Unit 7 The Art of Smart Guessing 练习答案

Unit 7 The Art of Smart Guessing 练习答案
Unit 7 The Art of Smart Guessing 练习答案

Unit 7

The Art of Smart Guessing

Consolidation Activities

I. Text Comprehension

1. Decide which of the following best states the author's purpose.

A. To introduce an effective method of interviewing candidates.

B. To decide on a new quiz to find out how resourceful a thinker might be.

C. To provide an access to gaining necessary information.

D. To recommend a creative model of thinking in decision-making.

Key: [ D ]

2. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.

1). The author asked the readers to pay close attention to the method to be used in

solving the quiz question. [ T ]

2). The best way to know the number of "phone stores" in the United States is to go

to the local library to do statistical research. [ F ]

3). To illustrate the smart guessing approach, the author has cited all together seven

examples. [ F ]

4). The law of averages is partly responsible for the accuracy of our guesswork

because our assumptions at the two extremes usually balance out. [ T ]

3. Answer the following questions.

1). Refer to Paragraph 1. The author, on the one hand, intended to find out how intelligent the interviewee might be; on the other hand, he was tired of the cliché? in questioning candidates during interviews.

2). Refer to Paragraphs 4 and 5. The best solution is to risk an approximation since there isn't enough information for you to come up with an exactly correct answer.

3). Refer to Paragraph 6. It means a great deal for business or creativity as we frequently need to make decisions when full information does not exist.

4). Refer to Paragraph 9. They call them Fermi problems, named after Enrico Fermi, a Nobel Prize winner. He used such problems to teach his students how to make an approximation when relevant information is inadequate.

5). Refer to Paragraphs 16 and 17. It looked like a mushroom cloud. He had followed a

smart way, watching unpopped popcorn kernels in the microwave oven, to approximate the hot spots for cooking instead of using scientifically sophisticated testing equipment. 6). In decision-making, when the necessary relevant information is not available, guessing becomes inevitable. Smart guessing, i.e. guessing based on approximations is recommended in such circumstances, and it may often, if not always, prove to be effective and fruitful.

4. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text. 1). Did you get so tied up in these complex math figures that you were unable to give the "exactly right" answer?

2). Did you focus all your attention on the two most important problems, and then make an estimation which may not be exactly right?

3). Your mistakes will often average out, i.e. the extremely high estimations and the extremely low estimations which you make will eventually become equal in amount, value, or effect.

4). The black cloth absorbed the heat of the sun most. So, it sank so deep below that the sunrays could not reach it.

II. Writing Strategies

This text is a typical piece of exposition developed by exemplification. The title, The Art of Smart Guessing, points out the theme of the text. The introduction, which presents the background of the text, is very appealing to the readers. In the body of the text, a Fermi problem is defined and illustrated with specific examples. The examples are provided to show what a Fermi problem is, to tell us how it can be solved, and to suggest the significance of the art of smart guessing. It is worth noting that the conclusion echoes the beginning, contributing to the formation of the organic unity of the essay. The writer has incorporated descriptions, anecdotes, opinions, and facts into a highly individual expository essay.

The two questions below are worthy of our attention:

(1) In what way is the introduction connected with the conclusion?

In the beginning a one-question quiz is described, in which an interesting question is asked, and in the conclusion its answer is offered, with the smart guessing process presented. Thus, the beginning and the conclusion are naturally connected with each other.

(2) In the body of the essay the author gives some typical examples to illustrate a Fermi problem. How many examples are presented? What do you think of the examples?

Altogether, four examples are provided to explain a Fermi problem. They are very typical examples that best illustrate what a Fermi problem is.

III. Language Work

1. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.

1). Did you make a completely wild guess…

→ a simply groundless prediction far from being correct

2). Did you get too bogged down in the details trying to come up with the "exactly right" answer?

→ stumped or baffled; work out

3). Or did you zero in on the two most important problems?

→ come to concentrate on and deal with

4). To answer the question, he recommended breaking it down into smaller, more manageable questions.

→dividing it into

5). Because of the law of averages, your mistakes will frequently balance out.

→be of little importance in terms of number

2. Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in their appropriate forms and note the difference of meaning between them.

hazard venture

1). I would hazard a guess that they will do well in the next election.

2). After a casual chat about the local famine, the woman ventured to answer our cautious questions.

3). Patrolling the US border with Mexico is as far as he has ventured into geopolitics.

4). He could not believe that, had the Englishman known how much he was at risk, he would have hazarded his grandson.

conventional traditional

1). When most subscribed to the conventional wisdom that soccer is a minor sport in America, the victory had a real impact on the whole population.

2). The secretary of defense argued that conventional weapons will soon be the least of our worries as weapons of mass destruction have found their way into the hands of


3). These two parties, which are traditional rivals, describe the election as a war between "neo-liberalism" and "communism".

4). The local people are still very traditional in many ways, refusing to send their daughters to school.

contain include

1). Transport is not included but can be arranged.

2). The envelope contained a typed, unsigned letter demanding one million in cash.

3). The dead included six people attending a religious ceremony.

4). Seemingly inconsequential details can sometimes contain significant clues.

guess suppose

1). Suppose someone gave you an egg and asked you to describe what exactly was inside.

2). Ask the children to guess what is in each container by dipping their hands in.

3). The author's intention is to keep everyone guessing until the bitter end.

4). Everyone was supposed to dance with the bride and pin money on her dress.

3. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box, using its appropriate form.

resourceful hazard intensity outlet merchandise estimate trench kernel visual quiz nautical approximate

1). This figure is five times the original estimate.

2). They have no way to dispose of the hazardous waste they produce.

3). Britain is intensifying its efforts to secure the release of three British hostages.

4). Translation must always be a process of approximation and compromise.

5). There's a sizzling summer of soccer ahead —we're kicking it off with a series of cracking quizzes.

6). Turning that vision into a reality is not easy.

7). I don't envisage I will take an executive role, but rather become a consultant on merchandise and marketing.

8). Surely it is economic nonsense to deplete the world of natural resources.

4. Make a sentence of your own for each of the given words with meanings other than those used in the text. You may change the part of speech of these words.

1). wild

As the Super Girls came on stage they went wild.

2). elegant

→ The article impressed me with its elegant simplicity.

3). raise

→ All funds raised will be used for children with leukaemia.

4). figure

→ Janet was a natural blonde with a good figure.

5). stroke

→ It didn't rain, which turned out to be a stroke of luck.

6). kernel

→ The kernel of that message is that peace is a source of advantage for the poor.

5. Combine each pair of simple sentences into a complex sentence, using proper subordinators.

1). My wife was mowing the lawn. I was trying to listen to music.

→ While my wife was mowing the lawn, I was trying to listen to music.

2). The weather remains fine. I see no reason why the village fete should not be a success. → If / Provided that the weather remains fine, I see no reason why the village fete should not be a success.

3). He lost his cell-phone somewhere. The lecture hall might be the place.

→ The lecture hall might be the place where he lost his cell-phone.

4). The travelers were trapped in the cave. One of them has already been brought out.

→ One of the travelers who was trapped in the cave has already been brought out. 5). He was lying. That is quite obvious.

→ It is quite obvious that he was lying.

6). An Australian friend is coming to see me. I made his acquaintance in Sydney last year.

→ An Australian friend whose acquaintance I made in Sydney last year is coming to see me.

7). Sickness kept him away from school. He didn't get the prize.

→ He didn't get the prize because sickness kept him away from school.

8). You promise to come back in time. You shall not go to the party tonight.

→ You shall not go to the party tonight unless you promise to come back in time. 9). Lucy spoke English fast. I couldn't understand her.

→ I couldn't understand Lucy because she spoke English too fast.

10). His wife waited up. He came home.

→ His wife waited up until he came home.

5. Put a word in each blank that is appropriate for the context.

When Britain’s great Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, was y oung, he (1) attended a public school called Harrow. He was not a good student, and as a matter of fact, (2) had he not been the son of a famous leader, he probably would have been thrown out of the school for his (3) offences. However, he (4) completed his work at Harrow, went on to the university, and then had a successful (5) career in the British Army, touring both Africa and India. He later was elected prime minister and brought great courage to Britain through his speeches and other work during the (6) dark days of World War II.

Toward the very (7) end of his period as prime minister, he was invited to address the young boys at his old school, Harrow. However, in announcing the coming of their great leader, the headmaster said, “Young gentlemen, the gr eatest (8) speaker of out time, our prime minister, will be here in a few days to address you, and you should obey whatever sound (9) advice he may give you at that time.”

The great day arrived, and the prime minister (10) appeared at Harrow. After being introduced, Sir Winston Churchill stood up ― all five feet, five inches and 107 kilos of him! He gave this short but moving speech: “Young men, never give up. Never give up! Never give up! Never, never, never, never!”

IV. Translation

1. Translating Sentences

1). 不要让自己陷入没完没了的考试准备之中。(bog down)

→ Don't let yourself get bogged down in endless exam preparation.

2). 我小心地把花放在靠窗的地方,这样它可以得到充足的阳光。(position)

→ I carefully positioned the flower near the window so that it could get plenty of sunlight.

3). 没人能猜出这场纠纷何时会结束。(hazard a guesstimate)

→ No one would hazard a guesstimate of when the dispute would come to an end.

4). 这个月开销很大,不过下个月我们会有更多的进账,所以这阶段的收支会平衡得很好的。(balance out)

→ It seems a lot to spend this month, but we will get in a lot more next month, so it'll balance out over the period.

5). 他足智多谋,富有创意,令人惊叹,对我的事业举足轻重。(resourceful)

→ He is amazingly incomparably inventive and resourceful, and plays a major role in my career.

6). 乐队调试好音准后,指挥走上了舞台。(tune up)

→ After the orchestra had tuned up the conductor walked up onto the stage.

7). 现代军用飞机使用计算机瞄准目标。(zero in)

→ Modern military aircraft use computers to zero in on their targets.

8). 她想出了一个绝妙的主意来劝说老板给她双份工资。(come up with)

→ She's come up with a brilliant idea to persuade her boss to double her income.

2. Translating Passage

Translate the following into English.




A good way of ridding yourself of certain kinds of dogmatism is to become aware of opinions held in social circles different from your own. If the people and the newspaper seem mad, perverse, and wicked, remind yourself that you seem so to them. In this opinion both parties may be right, but they cannot both be wrong. This reflection should generate a certain caution.

For those who have enough psychological imagination, it is a good plan to imagine an argument with a person having a different bias. This has one advantage, and only one, as compared with actual conversation with opponents; this one advantage is that the method is not subject to the same limitations of time and space.

VI. Writing

Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic.


In the first paragraph of your writing you should present your thesis statement. Then in each of the paragraphs that follow, focus on one of them for elaboration. In the final paragraph, summarize what you have written and re-assert your opinion.

The transitional devices in listed in Unit 6 can be used to introduce the pros and the following can introduce the cons:

1. more serious, even worse, to make matters worse; and

2. most serious of all, worst of all.

Between the pros and the cons, it is necessary to add one or two transitional sentences. You would probably find the sentences below useful:

1. However, every coin has two sides. While we are discussing the merits of ..., we

cannot forget its/their demerits.

2. Now, let's look at the reverse side of the coin.

3. But merits usually go hand in hand with demerits.

Further Enchantment

II. Text II


E.B. White

III. Text Comprehension

1. Answer the following multiple-choice questions:

1). Which of the following quotations from the text can best justify the author’s first comment on his son’s teacher in the country school, i.e. a third-grade scholar?

A.The incident of being kicked in the shins by another boy.

B.Relief of himself in the washroom.

C.The large number of peers.

D.The Christmas performance.

Key: [ D ]

2). The teacher does many things in the country school EXCEPT ______.

A. designing the kids’ school uniforms

B. abusing the kids that fail to behave themselves

C. doing the cleaning of the school

D. enjoying the kids’ trust and friendship

Key: [ B ]

3). The word scholar is used time and again in the text. Besides referring to the teacher in the phrase a third-grade scholar, it is used to refer to ______.

A. the other teacher of the school

B. the author himself

C. the author’s son

D. somebody not specified

Key: [ C ]

4). According to the author’s description, which of the following didn’t the school bus do?

A. Waiting for the pupils at bus stops.

B. Running very fast.

C. Arriving at the bus stop on time.

D. Picking up the pupils on the way to school.

Key: [ A ]

5). Of the following four words, which can best substitute the underlined word in the sentence “We got his laconic report ‘All right’”?

A. happy

B. merry

C. brief

D. indifferent

Key : [ C ]

2. Questions for Discussion

1). In the country school, what are the duties of the teacher outside class?

She has a variety of duties in addition to her teaching responsibilities. She manages to function quietly and effectively as a guardian of their health, their clothes, and their habits. She supervises lunchrooms, playgrounds, and study sessions. She even cooks for the children. She remains concerned with the feelings and individual progress of each student.

2). How does the author use humor to narrate his son's school experiences?

Much of the humor in the passage comes from the author's narration of his son's school experiences. He stretches the truth to make his narrative larger and funnier than life normally is. For example, he calls his son "Christmas angel" and his teachers "Wise Men". He compares the school bus to a huge creature "opening its mouth and sucking the boy in".

3). What serious point about education does the author make in this story?

Our self-concepts are often defined through our school experiences, both positive and negative. During the years that young people spend in school, teachers are among the most important people in their lives. They teach them attitudes, habits, and values that help shape their character and remain with them throughout their life.

4). In the author's opinion, what are some characteristics of a good teacher?

Teachers' skills and attitudes influence everything that happens in their classrooms. Good teachers know their subjects and understand the material that they are teaching. They present lessons in creative ways, helping students of different ability levels and learning styles master the material. They like students and get satisfaction from helping them succeed. Good teachers make learning enjoyable for all their students.

5). How does the author communicate a general message about education?

The essay contains interesting insights and is written in a casual, sometimes humorous style. He recalls fondly the teacher in the country school who inspires his son because of her dedication to her students and their subject matter. He narrates the school experiences of his son through the eyes of the boy. He also shares with us his observations as an adult who has come to understand those events. The author employs several rhetorical devices for contrast and emphasis, including metaphor, patterns of imagery, and symbolism.


公司拓展训练心得体会 篇一:公司拓展训练心得体会 “参加的是一次训练,影响的是你的一生,公司素质拓展训练心得体会-感恩、奋进。”这是我们这次参加香港心洲国际文化产业中国国民素质教育训练学院时进教室老师说的第一句话。老师说话的语气沉重、铿锵有力,充满挑战性,令人血液沸腾。培训的时间距现在已经两个月了,但我记忆犹新。 是的,我非常认同老师的这句话,这次培训让我收获太多。特别是自己都快四十岁的人,过去有很多迷茫,对人生、事业、亲情、家庭、朋友都比较肤浅,有些方面还认识模糊。通过这次培训,我认识了自己,明确了自我,也总结了过去的很多不足的地方,对我今后的人生道路指明了方向和目标,我一定要好好的珍惜自己,珍惜这次学习到的知识,运用到我的工作和生活中去,让我今后的人生更加有价值。 来到银龙煤业这个团队已经快四年了。四年的艰辛、坎坷和不平凡的工作让我感觉到认识了黄总,认识了唐总,和这个团队一起奋斗、创造是我这辈子的福分。是公司、是团队成就了我的今天!这也是我一直跟随并继续跟随团队走下去的重要原因之一吧。 黄总是个令我尊重敬佩的团队领头人,他就是我的良师和益友。他年龄比我小,但他爱学习,生活朴实无不良嗜好,对人和蔼友善,对工作的敬业精神和对事业的狂热追求是我学习的榜样,他和其他的煤业老总有很多不同的地方,特别是怎样让公司、团队走的更远、飞得更高他想出了与众不同的办法:投资上百万、循序渐进的给团队高中层提供学习、训练的机会,让团队素质整体提高,让团队成员跟上企业发展的步伐。我非常感谢黄总给予的学习机会,一次又一次的参加培训和学习,让我知识得到更新,生活更加充实,对未来充满信心。 通过几次培训,我有个小小总结,那就是做人要与人为善,公平正直,做事要忠厚诚实,有责任意识。特别是作为企业的高中层管理人员,更应该体现这方面的素质。还有就是只有团队的力量才能成就一番事业。在思八达智慧场杨光老师说过:当今的企业发展要成功并长远的发展,就一定要通过学习来提高团队的整体素质,体现团队精神,通过学习收到团队“学相同、思相近、言相和、行相扶、国一致”的效果。高贤峰博士的讲演中,举例巴西和阿根廷的足球比赛,阿根廷在1分钟内,10个队员都接触球,通过32次的传递,打进了决定胜负的进球。说明一个问题,那就是团队的力量、互相信任、协作的精神产生的结果。心洲成功素质训练营的培训,斯巴达克方阵告诉我,“团队兴亡,我的责任”。用这样的心态去做我们应该做的事,面对一个共同的愿景和目标,我们定会实现自己想要的梦想。 还有,这次学习中我收获了对人生的态度、做人的标准、感恩的心态。 真的,感谢心洲,这次学习是一个人生的洗礼,洗掉心中的污垢、尘土。也悟出了许多过去不知所为的道理。他们用最简单的而又最直接的小小游戏告诉了我:其实人的一生,就像来自宇宙、大自然的一颗尘土,匆匆的来,又匆匆的去。但我们在这短短的来去时间空间段应该留下什么呢?我认为就是认识自己、活出精彩、就是做平凡而有意义的事,就是体现自己价值,不枉渡此生。 第一个游戏就让我感到煎熬。《人生的选择》:列出生命中最重要的10项需求,先由舍去5项


剑桥少儿英语一级下单元测试题 Unit 1--- Unit 2 I. 根据图片默写单词. 1. 2. 3. 4. c__rr ___t d___ ____ ce r____d____ l___ ___ ___ n 5. 6. 7. 8. s ___ ___ g s___ i____ k ____ c ____ w ___ ___k II. 选择划线部分读音不同的选项。 ( ) 1. A. morning B. door C. work D. draw ( ) 2. A. stand B. carrot C. had D. water ( ) 3. A. these B. dress C. last D. start ( ) 4. A. hippo B. monkey C. front D. brother ( ) 5. A. cow B. window C. how D. now III. 按要求完成下列各题。 1. box __________ (复数) 2. let us _______________(缩写) 3. eye __________(同音词) 4. lie ______________(现在分词) 5. Mr. ___________(对应词) 6. teach ______________(现在分词) 7. cold ___________(反义词) 8. friendly ____________(名词) 9. him ___________(名词性物主代词) 10. these _________(单数) IV. 选择题。 ( ) 1. Look at these goats. They like _________ grass. A. eat B. eating C. eats ( ) 2. --- ________ you like frogs? --- No, I don’t. A. Do B. are C. Does ( ) 3. On the farm, there _______ many animals. A. is B. am C. are ( ) 4. I like dogs and cats. But I __________ like goats. A. am not B. doesn’t C. do not ( ) 5. ---____________ ? ---- He is drawing. A. What are you doing? B. What is she doing? C. What is he doing? ( ) 6. --- Hello, Jane. --- Hello, Sam. Wait __________ me. A. for B. at C. about ( ) 7. – What’s _______ breakfast? --- I have some dumplings. A. for B. at C. to ( ) 8. – Are these dogs dirty? -- ____________ . They are clean. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. C. No, they are. ( ) 9. He is Robert Jenkins. He is ____________. A. Miss Robert B. Mr. Jenkins C. Mrs. Jenkins. ( ) 10. She is __________ English now. A. learning B. learns C. learn V. 按要求完成下列各题。 1. Han Jing is singing songs. ( 就划线部分提问) _________ __________ Han Jing ____________?


Units 9-10 quiz A.Listen to the conversations. Check (?) the correct information. 1. ?Emily is short and in her thirties. ?Emily is medium height and in her twerities. ?Emily is fairly short and about twenty-five. 2. ?Steve has blue eyes and black hair. ?Steve is really tall and has curly blond hair. ?Steve is only 29 years old and handsome. 3. ?The thief was short, had a white beard, and was elderly. ?The thief had on a black shirt and glasses. ?The thief had lunch with Mr. Brown in the café. 4. ? A.J. and Penny are sitting on the couch and talking to Tom. ? A.J. and Penny are both wearing jeans and red sweaters. ? A.J. and Penny are the attractive couple sitting on the couch. B.Circle the correct word. 1.My brother is (in / about / at) his twenties and goes to college in Arizona.


拓展训练心得体会五篇 篇一:公司拓展训练心得体会 “参加的是一次训练,影响的是你的一生,公司素质拓展训练心得体会-感恩、奋进。”这是我们这次参加香港心洲国际文化产业有限公司中国国民素质教育训练学院时进教室老师说的第一句话。老师说话的语气沉重、铿锵有力,充满挑战性,令人血液沸腾。培训的时间距现在已经两个月了,但我记忆犹新。 是的,我非常认同老师的这句话,这次培训让我收获太多。特别是自己都快四十岁的人,过去有很多迷茫,对人生、事业、亲情、家庭、朋友都比较肤浅,有些方面还认识模糊。通过这次培训,我认识了自己,明确了自我,也总结了过去的很多不足的地方,对我今后的人生道路指明了方向和目标,我一定要好好的珍惜自己,珍惜这次学习到的知识,运用到我的工作和生活中去,让我今后的人生更加有价值。 来到银龙煤业这个团队已经快四年了。四年的艰辛、坎坷和不平凡的工作让我感觉到认识了黄总,认识了唐总,和这个团队一起奋斗、创造是我这辈子的福分。是公司、是团队成就了我的今天!这也是我一直跟随并继续跟随团队走下去的重要原因之一吧。 黄总是个令我尊重敬佩的团队领头人,他就是我的良师和益友。他年龄比我小,但他爱学习,生活朴实无不良嗜好,对人和蔼友善,对工作的敬业精神和对事业的狂热追求是我学习的榜样,他和其他的

煤业老总有很多不同的地方,特别是怎样让公司、团队走的更远、飞得更高他想出了与众不同的办法:投资上百万、循序渐进的给团队高中层提供学习、训练的机会,让团队素质整体提高,让团队成员跟上企业发展的步伐。我非常感谢黄总给予的学习机会,一次又一次的参加培训和学习,让我知识得到更新,生活更加充实,对未来充满信心。 通过几次培训,我有个小小总结,那就是做人要与人为善,公平正直,做事要忠厚诚实,有责任意识。特别是作为企业的高中层管理人员,更应该体现这方面的素质。还有就是只有团队的力量才能成就一番事业。在思八达智慧场杨光老师说过:当今的企业发展要成功并长远的发展,就一定要通过学习来提高团队的整体素质,体现团队精神,通过学习收到团队“学相同、思相近、言相和、行相扶、国一致”的效果。高贤峰博士的讲演中,举例巴西和阿根廷的足球比赛,阿根廷在1分钟内,10个队员都接触球,通过32次的传递,打进了决定胜负的进球。说明一个问题,那就是团队的力量、互相信任、协作的精神产生的结果。心洲成功素质训练营的培训,斯巴达克方阵告诉我,“团队兴亡,我的责任”。用这样的心态去做我们应该做的事,面对一个共同的愿景和目标,我们定会实现自己想要的梦想。 还有,这次学习中我收获了对人生的态度、做人的标准、感恩的心态。 真的,感谢心洲,这次学习是一个人生的洗礼,洗掉心中的污垢、尘土。也悟出了许多过去不知所为的道理。他们用最简单的而又最直接的小小游戏告诉了我:其实人的一生,就像来自宇宙、大自然的一


A.186 B.208 C.158 D.132 2. 1, 5, 19, 81, 411,()A.2473 B.2485 C.1685 D.1857 3. 3, 3, 12, 21, 165,()A.649 B.606 C.289 D.343 4. 0,,,,,()A.B.C.D. 5. 7, 11, 16, 25, 54,()A.98 B.127 C.172 D.203 6. 3, 7, 16, 41, 90,()A.121 B.211 C.181 D.256 7. 3, 12, 30, 63, 117,()A.187 B.198 C.193 D.196 8. 3, 8, 22, 62, 178,()A.518 B.516 C.548 D.546 9. 3, 2,,,,()A.B.C.D. 10. 1, 3, 8, 33, 164,()A.999 B.985 C.1024 D.1048

A.12 B.16 C.20 D.24 12. 4, -6, 6, -8, 7.5,() A.-7.5 B.-8 C.-8.5 D.-9.6 13. 16, 8, 12, 30, 105,() A.215 B.365.5 C.425 D.472.5 14. -3, 5, 7, 4, 14, 18,() A.29 B.23 C.21 D.17 15. 1234, 1360, 1396, 2422, 2458,() A.2632 B.2584 C.2864 D.2976 16. -2, 2, 6, 10, 46,() A.78 B.86 C.124 D.146 17. 4, 12, 40, 112, 352,() A.625 B.784 C.832 D.996 18. -32, 36, -30, 38, -29,() A.39 B.45 C.51 D.63 19. 1, 5, 11, 20, 34, 56,() A.68 B.71 C.82 D.91 20. , 3, 2, 10, 9, 31, 37,() A.94 B.72 C.56 D.48


剑桥少儿英语一级下测试题Reading and writing Part 1 Look and read. Put a tick (√) or a cross(×) in the box Examples: This is a star. √ This is a monster. ×Questions: 1 .This is an onion. □ 2 This is a bean. □ 3.

This is a tomato. □ 4. This is a hot dog. □ 5 This is a monster. □ Part 2 Look and read. Write yes or no Examples: Three children are swimming. yes __ Four children are watching TV. no __

Questions: 1The dog is sleeping. __ 2There is a baseball in the picture. 3Some children are playing football. 4There are four books on the grass. __ 5Two children are playing tennis. Part 3 Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words. Example: e y e s Questions: 1. ___ ___ ___ ___ 2.


《拓展训练心得体会 6篇》是一篇好的,感觉很有用处,希望对网友有用。 拓展训练是能够快速的拉近人与人之间的联系,融洽彼此间的关系,让团队更加凝聚,下面给大家分享拓展训练的心得体会,欢迎借鉴! “拓展训练”这个名词对于我来说既熟悉又陌生,向来只是听说谁谁参加拓展训练了,也在电视节目中看到过相关的介绍,却从来没有亲身经历过。在印象里似乎就是进行一些团队项目,目的是为了进行一些团体意识的训练……等等吧,带着种种的好奇与疑问,和大家一起踏上了去“拓展”的路程。 在训练基地,经过教练介绍,了解到拓展训练是一种培养现代人和现代组织全新的学习方法和培训方式,一项于挑战极限的训练活动,旨在激励人的斗志,激发人的潜能,培养人的自信,创造性的发挥人的团队合作能力。在两天的训练中,我们参加了有轨电车、建绳房、信任背摔、生死电网、高空断桥、孤岛救援、毕业墙等七个项目。这些项目都是对团队高度和谐的考验,成功了那是智慧、创新和齐心协力、共同奋进的表现。 给我印象最深的是高空断桥和毕业墙两个项目。在高空断桥项目训练时,我在下面望着十二米高的断桥时,心理只有恐惧,心想,一米二的跨度,在平地上轻轻一跃也就应该过得去,可在高空中万一过不去摔住怎么办。当我一步一步爬上十二米高空之时,我已是颤颤惊惊了,跳板也比想象的窄得多,当时腿就软了,不由自主的想:“怎么办,还是下去吧?”尽管有保险带,但我心里还是咚咚直跳,斗大的汗珠将衣服都浸湿了, TOP100 排行就是一个“怕”字。下面同伴在一遍遍地喊“加油!加油!”这时我才意识到已经上来一会儿了,为了不耽误团队太多时间,心一横,豁出去了。一跃,成功!此时此刻,我惊讶于我战胜自己的决心,我感动于原来困难就是扔下精神包袱,轻轻一跃……这个项目对人的体能要求并不高,最需要的则是对心理的挑战,只要能战胜恐惧的心理,困难就迎刃而解。 在“毕业墙”项目训练时,一堵4.2米的高墙,光滑、没有任何工具,要求所有的队员都翻越过去,才算胜利。在这个项目中,我不想说我学到了团结的力量是无穷的,也不想说集体的能力是伟大的,更不想说人的潜能是无限的……这个游戏给于我的,除了感动,还是感动。为第一个爬上墙头,坚持救上个一个又一个同伴的朋友感动!为在下面咬着牙甘当基石,让一个个同伴们踏着自己的肩头求生的朋友感动!为指挥大家伙儿逃生,用自己的双手将同伴们一个一个高高举起的朋友感动!直到墙下只剩下了一个同伴,再没有人给他当基石供他向上攀爬的时候,于是,一个体重较轻的队友从墙头上垂了下来,墙下的队友坚定的抓住了墙上同伴的手。当最后一人成功跃上墙头的时候,响起了经久不息的掌声。那一刻,我真的有点想哭…… 这次拓展训练的体会,总结起来有以下几点:一是分层管理、明确领导极其重要。写作每个人的岗位职责确定之后,各司其职,有利于明确责任,发挥个体的主观能动性,使其既知道自己应该做什么,又思考怎样做好。二是做事要先做计划,再开展行动。这就是“磨刀不误砍柴工”的道理。三是遇到问题应学会换位思考。在工作中,不要为表面的现象所困扰,有些印象其实是主观的臆想,需要你的耐心和智慧,通过分析、判断,充分了解它的本质,通过组织、协调达到目标,通过沟通交流,才能建立多赢的局面。四是要学会相互配合。在工作中,各单位之间需要沟通和信息的共享,需要相互配合和协调,形成力量的整合才能完成共同的任务。五是要因村适用。要看到差异,容纳差异,协调差异,利用差异,在差异中


精品文档 类比推理题库及标准答案 (类比推理部分) 1、作家:读者 A. 售货员:顾客 B.主持人:广告 C.官员:腐败 D.经理:秘书【解答】此题属于专业人员与其面对的对象之间的类比推理题,故正确答案为A。 2、水果:苹果 A.香梨:黄梨 B.树木:树枝 C.经济适用房:奔驰 D.山:高山 【解答】该题题干中水果与苹果两个词之间是一般和特殊的关系,所以答案为选项D。选项B的两个词之间的关系 是整体与部分的关系。 3、努力:成功 A.原告:被告 B.耕耘:收获 C.城市:福利 D.扩招:失业【解答】努力与成功两个词具有因果关系,即只有努力才能成功或者说努力是成功必不可少的原因之一,故正确答案为B。 4、书籍:纸张 A.毛笔:宣纸 B.橡皮:文具盒 C.菜肴:萝卜 D.飞机:宇宙飞船【解答】此题属于物品与制作材料的推理关系,故正确答案为 C。 5、馒头:食物 A.食品:巧克力 B.头:身体 C.手:食指 D.钢铁:金属【解答】此题属于特殊与一般的推理关系,故正确答案为D。 6、稻谷:大米 A.核桃:桃酥 B.棉花:棉子 C.西瓜:瓜子 D.枪:子弹【解答】因为稻谷是大米的惟一来源,而棉花是棉子的惟一来源,故正确答案为B。 7、轮船:海洋 A.河流:芦苇 B.海洋:鲸鱼 C.海鸥:天空 D.飞机:海洋【解答】此题属于物体与其运动空间的类比推理题,故正确答案为 C。 8、芙蕖:荷花 A.兔子:嫦娥 B.窑洞:官邸 C.伽蓝:寺庙 D.映山红:蒲公英【解答】因为芙蕖是荷花的书面别称,而伽蓝是寺庙的书面别称,故正确答案为C。 9、绿豆:豌豆 A.家具:灯具 B.猴子:树木 C.鲨鱼:鲸鱼 D.香瓜:西瓜 【解答】选项 C 中的鲸鱼其实不是鱼,而是哺乳动物,故正确答案为D。 10、汽车:运输 A.捕鱼:鱼网 B.编织:鱼网 C.鱼网:编织 D.鱼网:捕鱼【解答】此题属于工具与作用的类比推理题,故正确答案为D。 11、医生:患者 A.工人:机器 B.啄木鸟:病树 C.警察:罪犯 D.法官:律师 答案:B 12、紫竹:植物学家 A.金属:铸工 B.铁锤:石头 C.动物:植物 D.蝴蝶:昆虫学家 答案:D 13、老师:学生 A.教师:职工 B.编辑:读者 C.师傅:学徒 D.演员:经济人 答案:C 14、书法:艺术 A.抢劫:犯罪 B.鲁迅:周树人 C.历史:世界史 D.权力:金钱答案:A 精品文档 15、森林:树木

剑桥少儿英语一级下册unit 1-2 练习题

金成外语一级下册 Unit 1 School opening day 第一课时姓名: 听写 一.写出下列单词或者短语 1.开学日 _______________ 2.再;又_________ 3.担心 _________ . 4.让某人做某事_________ 5. 道路;方法 _________ 6.好的;伟大的____ 作业 一.根据汉语提示补全句子 1.Today is _________ (开学日) 2.再一次见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you _________. 3.不要为我担心 . Don’t _________ _________ me. 4.请这边走。 This _________ ,please. 5.Can you tell me _________ _________ _________ school?(去学校的路) 6.太棒了! That ’s _________ . 7.她与安娜在一起。 She _________ _________ Anna now. 8.It’s _________ _________ see you _________ .(看见你回来真好) 9._________ (怎么样) was you holiday? 10.祝你过的愉快。 ___________________________。 ___________________________ 二.根据图片补全对话 1. A: Oops! B:Don’t _________ . Let ______ help _______! 2. A:It’s good ______see you back. How______ your holiday? B:It______great! :It’s ______to ______ you all again! B:______she our new friend? A:______, she is . 作业: 1.背听写部分 2.听读Unit 1课文,并背重点句子 3.完成作业部分练习题。 4.家长签字: ______________________ 金成外语一级下册 Unit 1 School opening day 第二课时姓名: 听写 一.写出下列单词或者短语 1.开学日 _______________ 2.再;又_________ 3.担心 _________ . 4.让某人做某事_________ 5. 道路;方法 _________ 6.好的;伟大的____ 7.穿;戴________ 8.几乎;差不多________ 9.听________ 10.问候________ 11.想要________ 12.介绍 ________ 13.更好的________ 14.学期________


xx年7月拓展训练心得体会:心怀感恩 撰写人:___________ 部门:___________

xx年7月拓展训练心得体会:心怀感恩 一天的笑翻天拓展训练很快就结束了,这一天我们有欢笑,有泪水,有感动,五味杂陈的情感充斥在周围。不得不说,这次的拓展训练让我得到了成长,学到了很多,懂得了很多。 回想起一天的项目有很多,热身过后,我们进行的第一个项目是穿越电网。我们要从电网中间穿过,身体不能碰触电网的任何地方,哪怕你不是正在穿越的人。同样的,最初等待我们的是失败,只是短短的几分钟我们就损失了6个人,没有人重视这个项目,觉得就是游戏,就是一条一条的棉绳,所以好几个人是在帮助队友的时候不小心碰到,失去了尝试的机会。在教练给的第二次机会里,我们没有急于穿越,而是认真考虑了穿电网的先后顺序,每个人穿电网的位置,在做好了充分的准备后开始了我们又一次的穿越电网。不得不说,想要独自一人穿电网是一项很难完成的任务,因为总有你估计不到的地方,所以大家有帮忙看的,有帮忙扶衣服的,还有帮忙抬人的,每个队友都是在大家的臂弯中被一个一个抬过来的,最后的成绩是无一人被留下,全部通过。听金刚说我们组是唯一一个全部通过的,那种自豪,美!只有认真的做出行动计划,在实际操作中灵活操作,大家彼此之间的各个环节的紧密环接,才让我们取得了这样的成绩。 接下来的项目是众志成城。所有的队友手挽手,肩并肩,背靠背同时坐下,同时站起。最开始的时候大家都不得要领,所以站起来很难,因为在你要站起来的时候旁边的队友会给你一个向下的力,因此你越是努力的要站起来你所受的阻力就会越大。经过一次的失败后大家开始总 第 2 页共 2 页


小学数学《推理问题》练习题(含答案) 解题指导1 【例1】有五个人进行汽车竞速赛,他们没有比成平局,而是先后到达的。威尔不是第一个,约翰不是第一也不是最后一个,琼在威尔后面到达,詹姆不是第二个,瓦尔特在詹姆后到达。五个到达的顺序怎样? 【思路点拨】 。 詹姆不是第二个,瓦尔特在詹姆后到达。所以只能詹姆第一名,瓦尔特就是第二名, 约翰第三,威尔第四,琼第五。 答:詹姆第一,瓦尔特第二,约翰第三,威尔第四,琼第五。 总结:用“列表方法”把复杂问题加以条理化是解决“逻辑推理问题”的有效方法。 【变式题1】有张、李、王、刘四位老师分别教数学、语文、美术、英语。张老师可以教语文、美术;李老师可以教数学、英语;王老师可以教数学、语文、美术;刘老师只能教美术。为了使每人都能胜任工作,那么教数学的是哪位老师? 解题指导2 2.在推理问题中,常常遇到判断说假话真话的问题,这时我们常用假设的方法,淘汰掉不成立的说法,从而判断出正确的结论。 【例2】我国有“三山五岳”之说,其中五岳是指:东岳泰山,南岳衡山,西岳华山,北岳恒山和中岳嵩山。一位老师拿出这五座山的图片,并在图片上标出数字,他让五位学生来辨别,每人说出两个,学生的回答如下: 甲:2是泰山,3是华山; 乙:4是衡山,2是嵩山; 丙:1是衡山,5是恒山; 丁:4是恒山,3是嵩山; 戊:2是华山,5是泰山。 老师发现五个学生都只说对了一半,那么正确的说法应该是什么呢? 【思路点拨】采用假设法解决,因为每人说两句话,总有一句是对的,先假设甲第一句话对,第二句话则是错的,则乙说的2是嵩山是错误的,可推出4是衡山是正确的,由此可推出丙说1号是衡山是错的,那么5是恒山是正确的,由此推出丁说4是恒山是错误的,那么3是嵩山是正确的。因为5是恒山,所以5是泰山是错误的,2号是泰山,所以2号不是


剑桥少儿英语一级A册unit1——unit11测验 Name _____________ Marks_____________ Listening (30 points) Part 1、.听录音,选择正确的答案(8’) ()1.A pen B. pencil C. book D. bag ( ) 2.A horse B. fish C. duck D. dog ( ) 3.A orange B. mango C. coconut D. pear ( ) 4.A hair B. head C. mouth D. arm ( ) 5.A hat B.sock C. book D. flower ( ) 6.A cousin B. lizard C. tomato D. potato () 7.A blue B .yellow C. green D. red ( ) 8.A table B. cow C. rabbit D. eraser Part 2、听录音,写出Yes 或No (5’) 1.ear_____ 2.goat_______ 3.mango______ 4.nose_____ 5.potato_____ Part 3、听录音补充丢失的字母。(5 ‘) 1. te__ 2.d__sk 3.h__t 4.m__p 5.d__d 2.6.b__at 7. __nder 8. l__g 9. ha__r 10. turt__e Part 4、根据你所听到的内容把下列短文补充完整(12’) This is my (family / father) . There are (six / five) people in my family. Look! This is my grandfather. He is old. He is (76 / 67) years old. He is drinking (water / tea). This is my grandmother. She is watering a (flower / tree). This is my father. He is tall and (fat / strong). He is reading a (book / newspaper). This is my mother. She is thin and beautiful. She is (cook / cooking) in the kitchen. This is my brother. He is very lovely. He is only (5 / 6 ) years old. He is playing with a toy (plane/ car). This is me. I’m a


Unit 10 What are they doing? 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands 通过学习,使学生进一步复习和巩固现在进行时的用法 帮助学生学会使用相应的动词短语 使学生表达和询问单复数概念的句子 交际用语 Expressions in communication What are the pets doing in the house? I don’t know. Let’s ask our friend. Who can tell us? What are the cows doing? They are eating grass. 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions Cows, elephants, dogs, cats, snakes, bees, chicks, giraffes, pandas, turtles, fish, tigers, ducks, horses, sheep, lions, goats, mice, rabbits, parrots, spiders, brush teeth, read books, take a bath, play a game, have breakfast, watch TV, tell a story, play hide-and-seek, climb the tree,play football 所需教具 Materials for teaching 相关动物图片,短语卡片,做Bingo的游戏纸,奖励用的小贴纸 如何导入教学? 教师上课时首先问大家What are you doing now?教师可以引导学生回答We are having a class.然后,教师拿出一张有关的图片问大家:What are the cows doing now?学生应该回答They are eating grass now.教师接着说 Yes, Now I have many pictures. You tell me what they are doing now. OK? 教师依次拿出图片问大家:What are they doing now? 回答:They are brushing their teeth.教师可以将问到过的动物贴在黑板上,然后将相应的动词短语也放在该图片的下面,便于学生对照着看。同时,教师也要问一些与学生有关的问题,如Do you often brush your teeth? When do you usually brush your teeth, in the morning or in the evening?教师穿插的问题不宜太多,否则所要练习的句型就要受影响,教师问完所有的与动物有关的问题后,也已经将相关动词短语放在了图片下面。教师应带领学生进行认读,然后,教师可以用这些图和短语做一个游戏。教师对学生们说Now let’s play a game. I’ll put all the pictures and the phrases on the table. I’ll mix them up together.教师边说边把图片及短语卡片取下来并混在一起。I want somebody to come to the front and quickly find three pictures together with their phrases. Put them back on the blackboard.教师找一个同学到前面来,然后对全班说Let’s count the number together.One, two, three, four, five, six最后教师看该学生在哪个数字前结束,然后教师说Who wants to be the next one?该游戏继续进行,直到所有的图片及短语都呈现在黑板上。教师再组织大家复习一遍。 单元教学活动2 Matcj amd say 与上面的活动一起进行之后,教师可以通过做游戏有来强化这些短语。比如教师说Listen very carefully. I want to choose a person to come to the front and look at


参加拓展训练心得体会范文 参加拓展训练,人的潜力是无尽的,集体的力量是无穷的!我一定会把拓展训练中的那份激情和感悟带入我的工作和生活中的心得体会,分享范文。下面是我为大家收集整理的参加拓展训练心得体会范文,欢迎大家阅读。 参加拓展训练心得体会范文篇1 xxxx年月9日是一个值得我们回味和珍藏的日子,中国平安的管理层们举行了一次拓展训练。这是一种新鲜的培训方式,脱俗于传统的书本灌输,它给予我们的收获来自于我们亲身的体验和启迪般的思考。短短两天的时间,正像此次拓展的宗旨一样,它给予了我对自己和团队的一种全新的认识和思考。 在训练前,我对于"拓展"这个词还是非常的陌生,只知道他是一种游戏,一种团体合作的训练类似军训的一种活动。当天我怀着忐忑的心情参加了活动。所以也很怀疑自己是否能完成当天的活动。在活动中,面对一个又一个困难,个人的力量是渺小的,然而我们临时组建的集体却能够同心协力共度难关,在享受每个成功的喜悦之余,我更是被训练中队员们体现出来的勇敢、自信、合作精神所感动。深深理解到要想成功必须要付出怎样的努力方可站在至高点上,那胜利的喜悦是无数次的跌倒与反省凝聚而成的;在高强度的训练中,汗水与雨水、痛苦与欢笑交织在一起,使我们都极为深刻的体验到一个团队是要经过千百万次的锤炼才会变的坚不可摧。

在当天的活动开始前,我们的教练给我作了一个团队合作的小游戏以测试我们临时组建的团队的合作和默契意识。游戏结束后,通过报数的方式随机组成了我们的队伍,我们初步组建了自己的团队。随后我们小组推选了周敏和何志鹏为我们团队组长。在团队中大家都很尊重他们。这时候是发挥我们队员想象力和创造力的时候,每个队员的积极性都很高,很快我们的队名、队歌、口号全部确定下来并得到队员们一致拥护。然后由队长和我分别给其他队伍展示并介绍了我们这个团队,自此团队的形式和结构已经基本确定。虽然我们彼此都比较熟悉,但是我们这个小团体在后面的活动中调节、消除隔阂,同舟共济、共度难关,都离不开大家前所未有的信任和相互鼓励! 虽是短短的两天,而且天气也有点冷,但每一个队员都在专心完成团队的每一项任务。通过此次拓展训练项目,使每一个参加训练的队员都进一步认识、提高了自己,同时更感受到团队的作用。团队,不是"团伙",一个优秀的团队具备的是团结、信任与协作并有很好的团队文化。 在这次培训中,让我感触最深的就是无论什么时候,我们的团队都要团结一致勇往直前。在训练中,每一项工作单靠一个人的力量与智慧是无法完成的,它需要一个团队中每一个成员相互协作,共同完成,只有这样的团队才是战无不胜的,而个人在团队中应该相互支持、帮助、信任,积极地做力所能及之事,将自己的优势最大限度发挥出来。所以我们每个人都应该清醒地认识到自己是团队的一员,要有与团队一起拼搏的精神,同时这个团队也只有将所有成员的力量凝


数字推理习题库及答案解析 1、5,10,17,26,() A、30; B、43; C、37; D、41 【解答】相邻两数之差为5、7、9、11,构成等差数列。 2、184:55,66,78,82,() A、98; B、100; C、97; D、102 【解答】本题思路:56-5-6=45=5×9 66-6-6=54=6×9 78-7-8=63=7×9 82-8-2=72=8×9 98-9-8=81=9×9 4、5的立方加1,所以括号中应为5的立方加1,即126的开方,故选D。 3、1,13,45,97,() A、169; B、125; C、137; D、189 【解答】相邻两数之差构成12、32、52这样的等差数列,故下一个数就应该是97+72=169,选A。 4、1,01,2,002,3,0003,()… A、40003; B、4003; C、400004; D、40004 【解答】隔项为自然数列和等比数列,故选D。 5、2,3,6,36,()

A、48; B、54; C、72; D、1296 【解答】从第三项开始,每一项都是前几项的乘积。故选D。 6、3,6,9,() A、12; B、14; C、16; D、24 【解答】等比数列。 7、1,312,623,() A、718; B、934; C、819; D、518 【解答】个位数分别是1、2、3、4,十位数分别是0、1、2、3,百位数分别是0、3、6、9,所以选B。 8、8,7,15,22,() A、37; B、25; C、44; D、39 【解答】从第三项开始,后一项是前两项的和。故选A。 9、3,5,9,17,() A、25; B、33; C、29; D、37 【解答】相邻两项的差构成等比数列。故选B。 10、20,31,43,56,() A、68; B、72; C、80; D、70 【解答】相邻两项的差构成等差数列。故选D。 11、+1,-1,1,-1,() A、+1; B、1; C、-1; D、-1 【解答】从第三项开始,后一项是前两项的乘积。 12、+1,4,3+1,()


The Examination of Cambridge Young Learners English Teacher: Miss Le Name: ________ Score: _______ Listening Part 一、听到的单词,在图片下面打勾(6分) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 二、看图,听音标号 (10分) 1) 2) 三、听音,填词(4分) 1. What’s _______ favourite sport? My favourite sport is playing__________. 2. What’s Mary doing? She is ______ milk and ______ breakfast. 3. Can you _______ like a _______? Yes, I can. 4. What’s your hobby? I like to ______ books and _______TV.

Writing Part 一、照样子变换下列单词(20分) . cat----cats butterfly _______ sheep______ foot ________ child ________ tomato _______ photo________ cake__________ man_________ leaf________ mouse________ sleep-----sleeping ride_______ sit______ swim ________ do _______ kick ________ draw ________ learn _______ put ________ Take ________ write________ 二、看图选单词,并写在横线上(10分) 1) This is a ____________ (pencil, pen) 2) I can see a ____________ (window, door) 3) This is a ____________ (desk, chair) 4) I can see a ____________ (tiger, snake) 5) This is a ____________ (mouse, horse) 6) I can see a ____________ (ball, kite) 7) This is a ____________ (mirror, yo-yo) 8) I can see a ____________ (watch, doll) 9) This is a ____________ (eye, nose) 10) I can see a ____________ (h ouse, horse) 三、选择题(10分) 1.My name’s Ann ,what’s yours? A.Tom. B.Yes,it is. C.Fine,thanks. 2.How old are you? A. I’m Lucy. B.Good morning. C.I’m fiv e. 3.What color do you like? A.How are you? B.Green. C.My mother. 4.Where’s father? A.He’s sleeping. B.He’s at home. C.He’s fourty. 5.Is it very big? A.Yes,it is. B.No,I’m not. C.Yes,he is. 6.Whose ball is that? A.I don’t like it. B.My sister is six. C.It’s my brother’s. 7.What’s your favorite food? A.It’s small. B.Burgers. C.I like it. 8.What are they doing? A.They’re playing football. B.They are short. C.They are my friend. 9.What do you do at school?
