

00. 术语元数据(Metadata Terminology)

z公共数据仓库模型CWM? (Common Warehouse Metamodel)

The Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM?) is a specification that describes metadata interchange among data warehousing, business intelligence, knowledge management and portal technologies. The Pentaho metadata model is in compliance with the CWM? specification. For more information, please

see the CWM? Resource Page.

公共数据仓库模型是一种规范标准,限定了数据仓库、商业智能、知识管理、端口(portal)技术之间交换的元数据的格式。Pentaho元数据模型符合公共数据仓库模型标准,需要更多信息,请参照CWM? Resource Page.


A metadata Domain is a Pentaho term representing all of the business objects created, stored and used in the metadata layer. A domain may consist of one or more connections, one or more models, security information, business tables, business views, categories, columns and concepts. You can create and save multiple Pentaho metadata domains using the Pentaho Metadata Editor.

A metadata domain is accessed by a Pentaho BI server by exporting (or publishing) the domain to a file named metadata.xmi, and placing the file in the Pentaho solutions repository at the root of a

solution's directory structure.


Pentaho BI服务器通过一个metadata.xmi文件访问一个元数据域,这个元数据域文件被放在pentaho solutions 资源库的根目录。


A Connection represents one database's connection information, and acts as the parent in the hierarchy for all physical tables and physical columns that are defined for that database. Pentaho metadata models can connect to most common relational databases using JDBC.

连接表示了和数据库的连接信息,处在数据库中所有实体表、实体列的最上层。Pentaho 元数据模型能够通过jdbc和几乎所有的关系数据库相连。

z实体表(Physical Table)

A Physical Table is an object that represents table information mapped directly to a table from your database (or connection).


z实体列(Physical Column)

A Physical Column is an object that represents column information mapped directly to a column from a table in your database (or connection).


z业务模型(Business Model)

A Business Model contains all of the logical, abstract business objects and relationships that model your physical database objects in such a way that underlying changes to the physical database objects have minimal impact on your business, your business intelligence application, and your end users. There can be multiple business models in a single domain. A business model currently supports just one database connection, and consists of business tables, relationships, and a single business view.


z业务表(Business Table)

A Business Table is the logical representation of a physical table. This is the layer in the model that insulates your applications and users from database changes. The business table models your physical table, so changes to the database only require changes to this layer in the metadata model, and NOT to the hundreds of reports, dashboards, transformations, etc. your users have created against this



z业务列(Business Column)

A Business Column is the logical representation of a physical column. See Business Table for

further description.

Note that a business column can have a business table as its parent, or a business category as its parent. They represent the same physical column regardless of which type of parent they have, but serve different purposes. A business column as child of a business table is modeling the physical column, and plays a part in describing the relationships between the business tables (think primary / foreign key relationships). A business column as a child of a business category is representing a column for applications and users to consume, and as such may have a richer set of properties.



z业务关系(Business Relationship)

A Business Relationship describes a relationship between two tables. This means determining

key column matches between two tables, as well as the 1:1, 1:N, N:N relationship.

Business relationships need to be defined for all modeled tables that have such relationships.

业务关系描述两个表之间的关系,这意味着关键键值列在两表之间匹配,如1:1, 1:N, N:N关系,对所有有这种关系的模型表业务关系都需要定义。

z业务类(Business Category)

A Business Category is a bucket to hold a logical grouping of business columns. Note that the business columns added to a particular business category can come from multiple, different business tables. A business category does not have any relationship to the business tables defined in the model, even though you can create a business category from a business table (a convenience feature). Business categories are independent, relatively featureless buckets used primarily for organizing your business columns in a fashion that is more intuitive to your users.


z业务视图(Business View)

The Business View is a collection of business categories that represents the "view" of your model, typically consumed by your end users. Each model can have one and only one business view. Business views are made up of a logically (logically relevant to your organization or end-users) organized

business categories and business columns.


z属性Property (Properties)

A Property represents a metadata attribute that will help richly describe your data. A "property" has an identifier (a key into a map actually) and a value. An example property might be "font" (the identifier),

with a value of "Arial" (the value).

属性表示你将详细描述的元数据的特征。一个属性有一个标识(实际是map 的键)和一个值。举个例子,“font”是表示,它的值是“arial”


A concept is a collection of properties. A "property" has an identifier (a key into a map actually) and a value. This collection of properties is the map of attributes that you wish to apply to a particular business object, such as a business column or business table. The concept IS the metadata you define

for your business objects.

Each business object (physical table, business table, columns, etc.) has its own concept whose properties override all other studio:inherited or studio:parented concepts.

A business object may or may not have an studio:inherited concept, depending on the object and its level in the model hierarchy. For more details about about the model hierarchy and inheritance, review

the metadata business model overview.

Concepts can also be defined independent of any business object, and can be structured in an inheritance hierarchy for better organization and management of your metadata. These independent concepts can then be applied to one or more business objects as a studio:parent concept.



一个业务对象可以有一个、或者没有继承概念,主要依靠这个对象和它处的模型层次,更多细节,参阅模型的继承和层次。回顾参阅metadata business model overview.


z父概念(Parent Concept)

A Parent Concept is an independently defined, reusable concept that you can apply to a business object. While each business object has its own collection of properties, you can use a parent concept to add a pre-defined additional set of properties to the business object. If there is any overlap in properties between the parent concept and the business object's own concept, the business object's own concept

will be used first.


z继承概念(Inherited Concept)

An Inherited Concept is a collection of properties that a business object will be assigned from a related business object. For instance, a business column is related to a physical column, so a business column

will inherit any and all concept properties from the physical column. For more details about about the model hierarchy and inheritance, review the metadata model overview.



细节参阅模型层次和继承,回顾参阅metadata model overview.

01. 元数据业务模型概述( Metadata

Business Model Overview )

z Introduction

Pentaho Metadata Editor (PME) is a tool that builds Pentaho metadata domains and models. A Pentaho metadata model maps the physical structure of your database into a logical business model.

These mappings are stored in a centralized metadata repository and allow administrators to:

?create business-language definitions for complex or cryptic database tables

?decrease the cost and impact associated with low level database changes

?set security parameters limiting user's report access to data

?drive formatting on text, date and numeric data improving report maintenance

?localize the information depending on the user's regional settings.

The metadata business model is actually one major component in a Pentaho metadata domain. The domain encapsulates both the physical descriptions of your database objects and the logical model (the business model), the abstract representation of the database. The purpose of this page is to give

a Pentaho metadata consumer a good idea of the relationships involved throughout a Pentaho domain,

in order to fully leverage the power of the business models.

The following diagram depicts the business objects and relationships within the Pentaho metadata


In this diagram, both the relationship arrows in the legend as well as the color of the business objects

are significant.

Each independent business object has its own color; thus, connections, physical tables, business tables, physical columns, business columns and categories are the main business objects in a Pentaho domain. The two types of relationships depicted in the diagram are key to understanding Pentaho metadata.

The "inherits from" relationship is a relationship between two different business objects where one will inherit metadata from the other, with the ability to override any of the inherited metadata properties.

An example of this is that a business table inherits metadata from its associated physical table.

The second relationship, the "same object" relationship, is one where the two business objects are actually one and the same, just represented in a different organization or duplicated for usability. This is the relationship between business columns in the Abstract Business Layer, and business columns in

the Business View.

Pentaho元数据编辑器是构建pentaho元数据域和模型的工具。一个pentaho 元数据模型是你的数据库实体结构映射的逻辑业务模型。这些映射被集中存储在元数据资源库,允许管理员作如下事情:













z The Physical Layer

The Physical Layer of a Pentaho domain encompasses connections, physical tables and physical columns. These objects represent the database(s) you are trying to model and enrich with metadata. The Physical Layer is not considered part of the business model, because not all connections defined in the Physical Layer will be used in every business model.

Today, multiple business models can be created in one domain, but those models must have one and only one connection reference. This means that you cannot mix and match physical tables from two different connections in the same model yet. We realize that this prevents the model from supporting multiple data sources, as well as severely limits the Pentaho Metadata Editor's ability to allow table changes across connections, a feature necessary for moving from dev to production databases, for example. Fortunately, you can get around the latter with a bit of hand-editing XML. Note that these features are important to us and are early inclusions in the metadata roadmap.



z The Abstract Business Layer

The Abstract Business Layer is the heavy lifter in the metadata business model. The business model encompasses the Abstract Business Layer and the Business View.

In the Abstract Business Layer, you have business tables, business columns and relationships.

You can create business tables for any physical table you have defined in the Physical Layer. You can also create more than one business table to reference the same physical table. The same rules apply for business columns. This can be useful in a multitude of scenarios, filtering security or even data at

this level being one example.

The business table keeps a reference to the physical table that it models, and this allows a metadata inheritance relationship between physical tables and business tables. If you define metadata on a physical table, the business table will inherit that metadata, unless and until the business table itself has overridden the inherited metadata. This concept operates on a metadata property to property basis, meaning that each property can be overridden individually.

The same relationship exists between physical columns and business columns. If you define metadata on a physical column, the business column will inherit that metadata, unless and until the business column itself has overridden the inherited metadata.

Then there are relationships. Don't confuse the term relationships here with the relationships I described in the domain diagram. The relationships I am talking about here are not represented in that

diagram. These relationships are mappings that you define to describe the relational (or other) bonds between your business tables. One example may be a one to many relationship between a customer table and an orders table. The strength in metadata relationships is that you can identify relationships between columns or tables in the Abstract Business Layer that may not be obvious in the Physical Layer. An example would be to compare budget, actual and sales numbers, using a formula-derived business

column that is specific to your business rules.






z The Business View

The Business View is the part of the business model that applications will operate against, and end-users will see. The Business View is nothing more than "buckets" (called categories) for you to re-arrange and re-organize your business columns in a fashion that makes sense to the consumers of

the data.

In the Business View, you can create any number of categories and arrange your business columns in those categories however it best suits your business, mixing and matching columns that derived from different business tables, even adding business columns more than once to different categories. The only restriction to the Business View is you cannot add the same business column more than once to

a single category.



z Incorporating Metadata

Each business object in the domain can have metadata associated with it, with the exception of categories. In Pentaho terminology, a collection of metadata properties is called a concept.

Each business object can have 3 levels of concepts: its own (self or child concept), a parent concept and an inherited concept. All of the defined metadata properties from the three levels are available (to metadata-aware applications, end-users) on a business object. It is important to understand what the override hierarchy is, when more than one concept level has defined the same metadata property.

When a metadata property is set in the business object itself, and that same property is in play (either inherited or from a parent concept), the business object's self or child concept will override all others. The next level in the hierarchy is the parent concept. So, for example, say the name property on a business object is NOT set on the object itself, but IS inherited from its physical counterpart. Then you set a parent concept on the business object with a name property defined in the parent concept. The parent concept's name property would override the inherited name property. So, in the end, the inherited metadata properties are used if and only if the same property is not defined somewhere down the hierarchical chain, as part of a self concept or parent concept.

For more clarification, check out the Metadata Concepts Technical Overview, which outlines the

concept inheritance and override rules.

在pentaho域的每一个业务对象都有元数据与它关联,分类除外。在pentaho 术语中,一个元数据属性的集合叫做概念。


