





题目: 浅析商业银行会计风险控制存在的问题及对策

英文题目: Analysis of Commercial Bank Accounting Risk Control Problems and Countermeasures 学院: 共青学院系别: 工商管理系

专业: 会计学

班级: 会计学本科1班

学生姓名: 胡小勇


指导老师: 曹小秋

起讫日期: 2009年12月12日-2009年12月26日










China's Commercial Banks Accounting Risk Causes and Countermeasures

Historical materials show : Led many countries to the 20th century, puzzled by this problem all along, which becomes a great danger threatening economy to develop a series of measures over the past several years: Legislation for the banking in 1994, strengthening financial scrupulous supervision after 1996, supplementing capital of 270 billion yuan for four major state-owned banks in 1998, establishing assets management company and stripping non-performing assets of 14 thousand billion Yuan in 1999, etc. But all these measures of the banking system , therefore unable to control the risk increment fundamentally and improve performance .

At present, the risks exposed . In face of competition and challenge brought by foreign financial institutions after entering the WTO in 2006, Government's determination to thoroughly reform the current system of state-owned banks, foreign exchange reserves to the central bank late last year, the Bank of China, China Construction Bank injected 45 billion U.S. dollars, enrich their capital, so as to achieve "Basel Agreement" under the 8% capital adequacy rate, to promote joint-stock reform of state-owned banks and the ultimate listing of a fundamental solution to the problem of incremental risk of state-owned banks. Therefore probing into the characteristic of bank risk, special systematic original cause, joint-stock reformation and administration structure which are regarded as primary mesures payment increases ; Financial crisis is mainly manifested in the state-owned commercial banks, a serious shortage of capital and operating profit both virtual surplus real losses, " in addition ,there are still serious exchange rate risk, interest rate risk, crime risk and so on. In this part, the characteristic of China bank risks is also put forward,which includes concentrating, and social characteristic. Concentricity refers to indirect financing mode is adopted in Chinese enterprises in the main and Chinese bank risk mainly lies in the state-owned bank; disguise mainly refers to improper operation of banks will not lead to bankruptcy of the bank itself but generally prompt the investment in monetary base in

Central Bank of China and trigger , which will be assumed by the public; sociability refers to bank risk will trigger bank crisis and may lead to social turbulence and further shock and overthrow a state regime.

Our bank risk of China, so why not banking crisis erupted our bank risk? How is the generation and accumulation in the second chapter? Trying to answer these question. China is planned economy to market economy, the stages of transition to the implementation of the policy of economic regulation stable left a large space, five pillars of the Chinese banking system, namely China. The paper points out that maintain banking crisis erupted without five policy pillar are faced with, so the impact of bank risk causes appears very important.

This article will locate the emphasis of the causes of bank risk on the factors in the system.And analyzed the generating factors that caused China's financial market system risk .mainly in thefollowing aspects:the socio-economic system and is not strong.

Risk shows Bank of China mainly for system risk , origin depends on the bank corporate management structure does not improve and perfect , state property right main body vacancy place and agency by agreement chain are too long, therefore the main body of a book third chapter put forward need to resolve a bank in being accelerated deepening the reform of the inside, building-up is fine govern structure , shift operation mechanism, scheme of effecting a permanent cure is lain in governing structure. the article governs the architectural train of thought state banks: Make clear that state property right sends out the money people , form two stage corporation system , found the company-rization framework of organization, separate owner's authority to supervise and manager's powers for operation and management , realize professionalization administration. And . Emphasize that the achievement effect centering on risk drawing the developed Western countries bank effectuation checks mechanism , controls in inside of sharpening bank at the same time , build , perfect credit assets risk administration mechanism.

Fourth chapters submit the main body of a book should build external supporting measures, in order the bank beneficial development creates the fine environment. That the primo , one effect to deploy resource market structure. Need to enhance state banks's managing achievement effect, must lead into the marketplace and competitive system , realize property right flow, must break the state banks monopoly position to Chinese banking at the same

time , build a financial market structure competing sufficiently. Secondly, emphasize the independent character strengthening People's Bank of China , make use of a silver to supervise financial regulation that can reinforce to the commercial bank; System designs one item speciality of the current situation the required reserves starting the differences being put into effect on April 25 , 2004. Policy is arranged for other that this part brought forward, if setting up bank deposit insurance system, to evade more manage risk; Mark of job manages and divides job management system arrangement, bring it's the "fire prevention wall " effect keeping watch financial risks into play; Build macroscopic view financial risks supervisory control , early warning system , deal with financial risks in time, prevent risk large area from diffusing but trigger financial crisis.
