










数据· statistic;··

百分比· percentage;··

比例· proportion·





















A 与

B 成比例A·be·in·proportion·to·B····· ········


多达· as·many·as·




(1)·· ······常见热点词汇:·



3.·保险业:· the·insurance·industry··

4.·保证重点指出:· ensure·funding·for·priority·areas··

5.·补发拖欠的养老金:· clear·up·pension·payments·in·arrears··

6.·不良贷款:· non-perFORMing·loan··

7.·层层转包和违法分包:· mutlti-level·contracting·and·illegal·subcontracting··

8.·城乡信用社:· credit·cooperative· in·both·urban·and·rural·areas··

9.·城镇居民最低生活保障:· a·minimum·standard·of·living·for·city·residents··

10.·城镇职工医疗保障制度:· the·system·of·medical·insurance·for·urban·workers··

11.·出口信贷:· export·credit··

12.·贷款质量:· loan·quality··

13.·贷款质量五级分类办法:· the·five-category·assets·classification·for·bank·loans··

14.·防范和化解金融风险:· take·precautions·against·and·reduce·financial·risks··

15.·防洪工程:· flood-prevention·project··

16.·非法外汇交易·:· illegal·foreign·exchange·transaction··

17.·非贸易收汇:· foreign·exchange·earnings·through·nontrade·channels··

18.·非银行金融机构:· non-bank·financial·institutions··

19.·费改税:· transFORM·administrative·fees·into·taxes··

20.·跟踪审计:· foolow-up·auditing··

21.·工程监理制度:· the·monitoring·system·for·projects··

22.·国有资产安全:· the·safety·of·state-owned·assets··

23.·过度开垦·:· excess·reclamation··

24.·合同管理制度:· the·contract·system·for·governing·projects··

25.·积极的财政政策·:· pro-active·fiscal·policy··

26.·基本生活费:· basic·allowance··

27.·解除劳动关系:· sever·labor·relation··

28.·金融监管责任制:· the·responsibility·system·for·financial·supervision··

29.·经济安全:· economic·security··

30.·靠扩大财政赤字搞建设:· to·increase·the·deficit·to·spend·more·on·development··

31.·扩大国内需求·:· the·expansion·of·domestic·demand··

32.·拉动经济增长:· fuel·economic·growth··

33.·粮食仓库:· grain·depot··

34.·粮食收购企业:· grain·collection·and·storage·enterprise··

35.·粮食收购资金实行封闭运行:· closed·operation·of·grain·purchase·funds··

36.·粮食销售市场:· grain·sales·market··

37.·劣质工程:· shoddy·engineering··

38.·乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款:· arbitrary·charges,·fund-raising,·quotas·and·fines··

39.·骗汇、逃汇、套汇:· obtain·foreign·currency·under·false·pretenses,·not·turn·over·foreign·owed·to·the·government·and·illegal·arbitrage··

40.·融资渠道:· financing·channels··

41.·商业信贷原则:· the·principles·for·commercial·credit··

42.·社会保险机构:· social·security·institution··

43.·失业保险金:· unemployment·insurance·benefits··

44.·偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税:· tax·evasion,·tax·fraud·and·refusal·to·pay·taxes··

45.·外汇收支:· foreign·exchange·revenue·and·spending··

46.·安居工程:· housing·project·for·low-income·urban·residents··

47.·信息化:· inFORMation-based;·inFORMationization··

48.·智力密集型:· concentration·of·brain·power;·knowledge-intensive··

49.·外资企业:· overseas-funded·enterprises··

50.·下岗职工:· laid-off·workers··

51.·分流:· reposition·of·redundant·personnel··

52.·素质教育:· education·for·all-round·development··

53.·豆腐渣工程:· jerry-built·projects··

54.·社会治安情况:· law-and-order·situation··

55.·民族国家:· nation·state··

56.·“台独”:· "independence·of·Taiwan"··

57.·台湾当局:· Taiwan·authorities··

58.·台湾同胞·:· Taiwan·compatriots··


60.·西部大开发·:· Development·of·the·West·Regions··

61.·可持续性发展:· sustainable·development··

62.·风险投资·:· risk·investment··

63.·通货紧缩·:· deflation··

64.·扩大内需·:· to·expand·domestic·demand··

65.·计算机辅助教学:· computer-assisted·instruction·(·CAI·)··

66.·网络空间:· cyberspace··

67.·虚拟现实:· virtual·reality··

68.·网民·:· netizen·(·net·citizen·)··

69.·电脑犯罪·:· computer·crime··

70.·电子商务:· the·e-business··

71.·网上购物·:· shopping·online··

72.·应试教育:· exam-oriented·education··

73.·学生减负·:· to·reduce·study·load··















87.·“傻瓜相机”:Instamatic(商标名,·焦距、镜头均固定,被称为foolproof 相机);··





92.·“市政府要办的X 件实事”:x·major·projects·that·should·be·given·top·priority·as·designated·on·the·municipal·government’s·working·agenda;··


94.·“投资热点”:a· region· attractive· to· investors,a· muchsought· piece· of· hand,· popular·investment·spot··


96.·“三角债”:chain·debts 或debt·chains··








105.·“暴利”:excessive/extravagant/exorbitant/sudden·huge·profit·(windfall·profit 也好)··


107.·“快餐”:snack(food),quick·meal,fast(food,meal),takeaway,carryout,· MRE(meals·ready·to·eat)·“一次(性/用)”··






113.·一次付清:· pay·in·full;··




117.·一次偿还信贷:· non-in-stallment;··


























143.·人类第一张基因草图的意义:The·Significance· of· the·First·Working·Draft· of·Human·Genome·Map··





148.·中国的人才流失:The· Talent·Flight·in·China··



151.·课堂是以教师为中心还是以学生为中心?:A· Teacher-centered· Class· or· A· Student-centered·Class?··

152.·现有的考试制度的利与弊:The· Positive· and· Negative· Aspects· of· Exams· and· the· Existing·Examination·System··



155.·中国的大学英语教学:College·English·Teaching· in·China··












169.·人们为什么热衷于摸彩票?:Why·Do·People·Like·to·Try· Their·Luck·on·Lottery?··












(2)·· ······分类热点词汇:·


自学成才· to·become·educated·through·independent·study··

启发式· elicitation·method·(of·teaching);·heuristic·method··

填鸭式教学法· cramming/forced-feeding·method·of·teaching··

普及教育· universal·education··

义务教育· compulsory·education;·free·education··

学前教育· preschool·education··

初等教育· elementary·education··

中等教育· secondary·education··

高等教育· higher/tertiary·education··

普遍教育· general·education··

成人教育· adult·education··

职业技术教育· vocational·and·technical·education··

国家教育委员会· State·Education·Commission··

高等学校· institution·of·higher·education··

综合性大学· comprehensive·university··

文科大学· university·of·libera l·arts··

文科院校· colleges·of·art··

理工科大学· college/university·of·science·and·engineering··

师范大学· normal·university;·teachers'·university··

师范学院· teachers'·college··

工业大学· polytechnical·university··

工业学院· engineering· institute··

农业大学· agricultural·university··

农学院· agricultural·college··

医科大学· medical·university··

医学院· medical·college/school··

中医院· institute·of·traditional·Chinese·medicine··

音乐学院· conservatory·of·music··

美术学院· academy·of·fine·arts··

体育学院· physical·culture·institute··

分校· branch·school··

重点学校· key·school··

业余学校· spare-time·school··

业余职工大学· spare-time·college·for·staff·and·workers··

电视广播大学· television·and·radio·broadcasting·university··

函授学院· correspondence·school··

教师进修学校· teachers'·college·for·vocational·studies··

成人夜校· night·school·for·adults··

业余艺术/体育学校· amateur·arts/athletic·school··

半工半读学校· part-work·and·part-study·school··

中等专业学校· secondary·specialized·school;·polytechnic·school··

中等技术学校· secondary·technical·school;·technical·secondary·school··

职业学校· vocational·school··

附中· attached·middle·school··

在职进修班· in-service·training·course··

进修班· class·for·advanced·studies··

短训班· short-term·training·course··

专修科· special·(training)·course··

自学考试· self-taught·examination··

教职员· teaching·and·administrative·staff··

教学人员· the·faculty;·teaching·staff··


大专院校校长· president;·chancellor··

教务长· dean·of·studies··

(系)主任· chairman;·chairperson··

副主任· vice-chairman··

教授· professor··

副教授· associate·professor··

客座教授· visiting·professor;·guest·professor··

讲师· lecturer··

助教· assistant··

专职教师· full-time·teacher··

兼职教师· part-time·teacher··

辅导员· assistant·for·political·and·ideological·work··

教研室/组· teaching·and·research·section/group··

教学组· teaching·group··

教员休息室· staff·room;·common·room··

母校· Alma·Mater··

校友· alumnus;·alumna··

学生会· students'·union/association··

高年级学生· upper/higher·grade·pupil/student;·pupil/student·in·senior·grades··低年级学生· lower·grade·pupil/student;·pupil/student·in·junior·grades··

走读生· day·student;·non-resident·student··

住宿生· boarder··

旁听生· auditor··

研究生· graduate·student;·post-graduate·(student)··

应届毕业生· graduating·student/pupil;·this·year's·graduates··

听课· to·visit·a·class;·to·sit·in·on·a·class;p·to·attend·a·lecture··

公开课· open·class··

课程· course;·curriculum··

必修课· required/compulsory·course··

选修课· elective/optional·course··

基础课· basic·course··

专业课· specialized·course··

课程表· school·timetable··

课外活动· extracurricular·activities··

课外辅导· instruction·after·class··

课外阅读· outside·reading··

课堂讨论· class·discussion··

(大学的)研究小组;讨论会· seminar··

教学大纲· teaching·program;·syllabus··

教学内容· content·of·courses··

学习年限· period·of·schooling··

学历· record·of·formal·schooling··

学年· school/academic·year··

学期· (school)term;·semester··

学分· credit··

分数· mark;·grade··

五分制· the·5-grade·marking·system··

百分制· 100-mark·system··

学习成绩· academic·record;·school·record··

成绩单· school·report;·report·card;·transcript··

毕业论文· thesis;·dissertation··

毕业实习· graduation·field·work··

毕业设计· graduation·ceremony··

毕业典礼· graduation·ceremony;·commencement··

毕业证书· diploma;·graduation·certificate··

毕业鉴定· graduation·appraisal··

授予某人学位· to·confer·a·degree·on·sb.··

升级· to·be·promoted·to·a·higher·grade··

留级· to·repeat·the·year's·work;·to·stay·down··

补考· make-up·examination··

升学t·o·go·to·a·school·of·a·higher·grade;·to·enter·a·higher·school··升学率· proportion·of·students·entering·schools·of·a·higher·grade··奖学金· scholarship··

(国家)助学金· (state)stipend/subsidy··

领取助学金的学生· a·grant-aided·student··

学费· tuition·(fee)··

伙食费· board·expenses··

伙食补助· food·allowance·

文凭· diplomas·and·certificates·

考研热· the·craze·for·graduate·school·study·

应试教育· the·examination-oriented·education·

义务教育· compulsory·education·

复合型人才· interdisciplinary·talents·

文化底蕴· the·rich·cultural·deposits·

大学生创业· the·university·students’·innovative·undertakings·

扩招· expand·enrollment·

被授予学位· be·granted·a·an·official·certificate·from·

高分低能· good·scores·but·low·qualities·

片面追求升学率· place·undue·emphasis·on·the·proportion·of·students·entering·schools·of·a·higher·level·

退学· drop·out·of·the·school·

形成淘汰制度· frame·an·elimination·system·

教书育人· impart·knowledge·and·educate·people·

因材施教· teach·students·according·to·their·aptitude·

德才兼备· possess·political·integrity·and·professional·ability·

品学兼优· be·a·students·of·fine·qualities·and·fine·scholar·

提高学生身心素质· improve·the·health·and·psychological·quality·

适应社会的改变· adjust·to·the·social·changes·quickly·

满足社会的急需· meet·the·urgent·need·of·the·society·

保护知识产权· protect·the·intellectual·property·

才疏学浅· be·wanting·in·ability·and·shallow·in·knowledge·

努力获得精神文明· make·efforts·to·seek·cultural·and·ideological·progress·

减轻负担· reduce·the·heavy·burdens·

更加有意义和丰富的生活· a·more·vigorous,·colorful·and·dynamic·life·


崇高职业· noble·career·

白领工作· white-collar·workers·

跳槽· job-hopping·

试用期· probationary·period·

人才流动和双向选择· talent·flow·and·a·dual-way·selection·

自由职业· freelance·work·

拜金主义· money·worship·

获得名利· achieve·fame·and·wealth·

充分发挥个人的潜力· develop·fully·one’s·potential·and·creativity·

实干精神· steadfast·and·earnest·in·one’s·work·

工作出色· excel·in·one’s·work·

无忧无虑· be·care-free·

社会和个人的尊重· social·and·personal·esteem·

生计问题· a·bread·and·butter·issue·

生活补助· living·subsidies·

人才交流· talents·exchange·

培养人才· cultivate·talents·

推荐人才· recommend·the·virtuous·and·able·

人才外流· brain·drain·

优化产业结构· optimize·the·structure·

精简人员· cut·off·the·overstaffed·offices·

提高综合素质· improve·the·comprehensive·quality·

解决劳动就业问题· tackle·the·problem·of·labor·force·utilization·

砸掉大锅饭· shatter·the·convention·of·iron·bowl·

坚持改革· be·persistent·in·the·reform·progress·

造成失业问题· bring·about·the·unemployment·problem·

下岗人员· the·laid-off·workers·

自谋生路· be·self-employed·

给出优惠政策· give·preferential·treatment·

享受失业救济金· enjoy·unemployment·pension·

需要安全感和生活保障· need·a·sense·of·security·and·guarantee·of·life·劳动力短缺· shortage·of·manpower·

提高文化,智慧,品质修养· enhance·their·cultural·and·moral·quality·3.······涉及环保的词汇·


污染物· Pollutants··

农业废物· Agricultural·wastes··

商业噪音· Commercial·noise··

混合污染· Composite·pollution··

作物废物· Crop·waste··

火、火灾· Fire··

危险物质· Hazardous·substances··

危险废物· Hazardous·wastes··

重金属· Heavy·metals··

医院废物· Hospital·wastes··

工业废水· Industrial·effluents··

工业排放物· Industrial·emissions··

工业烟尘· Industrial·fumes··

工业噪声· Industrial·noise··

无机污染物· Inorganic·pollutants··

铅污染· Lead·contamination··

液体废物· Liquid·wastes··

丢弃物,废气物· Litter··

汞污染· Mercury·contamination··

微污染物· Micropollutants··

采矿废物· Mining·wastes··

机动车辆排放物· Motor·vehicle·emissions··

城市废物· Municipal·waste··

氮氧化物· Nitrogen·oxides··

噪声污染· Noise·pollution··

恶臭公害· Odour·nuisance··

有机物污染· Organic·pollutants··

难降解有机污染物· Persistent·organic·pollutants··有机溶剂· Organic·solvents··

有机卤化物· Organohalogen·compounds··

医药废物· Pharmaceutical·wastes··

塑料废物· Plastic·wastes··

放射性物质· Radioactive·substances··

氡· Radon··

橡胶废物· Rubber·waste··

污水· Sewage··

固体废物· Solid·wastes··

热污染· Thermal·pollution··

有毒物质· Toxic·substances··

有毒废物· Toxic·waste··

痕量元素· Trace·elements··

痕量物质· Trace·materials··

交通噪音· Traffic·noise··

废物,垃圾· Trash··

废热· Waste·heat··

木材废料· Wood·waste··

污染源· Pollution·sources··

生物武器· Biological·weapons··

水泥工业· Cement·industry··

化学武器· Chemical·weapons··

烟囱· Chimneys··

冷却水· Cooling·waters··

机动车辆· Motor·vehicles··

摩托车· Motorcycles··

核武器· Nuclear·weapons··

海洋倾倒· Ocean·dumping··

石油泄漏· Oil·spills··

废金属· Scrap·metals··

挖掘堆积· Excavation·heaps··

污染治理· Pollution·abatement··

隔音· Acoustic·insulation··

化学污染清除· Chemical·decontamination··

燃料脱硫· Desulphurization·of·fuels··

过滤器· Filters··

噪音治理· Noise·abatement··

污染治理设备· Pollution·abatement·equipment··污染控制技术· Pollution·control·technology··

辐射防护· Radiation·protection··

洗涤器· Scrubbers··

分离器· Separators··

防烟· Smoke·prevention··

废物最少化· Waste·minimization··

废物· Wastes··

电池处理· Battery·disposal··

废物的化学处理· Chemical·treatment·of·waste··

处置场所· Disposal·sites··

废物焚烧· Incineration·of·waste··

矿山回填· Mine·filling··

残油回收· Oil·residue·recuperation··

放射性废物管理· Radioactive·waste·management··

回收的材料· Recycled·materials··

回收· Recycling··

材料再利用· Reuse·of·materials··

污水处置· Sewage·disposal··

废物处置· Waste·disposal··

废物回收· Waste·recovery··

废物利用· Waste·use··

核安全· Nuclear·safety··

污染物的影响· Pollutant·effects··

污染风险· Pollution·risk··

与环境有关的疾病· Environmentally·related·diseases··工作环境· Working·environment··

人机工程学· Ergonomics··

职业健康· Occupational·health··

职业安全· Occupational·safety··

营养与保健· Nutrition·and·health·care··

过敏素· Allergens··

基本食物要求· Basic·food·requirements··

食品· Food··

食品添加剂· Food·additives··

食用色素· Food·colourants··

食品污染· Food·contamination··

保健· Health·care··

卫生设施· Health·facilities··

高蛋白食品· High·protein·foods··

医院· Hospitals··

营养不良· Malnutrition··

医疗· Medical·treatment··

药用植物· Medicinal·plants··

营养· Nutrition··

食品的营养价值· Nutritive·value·of·food··

毒物· Poisons··

吸烟· Smoking··

主食· Staple·foods··

传统保健· Traditional·health·care··


灾难现象· Catastrophic·phenomena··

生物体的意外释放· Accidental·release·of·organisms··雪崩· Avalanches··

旋风· Cyclones··

地震· Earthquakes··

环境事故· Environmental·accidents··

流行病· Epidemics··

洪水· Floods··

飓风· Hurricanes··

山崩· Landslides··

人为灾难· Human-made·disasters··

核事故· Nuclear·accidents··

放射性污染· Radioactive·contamination··

释放· Release··

地震海浪· Seismic·sea·waves··

泄漏· Spillage··

暴风雨· Storms··

台风· Typhoons··

应急减灾措施· Emergency·relief·measures··

灾难清理作业· Disaster·clean-up·operations··

防灾准备· Disaster·preparedness··

防灾· Disaster·prevention··

灾难救援· Disaster·relief··

流离失所人员· Displaced·persons··

紧急救援· Emergency·relief··

应急避难所· Emergency·shelter··

环境应急计划· Environmental·contingency·planning··防洪· Flood·control··

放射性污染清除· Radioactive·decontamination··

临时住房· Temporary·housing··

临时避难所· Temporary·shelter··

生境破坏· Habitat·destruction··

陆地活动· Land-based·activities··

自然改变· Physical·alterations·



人口学家· demographer··

人口理论· population·theory··

人口过剩· overpopulation··


人口增殖· population·reproduction··

人口增长· population·increase··



人口分布· population·distribution··


人口质量· population·quality··


人口统计· population·statistics··

婚姻状况· marital·status··

已婚· ever-married··


生育能力· fecundity··

出生率· birth·rate,·natality·rate··

出生人数· births··


死亡· mortality··

死亡率· mortality·rate··

总死亡率· general·mortality·rate··

婴儿死亡率· infant·mortality·rate··

分性别年龄死亡率· *-age-specific·death·rate··分原因死亡率· c·ause-specific·death·rate··

平均死亡年龄· mean·age·at·death··

平均寿命· average·length·of·life··

人口自然增长· natural·growth··

人口负增长NPG·(negative·population·growth)··人口零点增长ZPG·(zero·population·growth)··年增长率· a·nnual·growth·rate··

平均年增长率averag·e·annual·rate·of·growth··生命指数· vital· index··

生命统计· vital·statistics··

年龄性别组成· age-*·composition··

年龄结构· age·structure··

年龄组· age·group··

同年龄组的人· cohorts··

平均预期寿命· expectation·of·life··



性比率· *·ratio··

人口普查· population·census··

迁居· migration··

迁出,·移居国外· emigration··

迁入,·移居某国· immigration··


国内迁移· internal·migration··



崇高职业· noble·career·

白领工作· white-collar·workers·

跳槽· job-hopping·

试用期· probationary·period·

人才流动和双向选择· talent·flow·and·a·dual-way·selection·

自由职业· freelance·work·

拜金主义· money·worship·

获得名利· achieve·fame·and·wealth·

充分发挥个人的潜力· develop·fully·one’s·potential·and·creativity·

实干精神· steadfast·and·earnest·in·one’s·work·

工作出色· excel·in·one’s·work·

无忧无虑· be·care-free·

社会和个人的尊重· social·and·personal·esteem·

生计问题· a·bread·and·butter·issue·

生活补助· living·subsidies·

人才交流· talents·exchange·

培养人才· cultivate·talents·

推荐人才· recommend·the·virtuous·and·able·

人才外流· brain·drain·

优化产业结构· optimize·the·structure·

精简人员· cut·off·the·overstaffed·offices·

提高综合素质· improve·the·comprehensive·quality·

解决劳动就业问题· tackle·the·problem·of·labor·force·utilization·

坚持改革· be·persistent·in·the·reform·progress·

造成失业问题· bring·about·the·unemployment·problem·

下岗人员· the·laid-off·workers·

自谋生路· be·self-employed·

给出优惠政策· give·preferential·treatment·

享受失业救济金· enjoy·unemployment·pension·

需要安全感和生活保障· need·a·sense·of·security·and·guarantee·of·life·劳动力短缺· shortage·of·manpower·

提高文化,智慧,品质修养· enhance·their·cultural·and·moral·quality·6.···涉及医药健康的词汇:·

杀虫剂· pesticide·

卫生环境· sanitary·environment·

营养不良· malnourished·

传染病· infectious·disease·

呼吸疾病· respiratory·disease·

建设卫生城市· hygienic·city·


、accident n. 意外事件, 事故 2、achievement n. 成就, 功绩 3、activity n. 活跃, 活动性, 行动, 行为 4、adopt vt. 采用, 收养 5、advantage n. 优势, 有利条件, 利益 6、Afford vt. [常与can, could, be able to 连用]担负得起费用(损失、后果等), 花费得起, 经受得住; 抽得出(时间) 7、ambition n. 野心, 雄心 8、approach n. 接近, 逼近, 走进, 方法, 步骤, 途径, 通路vt. 接近,动手处理vi. 靠近 9、attract vt. 吸引vi. 有吸引力, 引起注意 10、bribe [braib] n. 贿赂vt. 贿赂, 向...行贿 11、chance n. 机会, 可能性, 偶然性, 运气 12、cheat n. 欺骗, 骗子v. 欺骗, 骗取 13、client n. [计]顾客, 客户, 委托人 14、Communication n. 传达, 信息, 交通, 通讯 15、compare v. 比较, 相比, 比喻n.比较 16、compete vi. 比赛, 竞争 17、Concentrate v. 集中, 浓缩 18、Consequently adv. 从而, 因此 19、contribution n. 捐献, 贡献, 投稿 20、Convenient adj. 便利的, 方便的 21、decline vi. 下倾, 下降, 下垂v. 拒绝, 衰落 22、decrease n. 减少, 减少之量v. 减少 23、demand n. 要求, 需求(量), 需要v.要求, 需要, 要求知道, 查询 24、Depict vt. 描述, 描写 25、Duality n. 二元性 26、Economy n. 经济, 节约, 节约措施, 经济实惠, 系统, 机体, 经济制度的状况 27、education n. 教育, 训导, 训练, 培养, 教育学 28、effect n. 结果, 效果, 作用, 影响, (在视听方面给人流下的)印象 29、Efficiency n. 效率, 功效 30、Emphasis n. 强调, 重点 31、enjoy vt. 享受...的乐趣, 欣赏, 喜爱 32、Enrich vt. 使富足, 使肥沃, 装饰, 加料于, 浓缩 33、ensure vt保证, 担保, 使安全, 保证得到v. 确保, 确保, 保证 34、Entertain vt. 娱乐, 招待, 接受, 怀抱vi. 款待 35、Environment n. 环境, 外界 36、Expense n. 费用, 代价, 损失, 开支, 费钱之物 37、fee [fi:] n. 费(会费、学费等), 酬金 38、figure n. 外形, 轮廓, 体形, 图形, 画像, 数字, 形状, 身份 39、finance n. 财政, 金融, 财政学vt. 供给...经费, 负担经费vi.筹措资金 40、fulfill vt. 履行, 实现, 完成(计划等) 41、GDP abbr. 国内生产总值(gross domestic product)


一、提高词汇的使用能力 1-5 五个段落略去,见教材 6. Shocking, thought-provoking, vivid, humorous, interesting, ironic, impressive 7. As is shown in the table above, …. As is depicted in the picture above, two disabled are running fast towards their destination. 8. What the painter intends to convey to us, I think, is that people’s awareness of environmental protection should be aroused. Whether you can achieve success or not largely depends on your attitude towards life. 9. There are two reasons accounting for the greenhouse effect. There are two main reasons accounting for the increase in the number of the students applying for master’s degree this year. There are two reasons leading to the sharp decline in the number of the wildlife. 10. The picture implies that d ue attention should be paid to…. The implied meaning of…. The implication of the picture above is obvious:…… 11. This drawing reflects a moral question: who are supposed to take the responsibility of attending to the aged parents? This drawing mirrors a ______ question: __________________________. 12. Nowadays fresh water shortage is becoming more and more serious than ever before, especially in those densely populated areas. The children in the rural areas are badly in need of our help because the strong support from us will help them get out of the current difficulty. The mutual understanding is badly needed in the modern society. 13. There is a general debate on whether we should continue to hold gala or not. 14. Preserving the environment is of far-reaching significance to the existence of our human beings. Developing good habits is of great value to our growth in many aspects. 15. It is self-evident that cultivating children’s independence is beneficial to their further development. 16. To maintain the sustainable development of the ecological system, we should try every means to arouse people’s awareness of environment protection. 17. We should pay great attention to the cultivation of students’ ability to handle the difficult probl ems independently because it is …..to…. 18. We consider it our duty to protect the environment around us because it is closely related to the existence of our human beings. We consider it important to have a good command of English. 非谓语动词(不定式,分词,动名词) 同位语 B, a famous British football player, is admired by a majority of young people.


◆工作就业类 job-oriented training 职业培训 professional training 岗位培训 reemployment project 再就业工程 noble career 崇高职业 white-collar workers 白领工人 job-hopping 跳槽 probationary period 试用期 trial period 试用期 talent flow and dual-way selection 人才流动和双向选择freelance profession 自由职业 money worship 拜金主义 achieve fame and wealth 获得名利 bring one’s potentialities into full play充分发挥个人的潜力spirit of doing solid work 实干精神 excel in one’s work 工作出色 social and personal esteem社会和个人的尊重 a bread and butter issue 生计问题 living subsidy 生活补助 talent exchange 人才交流

cultivate talents 培养人才 brain drain 人才外流 optimize industrial structure 优化产业结构 cut off the overstaffed offices 精简人员 improve the comprehensive quality提高综合素质 tackle the problem of labor force employment解决劳动就业问题disadvantaged groups弱势群体 Special employment assistance should be given to members of disadvantaged groups.对弱势群体给予特殊的就业援助。 transmission of electricity from the western to the eastern region西电东送 urban social security system城镇社会保障体系 subsistence allowances for laid-off workers下岗职工基本生活费 basic pensions for retirees离退休人员基本养老金 industries and enterprises in dire straits特困行业和企业 pilot project试点项目 health care reform医疗改革 surplus rural workers农村剩余劳动力 annual state budget年度国家预算 expand domestic demand and consumption扩大内需,刺激消费 bread-and-butter issue生计问题 township enterprises乡镇企业 break the iron rice bowl;abolish the system of lifetime employment打破铁饭碗


考研英语词汇练习题及答案(一) 1. This rock has to be _______ in order to build a road. A. blasted B.explored C.hired D.maintained 2. He did not go to the party last night, which _______ her feelings deeply. A. wounded B.injured C.hurt D.injury 3.When they returned to the river, they found that the boat had _______ away. A.framed B.frosted C.frowned D.floated 4.If you need further information, please _______ our office. A.constant B.construct C.contact D.contain 5.During the war, many soldiers were killed not by _______, but by disease. A.bulledts B.devil C.bible D.depth 6.We watched the ship until it became only a _______ in the distance. A. point B.jar C.stove D.dot 7.The English proverb ‘_______ the rod and spoil the child’means that if you deep from punishing the child, you will spoil its character. A. rule B.rug C.clap D.spare 8.The _______ was only sentenced to pay a fine of $10,000. A. worm B.trial C.tube D.criminal 9.Higher education in China is free but the _______ for entrance is strong. A. comparison B.consequence https://www.360docs.net/doc/ee14572008.html,petition D.crawl 10.The light is too _______ for me to read. I can not stand any more. A. rid B.ripe C.soup D.dim 11.The water _______ from the tap and damaged all the books in my study. A. sprayed B.puzzled C.inclined D.exported 12.In the United States, Congress makes the laws and the President _______ them. A. orders B.conquers C.executes D.hedges 13.She is too _______ to answer questions in the class. A. eagle B.cough C.eager D.couch 14.We enjoy seeing the glorious _______ of the rising sun. A. beams B.beans C.beef D.beer 15.In the _______ English reading course, the students have to read a lot. A. extensive B.mechanical C.mercury D.opera 16.He gave up his study in college in _______. A. bundle B.butcher C.ash D.despair 17.Several people _______ the car accident. A. witnessed B.proved C.swallowed D.drugged 18.They will _______ the project with the necessary funds. A. refer B.relate C.furnace D.furnish 19.I took it for _______ that you wouldn’t come here again. A. grand B.tame C.granted D.thumb 20.He was sent to London on a special _______. A. missing B.missile C.mission D.mistress


2018考研英语作文图表描述常用词汇 的更新! 2018考研英语作文图表描述常用词汇 基本要素 类型: table, chart, diagram/graph, column chart, pie graph 描述: show, describe, illustrate, reveal, represent, can be seen from, clear, apparent 内容: figure, statistic, number, percentage, proportion 表示数据变化的单词或者词组–动词 (1) 起伏、波动 rise and fall, fluctuate, wave, undulate, rebound, recover (2) 高、低点值 peak, reach a (high) peak/point,reach the bottom, reach a low point (3) 增加、上升、提高 increase, grow, rise, climb, expand, ascend, skyrocket, soar

(4) 减少、下降 decrease, decline, fall, drop, descend, diminish, slide, shrink, collapse 形容词或副词 (1)变化巨大 迅速的,飞快的,rapid/rapidly 戏剧性的,生动的dramatic/dramatically 有意义的,重大的significant/significantly 锐利的,明显的sharp/sharply 急剧升降的steep/steeply (2)变化平缓 稳固的,坚定不移的steady/steadily 渐进的,逐渐的gradual/gradually 缓慢的,不活跃的slow/slowly 轻微的、略微地slight/slightly 稳定的stable/stably


主题:考研英语写作35个经典句型 收藏本贴 | 好友分享 | 推广拿分 点击:3703 | 回复:20 | 标签: 一、~~~ the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen (known/heard/had/read, etc) ~~~ the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen (known/heard/had/read, etc) 例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。 Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. 张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。 二、Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V 例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。 三、~~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too much.(再怎么强调...的重要性也不为过。) 例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。 四、There is no denying that + S + V ...(不可否认的...) 例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse. 不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。 五、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道...) 例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us. 全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。


考研英语作文词汇:work 【work】 词义:起作用[动词] 说明:会说work一词没什么了不起,但是擅长用work一词会让你英语原味大增!我可不想讨论它是不是可数名词,在这里只讨论它做动词的情况。The medicine didn't work!是什么意思呢?原来是“那药不起作用/不顶事” 的意思。其实work本意是一个人的工作,就是你应该干的活。电视是播放 节目的,能履行自己职责就是work了,不能播放了,或没声音了,就是没 把“work”干好;同样,走时间与在指定时间叫醒你是闹钟的工作;打印是打印 机的工作。。。总之,可以是一个想法,一个计划,一个产品,一个用品,凡是起到该起的或预料中的作用就是it works,否则就是it doesn't work! 例1、我的闹钟坏了。 Chinglish:My alarm clock is bad. (人家以为你买的是伪劣产品,能用但是质量差) Revision: My alarm clock doesn't work. (不走了,或不闹时了,或两者都不行了) 例2、我的计划顶事了。 Chinglish: My plan served for the purpose.(快说对了,可惜没说对, for是多余的。) Revision: My plan worked! (多精练!) 例3、电视已经不太好了。(如声音时断时续) Chinglish: The TV set is already not good now. (不知所云) Revision: The TV set doesn't work properly(or: well) now. (多地道!) I hope my explanation works! 使用频率:★★★★ 造句功能:★★★ 西方思维:★★★★


2021考研英语写作高频词汇汇总 (2021最新版) 作者:______ 编写日期:2021年__月__日 写作高分词——名词 1.对抗,争论:encounter, confrontation, argument, controversy 2.方法:way, approach, strategy, method 3.观点:idea, belief, view, opinion, viewpoint,

perspective affect, influence, have/exert influence/effect/impact on 4.会议:conference, discussion, assembly, conclave, congress, convention, gathering session, assignation 5.建议:suggest, recommend, propose, have a proposal in 6.决定:decide, choose, make up one’s mind, make a determination to do 7.缺点:disadvantage, shortcoming, weakness, inconvenience, drawback, deficiency, flaw, handicap, downside, limitation 8.人:people, human being, the folk, the public, individual, citizen, all children and adults, all men and women in all walks 9.任务:assignment, job, work, task 10.事情:thing, matter, affair, business


2009年考研英语高分必备经典句子(二十八) 1. But it's easy to kill creativity by giving rewards for poor performance or creating too much anticipation for rewards. 1、但是如果对绩效差的业绩也进行奖励或者让人们对奖励有太多的预期,是很容易抹杀创造性的。 2. The fridge's effect upon the environment has been evident, while its contribution to human happiness has been insignificant. 2、冰箱对环境的影响是显而易见的,而它对促进人们幸福的贡献却是微不足道的。 3. It may then take us a long time to render it intelligent by loading in the right software or by altering the architecture but that too will happen. 3、装载正确的软件来使它智能化可能要花费我们很长的时间,或者也可以改变它的结构,但同样的情况也会发生。 4. As the intelligence of robots increase to match that of humans and as their cost declines through economies of scale we may use them to expand our frontiers. 4、由于机器人的智能增长到了人脑的程度,加上通过规模经济降低了生产成本,我们可以使用它们来拓展前沿。 5. Further ahead, by a combination of the great wealth this new age will bring and the technology it will provide, the construction of a vast, man-created world in space, home to thousands or millions of people, will be within our power. 5、在将来,通过新一代人创造的财富和科技,建设一座可以容纳千百万人的人造大型太空站也是可以的。 6. Later, people tried to lift a building off its foundation, and insert rubber and steel between the building and its foundation to reduce the impact of ground vibrations. 6、后来,人们试着把建筑物从其基地上撑起来,在建筑物和地基间灌入橡胶和钢铁以减少地表震动的影响。 7. If they are not sincere and do not practise what they preach, their children


Ⅰ.前缀re- re-是最常用的前缀之一。它可以加在名词或动词前面,构成新的名词或动词。re-表示以下三方面的意义: 1.表示"回"或"向后"的意思。例如:return(回来,返回)recall(回忆,召回)retract(缩回,取回) 2.表示"再"、"重新"、"重复"的意思。例如:review(复习)reunion(团圆,重聚)restart (重新开始)reconstruction(重建) 3.表示"相反"、"反对"的意思。例如:r,ebel(反叛谋反)reverse(转反,颠倒)resist(反抗,抵抗) Ⅱ.前缀de-与dis- 前缀de-来自拉丁语,意为"away from",所以这个前缀的意义之一就是"离开"、"出"。它构成的词有一定规律性,常表"离开"这一深层概念,而且常与介词from等搭配,例如:dethrone (废黜) deport(驱逐出境)deduce(推断)derail(脱轨) Delete his name from the list of members.把他的名字从成员名单上除去。 The train will depart from platform 2.这列火车将从2号站台发车。 另外,前缀de-还表示"除去"、"取消"以及"否定"、"非"、"相反"的意思。例如:decamp(撤营)decode(解码)deforest(砍伐森林)decolonize(非殖民化)devaluation(贬值) He has been degraded from public office.他已经被解除公职。 He descended from his taxi.他下了出租车。 前缀dis-与前缀de-同源,也来自拉丁语,原义为apart"分开"。dis-具有"不"、"无"的意思,所以加在某些动词或名词前构成反义词。例如:dishonest(不诚实的)disappear(不见,消失) disorder(无秩序,混乱) dis-还表示"取消"、"除去"以及"分开"、"离"、"散"的意思。由这些意义构成的词常与from等搭配。例如: He discounted 15%from the price of a car.他把汽车价格打八五折。 Don't distracthis mind from his work.不要分散他工作的注意力。


考研常用英语写作词汇 1. accident n. 意外事件,事故 2. achievement n. 成就,功绩 3. activity n. 活跃,活动性,行动,行为 4. adopt vt. 采用,收养 5. advantage n. 优势,有利条件,利益 6. afford vt. [常与can,could,be able to连用]担负得起费用(损失,后果等),花费得起,经受得住;抽得出(时间) 7. ambition n. 野心,雄心 8. approach n. 接近,逼近,走进,方法,步骤,途径,通路 ①vt. 接近,动手处理②vi. 靠近 9. attract vt. 吸引 vi. 有吸引力,引起注意 10. bribe n. 贿赂 vt. 贿赂,向. . . 行贿 11. chance n. 机会,可能性,运气 12. cheat n. 欺骗,骗子 v. 欺骗,骗取 13. client n. [计]顾客,客户,委托人 14. communication n. 传达,信息,交通,通讯 15. compare v. 比较,相比,比喻 n. 比较 16. compete vi. 比赛,竞争 17. concentrate v. 集中,浓缩 18. consequently adv. 从而,所以

19. contribution n. 捐献,贡献,投稿 20. convenient adj. 便利的,方便的 21. decline vi. 下倾,下降,下垂 v. 拒绝,衰落 22. decrease n. 减少,减少之量 v. 减少 23. demand n. 要求,需求(量),需要 v. 要求,需要,要求知道,查询 24. depict vt. 描述,描写 25. duality n. 二元性


考研英语写作词汇整理 目前距离21考研还有170多天了,单词记得咋样了?考研单词分为阅读词汇跟写作词汇,阅读词汇在文章中看到能知道意思就好,写作词汇就要求我们要记住拼写,会运用,所以写作词汇除了记住之外,还需要自己默写,还会造句~这就需要我们平时在做阅读的时候收集好词好句,为后期写作文做准备,可能有的同学说我背模板,背模版是没错,如果在背模版的基础上加上自己的同学,改成适合自己的东西,那么你的作文肯定更能拿高分。 好了,说了这么多,就是希望你在复习的时候多积累一点写作词汇~ 下面是雷哥考研整理的一部分写作词汇。看看你认识多少个~ 1. previous [?pri?vi?s] adj. 先前的; 以往的; (时间上)稍前的 【写作例句】 There are no previous statistics for comparison. 没有先前的统计数据可供比较。 2. appreciate [??pri??ie?t] v. 欣赏; 赏识; 重视; 感激; 感谢; 欢迎; 理解; 意识到; 领会 【写作例句】 Your earliest reply will be highly appreciated. 如能早日回复,我们将不胜感激。 3. confidence [?kɑ?nf?d?ns] n. 信心; 信任; 信赖; 自信心; 秘密 【写作例句】 I have total confidence that things will change. 事情会有所改变的,我对此信心十足。 4. participate [pɑ?r?t?s?pe?t] v. 参加; 参与 【写作例句】 I would like to convey my gratitude to you for your kindness to receive me when I participated in the exchange program in USA. 我想感谢您在我参加美国交流项目时对我的热情接待。 5. region [?ri?d??n] n. (通常界限不明的)地区, 区域, 地方; 行政区; (一国除首都以外的)全部地区, 所有区域【写作例句】 This region is becoming increasingly important both strategically and economically. 这个地区的战略地位和经济地位变得越来越重要了。 6. facility [f?'s?l?ti] n. 设施; 设备; (机器等的)特别装置; (服务等的)特色; (供特定用途的)场所 【写作例句】 The hotel has special facilities for welcoming disabled people. 酒店有专门的设施来接待残疾人。


2017考研英语作文常用词汇 1、改革产业结构 reform the structure of industries 2、亏损企业 loss-making enterprises 3、搞活企业 enliven enterprises 4、加快现代化步伐 quicken the modernization drive 5、跨国公司 transnational corporation / multinational corporation 6、乡镇企业 township enterprises 7、国有企业 state-owned enterprises 8、合资企业 joint ventures 9、解放生产力 emancipate/ liberate productivity 10、振兴国家经济 invigorate our state economy 11、实行股份制 introduce the shareholding system 12、全面深化改革 deepen reform all round 13、提高经济效益 improve economic results 14、增进效益 increase economic returns 15、宏观经济调控 macro-economic control and management 16、经济实力 economic strength 17、经济转轨 economic transformation 18、经营机制 operative mechanism 19、整顿经济秩序 rectify economic order 20、引进竞争机制 introduce a competitive mechanism 21、建立技术密集型企业 set up technologically-intensive enterprises 22、招商引资 canvass business and introduce investment


2020考研英语有关经典句子考研词汇(一) 考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面由出guo 为你精心准备了“2020考研英语:有关经典句子考研词汇(一)”,持续关注将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯! 1、A scarce fierce bird can easily pierce a mercial boat with great force. 一只珍稀的猛禽能轻易地用力量穿透一只商船。 2、A mistake in staking can overtake you like an earthquake. 下注的一个错误能像地震一样压倒你。 3、Handsome men are wholesome, though tiresome. 英俊的男人有益健康,虽也令人疲倦。 4、The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia that some scholars even aused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data. 这些新近被描述的语言和得到充分研究的欧洲和东南亚地区的语言往往差别显著,以至于有些学者甚至指责Boas和Sapir编造了材料。 5、As a physician, I know the most costly and dramatic measures may be ineffective and painful.


考研英语图表类作文常用词汇及句型 2015-09-22屠屠英语 1、主章开头 图表类型:table、chart、diagram、graph、column chart、pie graph 描述:show、describe、illustrate、can be seen from、clear、apparent、reveal、represent 内容:figure、statistic、number、percentage、proportion 2、表示数据变化的单词或词组 rapid/rapidly 迅速的,飞快的,险峻的dramatic/dramatically 戏剧性的,生动的 significant/significantly 有意义的,重大的,重要的sharp/sharply 锐利的,明显的,急剧的steep/steeply 急剧升降的steady/steadily 稳固的,坚定不移的 gradual/gradually 渐进的,逐渐的 slow/slowly 缓慢的,不活跃的 slight/slightly 轻微的、略微地stable/stably 稳定的 3、图表中的数据(Data)具体表达法 数据(Data)在某一个时间段固定不变:fixed in time 在一系列的时间段中转变:changes over time 持续变化的data在不同情况下: 增加:increase / raise / rise / go up …… 减少:decrease / grow down / drop / fall …… 波动:fluctuate / rebound / undulate / wave …… 稳定:remain stable / stabilize / level off …… 最常用的两种表达法:动词+副词形式(Verb+Adverb form)形容词+名词形式(Adjective+Noun form) 4、其它在描述中的常用到的词 significant changes 图中一些较大变化noticeable trend 明显趋势during the same period 在同一时期 grow/grew 增长 distribute 分布,区别unequally 不相等地in the case of adv. 在……的情况下 in terms of / in respect of / regarding 在……方面 in contrast 相反,大不相同


考研英语阅读真题经典长难句必背 阅读命题常针对长难句。所以很有必要熟悉长难句的种类以及它们各自的重点。今天先介绍长难句的把握方法,再给出一些典型的句子,建议熟读甚至背诵,以做到考试时碰到类似句子就能抓住重点。 一、长难句一般应对策略 1.从句又多又长:一个主句带多个从句,从句中又含有从句 应对方法:先抓主干,找出复杂句中最核心的主谓宾,再层层展开 2.句子中带有长长的插入成分:用插入语来交代某句话是谁说的或者是说话人的身份,或解释、说明前面的内容 应对方法:理解句子主干时,先不理会插入语,等把主句的意思看完整,然后再看插入成分 3. 分词短语、独立主格结构的干扰 应对方法:主句最重要的特征就是有完整的主谓结构,尤其是独立的谓语部分。一个看似句子的结构,如果没有独立的谓语部分,它就不是句子,而是分词短语、独立主格结构等,可以先跳过不看 4. 三种情况的混合 应对方法:从前向后,抓住独立的谓语部分,从而区分出主句和分词状语,再根据主句与从句之间的连接词,区分出主句和从句,层层扩展理解,插入语在哪个层次,就放在哪个层次理解 二、特殊句型 对于特殊句型,如虚拟语气,可以将其理解成一种反事实假设,也就是作者的观点和态度与之相反。对于分隔结构而言,其主干一般在破折号、逗号和定语从句之外,阅读时可以先跳过修饰成分。对于关联结构,要学会寻找第二部分,因为第二部分有时是句子的重点。如在not…but…之中,重点在but…之后。 三、具体句子 1、复合句 When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded
