







Unit 1 Globalization


1. Quiz

1) B 2) C 3) D 4) A 5) A

2. A Mini Case

Suggested answers:

●As Zara continues to expand, it might have to open other distribution centers on

other continents. Language, culture, and work relations may vary significantly from the closely-managed operation currently in place in Spain. The company may run into more specific challenges in accommodating customers‘requirements due to a lack of cultural sensitivity. Zara‘s expansion globally may pose the challenge of moving from a more centralized management style to a more global style.

●Lorena needs to ensure that she has a truly international team in place with

members from both multilingual and multicultural background; draw up a plan on how global logistics will support global expansion; start a succession plan and train new logistics managers who could be ready to take on overseas responsibilities; and encourage store managers to include suggestions on cultural specifics which may help in making the final product and brand expansion successful.

Text A

I.Reading Comprehension

1.Determine whether the following statements are true or false. Write a T for

true, an F for false, and an NG for not given.

1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) F 6) T 7) T 8) F 9) T 10) NG

2.Essay Questions

1)The modern multinational companies have had passed through three phases. First

came the 19th-century ―international model‖, with firms based in their home country and selling goods through overseas sales offices. This was followed by the classic multinational firm in which the parent company created smaller versions of itself in countries around the world. And now it has been replaced by a single integrated global entity in which the firm will move people and jobs anywhere in the world, based on the right cost, the right skills and the right business environment.

2)The big attractions from emerging markets are low-cost labor, highly skilled

personnel, and a chance to cooperate with the government as a potential customer.

3)They are lacking the management talents who can practice and support business

operating models that will allow them to generate profitable growth in more mature markets over the long term.

4)The single biggest challenge facing Western multinationals is the lack of

emerging-market experience in their senior ranks. Moreover, multinationals have great trouble retaining the managers they do have in emerging markets.

―Well-trained, good, honest people are scarce in emerging markets. Multinationals are better at training these people than emerging-market companies, which prefer to poach them once they are trained.‖

II.Blank-filling: Complete the following sentences with the words given in the box. Change the form when necessary.

1) cutting-edge 2) commoditized 3) aggressive 4) forge 5) benchmark 6) blueprint 7) expatriates 8) deploy 9) ferocious 10) substantial III.Paraphrasing

1.Rewriting: Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence in your own words.

1) ―In the 97 years of the company‘s history, never had a particular kind of product or merchandise been managed outside the U.S.,‖he says excitedly, noting that ―Latin America now reports to Shanghai.‖

2) But the assault on its services business led by a trio of Indian outsourcing upstarts, Tata Consulting Services, Infosys and Wipro, posed a big threat to the field that might be the main sources of growth for the company as expected by Mr. Palmisano.

3) In many emerging markets the most attractive potential customer is the government, because of the government‘s urgent needs to improve the infrastructure facilities in a wide range, from the mobile telephone networks to roads, airports and ports, energy and water supply.

4) A 2007 study of China‘s top 200 publicly traded companies found that it is still difficult even for the leading companies in China to compete with those global giants.

5) American multinationals now have a ―ferocious interest in attracting non-Americans to the board‖, but they can find only a few qualified executives from the European countries, not to mention those from emerging markets.

2. Sentence Transformation: Complete the following sentences based on the structures given.

1) Because of the fact that hot labor markets in emerging markets are causing extremely high turnover rates, every big multinational is aiming to win the ―war for talent‖ and taking it as one of the most urgent issues.

2) It is believed that as a big multinational company it enjoys advantages in recruiting and retaining talented managers than the local competitors.

3) Despite the growth of their revenue which increased on the back of China‘s continued economic growth, they could only create half of the value of their global competitors.

4) No longer the ―young bucks or retirement-posing types‖as they used to be,

nowadays the expatriate managers appointed by multinationals to work in emerging markets are generally of a much higher quality.

5) Compared with those old multinationals, the firms in emerging markets are typically lacking the depth of management talent, though the founders are often impressive.


1.Sentence Translation

1) 这一雄心勃勃的策略是对来自新兴市场的激烈竞争做出的回应。


3) IBM也表示,它能够很好地对付长期困扰新兴市场中跨国公司的知识产权问题,并在印度和中国建立了最先进的研究实验室。

4) 我们先找出该国最重要的一些行业,然后带着提升这些行业的整体策略去跟他们洽谈,利用我们的技术帮助他们达到国际标准。


2. Passage Translation

In the wake of the international financial crisis and based on our experience in dealing with the crisis, we have become more acutely aware of one thing. In an era of deepening economic globalization, if we want to ensure sustained global economic growth and effectively tackle the risks and challenges faced by the world economy, all countries and regions must strengthen exchanges and cooperation and work together to address the underlying, structural issues in economic development. The 17th APEC Economic Leaders‘Meeting in 2009 reached consensus on inclusive growth, and highlighted the importance of seizing the opportunities brought by economic globalization to better meet the challenges of economic globalization and create job opportunities for the benefit of our people. To realize inclusive growth, to resolve the social issues emerging from economic development and to lay a solid social foundation for trade promotion, investment facilitation and long-term economic development are all major topics that we, the APEC member economies, need to work together.


1) terrorist 2) laid 3) hiring 4) low-cost 5) creating 6) apparent 7) arising 8) globalization 9) cultural 10)widespread 11) benefits 12) threat

13) network 14) trade 15) barriers


1.Listen to Part One and complete the following summary with the information

you get.

1) three










2. Listen to Part Two and choose the best answer to each question.

1) D 2) B 3) D 4) A 5) D


Part I

There are probably three key areas where Lorena might encounter short-or medium-term cross-cultural issues. One is that as Zara continues to expand, it might have to open other distribution centers on other continents in order to ensure that the level of service is maintained. Language, culture, and work relations may vary significantly from the closely-managed operation currently in place in Spain.

Next, as more stores are opened in different countries, the company may run into more specific challenges in accommodating customers‘ requirements due to a lack of cultural sensitivity. For instance, McDonald‘s only began making a prof it in Portugal after it realized that it needed to open a small caféwithin each store and serve espresso in cups and saucers.

Part II

Last, Zara‘s expansion might mean either building manufacturing sites abroad or outsourcing some of the manufacturing to other countries. This may pose the challenge of moving from a more centralized management style to a more global style. To prevent these issues from becoming a problem, Lorena needs to ensure that she has a truly international team in place with members from both multilingual and multicultural backgrounds; draw up a plan on how global logistics will support global expansion; start a succession plan and train new logistics managers who could be ready to take on overseas responsibilities; and encourage store managers to include suggestions on cultural specifics which may help in making the final product and brand expansion successful.

Text B

I. Speaking

1. Discussion

1) People in France worried the park would contribute to the destruction of French culture. French farmers blocked transportation and entry to the park. Many potential customers instead visited the 1992 Olympics and World‘s Fair in Spain or other European amusement parks, because many Europeans were wary that prices might be unexpectedly high once they got to the park. What‘s more, the Parisian climate was too much colder to attract many winter visitors to the park. Finally, the no-alcohol policy in the park displeased the German and U.K. visitors.

2) Disney agreed to make French the first language in the park. It also added some attractions to cater to French tastes. In the meantime, Disney lowered prices, eliminated its no-alcohol policy, and promoted the park more heavily while putting a moratorium on receipt of its royalty payments.

3) Hong Kong is Asia‘s largest tourist destination, with a better infrastructure and higher family incomes than does mainland cities. Further, Hong Kong is presently not a family-oriented destination, and the Hong Kong government thinks that a Disney theme park can change that condition, thus bringing in a type of tourist who would not visit otherwise. Finally, Disney also saw it as a way to improve its relationship and business opportunities with China.

4) Things need to be considered include: the cost of air transport and hotel; Competition with other amusement parks in China; and finally, the question of affordability. The joint venture is planning to build smaller, more affordable hotels to cater to Chinese visitors.

Unit 2 Film Industry


1. Can you tell the name of each film from these pictures?

1)_Forrest Gump__________ Action Film

2) Titanic________________ Animated Film

3) Gone with the wind_____ Romantic Tragedy

4) The Lion King_________ Fantasy

5) The Lord of the Ring____ Comedy

6) The 007 Royale Casino__ Romantic Epic

Text A

I.Reading Comprehension

1. Complete the following passage with the information you get from the text. 1) seven 2) children 3) orphan 4) mind 5) mass-media

6) publishing 7) tremendous 8) transformed 9) approach 10) multiple 2. Essay Questions

1) First an employee at Christopher Little‘s literary agency took a liking to the manuscript‘s binding and picked it out to read. Then Nigel Newton of Bloomsbury, a London publishing house, signed up the manuscript that was to become ―Harry Potter and the Philosopher‘s Stone‖ after market-testing it on his daughter. The first book came out in 1996 and was warmly received by children instantly.

2) First some senior executives of Warner Bros were not enthusiastic about the story. They thought fantasy was not the fashion at the time. Then, they spent months negotiating with Steven Spielberg, who was interested in directing but later pulled out.

3) Unlike other Hollywood blockbusters of the 1990s, the Harry Potter films had no big movie stars and were directed by respected but little-known directors.

4) Other revenue sources include sales of toys, video games and an upcoming theme park in Florida.

5) No fixed answers.

II.Blank-filling: Complete the following sentences with the words given in the box. Change the form when necessary.

1) speculate 2) churning 3) retrospect 4) detachable 5) pundit

6) inherently 7) vanguard 8) tardy 9) blitz 10) merchandising III.Paraphrasing

1. Rewriting: Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence in your own words.

1)Cinderella‘s transformation from kitchen grunt to belle is both delightful and

disruptive. Those companies that had got involved with the publication and film production of the books have also undergone huge success and incredible changes.

2)Thanks largely to the boy wizard, Bloomsbury‘s turnover started to surge

compared with the gradual increase from £11million to £14 million between 1995 and 1997 before its publication of the Harry Potter series.

3)By the middle of this decade, with Bloomsbury‘s revenues above £100m,rival

publishers began to realize that they stand no chance to compete with the firm in the area of children‘s books.

4) A clever sales strategy of repackaging the book with a darker cover was the key to

the books‘ success, for adults embarrassed about being seen reading a children‘s book.

5)In 2001, as the first film in the series headed for cinemas, executives and media

pundits speculated that Harry Potter might come to rival Batman, at that time the ―Batman‖ series ranked number four in terms of investment in the history of film production.

2.Sentence Transformation: Complete the following sentences based on the

structures given.

1)Thanks to an employee at Christopher Little Literary Agency who accidentally

picked up the book because of his liking for the manuscript‘s binding, Harry Potter finally got a chance to be known by the world.

2)Shortly after the annual report for 1996 which contained no mention of the

forthcoming book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was first published.

3)Being referred to as ―the tip of a publishing iceberg‖, Harry Potter books with a

sale of 763,000 copies still hadn‘t received proper recognition from the company, which was still emphasizing other children‘s books.

4)It seems odd that Warner Bros was reluctant to make the films at first because it

has had great success with films of the same type.

5)As a wholly different product, instead of using famous stars of Hollywood, up to

now the Harry Potter films‘cast only consists of unknown child actors and talented British theater performers.


1. Sentence Translation

1) 哈利·波特的故事从爱丁堡的一个单身母亲脑海中诞生,到成为全球大众传


2) 没错,这是一个灰姑娘的故事——一开始高贵被忽略,一个偶然的机会被慧眼所识,最终成就了无尽的财富。

3) 实际上,“哈利·波特”系列就是一座冰山。每一部新书的问世都会把新的读者吸引到这个系列,就像滚雪球一般增大前几部书的销量。

4) 《哈利·波特》的例子表明,创新实验之所以得以实现是因为制作的诸多方面都实行了严格的控制。

5) 伟大的传媒产品总会引领潮流。《星球大战》告诉电影公司:玩具也能赚钱。《哈利·波特》给出版商上了一课:儿童和成年人要一并吸引。

2. Passage Translation

The recession of 2008-09 has been accompanied by bold claims about businesses‘ economic importance. As carmakers teetered many people put it about that one in ten American jobs depended on the industry. The figure turned out to include taxi drivers. Similarly adventurous claims have been made for telecoms and road-building. As a single-handed creator of jobs and wealth, though, few can match the writer Joanne Rowling.

It is not great literature. The first three books make for pleasant and occasionally gripping beach reading. From the fourth installment the series begins to sprawl. It also makes unconvincing forays into teenage psychology. Yet even at their clumsiest the books are well-plotted and full of invention. They also avoid the temptation to sneak ideology into children‘s heads by wrapping it in fantasy. Although the Harry Potter series endorses traits such as bravery and loyalty, it is intended above all to entertain. V.Cloze

1) determined 2) fantasy 3) invisible 4) sponsored 5) release

6) budget 7) literature 8) trade 9) chemistry 10) genuine VI.Listening

1. Listen to the speech “Harry Potter by the Numbers” and choose the best answer to each question.

1) B 2) C 3) D 4) A 5) C

2. Listen to the speech again and complete the following summary with the information you get.

1) power

2) endorsements

3) faces

4) franchise

5) Wizarding World of Harry Potter

6) October

7) Selling e-book versions of the Harry Potter series

8) Offering interactive features like allowing readers to be sorted into houses and to

upload stories and drawing

9) 18,000 words of new background information about characters


Harry Potter by the Numbers

The end is really and truly here.

It‘s hard to believe that after ten years and eight movies, the ―Harry Potter‖ series will actually come to an end this weekend when the final film opens in 4,375 theaters across the country.

To commemorate the event, I thought I‘d look at the series by the numbers. So far the franchise has earned $6.4 billion at the global box office. It could easily end up earning a total of $7.4 billion once the final film has run its course.

Along the way the film has made millionaires of its three young stars: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson. While Radcliffe and Grint might struggle to ever reach their ―Harry Potter‖ earning power again (both seem to have a taste for independent films after the monumental undertaking of ―Harry Potter‖), Emma Watson should continue to make big money through endorsements like her recent deal to be one of the faces of Lanc?me. Stars can earn upwards of $3 million per year for such deals.

The series has also been a bless to author J. K. Rowling. We estimate Rowling is worth $1 billion ranking her 1140th on the list of the world‘s billionaires. Although she may be officially done writing ―Harry Potter‖ books, Rowling isn‘t done earning money from the franchise. She‘ll get a cut of the money brought in from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando. In 2010, 1.7 million additional people visited Universal‘s Florida theme park, according to the Themed Entertainment Association.

Rowling will also profit from Pottermore, her new website which comes online in October. The site will sell e-book versions of the ―Harry Potter‖ book for the first time and will offer interactive features like allowing readers to be sorted into houses and to upload stories and drawings.

The site will also feature 18,000 words of new background information about characters, places and things in the books including details on Professor McGonagall‘s past love life.

So, while the films and books are coming to an end, it seems like the franchise has a good chance to live on as younger generations discover Harry and the magical world of Hogwarts.

Text B

I. Speaking

1. Comprehension Questions

1) Bringing in Hollywood actors, buying stakes of Hollywood film studios,

cooperating with overseas film companies in producing and sharing distribution rights, acquiring cinemas in the international market and seeking to raise fund from Nasdaq IPO.

2) Chinese film companies should develop themselves more. Most Chinese companies are not strong enough to meet market demand from Hollywood, where U.S. film studios have their own operating rules including capital operation, profit models, the film production and industry chain, all of which are different from those in the Chinese market.

3) China will further open its entertainment market. The rule that limits the number of foreign films that can be shown in the domestic market every year to just 20 will be lifted. The next three to four years the number of screens in China will increase to 13,000 from 8,000. And China is also IMAX‘s 5 fastest-growing market with 23 of the high-tech cinemas opened to date.

Unit 3 Property Boom

Text A

I. Reading Comprehension

1.Determine whether the following statements are true or false. Write a T for

true, an F for false, and an NG for not given.

1) F 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) NG 6) F 7) T 8) F 9) T 10) T

2.Essay Questions

1)We can see from the index that for the first 100 years or so, prices go up and down

but gain very little overall. However, starting in the late 1990s, house prices began to soar unprecedentedly. Then after hitting the summit in the middle of the first decade of the new century, it started to plummet.

2)Because property loans are relatively light on capital and backed by real assets. In

retail banking mortgages are thought to anchor long-term relationships with customers. And lending on commercial property is big enough for sales teams to meet their targets.

3)The first lever is the institutional framework controlled by the

government—things like tax breaks, housing subsidies, land supply and the laws on recourse in the event of default. The second lever is the system of mortgage financing. And the third lever is the idea of macroprudential regulation which is already common in some parts of the world.

4)It deprives first-time buyers and the self-employed of their right to raise a bank

loan. As a consequence, they are encouraged to seek more expensive and unsecured method of financing. Some lenders also fret that if underwriting becomes too prescriptive, borrowers are relieved of taking responsibility for their own actions.

5)Thanks to transaction taxes, property bubbles are helpful to exchequers and the

job markets when the property boom is under way.

II.Blank-filling: Complete the following sentences with the words given in the box. Change the form when necessary.

1) replicate 2) fiscal 3) discretionary 4) unsustainable 5) volatile 6) transferable 7) mandate 8) default 9) liquidity 10) dampened III. Paraphrasing

1.Rewriting: Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence in your own words.

1) It is not easy to find out the reasons for the property bubble, but few would dispute that easy credit played a part in driving up prices and making the bust worse.

2) Imposing rigid limits on how much people can borrow either disenfranchises some—first-time buyers and the self-employed tend to suffer most—or increases the risks for those resorting to a more expensive, unsecured way of financing in order to

bypass the regulation.

3) Despite the evidence of Mr. Shiller‘s chart, lots of financiers and politicians tried to convince themselves that things were not that bad this time.

4) Still, it is relatively easy to cool down the property booms in emerging markets, where there are usually more people to help into homes than there are existing homeowners.

5) Therefore financial regulators should be given clear authorized power to resist the pressures they will face when the next boom is under way.

2. Sentence Transformation: Complete the following sentences based on the structures given.

1) Only if basic guarantee standards continue to be met, can more liberal financing regimes be a good thing (ask any young Italian who wants to buy a home).

2) long-term fixed-rate mortgages are adopted by the Danish system, just like the American one, to protect borrowers from the risks of interest-rate fluctuation.

3) It is also worried by some lenders that if banks impose too strict rules to guarantee the payment of loans, the borrowers would not bear responsibility for their own actions.

4) Different from the universal excessiveness of property everywhere, the policy response to the property booms in the past decade will and should not be the same in different countries.

5) In order to lower the amount of debt which is unavoidable in property, banks have to increase the amount of equity they hold.


1.Sentence Translation

1) 在银行的零售业务中,抵押贷款被认为是一项能有助于银行与客户建立长期关系的业务。对商业房地产的贷款也由于数额巨大能够一次性地使销售团队达到他们的目标。

2) 第一种杠杆是由政府控制的体制框架——像税收减免、住房津贴、土地供应和有关违约追诉的法律等等。

3) 根据旨在削减美国的预算赤字而起草的提案,抵押贷款的利息所享受的税务优惠将会减少。

4) 许多经济观察家热情推荐丹麦模式,这种模式的特点在于由专业从事抵押贷款业务的银行对放贷比率进行严格控制。

5) 中国、新加坡以及其他国家和地区的政府和调控部门好像一直都在采取调整放贷的比率,限制用于投机性房产购置的贷款数量,对在一定期限内抛售的房产征税等措施。

2. Passage Translation

For the past two decades or more, urbanization in China has come relatively easily. As the country proudly claims, slums and shantytowns are rare compared with other developing countries. But ensuring a continuing net inflow of migrants into the cities as the youngest cohort shrinks will mean giving workers from the countryside more

incentives to stay permanently (such as affordable housing and schooling). More money is being spent on these, but not yet enough.

Cities say they welcome migrants, but some find roundabout ways of keeping them from settling. Beijing recently launched a set of extraordinary measures to tame property prices and ease traffic congestion that included all but banning migrants (one-third of the city‘s population) from buying homes or cars. In the name of improving safety, it has started closing down basement dwellings where migrants often live.


1) plummeted 2) follow 3) average 4) dropped 5) period 6) website

7) discounts 8) property 9) down 10) transactions 11) cooling 12) primary 13) weak 14) inventory 15) peak


1.Multiple Choice: Listen to a piece of news for the first time and choose the best answer to each question.

1) C 2) B 3) A 4) C 5) D

2. Blank-filling: Listen to the news again and complete the following paragraphs with the information you get.

1) government-subsidized

2) financially

3) middle-income

4) urban

5) the safety and quality of affordable housing

6) a mechanism must be built to ensure openness and transparency in allocating such houses


More Affordable Housing Will Strengthen Social Safety Net China‘s top government officials this m onth have focused on the construction of affordable housing, underlining the urgency to address the dire living needs of city dwellers amid rocketing property prices and high rental fees.

Vice Premier Li Keqiang said that affordable housing is designed to help address the housing issue of low and middle-income people and is an important part in building the nation‘s social safety net.

―The nation must push forward the construction of affordable housing on a massive scale, speed up the renovation of run-down areas and construct more public rental housing,‖ Li said during a meeting with top provincial leaders Wednesday.

China‘s affordable housing program includes government-subsidized low-rent housing for the most financially challenged residents, public rental houses for those

middle-income earners who cannot purchase a house in cities, and upgrades of urban slums.

Li‘s call came after the State Council, the cabinet, held an executive meeting one week ago that urged more support for affordable housing construction while continuing government tightening measures to cool the property market.

―The central government, as well as the local governments, should expand financial support to the sector while also attracting more social capital investment,‖ Li said.

He also said land supply for affordable housing construction must be guaranteed.

China‘s top land authority said Wednesday that land supply for the nation‘s affordable housing reached 16,477 hectares in the first half of the year, which was up 24 percent from the same period in 2010.

The total land supply for residential housing reached nearly 57,407 hectares, representing a 2% increase year-on-year, according to the Ministry of Land and Resources.

Data shows that by the end of June, construction had started on more than five million, or over half of the nation‘s planned affordable housing units. The government expects that construction of nearly four million units will be completed within the year.

China plans to start building 10 million affordable housing units this year. Li told local government leaders that efforts must be made to ensure this target is achieved.

He also stressed housing quality, adding that central government departments will soon launch a campaign to check the safety and quality of affordable housing.

With the completion of more affordable housing, a fair method of allocating such houses must be ensured so that those with the greatest need can get them. Li said a mechanism must be built to ensure openness and transparency.

Further, he advised property developers to sell smaller houses to meet the market demand for cheaper housing, while speculative investment in the property market should be curbed.

The State Council last week also ordered local governments to strictly implement housing price controls. Differentiated housing-loan rates, property taxes in some cities, and house purchase limits should be continued to restrain speculative purchases. Text B

I. Speaking

1. Discussion:

1)Legal issues and the rush of new supply. One way to manage the risk of

oversupply is to take capital out of emerging markets as quickly as possible.

Another is to go for the less crowded parts of the market, such as the logistics sector or shopping centers.

2)In January three of the ten biggest short positions in Hong Kong-listed mainland

companies were held in property firms. Nationally, incomes in China have largely kept pace with rising prices, but an IMF report in December said that in

some big cities prices ―appear to be increasingly disconnected from fundamentals‖

3)They include raising the minimum down payment for first-time buyers to 30%

of a home‘s value, up from 20% before, and a stop on mortgages for people buying a third or subsequent home. And a property tax was announced in Shanghai and Chongqing at the start of this year.

4)Land sales are a big source of revenue for local governments, and by drafting

development plans for the land the government can hike its value several times over. Until recently, local governments would sell this land to developers for very little upfront. A firm could buy land worth 5 billion yuan with just 500 million yuan($75.9m) in working capital, says Jinsong Du of Credit Suisse5.

Even better, the developer could then offer that land as collateral for a loan of, say, 2.5 billion yuan from a bank. And instead of ploughing those borrowed billions into developing the site, they could use it to buy more land.

5)The central government has launched a huge social-housing program which will

bring lots of cheaper housing. In the meantime the government is trying to draw the air out of the speculative part of the market (by restricting mortgages taken out for investment purposes, and by banning many state-owned enterprises from buying land) and to put developers under pressure to build and release properties quickly. Banks now have to put money into an escrow account instead of lending directly to developers. The cash is paid out when construction reaches certain milestones. Down payments from developers to local governments have shot up, too, and now total 60-70% of the land‘s value.

Unit 4 Information Technology

Text A

I.Reading Comprehension

https://www.360docs.net/doc/da10590819.html,plete the following passage with the information you get from the text.

1) co-founder 2) value/significance 3) drop-out 4) engineering

5) titans/giants 6) attention 7) floundering/struggling 8) surpassed

9) technology 10) daunting

2.Essay Questions

1)As a touch-screen computer without a keyboard, iPad is a ground-breaking new

product. Extending the iPhone‘s innovations of a more versatile screen and lightweight applications designed for specific tasks, it points to a future beyond the computer mouse – and a world without Windows.

2)Apple has released Ping, a social network similar to Facebook for iTunes users.

And it will counter Google‘s smaller 7-inch tablet computer with a similar gadget of its own.

3)His strong spiritual aspiration, relentless ambition and obsessive attention to


4)No fixed answer.

5)No fixed answer.

II.Blank-filling: Complete the following sentences with the words given in the box. Change the form when necessary.

1) rebuttal 2) sideline 3) stir up 4) rankle 5) write off

6) obsessive 7) surpass 8) culmination 9) fledgling 10) rudimentary III.Paraphrasing

1.Rewriting: Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence in your own words.

1) More than ten years ago, it was highly speculated that both Mr. Job‘s career and Apple, the company he had co-founded would fail in the competition, their relevance to the future of technology written off both in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street.

2) Mr. Gates himself championed a tablet computer nearly a decade ago, however it was not well-received by the market due to its need of a stylus to write on its screen and the PC-like interface.

3) A spirituality guided by his training in Zen Buddhism has played a central part in his life, and with such spiritual belief he even avoided using medical treatment for a period while struggling against pancreatic cancer.

4) Compromise seems too strong a word, but now as a world leader in this business, Apple has become more pragmatic.

5) After antitrust authorities took an interest this year, Mr. Jobs backed off a

requirement that forced developers to use Apple‘s software tools to create apps, barring rival Adobe‘s technology—nevertheless this change of strategy seemed to be designed intentionally to please software developers who might otherwise turn more attention to creating apps for phones running Google‘s software.

2. Sentence Transformation: Complete the following sentences based on the structures given.

1) As an acknowledged master for a long time, Mr. Jobs knows very well the art of generating this suspension of disbelief which is essential to stirring up demand for gadgets most consumers had no idea they needed.

2) In order to rule its new kingdom even more closely than what Microsoft did to the PC, Apple now makes the decision on which applications are available in its online store and sets the rules for how those applications are developed.

3) Despite being a college drop-out with no formal engineering background, he and Mr. Wozniak founded their new business by resorting to their electronics hobby right after returning from India.

4) It is regarded by those who have worked for him that Mr. Jobs, as a stern taskmaster, cares more about what is possible to be achieved than those long-range visions.

5) Though it seems out of his character, Mr. Jobs now is forced to compete with others who are considering Apple as their main rival.


1.Sentence Translation

1) 一月份发布会之前,公众的期待就被煽动得无比高涨,即便是依照乔布斯自己的苛刻标准,这也是不寻常的。

2) 好几个月来,高科技圈一直在猜测传说中的苹果公司最新的开拓性产品。

3) 这对美国作家菲茨杰拉德被广泛引用的名言“美国社会中没有从头再来一说”是个绝妙的反驳。

4) 比尔·盖茨是难以取胜的劲敌。由于他对个人电脑软件领域的垄断,在其处于事业的巅峰时期,比尔·盖茨可能更加富有,也可能更能呼风唤雨。

5) 有了平板电脑iPad助力,苹果的总市值五月份终于超过了微软成为全世界最有价值的科技公司。

2. Passage Translation

My passion has been to build an enduring company where people were motivated to make great products. Everything else was secondary. Sure, it was great to make a profit, because that was what allowed you to make great products. But the products, not the profits, were the motivation. Sculley flipped these priorities to where the goal was to make money. It‘s a subtle difference, but it ends up meaning everything: the people you hire, who gets promoted, what you discuss in meetings.

Some peo ple say, ―Give the customers what they want.‖ But that‘s not my approach. Our job is to figure out what they‘re going to want before they do. I think Henry Ford once said, ―If I‘d asked customers what they wanted, they would have

told me, ?A faster horse!‘‖ People don‘t know what they want until you show it to them. That‘s why I never rely on market research. Our task is to read things that are not yet on the page.


1) platform 2) unveil 3) executive 4) launches 5) strategic 6) health

7) excellent 8) centered 9) crucial 10) popularity


1. Multiple Choice: Listen to Part One and choose the best answer to each question.

1) C 2) B 3) D 4) D 5) B

2. Listen to Part Two and answer the following questions.

1) The Calligraphy class. Because it was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can‘t capture, and he found it fascinating.

2) Ten years later, when they were designing the first Macintosh computer, what he learnt in the class all came back to him. And they designed the first computer with beautiful typography.

3) No one can predict the future. But the future is decided by what you did in the past. So what we can do is to trust in something—courage, destiny, life etc. and let it guide us.


Part I

―I am honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. Truth be told, I never graduated from college. And this is the closest I‘ve ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you thre e stories from my life. That‘s it. No big deal. Just three stories.

The first story is about connecting the dots.

I dropped out of Reed College after the first six months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out?

It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: ―We‘ve got an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?‖ They said: ―Of course.‖ My biological mother found out later that my

mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would go to college. This was the start in my life.

And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents‘ savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn‘t see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trusted that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking th e required classes that didn‘t interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked far more interesting.

It wasn‘t all romantic. I didn‘t have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends‘ rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5 cents deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the seven miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example:

Part II

Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus, every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dr opped out and didn‘t have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can‘t capture, and I found it fascinating.

None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it‘s likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later.


绪论 一.填空题 1.植物界几大类群中, 哪几类属高等植物________________________。 苔藓、蕨类、裸子、被子植物。 2.维管植物包括哪几个门________、________、________。 (1) 蕨类(2) 裸子(3) 裸子植物门。 3.各大类群植物中: ________、________、________植物具有维管束; ________、________、________植物具有颈卵器; ________植物具有花粉管; ________植物具有果实。 (1) 蕨类、裸子、被子。(2) 苔藓、蕨类、被子。(3) 裸子。(4) 被子。 4.植物界各大类群中, 称为孢子植物的有________植物、________植物、 ________植物、________植物、________植物; 称为种子植物的有________植物、________植物; 称为颈卵器植物的有________植物、________植物、________ 植物。 (1) 藻类、菌类、地衣、苔藓、蕨类 (2) 裸子、被子 (3) 苔藓、蕨类、裸子。 5.苔藓、蕨类和裸子植物三者都有_________, 所以三者合称_________植物; 而裸子和被子植物二者都有_________, 所以二者合称_________植物, 上述四类 植物又可合称为_________植物。 .颈卵器; 颈卵器; 种子; 种子; 高等(有胚)。 6.从形态构造发育的程度看, 藻类、菌类、地衣在形态上_________分化, 构造上一般也无组织分化, 因此称为__________________; 其生殖器官_________, _________发育时离开母体, 不形成胚, 故称无胚植物。 ⑴无根茎叶⑵原植体⑶单细胞⑷合子。 7.维德克(Whitaker)把生物划分为五界系统。即_________界、__________界、________界、__________界和____________界。 原核生物、原生动物、植物、动物、菌物。 8.藻类和真菌的相似点, 表现在植物体都没有________、________、________ 的分化; 生殖器官都是________的结构; 有性生殖只产生合子而不形成 ________, 但是, 藻类因为有________, 所以营养方式通常是________, 而真 菌因为无________, 所以营养方式是________。 (1) 根、茎、叶 (2) 单细胞 (3) 胚 (4) 光合作用色素或叶绿体(载色体) (5) 自养 (6) 光合作用色素或叶绿体 (7) 异养。 9.分类学上常用的各级单位依次是__________。 门、纲、目、科、属、种。 10.一个完整的学名包括___________、______________和_____________三部分。用_______________文书写。 属名;种加词;定名人;拉丁。 11.为避免同物异名或异物同名的混乱和便于国际交流, 规定给予每一物种制定一个统一使用的科学名称, 称为学名(Scientific name), 国际植物命名法规定,


春风(老舍)阅读附答案 读书滋味 春风(老舍) ①济南与青岛是多么不相同的地方呢!一个设若比作穿肥袖马褂的老先生,那一个便应当是摩登的少女。可是这两处不无相似之点。拿气候说吧,济南的夏天可以热死人,而青岛是有名的避暑所在;冬天,济南也比青岛冷。但是,两地的春秋颇有点相同。济南到春天多风,青岛也是这样;济南的秋天是长而晴美,青岛亦然。 ②对于秋天,我不知应爱哪里的:济南的秋是在山上,青岛的是在海边。济南是抱在小山里的,到了秋天,小山上那黄绿的草丛,苍翠的松树,褐色的石层,仿佛给小山穿上了一件色彩斑斓的衣衫,再配上那光暖的蓝空,我觉到一种舒适和安全,只想在山坡上似睡非睡地躺着,躺到永远。青岛的山——虽然怪秀美——不能与海相抗,秋海的波还是春样的绿,绿得晶莹剔透,远处的点点白帆在绿波上轻轻荡漾,平时看不见的小岛也清楚地点现在天边。这远到天边的绿水使我不愿思想而不得不思想。济南的秋给我安全之感,青岛的秋给我带来丝丝的甜美。我不知应当爱哪个。 ③所谓春风,似乎应当。可是,济南与青岛的春风都太粗猛,把两地的春都给吹毁了。济南的风每每在丁香海棠开花的时候把天刮黄,什么也看不见,连花都埋在黄暗中;青岛的风少一些沙土,可是狡猾,在已很暖的时节忽然来一阵或一天的冷风,把一切都送回冬天去,棉衣不敢脱,花儿不敢开,海边翻着愁浪。 ④两地的风都有时候整天整夜地刮。春夜的微风送来雁叫,使人似乎多些希望。整夜的大风,门响窗户动,使人不由地把头埋在被子里;即使无害,也似乎不应该如此。对于我,特别觉得难堪。我生在北方,听惯了风,可也最怕风。听是听惯了,因为听惯才知道那个难受劲儿。它老使我坐卧不安,心中游游摸摸的,干什么不好,不干什么也不好。它常常打断我的希望:听见风响,我记得出门,觉得寒冷,心中渺茫。春天仿佛应当有生气,应当有花草,这样的野风几乎是不可原谅的!我倒不是个弱不禁风的人,虽然身体不很足壮。我能受苦,只是受不住风。别种的苦处,多少是在一个地方,多少有个原因,多少可以设法减除;对风是千没办法。总不在一个地方,到处随时使我的脑子晃动,像怒海上的船。它使我说不出为什么苦痛,而且没法子避免。它自由地刮,我死受着苦。我不能和风去讲理或吵架。单单在春天刮这样的风!可是跟谁讲理去呢?苏杭的春天应当没有这不得人心的风吧?我不知道,而希望如此。好有个地方去“避风”呀!(此文选自《中华活页文选》,有改动) 1、请根据对本文的理解,试写出济南与青岛两地在气候上的相同点与不同点。 相同点:____________________________________________________________ 不同点:____________________________________________________________ 2、本文写济南秋天的美,主要是通过山来表现的,重点抓住了


2 何时选用顺序表,何时选用链表作为线性表的存储结构合适? 各自的主要优缺点是什么? 在实际应用中,应根据具体问题的要求和性质来选择顺序表或链表作为线性表的存储结构,通常有以下几方面的考虑: 1. 基于空间的考虑。当要求存储的线性表长度变化不大,易于事先确定其大小时,为了节约存储空间,宜采用顺序表;反之,当线性表长度变化大,难以估计其存储规模时,采用动态链表作为存储结构为好。 2. 基于时间的考虑。若线性表的操作主要是进行查找,很少做插入和删除操作时,采用顺序表做存储结构为宜;反之,若需要对线性表进行频繁地插入或删除等的操作时,宜采用链表做存储结构。并且,若链表的插入和删除主要发生在表的首尾两端,则采用尾指针表示的单循环链表为宜。 顺序表的主要优点: 没使用指针,不用花费附加开销; 线性表元素的读写访问非常简洁便利 链表的主要优点:无需事先了解线性表的长度; 能够适应经常插入删除内部元素的情况; 允许线性表的长度有很大变化 3 在顺序表中插入和删除一个结点平均需要移动多少个结点? 具体的移动次数取决于哪两个因素? 在等概率情况下,顺序表中插入一个结点需平均移动n/2 个结点。删除一个结点需平均移动(n-1)/2个结点。具体的移动次数取决于顺序表的长度n以及需插入或删除的位置i °i 越接近n 则所需移动的结点数越少。 4 链表所表示的元素是否有序? 如有序,则有序性体现于何处? 链表所表示的元素是否一定要在物理上是相邻的? 顺序表的有序性又如何理解? 有序。有序性体现在通过指针数据元素有序的相连。物理上不一定要相邻。顺序表的有序不仅体现在逻辑结构上有序,而且在物理结构(储存结构)也有序。 5 设顺序表L是递增有序表,试写一算法,将x插入到L中并使L仍是递增有序表。因已知顺 序表L是递增有序表,所以只要从顺序表终端结点(设为i位置元素)开始向前 寻找到第一个小于或等于x的元素位置i后插入该位置即可。 在寻找过程中,由于大于x 的元素都应放在x 之后,所以可边寻找,边后移元素,当找到


《锅炉原理》习题库参考答案 第一章 基本概念 1. 锅炉容量:指锅炉的最大长期连续蒸发量,常以每小时所能供应蒸汽的吨数示。 2. 层燃炉:指具有炉箅(或称炉排),煤块或其它固体燃料主要在炉箅上的燃料层内燃烧。 3. 室燃炉:指燃料在炉膛空间悬浮燃烧的锅炉。 4. 旋风炉:指在一个以圆柱形旋风筒作为主要燃烧室的炉子,气流在筒内高速旋转,煤粉气流沿圆筒切向送入或由筒的一端旋转送入。较细的煤粉在旋风筒内悬浮燃烧,而较粗的煤粒则贴在筒壁上燃烧。筒内的高温和高速旋转气流使燃烧加速,并使灰渣熔化形成液态排渣。 5. 火炬―层燃炉:指用空气或机械播撒把煤块和煤粒抛入炉膛空间,然后落到炉箅上的燃烧方式的炉子。 6. 自然循环炉:指依靠工质自身密度差造成的重位压差作为循环推动力的锅炉。 7. 多次强制循环炉:指在循环回路中加装循环水泵作为主要的循环推动力的锅炉。 8. 直流锅炉:指工质一次通过蒸发受热面,即循环倍率等于一的锅炉。 9. 复合制循环炉:指在一台锅炉上既有自然循环或强制循环锅炉循环方式,又有直流锅炉循环方式的锅炉。 10. 连续运行小时数:指两次检修之间运行的小时数。 11. 事故率=%100?+事故停用小时数 总运行小时数事故停用小时数; 12. 可用率= %100?+统计期间总时数备用总时数运行总时数; 13. 钢材使用率: 指锅炉每小时产生一吨蒸汽所用钢材的吨数。

一、基本概念 1. 元素分析:指全面测定煤中所含全部化学成分的分析。 2. 工业分析:指在一定的实验条件下的煤样,通过分析得出水分、挥发分、固定碳和 灰分这四种成分的质量百分数的过程。 3. 发热量:指单位质量的煤在完全燃烧时放出的全部热量。 4. 结渣:指燃料在炉内燃烧时,在高温的火焰中心,灰分一般处于熔化或软化状态, 具有粘性,这种粘性的熔化灰粒,如果接触到受热面管子或炉墙,就会粘结于其上,这就称为结渣。 5. 变形温度:指灰锥顶变圆或开始倾斜; 6. 软化温度:指灰锥弯至锥底或萎缩成球形; 7. 熔化温度:指锥体呈液体状态能沿平面流动。 二、问答题 1. 煤的元素分析成分有哪些? 答:煤的元素分析成分包括:碳、氢、氧、氮、硫、灰分和水分。 2. 煤的工业分析成分有哪些? 答:煤的元素分析成分包括:水分、挥发分、固定碳和灰分。 3. 挥发性物质包括一些什麽物质? 答:挥发性物质主包括:各种碳氢化合物、氢、一氧化碳、硫化氢等可燃气体组成,此外,还有少量的氧、二氧化碳、氮等不可燃气体。


生物科学、生物技术、应用生物技术专业植物学 期末考试卷 姓名:___________班级:______学号:___________成绩:_____________ 一.填空题(除注明者外,每空分,总40分) 1.石竹科的子房1室室,具有特立中央胎座,胚珠多数。 2.双子叶植物原始花被亚纲的雄蕊着生在花托上,珠被常2 层;合瓣 花亚纲的雄蕊着生在花冠管上,珠被常1 层。 3.苏铁的大孢子叶羽状分裂,银杏纲的大孢子叶称为珠领_, 在松柏纲 大孢子叶称为珠鳞,买麻藤纲珠被形成珠孔管。 4.表明苏铁和银杏具有联系,是它们在生殖过程中都产生兼作 吸器的的花粉管;大形陀螺状有多数鞭毛的精子;前胚期具有具有多数的游离核阶段。 5.十字花科植物具有十字形花冠;四强雄蕊;角果。 6.(8分,每空1分)无花果属的学名是:Ficus ;Cinnamomum是樟 属的学名;茶的学名是Camellia sinensis ;大豆的学名是:Glycine max;Cymbidium sinensis是墨兰的学名;Oryza sativa是水稻的学名;人参的学名为Panax ginseng ;Cucurbita是 南瓜属的学名。

7.菊科植物的萼片, 通常变态为冠毛、鳞片和倒刺三种类型。 8.山毛榉科的雄花常排成柔荑花序。果为坚果, 外有总苞(壳斗)包被。 9.写出右下图中小叶罗汉松种子的各部分结构的名称: (1)套被; (2)种子; (3)苞片; (4)种托; (5)苞片。 10.泽泻科植物具有离生的雌雄蕊,缺乏胚乳的种子。 11.在松柏纲四个科中, 松科的珠鳞与苞鳞大部分分离, 杉科的珠鳞与苞鳞 大部分合生, 柏科的珠鳞与苞鳞完全合生, 而南洋杉科珠鳞退化、苞鳞发达。 12.在所学过的被子植物中, 具有下列特征的各举两个科: (1) 心皮多数, 分 离, 螺旋状排列的有木兰科、毛茛科。(2) 叶对生, 子房下位的有茜草科、桃金娘科。(3) 叶有香气并有透明腺点的有芸香科、桃金娘科。(4) 茎具双韧维管束的有夹竹桃科、萝摩科。(5) 植物体具白色乳汁的有桑科、夹竹桃科。


【部编语文】《阅读理解》单元测试题(含答案) 一、二年级语文下册阅读理解训练 1.阅读下文,回答问题。 春风 春风春风,脚步轻轻,走近小草,轻轻一亲,小草醒了。 春风春风,脚步轻轻,走进树林,轻轻一吹,树叶绿了。 春风春风,脚步轻轻,走到田野,轻轻一挥,麦苗高了。 春风春风,脚步轻轻,走进花园,轻轻一唱,花儿开了。 春风春风,脚步轻轻,走到河边,轻轻一摸,冰融化了。 春风春风,脚步轻轻,走到幼儿园,小朋友笑了:“春天到了。” (1)在文中找出下列词语的反义词写下来。 睡——________ 低——________ (2)用“________”画出文中表示动作的词语。 (3)品读短文,说一说春风都去了哪些地方。 (4)在你的眼里春风是怎样的呢? 【答案】(1)醒;高 (2)走、亲、吹、挥、唱、摸、笑 (3)草地、树林、田野、花园、河边、幼儿园。 (4)在我的眼里,春风是神奇的。 【解析】 2.阅读下文,回答问题。 远方来的礼物 秋天,田野金灿灿的。小鼹鼠坐在田埂(gěng)上,把这美丽的景色画下来,打算寄给远方的奶奶。一群大雁飞过,小鼹鼠说:“大雁,请把这幅画带给我奶奶。” 第二天,鼹鼠奶奶收到这幅画,开心地笑了:“噢,谢谢我的孙子。大雁,麻烦你把一个吻带给我孙子。”鼹鼠奶奶吻了一下大雁。 大雁要继续南飞,委托一只小鸟说:“有一个吻是鼹鼠奶奶带给她孙子的,麻烦你转交一下。”大雁吻了小鸟一下。 小鸟带着吻飞到树林里,碰见松鼠,就说:“松鼠,有一个吻,是鼹鼠奶奶带给小鼹鼠的,请你转交一下。”小鸟吻了松鼠一下。 松鼠带着吻,翻过山顶,来到田野上。他大声喊:“小鼹鼠,快来拿礼物!” 小鼹鼠跑过来,松鼠轻轻地吻了一下小鼹鼠:“你远方的奶奶托人带来一个吻,你收好了。”小鼹鼠高兴地说:“谢谢。” (1)照样子填一填。 田野金灿灿的草地________的油菜花________的 (2)短文记叙了小鼹鼠让大雁把一幅画送给了自己的奶奶,鼹鼠奶奶把________通过大雁、________、________传递给了自己的孙子的感人故事。


第二章 集成门电路 一、填空 1、由TTL 门组成的电路如图7.1-2所示,已知它们的输入短路电流为I is =1.6mA ,高电平输入漏电流I iH =40μA 。试问:当A=B=1时,G 1的 电流(拉,灌)为 ;A=0时,G 1的 电流(拉,灌)为 。 3 G A B 图1 2、TTL 门电路输入端悬空时,应视为 ;(高电平,低电平,不定)此时如用万用表测量其电压,读数约为 (3.5V ,0V ,1.4V )。 3、集电极开路门(OC 门)在使用时须在 之间接一电阻(输出与地,输出与输入,输出与电源)。 4、CMOS 门电路的特点:静态功耗 (很大,极低);而动态功耗随着工作频率的提高而 (增加,减小,不变);输入电阻 (很大,很小);噪声容限 (高,低,等)于TTL 门。 二、 图 2各电路中凡是能实现非功能的要打对号,否则打×。图2-1为TTL 门电路,图 2-2为CMOS 门电路。 A 图2-1 A A V 图2-2 三、 要实现图3中各TTL 门电路输出端所示的逻辑关系各门电路的接法是否正确?如不 正确,请予更正。

C B A C B A F ??= A B AB =A B CD AB F +=X X B X A F += 图3 四、图4中G 1为TTL 三态门,G 2为TTL 与非门,万用表的内阻20k Ω/V ,量程5V 。当 C=1或C=0以及S 通或断等不同情况下,U 01和U 02的电位各是多少? 图4 五、由CMOS 传输门和反相器构成的电路如图5(a )所示,试画出在图5(b )波形作用下的输出u o 的波形(u i1=10V u i2=5V ) t t 图5(a ) (b) C S 通S 断11U O1=U O2=U O1=U O2= 00 U O1=U O2= U O1=U O2= U O2


锅炉专业考试题库 理论部分: —、填空题: 安全部分: 1.消防工作的方针是(预防为主),(防消结合)。 4.生产现场禁火区内进行动火作业,应同时执行(动火工作票制度)。 5.工作延期手续只能办理一次。如需再延期,应重新签发(工作票),并注明(原因)。 8.安全电压额定值的等级为:(42)伏、(36)伏、(24)伏、(12)伏、(6)伏 10.工作票不准任意涂改。涂改后上面应由(签发人或工作许可人)签名或盖章,否则此工作票应无效。 11.许可进行工作前,应将一张工作票发给(工作负责人),另一张保存在(工作许可人处)。 12.全部工作结束后,工作人员退出工作地点,工作负责人和运 行班长或值长应在工作票上(签字注销)。注销的工作票应送交 所属单位的领导。工作票注销后应保存(三个月)。 13.工作如不能按计划期限完成,必须由工作负责人办理工作(延期手续)。 14.在没有脚手架或在没有栏杆的脚手架上工作,高度超过(1.5)

米时,必须使用安全带,或采取其他可靠的安全措施。 。较大的工具应用绳栓在牢固的构件高处作业应一律使用(工具袋)15. 上,不准随便乱放,以防止从高空坠落发生事故。 16.在进行高处工作时,除有关人员外,不准他人在工作地点的下面(通行或逗留),工作地点下面应有(围栏或装设其他保护装置),防止落物伤人。 钳工部分: 1、内径千分尺测量范围很有限,为扩大范围可采用(加接长杆)的方法。 2、水平仪的读数方法有(相对)读数法和(绝对)读数法。 3、工艺基准按其作用可分为(装配)基准、(测量)基准、(定位)基准、(工序)基准。 4、测量方法的总误差包括(系统)误差和(随机)误差。 5、划线作业可分两种即(平面划线);(立体划线)。 6、锉刀的齿纹有(单齿纹)和(双齿纹)两种。 7、锉刀分(普通锉);(特种锉);(什锦锉) 三类。 8、通过锉削,使一个零件能放入另一个零件的孔或槽内,且松紧合乎要求,这项操作叫(锉配)。 9、钻孔时,工件固定不动,钻头要同时完成两个运动、。 11、麻花钻头主要由几部分构成(柄部);(颈部);(工作部分)。 12、用丝锥加工内螺纹称为(攻丝)用板牙套制外螺纹称为(套


生物科学、生物技术、应用生物技术专业植 物学期末考试卷 姓名:___________班级:______学号:___________成绩:_____________ 一.填空题(除注明者外,每空0.5分,总40分) 1.石竹科的子房1室室,具有特立中央胎座,胚珠多数。 2.双子叶植物原始花被亚纲的雄蕊着生在花托上,珠被常2 层; 合瓣花亚纲的雄蕊着生在花冠管上,珠被常1 层。 3.苏铁的大孢子叶羽状分裂,银杏纲的大孢子叶称为珠领_, 在松 柏纲大孢子叶称为珠鳞,买麻藤纲珠被形成珠孔管。 4.表明苏铁和银杏具有联系,是它们在生殖过程中都产生兼作 吸器的的花粉管;大形陀螺状有多数鞭毛的精子;前胚期具有具有多数的游离核阶段。 5.十字花科植物具有十字形花冠;四强雄蕊;角果。 6.(8分,每空1分)无花果属的学名是:Ficus ;Cinnamomum 是樟属的学名;茶的学名是Camellia sinensis ;大豆的学名是:Glycine max;Cymbidium sinensis是墨兰的学名;Oryza sativa 是水稻的学名;人参的学名为Panax ginseng ;Cucurbita是 南瓜属的学名。

7.菊科植物的萼片, 通常变态为冠毛、鳞片和倒刺三种类型。 8.山毛榉科的雄花常排成柔荑花序。果为坚果, 外有总苞(壳斗)包 被。 9.写出右下图中小叶罗汉松种子的各部分结构的名称: (1)套被; (2)种子; (3)苞片; (4)种托; (5)苞片。 10.泽泻科植物具有离生的雌雄蕊,缺乏胚乳的种子。 11.在松柏纲四个科中, 松科的珠鳞与苞鳞大部分分离, 杉科的珠鳞 与苞鳞大部分合生, 柏科的珠鳞与苞鳞完全合生, 而南洋杉科珠鳞退化、苞鳞发达。 12.在所学过的被子植物中, 具有下列特征的各举两个科: (1) 心皮多 数, 分离, 螺旋状排列的有木兰科、毛茛科。(2) 叶对生, 子房下位的有茜草科、桃金娘科。(3) 叶有香气并有透明腺点的有芸香科、桃金娘科。(4) 茎具双韧维管束的有夹竹桃科、萝摩科。(5) 植物体具白色乳汁的有桑科、夹竹桃科。


老舍《春风》散文阅读附答案 春风 ①济南与青岛是多么不相同的地方呢!一个设若比作穿肥袖马褂的老先生,那一个便应当是登的少女。可是这两处不无相似之点。拿气候说吧,济南的夏天可以热死人,而青岛是有名的避暑所在;冬天,济南也比青岛冷。但是,两地的春秋颇有点相同。济南到春天多风,青岛也是这样;济南的秋天是长而晴美,青岛亦然。 ②对于秋天,我不知应爱哪里的:济南的秋是在山上,青岛的是在海边。济南是抱在小山里的,到了秋天,小山上那黄绿的草丛,苍翠的松树,色的石层,仿佛给小山?穿上了一件色彩斑的衣衫,再配上那光暖的蓝空,我觉到一种舒适和安全,只想在山坡上似睡非睡地躺着,躺到永远。青岛的山——虽然怪秀美——不能与海相抗,秋海的波还是春样的绿,绿得晶莹剔透,远处的点点白帆在绿波上轻轻荡漾,平时看不见的小岛也清楚地点现在天边。这远到天边的绿水使我不愿思想而不得不思想。济南的秋给我安全之感,青岛的秋给我带来丝丝的甜美。我不知应当爱哪个。 ③所谓春风,似乎应当_____________________________________。可是,济南与青岛的春风都太粗猛,把两地的春都给吹毁了。济南的风每每在丁香海棠开花的时候把天刮黄,什么也看不见,连花都埋在黄暗中;青岛的风少一些沙土,可是狡猾,在已很暖的时节忽然来一阵或一天的`冷风,把一切都送回冬天去,棉衣不敢脱,花儿不敢开,海边着愁浪。 ④两地的风都有时候整天整夜地刮。春夜的微风送来雁叫,使人似乎多些希望。整夜的大风,门响窗户动,使人不英雄地把头埋在被子里;即使无害,也似乎不应该如此。对于我,特别觉得难堪。我生在北方,听惯了风,可也最怕风。听是听惯了,因为听惯才知道那个难受劲儿。它老使我坐卧不安,心中游游摸摸的,干什么不好,不干什么也不好。它常常打断我的希望:听见风响,我记得出门,觉得寒冷,心中渺茫。春天仿佛应当有生气,应当有花草,这样的野风几乎是不可原谅的!我倒不是个弱不禁风的人,虽然身体不很足壮。我能受苦,只是受不住风。别种的苦处,多少是在一个地方,多少有个原因,多少可以设法减除;对风是千没办法。总不在一个地方,到处随时使我的脑子晃动,像怒海上的船。它使我说不出为什么苦痛,而且没法子避免。它自由地刮,我死受着苦。我不能和风去讲理或吵架。单单在春天刮这样的风!可是跟谁讲理去呢?苏杭的春天应当没有这不得人心的风吧?我不准知道,而希望如此。好有个地方去“避风”呀!(此文选自《中华活页文选》,有改动) 18.请根据对本文的理解,试写出济南与青岛两地在气候上的相同点与不同点。2分


《Java语言与WWW技术》课程 第二章部分习题参考答案 2-2编写一个Java Application的例子,能在屏幕上输出“Welcome to Java World!”。 解答:参考源程序:MyJavaExcercise import java.io.*; public class MyJavaExcerciseApplication { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Welcome to Java World!"); } end of main method } end of class 2-3编写一个Java Applet程序的例子,使之能够在浏览器中显示“Welcome to Java Applet World!”的字符串信息。 解答:源程序:MyJavaExcerciseApplet.java import java.awt.Graphics; import java.applet.Applet; public class MyJavaExcerciseApplet extends Applet { public void paint(Graphics g) {

g.drawString("Welcome to Java Applet World!", 10 , 20); }//end of paint method }//end of class 2-4如何编写一个HTML文件,将2-3题中生成的Applet字节码嵌入其中,并用WWW浏览器观看这个HTML文件规定的页面。 解答:源程序:MyAppletInclude.html < /APPLET > 2-5参考教材中的例2-5,编写一个Applet,其中包括一个标签对象myLabel,利用这个标签对象输出信息“Java是面向对象的语言”。 import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class AppletLabelOutput extends Applet { Label myLabel;


锅炉专业考试题 一、填空题 1.过热蒸汽温度超出该压力下的(饱和)温度的(度数)称为过热度。 2.水冷壁的传热过程是:烟气对管外壁(辐射换热),管外壁向管内壁(导热),管内壁 与汽水之间进行(对流放热)。 3.锅炉受热面外表面积灰或结渣,会使管内介质与烟气热交换时的热量(减弱),因为灰渣的 (导热系数)小。 4.锅炉吹灰前应适当提高燃烧室(负压),并保持(燃烧)稳定。 5.冲洗水位计时应站在水位计的(侧面),打开阀门时应(缓慢小心)。 6.“虚假水位”现象是由于(负荷突变)造成(压力变化)引起锅水状态发生改变而引起 的。 7.强化锅炉燃烧时,应先增加(风)量,然后增加(燃料)量。 8.锅炉汽包水位三冲量自动调节系统,把(蒸汽流量)作为前馈信号,(给水流量)作为 反馈信号进行粗调,然后把(汽包水位)作为主信号进行校正。 9.循环倍率是指进入到水冷壁管的(循环水量)和在水冷壁中产生的(蒸气量)之比值。 10.锅炉排污分为(定期)排污和(连续)排污两种。 二、选择题 1.锅炉吹灰前,应将燃烧室负压()并保持燃烧稳定。 (A)降低;(B)适当提高;(C)维持;(D)必须减小。答案:B 2.()开启省煤器再循环门。 (A)停炉前;(B)熄火后;(C)锅炉停止上水后;(D)锅炉正常运行时。答案:C 3.锅炉正常停炉一般是指()。 (A)计划检修停炉;(B)非计划检修停炉;(C)因事故停炉;(D)节日检修。答 案:A 4.当机组突然甩负荷时,汽包水位变化趋势是()。 (A)下降;(B)先下降后上升;(C)上升;(D)先上升后下降。答案:B 5.在锅炉三冲量给水自动调节系统中,()是主信号。 (A)汽包水位;(B)给水流量;(C)蒸汽流量;(D)给水压力。答案:A

种春风 阅读答案

1、这篇文章的题目是《种春风》,请解释“春风”的含义。 2、第三段与第十段两次描写老人的肖像,对表现我的心里各有什么作用? 3、常言道“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”,文章中介绍了哪几件“种春风”的人和事,他们有收获了什么? 附:种春风 那天正好是立春。我拿着几张稿费单去邮局,心情很好。 邮局人不多,前面是个小伙子,正在给家里寄钱,后面是一个70岁左右的老人,戴着个老花镜,穿着破烂又邋遢。他肯定是来取子女们的汇款的吧。他手中还拿着一张报纸,我扫了一眼,是《河北农民报》,我从来没读过的一份报纸。 老人的外套油迹斑斑,我不由得站远了一些,以免蹭脏自己新买的“宝姿”风衣。我正戴着MP3耳机听歌呢,老人忽然伸出手来,我忙摘下耳机,他说:“姑娘,麻烦你在柜台帮我取张汇款单。” 我拿了一张给他,他又说:“姑娘,你能帮我写一下吗?人老了,戴上花镜也怕写错。”我有点儿无可奈何,但看他恳请,也只好从命。 “寄到哪里”我问。“就照着报纸上印的地址寄吧。”他指着巴掌大的一篇文章说。 我很快看完了,那则煽情的报道——原来是某村的一个小女孩,父母去县城卖菜的途中出了车祸,肇事司机至今没有消息,她只好跟着80岁的奶奶生活,学费、生活费都没有着落。“多可怜啊!”老人说。 “骗你呢,大伯。这肯定是骗局。连照片都没有,哪能信?” 老人很固执:“肯定是真的。以前我也寄过,人家都给回信了。你说,谁要是有活着的办法会这么求你呢?一定是过不去这个坎了,对吧,姑娘?” 我抬起头来,打量着这个猛然打动了我心的老人。他其貌不扬,甚至是寒酸的,摊开的双手老茧重重。老人叹口气说:“小的时候家里穷啊,要不是别人帮我,我肯定活不到现在。人帮人是天经地义的,古人都说,投我以桃李,报之以琼瑶。” 保险起见,我拨通了那家报社的电话,他们不仅知道老人的大名,还说,他每月都要寄钱来,他们对他非常感激。 老人每月的退休金只有500元,但那天他寄出的钱却是300元!我有些震惊,300元对我而言无所谓,一篇小稿子而已,可对老人几乎是倾其所有。老人说:“下个月我还要寄,让她们祖孙俩起码能吃上饭。” 不知为什么,我的眼角有些湿润,如果不是亲手填写这张汇款单,我真难相信一个也刚刚吃饱的人,正在把钱寄往一个更穷的地方。那一刻,我的心隐隐不安。一个买瓶CD香水就要花上千儿八百的女人,是越来越爱自己了,却对他人越来越铁石心肠。 那天,我领取的稿费将近2000元,也要了张汇款单,写了同一个地址,寄去了一点儿钱。老人非常感动,一个劲地说:“姑娘,我替她们祖孙谢谢你!” 我连忙摇头,哪里用他替陌生人感谢我,我才要感谢他,那种本真的善良,唤醒了我心中一度被遗忘的东西。这个社会有时是冷漠的、斤斤计较的,但只要你敢爱,敢信任,它就会是热情的、柔软的。 和老人告别后,我的心头别样的温暖。外面春风乍起,心里的春天也悄悄来了,我想起三毛的一首老歌《一亩田》:“每个人心里一亩一亩田,每个人心里一个一个梦,用它来种什么,用来种什么,种桃种李种春风……”



化工原理练习题 五.计算题 1. 密度为1200kg.m的盐水,以25m3.h-1的流量流过内径为75mm的无缝钢管。两液面间的垂直距离为25m,钢管总长为120m,管件、阀门等的局部阻力为钢管阻力的25%。试求泵的轴功率。假设:(1)摩擦系数λ=0.03;(2)泵的效率η=0.6 1.答案***** Z1+u2/2g+P1/ρg+He=Z2+u2/2g+P2/ρg+∑H f Z=0,Z=25m,u≈0,u≈0,P =P ∴H=Z+∑H=25+∑H ∑H=(λ×l/d×u/2g)×1.25 u=V/A=25/(3600×0.785×(0.07 5)) =1.573m.s ∑H=(0.03×120/0.075×1.573/(2×9.81)×1.25 =7.567m盐水柱 H=25+7.567=32.567m N=Q Hρ/102=25×32.567×120 0/

(3600×102) =2.66kw N轴=N/η=2.66/0.6=4.43kw 2.(16分) 如图的输水系统。已知管内径为d=50mm, 在阀门全开时输送系统的Σ(l+le ) =50m,摩擦系数可取λ=0.03,泵的性能曲线,在流量为6 m3.h-1至15 m3.h-1范围内可用下式描述: H=18.92-0.82Q2.,此处H为泵的扬程m,Q为 泵的流量m3.h-1,问: (1)如要求流量为10 m3.h-1,单位质量的水所需外加功为多少? 单位重量的水所需外加功为多少?此泵能否完成任务? (2)如要求输送量减至8 m3.h-1 (通过关小阀门来达到),泵的轴功率减少百分之多少?(设泵的效率变化忽略不计) 答案***** ⑴u=10/(3600×0.785×0.05)=1.415[m.s-1] Σhf =λ[Σ(l+le )/d](u2/2)


第二章燃料与燃烧计算 一、名词解释 1、发热量:单位质量的燃料在完全燃烧时所放出的热量。 2、高位发热量:1kg燃料完全燃烧后所产生的热量,包括燃料燃烧时所生成的水蒸气的汽化潜热。 3、低位发热量:高位发热量中扣除全部水蒸气的汽化潜热后的发热量。 4、标准煤:规定收到基低位发热量Qnet,ar =29308kJ/kg的煤。 6、煤的挥发分:失去水分的干燥煤样置于隔绝空气的环境下加热至一定温度时,煤中的有机物分 解而析出的气态物质的百分数含量。 7、油的闪点:油气与空气的混合物与明火接触发生短暂的闪光时对应的油温。 、不完全燃烧:指燃料的燃烧产物中还含有某些可燃物质的燃烧。 10、理论空气量:1kg收到基燃料完全燃烧,而又无过剩氧存在时所需的空气量。 11、过量空气系数:实际供给的空气量与理论空气量的比值。 12、理论烟气量:供给燃料以理论空气量,燃料达到完全燃烧,烟气中只含有二氧化碳、二氧化 硫、水蒸气及氮气四中气体时烟气所具有的体积 13、烟气焓:1kg固体、液体燃料或标准状态下1m3气体燃料燃烧生成的烟气在等压下从0℃加热 到某一温度所需的热量。 二、填空 1、煤的元素分析法测定煤的组成成分有碳、氢、氧、氮、硫、灰分、水分,其中碳、氢、硫是可燃成分,硫是有害成分。 2、煤的工业分析成分有水分、挥发分、固定碳和灰分。 3、表征灰的熔融特性的四个特征温度为变形温度、软化温度、半球温度和流动温度。 4、煤的炭化程度越深,其挥发分含量越少,着火温度越高,点火与燃烧就越困难。

5、煤的成分分析基准常用的有收到基、空气干燥基、干燥基和干燥无灰基。 6、理论水蒸气体积,包括燃料中氢完全燃烧生成的水蒸气、燃料中水分受热蒸发形成的 水蒸气、理论空气量带入的水蒸气三部分。 7、随同理论空气量V k 0带进烟气中的水蒸气体积为V k0 m3/kg。 8、烟气成分一般用烟气中某种气体的所占干烟气总体积的体积百分数含量来表示。 9、完全燃烧方程式为(1+β)RO2+O2=21 ,它表明当燃料完全燃烧时,烟气中含氧量与三原子气体量之间的关系,当α=1时,其式变为(1+β)RO2max=21 。 14、算α的两个近似公式分别为、。两式的使用条件是CO=0 、干烟气含有的氮气接近79%(N2=79%/N ar可忽略) 、β很小。 三、选择 1、在下列煤的成分中,能用干燥无灰基表示的成分有。(1)(2)(3)(5) (1)碳(2)氧(3)挥发分(4)灰分(5)固定碳 2、煤的收到基低位发热量大小与煤中下列成分有关。(1)(2)(4)(5)(6) (1)C ar (2)O ar (3)N ar (4)H ar (5)S ar (6)M ar 3、煤被一场大雨淋湿后,煤的高位发热量。(2) (1)升高(2)降低(3)不变 4、煤被一场大雨淋湿后,煤的干燥基碳的百分含量。(3) (1)升高(2)降低(3)不变 5、下列各煤种中,对锅炉的安全工作危害最大的是。 (3) A、Q net,ar =31320kJ/kg,S ar=% B、Q net,ar =29310kJ/kg,S ar=% C、Q net,ar =25435kJ/kg,S ar=% 6、煤的元素分析成分中收到基碳是。(4) (1)固定碳(2)焦碳(3)碳化物中的碳 (4)由固定碳和碳化物中的碳组成 7、理论空气量的大小是由元素所决定的。(1)(5)(4)(6)(1)C(2)M(3)A(4)O(5)H(6)S(7)N


植物学自测题及答案 第一章植物细胞 有问题的题做错的题 第一套 1 糊粉粒是贮藏的( D): A. 淀粉 B. 糖类 C. 脂肪 D. 蛋白质 答案 D。 2 植物细胞特有的结构是哪一种?(C ) A. 溶酶体 B. 高尔基体 C. 细胞壁 D. 核 *****答案***** C。 3 细胞壁的主要作用是( C ): A. 运输 B.分泌 C. 保护和支持 D. 传递 *****答案***** C。 4 下列哪种细胞器具有双层膜结构(B ): A. 核蛋白体 B. 叶绿体 C. 高尔基体 D. 溶酶体 *****答案***** B。 5 细胞最外一层细胞壁是(D ): A. 初生壁 B. 次生壁 C. 角质层 D. 胞间层 *****答案***** D。 6 植物细胞初生壁主要由哪一类物质组成?(C ) A. 纤维素和木质素 B. 木质素和果胶质 C. 纤维素和果胶质 D. 角质和纤维素*****答案***** C。 7 蛋白质合成是在哪一种细胞器上进行的?( B ) A. 线粒体 B. 核糖体 C. 溶酶体 D. 高尔基体 *****答案***** B。 8 基因存在于(C ): A. 核仁里 B. 内质网上 C. 染色质(体)的DNA分子链上 D. 微体里 *****答案***** C。 9 植物细胞在生长过程中不断形成( C ): A. 初生壁 B. 胞间层 C. 次生壁 *****答案***** A。 10 与细胞的分泌功能相联系的细胞器是( A ): A. 高尔基体 B. 线粒体 C. 核糖体 *****答案***** A。 第二套 1 细胞的代谢产物主要贮藏在哪种结构中( C ): A. 内质网 B. 质体 C. 液泡 D. 核 *****答案***** C。 2 胞间层(中胶层)的化学成分主要是( C ): A. 纤维素 B. 蛋白质 C. 果胶 D. 淀粉 *****答案***** C。 3 胞质运动的现象是何种因素引起的(C ): A. 叶绿体带动 B. 线粒体的布郎运动 C. 胞基质不断运动 *****答案***** C。 4 叶绿素分布在叶绿体的哪一部位( C ):


阅读下文,完成16—19题。(11分) 春风 老舍 ①济南与青岛是多么不相同的地方呢!一个设若比作穿肥袖马褂的老先生,那一个便应当是摩登的少女。可是这两处不无相似之点。拿气候说吧,济南的夏天可以热死人,而青岛是有名的避暑所在;冬天,济南也比青岛冷。但是,两地的春秋颇有点相同。济南到春天多风,青岛也是这样;济南的秋天是长而晴美,青岛亦然。 ②对于秋天,我不知应爱哪里的:济南的秋是在山上,青岛的是在海边。济南是抱在小山里的,到了秋天,小山上那黄绿的草丛,苍翠的松树,褐色的石层,仿佛给小山穿上了一件色彩斑斓的衣衫,再配上那光暖的蓝空,我觉到一种舒适和安全,只想在山坡上似睡非睡地躺着,躺到永远。青岛的山——虽然怪秀美——不能与海相抗,秋海的波还是春样的绿,绿得晶莹剔透,远处的点点白帆在绿波上轻轻荡漾,平时看不见的小岛也清楚地点现在天边。这远到天边的绿水使我不愿思想而不得不思想。济南的秋给我安全之感,青岛的秋给我带来丝丝的甜美。我不知应当爱哪个。 ③所谓春风,似乎应当。可是,济南与青岛的春风都太粗猛,把两地的春都给吹毁了。济南的风每每在丁香海棠开花的时候把天刮黄,什么也看不见,连花都埋在黄暗中;青岛的风少一些沙土,可是狡猾,在已很暖的时节忽然来一阵或一天的冷风,把一切都送回冬天去,棉衣不敢脱,花儿不敢开,海边翻着愁浪。 ④两地的风都有时候整天整夜地刮。春夜的微风送来雁叫,使人似乎多些希望。整夜的大风,门响窗户动,使人不英雄地把头埋在被子里;即使无害,也似乎不应该如此。对于我,特别觉得难堪。我生在北方,听惯了风,可也最怕风。听是听惯了,因为听惯才知道那个难受劲儿。它老使我坐卧不安,心中游游摸摸的,干什么不好,不干什么也不好。它常常打断我的希望:听见风响,我记得出门,觉得寒冷,心中渺茫。春天仿佛应当有生气,应当有花草,这样的野风几乎是不可原谅的!我倒不是个弱不禁风的人,虽然身体不很足壮。我能受苦,只是受不住风。别种的苦处,多少是在一个地方,多少有个原因,多


《锅炉原理》习题库参考答案 第一章 基本概念 1. 锅炉容量:指锅炉的最大长期连续蒸发量,常以每小时所能供应蒸汽的吨数示。 2. 层燃炉:指具有炉箅(或称炉排),煤块或其它固体燃料主要在炉箅上的燃料层内燃烧。 3. 室燃炉:指燃料在炉膛空间悬浮燃烧的锅炉。 4. 旋风炉:指在一个以圆柱形旋风筒作为主要燃烧室的炉子,气流在筒内高速旋转,煤粉气流沿圆筒切向送入或由筒的一端旋转送入。较细的煤粉在旋风筒内悬浮燃烧,而较粗的煤粒则贴在筒壁上燃烧。筒内的高温和高速旋转气流使燃烧加速,并使灰渣熔化形成液态排渣。 5. 火炬―层燃炉:指用空气或机械播撒把煤块和煤粒抛入炉膛空间,然后落到炉箅上的燃烧方式的炉子。 6. 自然循环炉:指依靠工质自身密度差造成的重位压差作为循环推动力的锅炉。 7. 多次强制循环炉:指在循环回路中加装循环水泵作为主要的循环推动力的锅炉。 8. 直流锅炉:指工质一次通过蒸发受热面,即循环倍率等于一的锅炉。 9. 复合制循环炉:指在一台锅炉上既有自然循环或强制循环锅炉循环方式,又有直流锅炉循环方式的锅炉。 10. 连续运行小时数:指两次检修之间运行的小时数。 11. 事故率= %100?+事故停用小时数总运行小时数事故停用小时数; 12. 可用率=%100?+统计期间总时数 备用总时数运行总时数; 13. 钢材使用率: 指锅炉每小时产生一吨蒸汽所用钢材的吨数。 第二章 一、基本概念 1. 元素分析:指全面测定煤中所含全部化学成分的分析。 2. 工业分析:指在一定的实验条件下的煤样,通过分析得出水分、挥发分、固定碳和灰分这四种成分的质量百分数的过程。

3. 发热量:指单位质量的煤在完全燃烧时放出的全部热量。 4. 结渣:指燃料在炉内燃烧时,在高温的火焰中心,灰分一般处于熔化或软化状 态,具有粘性,这种粘性的熔化灰粒,如果接触到受热面管子或炉墙,就会粘结于其上,这就称为结渣。 5. 变形温度:指灰锥顶变圆或开始倾斜; 6. 软化温度:指灰锥弯至锥底或萎缩成球形; 7. 流动温度:指锥体呈液体状态能沿平面流动。 二、问答题 1. 煤的元素分析成分有哪些? 答:煤的元素分析成分包括:碳、氢、氧、氮、硫、灰分和水分。 2. 煤的工业分析成分有哪些? 答:煤的元素分析成分包括:水分、挥发分、固定碳和灰分。 3. 挥发性物质包括一些什麽物质? 答:挥发性物质主包括:各种碳氢化合物、氢、一氧化碳、硫化氢等可燃气体组成,此外,还有少量的氧、二氧化碳、氮等不可燃气体。 第三章 一、基本概念 1. 理论空气量:1kg燃料完全燃烧时所需要的最低限度的空气量称为理论空气量。 2. 过量空气系数:实际空气量和理论空气量之比。 3. 理论烟气量:当实际参加燃烧的湿空气中的干空气量等于理论空气量,且1kg 的燃料完全燃烧时产生的烟气量称为理论烟气量。 4. 实际烟气量:供给的空气量大于理论空气量,且使1kg燃料完全燃烧时产生的 烟气量。 5. 理论空气、烟气焓:在定压条件下,将1kg 燃料所需的空气量或所产生的烟气 量从0加热到t℃时所需要的热量。 6. 锅炉有效利用热:指水和蒸汽流经各受热面时吸收的热量。 7. 正平衡法:直接确定输入锅炉的热量和锅炉的有效利用热,然后利用锅炉热效 率定义式计算锅炉热效率的方法。 8. 反平衡法:通过确定锅炉的各项热损失,计算锅炉热效率的方法。
