




1.reach an impasse: 遭遇窘境

2.childhood issues:童年的问题

3.be a natural at sth.:擅长做某事

4.roll the dice:滚筛子

5.be pedantic:迂腐的

6.look on the bright side:从积极的一面看问题

7.choke on sth:吃。。噎到

8.have a little spat:口水战(sheldon一直乐此不疲的)

9.take your mind off those things:不要再想这些问题

10.back off:让开

11.be itching to do sth:渴望做某事

12.have the guts to do:有勇气做某事(eg.Raj will never have the guts to talk to hot girls.)

13.pick up on all her little hints:领会她的某些暗示

14.be a little peeved:耍脾气

15.build an empire with sb from the ground:与某人一起白手起家

16.It's a sign:这是注定的

17.drift out:开小差(字面意思:汽车移滑 =half-listening/half-minded)

18.blend in:融入圈子

19.put yourself down:摆平自己(=swallow your pride)

20.I‘m a little on edge:我刚有点激动,不耐烦(貌似是sheldon说的)

21.It baffles me:。。让我不解(sheldon常说)

22.miss speaking for the couple now:妻管严(Haward说Penny 和Leonard)

23.obnoxious and


24.expel sb from the country:把某人从国家驱逐出去(Raj)

25.Be deported:被驱逐

26.on trial:在实验中或者受审

27.lose my cool:哥不淡定了(这么觉得这能Sheldon 能说出来)

28.run into a dead end:死路一条

29.be adept at reading facial cues:擅长察言观色(from Sheldon )

30.conjugal visit:夫妻之间的访问

31.I'm the third wheel:我是电灯泡

32.make a pact:约法三章

33.pull strings:套近乎

34.maternity leave:产假

35.buckle down:认真做事或者扣紧


37.future appears to be bleak:前途惨淡

38.What stakes do you propose:你和我赌神马?

39.you have a wager:你有赌注了

40.ironic doesn't agree with me:我不喜欢讽刺

41.shack up with sb:与某人同居

42.first come, first serve:先到先得

43.take the pressure off:卸下压力

44.fix on the trivial:为小事纠结(Leonard 形容Sheldon)

45.in a moment filled with biblical resonance:醍醐灌顶

46.self-criticism and repentance:自我批评和后悔

47.catch a break:休息一下

48.buoy my spirit:振奋精神

49.lessen your discomfort:减轻你的不适

50.ground-breaking strikes:极大的打击

51.career trajectory has taken a minor detour:职业道路有点偏差

52.with a docterate:获得博士学位(eg.Haward is the only men who does not possess a doctrate.)

53.be a godsend:及时雨

54.I am engineered:我是试管婴儿

55.one's life revolve around:某人的生活以。。为中心

56.be wiped clean:一干二净了

57.beneath the exterior,there are cracks:在貌似完好的外表下充满了危机

58.cool off :冷静下来

59.Mull over:考虑

60.go off on the wrong foot:有些误解

61.I'm in no position to do:我没有打算去做。。

62.I don't possess the tool of leadership:我不擅长领导

63.pipe dream:白日梦

64.deploy out on a mission:为一个任务差遣

65.old prank:常用的笑话-fall for one of sheldon's old pranks

66.hover over my head:在我脑袋中盘旋

67.telephone is unlisted:没有存电话

68.sullen teenage daughter:沉闷的处于青春期的女儿

69.I'm on fire:我状态超好。

70.be within earshot:还在听力范围之内

71.bonus question:附加题

72.propose an enormous undertaking:费了很大精力

73.I'm not good with cold:我怕冷

74.descend into anarchy:衰退至无政府状态


76.zip your hole:把嘴闭上

77.make small talk:闲聊

78.get me wrong:误解我

79.get your mind off this:别再想这个了

80.What do you say?:你觉得呢?

81.blissful evening:美妙的夜晚

82.mouthwash:漱口水 body wash:沐浴液 hair conditioner:护发素

83.catch up with you:跟上你

84.ravish me:蹂躏我吧

85.break dancer:噼啪舞者

86.housewarming gift:搬家礼物

87.a little bubbles forming on the corners of one's


88.outearn sb:比某人挣钱多

89.assembly line:流水线

90.be condescening:屈尊的

91.take a nap:小睡一会


93.head off:扼杀

94.quench our thirst:遏制渴望

95.pull together:齐心协力(Penny做头花那集)

96.can't-miss smypossium:不可错过的论坛会

97.get a shot=take a shot:试一试

98.creep sb out:恶心某人

99.be disproportionate to my physical stature:和我体型不成比例100.unmitigated disaster:为缓解的灾难

101.flash drive:优盘

102.slumdog millionare:平民窟的百万富翁

103.small package good things:浓缩就是精华(Leonard形容自己) 104.moonpie:小甜心(Sheldon的memaww)

105.black out:晕倒

106.pop into my head:在我的脑海中出现

107.go black:失去意识


109.intrude on:侵犯

110.take it personally:别介意

111.be too hard on sb:对某人太苛刻

112.be louging on a sofa:在沙发上懒散得躺着

113.enlighten sb:启发某人

114.never-ending stream of:永无止境的。。

115.find out sound:润嗓子

116.menopausal symptoms:更年期

117.perky:活泼(penny 去试镜)

118.be tempted:被。。吸引

119.smooth talker:擅长谈话的人

120.despite a hard and crusty shell, he is a sensitive men:在坚强的外表下,他是一个内心敏感的人

121.nuture it and make it shine:培养它

122.get over oneself:别自以为是

123.call it off:取消

124.get braces off:把牙套去掉

125.my hubris and my pride:我的自以为是和骄傲

126.a little carried away:有点过分

127.you pick up on that:你看穿了

128.hit it off:合得来

129. be behind on one's bill:手头紧

130.move a conversation forward:推进谈话

131.get off my case:别管我

132.It's my treat.:我请客

133.takeout food:外带


135.The die has been cast:木已成舟

136.bring it on yourself:自找

https://www.360docs.net/doc/d912879364.html,y the following conundrum at your feet:自找困难138.conversation opener:开场白

139.slide over one:坐座位向旁边移一个

140.tell on sb:打小报告(Leonard向Sheldon他妈) 141.that is big of you:气量大(Penny形容Sheldon) 142.well played:够狠(Sheldon 和PeNNY 斗那集)


144.put it on the agenda:放在行程中

145.put it on mute:放静音

146.take a stand:明确立场

147.rever sb:崇拜某人(Sheldon的女学生)

148.You are so witty:你真狡猾

149.it tickles:痒痒

150.doze off:打瞌睡

151.I'M On a roll:人气高

152.hassle with:与。。斗争

153.my door is open:我随时欢迎你

154.weep for:流泪

155.second-rate mind/lesser mind/mediocro mind:智商一般的(Sheldon 说烂了都)

156.I'm close to a breadthrough:我差点就破记录了

157.lower a bar:降低标准

158.flaunt one's success:炫耀某人的成功


160.be rife with:充满了

161.crash to the ground:化为huijin

162.make oneself scarce:溜走

163.make pee-pee:尿尿

164.screen people out:筛选人

165.snort of derision:嘲讽的声音

166.shore up self-esteen:建立起自尊

167.I'll take the bullit:我先试吧

168.spy on sb:监视某人

169.sb is a close talker:善于交谈的人

170.get on my nerve:惹毛我了

171.cross my mind:出现在我的脑海中

172.I don't kown where I am:我不知道自己所处的位置

173.We are a good fit:我俩很合适

174.she speaks my language:她和我是一路人

175.be at each other's throat:看对方不顺眼

176.hobnob with people :与人过分亲近

177.beat our brains out:绞尽脑汁

178.make a habit of it:形成习惯

179.dwell on:总想着

180.go off:走火

181.Life I envisioned/pictured for us:我所预想的生活

182. be meant for each other:天生的一对

183.have a yen for me:对我蠢蠢欲动

184.thoughts started taking precedence over feeling:理性战胜利感性185.as the last days expired:随着剩下几天慢慢消逝

186.keep options open:保持自由身(Leonard描述他和penny的交往) 187.hook up with sb:与某人交往

188.Are you high:你喝高了么?

189.hold out for rediculousfatasy:坚持无聊的幻想

190.I do not judge a book by its cover,I'am interested in the person underneath:我不会以貌取人


192.fiddle with oneself:摆弄自己

193.sink to his level:降低到他的水平

194.the more,the merrier:人越多,越好

195.play innocent with:装清纯

196.put it on vibrant:调成振动

197.take some sense into you:调教调教你

198.remarkable and highachieving:有卓越成就的(Sheldon讽刺Penny没学问时) 199.at length:详细的




托福口语每道题的答题方法 不管是托福口语试题的哪部分,都有其内在的出题规律和答题技巧,今天给大家带来托福口语每道题的答题方法,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语每道题的答题方法 首先是第一题,preference 题或称之为“偏好题”,经过收集和研究,题型主要走人物题、地点题、事件题及物品题。由于不会出现雅思考试考官针对同一话题问两次到三次的情况,所以针对托福备考有个称之为“同一话题只需准备一个题材”的概念,也就是在备考前面对同一话题无需泛化去找另类话题,而是不断深化,思考可以囊括阐述其他人物、地点、事件或物品的通用理由。如果*开始表述,建议如同写作一样大体分为三段阐述,开题无需技巧,简单读题即可,把you 都改成me,比起I think……开头可以省去相对多的思维时间。内容一般找三个理由,为避免理由重复或累赘,建议就方便、经济、减压等常用理由进行练习,并结合不断问自己How 及Why 等问题来充实内容,完成example 的部分。最后用连词进行连接,这里有个技巧,就使用first, also, finally,因为三到六题综合题中这三个词常成为提示词出现,在前两题中使用可对其有一定敏感度。

再次是第二题,结合第一题,内容分布完全相同,并且这两题对时间把握尤其重要,要求考生进行“掐表”练习,对45s 有感性认识,当一定练习后,口语部分的考试不再是考内容的,而是考时间的,因此在考试过程中掐时间角度有很多技巧可言,比如:当阐述内容结束时时间为38s 或39s,则在最后可加句detail 或一句类似The person like me has no choice but to do sth.的长废话;当结束时时间为41s 或42s,则在最后可加一句短废话,如I find it’s cool. 最讨厌的是41s 说完这句短废话后变成42s,离perfect time 还是有3 秒钟,那么可以用一些装口吃或吞口水的考场技巧将时间掐到44s 或45s。(实践证明装口吃或吞口水不扣分)最后是三到六题的综合题部分。综合题由于会有听力和阅读,因此要求考生对信号词定位有所敏感,口语中涉及的技巧是即使不理解听力内容,结合简单的信号词如first, also, finally, but, yet, for the following reasons 等定位中心内容,遇到生疏单词、句子,记下读音,再完整地还给考官,一样得分。第三题听力内容中一男一女进行谈话,就他们对阅读内容的态度与否(支持还是反对),不可以从语气上进行判断,要根据记录内容的回推去确认,以免犯错。 第四题是普遍认为最难的一题,但记好一个技巧:“阅读找概念,听力找例子”,由于此学术题是由同一个人出的,听力内


看美剧学口语的心得 我本科的专业英语,没事就学英语,毕业后我从事的工作是英语教学,英语学习也没间断。个人感觉英语口语学习从看美剧中得益颇多,因此给我的学生推荐看美剧练口语。 看美剧学口语的优点在于时间自由、地点自由,只要有电脑即可。并且兼有提高口语听力和放松的双重功能。我工作之余养成了每天睡前看美剧的习惯,既有娱乐效果又有学习效果。很多美剧看了不下5遍,来来回回看,对剧情了如指掌,对语言非常熟悉。绝对能够学到比较生活化的口语,比大学期间英语语言文学课堂中学习到的语言要实用的多。不至于出现自个儿说的英语别人听不懂,别人的英语自个儿也听不懂的情况。 我大爱的几部美剧推荐(都是老片,属于怀旧型滴人) 《Friends》。我觉得比较经典的看法是中文字幕一遍,不放字幕看一遍,英文字幕一遍,最后再不放字幕看。friends的优点是语言生活化而且形象。关键是其中的友谊还是相当感人的,吸引我不停地看下去。(顺便祝福依然单身但依然美丽可爱的JEN,如同刚刚走入现实生活的RACHEL那样幸运,即将和一个真正关心和爱她的男人牵手一生。) 《Desperate housewives》这个剧的内容就是生活优裕家庭中的事儿,所以相对的语言要文雅很多.带着不舍和留恋重温讲述亲情友情的剧情,每每总是让人很感动,感觉这部片子满满的都是爱。最喜欢率性的拥有让人羡慕的模特容貌与身材的加布以及神经大条的苏珊;布里在完美的表象下亦隐藏着不为人知的痛苦;勒奈特则是家中的女强人,在这样一群闺蜜身上,每天都发生着或搞笑或苦涩的生活事件,是你我人生中会碰到的。尽管有点香艳,又不乏轻佻,但又有点沉重和小暧昧,正符合这部剧集的风格:既荒诞又写实,最终混合成一声自嘲。《sex & city》这个也是个人偏好,估计男生不一定喜欢.但是这个剧的情节很经典啦, 如果是女生的话看这个应该会增添很多fashion和relationship方面的词汇量和表达方式,另外,虽然四个人貌似总是谈性不断,但毕竟本剧的主角是纽约中年白领女..所以表达方式要比friends 高阶一点,个人意见。 如果是练习听力的话,《lost》该剧绝对是不错的材料..因为不同的口音实在是太多了!据说有美国东部口音,印度口音,韩国口音,黑人口音,英音,据说还有苏格兰音..偶第一次感觉自己听力有提高就是不带字幕的看完了两季lost之后。 比较有些专业性的只看过《Apprentice》。本剧对于商务和职场英语的提高还是很有帮助的,里面有很多teamwork的词汇,包括和别人合作时如何讨论, 作为group leader时如何主持会议组织讨论等等。 关于字幕俺觉得没必要特意看字幕或者不看字幕.一开始肯定是要看中文字幕的,但是慢慢就可以放弃了.我当时是因为喜欢看的越来越多, 有些根本来不及或找不到字幕,所以也就硬着头皮看下去, 最初看不大懂,但是慢慢就会长进很多.如果能做到的话早点放弃中文字幕最好.但是如果找到英文字幕可以跟着英文字幕多看几遍.个人意见,不用字幕更容易练听力,看英文字幕则对口语更有好处.


50 Most Common Ways to Start a Sentence in English 50种常用来为英语句子开头的方法 (适用于英语口语学习、四级考试、六级考试、托福、雅思) 2019年5月25日 Questions/问句: 1. Are you sure…? Are you sure you can finish your work on time? 你确定... 吗?你确定你能按时完成你的工作吗? 2. Do you have…? Do you have any children? 你有... 吗?你有孩子吗? 3. Do you mind…? / Would you mind…? Do you mind giving me your WeChat ID? 你介意…吗?/ 你是否介意…?你介意给我你的微信号吗? 4. Do you feel like…? Do you feel like pizza tonight? 你想... 吗?你今晚想吃比萨饼吗? 5. Do you know where…? / Do you know a…? Do you know a good doctor? 请问你知道哪里...?/ 请问你知道一位...?请问你知道一位好医生吗? 6. Shouldn’t we/I…? Shouldn’t we book our tickets early? 我们/我不应该... 吗?我们不应该早点预订机票吗? 7. Have you ever…? Have you ever been in a dangerous situation? 你是否曾经...?你是否曾经有遇过危险的情况? 8. How about…? How about you and I get dinner tomorrow? 那... 怎么样?那,你和我明天一起共度晚餐怎么样? 9. How come…? How come I always have to pay the bill? 为何...?为何我总是得付账? 10.How long does it take…/How long will it take? How long will it take to go to the airport? 大约需要多长的时间...?需要花多长的时间?大约需要多长的时间才能抵达到机场呢? 11.How often…? How often do you go to the dentist? 你多常...?你多常去看一次牙医? 12.What’s the matter with…?/What’s wrong with…? What’s the matter with your friend? 你的... 怎么了?/ 你的... 有什么问题吗?你的朋友怎么了? 13.What’s your favorite…? What’s your favorite song? 你最喜欢... 是什么?你最喜欢的歌是什么? 14.Why not…?/Why don’t you…? Why not (don’t you) buy it online? 为什么不...?/ 你为什么不要...?为什么不在网上购买呢?你为什么不要在网上购买呢? 15.Would you like…? Would you like something to drink? 你想要... 吗?你想要喝点什么吗? Sentences/句子:


托福口语常用句型之餐厅篇 托福口语不仅仅是托福词汇和句型的堆砌,如果你的托福口语中添加一些美国俚语或者是美国常用日常语言,会令你的托福口语大大增色。今天给大家带来了托福口语常用句型之餐厅篇,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 托福口语常用句型之餐厅篇 May I have a menu, please? 请给我菜单。 May I order, please? 我可以点餐了吗? Do you have a menu in Chinese? 是否有中文菜单? What is the specialty of the house? 餐厅最特别的菜式是什么? Would you like something to drink before dinner? 在用晚餐前想喝些什么吗?

Do you have todays special? 餐厅有今日特餐吗? What kind of drinks do you have for an aperitif? 餐厅有些什么餐前酒? Can I have the same dish as that? 我可以点与那份相同的餐吗? May I see the wine list? 可否让我看看酒单? Id like appetizers and meat(fish) dish. 我想要一份开胃菜与排餐(鱼餐)。 May I order a glass of wine? 我可以点杯酒吗? Im on a diet. 我正在节食中。 What kind of wine do you have? 餐厅有那几类酒?

I have to avoid food containing fat (salt/ sugar). 我必须避免含油脂(盐份/糖份)的食物。 Id like to have some local wine. 我想点当地出产的酒。 Do you have vegetarian dishes? 餐厅是否有供应素食餐? Id like to have France red wine. 我想要喝法国红酒。 How do you like your steak? 你的牛排要如何烹调? Could you recommend some good wine? 是否可建议一些不错的酒? Well done (medium/rare), please. 全熟(五分熟/全生)。 托福口语:难点备考 1.观点给出的不是很直观,甚至说到一半时才知道观点是什么


NO.1 Friends 1、central perk (1)、central park(中央公园)的戏称 (2)、本身就是一个单词,有“更加振奋”之意,与咖啡馆的主题不谋而合2、perk up 来劲儿了精神头上来了 Mr.Zhang,you perk up every time your girlfriend shows up. 张先生,每次你女朋友一来,你就来劲了 3、There's nothing (for sb.)to + do sth. 没什么可 (1)可以为自己辩解开脱 (2)可以安慰别人,给他们打气 4、some:不确定的某个 通常形式是:some + 单数的可数名词 Are you kidding?There must be some mistake. 开什么玩笑,肯定有什么地方搞错了吧 He must be in some kind of trouble. 他铁定是遇到什么麻烦事了 5、colleague = co-worker 同事 my co-worker in the legal department(我法务部的同事) 6、come on (1)通常用来加油鼓劲 Come on! Don't be so shy. (2)得了吧,少来了 Come on,we all know that?s not true. 少来这一套,谁不知道那是假的 7、go out with someone = have a date with someone与某人约会 8、gotta(美国俚语)=got to必须 9、something wrong 不对劲,有问题 There's something wrong with my damn computer. 我那该死的电脑出问题了 10、there’s gotta be肯定是有 There?s gotta be a reason. 肯定是有原因的 There…s gotta be a catch. 肯定有诈


1, This fat bastard is trying to move in. (杂种: bastard=son of a bitch=asshole,老外喜欢在动词后用副词up, in, on, out等,有时可忽略其意义) 2, He's just not that into you. (那么: this, that 喜欢: into) 3, I bet I screwed up.(我肯定: I bet 搞砸了:screw up) 4, Well, all I can say is: you have changed your tune. (change your tune 改变态度) 5, But I'm such a creep. I'm a weirdo. (讨厌的人: creep 怪人: weirdo 奇怪的: weird) 6, To tell ye the truth , I don't give a shit. (不在乎: don't give a shit) 7, Drop it! I'm tired out.(打住,停止: drop it=cut it out) 8, Will you chill out? (冷静,闲逛: chill out) 9, You're checking to see if I went nuts , if I was gonna tell. (发疯: nuts) 10, So we figured that Tony might know something.(猜想: figure) ------------------------ 11, I want a role model, not some horny geek boy. (好色的:horny 怪人,怪才: geek) 12, I'm so ticked off! Are you nuts?(生气: ticked off =pissed off) 13, Come to think of it, that might be a close call. (好险:close call) 14, The scoundrel pinched money from my grandpa. (恶棍: scoundrel 捏,勒索: pinch) 15, Here’s another thorny problem facing our new boss. (棘手的: thorny)


托福口语常考话题模板集锦 1.说出你所居住的城市中你最喜欢的地方,给出原因。 Personally speaking, My favorite place in my city is the national library based on following reasons. Firstly, there are many books to my taste, such as fashion magazines, inspirational books, and professional books. Reading does good to our mind. As a student, we should always recharge ourselves by knowledge in order to meet the need of talents in this society. Secondly, I always go to the library with my friends. You know, it's a my glad to share knowledge with other people. Going to the library not only can we acquire knowledge but also can promote our friendship to some degree. 2. 电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因。 As far as I am concerned, television has more positive effects towards the modern society than its negative sides. First, from the news broadcasting in the television, we can know what is happening in the outside world even without stepping out our living room with television in it. And second, watching television with family members after supper is a good way to relax after a hard day's work. What's more,its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and has a great influence on the way people think and talk. 【托福口语】2020年托福口语常考话题模板集锦


生活需要游戏,但不能游戏人生;生活需要歌舞,但不需醉生梦死;生活需要艺术,但不能投机取巧;生活需要勇气,但不能鲁莽蛮干;生活需要重复,但不能重蹈覆辙。 -----无名 口语必备句型 收藏|发布者: 小马学生工作处|查看数: 687|评论数: 1 摘要: 下面按句型分类给大家列举一些生活中常说的句子。这些句型无论是在口语还是在书面语中都应引起大家足够的重视。一、否定句型: 1. There is not a moment to be lost. 分秒必争。 2. There is no holding back the ... 下面按句型分类给大家列举一些生活中常说的句子。这些句型无论是在口语还是在书面语中都应引起大家足够的重视。 一、否定句型: 1. There is not a moment to be lost. 分秒必争。 2. There is no holding back the wheel of history. 历史车轮不可阻挡。 3. Not a soul was anywhere visible. 到处见不到一个人。 4. I felt sorry for not coming in time. 我很抱歉没准时到。 5. I don’t think it is right to make such a hasty decision. 我认为如此仓促做决定是不正确的。 6. Everybody, it is true, wouldn’t like it. 的确并不是人人都喜欢它。 7. I don’t wholly agree. 我并不完全同意。 8. All my plans came to nothing. 我的一切计划都没实现。 9. I shall never do it, not under any circumstances. 我不会做那事的, 10. I’ll not do such a thing, not I. 我不会干这种事的,决不会。 11. I could not assent to, much less participate in such proceedings. 我对这种行为不能赞同,哪里还说得上参加。 12. I did not even see him, still less shake hands with him. 我看都没看见他,哪里还可能同他握手呢? 13. I never thought of it, let alone did I do it. 我想都没想到它,更谈不上去做了。 14. Little remains to be said. 简直没什么可说的了。 15. I have hardly ever been out of Beijing. 我几乎未曾离开过北京。 16. I saw little or nothing of him after you were gone. 你走后我很少看见他,几乎可说完全没见过他。 17. I could not help showing my pleasure. 我不禁喜形于色。 18. I cannot but admire his courage. 我不得不赞美他的勇气。


看电影学英语心得体会 电影这种题材来讲,我觉得有它的优势和它的局限性,它的局限性在于,任何一部原版的电影,它都不是用来教学语言的,所以它的语言有很大的随意性,规范不规范,还有各种语音都掺杂其中,如果不加分析,一概拿来,势必会搅乱方向,而且就一部电影而言,它的场景,人物都有一定的限制。这方面一些经典的语言教材有它的优越性,它们涵盖了几乎全部的英语场景,但是覆盖面太广,造成它的语言比较简单和单一。 电影的优点就是他本身是要说故事,尤其是其中的人物矛盾冲突,所以它的语言丰富多彩,能真正反映人物的心里的语言,我觉得这一部分才是语言的精华。因为语言本身就是那来应用,交流的。所以我觉得电影和那些教材是相互补充的,还有一点好的是电影的题材非常丰富,我认为除了在一些反映现代的影片中学习实用的东东,还可以在一些名著改编的电影中欣赏语言,如(哈姆雷特) 这个学期,我选择了看电影学英语这个选修课程。在这其中我收获了许多,例如:句型和词汇方面,先将词汇我把他们分为两个大面,即书面中和口语中的,也可是fml和infml,而电影中多是口语上的,这其中有可分为场景专用词和口语的惯用词,在市面的书中场景词和惯用词通常和起来讲,我觉得那些场景的专用词靠记忆就可以攻破,而一些

惯用词需要灵活掌握的词,这些也是经常在对话中卡壳的词,电影中出现平率非常高的就是这些词,我在毕业生中找了一些,如ever,or something,happen,deal等,应该将它们的用法和搭配掌握熟练。关键在讲透。再说说句子,拿市面上一些教场景的教材来说,譬如一个场景,一个问候列了很多句子供你选,这方面有人是强调背大量的句子,我觉得要光是背实际上就是量的积累,其中应有质的突破,弄清句子的使用环境,然后比较它们,再自己造句,这方面去看看电影里各种人物对话,由于人物所处的背景和心情不同,句子和词选取就更生活化。确实在英语学习中的积累是必不可少的,而且大量更有好处,我认为同时重点突出,我认为能提高效率,节约时间,与其死背了百部电影,不如研究透一部电影的句词。 对了,在学习过程还要注意几点。 一、选择电影还是电视剧。 我个人比较偏好通过美剧来操练听力,通过电影来校验听力。原因很简单:电视剧里面的语音对白绝大多数来自常规演员,看过两集之后,就会对美剧里面常规角色的发音了然于胸,有利于更好地吸收和贮备语音语汇。而电影相对而言,每一部的更换都是新一轮的挑战,挑战导致的神经紧绷偶然会现一两次用于自我评测,会让人精神亢奋,如果成绩显著会让人有成就感。但是如果长时间持续,就会使得其反,


1.If a guy is thirty and single, he has standards. If a woman is thirty and single, she has issues. 2.I mean all women in their thirties have issues, single or not. 3.This is like the opposite of funny. (这一点儿也不好笑) 4.Good things can happen in really massive way sometimes. 5.No one wants to be rejected. You gotta know you are not the only one who doesn?t feel wanted. (你要知道你不是唯一一个觉得没人要的) 6.The clothes make the man. (人靠衣装) 7.Some nightmares don?t end once we open our eyes. 8.It has to do with whatever?s going on between you and Blair. 9.Whatever he did, I think you can find a suitable punishment. 10.You are Blair Waldorf, Punishment is your middle name. 11.There?s no such thing as “too awful”between friends. We don?t judge. We can forgive everything. 12.Blair Waldorf headed for a comeback. (重出江湖) 13.I don?t have any dirt on her right now. (我现在没有她什么把柄。) 14.Are you really lecturing me about lying to a parent? (你是在教育我关于向家长 说谎的事吗?) 15.By some cruel twist of fate, I go to N.Y.U. (阴错阳差,我进了纽约大学。) 16.Jenny,save your breath. (省口气吧。) 17.Going behind my back to do sth… 18.N.Y.U is so beneath you. (NYU配不上你。) 19.They third person me. (他们无视我。) 20.Please stop acting like you and I have any kind of relationship. 21.I have a lot to make up for. 22.Going through all that without a father made me realize that I don?t need one. 23.Borrowing without asking is stealing. 24.I can?t believe that you are willing to destroy my relationship with my father because you?re too scared that yours won?t love you for who you really are. 25.Look at her ass. You can crack an egg on it. 26.No matter how far you run, you can never truly escape. 27.You reap what you sow. 28.People don?t kiss because they are upset. People kiss because they have feelings for each other. 29.I?m done crying. (我哭够了。) 30.I take my hat off to you. (我对你感到由衷敬佩。) 31.I?ll take your secret to my grave, but laughter is an uncontrollable bodily response. 32.Spying implies a lock of trust. 33.Things have a way of working out when you least expect it. 34.A man with nothing to live for is capable of anything. 35.The ability to have thoughts and not act on them is what separates man from beast. 36.I gotta limber up for all this bootlicking. (我要去准备拍马屁了。) 37.Everything I do or have ever done is for my children. 38.I can?t wait to see you bleeding on the rack.


托福口语经典话题集锦 新托福口语题目数不胜数,很多考生无从下手。下面为大家根据话题,整理了十分经典并且常见的新托福口语题目。 1. Some people prefer to work in the offices. Others would like to take the work to home. Which do you prefer and explain why. 2. Who is the person you admire the most? Please give specific details and examples in your explanation. 3. Some people believe that higher education is for all students. Other people believe that higher education is only suitable for certain students. Which opinion do you think is better and why? 4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Please give specific reasons for your opinion. Parents should restrict the TV programs that are watched by their kids instead of letting the kids watch TV programs freely. 5. Describe the most efficient transportation in your country. Please state your reason and include specific examples and details in your explanation. 6. Describe one of the most important inventions in recent 100 years. Explain why it is so important. Your explanation should include specific examples and details. 7. Some believe that in comparison with those never attended college, people attended college will be more successful in career. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Please give specific reasons for your opinion. 8. Describe the characteristics of friends, use specific examples to support your statement. 9. Someone suggests school to cut the Recycling. Do you agree or disagree with this suggestion, explain why.


托福口语30个常用句型 托福口语对很多同学来说,是托福考试中比较难的一个项目,托福词汇和语法都是重要考察点,今天给大家带来了托福口语30个常用句型,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 托福口语30个常用句型 1、You look concerned. What’s on your mind 你看上去有点心思沉沉,在担心什么呢? 2、I’ve got to quiet down and get focused. 我该冷静下来,集中注意力。 3、I know he has the blues(He is feeling very down!),but it doesn’t mean he can vent his anger on me. 我知道他心情不好,但他也不能把气发在我身上呀。the blues 心情不好,If a girl is sad,an ice-cream cone can normally chase the blues away. 如果女孩心情不好的话,给她一个冰淇淋,她就会转哭为笑了。也可说,an ice-cream cone can normally help shake off the blues. 4、I’m up to my neck in work.这句话的意思就是I am quite busy. 我太忙了,这工作把我忙得晕头转向。I have got a pretty tight schedule today. 我今天的日程安排得很紧。

5、Easy! 悠着点;不要性急;轻一点;也可以说:Go easy. Go easy on it(省着点用). Easy-going,很容易相处:She is caring and easy-going. 6、Crush 原意为“粉碎”,现常指“暗恋”,又常指青涩少年的那种爱,并不稳定,例如,小女生对老师的爱恋,过一阵就烟消云散。Peter has a crush on Jenny. 7、Ask somebody out 与人约会,谈恋爱:He doesn’t have the guts to ask her out because he is afraid she will turn him down. 他不敢告诉她他爱她,因为他生怕会遭到她的拒绝。类似的有go out with somebody:I heard you’re going out with Jane. 我听说了你在与Jane谈恋爱。 8、Mr. Right:白马王子,He’s gentle,patient,successful,and MATURE. I think He’s my Mr. Right! 他温柔体贴,有耐心,成功又成熟。我知道他就是我的意中人(我未来的丈夫非他莫属;也可以说是真命天子)。(白马王子的另一个说法:prince charming) 9、Jack 对朋友John说,他刚刚与Esther拜拜了,(I just broke up with Esther.)John 安慰Jack说,I don’t know what to say to comfort you,but cheer up! There’s plenty of fish in the sea and you’ll find your soul mate,your perfect match!


智慧树2018《看美剧学口语》章节测试答案 对应章节第一章 1【单选题】(1分) 表示接电话的短语是____up。 A.get B.take C.pick D.make 正确答案: C 2【单选题】(1分) QR code指的是() A.质量保证 B.问题代码 C.二维码 D.档案密码 正确答案: C 3【单选题】(1分) Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there 是什么意思() A.碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。 B.有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成阴。 C.云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。 D.芳树无人花自落,春山一路鸟空啼

4【单选题】(1分) 表示挂电话的短语是____up。 A.hang B.hold C.pick D.make 正确答案: A 5【单选题】(1分) on cloud nine这个短语的意思是_____。 A.飞得很高 B.将要下雨 C.心情舒畅 D.阴雨密布 正确答案: C 对应章节第二章 1【单选题】(1分) Espresso是指() A.意式浓缩咖啡 B.美式咖啡 C.曼巴咖啡 D.哥伦比亚咖啡

2【单选题】(1分) 下图是什么样的奶() A.全脂奶 B.脱脂奶 C.酸奶 D.纯牛奶 正确答案: B 3【单选题】(1分) 在调制鸡尾酒时需要加的基酒通常是指某一种烈性酒下面哪一种不是六大基酒? A.Gin B.Rum C.Whiskey D.Liqueur 正确答案: D 4【单选题】(1分) 图中的运动对应下面的_____。 A.sit-up B.push-up C.squat D.stretch 正确答案: B


托福口语经典模板句型六个和经典连词 下面我们为大家收集整理了六句托福口语模板句,非常经典实用,大家可以背熟活用,提高复习效率。 Task 1 Personally, I would have to say that, um, the person that I admire most / a valuable possession I want to talk about / the place I would most like to go is ______________. And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that, you know, ____________________.What’s more, ____________________. So that’s why ____________________. Task 2 Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um, ____________________.The first reason that I wanna say is that____________________. More importantly, ____________________. So, uh, that’s why I choose ____________________ for the two reasons listed above. Task 3 The school has implemented a new policy that________________due to ____________________.


英语学习的心得体会范文 英语是大家十分重视的一门学科。下面是X为大家整理的,供你参考! 篇1 在中学阶段打下一个好的英语基础是我们的共同心愿。怎样才能学好英语呢?我们老师常说:“要埋头拉车,还要抬头看路。”以下算是我在老师同学的帮助下摸出的一些路吧,写出来供大家参考。 1、心理素质影响学习效果古人说:“两军相逢勇者胜。”强调了良好的心理素质对效果产生的重大影响,与现代心理学的看法不谋而合。你会发现,大家都在同一间教室里上课,受同一位老师教诲,甚至智商也接近,学习效果却很悬殊。这个“落差”往往是心理素质的差异造成的。 怎样调整自己的心理状态呢? 首先,要对外语保持长时间稳定而积极的态度。这可以归结为“恒心”两个字。有了它,才能像蚕吃桑叶一样,一口又一口,坚持不懈地去啃,直到预定目标顺利攻克。其次,还需要一定的自律能力。该复习时不复习,遗忘规律就会无情地吞噬着你的一部分记忆成果;该补漏时不补漏,漏洞就会不断积累扩大。所以,需要有自律能力,约束自己按科学原则去运转。

2、看写读听背——多管齐下效率高 一般来说,大家学英语都有各自的一套办法:有的只爱大声读个不停,有的只爱闷头看个不休,有的不写就记不住,有的不听心里就没底。这些方法,虽然都有一定的作用,但记忆科学通过大量实验,无可辩驳地证明:眼口手舌脑的综合运用,才能更快更深地在大脑皮层上留下不易磨灭的印象。 学外语尤其需要多种感官的综合运用。否则,搞不好学成“残疾外语”——眼能看口不能说的“哑巴外语”,或一听就发慌两耳一抹黑的“聋子外语”。 3、“活”单词与“死”单词 经常听说某某发下宏愿:要一口气背下一本几千甚至几万词的字典,以为这样可以一劳永逸地解决单词量问题。不幸的是,这样做的人,大部分都失败了。背了若干遍的单词,仍很难在脑子里生根,不是很快忘掉,就是搅成一团乱麻。 因为他们背的都是脱离了句子和课文的“死”单词,大脑对这类东西格外难以留下印象。著名的心理学家艾宾浩斯曾拿自己做过对比试验,结果,记住13个有意义的音节,只需要9遍,而记住18个无意义的音节,却用掉了80遍。不仅如此,孤立地背“死”单词,还难以掌握它在句子中的灵活用法。因此,即使记住了一部分“死”词,它们也多属“残障人士”罢了。
