

What is stress?

Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure.

Pressure turns into stress when you feel unable to cope. People have different ways of reacting to stress, so a situation that feels stressful to one person may be motivating to someone else.

Many of life?s demands can cause stress, particularly work, relationships and money problems. And, when you feel stressed, it can get in the way of sorting out these demands, or can even affect everything you do.

Stress can affect how you feel, think, behave and how your body works. In fact, common signs of stress includesleeping

problems, sweating, loss of appetite and difficulty concentrating.

You may feel anxious, irritable or low in self esteem, and you may have racing thoughts, worry constantly or go over things in your head. You may notice that you lose your temper more easily, drink more or act unreasonably.

You may also experience headaches, muscle pain, or dizziness.

Managing stress in daily life

Stress is not an illness itself, but it can cause serious illness if it isn't addressed. It's important to recognise the symptoms of stress early. Recognising the signs and symptoms of stress will help you figure out ways of coping and save you from adopting unhealthy coping methods, such

as drinking or smoking.

Spotting the early signs of stress will also help prevent it getting worse and potentially causing serious complications, such as high blood pressure.

There is little you can do to prevent stress, but there are many things you can do to manage stress more effectively,

such as learning how to relax, taking regular exercise and adopting good time-management techniques.

There's no quick-fix cure for stress, and no single method will work for everyone. However, there are simple things you can do to change the common life problems that can cause stress or make stress a problem. These include relaxation techniques, exercise and talking the issues through.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/eb15064963.html,/Conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/Pages/reduce-stress .aspx

What you can do to address stress

These are Professor Cooper's top 10 stress-busting suggestions:

Be active

If you have a stress-related problem, physical activity can get you in the right state of mind to be able to identify the causes of your stress and find a solution. “To deal with stress effectively, you need to feel robust and you need to feel strong mentally. Exercise does that,” says Cooper.

Exercise won?t make your stress disappear, but it will reduce some of the emotional intensity that you?re feeling, clearing your thoughts and enabling you to deal with your problems more calmly.

Take control

There?s a solution to any problem. “If you remain passive, thinking, …I can?t do anything about my problem?, your stress will get worse,” says Professor Cooper. “That feeling of loss of control is one of the main causes of stress and lack of wellb eing.”

The act of taking control is in itself empowering, and it's a crucial part of finding a solution that satisfies you and not someone else. Read tips about how to manage your time.

Connect with people

A problem shared is a problem halved. A good support network of colleagues, friends and family can ease your work troubles and help you see things in a different way.

“If you don?t connect with people, y ou won?t have support to turn to when you need help,” says Professor Cooper. The activities we do with friends help us relax and we often have a good laugh with them, which is an excellent stress reliever. “Talking things through with a friend will also he lp you find solutions to your problems,” says Professor Cooper.

Have some ‘me time’

The UK workforce works the longest hours in Europe. The extra hours in the workplace mean that people aren?t spending enough time doing things that they really enjoy. “We all need to take some time for socialising, relaxation or exercise,” says Professor Cooper.

He recommends setting aside a couple of nights a week for some quality "me time" away from work. "By earmarking those two days, it means you won?t be tempted to work overtime on those days," he says.

Challenge yourself

Setting yourself goals and challenges, whether at work or outside, such as learning a new language or a new sport, helps to build confidence. That in turn will help you deal with stress.

“By constantly challenging yourself you?re being proactive and taking charge of your life,” says Professor Cooper. “By continuing to learn, you become more emotionally resilient as a person. It arms you with knowledge and makes you want to do things rather than be passive, such as watching TV all the time.”

Avoid unhealthy habits

Don't rely on alcohol, smoking and caffeine as your ways of coping. "Men more than women are likely to do this. We call this avoidance behaviour," says Professor Cooper. "Women are better at seeking support from their social circle." Over the long term, these crutches won?t solve your problems. They?ll just create new ones. "It?s like putting your head in the sand," says Professor C ooper. "It might provide temporary relief but it won?t make the problems disappear. You need to tackle the cause of your stress."

Do volunteer work

Cooper says evidence shows that people who help others, through activities such as volunteering or community work, become more resilient. “Helping people who are often in situations worse than yours will help you put your problems into perspective,” says Professor Cooper. “The mo re you give, the more resilient and happy you feel.”

On a more basic level, do someone a favour every day. It can be something

as small as helping someone to cross the road or going on a coffee run for colleagues. Favours cost nothing to do, and you?ll fee l better.

Work smarter, not harder

Good time management means quality work rather than quantity. Our long-hours culture is a well-known cause of workplace illness. “You have to get a work-life balance that suits you,” says Professor Cooper.

Working smarter means prioritising your work, concentrating on the tasks that will make a real difference to your work. “Leave the least important tasks to last,” says Cooper. “Accept that your in-tray will always be full. Don?t expect it to be empty at the end of the da y.”

Be positive

Look for the positives in life, and things for which you're grateful. Write down three things at the end of every day which went well or for which you're grateful. “People don?t always appreciate what they have,” says Professor Cooper. “Try to be glass half full instead of glass half empty,” he says.

This requires a shift in perspective for those who are more naturally pessimistic. “It can be done,” he says. “By making a conscious effort you can train yourself to be more positive about life. Problems are often a question of perspective. If you change your perspective, you may see your situation from a more positive point of view.”

Accept the things you can't change

Changing a difficult situation isn't always possible. If this proves to be the case, recognise and accept things as they are and concentrate on everything that you do have control over.

“If your company is going under and is making redundancies, there?s nothing you can do about it,” says Professor Cooper. “There?s no point fighting it. In such a situation, you need to focus on the things that you can control, such as looking for a new job.”

What is stress?

The physical and mental symptoms of stress:

Deal with stress:

A brief time-out is the simplest possible approach to stress. Stop the activity or onverstaion that was causing you stress. Go away or go for a short walk.

If you learn to control your breathing, it will help you regain control over the effects of stress. As you breathe in, silently say calm. As you breathe out, silently say smiling.

When you notice negative thoughts in your mind, just say stop to yourself. It may sound too simple to be effective-but it works. Even though you may have to repeat the word several times.

Exercise regularly. When your body is in first-class condition, your mind and emotion will also benefit. Regular exercise is one excellent way to stress-proof yourself, or reduce the bad effects of stress.

Being a Police Officer Is a Stressful Job

Interviewer: Welcome to our program, Sam.

Sam: Thank you.

Interviewer: Sam, __________a police officer?

Sam: I've been a police officer for thirty years.

Interviewer: Thirty years. And you've had __________on the police force, I guess.

Sam: Yeah, I've done everything from patrol to undercover work to detective work, and now I'm supervising investigations.

Interviewer: Sam, I think most people would say that being a police officer is a very stressful job. Would you agree?

Sam: Yes, it's_______a stressful job. But it depends on your assignment. Interviewer: So, what's ______the most stressful assignment you can have?

Sam: I'd say patrol is the most stressful assignment.

Interviewer: That's interesting! In what way?

Sam: Well, I guess the biggest part of the stress is the fear factor -- the fear of ______.

Interviewer: What do you mean, Sam?

Sam: Well, in patrol work, you don't know from moment to moment who you are talking to or what their reaction is going to be to justify your presence. Let's say, for example, a patrol officer stops someone for a traffic violation. It seems _______that would be a very low-stress situation.

Interviewer: Yes, it is a very low-stress situation.

Sam: But the truth is, there are more police officers injured during a routine stop.

Interviewer: Really?

Sam: Really! That's why all police officers are taught from the very beginning to _______their surroundings. People back over policemen, people shoot policemen, people jump out at policemen -- different kinds of things. So that's probably the most stressful time.

Interviewer: I see. Let's take a break and then we'll __________our next topic.

Sam: All right.

Stress Reducers

Interviewer: Sam, you've talked about the police officers' stressful time. Now let's move on to the next topic. _______, there's a connection between stress and illness. Do you think that there's _______illness among police officers than in the general population? I mean, do they get more colds or anything? Is this really true?

Sam: Yes, it is, and the stress level not only manifests itself in daily health -- whether or not you've feeling well on any given day. It also manifests itself in things like ulcers, heart disease -- police officers _______have a higher rate of heart disease and ulcers than people in other professions. Interviewer: Really? That's documented?

Sam: Yes, it's documented. And also _______among police officers is much higher.

Interviewer: Is there something that the police department does to help you deal with this stress?

Sam: Yes, there are several programs that most police departments have in place. One is an exercise program where some part of your day is spent on some type of physical exercise. They've found that's a great stress reducer. Besides, there's also a psychological program with counseling for officers to help them reduce their stress. And there are several discussion groups as well. They've found that sometimes just sitting around and talking about the stress with other officers helps to reduce it. So, those things are _______.

Interviewer: And what do you do, _______, to help you deal with the stress of your job, Sam?

Sam: Well, during the baseball season, I'm the biggest baseball fanatic, and I will either be reading about baseball, or listening to baseball, or watching baseball. Another thing I try to do is to get some sort of exercise every day. And then I work hard at keeping up my personal relationships, especially my relationship with my wife. Fortunately I get along very well with my wife. When I come back home, I can talk about my day with her, and then just forget about it.


1. The dialogue is mainly about how police officers can deal with stress.

2. According to Sam, most police officers enjoy good health.

3. According to Sam, the divorce rate among police officers is higher than among people in other jobs.

4. Counseling is the most effective program to help police officers relieve stress.

5. Sam knows how to reduce his stress.

Part C

Short Conversations

1. M: You look so nervous, Rose. Are you all right?

W: Frankly speaking, I'm on pins and needles. I have to give a presentation to a group of important visitors this afternoon.

Q: Why does Rose feel nervous?

2. M: You look so upset, Sue. What's worrying you?

W: My son Jack made me extremely unhappy. He seems to be playing video

games all the time. Whenever I talk to him he turns a deaf ear to me.

Q: What's the woman's problem?

3. W: David, you don't look happy. Anything wrong?

M: Well, you know, my mother died three years ago. And since then my father has lived in an apartment on his own and has very few friends.

Q: What is David worrying about?

4. W: Michael, I don't know what has happened to Mother. Her memory seems to be going. I have to remind her of almost everything.

M: Don't worry, Mary. She's just getting old.

Q: What do you know about Mary?

5. W: I'm worried about sending my son Peter to college. You see, nowadays many college students behave rather strangely. They don't seem to be interested in their studies.

M: Just a few. Most students still concentrate on their studies.

Q: What can you infer from the man's response?

Part D

Finding Creative Outlets for Very Stressful Times

Beautifying your home is a fun and practical pastime that can offer a wonderful sense of accomplishment. Few people may realize, however, that painting the walls, knitting bedspreads or sewing pillows can help relieve the life pressures we all experience.

Studies indicate that engaging in creative endeavors such as sewing and crafting can lower one's risk of stroke, kidney damage and heart disease.

These calming, repetitive activities relax the mind and can lower blood pressure. Sharing such activities can also be a way to spend time with loved ones, which increases our sense of belonging and further reduces stress.

People have always turned to working with their hands in times of stress. Handicraft works, with their symbols of hope, have a far greater impact when created by groups.

Keep in mind the following tips to increase the stress-relieving benefits of your craft projects:

1. Work with materials that stimulate the senses; work in a comfortable area without distractions; play your favorite music.

2. Make a family project of selecting your favorite photos, and frame them so they can be enjoyed every day. In stressful times, the photos can lift your spirits as you recall happy moments.

3. If your schedule is hectic, choose a practical project that will make the most of crafting time. If a simple kitchen curtain needs to be replaced, start there. Change sometimes compels us to see things in new ways.


1. According to the passage, what is one of the benefits of engaging in creative endeavors?

2. How does the speaker characterize activities such as sewing and crafting?


一、语言输入及听力的重要性 语言输入是外语学习中至关重要的一部分,没有输入的来源,很难有结果去进行输出。只有语言输入的发生,语言吸收及语言输出才会实现,最终语言习得才会成功进行(戴俊霞163)。而听力是语言输入的一种重要途径,通过大量听目标语言,学习者会广泛密集地接触语言输入,逐渐内化其词汇、语法、语言系统规律,吸收语言,理解语言,从而提升语言的交际能力。然而在中国,大多数初高中生为了应试,常常忽略听力能力的培养,造成进入大学之后听力能力薄弱的后果。因此,在大学外语教学中,语言输入及听力理解是非常重要的。 二、听力教学与学习现状(一)听力教学的现状 由上文所提到的听力重要性可见,听力教学的质量直接影响到学生对英语知识的理解和消化吸收及对英语的交际应用能力。现代英语教学理论已经开始重视听的地位,但是在实践中听力教学所获得的成果与理论的重视度不符。虽然中国英语教学在听力上投放了较多的精力,但是能真正达到教学大纲要求的学生为数不多。大部分学生都是考试型选手,虽然能通过考试,但其实际应用交流能力比较差。许多学生可以顺利通过专四、专八考试,但仍然无法听懂日常生活中的英语。这样的现象不得不引起我们的深思和反省,为什么英语专业学生的听力无法提高,英语听力教学的问题都有哪些呢?是教学模式还是教学技术的问题?只有详细全面地分析听力教学目前存在的问题,才可以寻求解决途径。 首先,听力教学的设计倾向于迎合考试的需要,基本上是考试考什么,课堂上教师就讲什么,学生就练什么,而听力考试的题型根本无法涉及到日常应用的方方面面。从教到学都忽视了听力是应用在语言交流方面的能力,并不是众多考试中的一项。长期针对听力考试而忽视实际应用的训练,不仅耗费大量人力物力,学生的听力能力也无法得到长足的提高。其次,在听力课堂中教师过分关注具体的语言现象,例如词汇理解、句型段落的分析,忽略了对语言的整体把握,例如对英美文化内涵、英美国家概况的了解。再次,听力课程在英语教学课程设计中所占比例较少,相比之下关于阅读的课程占了很大的比重。而且听力课程在大多数学校中只在低年级开设,由此很多学生担心他们比非专业英语学生的优势也因此消失。笔者拟从英语教学听力的现状入手,提出改善当前英语听力教学效果的建议。 (二)学生在听力方面遇到困难的原因 语音上的困难是学生在听力训练中遇到的首要问题,很多学生没有经历过专门的语音训练,无法认识到自己不正确的发音,对于语音语调也没有足够的了解,因此在听的过程中很难做出快速正确的反应,从而影响听力的效果。 语速也是一项难题。很多学生期望听到清晰、慢速的英语发音,而大部分教师授课时为了课堂效果语速也较慢,所以学生在面对大段材料或正常的交际对话时,明显会觉得语速较快而感到不适应,造成听力过程中的障碍。 词汇与语法的熟识程度不够也会造成学生的听力困难。词汇是语言的基础,因此听必须以一定的词汇量为基础。词汇量的不足造成学生在听力上的障碍,直接影响学生对所听材料的理解。语法是构建语言结构的关键部分,在听力理解中经常会出现各种句型结构,如果对语法知识的掌握程度有限,那么听者很可能无法掌握一瞬即逝的信息内容。 必须听懂听力材料中的每一个词也是学生在培养听力能力中遇到的一个误区。这样的误区不仅会使学生接收到无用的信息,还会浪费他们的精力使他们产生疲倦感。在听力过程中若遇到听不懂的部分,很多学生会在弄不懂的地方迟疑而错失了余下的信息。学生们不愿意冒险去推测未听到的部分或者大胆剔去无关的细节,导致听力效率不高。 文化和语言是密切相关的,两者相互融合,相互联系,成为一个不可分割的整体。在中国英语教学中,文化背景知识的传授被长期忽略,教师过分关注知识和技能的传授,导致学生对于国外的文化背景、生活习惯和风土人情缺乏了解,因此学生对所听背景不熟悉,这会给听力理解产生障碍。 英语学习过程中的“负迁移”也会对听力产生很大的干扰。当听者用已知的知识补足遗漏信息,推测、分析、判断某些信息时,难免会用中式思维去考虑、理解、分析。因此,这种“负迁移”会对语言信号的解码形成障碍。 听者在听力过程中会将经过辨认和联系的语句以减缩的形式储入长时记忆,因此记忆与听力理解密切相关。在听的过程中,人脑与其所获得的语言信号之间形成了某种短时或瞬时的联系,而听者就是凭借此联系去分析语言喜好的(吴江梅,162)。但是瞬时记忆和短时记忆所保持的时间很短,这样就给听力理解带来一定的局限性,增加了听力理解的难度。 三、对英语听力教学改善的建议(一)英语听力材料的调整 1.增加英语“听”的可理解输入。Krashen 的“输入理论”自20世纪80年代以来在二语习得领域具有广泛的影响。Krashen 为我们提供了“n+1”理论,即语言学习者通过理解比现阶段水平稍难一点的语言输入不断提高自己。Krashen 认为,语言输入有四个必要条件:(1)语言输入必须是可理解的。(2)语言输入必须是有趣的或是有关联的。(3)语言输入不应该死板地遵循语法顺序。(4)语言输入必须达到一定的数量(樊永仙74)。根据Krashen 的假设,教师应该在了解学生的听力水平后,依照听力材料的难度有计划,分步骤地使用教材。使用的材料应该适合大部分学生,并且也应该逐步提高难度。同时,教师应该充分考虑学生的情感因素,充分利用多媒体设备为学生提供大量的有趣的听力材料,例如英文电影、英文歌曲,提高学生的学习兴趣。教师在课下也应与学生多多沟通,及时了解他们的学习需求,不断改进完善教学方法。 2.增加真实性的英语听力材料。英语听力教学课堂应该增加真实性语言材料的使用,但是目前的一些听力教材脱离了这种真实性。大多数练习材料是从小说、报刊、杂志上截取的文字,学生在听完之后就开始进行单项选择或正误判断。这样的教材确实为课堂训练提供了很多方便,但是靠这种教材训练听力的学生当面临真实、自然的语言环境时会发现自己 刘鑫都/大连外国语学院在读硕士(辽宁大连116044)。 英语专业听力教学现状及改善建议 刘鑫都 摘要:本文针对目前英语专业的听力教学现状、效果及学生在听力训练过程中遇到的困难等展开论述,从理论上阐述了几种教学方法对教学实践的启发,从输入理论及情感因素的角度提出了听力材料的改善办法,通过图式理论、输出理论等提出了听力教学课堂的改革思路,以及听力教学尚需讨论解决的问题。关键词:英语专业;听力教学;改革中图分类号:H319文献标识码:B 文章编号:1671-6531(2013)14-0104-022013年7月 第29卷第14期 长春教育学院学报Journal of Changchun Education Institute Jul.2013Vol.29No.14 104


怎样上好高中英语听力课 一、听前做好充分准备 听前的准备工作是非常重要的,一般情况下老师只是留几分钟时间让学生自己看要回答的问题,或在多媒体课件上列出一些听力内容中的生词、词组后就让学生听了。听完后直接对答案。我觉得这样做,对于那些内容简单的材料还可以,但内容稍微难一点就不行了。对于那些内容较难的听力材料,我们除了做以上工作外还应该给学生讲解一些关于听力材料的背景知识,把它当作听前的热身。例如,我在讲高一下册(人教版)22单元“a world of fun”的听力部分的时候,我先让学生们看问题和与它相对应的选项,在他们看完以后,我让他们猜测听力材料的大致内容。多数同学猜不出来,少数能猜出来的同学也不敢回答。这时我在黑板上列出了以下一些关键词。 building a new theme park chairman two large companies lots of fun company merry rides limited company representative mrs johnson mr andersen 然后我又鼓励学生们猜测听力内容的大概意思的时候,很多同学能够积极主动回答,并能把它的大致意思说出来。这样学生在听的时候就容易多了,也有助于培养学生们的自信心和逻辑推理能力。同时也真正做到了以学生为主体的探究型学习。 二、听中要适时停顿 在做听力练习的时候适时停顿是非常必要的,它在向学生暗示:停顿处是文章的重要之处,也是回答问题的关键之处。这样可以集中学生的注意力。在适时停顿的时候,顺便让学生重复刚刚听过的单词或句子效果会更好一些。通过这样做不仅提高了学生们在听力时把握关键词的能力,而且有助于学生口语表达能力的提高。同时也加强了师生之间的互动。 三、听后要总结 通常情况下,我们上听力课的时候,听完内容,做完课后练习就没事了。我个人认为在听完材料后,教师可以让学生对听力内容作一个简短的复述或讨论,教师对他的回答做出总结并给予积极中肯的评价。这样的活动不仅会激发学生参与课堂教学活动的兴趣和勇气,而且也实现了民主、宽松、和谐的教学氛围。四、要善于处理和活化教材 “教学有法,教无定法”对于那些比较难懂的听力材料,教师要敢于并且善于处理。例如在讲到高一下册第18单元new zealand听力的时候,它是讲关于dolphin island 的地理位置,内容比较难,如果按照教材设计讲,学生听完后做题是比较困难的。我在讲这课的时候就没使用教材的练习题,而是自己把听力材料中较难的句子摘出来,把它们设计成填空练习,让学生边听边填空。例如,dolphin island is a small country that lies about 1500 kilometers _____ the coast of ___ , in the middle of ____ ____ ____. the highest mountain ondolphinisland,mountashton ____ _____ _____ , is a dead volcano.dolphinisland has only four cities: the town of ashton creek lies in the _____, _____ in the southwest, turnpike in the ______ and epsom on the eastern coast, about___ kilometers from ashton. 我所列出的句子都是听力材料中的重点和难点。并且所设置的空格都是学生们所熟悉的单词。这样学生在听的时候就有的放矢,有利于提高学生的课堂注意力,同时也增强了学生的学习积极性。


ACT 1-1 “没有特别的理由。” 【故事梗概】 Richard整日在外奔波忙碌,Marilyn在家照顾婴儿,生活缺少浪漫气息。在他们结婚五周年纪念日的前几天,Richard建议两个人把孩子托给母亲照料,到新婚时度蜜月的地方去重拾最初的欢乐。 [Richard hands Marilyn a bouquet of roses.] Marilyn: What's this for? Richard: Just because. How's the baby? Marilyn: Fast asleep. Richard: I'm sorry I missed him. I had to work late. Marilyn: What are the flowers for, Richard? Richard: Five years of happiness. Happy anniversary. Marilyn: But our anniversary isn't until Saturday. Richard: I couldn't wait. Besides, we are not going to be here Saturday. Marilyn: We're not? Richard: Uh-uh. Marilyn: Where are we going to be? Richard: If you had your choice of all the places in the world, where would you choose to spend our anniversary? Marilyn: The Watermill Inn. I loved that place when we went on our honeymoon. Richard: Perfect! You picked the right place. Marilyn: I don't understand. Richard: You and I, Mrs. Stewart, are going to spend a second honeymoon at the Watermill Inn. 【语言点精讲】 1. What's this for? 这是为什么?这是干什么?


初中英语听说课课堂教学模式研究 摘要:为了适应社会的需要,更好地与国际接轨,在英语教学中,我们需要逐步转变教学方法,不断更新教学理念,全方位地利用各种教学手段来丰富我们的课堂,英语课堂教学模式革新势在必行。听说课是初中英语教学活动中一种常见的课型。在人教版新目标这套教材中,每个教学单元都有听说训练的模块,一般都是围绕一个与学生日常相关的话题进行,由浅人深,由易到难,使学生系统而扎实牢固地掌握所学知识,达到深刻记忆、灵活运用的目的。本文将探索适合初中英语教学现状的听说课教学模式,其教学理念应充分体现任务教学法,情境教学法,交际教学法和听说教学法。主题词:情境任务听说激发随着中国经济腾飞,中国教师和学生更加意识到练就一口流利的英语的必要性。随着素质教育的全面实施与推进,英语的教与学也在逐步地改革与创新。以培养学生实际运用能力为目的的听说训练越来越受到师生的普遍关注。由国家教育部制订的《新课标》)从2001年开始在全国范围内试行,它提倡我国英语教学尽量采用任务型语言教学模式。该模式提倡学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,完成任务链,在此过程中自然地习得目标语和发展语言能力,实现目标,从而感受成功的心理体验,形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高.情境教学法是指在教学过程中,教师为了达到既定的教学目的,从教学需要和教材出发,有目的地引入或创设具有一定情绪色彩的、以形象为主体的生动具体的场景,以

激起学生热烈的情绪,引起学生的情感体验和态度体验,帮助学生迅速而正确的理解教学内容,来提高教学效率的一种教学方法。 我们使用的是人教版英语教材。它采用任务型教学模式,要求老师将每个单元的语言结构和话题结合起来,并联系生活实际,创造性地设计任务。其中听说课是初中英语教学活动中一种常见的课型。它是每个单元的第一节课(A部分)。它以培养学生的听说技能为主要教学目标,它以一个单元的重点词汇和目标语言为主要内容,并为后面进一步展开教学活动(B部分)作好准备。因此,构建一套符合《英语新课程标准》要求,突出学生主体地位,保持学生学习兴趣,并能取得一定教学成效的听说课课堂教学模式具有十分重要的意义。本文将探索适合初中英语教学现状的听说课教学模式,其教学理念应充分体现任务教学法,情境教学法,交际教学法和听说教学法。 在本模式教学活动中,教师应根据学生的心理、认知规律,精心设计课堂教学,充分体现以学生为中心,以人的发展为本的教育理念。以学生为主体,以任务为中心,以交际为目的。根据不同层次学生的水平,创造出不同的任务化活动,让学生在运用语言完成任务的过程中来学习、体会、掌握语言,让学生通过学习、伙伴合作、协商,在做中学,学中用,学习过程充满了反思、顿悟和自醒,从而可以最大限度地调动学生的学习内驱力,提高他们发现问题、解决问题的能力,发展他们的认知策略,培养他们的合作精神和参与意识,并在完成任务的过程中体验成功的喜悦,充分发挥成功的潜能。教学过程中,教


英语听力教学大纲 61032

英语听力 课程编码:G0501202 适用专业:商务英语、旅游英语、英语教育 课程类别:专业基础课 课程性质:必修 学分:4 学时:64 其中:讲课学时:32 实验学时:32 先修课程:无 一、课程地位与作用 听力课是英语专业一门重要的基础课程。本课程主要针对中国学生在英语听力学习中的特点及障碍,遵循听力课程的教学原则,结合学生上课实际情况,因材施教。通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握必要的听力技巧,培养学生的快速反应、准确辨别、归纳总结、信息记录等能力。它的主要目的是帮助学生进行专门的听力技能训练,有计划地提高学生的听力理解水平,并力求促进学生其它智能的发展。 二、课程教学要求 1、施行素质教育。听力课教学是实施全面素质教育的重要途径之一。听力教学不仅要提高学生的业务素质,而且要在教学中积极主动地培养学生的思想道德素质、文化素质和心理素质。使业务素质教学和其他素质教学有机地和谐地融为一体。 2、坚持能力训练。听力课是一种能力训练课,能力是讲不出来的,要靠训练来培训,因此应坚持教师为主导,学生为主体,训练为主线的教学原则,在教师指导下,对学生进行训练应贯穿教学始终。 3、鼓励思维创新。听力是英语专业技能之一,是通过听的渠道接收外来的信息。但仅仅是能听懂还不行,应当在听懂的基础上能对信息进行分析、辨别、批判。这就要求在听的训练中坚持思维分析能力的培养。训练学生分析与

综合、抽象与概括、多角度分析问题的每种思维能力与发现问题,解决问题的创新能力。 三、课程教学重点、难点 教学重点:相关词汇,快速听懂有关时间、日期、数字和价格的表达,概括所听材料的大概意思,分清主要观点及支持观点,通过上下文猜测词义。 教学难点:判断重要信息与次要信息,识别口语当中的连读与缩略表达和有关时间、日期、数字和价格的表达,掌握新闻英语听力技巧。 每单元的教学重点和难点包括第二、三部分,紧扣单元主题,形式为综合性听力训练,材料为对话或短文不等,题型涉及填表、回答问题、判断正误、选择题等。第四部分,是对单元主题的进一步补充,一般为听并将短文补充完整。 四、课程教学内容 Unit 1 Can I Take a Message? (I) 1、教学目的:To be able to write down various telephone numbers correctly while listening; to write down the key words while listening; to learn to use abbreviations and initials while taking notes 2、重点难点:The focus of Unit 1 and Unit 2 is telephone numbers, addresses, times, dates, making and receiving phone calls. 3、教学内容: Part I Getting ready A. Words and phrases B. Some short conversations on the phone (telephone numbers and addresses) C. Listen to the telephone number and choose the answer. Part II Giving and receiving phone calls A. Some recordings from the telephone company (note-taking: phone numbers and the reasons why the calls could not go through) B. Some recorded phone calls (note-taking and message-taking) C. Some more authentic versions of the calls Part III I'd like to speak to ... (How to avoid misunderstandings on the phone.) A. Some sentences taken from the phone call (missing words) B. The telephone call (note-taking and answering the questions) C. A more authentic versions of the phone call


英语听力教学的方法与技巧 第一节《标准》与初中英语听力教学 一、《标准》对初中听力教学的分级要求 shan 听力分级目标解读 1. 3 ~ 5 分级听力的综合能力目标 (1) 语音语调的辨音判断能力: a. 辨别并判断不同句式的语调对意义的影响; b. 通过重音强调判断说话意图。 (2) 通过听力材料上下文推断词义、理解大意的能力。 (3) 听力识别理解能力: a. 识别语篇中关联句子之间的意义联系,理解因果联系; b. 归纳听力大意,识别段落主题; c. 理解情节、人物和事件; d. 理解初级广播英语。 (4) 听力记忆能力:训练学生在速听过程中的快速记忆能力,要求学生在思想上始终绷紧 “信息线” (what/who/whom/where/when/whose/which) 、“方式线” (how) 、“因果线” (why) ,听力训练因此思路清晰,目标明确。 (5) 听力反应能力:提取信息观点,听后记录简单信息,根据连续指令完成任务。 2. 听力教学应遵循的原则: 听法指导原则、整体理解原则、真实生活化原则、听力难度i + I 原则( 听力材料难度超出学生现有水平) 、激发兴趣原则、任务型设计原则等。 3. 3 ~ 5 级听力训练的年级特点 一年级的听力训练应充分体现启蒙性,即从听力的基本功抓起,听音辨词义、听调辨句意、听令表行为、听后写单句、听曲唱歌谣、听篇知大意。具体的操作方式有:听音写数字、听音 选图、听音标号排序、听写单句、听音猜谜、听唱歌曲、听后画图、听后用肢体语言表达、听 令做事、听后填表格、听后回答等。 二年级听力教学应体现听力的技巧性,包括听辨技巧、听力记忆技巧、听短文抓大意和抓主要信息的技巧、初级英语教学节目的听读和听后记录技巧、任务型听后做的技巧等。 三年级听力教学应体现听力的形成性,即形成听力的基本技能和基本能力,包括快速听 音会意能力、听段落提取字面信息的能力(what/who/whom/where/when/whose/which) 、听后深层次因果理解(why) 能力、听后的行为能力(how) 、在听力材料的上下文中猜词理解大 意的能力、听语段快速记录能力和听大意提取观点的能力。 第二节听力训练的策略运用 初中听力教学要让学生过听力训练的三关,即单词、句子和语篇,并把语流的识别作为突


基于多媒体的英语听力自主学习模式探讨 杨秋仙 摘要:随着现代信息技术的发展,改变传统的教学模式,加强计算机在大学英语教学中的应用已成为全国大学英语教学改革的重点。而基于多媒体的英语听力自主学习模式是一次具体的大学英语教学改革实践,本文将从其产生的背景、理论依据、改革实践、优越性及其发展方向等五个方面进行探讨。 关键词:大学英语听力,自主学习模式,多媒体 一、基于多媒体的英语听力自主学习模式产生的背景 英语听力是英语专业学生必修的一门专业技能课程,它的主要任务是通过课堂教学的各个环节,运用各种教学方法,通过较大量的听力训练让学生逐步掌握所学的听力技巧,全面地提高学生英语听说能力,培养学生通过听获取信息、运用信息的能力,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》(2000 年修订版)对学生英语听力水平做了更为明确的要求,即“听懂英语国家人士关于日常生活和社会生活的谈话;听懂中等难度(如TOEFL中的短文)的听力材料,理解大意,领会作者的态度、感情和真实意图。听懂正常速度VOA和BBC 新闻节目的主要内容。能在15分钟内听写根据已学知识编写或选用的词数为200个左右、语速为每分钟120个单词的录音材料,错误率不超过%8。教育部2007年《大学英语课程教学要求》也提出:“大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力。”很显然,英语听说技能的培养在大学英语教学中提升到了一个新的高度,成为培养学生综合应用能力的重要内容。但是多数院校每学期两个学分、每周两个课时的课程设置和以教师为中心、课堂为中心、教材为中心的传统教学模式已不能适应新时期人才培养的要求。教学过分偏重教材内容,而教材内容又陈旧单一,无法体现新的语言现象和变化;忽视学习技能和策略的传授,过分依赖一本教科书,忽视了课外语言摄入量和面的积累。这种单一的课堂教学模式及有限的教学资源和时间极大地限制了学生摄入足够的语言输入量和接触范围足够广、内容足够新的语言材料,忽略了学生自主学习能力和习惯的培养。学生被动地接受教师安排的教学内容,不能自我控制学习进度,学生的自主性、个体差异性和创造性不能显现和有效地发挥。因此,打破传统的单靠“一本书、一间教室、一位老师”这种三“一”教学模式,探索一种适应新时期人才素质培养要求的现代教育模式成为我们高校面临的重要课题。 二、基于多媒体的英语听力自主学习模式的理论依据 2.1 建构主义(Constructivism)的学习理论 建构主义理论认为在一个好的学习环境中,如果学习者有权利决定建构和创造的知识,他们会更乐于亲身参与和积极投入到学习活动中去。最新的网络信息技术为建构主义所要求的学习环境提供了强有力的支持,为学生提供一个自主学习的良好环境。建构主义也认为个体的认知发展与学习过程密切相关; 知识需在一定情境下,借助他人的帮助,利用必要的学习资料,通过意义建构的方式获得。它倡导以学生为中心的学习,但并不忽视教师的指导作用,知识是学生在教师的帮助下主动建构的。①建构主义学习理论的基本观点:(1)在教学理念上,建够主义提倡“教师指导下的以学生为中心的学习”。学生是认知的


篇一:高中英语听说课的教学设计 高中英语听说课的教学设计及案例分析[1]陈小萍.巧设教学情境激活高中英语课堂--以一节听说课教 学设计为例[j].中小学教学研究,2013,(11):23-26.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-5728.2013.11.012. (一)听和说教学内容设计 1.听的教学内容设计:听力教学的内容一般应包括: ⑴语音训练 语音训练包括对听音、重读、意群等的训练,增强学生的语音辨别能力,对于造成听力困难的语音应专项训练。如:bed—bad, ship—sheep, chip—cheap, pin—pen, sit—seat 训练应从词到句,再到文。 ⑵听力技巧训练 听力技巧包括听大意、听具体信息、猜词义、听细节、听隐含之意等。听力教学应包含训练这些技巧的各种听力活动。 ⑶听力理解训练 听力技巧的培养是为理解服务的,除了语音和技巧的训练之外,听力教学更多的应是通过各种活动训练学生句子和语篇的理解能力,使学生的理解由“字面”到“隐含”再到“应用”,理解步步加深。 2.说的教学内容设计:说的教学内容一般应包括: ⑴发音 错误的发音会造成理解困难,甚至使听者无法理解,因此说的教学内容首先应是正确的发音,包括音节、重读、弱读、连读、送气减弱、意群、停顿、语调等。 ⑵语法、词汇 合乎语法的句子才容易理解,用词准确,有助于理解。缺乏必要的词汇常使说话者难以准确地表达自己的思想。因此说的教学应包含一定的词汇和语法教学。 ⑶交际功能 通过说的教学,学生应能掌握“问候”“道歉”“抱怨”“邀请”“建议”“致谢”“信息询问”“征求意见”等各种交际功能。 ⑷释疑技巧 mean...?”要求对方解释自己说过的话可以用升调重复对方的话,等等。 ⑸文化知识 交际不仅依赖于语言的准确性,同样依赖于语言的得体性。这就要求,说话者有必要了解一定的文化知识,使自己的语言符合其所适用的文化氛围,符合其所处的语言环境,符合其所担任的角色。 (二)听说课的教学模式 为了更好地上好听说课,我们要掌握听说课的要领: 1) 听前:准备要充分,教师提前预设问题,为听力教学作好充分的铺垫。 ①扫清重要词汇障碍,做好背景知识、初步感知语言知识的导入。 ②利用课本资源进行听力预测:充分利用课本图片,通过听前讨论图片、根据图片回答问题等,培养学生听前看图进行听力预测的 习惯;浏览文字:预习听力的题目、题干,图片、表格、选项、判断正误句子等。 ③教师创造性地使用练习:教师要根据学情及听力难易度,整合教材中的听力题目,做到让学生听有所获。 2) 听中:知识输入要合情、听力操作要合理:


英语听力教学技巧 1、听说结合。教师既可以要求学生听后口头回答问题,进行复述或针对课文内容进行讨论,也可以先师生对话,谈论与听力材料内容有关的语言方面和背景方面的话题,然后再让学生听。 2、听读结合。对于那些来自生活真实语言的不太长的阅读文章,可以先听后读,要求学生主要以听觉而不是视觉来吸取语言知识,听后可让学生回答一些如who、when、 what、where之类的问题,待学生阅读材料之后再讨论疑难问题或书面回答问题。另外,加强朗读训练对提高辨音能力和形成语感及提高听力作用很大。 3、听写结合。听写训练可以使学生逐渐发展听音会意能力,增加对语言的敏感性,提高记忆力,从而提高听力水平。教师可以采用的训练方式有听课文的短语、句子、段落,听课文原文填词等。 五、运用听力策略,加强英语听力技巧训练 教师在进行听力教学时,不仅要学生多听语言材料,而且要教会学生如何根据自己的特点采取一些策略与方法来提高听的效率。我们必须认识到听力学习策略教学的意义,在听力训练时,应向学生指出听力训练不是学生被动地听教师准备的语言材料,而是主动吸取信息的过程,因此,要积极思考,有意识地采取一定的策略,提高学习效益。主要的学习策略有: 1、在听前根据问题和选项对文章大致内容进行预测;在听独白的过程中,可根据首、尾句对文章的内容进行预测。 2、根据上下文猜测生词词义,即使有的音或词句没听清楚,也可根据自己的猜测自动弥补,甚至可以跳过,千万不要停下来思考,以免影响随之而来的“流水线”式的输入。 3、听较长对话或短文时,注意力要集中在整体内容上,把问题与题干联系起来,或通过注意理解每一段的主题句等方法,掌握中心思想与主题。 4、记录重要的人名、地名、时间、日期、年龄、价格、距离的数字等听后容易遗忘的内容。数字用阿拉伯字记录,人名、地名用代号,长词用缩写,长句记主要成分等。 5、善于识别与听懂关键词。如回答对话发生的场所或人物之间的关系等,一般均有关键词。 总之,在语言学习过程中,听是吸收和巩固语言知识和培养说、读、写语言能力的重要手段,因此,听力课是外语教学的一个必不可少的组成部分,听力课教学质量的优劣直接影响到学生语言知识接收、语言基本技能训练及实际能力培养的水平。如何提高英语听力教学水平,关键在于正确认识听力过程及影响这一过程的主要因素,只要教师采取合理的教学方法,一定能较大幅度地提高学生的听力理解水平。

走遍美国文本(全集) (11)

Chapter 10:Smell the Flowers ACT I Good morning, Susan. 早安 Susan。 Good morning, Sam. 早安 Sam。 What's the schedule today? 今天的工作是怎麽安排 Ten o'clock, 十点钟 telephone FAO Schwarz about the new twin baby dolls. 打电话给FAO Schwarz讨论关於双胞娃娃玩具的事。 OK. 好的。 Telephone Mrs. Zaskey at the advertising agency. 打电话给广告代理Zaskey夫人。 I did that. Go on. 我已经打了。继续说 Eleven o'clock, approve the sketches for the toy spaceship. 十一点钟批示玩具太空船的草图。Where are they? 草图在哪儿 Right here. Did you look at them?就在这你看过了吗 Yes, I did. 是的我看过了。 What do you think of the spaceship? 你觉得那个太空船怎麽样 I think the kids'll love it. 我觉得孩子们会喜欢。 Would you show me the drawings, please? 请把草图给我看看好吗 Huh. 嗯 Now, what else is on the schedule today? 那麽 今天的工作表上还有些什麽? Well, at one o'clock 嗯一点钟 you have a lunch appointment with Mr. Levine, 跟Levine先生约好吃午饭 the client from the Toytown Stores. 这个客户来自Toytown Stores。 Where? 在什麽地方 At Rossano's. 在Rossano餐厅。 Hmm. Anything else? 嗯还有其他事吗 At four o'clock, 四点钟 you have a meeting with the production staff 要与生产部门人员开会 in the conference room. 在会议室。 Make sure everybody is at that meeting. 要确定每一位都出席这次会议 Will do. 没问题。 At six you're meeting, Mr. Ozawa. 六点钟要会见Ozawa先生。 Oh, yes. Are his models here? 噢对啦。他的模型在这 They're in my office. 在我办公室。 I'd like to see them. 我想看看。 Right. 好的。 What else? 还有什麽 Come on, Sam ... 好啦 Sam…… You work too hard, Susan. 太拼命工作了 Susan。 When was your last day off? 上次休假是在什麽时候 Hmm. I can't remember. 嗯我记不起来了。


浅谈如何进行英语听力教学 在运用英语语言技能时,听力作为理解技能的一种,不仅在升学考试中占有较大的分值(占试卷总分百分之二十),而且对培养学生英语综合素质的能力发展也具有重要意义。针对教学过程中如何排除语音、语速、理解给听力造成的障碍,如何行之有效地提高学生英语听力质量,本人结合自己的日常教学实践,谈一谈粗浅的认识。 1.加强基本功训练 1.1能正确地读单词。从起始年级开始,教师首先让学生掌握读音规则,引导学生发现单词拼写与发音的关系,提高单词拼写与发音的准确率。让学生多听语言地道,语音、语调纯正的听力材料,多模仿标准的英语发音。 1.2丰富词汇量。让学生多阅读各种类型题材的文章,积累各个领域的词汇,为听作好准备。 1.3让学生学好语法知识。语法结构是句子的框架,熟练掌握语法知识,有助于学生正确理解所听内容。 1.4给学生多介绍英语国家或地区的语言文化背景知识(包括风土人情,史地常识和风俗礼仪等),以加强学生对英语国家文化的了解。 2.加强听说结合训练 英语与我们所学的汉语一样,是一门交际性语言,理解和表达是交际的两个方面,听与说密不可分。因此,听力教学应让学生在听懂的基础上围绕听的材料说,在说的同时提高听的能力,教师可采用听后复述、听后回答、听后讨论等多种方式进行。

总而言之,听力教学应融讲解与检测为一体,坚持听、说、读、写相结合的原则,循序渐进的进行。其目的是为了培养学生听的方法,培养英语语感,特别强调培养学生在听的过程中获取和处理信息的能力。 3.营造和谐氛围,扩大听的渠道 传统教学中听的活动一般局限在以句型、对话为中心的教学中,着重于语言形式的听辨和记忆,信息的输入量明显不足。而平时做的听力技巧专项训练,多是测试性题目,目的性太强,做得多了,很容易引起学生的疲倦、排斥、甚至反感,从而失去对听力的兴趣。在课堂上,教师应该坚持尽可能地用英语教学,包括问候、课堂用语、评价、布置作业,并且也要求学生努力在课堂上尽可能说英语,不要担心学生做不好,事实证明,用不了多长时间,学生完全能听懂你的指令、要求,甚至还能学会你的一些用语。给学生一个良好的语言环境,让他感到身处异域,而自己能应付自如地与人交流,从而获得一定的成就感。比如,在上课刚开始5分钟内,规定为“free talk”自由对话时间,可安排师生对话,或同学间问答,对于表现出色的给予适当的评价和鼓励。这种训练形式灵活多变,而且不受课本限制,内容丰富,对学生来说是一种新的挑战。 4.加强听力技巧指导 首先,要积极培养学生良好的心理素质。智力活动的最佳情绪背景是兴趣和愉快的相互作用。当人的情绪处于紧张或厌倦的状态时,易产生对抗心理。简言之,就是当学生的情绪有较大的波动时,是很难听懂东西的。所以,听力训练应在学生身心保持松弛的状态下进行,这样才能取得听力理解的最佳效果。学生良好的心理素质可以通过训练来培养。在课堂上尽量创造轻松、愉快、和谐的课堂气氛。消除学生紧张感,使他们在心理上和精神上松弛下来。教师应告诫学生莫抱怨自己笨、听不懂,引导他们做好心理调试准备。听时要保持心理平静,思想集中,力心放松,不要过多考虑结果,要树立信心,使听力在轻松愉快的心情中开始,在使理解心百倍的心情中结束。转第二,要训练学生,抢阅试题的动机。要求学生利用一切机会,如听录音前空隙或播放内容指令时间快速阅读题干,捕捉一切可以从题干得到的信息,预测听


ACT 2-1 “那么说我已经解决了你的问题了。” 【故事梗概】 Susan想请自己的老板John Marchetta帮忙,为Grandpa找点事做。她叫来了自己的助手Sam“商量”这个想法是否可行。 Susan: Sam, would you come in, please? Sam: You sound like something's bothering you, Susan. The sketches for the cover of the new doll book? Susan: That's not it. Please sit down. Sam: Sure. Susan: I need your advice on a personal matter, but it's not about me. Sam: You need my advice on a personal matter, and it's not about you. OK. Susan: It's about my grandfather. Sam: What's the problem? Susan: It won't sound like a big deal, but it is. I had dinner with him Saturday, and he's very unhappy about not working. Sam: I thought he was retired and pleased to be living with the family. Susan: He is, but there's so much energy and talent in the man, and he doesn't get to use it. Sam: But what can I do? What kind of advice are you looking for? Susan: Simply this. John Marchetta runs this company. Sam: He founded this company. Susan: Right. John Marchetta gave me my start here six years ago, when I first graduated from college. He gave me the chance to use my talents and made me feel more confident. Sam: Right. Maybe he can do the same thing for your grandfather. Susan: Or at least give him some advice. Sam: Right. Then I’ve solved you problem. Susan: I can always depend on you, Sam. Sam: I'm glad to help. Shall I call Mr. Marchetta for you? Susan: No, no. I'll do that. Thanks.


Unit1 Friendship 听说教学 I. Teaching content analysis 1.Teaching content: Unit1 Friendship 2.Teaching objects:Senior one students 3.Type: listening and speaking II. Teaching aims: 1.About knowledge ①To be able to express agreement or disagreement. ②To be able to understand how to make friends and how to get along with opposite sex friends. 2.About skills ①To be able to get information and views from the listening content. ②To be able to express one’s attitude about friendship. 3.About affection ①To be interested in learning English and be confident. ②To be able to cooperate with others in group activities. III. Teaching important points ①To be able to get information and views from the listening content. ②Get students to learn different listening skills. IV. Teaching difficult points ① Develop students' listening ability. ②To be able to understand how to make friends and how to get along with opposite sex friends. V. Teaching methods: Task-based teaching method,Audio-lingual method VI. Teaching aids: PPT, tape recorder, blackboard and text books VII. Teaching procedures Step1.Lead-in play a music T:If they have meet any problems in friendship? S:Yes. Step 2: Pre-listening T:Now let me show you some new words or phrases and then illustrate them. Step 3: While-listening T:Now please listen to the tape and think about a question . Predict what is the trouble with Lisa? T:OK.I want to ask somebody to tell us whai is the trouble with Lisa? S:She has teouble about friends. T:Yes,very good you heard a key word friend. You are teenagers so you must have the expierence that have trouble with friends.So later we will help Lisa to make a solution to thie problem. T:Listen to the tape and try to spell the words as you can hear their pronunciation.
