


1. The accident happened _______ the morning.

I was born _______ the evening of Oct. 1st, 1949.

I got up late _______ this morning.

2.My father will be back ________ two weeks.

I was doing my homework _______ this time yesterday.

I have lived in Beijing _______ I was born.

I have taught in Beijing _______over ten years.

______ the end of last term, we had learned about 2000 words.

3.Have you heard _______ John recently?

Nearly everyone has heard ______ the ghosts, but nobody really heard them.

4.The little boy is _____ ______ danger, but his parents are still ______ danger.

---I am sorry to have put you _______ so much trouble. ---No trouble _______ all.

5.I have no money ______ me, so I can't lend any ______ you.

He wants to borrow some money _______ me.

You had better return the money _______ me this afternoon.

6.Everyone agree ______ you ______ your plan.

Nobody agreed _______ what I had said.

We finally agreed _______ the date for the meeting.

7.The man ______ black and ______ a fan in the right hand is our English teacher.

8.We can't find the entrance ______ the tall building.

Brazil refused to tell us the key ______ her success ______ winning the first prize.

He will pay a visit ______ New York while I will be _______ a visit _______ London.

I can't find the solution ______ this problem.

Who can tell me the answer ______ this question?

Could you please show me the way _______ the nearest hospital?

I have got two tickets _______ the Bird Nest.

I have got two tickets _______ the football match.

9.Mr. Wang is very kind ______ us and we are very respectful ______ him.

If you are rude ______ your parents, nobody will be respectful ______ you.

Mr. Wang is very amiable _______his students and he is also patient ______ them.

Mr. Wang became angry ______ me ______ my bad behavior.

My father became mad _______ me when I failed the English exam last term.

In the old days the boss were very cruel _______ the workers.

Mr. Wang is always strict ______ us ______ our studies.

10.Edison was very interested ______ science when he was a boy.

I even became uninterested ________ the coming graduation dance.

I am crazy _______ football.

Tom is fond _______ going to the parties.

She doesn't go ______ ______ team games.

His mother cares _______ nothing but money.

11.Na Han was written ______ Chinese ______ Lu Xun.

12.Don't spend so much time ______ TV. It's a waste ______ time.

13.My father paid 10,000 yuan ______ the TV set.

My father spent 10,000 yuan _______ the TV set.

My father bought the TV set _______ 10,000 yuan.

14.I am better than you ______ English while you do better than me ______ Chinese.

Mr. Wang is skilled_______ playing the flute.

Nobody in Mr. Wang's class is weak ______ English.

A child poor _______ math may be talented for painting.

15.______ doing we learn.(经一事,长一智)

16.He ran so slowly that he fall far ______ others. He'd better try his best to keep up ______ others.

17.Please learn it ______ heart that you should always learn ______ each other.

18.Wushu is becoming more and more popular ______ foreigners.

19.We should keep everything in our rooms ______ good order.

His books are always _______ apple-pie order.

20.______ the help of Mr. Wang, I get ______ the difficulty.

It is impossible ______ me to work ______ this difficult math problem ______ your help.


1.in on /

2.in at since for By

3.from of

4.out of in into at

5.with to from to

6.with to with on

7.in with

8.to to in to on to to to to to for

9.to to to to to with with at with to with in

10.in in about of in for for

11.in by

12.on of

13.for on for

14.at in at in at


16.behind with

17.by from


19.in in

20.With over for out without


2010-03-25 10:45:20 来源:精品学习网

21.Paper is made ______ wood and book is made ______ paper.

Our class is made ______ ______ 39 students.

Nothing can make ______ ______ the time you lose here.

I am sorry for breaking your window glass, I will compensate ______ it.

The kite was make _______ me _______ my grandpa.

22.My uncle lives ______ 109 Beijing Street ______ Haidian District, Beijing, China.

23.His brother have been _______ the army _______ 10 years.

I have taught in Beijing _______ 2003.

The film have been _______ _______ half an hour ago.

Liu Jun has been away _______ China ______ graduated.

24.Taiwan lies ______ the east of China and ______ the south west of Japan.

Korea lies _______ the east of China.

I live near the sea. I often swim _______ the beach in summer.

25.There are many peaches ______ the tree.

The birds are singing ______ the tree.

26.You can go to New York ______sea or ______ air.

27.The teacher wrote ______ chalk on the blackboard, "Please do your homework ______ blue or black ink; don't do it ______ red ink or pencil."

In the past people wrote ______ brushes.

We speak _______ our mouths and walk _______ our feet.

He bought the things for the lab ______the money he earned.

Mr. Wang will give a speech _______ English tomorrow morning.

28.Mother bought a bike ______ me. I gave it ______ my sister.

"Please show your hands _______ me." said the teacher.

I make this model plane ______ my son.

In China parents always save money as much as they can _______ their children.

Tom, would you please get a piece of chalk _______ me?

29.Mr. Wang provided me ______ a computer.

= Mr. Wang provided a computer ______ me.

Mr. Wang offered a radio _______ me.

30.Your application _______ the position is _______ consideration.

My father car is _______ repair in the garage.

His suggestion is ______ discussion.

Please be quiet -the examination is now ______ progress.

His motherland is _______ attack.

31.The woman together ______ her children often goes to church on Sunday.

Mr. Wang, along _______ his students, is playing football on the playground.

32.The plane flew ______ the clouds.

There is a bridge ______ the river.

Look! There is a rainbow _______ the top of the hill.

33.The driver driving ______ the front of the car saw a big stone ______ the short distance ahead.

34.It's very polite ______ you to say good bye to your parents when you leave ______ school.

It's very important ______ you to finish your homework ______ time.

Set ______ a goal, and go _______ it; you will achieve if _______ time.

35. There is a policeman standing ______ the corner of the street.

The ball is ______ the corner of my room

There is an apple ______ the corner of the table.

In the United States there are people _______ every corner of the world.

The Great Wall is known to the people _______ every corner of the world.

36.Mr. Wang became a famous teacher in Beijing ______ his forties.

Mr. Wang became an English teacher _______ the age of 18.

My aunt is a woman ______ forty, but she looks young ______ her age.

My aunt became a famous doctor _______ her thirties.

37.The population of the world is growing fast. There will not be enough space for people to stand ______

______ the earth.

38.He decided to look ______ the matter ______ his own.

I am looking ______ ______ the Olympic Games in 2008 in Beijing.

The doctor was looking ______ me when the telephone rang.

39.When we walk ______ the streets, we should look out ______ the traffic.

Don't look out _____ the window! Please look ______ the blackboard and listen _____ the teacher carefully.

You should pay close attention ______ your handwriting.

40.He was so poor that he had no room to live ______ and no friends to talk ______.

I have no paper to write ______ and no pen to write ______.


21.from of up of up for for for by

22.at in

23.in for since on since since

24.in to on off

25.on in

26.by by

27.in in in with with with with on/about/in

28.for to to for for for

29.with for to

30.for under under under in under

31.with with

32.above over above

33.in in

34.of for of on up for in

35.at in on from in

36.in at of for in

37.in on

38.into on forward to over

39.across for out of at to to

40.in with on with


2010-03-25 10:51:41 来源:精品学习网

41.You needn't look ______ every new word ______ the dictionary while reading ______ the


42.Let's start our class ______ a song.

______ first they hated each other, but they ended ______ getting married.

43.Congratulate ______ you ______ your success.

Congratulations ______ you ______ your success.

44.He married _______ a film star.

She was married _______ a rich man.

He divorced_______ his wife last year.

He regretted his marriage ______ her.

He regretted his divorce ______ his wife.

45.Beijing is famous ______ the people all over the world ______ her resorts.

Lu Xun is famous ______ a writer.

46.I often go to school ______ bus. But today this morning I went to school ______ my father's car.

47.______ all the stars the sun is the nearest ______ us.

Lucy is the tallest _______ our class.

48.Don't worry, I will take care ______ your car while you leave.

Please look ______ my cat for me while I am away.

Please keep an eye ______ my things while I am not here.

I have been attending ______ my sick mother for two years.

We have been here for a long time, but nobody wait ______ us.

She moved back home to care _______ her elderly parents.

49.I am leaving ______ New York tomorrow.

I am setting ______ ______ New York tomorrow.

We had no sooner set _______ than a thunder storm broke.

Mr. Wang set out ________ journey to visit London last month.

50.I'm very tired ______ politics and I can't put ______ ______ it.

I am fed ______ ______ politics and I am going to drop it.

I am bored ______ every subjects at school.

She has had the same job for years and be heartily sick _______ it.

51.Mr. Wang often helps me ______ my English. ______ his help I have become good at it.

would have failed _______ your help.

52.Thank you very much ______ lending your watch ______ me.

I apologize ______ you ______ my mistakes.

Congratulations, John. I am really happy ______ you.

I am sorry _______ what I have said.

Who can tell me what we learn English ______?

It sounds a great idea. Go ______ it.

53.They fell ______ love _______each other ______ first sight.

Jack lost his heart _______ Jill.

I had a huge crush _______ her.

54.What this _______ English?

What the English _______ this?

55.This question is different ______ that one.

French differs _______ English _______ this respect.

I have a shirt with the same color _______ yours.

It's all the same _______ me whether we eat now or later.

My teaching style is similar _______ that of most other teachers.

56.I get ______ very well ______ my neighbor.

57.The next morning, the ground was all covered ______ snow.

The books were covered ______ Mr. Wang ______ cloth.

58.Don't read ______ the sun. It's bad ______ your eyes.

Teaching is the greatest job ______ the sun.

59.Smoking is harmful ______ your health.

Eating too much is bad ______ your health.

60.It's too cold. It's ten degrees centigrade ______ zero.

It's too hot. It's nearly 40 degrees centigrade ______ zero.


41.up in through

42.with At up

43.不填to on

44.不填to 不填with from

45.to for as

46.by in

47.Of/Among to in

48.of after on to on for

49.for off for off/out out

50.of up with up with with of

51.with With without

52.for to to for for for for for

53.in with at to on

54.in for

55.from from in as to to

56.on/along with

57.with by with

58.in for under

59.to for

60.below above


2010-03-25 10:59:06 来源:精品学习网

61.We have friends _________ the world. =

We have friends _________ the world. =

We have friends all ______ the world.

62.I will arrive ______ New York the day ______ tomorrow.

63.______ my way home, I met an old friend ______ my father's.

64.If you find ______ the answer, please hands ______!

65.Tom's favorite subject is Chinese. As ______ me, I like English best.

66.______ their surprise, Hua Mulan was a girl.

______ John's joy, he got an A this time.

______ my shame, I didn't pass the exam.

______ our great disappointment, it rained every day of the trip.

67.It's easy to get ______ trouble but difficult to get ______ ______ it.

68.Nobody come ______ America in our class.

69.That happened ______ the 1980s.

70.Kate takes ______ her mother.

71.The library is ______ from the bank.

72.We had a good time today ______ ______the rain.

We will go to the cinema ______ Tom because he lost his ticket ______ the cinema.

He is good at physics and chemistry ______ math.

I can do nothing ______ wait.

73.Look, that car is running ______ about 70 miles an hour.

We got the car ______ a very low price.

"I hate English." He said to me _______ a low voice.

"Nothing will make me turn against my country." Said Hill _______ a loud voice.

74.The shop reduced the price of the TV sets ______ 15%.

What's the time ______ your watch?

In China workers get paid ______ the month while in England workers are paid ______ the hour.

75.Linda prefer Chinese tea ______ nothing in it ______ black coffee.

76.Why is the little girl ______ tears?

77.His girlfriend is blind ______ the left eye, lame ______ the right leg and deaf ______ both ears. But he love her ______ the bottom of his heart.

78.If you don't believe it's raining now, come here and see ______ yourself.

Your son is so young that you can't leave him ______ himself.

79.Linda ran ______ the others, and she was the first to pass the finishing line.

80.I saw the great changes ______ my own eyes.

In 2008 I got a house ______ my own.

I always do my homework ______ my own.


61.across around over

62.in after

63.On of

64.out up


66.To To To To

67.into out of





72.except for except to besides but

73.at in in in

74.by by by by

75.with to


77.in in in from

78.for by


80.with of on


2010-03-25 11:11:00 来源:精品学习网

81.Kate, we've run _______ _______ salt. Please go and buy some.

I used _______ my ink. Could you please lend me some?

The gasoline in my car has given _______.

The sun gives _______ light and heat.

82. The kite flew so high that it was soon ______ ______sight.

______ ______ sight, ______ ______ mind.

Don't look ______ ______ the window while listening to the teacher.

He did that _______ _______ greed.

The boys had no money, so it was _______ _______ the question for them to go to the movies.

His honesty is _______ question: nobody can doubt it.

They went _______ _______ their way to help us.

83. Ampere worked _______ the problem for a long time, but he couldn't worked it _______.

Mike works _______ an English teacher in our school.

Han Mei works hard _______ all her subjects.

He was working _______ a machine when I came in.

84. There is a hut _______ the end of the road.

He fulfill hill dream _______ the end.

We had learnt 4000 words _______ the end of last term.

At 4 o'clock the meeting came _______ an end.

The meeting ended _______ a quarrel.

He did many bad deeds and ended _______ being sentenced to death.

85. I agree with you _______ a certain degree.

86. I was surprised _______ what I saw.

_______ my surprise Tom was a spy.

He stared _______ me _______ surprise.

87. I always do my homework _______ my own.

This is the watch _______ my own. I bought it last month. It's not yours.

I saw the accident _______ my own eyes.

88. ---You know, Bob is a little slow _______ understanding, so…

---So I have to be patient ______ him. (重庆)

89.We hadn't planned to meet. We met ______ chance. (全国二)

90. As a rule, domestic servants doing odd jobs are paid the hour . (上海)

91. I'd like to buy a house-modern, comfortable, and______ all in a quiet neighborhood. (福建)

92. ______ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend. (北京)

93. Some people think it's not polite to talk ______ table ______ the mouth full of food.

94. Don't worry ______ Bruce. Everything is going well ______ him.

95. Brazilians are very proud ______ their football teams and football players.

96. When we were young, my cousin and I were both ______ the school basketball team.

My brother has been ______ the army for 20 years.

The film has been ______ for nearly an hour.

97. Is there a report ______ Chinese history in our school this evening?

Tom's father is an expert ______ computer.

Mr. Wang is a specialist ______ Japanese history.

98. The police are looking into the case that who set light/fire ______ that house.

Their house is ______ fire.

We can't put ______ the fire.

99. I am glad that all my students are hungry ______ knowledge.

His son is thirty ______ power.

They long ______ a chance to visit Shanghai.

100. As a teacher, you should be patient ______ the students.


81. out of up out off/out

82. out of out of out of out of out of out of without/beyond out of

83. on out as at on

84. at in by to with up

85. to

86. at To at in

87. on of with

88. in with


90. by

91. above all

92. With

93. at with

94. about, with

95. of

96. on in on

97. on on in

98. to on out

99. for for for

100. with


2010-03-25 11:14:38 来源:精品学习网

101. Nobody knows what happened ______ her ______ the morning of March 3rd.

102. We will leave _______ Beijing tomorrow.

We will set _______ ______ Beijing tomorrow.

We will start _______ _______ Beijing tomorrow.

103. ______ my mind, it is more interesting to go to picnic.

______ my opinion, he is a very good person.

According ______ Mr. Wang , one and one equals three.

104. A meter is equal ______ 100 centimeter.

105. Tom, you are wanted ______ the phone.

The criminal is wanted ______ the police.

106. Thanks ______ her help, we finished it well.

He passed the exams because ______ luckiness.

Her absence was due ______ the storm.

The game was cancelled owing ______ the typhoon.

She died ______ a result ______ her injuries.

107. I am sorry ______ putting you ______ so much trouble.

108. The cow was led down the road ______ the nose.

109. You must do away ______ your bad habit.

You had better get rid ______ your bad habit.

110. We are very thankful ______ everything you've done ______ us.

We are very grateful ______ you ______ your help.

111. Don't be ______ two minds, or you will make mistakes.

People arrived ______ twos and threes.

Tom's house is ______ sixes and sevens.

112. His failure resulted ______ his laziness.

His laziness resulted ______ his failure.

113. Tom's grandpa died ______ asthma.

Tom's father died ______ the traffic accident.

114. _______ arriving, he set _______ to do his work.

115. If you don't behave yourself, I will send ______ your parents.

116. ______ ______ now, I have learned 8,000 English words.

117. What will you do ______ the broken computer?

How will you deal ______ the workers' complaints?

For all his learning, he didn't know how to cope _______ the situation.

118. The box is full ______ money.

The basket is filled ______ fruits.

The room is crowded ______ people.

119. In the past people got ______ touch ______ each other ______ writing letters. 120. Guess who I ran ______ today!

She came ______ some old photographs in a drawer.


101. to on

102. for off for out for

103. To In to

104. to

105. on by

106. to of to to as of

107. for into

108. by

109. with of

110. for for to for

111. in in at

112. from in

113. of from

114. On out

115. for

116. Up to

117. with with with

118. of with with;

119. in with by

120. into across


2010-03-25 11:18:12 来源:精品学习网

121.______ the way, can you tell me the way ______ the nearest hospital?

122. What do you mean ______ saying so?

123. Since you are ______ trouble, why not ask ______ help?

124. Nobody can stop him ______ leaving China.

Nobody can prevent him ______ leaving China.

Nobody can keep him ______ leaving China.

Nobody can discourage him ______ leaving China.

125. Please keep this secret ______ you and me.

126. Be careful when you get ______or ______ the bus ______ the bus stop.

He got ______ the car and drove away.

127. What's wrong ______ your bike?

What's the matter ______ your car?

What's the trouble ______ your apple touch?

What happened ______ your father?

128. It's time ______ lunch.

It's time ______ you to have lunch.

129. Don't play ______ fire when you play ______ your playmates.

130. Look! She is smiling ______ you.

Don't throw stone ______ the tiger, or it will come ______ you.

If you laugh ______ others, they will shout ______ you.

The policemen were surprised ______ the news.

I was very surprised ______ seeing her here.

131. Please turn ______ me if you need help.

Who can turn the following sentence ______ Chinese?

The plan turn ______ to be very successful.

He said he would come, but he never turned ______.

Open your books and turn ______ page 100.

"Nothing can make me turn ______ my country." he said firmly.

132. Tom turned ______ the radio and turn it ______. His father told him to turn it ______ for he thought it was a little noisy, and not forget to turn it ______ before going to bed.

133. Here is a page ______ a student's diary.

134. He looked me ______ surprise and asked me why I was ______ such a hurry.

136. This is a bike ______ my own.

I always do my homework ______ my own.

137. He stole that watch ______ his teacher.

He robbed the lady ______ his purse.

138. He asked his parents ______ money and food ______ Sundays.

He begged ______ food door to door.

139. The bag ______ the way must be moved away.

He bought something for his mother ______ his way home.

140. The two rooms are almost ______ the same size.


121. By to

122. by

123. in for

124. from from from from

125. between

126. on off at into

127. with with with to

128. for for

129. with with

130. at at at at at at at

131. to into out up to against

132. on up down off

133. from

134. in in

136. of on

137. from of

138. for on for

139. in on

140. of


2010-03-25 11:21:23 来源:精品学习网

141.Mr. Wang came _______ _______ a good idea.

142. Mr. Wang set back ______ a smile ______ his face.

143. "It's ______ ______ you." means "It depends ______ you. "

Tom is very honest. You can rely ______ him.

144. There is a beautiful river runs ______ our village.

Look! The boat is passing ______ the bridge.

The light comes ______ ______ the window.

145. I will show you ______ our school.

Be modest! Don't show ______!

The suspect have never showed ______ from then ______.

146. I want to have a word ______ you.

He always has words ______ his elder brother.

"Would you like to help us?" "______ a word, no."

Don't translate the sentences into English word ______ word.

147. What's this ______ English?

What's the English ______ this?

145. Please call me ______ when you visit Beijing.

Please ring me ______ if you have time.

Please call me ______ 010-******** if there's something urgent happens.

Dial 999 ______ case ______ fire.

146. I don't feel ______ a cup of tea.

What's the weather ______ in Beijing?

"How do you like sth. ?" means "What do you think ______ sth.?"

147. I think the shop is closed ______ this time of day.

I was doing my homework ______ this time yesterday.

They have rice ______ supper ______ times.

148. He loses his temper _______ occasion.

149. I got up earlier this morning ______ usual.

I got up early this morning ______ usual.

150. There are many holes ______ the wall. I put ______ some pictures ______ the wall to cover them.

151. When I was young my mother once talked me ______ _______joining the army.

He talked me _______ lending money to him.

152. Mother often stands ________ me to do my homework.

153. He owed his success _______ his mother.

He succeeded owing_______ his hard work and persistence.

154. We were very busy last week and we nearly worked our heads _______.

He stood there _______ his head down, saying nothing.

155. The firemen have kept the fire ______ check.

The firemen have kept the fire _______ control.

156. The students in our class add ______ ______ 39.

157. We shouldn't look _______ _______the farmers. We should look _______ _______ them.

158. "I won't fail you" means "I won't let you _______".

159. Japanese is so boring, and I can't put _______ _______ it.

I am fed _______ _______ Japanese. It's so boring.

You should work hard to catch _______ _______ your classmates.

160. _______ the one hand they'd love to have kids, but _______ the other hand, they don't want to give up their freedom.


141. up with

142. with on

143. up to on on

144. through through in through 145. around off up on

146. with with In for

147. in for

145. up up at in of

146. like like of

147. at at for at

148. on

149. as than

150. in up on

151. out of into

152. over

153. to to

154. off with

155. in under

156. up to

157. down upon up to

158. down

159. up with up with up with 160. On on
