

第一课时:Unit 1 She’s a nice teacher..


1.基本能够听懂、会说、会读词汇和短语:nice, clever, naughty, a bit, answer, the call。

2.学会运用“This is …” 以及“He/She is very/a bit…”的语言结构。通过对句子的举一反三,达


3.初步了解转折的表达方式:She is very nice. But she?s a bit shy.

4.复习词汇:thin, fat, short, tall, friend, teacher, pupil, mother, father, brother, sister, elephant,


教学重点:本课学习四个形容人的形容词:nice, shy, clever, naughty;句型:This is…He/She is …教学难点:理解形容词的概念,学会运用形容词描述某人的外貌特征和性格特点。


Step 1 Warming up

The teacher says a tongue twister(利用展示课件绕口令内容).For example: A big black bug bit black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood. A big black bug bit black bear. Where?s the big black bear the big black bug bit? 教师示范,让学生试着加快速度重复这个绕口令。

Step 2 Presentation

1.Learn the new words: nice, shy, clever, naughty.

T:Hello, boys and girls. I have a friend. Who is he? Listen and guess, OK? He is tall and thin. He has short hair. His eyes are big. His mouth is small. Who is he? (Show the picture.)

S:He is Xiaoyong.

T:Oh, very good. He is Xiaoyong, and he is also clever.(教师出示聪明的一休的图片,让学生们体会“clever”的含义。)

T:My friend has a sister, her name is Maomao, and she?s a bit shy.

T:接下来通过呈现图片讲授单词“shy”,并用英语解释该单词。如:If someone is shy, it means he doesn?t talk too much and he is nervous in front of strangers. D o you know what it means?

Who can guess?

T:Xiaoyong?s teacher is Ms Smart, and she is a nice teacher, It means she teaches very well, and she is good to her students. Can you examplain“nice” for me?

T:Xiaoyong has a parrot. He?s very naughty. And he can an swer the call.


过观察,使学生理解“answer the call”。

T:Can you act out this word?

2.Learn the text.

T:Boys and girls, look! Today we?ll have four groups. If you behave well, I will give a star for your group. Let?s see who can describe his or her friends best. And let?s see which group is the best in this class.


Now the first, let?s look at Panpan?s friends.


T: Who is he?(Maomao.)

T:What?s she like?

Ss:She?s nice/a bit shy.

T:Yes. She?s nice.But she?s a bit shy.(课件出示单词,教读、拼读单词“nice”和“a bit shy”,并板贴图片、板书单词。)

T:Who is nice in our class?(学生通过观察,根据实际情况回答问题,对单词和句子有更深刻的理解。)



3.Practise the sentences in your group, and make new sentences. Le?s see which group can make

the most sentences.

4.Listen and repeat the text.

5.Practice the text in groups.

6.Act out the dialogue in the front of our class room.

Step 3 Consolidation and Extension

1.Guessing game.


对其中的一名学生进行简单的描述,让学生猜猜老师描述是谁。E.g. She is a girl. She has long hair. She?s a bit She likes swimming. Who is she?



逐一说出该学生的特点。每说一个特点,便说一句“Who is this”,看谁先猜对。





Do a chant.

Please listen to me carefully and follow me. This is a girl and this is a boy. She is nice and he is naughty. This is a boy and this is a girl. He is clever and she is shy.

Step 4 Summing up

Words: nice, clever, naughty, shy.

Sentences: She?s very nice. But she?s a bit shy. She?s a nice teacher. He?s a clever pupil. Parrot is very naughty! But he?s not a bad bird.

第二课时Unit 1 Sh e’s a nice teacher.









Step 1 Warming up

1. 让学生以小组为单位展示上一课时内容。

2. 教师在课件中展示单词陀螺,以小组竞赛的方式,待陀螺停下后,小组成员马上说出陀螺上的单词,说得快并正确的小组将得到奖励。

Step 2 Presentation






This is…She?s /He?s very…But she?s /he?s


This is Maomao. Sh e?s very nice. But she?s a bit shy.

This is Ms Smart. She?s a nice teacher.

This isXiaoyong. He?s a clever pupil.

This is Parrot. He?s very naughty. But he?s not a bad bird.

Step 3 Consolidation


This is my mother. She?s very nice. But she?s a bit strict with me. This is my father. He?s a healthy man. He likes sports.



4. Do a chant.

This is my mother.

She?s a nice teacher.

This is my father.

He?s very clever.

Step 4 Summing up

1.Words: nice, shy, clever, naughty.


She?s very nice. But she?s a bit shy. She?s a nice teacher.

He?s a clever pupil.

第三课时Unit 3 He’s cool.


1.基本能够听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:cool, big, little:能够听懂、会说、会读词汇:cute。

2.进一步熟练运用“This is …” 以及“He/She?s…”的语言结构。通过对句子的举一反三,达到


3.复习词汇:aunt, uncle, friend。

教学重点:本课学习四个形容词:big, little(形容年龄),cool, cute(形容性格):以及表示人物的单词:aunt, uncle, friend的认、读、听、写和句型:This is…He/She is…



Step 1 Warming up

1.Greeting and free talk.

T:Hello, boys and girls.

How are you?

How is the weather today?


(1)复习形容词:nice, clever, naughty, shy。

(2)复习表示家庭成员的单词:father, mother, brother, sister。

Step 2 Presentation


T:同学们,Panpan今天要把自己的家庭成员介绍给大家,大家可以去认识一下他们。(播放Panpan的介绍。)听过Panpan 的介绍,同学们也可以试着介绍一下自己的家庭成员。“Hello, children. I?m your friend Panpan. I?m a bit fat and very clever. Today, I?d like to introduce my

family to you. Look, this is my father. He?s very tall and he?s very clever. This is my mother. She?s very nice. This is my little sister. She?s cute. This is my big brother. He?s cool.”(引出课题:Unit2 He?s cool.并进行课件展示。)

2.单词操练:cool, little, cute,教师带读、个别读、小组度、开火车读或玩“大小声游戏”。Step 3 Consolidation

1.Do as I say.

T:Boy and girls, let?s play another game—“Do as I say”.

教师向全班学生发出指令(Including these words:naughty, shy, clever, nice, cool, cute),全班同学根据发出的指令做出相应的动作。例如,教师说“cool”,学生就要做出表示“cool”的神态造型。反复几次之后变化形式继续“我做你说”,教师做动作,学生说出单词。老师示范之后可以请一些学生上台充当“小老师”向全班发出指令。

2.Point and say.

Look at the pictures in Page 6,point at the pictures and say “He?s /She?s…”.Let?s practice in groups.


3.Play a game.

T:Boys and girls, let?s play a game, ok?


E.g.S1:I?m Xiaolan. I?m a bit shy.

S2:Xiaolan is a bit shy. I?m very naughty.


Step 4 Summing up

1. Words: big, little, cool, cute, aunt, uncle, brother, sister.

2. Sentences.

This is my aunt. She?s very nice.

This is my uncle. He?s very clever.

This is my big brother. He?s cool.

This is my little sister. She?s cute.

T his is my friend. He?s very naughty.

Module 2


本模块为外研版四年级下册第二模块,这一模块将重点学习语法。本模块运用句型“What?s this?”询问他人这是什么,并对这一问题进行回答“It?s…”引出主要语法点,即句型“This is…”以及“It?s…”。在学习这两个句型时,重点区分这两句型后接表示物品或地点的名词,并进行简单的介绍,此外,这两个句型后接形容词是对物品或地点进行描述。Unit1的主题是“London is a big city.”第一单元的核心内容为“Listen, point and find …big, beautiful, small?”.该部分集中展示了第一模块的新单词及重点句型“It?s…This is…”并对物品或地点进行介绍和描述。Unit2主题是“It?s very old.”继续对本模块的语法重点进行巩固性和拓展性学习,通过语言学习能够运用他们。两个单元都设置了丰富的教学环节和形式多样的语言练习来巩固学生对知识的掌握,并帮助他们解决生活中的实际问题。



a.能够听、说、认、读本模块的单词和短语:city, ship, beautiful, whose, queen, close, old, famous,

close to…。

b.能够认读本模块中所出现的地名或景点:London, Buckingham Palace, Queen?s house, Big

Ben, Hyde Park, Tower Bridge,并了解其相关文化背景。

c.能够运用句型“This is…”介绍物品或地点,并用句型“It?s…”对这一物品或地点进行描述。















第一课时Unit1 London is a big city.


1.能够使用单词:short, tall, big, small, beautiful;词组:close to。

2.能够针对一般疑问句做出肯定或否定的回答:Is it your…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn?t.

3.能够询问这是什么物品并作出回答:What?s this? It?s a…

4.能够对物品做出简单的描述:This is…/It?s…

教学重点:运用句型“This is…,It?s…”介绍并描述物品。

教学难点:准确地读出短语:Buckingham Palace, Queen?s house。


Step 1 Warming up

1.播放歌曲Bar Bar Bar的视频,循环播放、截取部分“跳起蹲下”的动作,让学生随着音乐


2.Free talk

展示学生自己拍的动物照片以及一些玩具和文具用品的图片,请学生任意挑选一种或多种图片并对其进行描述。教师适时提出问题:What?s this? Whose…is it?

Step 2 Preview




Step 3 Presentation

1.Listen,point and say.

(1)出示Unit 1中的趣味图片,教师与学生进行问答。

T:Who?s he/she?

Ss:He/She is…

T:Can you describe him/her?

Ss:He/She is shy/clever/nice…

(2)出示“Listen, point and say.”的图片,由于热身环节已复习这些词汇,学生已熟悉内容。请学生用句型“This…is…but that one is…”造句,完成课堂检测2。

(3)拓展,反义词组:old—new thin—fat happy—sad。



T:What?s this? What?s the


(3)讲授课文中的新词,并进行教读,如:(beautiful, city, London, Buckingham Palace, the Queen?s house)


Step 4 Consolidation and Extension







MODULE 1 Hello, I’m Sam. Hello, Sam. Hello, I’m Amy. Hello, Amy. I’m Lingling. Hi, Lingling. I’m Daming. Hi, Daming.

Goodbye, Lingling. Goodbye, Daming. Bye-bye, Amy. Bye-bye, Sam. Good morning, Sam. Good morning. How are you, Sam? I’m fine, thank you. MODULE 2

Hi, Daming. Hello, Sam. How are you,Amy? I’m fine. And how are you? I’m fine, too. Thank you. Good moring, boys and girls. I’m Ms Smart. Good moring, Ms Smart. Hello.

Hello, Ms Smart. I’m Lingling. Hello, Ming. I’m Daming. Good afternoon, I’m Mr Li. Good afternoon, Mr Li. What’s your name? I’m Sam. MODULE 3 Good moring, boys and girls.

Good moring, Ms Smart. Sit down, please. Stand up, Lingling. Point to the door. Point to the window. Point to the blackboard. Hello, bird. What’d your name? Tweet, tweet. Hello, Tweet-tweet.


外研版小学英语六年级(第七册)教材内容的梳理 Module 1.America A.能够听、说、认读和写的词和短语:great, postcard, more, big, tell sb more/sth about sth, in the east/west/north/south, the Great Wall, N ew York, Canada, San Francisco, Washington D.C America, Mexico B.重点句型:These postcards are grea t. It’s a picture of the Great Wall. Tell me more about the Great Wall. How long is it? Where is New York? It’s here, in the east. /It’s in the east of America.并能在具体的语境中运用 C.功能:讲述关于某个地方或某件事物的情况;讲述某地理位置和相关的情况 Module 2.China A. 能够听、说、认读和写的词和短语:miss, sometimes, really, restaurant, square B. 重点句型:There’s a Chinatown in New York. There are lots of Chinese shops/restaurants there. (There are lots of bicycles in China. There is a very famous river.)并能在具体的语境中运用 C.功能:用“there is/are”描述事物 Module 3.Hobbies A. 能够听、说、认读和写的词和短语:collect, stamps/dolls/books/pens, hobby, men, women, another, be from B. 重点句型:I’ve got lots of stamps. Do you collect stamps? Yes, I do. Collecting stamps is my hobby.These are some stamps from Canada. This stamp is from China.并能在具体的语境中运用 C.功能:谈论和介绍个人的爱好;询问他人的爱好


新标准英语三年级起点第六册教案 Module 1 Changing Unit 1 We lived in a small house. Teaching objectives: 1.Words and phrases: life, different, ago, any, television, us, grandchildren, lady. 2. Sentences: There weren't any buses. We lived in a small house. There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house. 3. Grammar: Compare the life. Teaching properties: cards, pictures, Tape-recorder. Teaching procedures: 一.Warming up 1.Greeting 2.Talking about: holiday and changing of you. 二.Lead in T: In the winter holiday, you had a lot of changes. Now you are older and cleverer .I am very glad to see your changes. And write ‘changing' on the blackboard. Tell students ‘Everything is changing. No change, no progresses. 三.New teaching 1.Show some old photos and say: Look, life was very different many years ago .But how was it different? Today, we will learn how to compare past and present life.


Module1 unit1 part1 瞧,椅子上有两只漂亮得猫咪。there are有,后面跟可数名词复数 现在只有一只。 好吧,(刚刚)有两只。 part2 玲玲仍然与萨姆与埃米在英国。 瞧,玲玲!它就是一个关于中国得节目。快来瞧瞧! 我来了! 许多年前,中国得生活(与现在)大不相同。 life 生活复数就是lives 有什么不同呢? (那时)我们住在一座小房子里。我们没有足够得食物。没有很多公共汽车。live in 住在 没有电视机。 现在怎么样呢? (现在)我们住在一座大房子里。我们有许多食物。有许多公共汽车与小汽车。 我每天瞧电视。昨天我(还)与我得孙子孙女一起瞧电视了呢。a lot of=lots of 谢谢您与我们谈话。Thank you for +名词或动词ing形式表示因为某事感谢别人。 中国正在变化着。 我想念中国!我想念我得祖母! unit2 part1 她有强壮得退。她能跳得很远。 但就是她那时候还没有腿。 part2 亲爱得大明: 昨天晚上,我瞧了一个关于中国得电视节目。 一位老妇人谈到多年前她得生活。 她在田里劳作。她在炉火上做饭。她没有电视机与收音机。in the field在田地里 on the fire 在火上 她没有xx。她不会读也不会写。couldn’t=could not 不能 我想念我得祖母。我也想念您! 希望您一切都好。 爱您得, 玲玲 Module2 unit1 part1 她学习跳舞。learnt学习原形learn 她学习做饭。 她教语言并写书。taught教原形teach Module2 unit1 part2 玲玲,她们就是谁? 她们就是我得祖父母。 这就是谁? 就是我祖母。她曾经就是个舞蹈演员。她在中国得许多城市都演出过。dancer舞蹈演员动词形式dance跳舞


Module 1 Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday? Function: Talking about past activities Target Language: When did you come back? We came back… Vocabulary: when, back, home, those, ice cream, with, finish, hurry up, wait for, drop Procedures: Step 1: Warm-up 1. Say “Hello” to the pupils and ask them several questions. 2. Review more verbs or verb phrases. Step 2 :Introduction 1. Talk with the children about the summer vacation, such as: What did you do? What did you see? What did you eat? What did yo u drink? When did you come back? Etc. 2. Tell the children that they are going to listen to the dialogues among Lingling, Sam and Amy and we are going to learn how to tal k about the past activities. Step 3: Presentation 1. Put the chart on the blackboard and ask the children to look a t the picture carefully. Ask the children some questions: Do you kno w this place? Are Lingling, Sam and Amy in London or in China? T hey are in a park. They are in London. 2. Point to John and tell the children that he is John. Now listen and look. 3. Play the cassette and ask some questions.


MODULE 1 Hello, I’m Sam. Hello, Sam. Hello, I’m Amy. Hello, Amy. I’m Lingling. Hi, Lingling. I’m Daming. Hi, Daming.

Goodbye, Lingling. Goodbye, Daming. Bye-bye, Amy. Bye-bye, Sam. Good morning, Sam. Good morning. How are you, Sam I’m fine, thank you.

MODULE 2 Hi, Daming. Hello, Sam. How are you,Amy I’m fine. And how are you I’m fine, too. Thank you. Good moring, boys and girls. I’m Ms Smart.

Good moring, Ms Smart. Hello. Hello, Ms Smart. I’m Lingling. Hello, Ming. I’m Daming. Good afternoon, I’m Mr Li. Good afternoon, Mr Li.

What’s your name I’m Sam. MODULE 3 Good moring, boys and girls. Good moring, Ms Smart. Sit down, please. Stand up, Lingling.

Point to the door. Point to the window. Point to the blackboard. Hello, bird. What’d your name Tweet, tweet. Hello, Tweet-tweet. Hello, Tweet-tweet. Point


外研版小学英语五年级下册 Module 3 English Food Unit 2 Sam ate six hamburgers. 教学设计 作者:王顺琴 学校:古浪县晨光完全小学 二零一二年四月十一日

外研版小学英语五年级下册教案 Module 3 English Food Unit 2 Sam ate six hamburgers. 一、教案背景 1.面向学生:小学 2.学科:英语 3.课时:1 4.学生课前准备:预习课文 5.教学内容:外研版(三年级起)第六册Module 3 unit 2 二、教材分析 本课是Daming收到Amy从英国发回来的一份电子邮件,运用一般过去时讲述昨天他们都吃了什么食物,一般将来时描述今晚要吃什么以及各自的饮食喜好。这是教学中要突破的重、难点,通过练习,让学生能在日常生活中应用,达到学以致用的目的,课后家庭作业,给老师写一封信,讲述自己昨晚与今晚的饮食。 三、教学目标 语言知识目标 1. 能听、说、读、写单词ate,drank,gave,tonight. 2. 能学习和运用句型: What did you eat/drink last night? I ate/drank …… What are you going to eat/drink tonight? I’m going to eat/drink…… 3.能了解英国的饮食习惯、食品名称以及中西方饮食文化的差异。 语言技能目标 1. 能根据录音与图片理解课文。 2. 能根据图片,在语境中与他人谈论,交流饮食习惯及喜欢的食物。 情感态度目标 主动探索、发现、了解英语国家的饮食文化,乐于接触异国文化,拓展视野。 四、教学重、难点 1. 能听、说、读、写单词。 2. 能学习并运用句型。 五、教学用具 录音机磁带课件 六、教学过程 Step 1 Warming_up


外研版小学六年级英语下册(第八册)外研版小学六年级英语下册(第八册)全书共分11 个模块(Module),内含一个期末复习模块。每个模块分为两个单元(Unit)。一般情况下,第一单元呈现本模块所要学习的语言内容,第二单元提供若干任务型(Task -based)练习,包括一首歌谣或小诗。歌谣和小诗的学习,目的有三个:一是培养学生的语感和节奏感;二是提高发音的正确性;三是通过这些英语国家儿童所熟知的歌谣,介绍一定的西方文化。其中的一些不常用单词,不要求学生在歌谣之外学会使用。在本册中,我们将继续和Daming 一起了解美国,然后了解Daming 回到中国之后为小学毕业、升入中学学习做的准备。我们将全面复习以前已学习过的知识、技能、能力,对小学英语学习进行全面的巩固,为在中学进一步学习英语打好坚实的基础。课文中呈现了一些新的语法内容,但不要求老师讲解语法知识,更不要求学生掌握语法知识,而是要求学生初步学会运用这些语句。 各个单元的学习目标: Module1 1.能听懂、会说本篇对话; 2.掌握句型:What do you want to eat? I want a hamburger, please. What do you want to drink?I want a cola,please. 3.谈论点餐和就餐的情况。 4.能用英语来表达如何点餐及询问价钱。 Module 2 1.能在图片提示下识别新单词、新词组。 2.能听懂会用What are you going to do? We are going to have a picnic.这类句子询问并进行回答。 3.能熟练运用所学语言来描述图片。 4..能够听懂并运用It’s going to......,It will......表达某地即将的天气情况。 Module 3 1. 识别单词shine ,everyone ;书写单词sing , sun 2. 口头运用The sun is shining,The birds are singing 说明图片内容。 3.学习用I am looking out of the window.向别人描述所看到的景象。 Module 4


Module 1 Changing Unit 1 We lived in a small house. 学习任务 There weren?t any buses. We lived in a small house. There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house. 功能 比较过去与现在的生活 运用任务 1、SB第一单元活动3; 2.谈论远古时代人们的生活与我们现在生活的不同; 3.介绍校园(班级、城市、社区)里的变化; 教学程序 一.Warming up(热身复习) 1.Greeting 2.Talking about: holiday and changing of you. 二.Leading in(课文导入) T: In the winter holiday, you had a lot of changes. Now you are older and cleverer .I am very glad to see your changes. And write …changing?on the blackboard. Tell students …Everything is changing. No change, no progresses. 三.New teaching(课文教学) 1.Show some old photos and say: Look, life was very different many years ago .But how was it different? Today, we will learn how to compare past and present life. 2.Listen to the tape and underline the new words. 3.Teach the new words. a.Show some new word cards. b.Correct pronunciation. c.Practise new words in different kinds of metho d. d.Explain important phrases.


Module 1 London 第一课时 Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday? 教学任务: SB(学生用书)和AB(课堂活动用书) 学习任务: What did you come back We came back 运用任务: 1 、AB unit 1 练习1和练习2 2、AB unit1练习3 3、调查:在假期游玩的同学是什么时候离开和回到随在的城市的。 4、互相谈论假期生活。 教学过程: 一、复习导入: 1、出示星期名称卡片,提问: What day is today It‘s Sunday. 2、由此引入新课。 二、课文导入: 1、教师可通过与学生交流,了解学生的假期生活。 提问:How was your summer vacation Where did you go on summer vacation When did you come back I (we)came back last Sunday 2、下面,我们讲听到Ling ling Sam 和 Amy的对话,看 看他们为我讲述什么故事。(进入课文学习) 3、指导学生看图,理解: Lingling和谁在一起,他们在哪儿,遇到了谁,他们在干什

么? 4、教师一边指导学生看图,一边帮助学生了解课文内容。 5、画出本课的新单词,教读单词。 6、听课文录音,跟读课文。 7、完成运用任务1:AB unit 1 练习1 和练习2 8、完成运用任务2:学生观察几幅小图,根据图1及句子提 示,使用正确的动词的一般过去式来完成句子的填空。 三、课后作业。 全班完成AB unit1练习4. 第二课时 教学内容:Unit 2 WE bought ice creams 教学任务: SB(学生用书)和AB(课堂活动用书) 学习任务: Did you Yes I did / No I didn’t 功能: 谈论过去发生的事情活活动 运用任务: 1 、AB unit 2 练习4 2、AB unit12练习5 3、游戏:猜一猜你的同学上个星期都做了什么。 4、给自己的笔友,亲友写一封英文信件,附上一些简短的文字。 5、记录昨天的活动。 教学过程 一、复习导入: 1、教师吧准备好的表达各种动作的动词及动词词组的图片拿


外研版小学五年级英语上册教案全册 Module 1 Unit 1 Did yesterday ? 教学重点: ice cream ran-run met-meet back from China last Sunday 教学难点: Did yesterday ? No, we came back last Sunday . I dropped my ice cream. 教学工具:radio and word pictures 教学程序: 1、热身复习 教师欢迎学生暑假后回到学校,请学生谈一谈自己的暑假生活。教师问Where did you go during your summer vacation? What did you see there? What did you eat? 这样可以营造学习氛围,让学生逐渐重新习惯用英语会话,为后面的学习奠定较好的基础。 2、任务呈现与课文导入 learn the new words and introduce the text in Chinese. The teacher should say sth about the text background. 3、课文教学 (1)学习新词 教师出示above ice cream finish ran-run met-meet back from China last Sunday的图片及拼写卡片,问学生What is this in English?并分别领读这些单词。教师将图片帖在黑板上,再分别出示与之相匹配的单词及词组卡片,要求学生将这些卡片帖到对应的图片下方。 (2) SB活动1 听课文录音回答问题。教师提问 Who dropped the ice cream. ?


外研版五年级英语下册全册教案 We lived in a small house、Teaching objectives: 1、Words and phrases: life, different, ago, any, television, us, grandchildren, lady、 2、 Sentences: There weren’t any buses、 We lived in a small house、There are lots of buses and cars、 We live in a big house、 3、Grammar:Compare the life、Teaching properties: cards, pictures, Tape-recorder、Teaching procedures:一、 Warming up 1、Greeting 2、 Talking about: holiday and changing of you、二、Lead inT: In the winter holiday, you had a lot of changes、 Now you are older and cleverer 、I am very glad to see your changes、And write ‘changing’ on the blackboard、Tell students ‘Everything is changing、 No change, no progresses、三、 New teaching 1、Show some old photos and say: Look, life was very different many years ago 、But how was it different? Today, we will learn how to compare past and present life、2、 Listen to the tape and underline the new words、3、 Teach the new words、a、 Show some new word


Module 1 Unit1 We lived in a small house. 教学目标: 1、知识目标: (1)New words: life ,different, ago, any, television, grandchildren, us, grandmother, lady (2)New sentences:There were/weren’t …. There are…. We lived…many years ago. We live…now. 2、能力目标: (1)能根据情境正确使用There be ……,We lived…many years ago. We live…now. 句型谈论生活、学习中的事物 (2)培养学生听、说、读、写的能力。 教学重点:如何让学生在课堂上学会There be …, We lived…many years ago. We live…now. 句型并能在生活中灵活运用该句型。 教学过程: 一.预习检测 写出下列动词的过去式。 do_____ is____ are_____ live_____ have______ watch____ 二.合作探究,学习课文。 1)播放课文录音,让学生在听录音的同时找出课文中出现的新单词与新句型。 2)进行游戏“火眼金睛找生词新句”。让学生以竞赛抢答的形式快速找出课文中出现的新单词与新句型。 3)在让学生初步了解了课文内容后,教师再次播放录音,让学生大声跟读课文。 巩固练习; 重点句式操练Listen and say。先让学生听录音,跟读句子,明确本课的重点句式,然后让他们灵活运用句式:There is/are……/There was/were……造句。 拓展延伸


我对外研版小学英语教材——《新标准英语》的认识 金盘实验学校小学英语陈克思 通过聆听张艳玲讲座《外研版小学英语学科核心内容的教学要求与分析》,收获颇多。对外研版小学英语教材有了新的认识。 1.新标准英语的目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。综合语言运用能力的形成建立在学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整体发展的基础上。语言知识和语言技能是综合语言运用能力的基础,文化意识是得体运用语言的保证。情感态度是影响学生学习和发展的重要因素,学习策略是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的保证。这五个方面共同促进综合语言运用能力的形成。 2.小学英语的教学内容大多源于生活,应用于生活,与生活实际密切相关,教材主要从学生的兴趣点出发,挖掘贴近生活的知识点,设计大量的真实的情境,让学生身临其境地感受语言,充分发挥他们的想象力,让所学致用于所用,在亲身体验中获取成功的喜悦。 3.新标准英语教材以图文结合的形式,以主角人物Sam、Daming、LingLing、Amy、Ms Smart和一些配角等贯穿整篇课文。本学科是重视听说读写的训练,教师要规范板书,注意大小写笔顺、笔画和标点符号的示范,培养学生正确的书写习惯和良好的发音习惯等。 它要求教师根据自己的特长,帮助学生学习欣赏英文的手写体,并引导学生学习模仿,形成 学生的规范书写。通过抄写、默写、听写、合并句子、先说后写、语篇的仿写等方式锻炼学 生写的技能,巩固和运用所学到的语言知识。 通过新标准英语的学习,我对教学有更深的认识,有更新的理念。我将在今后的教学中 应用这些理念运用到自己的教学实践中。 1、充分创设课堂语言情景,让学生在语境中模拟、操练并习得语言。 作为一名小学英语教师,我认为应该设法在课堂有限的时间和空间内,充分利用多媒体创设课堂语言情景,使学生在真实的语境中通过模拟,操练并习得语言。积极运用一些游戏,使英语课堂“活”起来。让学生通过说说、听听、唱唱、玩玩等形式,让小学生感受到学习英语的快乐,从而培养学习英语的兴趣。 2.灵活运用教材 作为一名小学英语教师,我不能做教材的奴隶,要用教材教,不要教教材。例如:在三年级的教材中,我发现学习字母是第二册的内容,而我却把学习字母放在第一个学期教学。因为,在第一册的教学中我发现,在做练习是常常会遇见写单词的作业,学生没学过字母书写,自然不会,所以,我把学字母安排在第一册学。在第一学期,当学生学习了字母,


Modle 1 We lived in a small house .() Lingling is still in English with Sam and Amy .()Amy : Look ,Lingling !It’s a programme about China . Come and watch .()Lingling : I’m coming .() Old lady : Life was very different in China many years ago . () Interviewer : How was it different .() Old lady : There weren’t any buses .() There weren’t any televisions .() We lived in a small house .() We didn’t have enough food .() Interviewer : How about now ?( ) Old lady : There are lots of buses and cars .( ) We live in a big house . ( ) We have got lots of food . ( ) I watch TV every day . Yesterday ( ) I watched TV with my grandchildren . ( ) Interviewer : Thank you for talking to us . ( ) Amy : China is changing. ( ) Lingling : I miss China !I miss my grandmother . ( ) Unit 2 She didn’t have a television( ) Dear Daming , I watched television programme about China last night .An old lady talked about her life many years ago .She cooked on a fire .She didn’t have a television or a radio .She didn’t have a telephone .She worked in the fields .She couldn’t read or write . I miss my grandmother .I miss you ,too . I hope you are well . Lingling Module 2 She learnt English . ( ) Sam: Who are they, lingling ? ( ) Lingling: They’re my grandparents . ( ) Sam: Who’s this ? ( ) Lingling: It’s my grandma . ( ) Amy: Why is she wearing these clothes? ( ) Lingling: Because she was a dancer . ( ) She danced in lots of Chinese cities . ( ) Amy: Did she learn any foreign languages ? ( ) Lingling: Yes ,she learnt English. ( ) Amy: Is this your grandpa ? ( ) Lingling: Yes ,it is .He was a driver . ( ) Amy: Did he learn English,too ? ( ) Lingling :No, he didn’t .But he’s learning English now . ( )


外研版小学五年级英语教案 外研版小学五年级英语教案1:We lived in a small house. 教学目标: 1、知识目标: (1)New words: life ,different, ago, any, television, grandchildren, us, grandmother, lady (2)New sentences:There were/weren’t …. There are…. We lived…many years ago. We l ive…n ow. 2、能力目标: (1)能根据情境正确使用There be ……,We lived…many years ago. We live…now.句型谈论生活、学习中的事物 (2)培养学生听、说、读、写的能力。 教学重点::如何让学生在课堂上学会There be …, We lived…many years ago. We live…now.句型并能在生活中灵活运用该句型。 教学过程: 一.预习检测 写出下列动词的过去式。 do_____ is____ are_____ live_____ have______ watch____ 二.合作探究,学习课文。 1)播放课文录音,让学生在听录音的同时找出课文中出现的新单词与新句型。 2)进行游戏“火眼金睛找生词新句”。让学生以竞赛抢答的形式快速找出课文中出现的新单词与新句型。 3)在让学生初步了解了课文内容后,教师再次播放录音,让学生大声跟读课文。 巩固练习; 重点句式操练Listen and say。先让学生听录音,跟读句子,明确本课的

重点句式,然后让他们灵活运用句式:The re is/are……/There was/were……造句。 练习检测: 拓展延伸 让学生准备,谈论图中内容,然后选择几个代表来讲给全班同学听。回忆课文内容,试着用重点句复述课文。 引导学生对本节所学内容进行归纳总结:运用句式…There be.We lived…many years ago . We live …now.谈论及比较过去和现在的生活。 课后反思: 外研版小学五年级英语教案2 教材分析: 本模块教学内容,以超市购物为情境,让学生通过学习,用How many…?How muc h …? 进行对可数名词与不可数名词数量的提问;能够用英语根据自己的需要制作购物单;能够在真实情境中,用How many…do you want? How much … do you want? 对他人所需物品数量进行询问。 学情分析: 五年级学生已经掌握了大量的食物类单词,而超市购物又是学生比较感兴趣的一项活动。因此,让学生模拟购物,既可当售货员,又可当顾客,可极大提高学生的学习积极性。 教学目标: (1) 知识目标:掌握本单元新词need,food,shopping list,cheese,how much,kilo,juice;学会用How many…? How much…?来提问可数名词与不可数名词数量。 (2) 能力目标:能用英语写购物单;能够用英语进行购物;能够帮助别人购买所需物品,即代购。 (3) 情感目标:培养学生的团队协作能力;引导学生事前做好准备,方可事半功倍的情感体验;通过模拟购物实践活动,让学生学会理财,积累生活经验。 教学重点: 掌握本单元新词;能听懂、会说本单元课文句子。


★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站:https://www.360docs.net/doc/e25279942.html,/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果 外研版小学英语第一册第五单元第一课教学设计 2006-9-21 由张玮玮编辑阅读:4982次 【教材分析】 本课是外研版小学英语三年级上册第五单元的第一课时,本课是交际型的新授课,主要学习cake , chicken, bread, ice cream, water, milk,并运用所学句子“bread, please.”“Here you are.”““Have some chicken.”“Thank you .””“You are welcome.”进行表述交际,让学生能将所学内容与生活联系起来,真正运用到生活中去。本课内容是本单元的重要内容,让学生掌握基本的认读,为其学习其它有关的句型打下基础。 【设计思路】 针对三年级孩子的生理特性以及学习习惯,结合《英语课程标准》指出的以学生的发展为宗旨,以提高学生的综合素质为目标,着重培养学生的学习兴趣,学习自信心,良好的学习习惯,有效的学习方法和自主学习能力.因此,我借助“任务型”教学采用多样化的教学手段将听、说、玩、演、唱溶于一体,同时将单词和句型

进行整合,使学生活学活用,并能根据不同的情景自然运用,帮助学生获得初步的语感和用英语进行简单的日常交流的能力。【教学目标】 1.语言知识目标: a.使学生掌握本单元有关food的重点单词:cake , chicken, bread, ice cream, water, milk. b.对句型“bread, please.”“Here you are.”““Have some chicken.””“Thank you 。”“You are welcome.”有基本的感性认识。基本上能听懂并能进行恰当的口头表达。 2.语言技能目标:使学生能在一定的场景下,初步运用所学单词,灵活进行有关的简单的英语交流和表演。 3.情感态度目标:通过游戏,童谣等多样的英语学习方式,使学生敢于开口,乐于模仿,在鼓励性的评价中树立信心,在小组活动中积极参与合作,从而意识到学以致用在英语学习中的重要意义。 【教学重难点】 让学生对单词cake , chicken, bread, ice cream, water, milk 有正确的语音认识,并能将句型“Bread, please.”“Here you are.”””“Have some chicken.””””“Thank you .””“You are welcome.”真正理解并灵活运用到真实生活情境中。 【教学准备】


Book 1 Words and Expressions in Each Module Module 1 I 我 am(I’m =I am) 是(我是) aah 啊 hello(hi)你好 ooh嗬 goodbye 再见 are 是 How are you 你好么你好! good 好的 morning 早晨,上午 fine 健康的 thank 谢谢 you你,你们 Module 2 Ms女士 boy 男孩 girl女孩 whoops哎哟 and 那么,和 too也 ha ha哈哈 what 什么 is(what’s=what is )是(是什么)your你的,你们的name 名字 please请 afternoon 下午 Mr 先生 Module 3 point指 to 向… the 这(那)个,这(那)些door门 sit 坐 down 向下 stand 站 up 向上 window 窗户blackboard 黑板 bird 鸟 tweet(鸟)啾啾的叫声desk 书桌 chair 椅子Module 4 it 它 it’s=it is 它是 red 红色的

look 看 wow 呀,哇yellow 黄色的blue 蓝色的 a (an) 一个,一chameleon 变色龙my 我的 panda 熊猫 now 现在 green 绿色的black黑色的 dog 狗 cat猫 cap 帽子Module 5 How many 多少one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 oh 噢,哦ten 十 eleven 十一 twelve 十二 Module 6 happy 快乐的 birthday 生日 here (here’s = here is) 这里(这是) present 礼物 this 这个 pencil 铅笔 pen 钢笔 cake 蛋糕 old …岁的 how old 多大 yes 是的 you’re=you are 你是 Module 7 teacher 教师 pupil 小学生 school 学校 classroom 教室 English 英语 that 那个 say 说 again 再一次 schoolbag 书包


外研版小学三年级上册 英语课文

MODULE 1 Hello, I’m Sam. Hello, Sam. Hello, I’m Amy. Hello, Amy. I’m Lingling. Hi, Lingling. I’m Daming. Hi, Daming.

Goodbye, Lingling. Goodbye, Daming. Bye-bye, Amy. Bye-bye, Sam. Good morning, Sam. Good morning. How are you, Sam? I’m fine, thank you. MODULE 2

Hi, Daming. Hello, Sam. How are you,Amy? I’m fine. And how are you? I’m fine, too. Thank you. Good moring, boys and girls. I’m Ms Smart. Good moring, Ms Smart. Hello. Hello, Ms Smart. I’m Lingling.

Hello, Ming. I’m Daming. Good afternoon, I’m Mr Li. Good afternoon, Mr Li. What’s your name? I’m Sam. MODULE 3 Good moring, boys and girls. Good moring, Ms Smart.

Sit down, please. Stand up, Lingling. Point to the door. Point to the window. Point to the blackboard. Hello, bird. What’d your name? Tweet, tweet. Hello, Tweet-tweet. Hello, Tweet-tweet. Point to the blackboard.
