Vocabulary 10000(突破英文词汇10000)Lesson 1-4 自我测试

Vocabulary 10000(突破英文词汇10000)Lesson 1-4 自我测试
Vocabulary 10000(突破英文词汇10000)Lesson 1-4 自我测试

Part 1 (Lesson 1 - 4)

abdomen vogue undermine bereave ascribe (to) assess consecrate bulwark chamber evoke dubious disdain groove facet espy

jolt heed glossy obsolete huddle janitor prowl mumble pulpit scoop relic scorch status smog surge

sue wayfarer utensil bandit wont bayonet commemorate absolve compassion defile bias detain deviation contend faction fortitude deplore hue inconsolable fracture luster nibble magnitude persevere pageant pith rave scourge relish slay tumble sneak tablet afflict tidings voluptuous censure aghast beckon dissimulation cumber concur flog decree denounce inscription frolic fray meddle intercourse hamper posture menace malady rummage precipice plod spout sanctuary remnant traverse sprout snore wistful tread tinge amicable ammunition ailment blizzard doting bicker

cruise engross contrive eradicate gush dazzle glimmer insuperable fumble lump ordeal impair ransack pouch mortify slash screech predominant slump stature sanitary wallet hurtle converge warrant larceny duplicate allocate pervade epoch brawl recant gaunt cynical shambles incessant embellish taboo mute gallant trappings partisan immerse abdicate stab ostentatious accrue botch presentiment badger chafe satiate baffle efface undulate conjecture glint apparel derange onerous cajole fiend iterate discard pine propensity effete smother singe grudge throb strut wizard broth unravel pact crevice bellow

pry demean cloak scour foster devout swagger incentive guise vagary maze latent asset pore pawn chasm speculate salvage despoil transfix sequel facetious anomaly virtual


1.新产品以及模具开发products and tooling developing 2D/3D drawing 平面/实体图 action results 措施结果 bump among products 货与货之间碰撞 bump at sampling 抽取样品时产品有碰撞 chamfering倒角 classification 级别 CNC milling after quenching 淬火后CNC铣加工 design/process FMEA 设计/过程FMEA design/process responsibility 设计/过程责任部门 detection 探测 die casting 压铸 die fabrication 模加工 Die location layout 工模排位图 Die polished 省模 die size out of the specification 模具尺寸不符合要求 Die trial 试模 electrode made by CNC CNC铜公 gate design 水口设计 grinding by precision grinding machine 磨床加工 machining by CNC wire-cut machine 线切割加工 machining by electric discharge machine EDM 电蚀火花加工 mold design 工模设计 painting 喷油 pile products up due to laying in disorder 摆放不正确堆积产品 polishing 抛光、磨光 polishing/cotton wheels 布轮 potential effects of failure 潜在失效后果 potential failure mode 潜在失效模式 prevention 预防 Removing parting line flash 磨夹口 responsibility & target completion date 责任和目标完成日期 rib and corner 肋材和尖角 sample stored in warehouse 样板入仓 sanding wheels 砂布轮 set die-casting parameter/locking force/ injection force/injection velocity/shot time/ volume of release agent/die-open time/ ejector time/pressure rating/metal temperature/ control temperature/ operation according to WI按工作指示设定压铸参数/锁模力/射料力/射料速度/打锤时间/喷雾量/开模时间/顶出时间/压力参数/料温/控制温度/作业vibrating 震动 2.热处理 heat treatment air cooling 空气冷却 annealing 退火 carbonization 碳化


一、一个星期七天 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 二、一年十二个月 January February March April May June July August September October November December 三、一年四季 1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. winter 四、容易拼写错的数字 1. eighth第八 2. ninth第九 3. forty四十 4. twelfth第十二 5. twentieth第二十 四、亲属称呼 1. daughter (女儿) 2. niece (女性晚辈) 3. nephew (男性晚辈) 4. cousin (同辈兄弟姐妹) 5. aunt (女性长辈) 6. uncle (男性长辈) 五、以下动词加-ed或-ing要双写最后一个字母 1. regret (regretted, regretting) 后悔 2. control (controlled, controlling) 控制 3. admit (admitted, admitting) 承认 4. occur (occurred, occurring) 出现 5. prefer (preferred, preferring) 宁愿 6. refer (referred, referring) 提到 7. forget (forgetting ) 忘记 8. permit (permitted, permitting)允许 9. equip (equipped, equipping) 装备 注意:quarrel, signal, travel中的l可双写(英国英语)也可不双写(美国英语) 六、部分过去式和过去分词不规则变化的动词 1. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) 广播 2. flee (fled, fled) 逃跑 3. forbid (forbade, forbidden) 禁止 4. forgive (forgave, forgiven) 原谅 5. freeze (froze, frozen) 结冰 6. hang (作“绞死”讲,是规则的;作“悬挂”讲,其过去式过去分词都是hung) 7. lie –lied –lied 说谎; lie—lay---lain躺下 lay-laid- laid 放 置 8. seek (sought, sought) 寻求 9. shake (shook, shaken) 发 抖 10. sing (sang, sung) 唱歌 11. sink (sank, sunk/sunken) 下沉 12. spread (spread, spread) 传播 13. swim (swam, swum) 游泳14. tear (tore, torn) 撕碎 16.wear( wore; worn) 穿/戴17.hold (held, held ) 18.make (made, made) 19. keep (kept, kept) 七、意思相近的词 1. check (核对)/ examine(检查)/ test(测试) 2. receive(收到) / accept(接受)


熟背诵英文10000单词◎教程注释 Vocabulary 10000 2 Lesson 1 2 Lesson 2 4 Lesson 3 6 Lesson 4 8 Lesson 5 9 Lesson 6 11 Lesson 7 12 Lesson 8 14 Lesson 9 16 Lesson 10 17 Lesson 11 19 Lesson 12 20 Lesson 13 23 Lesson 14 24 Lesson 15 26 Lesson 16 28 Lesson 17 29 Lesson 18 32 Lesson 19 35 Lesson 20 36 Lesson 21 38 Lesson 22 39 Lesson 23 40 Lesson 24 45 Vocabulary 10000 Lesson 1 huddle v.拥挤, 卷缩, 草率从事, 挤作一团n.杂乱的一堆, 拥挤 censure v.责难n.责难 vaccine adj.疫苗的, 牛痘的 n.疫苗 eradicate v.根除 barbarian n.粗鲁无礼的人, 野蛮人 adj.野蛮的, 粗鲁的 defile v.染污n.隘路 stable n.厩:家畜,尤指马和牛的圈养和喂食的棚子 abdomen n.腹, 腹部 bereft adj.被剥夺的, 失去亲人的, 丧失的 bereave vt. 剥夺, 使失去 adj. Suffering the loss of a loved one:忍受失去所爱之人后的痛苦的

consecrate vt.用作祭祀, 献给, 使神圣adj.被献给神的, 神圣的 consecrated adj.神圣的, 被视为神圣的 jolt v.摇晃 n.摇晃 bow n.弓, 乐弓, 弓形, 鞠躬, 船首 v.鞠躬, 弯腰 obsolete adj.荒废的, 陈旧的 n.废词, 陈腐的人 prowl v.巡游 scoope n.铲子 v.掘, 挖 diplomat n.外交官, 有外交手腕的人, 有权谋的人 beloved adj.心爱的n.所爱的人, 爱人 bandit n.强盗 rug n.(小)地毯, 垫子 deviation n.背离罗盘偏差:指南针由于局部磁场的影响发生偏移,尤指在船上tolerable adj.可容忍的, 可以的 fortitude n.坚韧 inconsolable adj.无法安慰的, 极为伤心的 nibble n. 细咬, 轻咬, 啃v.一点一点地咬, 细咬, 吹毛求疵 coronation n.加冕礼coronate vt.加冕 pageant n.盛会, 庆典, 游行, 虚饰, 露天表演 scourge n.鞭, 笞, 苦难的根源, 灾祸 vt.鞭打, 痛斥, 蹂躏 tumble n.跌倒, 摔跤, 翻斤斗 vi.翻倒, 摔倒, 倒塌, 滚动, 翻筋斗, 仓惶地行动vt.使摔倒, 使滚翻, 弄乱 compass n.罗盘, 指南针,圆规 v.包围 malicious adj.怀恶意的, 恶毒的 inauguration n.就职典礼, 开幕式 inaugurate vt.举行就职典礼, 创新, 开辟, 举行开幕(落成、成立)典礼. afflict vt.使痛苦, 折磨 dissimulation n.掩饰, 虚伪, 装糊涂 inhumane adj.残忍的 flog vt.鞭打, 鞭策, 迫使, 驱使, 严厉批评 disobedient adj.不服从的 inscription n.题字, 碑铭 rummage v.到处翻寻, 搜出, 检查n.翻箱倒柜的寻找, 检查, 零星杂物spout n.喷管, 喷口, 水柱, 喷流, 管口v.喷出, 滔滔不绝地讲, 喷涌spout out 喷出 traverse n.横贯, 横断, 横木, 障碍, 否认, 反驳, (建筑)通廊vt.横过, 穿过, 经过, 在...来回移动, 反对, 详细研究vi.横越, 横断, 旋转, 来回移动adj.横断的, 横的 slope n.斜坡, 斜面, 倾斜v.(使)顺斜 wistful adj.渴望的, 想望的 unduly adv.不适当地, 过度地, 不正当地 meddle v.管闲事 meddle with 干涉


材料科学基础常用英语词汇作者: davidzhangsh 发布日期: 2005-12-14 查 看数 : 154 出自: https://www.360docs.net/doc/d27984099.html, 材料的类型Types of materials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, elastomer 部分材料性质复习Review of selected properties of materials, 电导率和电阻率conductivity and resistivity, 热导率thermal conductivity, 应力和应变stress and strain, 弹性应变elastic strain, 塑性应变plastic strain, 屈服强度yield strength, 最大抗拉强度ultimate tensile strength, 最大强度ultimate strength, 延展性ductility, 伸长率elongation, 断面收缩率reduction of area, 颈缩necking, 断裂强度breaking strength, 韧性toughness, 硬度hardness, 疲劳强度fatigue strength, 蜂窝honeycomb, 热脆性heat shortness, 晶胞中的原子数atoms per cell, 点阵lattice, 阵点lattice point, 点阵参数lattice parameter, 密排六方hexagonal close-packed, 六方晶胞hexagonal unit cell, 体心立方body-centered cubic, 面心立方face-centered cubic, 弥勒指数Miller indices, 晶面crystal plane, 晶系crystal system, 晶向crystal direction, 相变机理Phase transformation mechanism: 成核生长相变nucleation–growth transition, 斯宾那多分解spinodal decomposition, 有序无序转变disordered-order transition, 马氏体相变martensite phase transformation, 成核nucleation, 成核机理nucleation mechanism, 成核势垒nucleation barrier, 晶核,结晶中心nucleus of crystal, (金属组织的)基体quay, 基体,基块,基质,结合剂matrix, 子晶,雏晶matted crystal, 耔晶,晶种seed crystal, 耔晶取向seed orientation, 籽晶生长seeded growth, 均质核化homogeneous nucleation, 异质核化heterogeneous nucleation, 均匀化热处理homogenization heat treatment, 熟料grog, 自恰场self-consistent field 固溶体Solid solution: 有序固溶体ordered solid solution, 无序固溶体disordered solid solution, 有序合金ordered alloy, 无序合金disordered alloy. 无序点阵disordered lattice, 分散,扩散,弥散dispersal, 分散剂dispersant, 分散剂,添加剂dispersant additive,


二、软件类(Software) ANSI美国国家标准协会 able 能 active file 活动文件 add watch 添加监视点 all files 所有文件 allrightsreserved 所有的权力保留altdirlst 切换目录格式andotherinFORMation 以及其它的信息archivefileattribute 归档文件属性assignto 指定到 autoanswer 自动应答 autodetect 自动检测 autoindent 自动缩进 autosave 自动存储 available on volume 该盘剩余空间 bad command 命令错 bad command or filename 命令或文件名错batch parameters 批处理参数 binary file 二进制文件 binary files 二进制文件 Borland international borland国际公司

bottommargin 页下空白 bydate 按日期 byextension 按扩展名 byname 按名称 bytesfree 字节空闲 callstack 调用栈 casesensitive 区分大小写 centralpointsoftwareinc central point 软件股份公司changedirectory 更换目录 changedrive 改变驱动器 changename 更改名称 characterset 字符集 checkingfor 正在检查 chgdrivepath 改变盘/路径 chooseoneofthefollowing 从下列中选一项 clearall 全部清除 clearallbreakpoints 清除所有断点 clearsanattribute 清除属性 clearscommandhistory 清除命令历史 clearscreen 清除屏幕 closeall 关闭所有文件 codegeneration 代码生成


NO. 01 The Language of Music A painter hangs his or her finished pictures on a wall, and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it until it is performed. Professional singers and players have great responsibilities, for the composer is utterly dependent on them. A student of music needs as long and as arduous a training to become a performer as a medical student needs to become a doctor. Most training is concerned with technique, for musicians have to have the muscular proficiency of an athlete or a ballet dancer. Singers practice breathing every day, as their vocal chords would be inadequate without controlled muscular support. String players practice moving the fingers of the left hand up and down, while drawing the bow to and fro with the right arm—two entirely different movements. Singers and instruments have to be able to get every note perfectly in tune. Pianists are spared this particular anxiety, for the notes are already there, waiting for them, and it is the piano tu ner’s responsibility to tune the instrument for them. But they have their own difficulties; the hammers that hit the string have to be coaxed not to sound like percussion, and each overlapping tone has to sound clear. This problem of getting clear texture is one that confronts student conductors: they have to learn to know every note of the music and how it should sound, and they have to aim at controlling these sound with fanatical but selfless authority. Technique is of no use unless it is combined with musical knowledge and understanding. Great artists are those who are so thoroughly at home in the language of music that they can enjoy performing works written in any century. 02 Schooling and Education It is commonly believed in United States that school is where people go to get an education. Nevertheless, it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school. The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is important. Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Education knows no bounds. It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or in the job, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning. The agents of education can range from a revered grandparent to the people debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist. Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions. People are engaged in education from infancy on. Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. It is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before the start of school, and one that should be an integral part of one’s entire life. Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern


初中英语单词趣味记忆法_英语谐音记单词10000 个 七年级上册 1.lookv.看;望;看起来 可形象记忆:两个“o”就像两只眼睛,要看人或事物当然离不开两只眼睛。 2.familyn.家;家庭 将句子“Fatherandmother,Iloveyou!”的首字母连起来便成了family,多么温馨的一个单词! 3.bedn.床 可形象记忆:“b”和“d”就像是床两头的枕头,“e”就像是放在床中间折叠好了的被子。 4.needv.需要 可谐音记忆:“你的”,既然是你的,那么你当然就需要啦! 5.bananan.香蕉 可形象记忆:“b”像一棵香蕉树,“a”像一个一个的香蕉瓣,“n”像连接香蕉瓣的柄。 6.chickenn.鸡;鸡肉 可谐音记忆:“吃啃”,吃鸡肉的时候,因为有鸡骨头,所以呢就只好边吃边啃。 7.lunchn.午餐 可谐音记忆:“浪吃”。 8.starn.星星;明星

可谐音记忆:“是大”,星星看起来小,这是由于太远的原因,其实呢是大。 9.listn.清单 可谐音记忆:“理死他”,面对一大堆的清单,肯定得理死他。 10.seev.看见 可形象记忆:两个“e”就像两只眼睛,要看见人或事物当然离 不开两只眼睛。 11.historyn.历史 可以将该单词拆分为“his”和“story”,“他的”“故事”成了“历史”。只是要注意写在一起的时候只需要写一个“s”就行了。 12.singv.唱;唱歌 可以谐音记忆:“声”,要唱歌当然得有声啦。 13.shown.演出;表演 可谐音记忆:“秀”。 14.listenv.听 可形象记忆:“l”就像是竖起来的耳朵,要听到什么就得把耳 朵竖起来仔细听。 15.Missn.小姐(冠于未婚妇女之姓或姓名之前的称呼) 这个单词小写的时候还可以指“错过”、“思念”的意思,而大写的时候则是指“小姐”。可以将这三个意思串起来记:“错过” 一位“小姐”,就很“思念”她。 七年级下册 16.bankn.银行 可谐音记忆:“办卡”,到银行当然可以办卡啦!


材料科学基础常用英语词汇 材料的类型Types of materials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, elastomer 部分材料性质复习Review of selected properties of materials, 电导率和电阻率conductivity and resistivity, 热导率thermal conductivity, 应力和应变stress and strain, 弹性应变elastic strain, 塑性应变plastic strain, 屈服强度yield strength, 最大抗拉强度ultimate tensile strength, 最大强度ultimate strength, 延展性ductility, 伸长率elongation, 断面收缩率reduction of area, 颈缩necking, 断裂强度breaking strength, 韧性toughness, 硬度hardness, 疲劳强度fatigue strength, 蜂窝honeycomb, 热脆性heat shortness, 晶胞中的原子数atoms per cell,

点阵lattice, 阵点lattice point, 点阵参数lattice parameter, 密排六方hexagonal close-packed, 六方晶胞hexagonal unit cell, 体心立方body-centered cubic, 面心立方face-centered cubic, 弥勒指数Miller indices, 晶面crystal plane, 晶系crystal system, 晶向crystal direction, 相变机理Phase transformation mechanism: 成核生长相变nucleation–growth transition, 斯宾那多分解spinodal decomposition, 有序无序转变disordered-order transition, 马氏体相变martensite phase transformation,成核nucleation, 成核机理nucleation mechanism, 成核势垒nucleation barrier, 晶核,结晶中心nucleus of crystal, (金属组织的)基体quay, 基体,基块,基质,结合剂matrix, 子晶,雏晶matted crystal, 耔晶,晶种seed crystal, 耔晶取向seed orientation,


WORD格式 一、人称(Grammaticalperson) 祖父:grandfather父母:parents 祖母:grandmother儿女:children 姑姑:aunt成年人:adult 叔叔:uncle绅士:gentleman 父亲:father女士:lady 母亲:mother青年人:youngman 儿子:son男孩:boy 女儿:daughter女孩:girl 哥哥:elderbrother小孩:kid;child 弟弟:youngerbrother婴儿:infant;baby 姐姐:eldersister邻居:neighbor 妹妹:youngersister 堂、表兄弟姐妹:cousin 二、人体部位(bodyparts) 头:head手:hand 头发:hair手掌:palm 眼睛:eye手指:finger 鼻:nose臀部:hips;buttocks 耳朵:ear膝盖:kneecap;patella 嘴:mouth脚:foot 牙齿:tooth心:heart 舌头:tongue肝:liver 脸:face肺:lung 颈:neck胃:stomach 肩:shoulder血液:blood 手臂:arm 三、方向(direction)四、时间和季节(time&seasons) 东:east上午:morning 南:South中午:noon 西:West下午:afternoon 北:north夜晚:night 前:front过去:past 后:back现在:present 左:left未来:future 右:right春:spring 上:up夏:summer 下:down秋:autumn;fall 冬:Winter


10天背诵英文10000单词◎教程的中文翻译 1. A monument was built to commemorate the victory. 记念碑是为了记念胜利而建的. 2. The children huddled together for warmth. 孩子们为暖和挤成一团。 3.Censure is sometimes harder to bear than punishment. 责难有时比责罚还难以忍受。 4. The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months. 新疫苗在3个月内彻底根除了这种疾病。 5. The barbarians defiled the church by using it as a stable. 蛮夷之人把教堂当作畜生圈,使其受到玷污。 6. The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen. 孕妇大腹偏偏。 7. The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them. 营救飞机没有发现迷路的徒行者,他们绝望之极了。adj.[bi'reft] 失去...的; 丧失 亲人的动词bereave的过去式和过去分词 8. The children were bereaved by the death of their parents. 孩子失去了双亲。[bi'ri:v]剥夺; 使失去 9. This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here. 这个战场纪念那些英勇牺牲在此的战士。|| 'k?ns?kre?t]供神用, 使神圣, 奉献desecrate[des·e·crate || 'des?kre?t] v.供俗用, 污辱, 亵渎 10. A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh. 极品笑话未必哄然大笑。引起prompt vt 11. Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road. 车辙印在泥泞路上。 12. The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road. 老爷车过颠跛路,坐车的颠来倒去。 13. Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom. 见女士弯腰致礼已是昔日旧习。adj.荒废的, 陈旧的, 成废物的['?bs??li:t] 14. Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat. 众多野兽夜间外出觅食。 15. The children scooped holes in the sand. 孩子们沙地掏洞。 17. The farmer sued the railroad station because his cow was killed by the train. 那位农夫因为他的牛丧生于车轮之下而起诉了火车站。Litigate,prosecute 18. The counter of the sink has many grooves along which the water will run off. 水槽的台面上有许多凹槽,水可以沿着这些凹槽流走。 19. The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice.


材料科学基础专业词汇:第一章晶体结构 原子质量单位Atomic mass unit (amu) 原子数Atomic number 原子量Atomic weight 波尔原子模型Bohr atomic model 键能Bonding energy 库仑力Coulombic force 共价键Covalent bond 分子的构型molecular configuration 电子构型electronic configuration 负电的Electronegative 正电的Electropositive 基态Ground state 氢键Hydrogen bond 离子键Ionic bond 同位素Isotope 金属键Metallic bond 摩尔Mole 泡利不相容原理Pauli exclusion principle 元素周期表Periodic table 原子atom 分子molecule 分子量molecule weight 极性分子Polar molecule 量子数quantum number 价电子valence electron 范德华键van der waals bond 电子轨道electron orbitals 点群point group 对称要素symmetry elements 各向异性anisotropy 原子堆积因数Atomic packing factor (APF) 体心立方结构body-centered cubic (BCC) 面心立方结构face-centered cubic (FCC) 布拉格定律bragg’s law 配位数coordination number 晶体结构crystal structure 晶系crystal system 晶体的crystalline 衍射diffraction 中子衍射neutron diffraction 电子衍射electron diffraction 晶界grain boundary 六方密堆积hexagonal close-packed (HCP) 鲍林规则Pauling’s rules NaCl型结构NaCl-type structure CsCl型结构Caesium Chloride structure 闪锌矿型结构Blende-type structure 纤锌矿型结构Wurtzite structure 金红石型结构Rutile structure 萤石型结构Fluorite structure 钙钛矿型结构Perovskite-type structure 尖晶石型结构Spinel-type structure 硅酸盐结构Structure of silicates 岛状结构Island structure 链状结构Chain structure 层状结构Layer structure 架状结构Framework structure 滑石talc 叶蜡石pyrophyllite 高岭石kaolinite 石英quartz 长石feldspar 美橄榄石forsterite 各向同性的isotropic 各向异性的anisotropy 晶格lattice 晶格参数lattice parameters 密勒指数miller indices 非结晶的noncrystalline 多晶的polycrystalline 多晶形polymorphism 单晶single crystal 晶胞unit cell 电位electron states (化合)价valence


常用英文词汇 常用英文词汇 billowing swellingoutinwaves;surging biting sharplypainfultothebodyormind;Ex.bitingwind/remarks bitter havingasharpbitingtaste; 敬;causingsharppaintothebodyormind;filledwithresentment,dis appointment,orotherunpleasantfeelings;Ex.bitterwind/sorrow/ tears bivouac temporaryencampment;campwithouttents;V. bizarre fantastic;violentlycontrasting;noticeablyodd;strikinglyu nconventional blackball voteagainst(anapplicant);ostracize;N:negativevote blanch bleach;whiten;makewhiteorpale bland soothingormild(food);agreeable;causingnotroubleoroffence

blandishment flattery blare loudorharshroarorscreech;dazzlingblazeoflight blase boredwithpleasureordissipation;uninterestedorbored blasphemy irreverence;sacrilege;cursing;badlanguageaboutGodorholyt hings;V.blasphem;ADJ.blasphemous;CF.sacrilege blatant extremely(offensively)obvious;loudlyoffensive;Ex.blatant lie;N.blatancy bleak coldorcheerless;frigid;unlikelytobefavorable;depressing blemish mar;spoilthebeautyorperfectionof;N:flawordefect(thatspoi lsperfection);Ex.blemishesinthecrystal;CF.unblemished


大学英语10000词汇词频表(1-1000) 【字体:大中小】【日期:2004年11月06日来源:本站原创编辑:毛浩然点击数:3548】【关闭】 按:词频指一个单词在每百万词中出现的频率。本词频表共9861词,将分为10个部分陆续公布,为师生教学词汇提供参考,您可以借助金山词霸的鼠标取词功能实现英汉对照,本词频表版权所有,未经许可,严禁转载。 名次单词词频 1 the 61787 2 be 43952 3 to 32260 4 and 27264 5 a 23648 6 of 23596 7 in 23129 8 i 16250 9 it 15147 10 we 13578 11 have 12254 12 that 10687 13 can 9685 14 for 9219 15 you 8970 16 they 8565 17 people 7880 18 do 7620 19 on 7056 20 my 6867 21 so 6437 22 but 6231 23 will 5999 24 he 5942 25 make 5557 26 as 5474 27 more 5452 28 not 5310 29 this 5187 30 way 5052 31 job 4952 32 some 4906 33 our 4804 34 with 4598

35 all 4504 36 their 4475 37 water 4402 38 at 4355 39 time 4352 40 there 4151 41 from 4070 42 one 3961 43 very 3956 44 life 3921 45 get 3876 46 many 3769 47 when 3767 48 his 3570 49 know 3545 50 good 3486 51 think 3469 52 go 3459 53 by 3445 54 if 3343 55 or 3287 56 work 3108 57 country 3079 58 like 3053 59 because 3039 60 them 3019 61 other 2977 62 should 2804 63 student 2803 64 year 2772 65 me 2715 66 world 2709 67 say 2641 68 fresh 2636 69 must 2608 70 thing 2597 71 conjurer 2585 72 day 2584 73 us 2546 74 study 2485 75 which 2431 76 society 2379 77 take 2361 78 about 2340


英文最常用词汇 1001~1500 Tear wheel request dirt tire solution appoint delight expression aim agent trust exception gather dependence nobody application invite bird valley belong moreover wild tool rich fresh motion presence failure forest guess cook struggle winter neighbor railroad instrument box seed minister variety belief fashion coffee narrow ordinary loan brush theater impossible correct beside collection print plain collect rain gray mail guide review taste retire luck preserve lip opposite profit leadership speech prefer lord clay reference safe everybody daughter stain evil prison fellow connection double cloud swing otherwise wood slave thank stretch empty chairman library knife baby soil fat blow content introduce tour mistake sport urge nice sweet lift blind warn shout literary arise ring divide curious upper bitter guard tie curve chair worse flat membership yesterday exchange message key scientific rare neck entertain flower commercial hate soul Neighborhood politics agriculture suspect friendly passage admire path pair lawyer gentle uncle stone root dozen afford lean climb particle instant protect metal pleasant satisfactory advertise gradual bay height mystery hunt cup track welcome protection competition confidence knee satisfy moon grass jump roof terrible suggestion snake branch strip favorite stream pleasure mechanic breakfast avenue witness shock apart brown loose conversation chest disease nose angle entrance hat mine tall march excellent band plenty sink formal aside star northern risk yellow iron snow tomorrow sick alive sheet remind thorough ill unity fish succeed disturb sky shore surround native rough operator proud bedroom smooth civilize dear violent weather being card beneath steady silent lake pause threaten screen breath tough depth bind afraid substance oppose earn silence threat deliver pack onto charm ancient colony shoe absence pray besides somewhere factory adopt slip chain spite birth cousin slide meal appearance scale copy universal universe relief machinery accident busy explore wake highway hurry stem severe sentence coast brain pocket liberty forth musician bone wise smell defend honest noise furnish bend freeze discovery female somebody dictionary tube hide shadow calm flash wire mix swim twist proposal smoke ice fence ought description male childhood victory fruit skin joy quarter guilt crack sister engine yield rush sad customer sensitive wet efficiency waste salt meat disappear fool pale commerce defeat intend sweep joint extensive intention completion gift rent desk throat host comparison Possess pour kiss grace confusion crop flesh damage sail liquid kick attractive scientist safety habit ease burst relieve heaven network wisdom milk resistance sympathy screw rank pride restaurant till frequency hire angry verb shake preach accuse clerk necessity everywhere knock anyway loud fan permanent connect row egg lovely efficient confuse grain gold calculate frighten drag solve opposition grave worship salary arrest photograph discipline advice string abroad harbor wound camera virtue mechanism dare cow queen grand extra funny attract insurance numerous reduction pink strict gate lesson expensive tight shut sand chicken plate forgive qualify holy elsewhere wooden mad prompt interference crime pupil sorry fold republic royal anger valuable visitor whisper pile anybody violence hurt steel excess wing quantify stair fun partner mud delay extension gentleman recognition
