Expression, purification, ancod characterization of a novel rembinant fusion proteinTPOSCF, Ecoli.

Expression, purification, ancod characterization of a novel rembinant fusion proteinTPOSCF,  Ecoli.
Expression, purification, ancod characterization of a novel rembinant fusion proteinTPOSCF,  Ecoli.

Protein Expression and Puri W cation 47 (2006) 427–433,/locate/yprep

1046-5928/$ - see front matter ? 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Expression, puri W cation, and characterization of a novel recombinant

fusion protein, rhTPO/SCF, in Escherichia coli ?

Yuhui Zang a , Xu Zhang a,b , Dawen Yuan a , Yumin Zhang a , Jie Zhu a ,

Haiqin Lu a , Chao Chang a , Junchuan Qin a,¤


State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, School of Life Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093,PR China b

Institute of Agrobiological Genetics and Physiology, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, PR China

Received 29 September 2005, and in revised form 21 October 2005

Available online 16 November 2005


Thrombopoietin (TPO) is the principal regulatory cytokine of megakaryopoiesis and thrombopoiesis and promotes all aspects of megakaryocyte development. Stem cell factor (SCF) is mainly a pleiotropic cytokine acting on hematopoiesis by promoting the survival and proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells and has a potent synergistic e V ect on megakaryopoiesis in the presence of TPO. Here, we report the construction, expression, and puri W cation of a novel recombinant human thrombopoietin/stem cell factor (rhTPO/SCF) fusion protein, which consists of a truncated human thrombopoietin (1–157 a.a.) plus a truncated human stem cell factor (1–145 a.a.), linked by a peptide (G G G G SPG G SG G G G SG G ). The TPO/SCF gene was cloned into the Escherichia coli expression vector pET28a and expressed in BL21(DE3) strain. The rhTPO/SCF constituted up to 6% of the total bacterial protein. Co-expression with E. coli chaper-ones, Trigger Factor (TF) and GroES/GroEL, and lowering cultivation temperature cooperatively improved the solubility of expressed rhTPO/SCF, resulting in about fourfold increase in the yield soluble rhTPO/SCF. The rhTPO/SCF was puri W ed to homogeneity using anion exchange followed by metal a Y nity chromatography. Western blot analysis con W rmed the identity of the puri W ed protein. rhTPO/SCF stimulated a dose-dependent cell proliferation in both TF1 and Mo7e cell lines.? 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Megakaryopoiesis; Thrombopoietin; Stem cell factor; Fusion protein; Chaperone

Megakaryocyte development is a complex process that occurs through multiple interactions with cytokines, extra-cellular matrix proteins, and neighboring cells in the bone marrow environment [1,2]. The e V ects of various combina-tions of cytokines on di V erent aspects of megakaryopoiesis have been studied extensively over the last few years.Among these cytokines, thrombopoietin (TPO)1 was char-acterized to be the principal regulatory cytokine [3–5] and promote all aspects of megakaryocyte development [6,7].

Apart from its e V ects on progenitor cells of megakaryocyte lineage, TPO has also been shown to promote the survival of hematopoietic stem cells [8,9]. Mature human TPO is a single 332 amino acid protein consisting of two domains.The amino terminal W rst 153 amino acids of TPO contain the entire receptor-binding region and the carboxyl termi-nal domain of the molecule contains N-linked glycosylation sites and functions to promote the process of TPO secretion and increase the circulatory survival of the protein [10].Hematopoietic stem cells are characterized by their abil-ity to both self-renew and di V erentiate, and thus give rise to various kinds of mature hematopoietic cells including megakaryocyte [11]. Stem cell factor (SCF) acts on hemato-poiesis by promoting the survival, proliferation, and di V er-entiation of hematopoietic stem cells and progenitor cells by itself or synergizing with other cytokines, resulting in a


The project was supported by the National Natural Science founda-tion of China (Grant No. 30270703) to Junchuan Qin.*

Corresponding author. Fax: +86 25 83324605.E-mail address: jcqin@, (J. Qin).1

Abbreviations used: TPO, thrombopoietin; SCF, stem cell factor;rhTPO, recombinant human thrombopoietin; TF, trigger factor.

428Y. Zang et al. / Protein Expression and Puri W cation 47 (2006) 427–433

synergistic enhancement of adequate expansion and devel-opment of the hematopoietic lineages [12,13]. Domen and Weissman [14] found that SCF and BCL-2 were two sepa-rate signals to prevent apoptosis in hematopoietic stem cells. Although SCF alone does not support megakaryocyte colony formation, it has been shown to have a potent syner-gistic e V ect on megakaryopoiesis in the presence of TPO [15,16]. Furthermore, in the presence of stem cell factor, TPO induced self-renewal of hematopoietic stem cells more e Y ciently than IL-3 or IL-6 did [17]. SCF exists naturally as membrane-anchored and soluble isoforms as a result of alternative RNA splicing and proteolytic processing [18]. The soluble form of SCF has 165 amino acids, and the W rst 141 residues are necessary for SCF activity [19].

Constructions and administration of fusion hematopoi-etic cytokines with multi-activities have been proved to be more e V ective than a single cytokine in the hematopoietic cell proliferation and o V ered some successful applications such as PIXY321, a GM-CSF and IL-3 fusion protein, in medical therapy [20,21]. Providing the pronounced e V ects of SCF on hematopoietic stem cells, the combined adminis-tration of TPO and SCF would be expected to exhibit more potential ability in preserving or preventing the exhaustion of progenitors during the process of megakaryopoiesis and thrombopoiesis. In the present study, a novel TPO/SCF fusion protein was constructed to combine the complemen-tary biologic e V ects of these two cytokines (TPO and SCF) into a single molecular with multilineage activity. The fusion protein consists of a truncated TPO (1–157 a.a.) and a truncated soluble SCF (1–145 a.a.), linked head to tail by a short peptide (GGGGSPGGSGGGGSGG). The rhTPO/ SCF expressed in and puri W ed from Escherichia coli cells exhibited distinct speci W c activities to stimulate a dose-dependent proliferation in both TF1 and Mo7e cell lines. Materials and methods


Restriction enzymes, Klenow fragment of DNA polymer-ase I, and T4 DNA ligase were from New England BioLab (Beverly, CA, USA). Taq DNA polymerase was from TaKaRa (Dalian, China). DEAE–Sepharose Fast Flow was from Amersham Pharmacia Biotech (Uppsala, Sweden). IPTG was from Sino-American Biotechnology (Shanghai, China). Micro BCA protein assay reagent was from Pierce (Rockfold, IL, USA). The 6-histidine (Epitope Tagging) AB-1 (Clone 4D11) mouse monoclonal antibody was from Lab Vision (Fremont, CA, USA). Antibiotics and protein molecular weight markers were from BBI Fermentas (Toronto, Canada). rhSCF was from New England BioLab (Lake Charles, LA, USA) and rhTPO was from PeproTech (Rocky Hill, NJ, USA). Plasmids and bacteria strain

The plasmid pUC18-SCF containing full length human soluble SCF cDNA was kindly provided by Professor Beifen Shen from Academy of Military Medical Science, China [22]. The plasmid pUC18-TPO containing human TPO cDNA was kindly provided by Dr. Xueyuan Jiang from Nanjing University, China. The plasmid pG-Tf2, which could express E. coli molecular chaperones trigger factor and GroEL/GroES together under the tetracycline-inducible promoter Pzt-1 was generously provided by Dr. Hideki Yanagi from HSP Research Institute, Japan. The plasmid pET32a, pET28a, and host strain BL21 (DE3) was from Novagen.


Erythroleukemic cell line TF1 [23] and megakaryoblastic cell line Mo7e [24] were both generously provided by Pro-fessor Beifen Shen from Academy of Military Medical Sci-ence, China. TF1 was maintained in DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS and 3ng/ml IL-3. Mo7e was maintained in DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS and 20ng/ml G M-CSF.

Cloning of TPO/SCF gene and construction of its expression plasmid

The TPO/SCF gene cloning and its expression plasmid construction strategies were shown in Fig.1. Brie X y, the DNA fragment encoding part of the linker peptide (G SG G G G SG G) and truncated human SCF (1–145 a.a.) was ampli W ed from the plasmid pUC18-SCF by PCR with a sense primer (5? CC GGATCC GGAGGAGGAGGCTCC G G CG G CG AAG G G ATCTG CAG G AATCG T 3?) and an antisense primer (5? G G AAGCTT ACTTAATGTTGA AGAAAC 3?). The PCR was carried out with 2.5U of pfu DNA polymerase (TaKaRa) in a W nal volume of 50 l using the following conditions: 94°C for 30s, 54°C for 30s, and 72°C for 90 s for 30 cycles. The PCR product was dou-ble digested with Bam HI and Hin dIII, puri W ed by agarose gel electrophoresis, and cloned into pBluescript to yield pBluescript-3?SCF. The DNA fragment encoding truncated human TPO (1–157 a.a.) and the other part of the linker peptide (G G G G SPG) was ampli W ed from the plasmid pUC18-TPO by PCR with a sense primer (5? CC TCTAG A TCTAGCCCGG CTCCTCCTG CT 3?) and an antisense primer (5? CG CCCG G G G AACCTCCTCCTCCG G G TG G G G CCCG CCTG AC 3?) as above. The PCR products were digested with Xba I, puri W ed by agarose gel electropho-resis, and cloned into pBluescript-3?SCF between Xba I and Bam HI (Klenow W lled the Bam HI site to blunt before Bam HI digestion) to yield pBluescript-TS. The plasmid was then sequenced to con W rm the TPO/SCF coding region by using an automatic sequencer (Applied Biosystems model 377). The pBluescript-TS was digested with Bgl II and Hin-dIII and the released TPO/SCF DNA fragment was inserted into the expression vector pET32a at Bam HI and Hin dIII site to yield pET32a-TSH. Finally, the pET32a-TSH was double digested with Nco I and Hin dIII and the released fragment was cloned into expression plasmid

Y. Zang et al. / Protein Expression and Puri W cation 47 (2006) 427–433429

pET28a at Nco I and Hin dIII sites to yield pET28a-TSH. In pET28a-TSH, the TPO/SCF coding region was located immediately upstream of 6-histidine tag coding sequence and stop codon in the same reading frame.Expression of rhTPO/SCF

The expression plasmid pET28a-TSH was transformed into E. coli BL21 (DE3). Single colony was inoculated into fresh liquid LB medium containing 34mg/L kanamycin.Expression of rhTPO/SCF was induced by addition of IPTG to a W nal concentration of 0.2mM, when the culture was grown to OD 600D 0.8. Three hours after induction, the culture was collected and analyzed by 12% SDS–PAG E.The Coomassie-stained SDS–PAGE gel was scanned with a UVP white/ultraviolet transilluminator and protein band was quanti W ed with Grab-it 2.5 and Gelwork software.

Co-expression of GST–VAS with chaperones

Plasmid pG-Tf2, which could express E. coli molecular chaperones trigger factor (TF), and G roEL/G roES together under the tetracycline-inducible promoter Pzt-1,contains a chloramphenicol resistance gene and is compati-ble with plasmid with ColE1 origin [25,26]. The plasmid

pET28a-TSH was transformed into E. coli BL21 (DE3)together with pG-Tf2 and positive clones were selected on solid LB medium containing kanamycin (34mg/L) and chloramphenicol (20mg/L). The transformant was grown at 37°C in fresh LB medium containing 34mg/L kanamy-cin and 20mg/L chloramphenicol. When OD 600 was around 0.8, the culture was transfer to 27°C and continued for half an hour incubation. Then, tetracycline was added to a W nal concentration of 20 g/L to induce chaperones expression and IPTG was added 20min later to induce the expression of the recombinant protein at the W nal concentration of 0.2mM. After induction, the culture was incubated for an additional 5h at 27°C before collection.Puri W cation of rhTPO/SCF

After one liter bacterial culture was grown and induced as described above, the cells were collected by centrifuga-tion, re-suspended in 50ml pre-cooled bu V er A (20mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.8) and lysed by ultrasonication. The lysate was centrifuged at 12,000rpm for 30min and the superna-tant was loaded onto DEAE–Sepharose Fast Flow column (Amersham Pharmacia) equilibrated with bu V er A. After washing the column to baseline with bu V er A, the target protein was eluted step-wise with bu V er A containing di V er-ent concentration of NaCl (50, 100, 200, 300, and 500mM)at 1ml/min. The eluted fraction containing 6£His-tagged rhTPO/SCF was dialyzed against water and freeze-dried.Then, the sample was dissolved in 10ml ice-cold bu V er B (20mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.9, 100mM NaCl, and 5mM imid-azole) and loaded onto 2ml bed volume of Ni-charged His ·Bind resin column (Novagen). After washing the column sequentially with bu V er B and bu V er C (20mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.9, 100mM NaCl, and 20mM imidazole),the target protein was then eluted with bu V er D (20mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.9, 100mM NaCl, and 200 imidazole) and dialyzed immediately against bu V er E (20mM Tris–HCl,pH 7.9). The column was stripped with strip bu V er (20mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.9, 100mM NaCl, and 100mM EDTA) and regenerated according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Protein quantity assay

The protein concentration was determined by the BCA assay (Pierce, Rockford, IL, USA) according to the manu-facturer’s protocol using bovine serum albumin as a stan-dard. Fractions collected from the chromatography steps were analyzed on a 12% SDS–polyacrylamide gel.SDS–PAGE and Western blot analyses

The expressed protein was analyzed by reducing SDS–PAG E. All samples were prepared by boiling for 3min in sample loading bu V er containing 10% of 2-mercaptoethanol.The proteins were detected in gels by Coomassie brilliant blue staining or transferred onto a nitrocellulose membrane for Western blot analysis. The Western blot analysis was


1. Construction of TPO/SCF DNA fragment and its expression plas-mid (X, Xba I; Ba, Bam HI; Bg, Bgl II; H, Hin dIII; N, Nco I; and His, Histi-dine).

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carried out according to the protocol recommended by Bio-Rad (Hercules, CA, USA). Speci W c 6-histidine mouse mono-clonal antibody against 6-histidine was used as the primary

antibody and horseradish peroxidase-conjugated anti-mouse IgG antibody as the detecting reagent.

Cell proliferation assays

Serial twofold dilutions of samples were prepared in 96-well microtiter plate at a volume of 50 l per well. The TF1

or Mo7e cells were then washed three times with PBS and suspended in RPMI 1640 medium containing 20% FCS at W nal concentration of 4.0£105cells/ml. Fifty microliter ali-quots of the cell suspension were then added to the previ-

ously prepared microtiter plate containing diluted samples. After incubating the microtiter plates at 37°C in fully humidi W ed atmosphere containing 5% CO2 for 48–60h, 10 l of 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazo-lium bromide (MTT) stock solution (5mg/ml) was added into each well and the incubation was continued for another 4–6h at room temperature. The insoluble purple reaction product produced by MTT was dissolved by add-ing 100 l of 0.01M HCl–10% SDS solution into each well. After incubating for 16h, the A595 absorbance values were determined on double-channel Microplate Reader. Plot the absorbance at 595nm (Y axis) versus concentration of sam-ple (X axis). The ED50 value was determined as the X axis value that corresponds to one-half the maximum (plateau) absorbance values. The amount of recombinant protein required for half-maximal stimulation of TF-1 or Mo7e cells proliferation was de W ned as one unit.


Construction of rhTPO/SCF gene and its coloning into expression vector

The novel TPO/SCF gene was constructed and coloned into pET28a as described under Materials and methods.Two DNA fragments, encoding a truncated human TPO (1–157 a.a.) and a truncated hSCF (1–145 a.a.), respectively, were designed to be linked in head to tail style by a linker sequence encoding peptide (G G G G SPG G SG G G G SG G). In the recombinant expression plasmid, TPO/SCF gene was incorporated immediately upstream of the 6£His and stop codon sequence in the same ORF. Thus, the expressed rhTPO/SCF would contain a 6£His tag at its C terminal. Results of restriction enzyme analysis and DNA sequenc-ing con W rmed the authenticity of TPO/SCF coding region. Expression of rhTPO/SCF

Escherichia coli strain BL21(DE3) cells harboring pET28a-TSH were cultured as described under Materials and methods. After inducing expression by 0.2M IPTG for 3h at 37°C, SDS–PAGE analysis of the cell lysate detected a protein band with molecular weight about 34.5kDa, which corresponded to the calculated molecular weight of recombinant rhTPO/SCF. Under this condition, the expressed protein was about 6% of total bacterial protein as determined by densitometric scanning (Fig.2A). When total cellular proteins were separated into soluble and insol-uble fractions, more than 80% of rhTPO/SCF proteins were found to be present in the insoluble fraction.

For the sake of improving solubility, lowering cultiva-tion temperature and co-expression with molecular chaper-ones, TF and GroEL/GroES, were performed as described under Materials and methods. Neither lowering cultivation temperature nor molecular chaperones had signi W cant e V ects on the yield of soluble rhTPO/SCF independently (data not shown). However, combination of these two kinds of e V orts exhibited pronounced e V ects on improving rhTPO/SCF solubility. Growing culture at 27°C and induc-ing expression of molecular chaperones with tetracycline at

a W nal concentration of 20 g/L, followed by induction with

0.2mM IPTG, were optimized as suitable expression condi-tions for high level production of soluble and biologically active recombinant TPO/SCF. When rhTPO/SCF was

Fig.2. (A) SDS–PAGE analysis of rhTPO/SCF. Lane M, protein molecular mass markers (kDa); lane 1, the cell lysate of non-induced BL21(DE3) con-

taining the recombinant expression plasmid pET28a-TSH; lane 2, the cell lysate of IPTG induced BL21(DE3) containing the recombinant expression plas-mid pET28a-TSH. (B) Yield of soluble rhTPO/SCF under di V erent expression conditions. To determine the quantity of soluble rhTPO/SCF, TF1 cells were incubated with various volume of supernatant of cell lysate. In two parallel experiments, 100ml culture with same cell density was used in the expres-sions of rhTPO/SCF with co-expression of molecular chaperones (?) at 27°C or without co-expression of molecular chaperones (?) at 37°C as described under Materials and methods. After cells were collected, the cell pellet was re-suspended in 10ml of 1£PBS bu V er and lysed by ultrasonication.

Y. Zang et al. / Protein Expression and Puri W cation 47 (2006) 427–433431

co-expressed with TF and G roEL/G roES at 27°C, the amount of rhTPO/SCF appeared in the soluble fraction increased about fourfold than that expressed at 37°C with-out chaperons, according to their respective potentials to stimulate TF1 cell proliferation (Fig.2B).Puri W cation of rhTPO/SCF

The puri W cation procedure of rhSCF/M-CSF is described under Materials and methods and the result is summarized in Table 1. The rhTPO/SCF protein was puri-W ed to near homogeneity from soluble fraction of the cells by combination of anion exchange chromatography and an a Y nity chromatographic step using Ni-charged His ·Bind resin. An extensive puri W cation was achieved by DEAE–Sepharose Fast Flow column, as indicated both from the SDS–PAGE result (Fig.3A) and bioactivity assays (Table 1).Then, rhTPO/SCF was further puri W ed by Ni-charged a Y n-ity chromatography, where its elution showed a single band on SDS–PAG E with an apparent molecular weight of 34.5kDa as expected. From 1L culture, a total of 4.8mg puri W ed protein was obtained. Western blot analysis con-W rmed the identity of the protein and no degradation frag-ment was detected (Fig.3B).Cell proliferation assay

rhTPO/SCF promoted a dose-dependent proliferation response on both erythroleukemic cell line TF1 and mega-karyoblastic cell line Mo7e. Previous report had shown that Mo7e cells had a high rate of proliferation when cultured in the presence of TPO but proliferated poorly in the presence of SCF alone [27]. With respect to TF1, it exhibited a dose-dependent proliferation to the stimulations of G M-CSF,Il-3, and SCF but was not sensitive to TPO [23,28]. Thus,they could be used to determine the activity of SCF and TPO, respectively. The ED 50 of puri W ed rhTPO/SCF was about 5.0ng/ml in TF1 cell proliferation assay, correspond-ing a speci W c activity of 2.0£105U/mg, while the ED 50 of rhSCF from E. coli was 2.8ng/ml under the same experimen-tal conditions. The ED 50 of puri W ed rhTPO/SCF was about 1.2ng/ml in Mo7e cell proliferation assay, corresponding a speci W c activity of 8.3£105U/mg, while the ED 50 of rhTPO (1–158 a.a.) from E. coli was about 1.0ng/ml.


Thrombocytopenia is a common problem in oncology and hematology. In past two decades, the availability of myeloid and erythroid cytokines has provided valuable therapeutic agents in management of the disease. Several cytokines, including TPO, IL-3, IL-6, IL-11, and PIXY321,have ever been evaluated in preliminary clinical trials [29,30]. Among them, TPO is clearly the most potent one to stimulate megakaryopoiesis and promote platelet recovery.Nevertheless, despite its initial rapid demonstration of a strong thrombopoietic activity, rhTPO still remains under investigation to date. TPO and SCF are functionally related cytokines with overlapping but distinct hematopoietic e V ects. Their complementary biologic e V ects on megak-aryopoiesis prompted us the attempt to construct a TPO/SCF fusion protein. The design of TPO/SCF fusion protein was aimed to combine and enhance the synergistic e V ects between SCF and TPO. Thus, the novel fusion protein could exert its e V ects more e Y ciently on preserving or pre-

Table 1

Puri W cation of rhTPO/SCF from E. coli BL21(DE3)a a One liter of culture was used in this preparation and the total cell extract was collected from approximate 7.5g wet weight cells.b Total protein was determined by BCA assay.

c Total activity of the sample was determine

d by th

e ability to stimulate TF1 cell proliferation.

d Estimated protein product was calculated by dividing th

e total activity in each step by the speci W c activity o

f puri W ed rhTPO/SCF.e

Approximate purity was determined by densitometric scanning.

Puri W cation stage

Total protein (mg)b Total activity (U)c Estimated rhTPO/SCF product (mg)d Approximate purity of rhTPO/SCF (%)e Recovery (%)Total cell extract e

225 2.10£10610.5 4.6100DEAE–Sepharose Fast Flow 41 1.54£1067.719.173Ni-charged His ·Bind resin







3. SDS–PAGE analysis of rhTPO/SCF at di V erent stages of puri W ca-tion and Western blot analysis following puri W cation. (A) Samples of rhTPO/SCF were electrophoresed on 12% denaturing polyacrylamide gel and stained with Coomassie blue; (B) Western blot analysis of puri W ed rhTPO/SCF. The protein was detected with mouse monoclonal antibody against 6-histidine as described under Materials and methods. Lane 1, the elution from DEAE–Sepharose Fast Flow column; lane 2, rhTPO/SCF eluted from Ni-charged His ·Bind resin column; lane M, protein molecu-lar mass markers (kDa).

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venting the exhaustion of progenitors during the process of megakaryopoiesis and thrombopoiesis.

In the present study, rhTPO/SCF was designed to con-sist of two moieties linked in head to tail style by a peptide (GGGGSPGGSGGGGSGG). The linker peptide was rel-atively non-antigenic determinant and X exible to enable that the two subunits could wiggle freely and maintain their three-dimensional structures. In our previous studies [28,31], we had successfully constructed SCF/M-CSF and dual SCF fusion proteins, respectively, with a structurally similar linker peptide (G G G G SG G G G SG G), showing that both moieties of the fusion proteins could bind to their receptors independently. In case of TPO/SCF, we added a proline residue in the linker peptide. Computer assistant design revealed that addition of proline residue would increase the distance between two moieties within the fusion molecule, facilitating TPO and SCF moieties to bind their receptors independently (data not shown). This may have important clinical implications for alleviat-ing thrombocytopenia, because stem cell enrichment with megakaryocytic progenitors was considered to improve the recovery of platelets after myeloablative therapy [32–34].

An initial attempt was made to express rhTPO/SCF from the recombinant plasmid pET32a-TPO/SCF (Fig.1), in which the TPO/SCF DNA fragment was cloned into pET32a and fused with thioredoxin tag. SDS–PAGE analy-sis showed that the amounts of the target protein could reach about 25% of the total cell lysate. However, the majority of target protein was insoluble and further West-ern blot analysis revealed that multiple degradation frag-ments were present in the soluble fraction (data not shown). We had tried di V erent methods to refold thioredoxin-TPO/ SCF inclusion bodies in vivo, but the yield of soluble and biologically active rhTPO/SCF was very low.

Here, we reported construction and characterization of the novel recombinant human TPO/SCF fusion protein. The availability of large amounts of pure and active rhTPO/SCF could facilitate further studies on its in vivo activities in pro-moting megakaryopoiesis and platelet recovery. Acknowledgments

The authors are grateful to Dr. Hideki Yanagi and Dr. Hua Zichun for kindly providing plasmid pG-Tf2. References

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编译原理实验报告实验名称:实验一编写词法分析程序 实验类型:验证型实验 指导教师:何中胜 专业班级:13软件四 姓名:丁越 学号: 电子邮箱: 实验地点:秋白楼B720 实验成绩: 日期:2016年3 月18 日

一、实验目的 通过设计、调试词法分析程序,实现从源程序中分出各种单词的方法;熟悉词法分析 程序所用的工具自动机,进一步理解自动机理论。掌握文法转换成自动机的技术及有穷自动机实现的方法。确定词法分析器的输出形式及标识符与关键字的区分方法。加深对课堂教学的理解;提高词法分析方法的实践能力。通过本实验,应达到以下目标: 1、掌握从源程序文件中读取有效字符的方法和产生源程序的内部表示文件的方法。 2、掌握词法分析的实现方法。 3、上机调试编出的词法分析程序。 二、实验过程 以编写PASCAL子集的词法分析程序为例 1.理论部分 (1)主程序设计考虑 主程序的说明部分为各种表格和变量安排空间。 数组 k为关键字表,每个数组元素存放一个关键字。采用定长的方式,较短的关键字 后面补空格。 P数组存放分界符。为了简单起见,分界符、算术运算符和关系运算符都放在 p表中 (编程时,还应建立算术运算符表和关系运算符表,并且各有类号),合并成一类。 id和ci数组分别存放标识符和常数。 instring数组为输入源程序的单词缓存。 outtoken记录为输出内部表示缓存。 还有一些为造表填表设置的变量。 主程序开始后,先以人工方式输入关键字,造 k表;再输入分界符等造p表。 主程序的工作部分设计成便于调试的循环结构。每个循环处理一个单词;接收键盘上 送来的一个单词;调用词法分析过程;输出每个单词的内部码。 ⑵词法分析过程考虑 将词法分析程序设计成独立一遍扫描源程序的结构。其流程图见图1-1。 图1-1 该过程取名为 lexical,它根据输入单词的第一个字符(有时还需读第二个字符),判断单词类,产生类号:以字符 k表示关键字;i表示标识符;c表示常数;p表示分界符;s表示运算符(编程时类号分别为 1,2,3,4,5)。 对于标识符和常数,需分别与标识符表和常数表中已登记的元素相比较,如表中已有 该元素,则记录其在表中的位置,如未出现过,将标识符按顺序填入数组id中,将常数 变为二进制形式存入数组中 ci中,并记录其在表中的位置。 lexical过程中嵌有两个小过程:一个名为getchar,其功能为从instring中按顺序取出一个字符,并将其指针pint加1;另一个名为error,当出现错误时,调用这个过程, 输出错误编号。 2.实践部分


阅读教学第四讲:指向“思考”的阅读教学 各位老师,最近有两件事让我陷入思考。 第一件事,有一次我上《麋鹿》,我请学生畅谈读后的感受,一个又一个孩子表达了对清政府对八国联军的愤怒,是他们让麋鹿这种珍奇的动物客居他乡,颠沛流离。突然,有一个孩子小心翼翼地对我说:“老师,好像并不是所有的外国人都是坏蛋。我很感谢英国乌邦寺动物园的园主,他那么喜爱麋鹿,对麋鹿精心照顾,而且后来大公无私地把麋鹿运往世界各国,如果没有他,麋鹿可能真的销声匿迹了。”我心里抑制不住地温暖起来,我分明看到了与主观、狭隘截然相反的宽容、理性,那是一个伟大的民族所应该具有的品格。然后又有孩子对我说:“我也很矛盾,书中说有一个外国人撰文向全世界介绍麋鹿,导致麋鹿流浪到世界各国,麋鹿数量迅速下降。麋鹿数量虽然下降了,但这个物种毕竟还存在。我觉得如果没有他的介绍,麋鹿可能真的会灭绝。”为什么没有传教士的介绍,反而可能会灭绝呢?我一下子联想到了我们这个民族清代以后所经历的种种包含战争、文革在内的苦难,在这接连不断的困难中,麋鹿是否能幸存下来还真是一个疑问,我虽然一下子不知道该如何回应,但是我感觉到孩子那种和直觉粘连在一起的思维的深刻,那是一种智慧。 第二件事,我暑假里在北京的一次教学研讨会上上课,因为正值暑假,召集学生有些困难,最后来上课的只有26位学生。我之所以对学生数有如此准确的记忆,是因为当时听课的张华教授(华东师范大学)

非常认真地作了一个“另类”的统计:“同是这个班的学生,26位,前面的女老师上课,总共发言23人次,基本女生唱主角。同是这26位学生,蒋老师来上,总共发言有48人次,并且这48次的发言中,有27次是男生。为什么会这样,因为前面的课侧重感受、体验,多要求有感情地朗读,而蒋老师的课有认知冲突,鼓励学生表达观点和对观点进行解释。”张华教授并没有对课进行褒贬,只作客观描述,客观描述中所表达的观点是,很多孩子尤其男孩子在语文课堂上有“思考”的需求,这似乎在强调识记、积累的语文教学氛围中慢慢被我们忽略。我们语文老师所举例的人才,大多是文史哲领域的人才,而文史哲领域的杰出人物的特点往往是认真仔细,一丝不苟,写字横平竖直,读文章逐字逐句。但是看《万物简史》,还有一本《别闹了,费曼先生》,你就会发现那些科学顽童很多动辄骚动,很多沉默不语,胆子大,不规矩,在课堂里是经常被批评的,他们身上的一些好的品质往往被忽视:对知识,对周遭的世界充满好奇,敢于尝试,不怕挫折。 这两件事,让我又回归到起点思考,我们的教学是要人越来越聪明,要有自己的想法,要有自己的判断力,归根结底,要让人学会思考。阅读教学,怎么才能提高“思考”的含量呢?我个人觉得最关键的因素是“问题”。人类一直是基于“问题”进行学习和思考的,不能示范性的提出能够鼓励孩子深入阅读的问题,那我们的孩子永远只会是表面的阅读者而已。


实验1-3 《编译原理》S语言词法分析程序设计方案 一、实验目的 了解词法分析程序的两种设计方法之一:根据状态转换图直接编程的方式; 二、实验内容 1.根据状态转换图直接编程 编写一个词法分析程序,它从左到右逐个字符的对源程序进行扫描,产生一个个的单词的二元式,形成二元式(记号)流文件输出。在此,词法分析程序作为单独的一遍,如下图所示。 具体任务有: (1)组织源程序的输入 (2)拼出单词并查找其类别编号,形成二元式输出,得到单词流文件 (3)删除注释、空格和无用符号 (4)发现并定位词法错误,需要输出错误的位置在源程序中的第几行。将错误信息输出到屏幕上。 (5)对于普通标识符和常量,分别建立标识符表和常量表(使用线性表存储),当遇到一个标识符或常量时,查找标识符表或常量表,若存在,则返回位置,否则返回0并且填写符号表或常量表。 标识符表结构:变量名,类型(整型、实型、字符型),分配的数据区地址 注:词法分析阶段只填写变量名,其它部分在语法分析、语义分析、代码生成等阶段逐步填入。 常量表结构:常量名,常量值 三、实验要求 1.能对任何S语言源程序进行分析 在运行词法分析程序时,应该用问答形式输入要被分析的S源语言程序的文件名,然后对该程序完成词法分析任务。 2.能检查并处理某些词法分析错误 词法分析程序能给出的错误信息包括:总的出错个数,每个错误所在的行号,错误的编号及错误信息。 本实验要求处理以下两种错误(编号分别为1,2): 1:非法字符:单词表中不存在的字符处理为非法字符,处理方式是删除该字符,给出错误信息,“某某字符非法”。 2:源程序文件结束而注释未结束。注释格式为:/* …… */ 四、保留字和特殊符号表


关于《死亡诗社》的解析 无论时空如何推演,时事如何变迁,教育,从来都是一个引人注目又颇具争议的话题。成长与期许,羁绊与质疑,教育承载的远远不止于此。不同的时代,不同的个体,对教育的解读与剖析亦全然不同,但教育的主题却是一脉相承的,那就是促进个体发展并以此推动社会进步。人们无法苛求教育锻造完美,但求教育在反思与变革中渐趋完善。教育史诗《死亡诗社》或许能让我们重温教育的初衷,引领我们思索什么才是真正的教育。 1959的某一天,在威尔顿预备学院的开学礼堂里,传统,纪律,荣誉,卓越的呐喊震耳欲聋。或许,是一次发自肺腑的承诺,对学校的,对自己的,对未来的,一定要做到所有人都认可的“最好”,那就是恪守传统,遵守纪律,守护荣誉,力求卓越;抑或,是一种自我压抑的宣泄,对内心的,对父母的,对整个社会一贯认为的规则,一定要顺从父母的选择,即使违背自己的内心,一定要沿着规则行走,即使不是自己渴望探求的道路。不得不说,这是一群可爱的学生,略显夸张的笑容刻印在他们依然年轻的脸庞上,彰显着改变的可能与力量。而基廷老师的到来使他们看似不可能一切成为现实。我时常在想,一个老师究竟能给学生带来什么?尽管有些许答案,却并不明晰。从教育学里,我们知道,教师有其角色的角色丛,,教师是“传道,授业,解惑者”,通过自己的言论,行动潜移默化的引导学生,启发他们的智慧,激发他们的兴趣,解除他们的困惑,在短时间内掌握人类长期积



编译技术实验报告 实验题目:词法分析 学院:信息学院 专业:计算机科学与技术学号: 姓名:

一、实验目的 (1)理解词法分析的功能; (2)理解词法分析的实现方法; 二、实验内容 PL0的文法如下 …< >?为非终结符。 …::=? 该符号的左部由右部定义,可读作“定义为”。 …|? 表示…或?,为左部可由多个右部定义。 …{ }? 表示花括号内的语法成分可以重复。在不加上下界时可重复0到任意次 数,有上下界时可重复次数的限制。 …[ ]? 表示方括号内的成分为任选项。 …( )? 表示圆括号内的成分优先。 上述符号为“元符号”,文法用上述符号作为文法符号时需要用引号…?括起。 〈程序〉∷=〈分程序〉. 〈分程序〉∷= [〈变量说明部分〉][〈过程说明部分〉]〈语句〉 〈变量说明部分〉∷=V AR〈标识符〉{,〈标识符〉}:INTEGER; 〈无符号整数〉∷=〈数字〉{〈数字〉} 〈标识符〉∷=〈字母〉{〈字母〉|〈数字〉} 〈过程说明部分〉∷=〈过程首部〉〈分程序〉{;〈过程说明部分〉}; 〈过程首部〉∷=PROCEDURE〈标识符〉; 〈语句〉∷=〈赋值语句〉|〈条件语句〉|〈过程调用语句〉|〈读语句〉|〈写语句〉|〈复合语句〉|〈空〉 〈赋值语句〉∷=〈标识符〉∶=〈表达式〉 〈复合语句〉∷=BEGIN〈语句〉{;〈语句〉}END 〈条件〉∷=〈表达式〉〈关系运算符〉〈表达式〉 〈表达式〉∷=〈项〉{〈加法运算符〉〈项〉} 〈项〉∷=〈因子〉{〈乘法运算符〉〈因子〉} 〈因子〉∷=〈标识符〉|〈无符号整数〉|'('〈表达式〉')' 〈加法运算符〉∷=+|- 〈乘法运算符〉∷=* 〈关系运算符〉∷=<>|=|<|<=|>|>= 〈条件语句〉∷=IF〈条件〉THEN〈语句〉 〈字母〉∷=a|b|…|X|Y|Z 〈数字〉∷=0|1|2|…|8|9 实现PL0的词法分析


2012级广播电视编导一班 1224050102胡敬阁 不一样的故事,同样的感动 ——《死亡诗社》与《放牛班的春天》对比影评很喜欢讲述师生情的电影和文章,每次看到这类电影和文章,总是会很容易的被打动。也许是师生情所折射出的纯洁,美好,神圣,诚挚与纯粹,是人的一生中最美好,最短暂而又最容易失去的,所以我特别珍视这类感情,特别是当自己身处纷繁杂乱的社会中,感到茫然无措的时候,这种感情往往能让我疲惫的内心慢慢平静沉淀下来,然后坚定自己的信念,找到正确的人生方向! 主题是一部影片的灵魂。《死亡诗社》和《放牛班的春天》的主题有着共同的地方,即师生情和导演、编剧对当时社会传统教育缺乏人性化的反抗以及对思想自由的向往,但两者也有不同之处,虽然这两部影片都是关于教育的,但在教育对象上就形成了鲜明的对比。《死亡诗社》针对的教育对象成绩优异积极进取且乖巧听话的学生而《放牛班的春天》所针对的教育对象则是那些性格乖张,顽劣成性的问题少年。前者备受学校老师和家长甚至社会各界的关注,生活条件优越,只要努力学习,遵守校规,遵循父母安排已好的人生路线走下去,可以说是个个都是前程似锦而后者是被学校老师和家长及社会忽视,生活条件非常恶劣,他们自己也放弃了自己,内心极其孤寂悲伤,渴望爱却得不到爱,可以说是个个前程渺茫。因此两部影片所要表达的思想也就有所不同。前者主要表达了对传统教育禁锢孩子思想自由的批判,及由于传统父母一味不顾孩子内心真实想法而为他们安排谋划人生,使他们失去了真实的自我,无法为自己的人生做主,做自己喜欢的事,以致产生悲剧,从而表达出对传统父母这种控制自己孩子的行为的愤慨与无奈,对像“captain”这样勇敢追求新思维的老师的赞颂,对新式人性化教育的向往和无限期待。后者主要表达了对那些像影片中校长那样只顾个人利益,把学生当做挣钱工具的教育者的批判,对克莱门特这样真正关爱学生,专心致力于教育事业的人的赞颂,以及告诉世人,问题学生更需要关怀和人性化的教育。两者对比我们会发现,前者更多的是启发学校家长应该怎么做的,而后者更多关注的是问题少年这一群体的内心世界。 好莱坞编剧罗伯特·麦基告诉我们,作为编剧,最重要的是为电影奉献一个好故事。《死亡诗社》与《放牛班的春天》在叙事方面所做的努力成为这部影片的亮点。我们先来概述一下两部影片所讲述的故事。《死亡诗社》以师生情为主线,追求自由,寻找真实的自我为辅线,讲述了在美国一个传统的、全美最具声望的、校规校律十分严格的寄宿学校,来了一位反传统的、教学方式十分独特甚


影视作品鉴赏--死亡诗社人物分析 托德·安德森 安德森在影片大部分的时间都是非常沉默的,长相也很普通,在众多的学生当中很难辨认(我也是花了很长时间才把他从众多的学生当中区分开来),属于威尔顿学院中非常典型的学生,刻苦,平庸。然而他的改变也是最大、最让人感到欣慰的,这是对威尔顿学院模式化教学的一种反抗,也是一种反思。 安德森从一开始转来威尔顿学院就被赋予厚望。他一直低着头,有时甚至有点不知所措,表明他没什么自信。校长告诉他,他的哥哥曾是这个学校最优秀的学生之一,因此他也承受了很大的压力。 他一开始给人的印象是“像个木瓜一样”。而事实确实如此。沉默寡言,与周围的同学似乎有点气场不和。室友和同学们相互嬉笑聊天的时候,他还是一个人默默地整理东西,背对着镜头,以至于他们好像都把安德森给忘记了,他们讨论了一会儿才忽然想起来要做一下自我介绍,而且是由室友尼尔来告诉他的同学们“这是托德。安德森”。而同时安德森的哥哥这个著名的优秀生又一次被提及,可以看出安德森的内心是非常不爽的。可是他依然还是沉默。同学们热情的邀请安德森一起参加读书小组,他也是只说了一句“谢谢”,并且专心的在对表,这也可以看出他个性中的严谨、小心、认真,他决定要努力学习,也许是想尽量的缩小和传说中的哥哥之间的距离。 事实上,安德森确实是非常努力地在学习,甚至有时候有些古板。在澡堂里,大家都热热闹闹的在洗澡,而他一个人穿着衣服坐在窗台上,也不跟别人交流,不知道他不洗澡来澡堂干什么,可能是默默地洗完了然后等人,说明安德森其实还是蛮单纯善良的。尼尔问他要不要晚上参加学习小组,而他的却因为要做历史作业而拒绝掉了,太可惜了,学习小组也是学习,做作业也是学习,难道是觉得学生自己组织的学习小组不是学习,说明他的古板。 而安德森的古板和保守让他在基廷老师的文学课上吃了苦头。他是那种一板一眼跟着老师走的小朋友,老师说什么都当成圣旨一样的去执行,老师在黑板上写什么更加是完完全全一摸一样的抄下来,没什么自己的想法。但是,这一回,却被基廷老师给耍了。因为基廷老师碰巧是那种有创意,有突破,有想法,不按常理出牌的难得一见的老师(特别是在这样一个传统的学校里),也许是因为基廷曾在这个学校学习过,深刻的理解到模式化教学对这些人生观、世界观、价值观正在慢慢发展的年轻学生们是相当大的摧残,因此希望尽量的改变那些像安德森这样的学生。安德森非常认真的把基廷胡乱画在黑板上的图复制到一本巨大的笔记本上(看来他是非常希望上好这个课的,可是他预计错了),然后就听到基廷说“屁话”,于是安德森只好非常无辜的把那一页给划掉了。可是接下来基廷又让同学们撕书,这让安德森感到很为难,但是还是随大流。最后基廷说“因为伟大的戏剧在继续,因为你可以奉献一首诗”,这无疑是安德森多年学习以来


解读电影《死亡诗社》 经典电影《死亡诗社》讲述了一位充满生命激情、教学不拘一格的基廷老师引导他的学生寻求独立人格,追求理想,爱惜时间,追求生命意义,但是最后却被辞退,学生尼尔自杀身亡的悲剧故事。鲁迅先生曾经说过:悲剧就是把有价值的东西,在人们面前销毁。对于尼尔这样一位英俊帅气又门门得A,还拥有表演天赋优秀孩子的离去,人们的内心毫无疑问是充满着无尽的遗憾。这也引导我们去思考:尼尔为什么要走向自杀这条不归路? 一、社会本位和个人本位主张的矛盾冲突是尼尔自杀的社会根源 社会本位和个人本位的冲突和选择是教育自产生以来就存在着的问题,它是教育,尤其是教育目的所面对的最根本的价值冲突。个人本位论主张教育目的应该依据个人的需要来确定,教育的首要目的不在于谋求国家利益和社会发展,而在于发展人的理性和个性,使人真正成其为人,强调个人价值高于社会价值。社会本位论强调教育的工具价值,主张教育目的应以社会价值为中心,应主要根据社会发展需要来制定教育目的和建构教育活动。社会本位论认为教育应以社会的理想为最终目标,教育的首要目的在于使个体社会化,注重使受教育者掌握社会的知识和规范成为对社会有用的公民,为社会服务。20 世纪50 年代末期的 威尔顿预备学院是百年名校,是全美最优秀的预备学校,推崇传统、荣誉、纪律和卓越。 然而新英语老师基廷的到来打破了这个学校的沉闷教学。及时采拮你的花蕾/旧时光一去不复返/今日尚在微笑的花朵/明日便在风中枯萎, 基廷老师带学生们到校友展览室聆听死去的人的劝言,提醒学生抓住时光,让你的生命不同寻常提醒学生诗歌是人类激情的体现,并不是在安水管,不应该把用横纵坐标做诗歌鉴赏方法的标准,鼓励学生敢于挑战权威,把诗歌鉴赏的前言部分撕掉; 让学生站在讲台看周围,提醒学生必须时刻用不同的眼光看待事物,读书时,不要总考虑作者是怎么想的,也要考虑你自己是怎么想的,唤醒学生们的自我意识;用生活的齐步走和观众的鼓掌告诫学生们每个人都有一种被接受的需要,所以坚持自己的信仰是独特的是很困难的,但顺从是很危险的,鼓励学生有自己的坚守,两条路在丛林中分岔,我选择走的人少的那一条。基廷老师坚持认为:教育的根本在于让学生学会自我思考。基廷老师不仅仅使用传统的讲授法,还使用了现场教学法,开创足球运动与诗歌教学相结合等科学教学方法,充分激活学生们的学习热情,以学生为中心,满足学生个性发展需要。


词法分析器实验报告 一、实验目的 选择一种编程语言实现简单的词法分析程序,设计、编制并调试一个词法分析程序,加深对词法分析原理的理解。 二、实验要求 待分析的简单的词法 (1)关键字: begin if then while do end 所有的关键字都是小写。 (2)运算符和界符 : = + - * / < <= <> > >= = ; ( ) # (3)其他单词是标识符(ID)和整型常数(SUM),通过以下正规式定义: ID = letter (letter | digit)* NUM = digit digit* (4)空格有空白、制表符和换行符组成。空格一般用来分隔ID、SUM、运算符、界符和关键字,词法分析阶段通常被忽略。 各种单词符号对应的种别码: 表各种单词符号对应的种别码 词法分析程序的功能: 输入:所给文法的源程序字符串。 输出:二元组(syn,token或sum)构成的序列。 其中:syn为单词种别码; token为存放的单词自身字符串; sum为整型常数。 例如:对源程序begin x:=9: if x>9 then x:=2*x+1/3; end #的源文件,经过词法分析后输出如下序列: (1,begin)(10,x)(18,:=)(11,9)(26,;)(2,if)…… 三、词法分析程序的算法思想: 算法的基本任务是从字符串表示的源程序中识别出具有独立意义的单词符号,其基本思想是根

据扫描到单词符号的第一个字符的种类,拼出相应的单词符号。 主程序示意图: 主程序示意图如图3-1所示。其中初始包括以下两个方面: ⑴关键字表的初值。 关键字作为特殊标识符处理,把它们预先安排在一张表格中(称为关键字表),当扫描程序识别出标识符时,查关键字表。如能查到匹配的单词,则该单词为关键字,否则为一般标识符。关键字表为一个字符串数组,其描述如下: Char *rwtab[6] = {“begin”, “if”, “then”, “while”, “do”, “end”,}; 图3-1 (2)程序中需要用到的主要变量为syn,token和sum 扫描子程序的算法思想: 首先设置3个变量:①token用来存放构成单词符号的字符串;②sum用来整型单词;③syn 用来存放单词符号的种别码。扫描子程序主要部分流程如图3-2所示。


死亡诗社影评(一) 你的一生曾经有没有因为什么人而改变过?我没有。但我知道在美国威尔顿的贵族学校里那群学生的道路被基汀老师改变了。 那是一个扼杀个性的年代,也许我们今天仍处在这个时代中。在校庆典礼上,学生们穿着一样的校服,一口同声的说着校训:传统、纪律、荣誉、卓越。学校礼堂里庄严和死气沉沉,但青春,叛逆,生命力还是从他们的眼睛里泄露了出来。而Keating老师被轻描淡写的代过,我们还无从知道一个不高大,看起来也不英俊,甚至还有些滑稽的英语老师身上积蓄着怎样的力量。 镜头追踪到了宿舍,像是从地狱到了人间,万物复苏,每一个角落都充满了生命力,特别是在尼尔的宿舍里。从外表看,尼尔最具有诗人气质,忧郁带着狂野,可是迫于父亲望子成龙的压力,不得不放弃很多课外活动而专心于枯燥无味的学业;尼尔的室友托德是个害羞,胆怯的男孩,不会走近别人的生活,更不会让别人走近自己的生活;查理是他们之中最叛逆的一个,不仅仅表现在思想上而且更付诸于实际行动,看到他我总能看到年轻时的基汀。诺克斯是不温不火的,他只为自己心爱的女人疯狂。 是,他们的船长出现了,从正门走了进来哼着《扬基进行曲》的口哨,把孩子从后门带了出去。就这样另一条道路被打开了。 在一张已故校友的毕业照前基汀开始了他的第一课:carpe diem(拉丁语,意为抓紧时间,及时行乐),sezie the day,make your lives extraordinary。(抓紧时间,让你的生活与众不同)就这样开始了他不同寻常的课程,让学生们撕去了犹如圣经般的教科书上伊凡所写的前言,告诉他们诗歌是美丽的,浪漫的,我们为他而活;让学生们站在课桌上叫他们用自己的眼光看待世界,无论这是否看起来愚蠢或者不正确,你必须要尝试;在操场上踢球前每人大声朗诵一句诗;逼迫胆小的托德倾泻出内心真正的诗句。学生们被感染了,并追随着基汀的脚步创建了自己的死亡诗社。那是一段天堂般的幸福时光。然而在那个年代天堂是不被允许的。 悲剧正在慢慢酝酿,你的内心开始感到不安,坚持自己是条被少数人选择的路,而选择这条路是要付出代价的。桀骜不驯的查理会公然对抗校规,被最先带到了校长室,但被体罚的那个孩子已经不是查理了,他是纽旺达,一个战士。他是悲壮的,他也被自己的这种悲壮感染着。他要凭着它来抗衡整个现实世界。但基汀告诉他,这样做是愚蠢的,可他还是称呼了他为英雄,那刻基汀分明看到年青时的自己。当基汀说这句话时我似乎能感觉到他是怎样被碰得头破血流,而他不愿看到查理受到那样的伤害。“学会融入社会,并不是妥协,而是学会如何成长”基汀或许选择了一条更理智抑或更无奈的方式,毕竟像他自己所说的,我们每个人都是需要被认同的。 真正的悲剧发生了,尼尔死了,在这场战斗中尼尔败下了阵来,他对抗不了他的父亲,他无法成为他父亲所期望的那个人,他也无法成为他自己所期望的那个人,能够结束这一切的只有一颗子弹。死是一种最消极的抗争。他死的并不英雄,可当我看到在尼尔课桌里的那首死亡诗社的集体朗诵的开篇文章里的这句话时,我知道,尼尔并非想做什么英雄,他只是不想做个叛徒。这句话是这样说的:“以免,当我将死时,发现我从未活过”(and not, when I come to die, discover that I had not lived…) 尼尔的死使托德失去了这个不断给自己灌注激情的朋友,尼尔的死使托德意识到现实就像这雪天一样冰冷,现实就像尼尔已死一样不可改变。冰天雪地中托德显得苍白,孤独,胆怯… 终于彻底的回到了现实,学生们迫于校方的强大压力纷纷在那份应由基汀对尼尔的死负责的协议书上签了字。当然,我们知道,查理是不会签的。哦,对了,他不是查理,他是纽旺达。 《死亡诗社》从头到尾都让我被一层一层的激情侵袭着,但这里不是天堂,它从未离开


信息工程学院实验报告(2010 ~2011 学年度第一学期) 姓名:柳冠天 学号:2081908318 班级:083

词法分析 一、实验目的 设计、编制并调试一个词法分析程序,加深对词法分析原理的理解。 二、实验要求 2.1 待分析的简单的词法 (1)关键字: begin if then while do end 所有的关键字都是小写。 (2)运算符和界符 := + - * / < <= <> > >= = ; ( ) # (3)其他单词是标识符(ID)和整型常数(SUM),通过以下正规式定义: ID = letter (letter | digit)* NUM = digit digit* (4)空格有空白、制表符和换行符组成。空格一般用来分隔ID、SUM、运算符、界符和关键字,词法分析阶段通常被忽略。 2.2 各种单词符号对应的种别码: 表2.1 各种单词符号对应的种别码 2.3 词法分析程序的功能: 输入:所给文法的源程序字符串。 输出:二元组(syn,token或sum)构成的序列。 其中:syn为单词种别码; token为存放的单词自身字符串; sum为整型常数。 例如:对源程序begin x:=9: if x>9 then x:=2*x+1/3; end #的源文件,经过词法分析后输出如下序列: (1,begin)(10,x)(18,:=)(11,9)(26,;)(2,if)…… 三、词法分析程序的算法思想: 算法的基本任务是从字符串表示的源程序中识别出具有独立意义的单词符号,其基本思想是根据扫描到单词符号的第一个字符的种类,拼出相应的单词符号。 3.1 主程序示意图:


励志电影《死亡诗社》剧情简介 死亡诗社,外文名dead poets society,又译为春风化雨;暴雨骄阳,是由罗宾·威廉姆斯、伊桑·霍克以及罗伯特·肖恩·莱纳德主演的一部励志电影,故事讲述的是一个有思想的老师和一群希望突破的学生之间的故事。 该片获第62届奥斯卡金像奖最佳原创剧本奖。 电影剧情 威尔顿预科学院一向都是以传统、守旧的方法来教授学生,可是新学期来校的新文学老师基廷(keating)却一改学校的常规,让自己班上的学生们解放思想,充分发挥学生们的能力。告诉学生们要"把握当下"(拉丁文:carpe diem,英文:seize the day),并以该原则行事。在教学的第一堂课上,基廷并没有在教室里上课,而是领同学们看校史楼内的照片,让他们去聆听死者的声音,并去领悟的生命的真谛。基廷甚至要求学生将课本中古板老套的内容撕去,自由的教学方式让学生开始懂得自己的兴趣、爱好、前途和目标。他的学生们甚至于反抗学校的禁令,重新成立基廷曾于该校学生时代参与过的秘密小组——死亡诗社(dead poets society,另译:古人诗社),在校外很远的山洞中探讨诗歌、人生。但不久后,学校发现这个小组,校方对基廷老师教育方法十分反对。

基廷的学生尼尔(neil)热爱表演,并在一次演出上大获成功。但他父亲坚决反对,并将他带回家决定第二天让其转学。尼尔极度痛苦却无法倾诉,在当晚自杀了。小组成员之一卡梅隆(cameron)出卖了他们。校方逼小组成员在声明上签字,将责任推卸与基廷身上,将他开除出学校。在老师要离开学校的时候,学生们站立在桌上,并说著"哦,船长,我的船长!",以表达老师传达给他们的信念会在他们心中一直存在着。 幕后花絮 1、写在诗社"宝书"扉页上的话来自梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》;基廷老师朗诵的《哦,船长!我的船长!》出自惠特曼的《草叶集》;另外还有莎士比亚的《第18号十四行诗》和拜伦的《她在美中步履姗姗》。 2、导演彼得·威尔选择按照年代顺序拍摄本片,目的在于更好地表现孩子们和基廷老师之间的友谊关系的进展,以及对他与日俱增的敬仰之情。 3、彼得·威尔在悉尼的一所名叫scots college 的私立男子中学读书,影片中很多场景都是再现了学校的风貌,如制服、纪律以及对学校的整体感觉等等。 4、电影拍摄于美国东部的特拉华州,位于安德鲁斯大街的一所寄宿学校。 5、在原著中,基廷老师是死于白血病的,但导演认为影片关注的主体应该是孩子们。


电影死亡诗社(Dead Poet Society)的视听语言分Dead Poets Society 编剧: Tom Schulman 导演: Peter Weir 主演: Robin Williams 上映年度: 1989 语言: 英语 制片国家/地区: 美国 又名: 春风化雨 关于《死亡诗社》的评论自从其上映的1989年起至今已不计其数,几乎所有评论家都不会错过这部充满了话题的杰作。这部作品中无论是人物刻画、情节设计、主题选取还是技术手段等方面,都有非常多值得研究的话题点。本文我们将选取视听语言角度对其进行剖析。 整部《死亡诗社》总共有900多个镜头切换,看似安详缓慢又不乏激情和煽动,可见导演对影片拿捏的精准与老到。在信马由缰的写意节拍中,导演带领着观众们走入了一座压抑而传统的预备学校。这里有散发着古老气息的建筑和美好的自然风光,有古董一样保守的老师和校长,有十七八岁对未来充满渴望又被学业压抑的男孩子们,有英俊儒雅不落俗套的基廷老师,有与梦想有关的死亡诗社与仲夏夜之梦……在这一系列人物和情节的组合下,在看似美好却又总是不见阳光的田园风光中,我们参与到了一个充满了抗争与压抑、矛盾与妥协的青春校园故事。虽然结局是出乎预料的让人心痛,但是却不并能够被定义成悲剧。尼尔死了,基廷老师走了,但是希望还在,正如影片名出现时黑色的背景下点燃一株蜡烛的镜头,虽然刺眼却给人希望,这希望虽然不够强大,却令人振奋。 影片一开始出现的油彩画带有着很强的隐喻意义,和后面影片的三个男主人公遥相呼应,尤其中间那个孩子低头的状态更是跟托德的人物性格相对应。影片中间基廷老师让学生们观看师兄们照片的情节也与开头这个油彩画面形成呼应。同时,这种油彩画又和整部影片压抑的背景环境想映衬,定下了整部影片的基调。可以说《死亡诗社》中场景气氛的把握对于情绪的引导有着高超之处。 下面我们看一下影片开头这种手法的运用。影片来头象征希望之光的烛光并不长久,转而镜头摇起看到的是两个古板严肃的老师点燃的蜡烛,他们谓之“智慧之光”。接着,苏格兰风笛声响起,一群身着黑色学生制服的学生高举印有“传统”的旗帜,步入一个犹如教堂般的会场,红色的旗帜与其上写的“Tradition, Honor, Discipline, Excellence”在肃穆严肃的场景下显得格外刺眼。制作者运用了一个全景构图,同时让演员从台阶上走下的方式,将这四面旗帜全部展示了出来。一个跟镜头渲染出了开学典礼的压抑感,之后一个俯视角给出了整个礼堂的全景,局促和压抑的感觉被呈现出来,这种处理把原本空旷高挑的建筑感觉完全颠覆。之后给众人的群像镜头表现出了各种不安与紧张,所有人起立说出“Tradition, Honor, Discipline, Excellence”时那种僵化又富有纪律感被压抑感


John Keating—O Captain!My Captain! The image of Keating: Unconventional , imaginative, passionate, amiable(和蔼可亲的,亲切的), knowledgeable, idealistic(理想主义的) Motivation :. He wanted the boys to be free thinkers, which the school thought was misguiding the students. Analysis : Mr.Keating is a quite special teacher in Welton. He uses his own way to teach, and challenges the tradition way of teaching in Welton.(eg:in the movie, he required the boys to rip out the entire introduction of their textbooks) He enlightens students’ gift, driving students to listen the voice of death so as to inspire them to seize the day in the first class. Telling them to find their own steps to trust their own beliefs are unique and encouraging them to stand on the desk to constantly look at things in different ways. All in all, he does his best to encourage everyone to love life and realise what their hearts are. He was their inspiration. He made their lives extraordinary. However, the reality is cruel. He wanted to teach the boys to be freethinkers, this is his motivation but the school thought he was misguiding the students. Because of the conflicts of the different ideas about teaching between Mr.Keating and Welton, the school forced Mr.Keating to be the scapegoat for Neil’s death and quit his teaching in Welton. The ideal was beated by the reality, and the captain was expeled. Although Mr.Keating was fired by the school in the end, what he taught to the students has been remembered by those young boys forever. Once in the English class, Mr.Keating said”In my class you will learn to think for yourselves again.” and I think if he asked the boys whether they have met his requirement, the answer must be”Yes, my captain!” Knox Overstreet—The Love Runner deep in the throes of first love, tries to get the girl of his dreams Knox might be the one who gets most benefits from the word ”seize the day”


编译原理实验报告 实验一 实验题目:词法分析 指导老师:任姚鹏 专业班级:计算机科学与技术系网络工程方向1002班姓名:xxxx

2013年 4月13日 实验类型__验证性__ 实验室_软件实验室三__ 一、实验项目的目的和任务: 了解和掌握词法分析的方法,编程实现给定源语言程序的词法分析器,并利用该分析器扫描源语言程序的字符串,按照给定的词法规则,识别出单词符号作为输出,发现其中的词法错误。 二、实验内容: 1.设计一个简单的程序设计语言(语言中有若干运算符和分界符;有若干关健字;若干标识符及若干常数) 2.确定编译中使用的表格、词法分析器的输出形式、标识符与关键字的区分方法。 3.把词法分析器设计成一个独立的过程。 三、实验要求: 1.从键盘上输入源程序; 2.处理各单词,计算个单词的值和类型; 3.输出个单词名、单词的值和类型。 四、实验代码 #include #include char file[1024]; int length=0; int index; char keywords[][10]={"auto","short","int","long","float", "double","char","struct","union","enum", "typedef","const","unsigned","signed","extern", "register","static","volatile","void","default", "if","else","switch","case","for", "do","while","goto","continue","break", "sizeof","return"}; char limits[]={'(',')','[',']','{','}',',',';'}; char operators[]={'+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '>','<','&','|','^', '~','!','='}; //13 int IsChar(char ch) //是否是字符 { if ( (ch>='a'&&ch<='z') || (ch>='A'&&ch<='Z')) return 1; return 0;}


从教育学角度评析 《死亡诗社》中尼尔父亲的形象 从教育学的角度分析《死亡诗社》,我们可以发现这是一部以教育变革为题材的电影,在影片中我们可以看到两种力量:一是以基廷老师为代表倡导变革的力量;一是以学校领导为代表提倡传统教育的阻碍变革的力量。纵观我们当下教育,教育活动是倾向于保守的,正如基廷老师渴望变革,却遭受到了打压和阻碍。而影片中的主人公之一尼尔更是用自杀的方式来反抗学校的传统教育和家庭教育中的磨灭学生人性的行为。 在影片中,尼尔的父亲对他说:“You don't understand, Neil. You have opportunities that l never even dreamt of and l am not going to let you waste them. 你不明白,尼尔,你拥有我从来没有奢望过的机会,我不会允许你浪费他们的。”从这里我们可以看出作为一个父亲,他专制,独裁,一心希望儿子依靠自己规划的轨道前行,其实这不是尼尔的人生,是他自己的目标和希望走出的人生,在自己无法实现这一梦想时,就剥夺了儿子的梦想让其替自己实现。尼尔的父亲就是阻碍教育变革的一方强势的力量,扼杀了儿子的梦想,扼杀了儿子的生命,并且还不认为这是自己的错误,将其推到了基廷老师这一方。 美国心理学家德里克说过:“孩子需要成人的鼓励,就像植物需要水一样。”对于孩子的学习,家长应该以鼓励为主,批评为辅,并且从语言和物质等方面激励他为之奋斗。语言鼓励主要激发他学习的

热情,物质奖励主要让他享受学习的成果,感受成功的喜悦。然而,尼尔的父亲却像一个独裁者,尼尔从心里害怕父亲,不敢反抗,直到遇到基廷老师,教会了他要做生命的主人,而不是生命的奴隶。所以尼尔才开始努力追求自己的梦想。作为父亲,在不支持孩子梦想的基础上,还进行千方百计的阻止,是他让孩子心灰意冷,我不禁心寒,父母真的是为了孩子好吗! 尼尔的父亲是在将尼尔的人性教化为奴性,他要求一切按原则,按目标来做事,就拿一个很小的细节来说,他上床睡觉前脱鞋子也是一定要将鞋子摆放整齐,从这里可以看出,他的思想固有的模式化,他为人的固执己见。他永远不明白孩子真正的梦想的港湾在哪里,只是一味地灌输自己的思想,却忽视了孩子对于人性的追求。家庭教育是孩子人生启蒙的地方,尼尔的父亲却是用强权和压迫在打压孩子,这样的尼尔如何快乐呢?这是否真的就是尼尔父亲所要的呢?我不禁疑问。教育难道不应该是为了孩子的发展,并且鼓励孩子的个性发展吗?就如《死亡诗社》的另一个名字《春风化雨》,教育就应该像这样用雨水浇灌土地,土地上才可以开出似锦繁花。 古希腊哲学家罗塔哥拉曾说过:“大脑不是一个要被填满的容器,而是一个需被点燃的火把。”宽松、自由、平等的家庭氛围是点燃孩子学习“火把”的必要条件之一。尼尔的父亲忽视了这一点,他经营的这个家庭因为不平等不自由所以并不幸福。影片中他说道:“Whatever the reason we're not gonna let you ruin your life.不管原因是什么我都不会让你毁了自己的人生。”他把孩子的梦想看
