


1. is, cinema, the, where

2.it’s , post, next, the, to, office

3. me, excuse, is, where , the ,museum, science (, ?) ___

4. bookstore, school, the, in , is, front, of, the (.)

5. are, going, in, you, lesson, your, what, do, to (?)_

6. film, going, to, a, am, I ,see (.)

7. homework, have, I, to, now, do, my (.)

8. light, at, don’t, red, go, a (!)

9. going, Amy, grandma, to, her, is, visit (.)

10.the, is ,where, cinema (?)_

11. left, turn, hospital, the, at (.)

12. come, you, office, the, how, post, do, to (?)

13. stories, likes, he, reading (.)

14. in, live, Sydney, she, does (?)

15. he, by, bike, work, to, goes (. )

16. be, don’t, sad (.) 17. does, he, do ,what (?)

18. wrong, what, is (?)

19. see, doctor, should, he, a (.)

20. pay, to, attention, I, lights, must, traffic, the

21. people, on, bikes, must, one, in, the , wear, USA(.)



连词成句(50分) 1. are How you tall (. ) __________________________________________________________________________ 2. size are your What shoes (? ) __________________________________________________________________________ 3. bigger feet Your mine are than (. ) __________________________________________________________________________ 4. dinosaur hall the That’s this tallest in (. ) __________________________________________________________________________ 5. you Did film a see (? ) __________________________________________________________________________ 6. weekend did do What last you (? ) __________________________________________________________________________ 7. with drank I your tea grandma (. ) __________________________________________________________________________ 8. go Where you did (? ) __________________________________________________________________________ 9. to went Xinjiang I (. ) __________________________________________________________________________ 10. go did there How you (? ) __________________________________________________________________________ 11. there we plane went by (. ) __________________________________________________________________________ 12. like it mule looks a (. ) __________________________________________________________________________ 13. in library there no school was old my (. ) __________________________________________________________________________ 14. couldn’t well I bike ride my (. ) __________________________________________________________________________


小学英语连词成句专项练习 班级:_________姓名:_________成绩:________ 1、my this computer is (.) __________________________________________________________ 2、computer is that your (.) __________________________________________________________ 3、teacher’s is desk this a (?) __________________________________________________________ 4、is what it time (?) __________________________________________________________ 5、two it’s o’clock.(.) __________________________________________________________ 6、it’s it’s for math time 9:45 class(.)(.) __________________________________________________________ 7、your is this T-shirt? __________________________________________________________ 8、what colour it is (?) __________________________________________________________ 9、it’s today warm (.) __________________________________________________________ 10、play let’s football (.) __________________________________________________________ 11、is cold it (?) __________________________________________________________ 12、yuan it’s ten (.) __________________________________________________________ 13、They how are much (?) __________________________________________________________ 14、three they’re yuan(.) __________________________________________________________ 15、They ducks are (?) __________________________________________________________ 16、many how are horses there(?) __________________________________________________________ 17、English who your teacher is (?) __________________________________________________________ 18、He what’s like (?) __________________________________________________________ 19、and strong he’s tall (.) __________________________________________________________ 20、is quiet she (?) __________________________________________________________ 21、but kind she’s very (.) __________________________________________________________ 22、today it what day is (?) __________________________________________________________ 23、have what on do Thursdays you (?) __________________________________________________________ 24、Thursdays we English, math have and science on (.) __________________________________________________________


六年级英语上册连词成句 六年级英语上册Module1-10连词成句练习题 Class ___Grade_____ Name________ 1、are / postcards / these / great 2、is / how / Beijing / big 3、the Great Wall / about /tell / me 4、is / where / New York 5、you /China / do / miss 6、a Chinatown / is / in / there / New York 7、Chinatown / to / let’s / now / go 8、lots of / there / Chinese / are / there / restaurant 9、is / dancing / there / Chinese 10、is / stamps / hobby /collecting / my 11、China / this / is / stamp / from 12、you / stamps / do / collect 13、are / some / Canada / from / these / stamps 14、any / China / you / have / stamps /got / from 1 15、Day /is / tomorrow / Flag 16、we / and / flags / carry / songs / sing 17、my / Thanksgiving / is / festival / favourite 18、have / we / a / meal / always / special 19、Flag Day / you /do / what / do / on 20、you / meet / pleased / to


21.”Merry Christmas”they other greet each with. 22.go they shopping relatives and to buy friends presents to. 23.listening to Christmas enjoy songs they the. 24.for here present you is a . 25.out they of the went classroom. 26.often early kate up gets. 27.always after they dinner play. 28.draws of he pictures often birds. 29.John them going is observe to. 30.walks forest lucy often in the. 31.Jim friends email his can. 32.wants he games to computer play. 33.parents a his him bought present. 34.can on what computers we do? 35.taught play me to he how chess. 36.box puts table he the the on. 37.big there mooncake is round a. 38.at we moon looking enjoy the. 39.is of how cakes box much a? 40.he the dinner box opened after. 41.made my yesterday them mother. 42.some I milk bring will.


小学二年级连词成句专项练习题(含答案) 1、赶快教室同学们上课铃走进响了 _________________________________________ 2、辛辛苦苦我们农民伯伯种出来的粮食吃的是 ____________________________________________________ 3、每天我们身体锻炼坚持都 _______________________________________ 4、红叶你们吗看过的香山 ____________________________________ 5、教室里写我小明作业看见在 _________________________________________ 6、发现有明明野花很多路边 __________________________________________ 7、从慢慢地空中落下来飘雪花 __________________________________________ 8、小朋友们老师来到不知不觉和说说笑笑一路上公园____________________________________________________ 9、自由自在地在鱼儿游来游去水草间 __________________________________________ 10、帮我早晨妈妈起来房间整理

_____________________________________ 11、奶奶马路红红穿过沿不慌不忙地领着人行横道线____________________________________________________ 12、老师我们献上鲜花给一束教师节那天____________________________________________________ 13、圆圆的小猫眼睛一条线在阳光下眯成 ____________________________________________________ 14、做我们孩子诚实的要 _________________________________ 15、小熊干什么去菜园里带着熊妈妈到 ______________________________________________ 16、树上秋天黄叶很多落下了 ____________________________________ 17、爸爸带着三峡去我旅游 ____________________________________ 18、去给妈妈超市我两件衣服买了 _____________________________________________ 19、出来了散了慢慢地大雾太阳 _______________________________________ 20、野花啊山坡上多的真 ______________________________________


六年级下连词成句2 l. your was how weekend? 2. y ou do else did anything? 3. d id weekend last what you do 4. t ogether It' s than both of stronger us. 5. y ou how are heavy? 6. s ize what are shoes your Amy? 7. t his hall tallest in that' s the dinosaur. 8. n ew film I buy to want the magazine. 9. y ou right are all? 1O.happened what?

Il.did what do you? 12. tall are how you? 13. meters I' m 163. 14. kilograms I' m 50. 15.or were there Internet no computers my time in. 16. you how go did there? 17. go you to did PanZhihua? 18. go where you did? 19. know how that do you? 20. about please us tell your school.

21. there John went bike by. 22. no was there library old school in my. 23」ooks It like a mule.


昆明市小学英语六年级上册期末专项复习:连词成句 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、连词成句 (共18题;共38分) 1. (5分)①don't②I ③pears④like 2. (5分) clean, me, let, the, blackboard (.) (连词成句) 3. (5分) how I to the can museum get(连词成句) 4. (5分) our, We, shopping bag, have ( . ) ________ 5. (5分) Chen Jie,her,cleaned,room,yesterday(.) 6. (1分) you , going , when , park , are , to , the ________(?) 7. (1分) (2018五上·盐田期末) Mary's on is 10th May birthday (.) 8. (1分) what your do brother does ? 9. (1分) have , do , you , library, a ( ? ) 10. (1分)(2017四上·单县月考) clean Let's teacher's the desk ________ 11. (1分) his family what does do like to (?) ________ 12. (1分) any, in, the, are, there, pandas, mountain (连词成句) ________? 13. (1分)连词成句。 (1) elephants, do, like, you(?) (2) hat, I, this, like(.) (3) hats, are, they, our(.)


新版PEP六年级上册期末复习连词成句练习 1.stop and at a yellow light slow down. _____________________________________________ 2.can how get to I Dongfang Park? _____________________________________________ 3.healthy and should we hard stay study. _____________________________________________ 4.am to be teacher day I a head one going. _____________________________________________ 5.he to does work go how? _____________________________________________ 6.should Jim take count a to deep ten breath and. _____________________________________________ 7.father angry me is with my. _____________________________________________ 8.your factory mother worker is a? _____________________________________________ 9.your hobbies friend 's are what? _____________________________________________ 10.robots make students he to teaches. _____________________________________________ studies homework does and Jane every Chinese afternoon 11. _____________________________________________ https://www.360docs.net/doc/e57554470.html,e you office the how post do to? _____________________________________________ 13.going Amy grandma to her is visit. _____________________________________________ 14.light at don 't red go a ! _____________________________________________ 15.bookstore going a dictionary he buy the in is the to. _____________________________________________ 16.be boy what to is the going? _____________________________________________ 17.does do what uncle your? _____________________________________________ 18.should clothes Amy clothes warm. _____________________________________________ 19.a fisherman is he? _____________________________________________ 20.Sydney in does live in.


一年级语文连词成句专项练习(有答案) 要求:把下面的词语排列成一句通顺的话;并加上标点。 1、天天上课我们在教室里 2、明明的是和方方好学生爱学习 3一包小白兔菜子送给老山羊 4、司马光被小朋友缸里的掉在救出来了 5、常常我和公园玩去小丽 6、种年年地瓜我们村很多 7、树上从小松鼠下来跳 8、江上大桥有一座

9、山洞小熊住在一家里 10、学习的孩子小明是爱个好 11、一车送给老山羊把小白兔白菜 12、爷爷种了地里许多在花生 13、听过你故事这个吗 14、听讲专心我们都要上课时 15、关心老师成长多么我们啊 16、好事做的这件谁是

17、马路种在两旁树少先队员 18、在做工工人工厂里 19、跟一块儿毛主席小朋友看戏 20、妈妈奶奶吃请苹果 21、山水画毛小波太美了的 22小蝌蚪游来游去湖水里在清清的快活地 23、小朋友喜欢各国大熊猫都 24、小牛小羊拔河和草地上在比

25、高兴地鸽子妈妈笑了为什么 26、敌人放牛在山坡上王二小就叫他看见带路 27、一个他是勇敢的小八路爱学习的 28、花儿的花园里真好看开得啊 29、送给做了王冬一朵我大红花 30、今天星期是几兰兰我问 31、许许多多不同的画了达芬奇鸡蛋 32、为什么那里不动啊你站在

33、婆婆一只我绿色送给蝈蝈的 34、想起让欢乐婆婆了歌声童年的我 35、小海好朋友我的是 36、常常明明给小树浇水 37、华佗古代是医生有名我国的 38、校园里小朋友跑步在 39、在家帮我奶奶常常干活 40、知道你尾巴燕子什么有吗的用 41、我要好消息把告诉这个大家

42、上课铃我们教室走进一响 43、小东好孩子是个爱劳动的 44、一起我们小花好吗玩 45、游玩天鹅和一起高兴地同伴们 46、家里一位抱回好心丑小鸭农夫的把 47、地方人们不用很远的再去也挑水了 48、割草在山坡上小白兔 49、说话蚂蚁正在小白兔跟


六年级连词成句练习 1.visit, the Great Wall ,Do ,want,you,to() 2.in, It, the,is,west.(.) 3.is, your,What,hobby() 4.my, Collecting,is, dolls,hobby() 5.be, Can,you,pen,Chinese,friend,my() 6.on, straight,Go(!) 7.often,Do,play,you,dogs,with() 8.walk,on,Don’t,grass,the(!) 9.are,lots,of,There,lakes,in,beautiful,China(.) 10.more,twenty,It’s,than,long,kilometres,thousand(.) 11.Chinese,There,dancing,is(.) 12.Can,speak,He,French(.) 13.believe,Can’t,I,it(.) 14.Love,Snakes,sun,the(.) 15.want, to,I,to,go,Shanghai(.) 16.is,Thanksgiving,favourite,my,festival(.) 17.is, Our ,festival,favourite,Christmas(.) 18.got,a,I’ve,from,stamp,Canada(.) 19.got,a,letter,You’ve,from,Canada(.) 20.never,go,I,swimming(.)

21.are,wearing,Why,you,hat,a() 22.are,What,going,you,buy,are() 23.going,to,We’re,schools,different(.) 24.to,Best,you,wishes(!) 25.a,hamburger,want,please,I(.) 26.singing,birds,are,The(.) 27.are,we,to,When,eat,going() 28.away,flying,kites,The,are(.) 29.are,drinking,elephants,The,water(.) 30.was,It,his,yesterday,birthday(.) 31.see, hear,She,couldn’t,or(.) 32.spent,He,twenty-one,about,in,hours,space(.) 33.will,It,in,snow,Beijing(.) 34.do,What,eat,you,want,to() 35.for,Good,luck,future,the(.) 36.you,happiness,Wishing,day,everyday(.) 37.my,You’re,friend,best(.) 38.is,He,the,playing,suona(.) 39.you,Are,to,going,middle school,September,this() 40.letters,I’m,writing,goodbye,now(.)


六年级上册期末连词成句练习 班级:_________姓名:___________ 1. is, cinema, the, where (?)_____________________________________________________ 2.it’s , post, next, the, to, office (.)________________________________________________ 3. me, excuse, is, where , the ,museum, science (, ?) ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. bookstore, school, the, in , is, front, of, the (.)_____________________________________ 5. are, goinng, in, you, lesson, your, what, do, do (?)__________________________________ 6. film, going, to, a, am, I ,see (.)_________________________________________________ 7. homework, have, I, to, now, do, my (.) __________________________________________ 8. light, at, don’t, red, go, a (!) ___________________________________________________ 9. going, Amy, grandma, to, her, is, visit (.)_________________________________________ 10.the, is ,where, cinema (?)____________________________________________________ 11. left, turn, hospital, the, at (.) _________________________________________________ 12. come, you, office, the, how, post, do, to (?)______________________________________ 13. stories, like, he, reading (.) __________________________________________________ 14. in, live, Sydney, she, does (?) ________________________________________________ 15. he, by, bike, work, to, goes (. ) _______________________________________________ 16. be, don’t, sad (.) __________________________________________________________ 17. does, he, do ,what (?)_______________________________________________________ 18. wrong, what, is (?) ________________________________________________________ 19. see, doctor, should, he, a (.) _________________________________________________ 20. pay, to, attention, I, ligts, must, traffic, the (.)____________________________________ 21. people, on, bikes, must, one, in, the , wear, USA(.)


小升初复习题(四) 连词成句 1.the, her, to, went, help, mice, baby, mother (.) The mother went to help her baby mice. 2.it's, follow, rules, to, good (.) 3. what, today, learn, you, did (?) What did you learn today? 4.father, happy, be, will, so (.) Father will be so happy. 5.colour, favourite, your, is, what (?) What is favourite your colour? 6.what, go, did, club, you, to (?) What club did you go to? 7.we, sing, learn, to, the, in, class, music (.) We learn to sing in the music class. 8.the, on, are, now, commercial (.) 9.nature, there, evening, is, show, a, this (.) There is a nature show this evening. 10.I, they, interesting, think, are (.) 11.my, to, club, sister, goes, art, an (.) My sister goes to art club. 12.I, first, prize, dancing, won, the, in (.) I won the first prize in dancing. 13.sometimes, play, or, tennis, basketball, I (.) I sometimes play tennis or basketball. 14.I, beautiful, made, a, painting, yesterday (.) I made a beautiful painting yesterday.


连词成句 Unit 1How do you go there ? 1.do ,go ,how ,to ,you ,Hainan(?) _____________________________________ 2.school ,Sometimes ,go ,by ,car ,I ,to ,(.) _____________________________________ 3.her ,is ,Because ,home ,near ,(.) ______________________________________ 4.go ,to ,can ,on ,We ,foot ,the ,library ,(.) ______________________________________ 5.tall ,near ,is ,home ,the ,My ,building ,(.) ______________________________________ 6.to ,go ,How ,can ,the ,nature ,park ,I ,(?) ______________________________________ 7.foot ,to ,I , go ,on ,Usually ,school ,(.) ______________________________________ 8.library ,to ,get ,I ,at ,can ,4:00,the ,(.) ______________________________________ 9.NO.19,by ,the ,go ,bus ,You ,can ,(.) ______________________________________ 10.near ,My ,the ,post ,office,is ,home ,(.) ______________________________________


连词成句题型及解题技巧 1. 读读词语;找找有没有特殊的词语;如果有;就在特殊的词后加上特别的标点。 例如:①世界②黑③这么④吗?⑤外面的⑥也 ①世界②这么③原来④美丽⑤呀! 表示问句的词:谁?哪里?吗?什么?为什么?怎么? 几个?多少?是不是? 表示感叹句的词:多么!真!太!啊!呀!极了! 2.“的”、“地”搭配好。 “的”后面跟名词;“地”后面跟动词。 例如: ①有趣的②小鸟们③一个④争论⑤热烈地⑥问题⑦正在 “有趣的”应该和名词“问题”搭配; “热烈地”应该和动词“争论”搭配。 ①为树木②啄木鸟③森林里④不停地⑤勤劳的⑥治病 “勤劳的”应该和名词“啄木鸟”搭配; “不停地”应该和动词“治病”搭配。

3.连一连;加上正确的标点。注意:用掉一个序号;划去一个序号;标点不要漏。 哪些情况加逗号: 1)表示时间的词语放在句子开头:清晨;太阳从东方升起来了。 2)表示地点的词语放在句子开头:森林里;啄木鸟为树木治病。 3)表示称呼的词语放在句子开头:妈妈;你在哪里? 4)第一层意思表达完了:太阳升起来了;牵牛花开了。 4.仔细检查三遍: 第一遍:看看数字有没有遗漏;标点有没有忘记。 第二遍:按1、2、3、4的顺序查一查数字有没有写错。 第三遍:左手点自己连的顺序;右手找词语;读一读是否通顺。 练习及答案

参考答案: 1. 松鼠的尾巴好像一把伞。 2. 数不清的雨点儿从云彩里飘落下来。 3. 没有花没有草的地方长出了红的花和绿的草。 4. 我盼着自己快点儿长大。 5. 小娃娃捡起海螺和贝壳穿成彩色的项链。 或(小娃娃捡起彩色的海螺和贝壳穿成项链。)


河北省衡水市英语六年级上册期末专项复习:连词成句 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、连词成句 (共18题;共38分) 1. (5分) the,behind,he,door,is (.) 2. (5分) to you Nice meet(.) (连词成句) 3. (5分) ________ 4. (5分) name My Yang Mi is(.) (连词成句) 5. (5分) a ,cold ,have ,I(.) 6. (1分) proud my was very me mother of(. ) ________ 7. (1分) What do you like lessons (?) 8. (1分) a ,wants ,my ,to ,teacher ,day ,be ,sister ,one ,(.) 9. (1分) (2018四下·深圳期末) how ,the ,do ,to ,you ,go ,airport ,(?) 10. (1分) my ,this ,is ,classroom(.) 11. (1分) friendly ,he ,is (?) ________ 12. (1分)连词成句。 (1) weekend,going,this,to,am,do,I,what (?) (2) some,draw,we,to,in,are,Renmin,Park,pictures,going (.) 13. (1分)连词成句。 (1) these pants am Whose(?) (2) these yours Are(?) 14. (1分) students,are,how,in,many,there,class,your(?)(连词成句)


二年级语文“连词成句”答题技巧大全(附练习题+答案) 1 首先要理解什么是连词成句: 连词成句是低年级年段经常考到的一个重要知识点,意思是把顺序错乱的词语根据逻辑关系重新排列,组成一个意思完整且通顺的句子。所得句子要保证形式和内容都正常而且可以阅读顺畅。 2 连词成句题型及解题技巧: 1.读读词语,找找有没有特殊的词语,如果有,就在特殊的词后加上特别的标点。 例如:①世界②黑③这么④吗?⑤外面的⑥也 ①世界②这么③原来④美丽⑤呀! 表示问句的词:谁?哪里?吗?什么?为什么?怎么? 几个?多少?是不是? 表示感叹句的词:多么!真!太!啊!呀!极了! 2.“的”、“地”搭配好 “的”后面跟名词,“地”后面跟动词。 例如: ①有趣的②小鸟们③一个④争论⑤热烈地⑥问题⑦正在 “有趣的”应该和名词“问题”搭配, “热烈地”应该和动词“争论”搭配。 ①为树木②啄木鸟③森林里④不停地⑤勤劳的⑥治病 “勤劳的”应该和名词“啄木鸟”搭配, “不停地”应该和动词“治病”搭配。

3.连一连,加上正确的标点。注意:用掉一个序号,划去一个序号;标点不要漏。哪些情况加逗号: 1)表示时间的词语放在句子开头:清晨,太阳从东方升起来了。 2)表示地点的词语放在句子开头:森林里,啄木鸟为树木治病。 3)表示称呼的词语放在句子开头:妈妈,你在哪里? 4)第一层意思表达完了:太阳升起来了,牵牛花开了。 4.仔细检查三遍: 第一遍:看看数字有没有遗漏,标点有没有忘记。 第二遍:按1、2、3、4的顺序查一查数字有没有写错。 第三遍:左手点自己连的顺序,右手找词语,读一读是否通顺。 最后我们可以通过练习来锻炼和测试一下哦 20道专项练习 1、①小兔②白菜③兔妈妈④带着⑤在菜园里⑥收 ____________________________________________ 2、①高兴地②燕子妈妈③ 笑了④为什么 ____________________________________________ 3、①公园里②秋天③菊花④开满了⑤五颜六色的 ____________________________________________ 4、①可爱的②在天空中③小鸟④飞来飞去⑤ 快活地 ____________________________________________ 5、①聪明的②锯③的④鲁班⑤发明⑥是 ____________________________________________ 6、①世界②这么③原来④美丽⑤呀 ____________________________________________
