugong = “Former Palace” Conception Zhu Di son of Hongwu Emperor named Prince of Yan with seat in Beijing 1402 Zhu Di usurped the throne and became Yongle Emperor Construction of the palace that would become Forbidden City began in 1406 Construction Fourteen Years 200,000 men Important Hall Pillars = whole logs of Phoebe zhennan wood. Grand terraces and large stone carvings = quarries near Beijing. Major Halls = “golden bricks” Soil excavated during construction used to create Jingshan Hill. Ming Dynasty Zhu Di moved to Beijing prior to completion of the palace under the name of “touring and hunting” 1420 = Palace Completed = Zhu Di moved to new palace. Nine Months after completion the three main halls including the throne room burnt down. 23 years passed before these buildings were rebuilt/ Ming Dynasty 1420 to 1644 April 1644, Li Zicheng captured Forbidden City. Chongzhen, the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty hung himself on Jingshan Hill. Li Zicheng proclaimed himself emperor of the Shun Dynasty. Qing Dynasty October the Manchus take the North Regent Dorgon proclaimed Qing Dynasty legitimate successor of Ming. Ceremony at the Forbidden City proclaimed the Shunzhi Emperor ruler of all China. Qing Dynasty Qing Dynasty maintained the Ming Dynasty scheme with a few changes. Changed name of the principal buildings Ming favored names meaning “supremacy” or “extremity” Qing preferred names meaning “peace” and “harmony” Huangji Dian vs. Taihe Dian All Signs and name plates were now bilingual Qing Dynasty Forbidden City center of power of Qing Dynasty as it rose and fell. 1860―Second Opium War = Anglo-French forces occupied the City until the end of the war. 1900―Empress Dowager Cixi fled the city during the Boxer Rebellion. Occupied by forces of the treaty powers until the next year. Qing Dynasty Forbidden City served 24 emperors 14 Ming Dynasty Emperors 10 Qing Dynasty Emperors 1912―Puyi, last emperor of China, adicated the throne and power over China to the Republic of China Puyi was required to remain within the palace. 1914―museum established in the outer court. After the Revolution 1923―Puyi announce an audit to determine if palace treasures were

being stolen. Fire destroyed evidence. 1924―Feng Yuxiang took control of Beiji ng and Puyi was removed from the Palace. October 10, 1925 the Palace Museum was established in the Forbidden City. People’s Republic 1949―People’s Republic of China proclaimed at Tiananmen. The Palace Museum continued to work to restore the palace and its collections, over the next two decades. Various proposals were made to raze or reconstruct the city to create public park, a transport interchange, or “place of entertainment.” People’s Republic Proposals all failed but: Throne in the Hall of Middle Harmony was dismantled Several name tablets removed from buildings and gardens Demolition of minor gates and structures. 1966―Hall of Worshipping Ancestors was modified and some artifacts destroyed due to cultural revolution. Today From 2005―a 16 year major res toration project will seek to repair and restore all of the Forbidden City to their original state prior to 1912 While great effort has been made to prevent the commercialization of the palace, a variety of commercial enterprises exist, such as souvenir shops and photography stands. Description Rectangular in shape, the Forbidden City is today the world's largest surviving palace complex. It measure 961 meters from north to south and 753 meters from east to west. The complex is surrounded by a six-meter deep, 52-meter wide moat, and an eight-meter high wall. Collections 340,000 pieces of ceramics and porcelain from several dynasties. The Palace Museum holds close to 50,000 items of paintings. Of the almost 10,000 pieces held, about 1600 are inscribed items from the pre-Qin period (to 221 BC). The Palace Museum has one of the largest collections of mechanical timepieces of the 18th and 19th centuries in the world, with more than 1000 pieces Collections Jade has a unique place in Chinese culture. The Museum's collection, mostly derived from the imperial collection, includes some 30,000 pieces. * Grounds cover 720,00 square metres.= Approximately 177.92 acres 1987 UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) declared the Forbi dden City a World Heritage Site as the “Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.” Both museums derive from the same institution but they were split after the Chinese Civil War. Literally translated “Purple Forbidden City.” Forbidden Palace Manchu=“l


世界各国著名景点名称 ?Asia 亚洲 ?The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山 ?Great Wall, China 中国长城 ?Forbidden City, Beijing, China 北京故宫 ?Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 ?Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 ?Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 ?Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 ?Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠 ?Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 ?Crocodile Farm, Thailand 泰国北榄鳄鱼湖 ?Pattaya Beach, Thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩 ?Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 ?Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂 ?Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 ?Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 ?Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 ?Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 ?Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠 ?Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 ?Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 ?Africa 非洲 ?Suez Canal, Egypt 埃及苏伊士运河 ?Aswan High Dam, Egypt 埃及阿斯旺水坝 ?Pyramids, Egypt 埃及金字塔 ?The Nile, Egypt 埃及尼罗河 ?Nairobi National Park, Kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园?Cape of Good Hope, South Africa 南非好望角


Guangzhou is located in the center of Guangdong province. She is not only the capital of Guangdong, but also the central city with strong attraction and influence in South China. She has jurisdiction over 10 districts and 2 county-grade cities. They are Yuexiu, Haizhu, Liwan, Tianhe, Baiyun, Huangpu, Huadu, Panyu, Luogang, Nansha Districts, and Conghua, Zengcheng Cities. Guangzhou covers an area of 7434.4 km2 and has a total population of some 10,000,000. Affected by the subtropical marine monsoon climate, Guangzhou is green and has flowers all the year around, and is known as “the Flower City”. Guangzhou is one of the first 24 national historic cultural cities of China. She has a history of over 2200 years, and is the cradle of the South Five Ridge Culture. There is a folklore about Guangzhou’s another name, “Goat City” and “Spike City”. Long long ago, five immortals, riding five goats holding spikes in their mouth, arrived in Guangzhou and presented the spikes to the people. They also wished the people no more famine. And then the five goats became five goat-shaped stones. Guangzhou was known as one of the starts of the ancient Marine Silk Road of China and one of the sources of modern China revolution. Now she has become the frontline of the reform and opening-up of China. She has been making brilliant achievements in developing economy and improving urban aspects. Guangzhou, one of the important ports of foreign trade and financial centers, has become the focus of foreign


一、过年由来- - 中国古时侯有一种叫”年”的怪兽,头长尖角,凶猛异常,”年”兽长年深居海底,每到除夕,爬上岸来吞食牲畜伤害人命,因此每到除夕,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼,逃往深山,以躲避”年”的伤害.今年的除夕,乡亲们都忙着收拾东西逃往深山,这时候村东头来了一个白发老人对一户老婆婆说只要让他在她家住一晚,他定能将”年”兽驱走.众人不信,老婆婆劝其还是上山躲避的好,老人坚持留下,众人见劝他不住,便纷纷上山躲避去了.当”年”兽象往年一样准备闯进村肆虐的时候,突然传来白发老人燃响的爆竹声,”年”兽混身颤栗,再也不敢向前凑了,原来”年”兽最怕红色,火光和炸响.这时大门大开,只见院内一位身披红袍的老人哈哈大笑,”年”兽大惊失色,仓惶而逃。第二天,当人们从深山回到村里时,发现村里安然无恙,这才恍然大悟,原来白发老人是帮助大家驱逐”年”兽的神仙,人们同时还发现了白发老人驱逐”年”兽的三件法宝.从此,每年的除夕,家家都贴红对联,燃放爆竹,户户灯火通明,守更待岁.这风俗越传越广,成了中国民间最隆重的传统节日”过年”. 土家族民间体育活动之一--舞龙灯 二、舞龙灯的意义 舞龙灯,是中华民族的传统文化活动,各民族都有舞龙灯的习俗,传说,土家族在很早以前没有舞龙习惯。有一年,久旱不雨,禾苗枯黄,溪河断流,来了一位能算天气晴雨阴旱、人间祸福的鬼谷先生,对土家人说:“大家不要愁,今天午后未时排云,戌时下雨,城内下三分,城外下七分”。他这话,被治水的金勾老龙听到后心想,凡间有如此能人还要我管什么水?!顿生嫉妒,便赌气将玉皇大帝命他在城内城外的下雨量倒改过来分。结果,倾盆大雨,水淹城内,房屋倒塌,淹死了许多人这事被当坊土地向玉皇大帝启奏后,玉皇大帝把金勾老龙打入天牢,七天后斩首示众。观音菩萨知道此事向玉皇大帝求情保救老龙。没待观音开口,玉皇大帝就放阴剑把金勾老龙斩成九节。此后,鬼谷先生又来对土家人说:“老龙被斩,是和我赌气而丧命,但他对民间做了不少好事,他死了,你们要为他烧点香纸。”于是,土家人就制作九节金龙,到各村寨起舞,叫人们敬奉,求老龙保佑风调雨顺,五谷丰登。久之,舞龙亦成为土家族的传统习俗。但是,土家舞龙,在城镇是舞全国各地大同小异的布扎龙,在土家山寨舞龙与各地有别,其自成特色。 三、清明节的由来 我国传统的清明节大约始于周代,已有二千五百多年的历史。清明最开始是一个很重要的节气,清明一到,气温升高,正是春耕春种的大好时节,故有“清明前后,种瓜种豆”。“植树造林,莫过清明”的农谚。后来,由于清明与寒食的日子接近,而寒食是民间禁火扫墓的日子,渐渐的,寒食与清明就合二为一了,而寒食既成为清明的别称,也变成为清明时节的一个习俗,清明之日不动烟火,只吃凉的食品。 关于寒食,有这样一个传说: 相传春秋战国时代,晋献公的妃子骊姬为了让自己的儿子奚齐继位,就设毒


Asia 亚洲 The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山 Great Wall, China 中国长城 Forbidden City, Beijing, China 北京故宫 Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠 Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 Crocodile Farm, Thailand 泰国北榄鳄鱼湖 Pattaya Beach, Thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩 Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠 Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 Africa 非洲 Suez Canal, Egypt 埃及苏伊士运河 Aswan High Dam, Egypt 埃及阿斯旺水坝 Pyramids, Egypt 埃及金字塔 The Nile, Egypt 埃及尼罗河 Nairobi National Park, Kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园


范文最新推荐 陈家祠导游词 陈氏书院,俗称陈家祠,位于广州市中山七路。陈家祠是广东现存祠堂中最富有广东特色的艺术建筑群,布局严整,装饰精巧,富丽堂皇,是全国文物重点保护单位。下面是关于陈家祠的导游词,欢迎大家阅读! 陈家祠导游词 (在去陈家祠的车上)各位团友: 在广州的游览一定使大家感触很深,这会儿,也许有人还在惊叹中山纪念堂独特的建筑;回味五羊城美丽的传说;追思黄花岗72烈士的英灵;沉浸于光孝佛社虔诚的境界中。现在,我将领各位到一座誉为岭南建筑艺术明珠的地方--陈家祠。 陈家祠,又叫陈氏书院,现为广东民间工艺博物馆。从前面两个名称来看,显然是祠堂和学堂,且与陈姓有关。中国百家姓中,张姓和李姓是大户,而在100多年前的广东,陈姓则独占鳌头了。原因大致有三:一是人多。当时广东72个县中都分布有姓陈的人家,数陈姓人数最多。二是有钱。陈家人聪明能干,会做生意发大财的多,因而成了富有家族。三是能做官。在过去,有钱的就能读书,读书便可做官。相传清未就有一位名收陈伯陶的陈家子弟,殿试时中了探花(即现在所说的第三名),被皇上封为翰林学士。这一显赫的功名,使陈氏家族名声大振。正因陈姓人,家大、财(材)大、业大,才有能力集资一千大洋 1 / 31

修建了这座祠堂(书院)。修建祠堂,一方面用来祭祖,勉励陈氏后代发扬和继承祖先的业绩,以昌盛陈家大业;另一方面用于培养陈家子弟,希望他们发奋读书,像陈伯陶那样中秀才,考举人,做大官,所以陈家祠又叫陈氏书院。 为什么现在称广东民间工艺博物馆?这个问题我想还是留给各位团友参观陈家祠之后再来回答。不过,我可以给大家一个提示:这个名称主要与陈家祠的七种建筑装饰工艺有关。至底是哪7种?我先卖个关子,谁在参观的过程中能归纳出来,谁就能回答这个问题,也就不枉此行了。(这里导游员采用留下悬念的导游手法,引起游客对这项内容的注意)各位,陈家祠到了,请带上自己的贵重物品随我下车,让我们一起欣赏这座已有100年历史的中华建筑精品。 (在陈家祠大门外) 各位团友,这就是陈家祠。它始建于1890年,1894年落成,现主体建筑面积有6400平方米,是中国传统的四合院建筑结构。所不同的是它是由几个大型的四合院将大小19座建筑联为一体,形成以中轴为主线,东西配殿,外设厢房的这种严谨对称的布局,具有浓郁的南方祠堂和书院的鲜明特点。我们一般深三进、广五间、九堂六院为概括陈家祠的整体建筑。所谓进是指建筑的深度。在陈家祠内有3排各80米长的大殿,高大宽畅、气宇轩昂,每一排大殿为一进,故称三进。间是古人用来测量建筑面积的单位,广五间,表示有5间的宽度。至于九堂六院也就不言而喻了。它是我们广东目前现存宗祠建筑中规模最大,民间建筑装饰工艺最完美,最富有代表性的一个艺术建筑群。它以布局严谨、气势雄伟、装饰精巧、堂皇富丽而著称,倾


如何用英文介绍中国传统文化 春节文化 In the old days, New Year's money was given in the form of one hundred copper coins strung together on a red string and symbolized the hope that one would live to be a hundred years old. Today, money is placed inside red envelopes in denominations considered auspicious and given to represent luck and wealth。 辞旧岁:bid farewell to the old year 扫房:spring cleaning; general house-cleaning 新春佳节 1.传统中国节日:traditional Chinese festival 2.农历:lunar calendar 3.腊八节:Laba Festival 4.小年:Little New Year 5.除夕:Lunar New Year's Eve 6.春节:the Spring Festival 7.正月初一:Lunar New Year's Day 8.元宵节:the Lantern Festival 9.正月:the first month of the lunar year 10.二月二:Dragon Heads-raising Day 传统习俗 11.喝腊八粥:eat Laba porridge 12.扫尘:sweep the dust 13.扫房:spring cleaning 14.祭灶:offer sacrifices to the God of Kitchen 15.守岁:stay up 16.拜年:pay a New Year's call 17.祭祖:offer sacrifices to one's ancestors 18.祭财神:worship the God of Wealth 19.春联:Spring Festival couplets 20.贴倒福:paste the Chinese character "Fu" upside down 21.去晦气:get rid of the ill-fortune 22.辞旧岁:bid farewell to the old year 23.兆头:omen 24.禁忌:taboo 25.烧香:burn incense 阖家团圆


世界各国著名景点名称 Asia 亚洲 The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山 Great Wall, China 中国长城 Forbidden City, Beijing, China 北京故宫 Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 Crocodile Farm, Thailand 泰国北榄鳄鱼湖 Pattaya Beach, Thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 Africa 非洲 Suez Canal, Egypt 埃及苏伊士运河 Aswan High Dam, Egypt 埃及阿斯旺水坝Pyramids, Egypt 埃及金字塔 The Nile, Egypt 埃及尼罗河 Nairobi National Park, Kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园 Cape of Good Hope, South Africa 南非好望角Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠


广州景点英文 陈家祠(陈氏书院)Ancestral Temple of the Chen Family(Chen Clan Academy Temple) 六榕寺Six Banyan Temple 黄花岗烈士陵园Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs 镇海楼The Zhenhai Tower 越秀公园Yuexiu Park 五羊雕像The Five—Ram Sculpture 中山纪念堂The Memorial HalI of Dr.Sun Yat-sen 西汉南越王墓The Tomb of Western Han Nanyue King 三元宫Sanyuan Palace 越王井The Yuewang Well 兰圃Lanpu Park 流花湖Liuhua Lake 五仙观Wuxian Temple 光孝寺Guangxiao Temple 怀圣寺Huaisheng Mosque 北京路Beijing Road 陈家祠Chen Clan Academy Temple 上下九步行街Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street 华林寺Hualin Temple 华林玉器街Hualin Jadeware Street 荔湾博物馆The Liwan Museum 白云山Baiyun Mountain 云台花园Yuntai Garden 广州雕塑公园Guangzhou Sculpture Park 广州体育馆The Guangzhou Gymnasium 三元里人民抗英斗争博物馆The Sanyuanli Anti—British Invasion Museum 华南植物园South China Botanical Garden 农民运动讲习所The Former Site of the National Peasant Movement Institution 广东省博物馆The Guangdong Provincial Museum 广州动物园Guangzhou Zoological Garden 广州海洋世界Guangzhou Ocean World 火车东站瀑布The East Railway Station Waterfall 中信广场Zhongxin Plaza 天河体育中心The Tianhe Sports Center 天河购书中心The Tianhe Book Center 天河公园Tianhe Park 广州奥林匹克运动中心The Guangzhou Olympic Stadium 黄埔军校旧址The Whampoa Military Academy 南海神庙Nanhai God Temple 莲花山Lianhua Mountain


全国名胜景点名称翻译xxFairy Cave 黄果树瀑布Huangguoshu Falls 西山晴雪the Sunny Western Hills after Snow 龙门石窟Longmen Stone Cave xxSuzhou Gardens xxLushan Mountain xxHeaven Pool 蓬莱水城Penglai Water City 大雁塔Big Wild Goose Pagoda xxHuashan Mountain 峨嵋山Emei Mountain xxStone Forest 白云山White Cloud Mountain xxPotala Palace 大运河Grand Canal xxDianchi Lake xx草堂Du Fu Cottage xxDujiang Dam 鼓浪屿Gulangyu Islet 观音阁Goddess of Mercy Pavilion

归元寺Guiyuan Buddhist Temple 甘露寺Sweet Dew Temple 黄花岗七十二烈士墓Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs 华清池Huaqing Hot Spring 昭君墓Zhaojun's Tomb 毛泽东故居Mao Zedong's former Residence 周恩来故居Zhou Enlai's former Residence xx公园Yuexiu Park xxYueyang Tower 南湖公园South Lake Park xxZhongshan Park 武侯祠Temple of Marquis xxLijiang River xxHanshan Temple 静心斋Heart-East Study 黄鹤楼Yellow Crane Tower 黄山Huangshan Mountain 天下第一关the First Pass Under Heaven 桂林山水Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters 秦始皇兵马俑Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figurines

著名景点英语翻译 世界 中国 南京

Asia 亚洲 Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠 Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 Africa 非洲 Suez Canal, Egypt 埃及苏伊士运河 Aswan High Dam, Egypt 埃及阿斯旺水坝 Pyramids, Egypt 埃及金字塔 The Nile, Egypt 埃及尼罗河 Nairobi National Park, Kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园 Cape of Good Hope, South Africa 南非好望角 Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠 Oceania 大洋洲 Great Barrier Reef, Australia 澳大利亚大堡礁 Sydney Opera House, Australia 澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院 Ayers Rock, Australia 澳大利亚艾尔斯巨石 Mount Cook, New Zealand 新西兰库克山 Europe 欧洲 Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂Notre Dame de Paris, France 法国巴黎圣母院 Effiel Tower, France 法国艾菲尔铁塔 Arch of Triumph, France 法国凯旋门 Elysee Palace, France 法国爱丽舍宫 Louvre, France 法国卢浮宫 Kolner Dom, Koln, Germany 德国科隆大教堂 Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy 意大利比萨斜塔 Colosseum in Rome, Italy 意大利古罗马圆形剧场


在去陈家祠的车上)各位团友: 在广州的游览一定使大家感触很深,这会儿,也许有人还在惊叹中山纪念堂独特的建筑;回味五羊城美丽的传说;追思黄花岗72烈士的英灵;沉浸于光孝佛社虔诚的境界中。现在,我将领各位到一座誉为岭南建筑艺术明珠的地方--陈家祠。 陈家祠,又叫陈氏书院,现为广东民间工艺博物馆。从前面两个名称来看,显然是祠堂和学堂,且与陈姓有关。中国百家姓中,“张”姓和“李”姓是大户,而在100多年前的广东,“陈”姓则独占鳌头了。原因大致有三:一是人多。当时广东72个县中都分布有姓陈的人家,数陈姓人数最多。二是有钱。陈家人聪明能干,会做生意发大财的多,因而成了富有家族。三是能做官。在过去,有钱的就能读书,读书便可做官。相传清未就有一位名收陈伯陶的陈家子弟,殿试时中了探花(即现在所说的第三名),被皇上封为翰林学士。这一显赫的功名,使陈氏家族名声大振。正因陈姓人,家大、财(材)大、业大,才有能力集资一千大洋修建了这座祠堂(书院)。修建祠堂,一方面用来祭祖,勉励陈氏后代发扬和继承祖先的业绩,以昌盛陈家大业;另一方面用于培养陈家子弟,希望他们发奋读书,像陈伯陶那样中秀才,考举人,做大官,所以陈家祠又叫陈氏书院。 为什么现在称“广东民间工艺博物馆”?这个问题我想还是留给各位团友参观陈家祠之后再来回答。不过,我可以给大家一个提示:这个名称主要与陈家祠的七种建筑装饰工艺有关。至底是哪7种?我先卖个“关子”,谁在参观的过程中能归纳出来,谁就能回答这个问题,也就不枉此行了。(这里导游员采用“留下悬念”的导游手法,引起游客对这项内容的注意) 各位,陈家祠到了,请带上自己的贵重物品随我下车,让我们一起欣赏这座已有100年历史的中华建筑精品。 (在陈家祠大门外) 各位团友,这就是陈家祠。它始建于1890年,1894年落成,现主体建筑面积有6400平方米,是中国传统的四合院建筑结构。所不同的是它是由几个大型的四合院将大小19座建筑联为一体,形成以中轴为主线,东西配殿,外设厢房的这种严谨对称的布局,具有浓郁的南方祠堂和书院的鲜明特点。我们一般“深三进、广五间、九堂六院”为概括陈家祠的整体建筑。所谓“进”是指建筑的深度。在陈家祠内有3排各80米长的大殿,高大宽畅、气宇轩昂,每一排大殿为一“进”,故称“三进”。“间”是古人用来测量建筑面积的单位,“广五间”,表示有5间的宽度。至于“九堂六院”也就不言而喻了。它是我们广东目前现存宗祠建筑中规模最大,民间建筑装饰工艺最完美,最富有代表性的一个艺术建筑群。它以布局严谨、气势雄伟、装饰精巧、堂皇富丽而著称,倾倒许多来自世界各地的游人。我国现代杰出的作家诗人郭沫若先生在当年参观陈家祠赞叹道:“天工人可代,人工天不如,果然造世界,胜读十年书。”陈家祠的建筑装饰艺术之精美跃然纸上,现在让我们一起来看看它美在何处,精在何方? 我们还是从门外说起。你们看,在大门两边的青砖墙上分别有一副大型人物砖雕,它们表现的是两上故事的场面:一是中国古典小说:《水浒传》中的梁山聚义,另一个是历史故事“刘庆伏狼驹”。(将客人带到“刘庆伏狼驹”的砖雕前)这幅砖雕刻画了刘庆降伏了一匹烈马的生动场面。刘庆是宋朝的一名大将,当时边邻的西夏国对宋朝虎视眈眈,以驯服烈马为借口进行战争挑衅衅。刘庆大将挺身而出,以他的智慧和勇气,降伏了这匹烈马,避免了一场战争的发生。(指砖雕画)那双手握拳威风凛凛的就是刘庆大将,被降伏的烈马四脚朝天躺在地上,旁边还有许多围观的将士。整幅画面采用多层次的雕刻,形成强烈的立体感。以圆雕、浮雕、减地结合镂空雕刻手法,使画面生动规整,以“挂线砖雕”的深刻技法,使每一根线条纤细如丝,40多位人物逼真传神,栩栩如生。再配上左右两边的砖雕壁画:“百


广州塔英语导游词 【篇一:广州塔导游词】 广州塔导游词 各位游客,大家早上好,我是今天带大家的导游,我姓谢。 现在请大家抬头看看,这就是我们今天要游览的广州塔了。 作为广州的标志性建筑,广州塔 (广州塔) 位于海珠区,在南岸的珠江,陈维岛屿面临向北。与 1,968 英尺 (600 米) 的高度,这是最高 的电视塔,在中国,第三个世界最高。塔一直是广州必看的风景名胜。从山顶上,你们可以鸟瞰整个城市。 广州塔可以分为五个区根据高度,即区 e、 d、 c、 b a.游客可以体 验不同的乐趣,在塔里面。 e 区 e,包括天线,区从 1 开始,233 英尺 (376 米)。它包含最优秀集合 内塔的娱乐项目。488 瞭望,根据吉尼斯世界纪录,最高的室外观景台位于顶部 1,601 英尺 (488 米)。游客有广州市的全景。它是一个 精彩的网站,用于摄影狂热者赶上日出,月光下,满天星斗的天空,和城市全景的喘不过气来的时刻。 天空降 100 英尺自由落体,开始在 1,591 英尺 (485 米),是最高的 世界的心跳停止垂直自由落体。如果你想要的激动人心的体验,它 提供了两种风格: 传统坐下降和站掉自由落体。你可以有机会摆脱你 的压力、焦虑和无聊。 泡沫电车是游客最受欢迎的活动之一。有轨电车已围绕塔 16 水晶观光小木屋。它的转速在1,492 英尺(455 米) 处的塔主要体顶部附近。以其辉煌的城市全景视图,泡沫电车被认为是一个浪漫的地方,为 使求婚。 在第 109 和 110 层是工程奇迹之旅大厅,可以保护广州塔从飓风和 地震。广州塔第 108 和第 107 层分别位于星观景台,观景台云。星 级观景台是最高的地方,室内观光。游客可以享受蓝天、白云和星 夜与世界在他们脚下。还有一个空间邮局在哪里,你可以买纪念品 或明信片发送给您的朋友或家人。 d 区 从 1,095 到 1,165 英尺 (334-355 米) 的身高,d 区有蜘蛛行走,世 界最长的螺旋楼梯。有 1,096 楼梯攀爬塔的周围从 551 脚到 1,095 英尺 (168-334 米) 高。整个走廊是约 1,093 码 (1000 米) 长。游客可


常见国家名、首都亚洲/ Asia 国家country 首都/城市 阿富汗 Afghanistan 喀布尔 Kabul 孟加拉国 Bangladesh 缅甸 Burma 仰光 Rangoon 柬埔寨 Cambodia 金边 Phnom Penh 中国 China 北京 Beijing/香港 Hong Kong/ 台湾 Taiwan/澳门 Macau 印度 India 新德里 New Delhi 印度尼西亚 Indonesia 雅加达 Jakarta 日本 Japan 东京 Tokyo 老挝 Laos 万象 Vientiane 马来西亚 Malaysia 吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur 马尔代夫 Maldives 蒙古 Mongolia 尼泊尔 Nepal 朝鲜 North Korea 巴基斯坦 Pakistan 伊斯兰堡 Islamabad 菲律宾 Philippines 马尼拉 Manila 新加坡 Singapore 新加坡 Singapore 韩国 South Korea 汉城 Seoul

斯里兰卡 Sri Lanka 科伦坡 Colombo 泰国 Thailand 曼谷 土耳其 Turkey 安卡拉 Ankara 越南 Vietnam 河内 Hanoi 巴勒斯坦 Palestine 欧洲 / Europe 国家(coutry) 首都名称 阿尔巴尼亚 Albania 地拉那 Tirana 奥地利 Austria 维也纳 Vienna 比利时 Belgium 布鲁塞尔 Brussels 塞浦路斯 Cyprus 尼克西亚 Nicosia 丹麦 Denmark 哥本哈根 Copenhagen 芬兰 Finland 赫尔辛基 Helsinki 法国 France 巴黎 Paris 德国 Germany 柏林 Berlin 希腊 Greece 雅典 Athens 匈牙利 Hungary 布达佩斯 Budapest 冰岛 Iceland 爱尔兰 Ireland 都柏林 Dublin 意大利 Italy 罗马 Rome 卢森堡 Luxembourg 卢森堡 Luxembourg


10篇传统文化英语作文背起来 1 假定你是李华,是某高中的一名学生。为了让更多的人了解中国优秀的传统文化,你校近日将举办中国传统文化展(The Traditional Chinese Culture Fair)。请给你的外教Mr. Smith写一封电子邮件,邀请他参加。邮件的内容包括: (1)展会时间和地点:本周五下午2:00--5:00,本校艺术中心; (2)展会宗旨:让更多的人了解中国优秀的传统文化; (3)展出内容:相关书籍、图片、实物等: 注意:(1)词数100左右;(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Mr. Smith, I'm writing to invite you to the Traditional Chinese Cultural Fair to be held by our school at the Art Center this Friday afternoon, from 2pm to 5pm. Since this event aims to help more people learn about the traditional Chinese culture, the staff, all the students and their parents as well as anyone interested in it are welcome. At the Fair, related books, pictures, videos and objects will be exhibited, through which visitors will not only understand traditional Chinese culture better but also definitely feel the unique beauty of it. If you're interested, please come and enjoy it. And I'd be glad to offer any help. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua 2 假定你是李华。最近China Daily就“如何看待中国传统文化”面向社会征稿。请你用英语给编辑写一封信,谈谈你自己的想法。要点如下:? (1)表明自己的立场(传统文化应该得到保护和传承); (2)给出你的理由;(3)呼吁社会共同参与。 注意:(1)词数100左右;(2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;(3)开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:传承inherit 【优秀满分范文】 Dear editor, I'm writing to you to talk about my opinions about traditional Chinese culture.?I think it's necessary for us to protect and inherit it. Here are some reasons. Firstly,?as one of the ancient civilizations in the world,?the traditional Chinese culture is the foundation of the development of our country,?and it can provide spiritual motivation for Chinese economy. Secondly,?it includes many inspiring and shocking events,?through which we can learn some useful things to make our country develop more quickly. Last but not least,?it is an important part of Chinese history,?and inheriting it may make us stronger and benefit our growth. I hope Chinese government and citizens join in the campaign of protecting and inheriting traditional Chinese culture. We should make contributions and efforts to carry it forward.? ? ? Yours, Li Hua 3 假如你是李华,你校将举办中学生文化艺术节,请给你的英国朋友Peter写信,邀请他参加这次艺术节并请他表演一个节目。信的内容包括:? (1)演出地点、时间及参加人员;? (2)介绍艺术节主题:弘扬传统文化,促进文化交流.? 注意:(1)词数100左右?;(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:中学生文化艺术节the?Middle?School?Art?Festival??承办?host??弘扬?carry?forward? 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Peter, How is everything going? I'm honored and happy, hearing you are a fan of traditional Chinese Art and Culture.?Here comes a piece of good news appealing to you. The Middle School Art Festival hosted by our school is drawing near.? The festival is to carry forward traditional culture and promote cultural exchange. And it provides audience with a stage where they can sample different forms of traditional Chinese and foreign culture while putting on performance. Next Friday,on the 30th of June, the festival will be held in the Shiyu Building. All of us students will take part in it. I sincerely hope that you can join us in our performance. By the way, it will be nicer of you to show us something from your country, since it will satisfy our curiosity about Britain. All of us will feel graced with the presence of you and your family. Yours, Li Hua 4 假如你是新华中学的学生会主席李华,你校学生会应英国Westminster School邀请,下星期将到该校进行交流访问,向该校学生介绍中国传统文化。请你给该校联系人Mr. Smith写一封邮件,信的要点如下:? (1)感谢对方的邀请;


第1位—美国大峡谷-TheGrandCanyon 美国大峡谷是一个举世闻名的自然奇观,位于西部亚利桑那州西北部的凯巴布高原上,总面积2724.7平方公里。由于科罗拉多河穿流其中,故又名科罗拉多大峡谷,它是联合国教科文组织选为受保护的天然遗产之一。 第2位—澳大利亚的大堡礁—GreatBarrierReef

世界上有一个最大最长的珊瑚礁群,它就是有名的大堡礁—GreatBarrierReefo它纵贯蜿蜒于澳洲的东海岸,全长2011公里,最宽处161公里。南端最远离海岸241公里,北端离海岸仅16公里。在落潮时,部分的珊瑚礁露出水面形成珊瑚岛。 第3位—美国佛罗里达州—Flori—dl 佛罗里达风景最亮丽的棕榈海滩是全球著名的旅游天堂之一,适宜的气候、美丽的海滩、精美的饮食、艺术展览和文艺演出,即使是最挑剔的游客,在棕榈海滩也能满意而归。每年的四月,棕榈海滩的艺术活

动是最丰富多彩的,包括各种海滩工艺品展览,其中于4月4日启动的棕榈海滩爵士节以展示美国最杰出的爵士音乐而赢得了艺术爱好者的青睐。 第4位—新西兰的南岛-Soutls—land 新西兰位于南太平洋,西隔塔斯曼海与澳大利亚相望,西距澳大利亚1600公里,东邻汤加、斐济国土面积为二十七万平方公里,海岸线长6900千米,海岸线上有许多美丽的海滩。 第5位—好望角一CapeTown

好望角为太平洋与印度洋冷暖流水的分界,气象万变,景象奇妙,耸立于大海,更有高逾二干尺的达卡马峰,危崖峭壁,卷浪飞溅,令人眼界大开。 第6位—金庙-GoldenTemple 金庙位于印度边境城市阿姆利则。作为锡克教的圣地,阿姆利则意为“花蜜池塘”。金庙由锡克教第5


广州高端一日游攻略 1、西汉南越王博物馆(游览时间:约1h) Nanyue King Museum 2000 years ago,西汉南越国国王赵眜之墓,是岭南地区所发现的规模最大的唯一汉代彩绘石室墓。主要介绍金缕玉衣、帝印玉玺 Nanyue King Museum was set up at the site of the tomb of a Nanyue King, Zhao Mo by name in Western Han Dynasty, which is 2000 years ago in 137BC. It is constructed with 750 blocks of red sandstones, with 7 chambers in all. This tomb is the most important Han Tomb so far discovered in South China – its size is the largest, the political and social status of its occupant is the highest and the number of historical relics unearthed is the greatest – and so is considered as one of the 5 major archaeological(考古学)finds in modern China. Articles unearthed from the tomb:gold seal inscribed with the words “The Seal of Emperor Wen” (金质的帝印玉玺)is the most precious because it’s the first emperor’s seal so far discovered in China’s archaeological excavations. Jade articles(玉器)unearthed from the tomb include a jade garment sewn with silk threads(丝缕玉衣) Bronze articles(青铜器)daily utensils (日常器皿) represent technological level of metal-casting of the Nanyue Kingdom but also serve as an evidence for the history of the founding of the city of Guangzhou musical instrument 乐器Weapons 兵器Jars 缸 2、百年老店泮溪酒家点心宴(游览时间:约1.5h) 泮溪酒家坐落五羊城西,相连风光旖旎的荔湾湖公园。这里是1000多年前五代十国时代南汉王刘长的御花园“昌华苑”的故地,也是昔日的“白荷红荔、五秀飘香”的“荔枝湾”。
