
电力牵引交流传动试验台控制系统调试方法研究摘要:本文首先对 dsp 集成开发环境 ccs 进行了概述,介绍了基于 c 语言和汇编语言的混合编程,并对软件的可靠性设计加以了说明。程序的具体编写环节,介绍了程序工程

文件的主体结构和总体编写思路,最后对 dsp 的最小系统进行了测试,为后继研究工作提供了条件。


abstract: in this paper, the dsp integrated development environment ccs were summarized in this paper, based on the c language and assembly language mixed programming, and software reliability design to be explained. the specific procedures to prepare links, introduces the process engineeringa corpus of documents and the overall structure of the compilation, the dsp minimum system was tested, as subsequent research has provided conditions.key words: electric traction ac drive test rig control system debugging method


1.1调试工具 ccs

ti 公司的 dsp 集成开发环境 ccs(code composer studio),是一个基于 windows的 dsp 开发平台,可以加速和提高程序员创建和测试实时嵌入式信号处理系统的开发过程,从而缩短将产品推
