
A Guide to the Translation of Passages

from Chinese into English



1.词义差异: 注意选词的广义、狭义之别;褒贬的不同;强弱和政治分寸的把握:


Agriculture is the foundation of our national economy.

这些年来,我国的农业、林业、牧畜业和渔业都得到了相应的发展。Over the years, corresponding developments have been made in our farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery.


His mother passed away at an advanced age of eighty last month.


Notorious McCaththy did kick the bucket at long last!


青山绿水\green hills and blue streams; 青云直上\rise in the world; 浓咖啡\strong coffee; 浓墨淡写\paint with thick ink and a light touch




Set up the "One-Stop" Service Centre to provide a coordinated process service for foreign investors in obtaining approval.


We tried to delegate power to lower levels on a number of occasions. But this was limited solely to readjusting the administrative power of the central and local authorities and of the different departments and regions.




What? Are we setting a trap? Planning to get rid of them?


They held a brainstorming session to make further explorations into how to deepen the reform of our political system.


Her mother-in-law often complains to her husband,"Your wife is just a bane(祸害,灾星). Since she married you, our family has been suffering one disaster after another."


We should not issue IOUs (错译:blank paper )to the farmers.


With tourism paving the way for economic and trading activities, we should develop our city's economy into a pattern of its own feature.


We must unswervingly give equal importance to economic development on one hand and to the development of socialist culture and ideology on the other hand.


In going for modernization, efforts must be made to keep economic development as the central task, and equal importance should be attached to both aspects for stressing only one aspect is not enough. 发展才是硬道理。抓住机遇,发展自己,关键是发展经济。Development is the most essential criterion. The key to seizing the opportunity and developing ourselves lies in expanding the economy.


生物工程也是一种工程,是一种与传统意义截然不同的工程。Bioengineering is also a kind of engineering. However, it is an

engineering that is different from that with conventional sense.


If you want to sound us out, there is one thing you will learn, a thing which is fundamental in nature.


We cannot reach our strategic goal unless we carry out reforms and adhere to the open-up policy. This is a pass which we must go through.



For long periods of time in the old days 80 per cent of the population suffered from starvation or semi-starvation because of the extreme backwardness of agricultural production. Natural disasters nearly always resulted in widespread deaths from starvation.

亚洲是一个有着悠久历史和重要地位的大洲。她是人类文明的摇篮之一,对人类文明的进步和科学文化的发展作出过辉煌的贡献。Asia, a vast continent with a long history and increasing strategic importance, is one of the cradles of human civilization and has made brilliant contributions to human progress and scientific and cultural development.


Aiming at improving the state sector of the economy as a whole, we shall effectuate a strategic reorganization of state-owned enterprises by well managing large enterprises while adopting a flexible policy towards small ones.




We can get rid of a bad style and keep the good.


Any given culture is a reflection of the politics and economics of a given society, and the former in turn has a tremendous influence and effect upon the latter.



This is the springtime for the revolution, this is the springtime for the people, this is the springtime for science!


What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong, whether it

concerns the Chinese or foreigners, whether it concerns the dead or the living.



Chinese government will adopt still more effective measures to improve the land preservation system and strengthen the protection of basic farmland.


The governments at all levels should strengthen their leadership in these reforms and do a solid job of propelling the reform forward.


The idea of saving energy should be promoted to the general public.




Do as you would be done by.


Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse.



Nothing can be accomplished without a stable political environment.


Plenty of lawns and apartment houses will be built along both the banks of the newly-renovated Funan River.


Without reform and opening to the outside world, there would be no economic development of today.


In our motherland hidden underground everywhere is a wealth of mineral resources.








作为一种以意合为主的语言,汉语句子之间的关系往往通过语序的安排就一目了然。英语则是一种以形合为主的语言,句子之间的关系常要借助功能词语来阐明,常用者如and, but, as, if, when, while, thus, therefore, however, in addition, what's more, as a result 等等。因为汉英之间存在这种差别,翻译段落时我们经常需要根据英语的表达习惯,在准确理解原文的前提下,适当添加功能词语,使译文更加流畅、连贯、自然。



1.我们平时要多阅读涉及中国历史、政治、文化、经济、社会发展等方面内容的英语文章,注意积累具有中国特色的词汇,了解如何用地道的英语去表达, 着力提高自己的语法与词汇基本功。例如:安乐死: mercy-killing; euthanasia; painless death

安全门:theft-proof door(防盗门); emergency exit

摆脱贫困:shake off poverty \ get rid of poverty

摆样子(作秀):do something for show

瓷饭碗:unstable position

保税区:bonded area

保值储蓄:inflation-proof deposit

步行街:vehicle-free street pedestrian precinct \ plaza


抢购:panic buying; buying spree

乘警:vehicle police

闯红灯:run a red light



法盲:legal illiteracy

和稀泥:try to smooth things over

挥金如土:spend money like water

住房公积金:housing accumulation fund

关系网:network of personal connections

和平统一:peaceful reunification

害群之马:black sheep

黑孩子:off-the-book baby

红颜白发婚姻:May-to-December marriage

害“红眼病”:be green-eyed



健美裤:form-fitting pants

交际花: social butterfly

交通事故多发地段:black spot

经济作物:cash crops; industrial crops


论资排辈:promote in order of seniority

拳头产品:major product; key product

三角债:chain debts; debt chains

三角恋爱:eternal triangle; love triangle

"三脚猫":Jack of all trades but master of none

扫黄打非运动:开展一场大规模的\ 声势浩大的扫黄打非运动:launch a large-scale \ gigantic and vigorous campaign to wipe out pornography and illegal publications

扫黄打黑:wipe out pornography and strike criminal syndicates 收尾工作:round-off work

私房钱:private savings


外向型经济:export-oriented economy

"向钱看":money-oriented; money-mania; money-grabbing; money-mad

双眼皮手术:eyelid-slicing operation

"下海":risk one's fortune (in the world of business)

文明游客:well-mannered visitor

武术:martial arts

无名小卒:small potato

无期徒刑:life imprisonment

相声:comic dialogue; cross talk 说相声:perform a comic dialogue

乡村工业:rural industry

乡镇工业:township industry

小道消息:grapevine (telegraph); hearsay; back alley news



休闲服:playclothes \ 休闲鞋playshoes

学文化:learn to read and write


易拉罐:easy-open tin; pop-top

隐形眼镜:contact lenses

硬指标:unalterable quota

有色金属:non-ferrous metals

"有喜":be in the family way; be pregnant

与国际接轨:be geared\switched to the international conventions 早恋:calf love


杂技是技艺的一种。包括蹬技、手技、顶技、踩技、口技、车技、爬杆、走索,以及各种民间杂耍等。通常也把戏法、魔术、马戏、驯兽包括在内。中国杂技艺术历史悠久。"Acrobatics" is a vital branch of artistry. It includes juggling with hands and feet, hand tricks, balancing objects on the head, treading with the feet, vocal mimicry, trick-cycling, pole-climbing, rope-walking, and folk variety shows. Very often, conjuring, magic, circus and animal performing arts are in the program. Chinese acrobatics has a very long history.

斬\宰客:rip off the customers

走穴:perform in a temporary troupe in one's spare time (of actors, singers, or dancers)

走出低谷:bottom out

走共同富裕的道路: take the road to common prosperity

针灸和针刺麻醉:acupuncture & moxibustion, and acupuncture



China was the first country in the world to use needle anesthesia. For thousands of years, the old practitioners used to kill pain by inserting needles at some special points in the body. These points are arranged along the "channels" which we call "jingluo". In 1957, some doctors tried to find whether they could stop the pain long enough to perform an operation. They started to pull out teeth and take out tonsils with acupuncture anesthesia and had some success. Since then, it has been widely used for operations ranging from brain to appendix operations.


Acupuncture anesthesia has some very obvious merits compared with conventional anesthesia. It is painless, very quick and very cheap. The patient remains conscious throughout the operation. Some patients can even climb down from the operating table right after surgery and walk back to their wards by themselves. Moreover, it is very safe and free from after effects or side effects. If a patient is too weak or too old, he might be unable to stand ordinary anesthesia; he might die under it. But with needle anesthesia, operations can be done safely. That is why it has been well received in many foreign countries as well.





4. 特别提示:


天人合一是中国古代哲学关于天人关系的一种观点。强调天与人的关系不可分割。天或天命是万物的主宰。人性是天所赋予的。另一种观点则认为,天是自然,人是自然的一部分,天人是合一的。"The theory that man is an integral part of nature" is an ancient Chinese philosophical concept concerning the relationship between heaven and man. This theory declares that heaven and man are inseparable, that heaven or the mandate of heaven is the lord over all things and that human nature is an endowment(捐赠(的财物)) of Heaven. Another view considers that heaven is nature, that man is part of nature and that heaven and man are integrated.



“The Three Gorges on the Yangtze River”____ the Jutang, the

Wu and the Xiling ____ all together 193 kilometres, is one of the longest in the world. In the west, is the Jutang Gorge, at the mouth of which precipices(悬崖,峭壁) on both sides resemble two big doors. In the middle lies the Wu Gorge, where cliffs are tall and precipitous and the sights extraordinary. Of the twelve peaks, the Peak of Shengnu is tallest, most graceful and enchanting(令人着迷的,令人陶醉的). The Xiling Gorge, in the east, is noted for its swift water rushing over a course made tortuous by many reefs(礁) and sandbars (沙滩).



"Kunqu opera" is one of the traditional Chinese operas and its music is known as Kunqu. It originated from early folk operas popular in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. Later on, opera musicians and actors jointly created new melodies(曲调,旋律), which then spread far and wide. People called them "melodies of Kunshan opera" or Kunshan opera. The melodies for Kunshan opera are very beautiful. Dance also plays an important role in these performances. Kunqu opera developed its own distinctive modes of performance.

Among time-honored(历史悠久的) Chinese national operas, it has exerted great influence on other operas.


围棋(the game of go)起源于中国,是世界上最古老的棋类。围棋是一种智力型运动,学围棋既可锻炼提高人们的逻辑思维能力,又能陶冶情操,培养人们顽强、冷静、沉着的性格。因此,它越来越受到现代年轻人的欢迎。现在,世界上已有40多个国家和地区开展了围棋运动。其中,以中国、日本、韩国的围棋运动水平最高。围棋已发展成为一种重要的国际体育竞赛项目。

The game of go, originated in China, is the earliest form of chess in the world. Playing go exercises the brain and enhances one's sense of logic. At the same time, it can also cultivate temperament, and build up character of perseverance and calmness. Therefore, go has become more and more popular with modern young people. Today, it has spread to more than 40 countries and regions. Players from China, Japan and the Republic of Korea are of the highest skill in the world. Go has been developed into a very important international contest.







The Earthworm

The earthworm is a useful animal. On the ground it is food for other animals. Under the ground, it makes rich soil for fields and gardens.

Earthworms dig tunnels that loosen the soil and make it for air and water to reach the roots of plants. These tunnels help keep the soil well drained.

Earthworms drag withered(枯萎的)leaves, grass and flowers into their burrows(地洞,藏身处). When this plant litter decays it makes the soil more fertile.

No other animal is so useful in building up good topsoil. It is estimated that in one year fifty thousand earthworms carry about eighteen tons of fine soil to the surface of an acre of land.


中国是个礼仪(amenity)之邦, 凡事注重规矩。就拿喝酒来说,

也有很多有意思的事儿。比如在宴席上,如果想表示对长辈或者上级的尊重,晚辈就会主动举杯敬酒(toast), 在喝掉酒之前,两个人会碰一下酒杯表示亲近,碰杯的时候,晚辈举杯不能比长辈高,这表示尊重。主动敬酒的人会把一杯酒全部喝完,以此表示自己的诚意。中国人喝酒一般比较热闹,大家说说笑笑,气氛融洽。

China is a country of amenity, attaching the importance to rules in everything. Taking drinking for an example, there are so many interesting things. For example, at a banquet, if someone wants to express his \ her respect to their elders or superiors, he \ she will toast. Before drinking the wine, they will touch their cups to show their affection. When they begin to drink, the younger's cup will be lower than the superior's to show his \ her respect. The person who toasts on his \ her own will empty one cup of wine at one go to show his \ her sincerities. It's a jolly time when the Chinese drink wine. On this occasion, everyone will be in a friendly mood.



The courtyard is a unique traditional civilian residence in the hutongs. It is also called "Siheyuan". Due to its special layout, it is compared to a box with a garden in the centre. There is only one gate leading to a hutong, so when the gate is closed the courtyard loses touch with the outside world. Therefore family members can fully enjoy tranquility and share the happiness of a peaceful family union. The construction mode for residential houses is in keeping with China's ancient family tradition and its development.



In the Greater Hinggan Mountains, trees grow on every mountain, and clouds arise from every forest. At dawn on a clear day or right after a rain, a sea of clouds will rise and drift over the woods, ethereal (轻飘的,飘渺的)as a silk veil or clustered(群集,丛生)like piles of cotton. They disperse as abruptly as they emerge, vanishing out of sight in an instant and leaving no trace behind.


