A Supermassive Black Hole or a Compact Object Without Events Horizon

A Supermassive Black Hole or a Compact Object Without Events Horizon
A Supermassive Black Hole or a Compact Object Without Events Horizon


Blackmail, the lesson we’ve learned, is an excerpt [ek's?:pt, 'eks?:pt]from the novel Hotel, written by Arthur Hailey. And today, I will show u guys my understanding of the image which runs through the passage, the cigar smoke from the detective, Ogilvie. So, what’s the purpose of the author to describe this? What kind of meaning this image implies? What’s its function? Now, here we go. In general, there’re several points. First, the cigar smoke is a reflection of the detective’s character, a person who is impolite and vulgar ['v?lɡ?]. Second, the behavior of the detective with the cigar implies the change of the situation between the duchess and the detective. Last, if you are careful enough, u will notice that the whole conversation last within 2 cigars, showing this is an emergency. As we move on, I will do some detail explanations base on related paragraphs. Para 3: A wave of cigar smoke accompanied Ogilvie in. The image of smoke is always considered to be neutral ['nju:tr?l] or even negative. This sentence describes the ve ry first time Ogilvie’s appearance, the author use the cigar smoke to let us feel that Ogilvie is an uninvited guest with unfriendly purpose. Para 5: Taking his time, Ogilvie removed the offending cigar, knocked off the ash and flipped the butt toward an ornamental fireplace on his right. He missed, and the butt fell upon the carpet where he ignored it. This is a series of moves that done by Ogilvie after hearing the disapproval towards his cigar from the Duchess. Even Ogilvie agreed to put off the cigar, but he was actually unwilling to do so. His cigar is offensive, so do his behavior. All he had done is nothing but disrespect. Para 16: He took out a fresh cigar and bit off the end. Para 21: He lit the fresh cigar. Para 23: The house detective took his time, leisurely puffing a cloud of blue cigar smoke, his eyes sardonically on the Duchess as if challenging her objection. As the conversation becoming closer and closer to the point, Ogilvie was sure about what kind of serious crime the noble Croydons ['kr?id?n] had committed. Thinking of being the upper hands in the negotiation named as blackmail, Ogilvie began to smoke again; he knew that the Du ke and Duchess had to put up with it even they didn’t like his smoking. The reason is he was the advantage side, and he knew exactly the secret the couple wanted to hide. Para 42: He paused to puff again at the cigar as his listeners waited silently. P ara 108: At length Ogilvie spoke. “This cigar botherin’ you, Duchess?” As the story goes, the powerful Duchess tried to turn things around, she offered a big sum of money far more than the Ogilvie wanted and attempted to use Ogilvie’s greedy to help them fix the car in a proper way. Situation changed, now the initiative was back to the Duchess. Finally, Ogilvie agreed the deal, and he returned to be modest and humble.

GDwho you音译歌词

Baby I love you 一咯尅马(拉)几慢 (内) 马额门问及哈那都就几安那 I want you I need you No勒 不勒几慢 I don’t know why I feel bad 你噶mong得 粗卡黑各涩他冷南夹(日)都慢那 掐得思米阿吉囧米得打慢 南尼噶就哇哈mion 各不你拉够 but 恰古话噶那baby 得且你噶mong得 Du du du du du du du du du du du du du oh oh oh oh oh Du du du du du du du du du du du du du oh oh oh oh oh Baby I miss you 为恰古no慢 森噶那他冷撒朗莫慢那 完哈吉安那 noe 撒狼哈嫩寄斗米我哈嫩寄斗 古不你安噶没一r 黑噶流阿吉都 I don’t know why I feel bad 你噶mong得 奴n 阿配阿江够流克mon瓜怕江 扣r mion 一共kiong无噶阿你吉强南求 怒股mo流 哦莫恩噶你囧没啦诶啦以 够里诶搜品喊散诶都流恩给那里 内给no也给mo 撒囧比散配给 古度得信撒bo林奴n木就进配给 为non 痕bo卡够难噗痕gi呀 (哈)嫩共得得策你噶mong得Du du du du du du du du du du du du du oh oh oh oh ohDu du du du du du du du du du du du du oh oh oh oh ohBaby I just want you backI want you back I want you bac kBaby I know it’s too late it just too late it just too lateBaby I just want you back I want you back I want you backBaby I know it’s too late it just too late it just too late 撒窝啦比咯黑哟就啦比咯 内给咯他洗头啦哇大啦够奴比咯 东内马打够里马打诶搜 跳叫大你没给嫩哟进马就疼得啦够一咯 (古)恰哈够几吉黑那won勒吉吉黑 木啦搜no都慢恰噶吉呀那本ki几北 内噶都恰啦给喊本慢那就勒 困恰ki 暗那给且白头啦哇就勒 Baby I hate you Baby I loved youMa baby hate youBaby love you du du du dudu 你噶mong得


第六课 讹诈 阿瑟?黑利 负责饭店保安工作的欧吉维探长打了那个神秘的电话,本来说好一个小时后光临克罗伊敦夫妇所住的套房的,可实际上却过了两个小时才到。结果,当外间门上的电铃终于发出沉闷的嗡嗡声时,公爵夫妇的神经都紧张到了极点。 公爵夫人亲自去开门。此前她早已借故把女仆支开,并且狠心地给那位脸儿圆圆的、见到狗就怕得要死的男秘书派了一个要命的差事,让他牵着贝德林顿狼犬出去散步。想到这两个人随时都会回来,她自己的紧张情绪怎么也松弛不下来。 随着欧吉维进屋的是一团雪茄烟雾。当他随着她走进起居室时,公爵夫人目光直射着这个大肥佬嘴里叼着的那烧了半截的雪茄。“我丈夫和我都讨厌浓烈的烟味,您行行好把它灭了吧!” 探长那双夹在面部隆起的肉堆中的猪眼睛轻蔑地将她上下打量了一番。接着,他便移动目光,对这个宽敞豪华、设备齐全的房间扫视了一周,看到了那位正背朝窗户、神色茫然地望着他们的公爵夫人。 “你们这套房间布置得倒挺讲究的呢。”欧吉维慢条斯理地从口中拿下雪茄,敲掉烟灰,然后将烟蒂扔向靠右边的一个装饰性壁炉,但他失了准头,烟蒂掉到地毯上,他也不去管它。公爵夫人的嘴唇绷得紧紧的。她没好气地说道,“我想你该不是为谈论房间布置到这儿来的吧。” 他乐得咯咯直笑,肥胖的身子也跟着抖动起来。“不是的,夫人,怎么会呢!不过,我确实喜爱高雅的东西。”他压低了他那极端刺耳的尖嗓音接着说,“比如像你们那辆小轿车,就是停在饭店的那辆,美洲虎牌,是的吧?” “噢!”这声音不像是从口中说出来的,倒像是从克罗伊敦公爵鼻子中呼出来的。他的夫人马上瞪了他一眼,以示警告。 “我们的车子与你有什么相干呢?” 公爵夫人的这句问话似乎是个信号,一听到这个信号,探长的态度马上就变了。他猝然问道,“这儿还有别的人么?” 公爵回答道,“没有。我们早把他们都打发出去了。”



高级英语第一册lesson6 Blackmail 课文详解2 detail study、背景知 识、文章结构及修辞学习 2008-02-11 12:11:18| 分类:默认分类| 标签:|字号大中小订阅 高级英语第一册lesson6 Blackmail 课文详解2 detail study、背景知识、文章结构及修辞学习 2007年01月01日星期一下午11:48 96. bulbous: shaped like a bulb, swelling and disgustingly fat and round bulbous dome / nose 97. peremptorily: (fml) showing an expectation of being obeyed at once and without questi on, impolitely and unfriendly, commanding, insisting obedience 98. rivet: metal pin for fasten plates. to hold or fasten with or as if with rivets cf: glare, stare, fix 99. feature: any of the noticeable parts of the face a man with Oriental features Her mouth is her worst feature / best feature, like a cherry. 100. set in a mould: When you take a picture, you set your body, your countenance ...in a certain way. That is to set in a mould. (A lame one-eyed king taking a picture) mould (Am.E) = mould (Br.E): character, distinctive nature, a person's character, nature, et c., considered as having been shaped by family type, education, training, experience, etc. Be cast in a mould of a particular kind means to have the characteristics, attitudes, behavio ur or lifestyle that are typical of that kind of person be made / cast in mould of He is made in his father's mould. (He has the same personality and character as his father' s) 101. imperious: in tensely compelling, marked by arrogant assurance, dominating. This wo rd is related to imperial. The whole sentence can be paraphrased as follows: Her handsome high-cheekboned features were set in a way which shows her imperial char acter.


1. "如果,你只会在梦里与我相爱,请让我就此长眠。爱的梦,在见到你的那一刻成为现实。"-----G-Dragon 2.“从很久以前开始就有很强烈的想要获得自由的想法。我觉得它出现在我的音乐和fashion 中。我很感谢在我身边的人接受并且认为这是我的个性。但是想要的自由并不是盲目的。我是那种一旦只要决定了就一定要做的人。基本来说,自由不是我想要的全部。我想要认真的思考我为遥远未来所走的每一步。"---权志龙 3."我很早就知道有很多“Anti-G-Dragon”。但是我认为他们的批评和意见只会让我进步。"----------G-Dragon 4.至少在我看来,我永远不会停止歌唱。音乐,是我的命运,是我的终点。---G-Dragon of BigBang 【picnotmine】 5.“我想做那种,可以让人追梦,让人欣赏,让人享受,或者当他/她伤心的时候安慰疗伤的音乐。一种,可以让人记住的某一刻能想起的感同身受的音乐。”---权志龙,G-Dragon Fr BigBang 【PicSr: psycholicious】 6.我想要成为一名,能让成员们相信,信赖,依靠与跟随的Leader。---G-Dragon 【PicSr: psycholicious】 7.不断的大胆的尝试新的事物总是好的,而不是局限我们自己于某种特定的基因类型。- 但永远不要copy别人或者已经有的,勇敢的创造出属于自己的style。---------G-Dragon 【PicSr: psycholicious】 8."You just need to follow me. Oath. I will wait for you. " "你只需要跟随我。起誓。我会等你。”----- Captain G-Dragon. 9.“我喜欢有趣,喜欢恶作剧的女生,喜欢不可预知的,时时刻刻给你惊喜的人.如果我喜欢了这样的女生,我会紧紧拥抱她,永远不让她离开.【笑】如果我有女朋友了,我不希望她对其他人好。我只想让她把特别的撒娇可爱一面留给我.喜欢一个人,我想我会只为她展示我的某一面." G-Dragon【edit:psycholicious】 10.“一首拥有强烈信息的歌足以震撼整个世界。”“A song with strong message is strong enough to move the entire world.”—G-Dragon 【cr:psycholicious】 11.我认为我必须要很真诚的去写每一首歌。只有那样,听歌的人才能感受到我的感受或者是我要表达、传递的信息。只有那样,他们才能感受到自己的痛苦,并为之感动。----------G-Dragon 【PicSr: psycholicious】 12.【青春是摩托车!尽管大人说很危险不要,孩子们还是会骑,骑的飞快.青春亦如此.是想做就做,不让做也要的时期.如果超速就错过风景,盲目前进会经历挫折,如同现在的我.但未曾后悔.因为我还是相信自己是对的.想要继续危险的走下去,歌手好像不可以懂事.但会担心.现在会


(高级英语课文翻译) Book 1 Lesson 3 Blackmail 敲诈 --阿瑟?黑利 负责饭店保安工作的欧吉维探长打了那个神秘的电话,本来说好一个小时后光临克罗伊敦夫妇所住的套房的,可实际上却过了两个小时才到。结果,当外间门上的电铃终于发出沉闷的嗡嗡声时,公爵夫妇的神经都紧张到了极点。 公爵夫人亲自去开门。此前她早已借故把女仆支开,并且狠心地给那位脸儿圆圆的、见到狗就怕得要死的男秘书派了一个要命的差事,让他牵着贝德林顿狼犬出去散步。想到这两个人随时都会回来,她自己的紧张情绪怎么也松弛不下来。 随着欧吉维进屋的是一团雪茄烟雾。当他随着她走进起居室时,公爵夫人目光直射着这个大肥佬嘴里叼着的那烧了半截的雪茄。“我丈夫和我都讨厌浓烈的烟味,您行行好把它灭了吧!” 探长那双夹在面部隆起的肉堆中的猪眼睛轻蔑地将她上下打量了一番。接着,他便移动目光,对这个宽敞豪华、设备齐全的房间扫视了一周,看到了那位正背朝窗户、神色茫然地望着他们的公爵夫人。 “你们这套房间布置得倒挺讲究的呢。”欧吉维慢条斯理地从口中拿下雪茄,敲掉烟灰,然后将烟蒂扔向靠右边的一个装饰性壁炉,但他失了准头,烟蒂掉到地毯上,他也不去管它。公爵夫人的嘴唇绷得紧紧的。她没好气地说道,“我想你该不是为谈论房间布置到这儿来的吧。” 他乐得咯咯直笑,肥胖的身子也跟着抖动起来。“不是的,夫人,怎么会呢!不过,我确实喜爱高雅的东西。”他压低了他那极端刺耳的尖嗓音接着说,“比如像你们那辆小轿车,就是停在饭店的那辆,美洲虎牌,是的吧” “噢!”这声音不像是从口中说出来的,倒像是从克罗伊敦公爵鼻子中呼出来的。他的夫人马上瞪了他一眼,以示警告。 “我们的车子与你有什么相干呢”

TODAY 权志龙 中韩文 音译 歌词

TODAY ??????????????我今天也若无其事地说 na o le do a mu la chi an gei ei gi la chio ?????????????????说没有女朋友偷偷把电话关掉 yo jia qin gu o da gu ma la nio mu lie cha ha gei ge go ??????????????????????今夜好想得到你的安慰别再问下去了 i pa meng no ei gei v lo an go si po to i ca eng mu chi ma la cho ?????????????????千万别让她听见了要守住秘密 ke nei ei gei cho dei lo te li chi an gei pi lo ha go Yeah ??????从我第一眼见到你no more Yeah nu cha mun su dan no more ??????????其他一切都看不上眼 a mu ga do po i zi a na go ??????????????我今天也假装没有女朋友 nei yo jia go o le ma nen o da ka ca ha go ?????????是什么吸引了我 mu a si na go ho li go ya ???????????‘这样可不行’‘我知道,这是外遇’ i lo an duei a la wei du i go ya

Enjoy ???? ???????‘享受吗?你在说什麼' Enjoy i go ya mu si so i go ya ??????????你的样子告诉我是那样’ ke niang ke lo kei man po i go ya So today, I don’t care. Cuz we wild we rolling stones. /k?z/ /waild/ Today ?????????我像风般自由 Today na pa lang cho lo ca v lo gei I’m rockin’ my life away ??????????????我今天依旧说我很孤独这样你才会交出你的心na o le do wei lo do mio i nei me men chu chio ?????????????????不想独自一人留下余温依偎着 ho cha i ne gei she da ke nan yo wu le nan go ki dei go ????????????????????说和情人分手后遇见了你 sa lang ha ne sa lang gua hei o chi go sei lo eng ma na meng no la go ????????????????????等待着我的那个她入睡了吗na le ki da li go i neng nei ke nio neng cho i neng go i si ga yo ??????????外面凌晨的天空一片漆黑 pa ga sei bio ha ne leng ka ka mei

高级英语第一册lesson6 Blackmail 课文详解2 detail study、背景知识、文章结构及修辞学习

高级英语第一册lesson6 Blackmail 课文详解2 detail study、背景知 识、文章结构及修辞学习 2008-02-11 12:11:18| 分类:默认分类| 标签:|字号大中小订阅 高级英语第一册lesson6 Blackmail 课文详解2 detail study、背景知识、文章结构及修辞学习 2007年01月01日星期一下午11:48 96. bulbous: shaped like a bulb, swelling and disgustingly fat and round bulbous dome / nose 97. peremptorily: (fml) showing an expectation of being obeyed at once and without question, imp olitely and unfriendly, commanding, insisting obedience 98. rivet: metal pin for fasten plates. to hold or fasten with or as if with rivets cf: glare, stare, fix 99. feature: any of the noticeable parts of the face a man with Oriental features Her mouth is her worst feature / best feature, like a cherry. 100. set in a mould: When you take a picture, you set your body, your countenance ...in a certain way. That is to set in a mould. (A lame one-eyed king taking a picture) mould (Am.E) = mould (Br.E): character, distinctive nature, a person's character, nature, etc., cons idered as having been shaped by family type, education, training, experience, etc. Be cast in a mould of a particular kind means to have the characteristics, attitudes, behaviour or lif estyle that are typical of that kind of person be made / cast in mould of He is made in his father's mould. (He has the same personality and character as his father's) 101. imperious: in tensely compelling, marked by arrogant assurance, dominating. This word is rel ated to imperial. The whole sentence can be paraphrased as follows: Her handsome high-cheekboned features were set in a way which shows her imperial character. 102. respite: a short period of pause or rest, during a time of great effort pain, or trouble, a time of relief (as from labour, suffering or war) or delay (as before sentencing or executing).

GD&TOP不要回家 音译歌词

GD&TOP不要回家音译歌词 《不要回家》GD几白嘎几马baby闹也给句苏木里样木daybaby 哦木嫩几白嘎几马baby yeah那个西轮孙哈几牙那个sweet heartA-yo turn it up 哦赛卡不你给内西到西给亲苏里高不类恰里头考四卡木给亲闹木嘎那苏里马对里毛那嘎lookbaby男古加闹五阿七么阿不西泡哦木里怕米到嘎给乔内哭马里secret party 滚得闹来辛得瑞拉牙都西带气门七彬个来hey好加音巴马给到考里闹闹也不莫里给hey森乔卡几马马内高咬sos音读里马两西oh为到家个那为一到七七夜那哦几的哇家里口的几白嘎几马baby……古的那问怒马扫里也八嘎恰米够嘎的康那录oh乔内米内闹恰皮嘎恰那里加色为要为加恰嘎哎要表地的西里高叫地高带古的乔吧大嫩闹读kioh给给一巴米巴米汗好汗比读来讲几哦掏木掏八嘎苏我乔哈那嘎读怒king个day那忘乔heyi can let you go 闹哇就西拉都大料几苏哇扫哇几那强七马那就几白嘎几马baby……baby takemy hand dont be afraid me just stay togetherder买那胡闹强米牙黑比样哎四高马几马excited黑带破金都哎叫那金叫叫wild叮嘟比外那西哟彬高法可是那都外几根鸟外根给的撒马楼读老带盖一切撒嘎杰捏布非羊塞扑轮求我wild高汗开我嫩哇大几马soft 恰给莫几马阿给莫太girl you know what i mean 你个扫描那给闹料我哈给皮掉波我地黑哟我内那七口no我西扫地马七就瓜强给当七都塞家酷里口一比马带够无里加比够几白嘎几那baby……ohh ohh 有毒拿录都里瓜康加温那木西楼ohh ohh 恰大比特苏莫扫卡哭莫撒苏莫轮嘿完chorus ji-be-ga-ji-ma -baby oh neo-e-ge- ju-seon-mu-li -yeo-gi-i-neun-de o-neu-leun- ji-be-ga-ji-ma- baby ye na -da-si-neun-


(高级英语课文翻译) Book 1 Lesson 3 Blackmail 敲诈 --阿瑟?黑利 负责饭店保安工作的欧吉维探长打了那个神秘的电话,本来说好一个小时后光临克罗伊敦夫妇所住的套房的,可实际上却过了两个小时才到。结果,当外间门上的电铃终于发出沉闷的嗡嗡声时,公爵夫妇的神经都紧张到了极点。 公爵夫人亲自去开门。此前她早已借故把女仆支开,并且狠心地给那位脸儿圆圆的、见到狗就怕得要死的男秘书派了一个要命的差事,让他牵着贝德林顿狼犬出去散步。想到这两个人随时都会回来,她自己的紧张情绪怎么也松弛不下来。 随着欧吉维进屋的是一团雪茄烟雾。当他随着她走进起居室时,公爵夫人目光直射着这个大肥佬嘴里叼着的那烧了半截的雪茄。“我丈夫和我都讨厌浓烈的烟味,您行行好把它灭了吧! ” 探长那双夹在面部隆起的肉堆中的猪眼睛轻蔑地将她上下打量了一番。接着,他便移动目光,对这个宽敞豪华、设备齐全的房间扫视了一周,看到了那位正背朝窗户、神色茫然地望着他们的公爵夫人。 “你们这套房间布置得倒挺讲究的呢。”欧吉维慢条斯理地从口中拿下雪茄,敲掉烟灰,然后将烟蒂扔向靠右边的一个装饰性壁炉,但他失了准头,烟蒂掉到地毯上,他也不去管它。公爵夫人的嘴唇绷得紧紧的。她没好气地说道,“我想你该不是为谈论房间布置到这儿来的吧。” 他乐得咯咯直笑,肥胖的身子也跟着抖动起来。“不是的,夫人,怎么会呢! 不过,我确实喜爱高雅的东西。”他压低了他那极端刺耳的尖嗓音接着说,“比如像你们那辆小轿车,就是停在饭店的那辆,美洲虎牌,是的吧?” “噢! ”这声音不像是从口中说出来的,倒像是从克罗伊敦公爵鼻子中呼出来的。他的夫人马上瞪了他一眼,以示警告。 “我们的车子与你有什么相干呢?” 公爵夫人的这句问话似乎是个信号,一听到这个信号,探长的态度马上就变了。他猝然问道,“这儿还有别的人么?” 公爵回答道,“没有。我们早把他们都打发出去了。”


中文歌词 《少年啊》 作词:G-dragon 作曲:G-dragon,choice37 演唱:权志龙 GD your choice drop it on me yo 夜深了但是我无法入睡 和加重的头痛斗争 转辗反侧直到我陷入思考又抓起了笔 正在写的不间断的歌词里有我的哲学 白色烟雾环绕在我房间就像home sweet home 我从13岁时便来到这里没有停息 最大的武器便是我的自信 有上坡必有下坡 回头已太迟I can’t let go Remember back in that day 灿烂的梦 我无法忘却的那个梦 Don’t forget back in that day 少年啊 用你帅气的声音向世界呼喊shine alive G-Dragon 无论别人说什么你太年轻 我G-Dragon无论别人说什么whao~ 人们说他们嫉妒我因为我拥有的太多了 艺人都轻松地生活 只用一天时间试着站在他们的立场 你会明白你所看到的不是全部 我的孤独随时间加深 责任感是我最大的负担 有上坡必有下坡 逃走已太迟I wanna go Remember back in that day 灿烂的梦 我无法忘却的那个梦 Don’t forget back in that day 少年啊 用你帅气的声音向世界呼喊shine alive 过去的10年间的眼泪与我流下的数不尽的汗水我忍住的冰冷的泪水Ah ah 重新开始 Remember back in that day 灿烂的梦 我无法忘却的那个梦 Don’t forget back in that day 少年啊 用你帅气的声音向世界呼喊shine alive (Just once) Remember back in that day (Go back) 灿烂的梦(Huh) 我无法忘却的(forget)那个梦(huh)


Blackmail 敲诈 Arthur Hailey--阿瑟?黑利 ○1The chief house officer, Ogilvie, who had declared he would appear at the Croydons suite an hour after his cryptic telephone call actually took twice that time. As a result the nerves of both the Duke and Duchess were excessively frayed when the muted buzzer of the outer door eventually sounded. 负责饭店保安工作的欧吉维探长打了那个神秘的,本来说好一个小时后光临克罗伊敦夫妇所住的套房的,可实际上却过了两个小时才到。结果,当外间门上的电铃终于发出沉闷的嗡嗡声时,公爵夫妇的神经都紧到了极点。 ○2The Duchess went to the door herself. Earlier she had dispatched her maid on an invented errand and, cruelly, instructed the moon-faced male secretary – who was terrified of dogs – to exercise the Bedlington terriers. Her own tension was not lessened by the knowledge that both might return at any moment. 公爵夫人亲自去开门。此前她早已借故把女仆支开,并且狠心地给那位脸儿圆圆的、见到狗就怕得要死的男秘书派了一个要命的差事,让他牵着贝德林顿狼犬出去散步。想到这两个人随时都会回来,她自己的紧情绪怎么也松弛不下来。○3 A wave of cigar smoke accompanied Ogilvie in. When he had followed her to the living room, the Duchess looked pointedly at the half-bur ned cigar in the fat man’s mouth. “My husband and I find


哟窝囊工就得殴不搜 gio古给弄biu累一起 依又动哦搜金洗米殴不搜 撒狼噶疼搜里他win几波求 哦怒吧们皮他卡给 内波溜多哦差皮囊 红佳有几 啊木多哦搜塔也米哦搜 撒他吧累we咯他win几波求 哦怒吧们皮他卡给 破了破了搜里求那嫩行gi cher 内新心谷力话普力桑的大冷用你girl 鬼你洗比够咯懂内噶阿起求龙噶 肯男皮他卡给他 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 一~~sei桑依兰用我搜句一弓恩no哇那卡够速里口黑梅嫩wei咯问就搜么那 他他他米gi够力路噶的切恩gi咯gi的内吗挂打里那洗求的冷gi都久挖 no啊那米够吗样内波黑搜的内噶 无速给囊gio就搜 seigi宋噶拉噶够民sei 黑搜的内噶 gio古gin 哟窝囊工就得殴不搜 gio古给弄biu累一起 依又动哦搜金洗米殴不搜 撒狼噶疼搜里他win几波求 哦怒吧们皮他卡给 内波溜多哦差皮囊 红佳有几 啊木多哦搜塔也米哦搜 撒他吧累we咯他win几波求 哦怒吧们皮他卡给 起特囊来个go spring 哈头大丝够 噶就吧几噶就切ki够起够问撒丝够 阿普木僧gin切阿普咯的比图咯起类

内噶米阿呢几给哈呢累打七么ka~~ 凑挖kei几内吗 凑挖够起咯进 no比起木速我呢 洗冷那为起度了我就 都拉噶够碰得噶得哟够 撒狼哈够碰得桑得哟够 某咯就拉够都力ki速我都拉够 no啊那米够吗样内波黑搜的内噶 无速给囊gio就搜 seigi宋噶拉噶够民sei 黑搜的内噶 gio古gin 哟窝囊工就得殴不搜 gio古给弄biu累一起 依又动哦搜金洗米殴不搜 撒狼噶疼搜里他win几波求 哦怒吧们皮他卡给 内波溜多哦差皮囊 红佳有几 啊木多哦搜塔也米哦搜 撒他吧累we咯他win几波求 哦怒吧们皮他卡给 哦呢吧吗那能为黑 阿木慢吗那句累咯 问加也给那一咯kei 恩得求某拉能dei 可dei噶伯么洗破 哦呢吧吗那能为黑 亲go噶对哟就累哟 一求挖那阿冷达挖那你嘎给里我那哦~~ 哦怒吧们皮他卡给 提问者评价 谢谢!


Blackmail Arthur Hailey ○1The chief house officer, Ogilvie, who had declared he would appear at the Croydons suite an hour after his cryptic telephone call actually took twice that time. As a result the nerves of both the Duke and Duchess were excessively frayed when the muted buzzer of the outer door eventually sounded. ○2The Duchess went to the door herself. Earlier she had dispatched her maid on an invented errand and, cruelly, instructed the moon-faced male secretary –who was terrified of dogs –to exercise the Bedlington terriers. Her own tension was not lessened by the knowledge that both might return at any moment. ○3 A wave of cigar smoke accompanied Ogilvie in. When he had followed her to the living room, the Duchess looked pointedly at the half-burned cigar in the fat man’s mouth. “My husband and I find strong smoke offensive. Would you kindly put that out." ○4The house detective's piggy eyes surveyed her sardonically from his gross jowled face. His gaze moved on to sweep the spacious, well-appointed room, encompassing the Duke who faced them uncertainly, his back to a window. ○5"Pretty neat set-up you folks got.” Taking his time, Ogilvie removed the offending cigar, knocked off the ash and flipped the butt toward an ornamental fireplace on his right. He missed, and the butt fell upon the carpet where he ignored it. ○6The Duchess's lips tightened. She said sharply, imagine you did not come here to discuss décor ". ○7The obese body shook in an appreciative chuckle . "No, ma'am, can't say I did. I like nice things, though." He lowered the level of his incongruous falsetto voice." Like that car of yours. The one you keep here in the hotel. Jaguar, ain't it?"

gdragon 权志龙 Crayon 中韩对照歌词

Crayon 作曲G-Dragon , Teddy 作曲G-Dragon , Teddy 编曲Teddy GET YOUR CRAYON GET YOUR CRAYON ???????头肩膀膝盖脚 swag check swag check ???????头肩膀膝盖脚 swag check swag check ????????现在还是没有落伍 yes Im a pretty boy ?????so fly ???boy 我是飞着走so fly 小混混boy ???????月火水木金土日 ???????Baaaad boy我很忙哥哥真坏 I’m a G to the D Gold N Diamonds boy ?????谁说不是呢 U know I beez that ???DJ ????????今天的DJ 我是小哲你是美爱 ?????????????小姐小姐我是纯洁的志龙先生 ?????????????????来这里小可爱你的男朋友真是对不起 ??????????你很像我的理想型 so give me some ???????oh my god ???金泰熙和金喜善oh my god 全智贤 Why so serious? Get your crayon Get your crayon Get your cray Get your crayon Get your crayon Get your crayon Get your cray Get your Why so serious? Come on girls Come on boys Come on come on Get your crayon crayon Come on girls Come on boys Come on come on Get your crayon crayon ???????头肩膀膝盖脚swag ????BLACK ?????????我的卡是BLACK 无限制刷卡 ???CRACK ?????????这首歌是CRACK 无限轨道完全改掉 ??????????????没有感的人我给他一颗柿子树 ???????????????在鼻梁高的人面前有不服输的倔强劲 ????????????CRAYON 无论这样还是那样抛开偏见CRAYON ????????????CRAYON 很出风头的流氓也一样没有差别CRA YON ???three four ???????一二three four 来回又改变 ????slow it down 沉稳地slow it down ????????????无聊的话就加快速度 ??????????????首尔大田大邱釜山拍着手 ??????????????唱着歌一起开心地跳舞 ??????????Ring ga ring ga ring 改变拍档
